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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I wonder if WGM will be affected by this reformatting since it is part of Sunday Sunday Night. I hope it is not one of those which will be cancelled. :(
































MBC’s “Sunday Sunday Night” changed to “Our Sunday Night”
































by VITALSIGN on March 1, 2011 at 11:02 pm
































MBC’s variety program, “Sunday Sunday Night“, will be undergoing some changes. In conjunction with its new corner line-up and logo, the show has also changed its name to “Our Sunday Night“.
































The program began airing in 1981 under the title, “The Big Show of Sunday Night“, which was changed to “Sunday Sunday Night” in 1988. It has since become MBC’s most representative variety program, but with the recent drop in viewer ratings, producers realized the need for a new change and decided to undergo an extensive transformation.
































“Our Sunday Night” will cancel all of its current feature corners and re-emerge with two new corners on March 6th. In addition, “New Recruit” and “Survival – I am a Singer” will begin airing around that time as well.
































From allkpop

































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Guest kjtodd08








Can't wait for next week!~





   First Love~ Chapter 8: Past & Present?



















                          Currently writhing: First Love~ft. Yonghwa & Seohyun



                     Loving someone is a gift. A gift that we should be thankful for


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dunno if this was shared
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Fancam] 100619 music core 용서(용화,서현)MC

































































































































































































































































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Guest Melda1430270038
































































Does anyone know the name of the song play during Seohyun show up with bling bling wedding dress chose by Yong oppa?






























































































































I wanna have that song in my playlist real bad






























































































































Thank you in advance































































haii... it's Bruno Mars ft. BoB - nothing on you.. hihihiii... ^_^

































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hi everyoneeeee *waves to all* ^^

fairy, thanks for the yongseo international gifts pics. :) will be missing u~! and thanks for always being there for us too.

hi celticheart~! ^^

i do agree to some extent of ur post. however, i would like to add my 2 cents... and that is, their make-up shouldn't just be on the face but it should also be on the neck so that the effect won't be too obvious. besides, IMO... deep scars and bulging pimples are very hard to be made looking all-smooth when they're using a HD setting. besides, what we see on their CFs & pics are all edited to make them look very smooth. in any way, i still love korean style of make-up... very natural.

magdal, thanks for reminding us. however, like luvtokki, i also think it's pretty unreasonable for us to not just spazz anything about yong or hyun as an individual. but of course, if we still insist on spazzing about them as an individual, there is this thing called SPOILER ;) it would be even better though if we could relate the individual topic with yongseo.

thanks so much M3 for the translated tweet... saturday palli!!! :w00t:

sorry, i just thought that these pics are very beautiful... thus, the pic spamming :ph34r:

they're definitely not human... :wub:


danggg they look so good together even while they walk!


like hubbby, like wifeyy... most wonderful match ever


hubby can't help looking at beautiful wifey :wub:


cr. DC

the rest in the spoiler :lol:

not too sure where i've seen the pic... is this the latest?


just 'cause they look so cute... but sinchaaa, they are getting more similar to each other!


just 'cause it's beautiful to my eyes :wub:


another beautifully edited pic... korean gogumas are jjang! xD


yahhh i'm too stressful to do my work so that's why all these... kekeke i'd better get back to work now or else... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest HelloGiffie

haii... it's Bruno Mars ft. BoB - nothing on you.. hihihiii... ^_^

@ Always tvxq .. I think the song you suggested was the song play during the dress after bling bling dress tho.

the one played during bling bling dress kind like slow, easy listening song

but anyway thank you very much for your contribution :)

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Guest Melda1430270038
































































@ Always tvxq .. I think the song you suggested was the song play during the dress after bling bling dress tho.






























































































































the one played during bling bling dress kind like slow, easy listening song





























































































































































































but anyway thank you very much for your contribution :)





























































































































































































hihihii... blush.gif i'm sorry... hahhahaa... :lol:
































you're welcome... :)

































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Guest lovekim









Oh I hope someone can translate, I also hope there's some great info about uri YongSeo :)








































































































Oh!! has anyone done this?








































































































Wait....M3!!!!!!!! Thank u so so so much!! For the tweet translation. And of course, seeing your Saturday's schedule....me feel guilty...but we really really really appreciate what you've been doing. thank you in heaps of mountains. kekeke!








































































































ok, here is the first one. please keep in mind that my trans is from chinese to english with a dash of singlish (singapore english)








































































































Credits SweetPotato Baidu bar








































































































23 Feb, staff blog entry #1















































































































































































































WGM YongSeo couple wedding photoshoot! Daebak!!















































































































































































































