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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 2 screencaps

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun












What in the world is happening?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aasdfghjkll;;''lkjhgfdsas!














If they didn't get together after that taping, I will sdfghjkl;;;kjhgfdsa!!!














Yonghwa, you better have confessed already or something!





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Guest qaz_erk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here i got from facebook!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































enjoy yongseo moment^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to thesonesource21

































































































































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Guest mysweetpotato




DE-LURKING:)) Sorry for the low quality cap. but this is just wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif


She kissed Yong! in the cheek:"> :">




/dies forever:)


btw, hello I'm an admin of gogumalove.tumblr.com :">







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Guest angels.disguise
































































































He gave her a back hug!!!!!!! OMG.
































































So much skinship and love in this episode i'm about to burst!
































































They're literally glowing at the end of this episode.
































































If they're not together by now they must be crazy!

















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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant believe in my eyes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































iam in go-chun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so much skinships
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant remember
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo really daebak

































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma































































































































































































































































































































































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Speechless.!!!!!!  A KISS FROM SEOHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!  Okay a peck if you want to be techical.But hey she did it  :D:D
































































































































I thought I was already happy with the skinship and kiss.Then we had the backhug,the arms around shoulder and the scarf.
































































































































I know they do the unexpected...but today....today they exceeded anything we hoped for.I think we were hoping for forehead kiss only and thought no...it won't happen with Seohyun.Kyaa....that's her first kiss.Ain't no doubt about it.I am happy so so so happy.
































































































































Thank you in advance for the screencaps and translations.
































































































































I think I've gone to to Go-chun.I can honestly say I cannot recall being so happy EVER before for this couple like today.
































































































































They have to be dating...have to have to!!

































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Just a quick post...































































































































































































































































Haven't streaming but from what I got from twitter, and pics and screencaps, already make me can't breath. My weak heart can't take it. I'm jealous everybody, I' m sorrysweatingbullets.gif. But I'm happy at the same time, my wish about forehead kiss and hug came true. Why they must be adorable together??!!!
































































































































































































































































why top page? aigoo. just repost the raw link































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest twiddle10



















today's episode is absolutely AMAZING!! :D:D




shipshipship~ ahaha




BEAUTIFUL!:wub:  picturesssss....




the last part, the scarf!! i find them very cute,flirty and im jealous!! huhu




 i like the part before she gave the scarf! so cute!!  huhu backhug?!  :D:wacko::w00t:







cant wait for the translation, and yeah thankyou!! we will wait patiently. :)




to the translator, subber..








So the PREVIEW?! didnt seem to be the shopping~ hmm, what happen?! yong? ahaha erghh




have to wait another weeekkk, paliiiiiiiiii~




preview cr sonesource21




sorry for my english and rules.








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Guest charcoalz







omg totally dying here;





just finished watching their section and OH MY GOODNESS ALL THAT SKIN SHIP





they're trying to kill all of us goguma fans <3





one of my favourite episodes ever...the pecks on the forehead & cheek...their shyness...and omg, their hugging, the scarf *spazz*





this is a happy day for all gogumas lol~





and wahhh almost 1000 users reading this topic :)


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Guest tecle
































































































much more funny and sweet for this second part ha!..
































and what im more amaze is that if their alone..you can see the real sweetness of both of them..
































hmm so thats the scarf that hyun bought ...thats so sweet of her...
































i goona crazy with this 2..theyre so unpredictable..

















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Guest Puge2
















































































































































































































OMG!!! I'm crying of happines :D
















































































































































































this is to sweett for my heart!! :wub:
















































































































































































2 kisses + 1 hug (or more) = US (Gogumas) DIE :w00t:
















































































































































































Really the best Episode Ever!!!
















































































































































































God Bless Uri YongSeo Couple :)

















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Go-chun ...oh man i have tears in my eyes..so beautiful these two..2nd part with the scarf and the back hug and the hug again! omg! you can just feel the happiness and the attraction between these two.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've said before that some of the earlier epi was my fav but THIS THIS takes the crown! aigooo i've been reduced to an incohherant puddle of gooo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i can't wait for our lovely translators (get well soon m3 and dduk!) to translate,its going to be daebak!!!

































































































































































































































































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Hyun's peek on the cheek

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
























OMG where to start this whole episode has just become my new favorite thing in the whole world......















It was just so much skinship is not even funny for a minute I through I was going to pass out of so much happiness.















We went from forehead kiss, to back hug, to carryn Hyun, to headlock, to cheek kiss, to back hug again....















After this I don't think there was a part of either Yong or Hyun that was not incontact with each other.....






























Thanks PD min, Photographer this was the most deabak episode ever....






























Thanks to all translators, screen cap pers and all those who put there grain of sand to help us spazzz....









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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































































































































































































Can you say Go-CHUN with a side or of butterflies in the stomach!! Nomu Nomu Cute! This is one of my favorite episodes. I love the wedding dress and themes, it's soo jjang how there is a storyline to it... I hope that there will be a Calendar or something of their wedding photos.. I'd so buy it...
































































































































































I can't wait for the Translations. Thank You in advance : ) I hope everyone is well in Go-Chun. I will sleep like an angel tonight!!
































































































































































Goguma Yongseo Couple Daebak Episode!!! - gonna post this on my twitter!!!

































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Hello Goguma villagers,






























aren't we happy right now? Because I am sooooooooooooooo freaking one right now.















Can't say much, but this ep is DA BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!















With all the lagging and no sound, I am still counting my blessing I can watch it live.















Of course magdal, mylove, aisuo415 ......... thanks a lot :)






























Now back to spazz again .............................................

















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sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i am seriously crying especially watching the second cut, more than the kiss or hugs during the wedding shoot, i cried and was touched by seohyun's gift. (correct me if i'm wrong, but it was personally knitted by her right?) seohyun was a bit hesitant but she was so sincere about it. (as expected) honestly, everything about this episode and their whole stint in wgm felt so special to me not because of the skinships, but because of their story. im speechless for real. i just want them to be happy, individually and together. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks everyone! and juhee for the trans! :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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This topic is now closed to further replies.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..