Finally, the episode is to show this week ~ WGM wedding photoshoot















































































































































































































before this, i've been wanting to say it out but had to tahan (resist)















































































































































































































since the preview has been broadcasted, i'll just give a little of the happenings haha















































































































































































































it's been almost 2 months since that photoshoot was done.








































































































Do you see that screen? I was behind that. haha








































































































SN seohyun is one who is pure and shines, needs not PS work done for her















































































































































































































Gentle voice, slim limbs















































































































































































































it's as though if touched, her tears will drop, just like an anime character, a young lady who makes people envious kekeke








































































































KyungSangDo fellow YongHwa keke















































































































































































































Frankly speaking, he's more human-like, "cute bean" with "humane" attitude (aiya!means friendly lah)















































































































































































































Handsome and polite, yet at the same time mischevious. Very cute haha








































































































When they were supposed to create a certain atmosphere, they ended up arm-wrestling















































































































































































































Indeed they are YongSeo couple ah








































































































During the shoot, i was so busy, running around, that it seems i was filmed too















































































































































































































Well, all in all, don't miss this week's broadcast!













































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok, wait for the next one. I'm still translating.









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Guest lovekim
















































































































































































































































Purestupidity!! I see you!! missed you sooooo much!!
















































































































































































































Missing AthenaG-omma too!
















































































































































































































Ok, this other trans. Again, I remind u all...it's literal translation from chinese to english. If it looks/sounds/reads like bad english....well, that's becoz it IS! haha!
















































































































































































































For more accurate one...hopefully the korean speakers/readers can contribute. *flutter eyelashes at M3*
















































































































































































































1st March































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's still tuesday only































































































































































































































































































































































































































starting to look forward to this week's WGM hahaha
















































































































































































































The official shooting of the couple wedding photos begins































































































































































































































































































































































































































As befitting a singer, let's take one shot with the guitar
















































































































































































































This moment, SeoHyun sat down, I think i was the one who took off the shoes for her































































































































































































































































































































































































































I helped arrange her gown (skirt) too ~ hehe
















































































































































































































The couple posed for the photo sincerely. The photo that needed a solemn atmosphere
















































































































































































































What was the suggestion that the photographer gave them?
















































































































































































































This...eh this...































































































































































































































































































































































































































The one of both of them lying on the floor *-_-*































































































































































































































































































































































































































It was a beautiful sight (scene) haha
















































































































































































































No matter if she was sitting, standing or lying down, Seohyun looks like an angel






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So what was to be taken? That made YongHwa say that it has to be taken in one shot?































































































































































































































































































































































































































Compared with the calm SeoHyun, YongHwas looks nervous ah
















































































































































































































Please look forward to THEIR wedding style































































































































































































































































































































































































































To be shown this saturday
















































































































































































































What usually is a common wedding style(pose) to most couples, (in fact) made them nervous~
















































































































































































































Well, this week's wgm should broadcast the climax of the wedding photoshoot































































































































































































































































































































































































































so, MUST stay tuned ^ ^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: SweetPotato Baidu bar

















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Guest me272

Does anyone know the name of the song play during Seohyun show up with bling bling wedding dress chose by Yong oppa?

I wanna have that song in my playlist real bad

Thank you in advance

 i think if i'm not mistaken, u meant this song:

 it must've been you by funny little dream.. this is an indonesian band.. wow i dont know that WGM listen to asian countries song too =) ..

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Lovekim yes dearie, I'm here, just lurking, it's my daily routine to check yongseo forum first in the morning when I wake up! Long time no see, on the forum :) welcome back!




M3 big thank you for always and I mean always, translating in the forum! U r a star!




Ah.... I'm such a yongseo addict that I always feel that I'm counting thru the weekdays to get to Sat.... Hahaha!



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Guest lovekin








heart beats and tongue ties || one-shot




yeah, i have nothing to say. it's a bit - i don't know. all i want to say is that ~1000 words typically take me a whole day just to write because it simply takes that much effort when i think about it too much. this? because i had gone into it, thinking it an experimental thing ... took a stupid half hour and argh. argh!












"Your turn."

- It's a matter of undressing, in more ways than one.












But she doesn't because it's not about that and it's about this -


moment and


feeling, and she's not sure what it is she's thinking about or why her skin is buzzing with static and she thinks, she


that it might just be the alcohol (even if she knows better).







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Hey you guys!

I'm feeling under the weather because I'm suffering from a cold at the moment and studying for midterms... but I'm sure with a little bit of Yongseo this Sat it will make me feel better!

Even though I should be sleeping (it's currently 2:44am here teehee) I made this quick ps work because of the quote that I stumbled upon. I think it holds true to our couple...


If you think about it Yong always makes her smile and laugh... :D

Until Sat my lovely gogumas! gnite!


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Guest HelloGiffie

 i think if i'm not mistaken, u meant this song:

 it must've been you by funny little dream.. this is an indonesian band.. wow i dont know that WGM listen to asian countries song too =) ..

@ me272 .. Woww Thank you so muchh. At first I thought it was western singer's song. Just knew from you that it's Indonesian band

Million thanks :lol:

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Guest DJHinata




Soompi SeoHwa Thread








The original Page





















credit to the owner ~ ♥ 















P/S: oh my I'm quite sad that I spend most of my time watching YongSeo, without even trying to find a girlfriend, how saaad 









I have the same "problem" XDD hahaah But who cares ; _ ; XDD hahaha 



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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































thank you m3 for mc jake's tweet!
































































































































































































































































and thank you lovekim for the translations of the photographer's blog
































































































































































































































































seems like the photographer is teasing us too! (not telling us what this saturday is all about [:)
































































































































































































































































ahahhaha it's okay i guess we have to wait til saturday... i bet the text preview will ask us the same questions
































































































































































































































































since there is a couple days left til saturday... let's answer these questions ourselves! (:
































































































































































































































































So what was to be taken? That made YongHwa say that it has to be taken in one shot?
































































































































































































































































Compared with the calm SeoHyun, YongHwas looks nervous?
































































































































































































































































what is climax of the wedding photoshoot?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








big thanks to lovekim for sharing the staff's account!!! gosh this staff is seriously teasing fans like us!! today we received 2 wonderful news, one from MC Kim saying he got "goosebumps"(thanks for the trans M3) and one from this account................. I'm sure it'll be a fun epi!








nothing more to say, they are both handsome-beautiful by nature, whether wearing wedding clothes or not, with attractive faces, and they sure are attracted to each other!








saturday!!!! please come! or else I'll be lovesick.....








P/S: oh my I'm quite sad that I spend most of my time watching YongSeo, without even trying to find a girlfriend, how saaad :P.









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Guest SGajumma








Dear Gogumas, especially those who are tech-savvy because I am no techie.



Could you help play the Part 1 subbed video in very, very slow speed to help SGajumma confirm if the"hand" touching Hyun's head at the bridal shop belongs to Yong because that happened in a flash. It is around 8:51. The scene is in between the following dialogue:



SH: It's pretty



<we see Hyun's face and then a hand touched her head>



YH: wow, this is the first time I actually see so on up close.






I have no intent to create unnecessary fuss in this thread but I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Thank you in advance for your help!!!









** the more I watched the scene, the more convinced I am that that was Yong's hand - based on the proximity and the position that they were facing each other. FBI Gogumas among the community here? 














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Guest dangshin

thanks M3 and Lovekim for the translation...

this makes me feels like in Go-chun again.. haha.. I'm about to go home now from the office. but i can't suppressed myself in peeking on this thread.. well it's some kind of a very good addiction.. hehe..

thanks Gogumas... let's patiently wait for saturday.. together.. Hugssss.. evaryone and have a great night! :-)

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Guest yonghyunforever




Dear Gogumas, especially those who are tech-savvy because I am no techie.

Could you help play the Part 1 subbed video in very, very slow speed to help SGajumma confirm if the"hand" touching Hyun's head at the bridal shop belongs to Yong because that happened in a flash. It is around 8:51. The scene is in between the following dialogue:

SH: It's pretty

<we see Hyun's face and then a hand touched her head>

YH: wow, this is the first time I actually see so on up close.

I have no intent to create unnecessary fuss in this thread but I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Thank you in advance for your help!!!

** the more I watched the scene, the more convinced I am that that was Yong's hand - based on the proximity and the position that they were facing each other. FBI Gogumas among the community here? 








really, you have reall FBI'eyes. i wonder too, i think its Yong hand on her head. they cut the sensce again. because at that time they are close and then they distance again. anybody can help to figure this out. i dont know how to make it at slow move. have been watch 10 times already, but still not sure




edit, im sure that his hand, all gogumas, watch again, you will be in go-chun again. when they looking at the dress, yesh PD cut the sence, he put his hand on her head again. wow wow wow. thank you


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