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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseorockin




Before this episode I wished for the SIL to take part at the wedding shoot. But after watching it I was totally fine and glad that they weren't there. Don't misunderstand me but you get the feeling that Seohyun didn't need her Unnies.  She just needed Yonghwa, his opinions and advices. He being beside her,  no one else.




He eased their tension and the addition of the BIL is just great. Seohyun is so comfortable with them it feels like a real family there.


I like SNSD unnies, really. But I think their presence would be to intimidating and dominant and Yonghwa's charm couldn't unfold.






What everything makes so real are the little things which always seems to get lost in translation like:


- when the stylist said "Chukaminida = Congratulations " to YongSeo after finishing Yonghwa's make up :wub:


- thanks to bolmaejung YH: we will live long long and happily


It's funny to know that MC NaYoung was already at the wedding shoot and knows what happened. Her loud "Bravo" over the Bling Bling gown.  Hyun looks really breath-taking in it!






Oh! Your explaination makes everything clear as to why SeoHyun went Unnie after she finished Yong's makeup. I was wondering what happened.







@myblue Photographer: shall we have a bit of tea?


Photographer: oh the wife is pretty!


Y: she’s pretty!?


Y: what did you just say!?




Y: Kill!?


S: You won’t die!




I'm pleased and chuckling at the same time!;) seohyunie your such a sweetie;) ofcourse you want to die together! :wub:  What a Superb,wonderful,brilliant episode!;) i really really love it!;) cant wait for saturday!




thank you to all the mighty Gogoma's! Good job guys! clap! clap! clap!:wub:;)




I don't quite understand the above conversation. can some one explain to me? Thank you so much!






O forgot! Thank You DDUK & LALACAKES  for the trans this week!!  Thank You Tetsuya for the subs!! You know we gogumas really love you guys!! :wub:


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Thank you kenjisam for yong's inkigayo pics. I like seeing him with the ring.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit : The first time they showed their rings was on MB
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All the lovely goguma villagers out there i love reading your posts so please post/spazz more .We have another epic wedding episode coming up. Can't wait! :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kjtodd08
















































































































































































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Oh! Your explaination makes everything clear as to why SeoHyun went Unnie after she finished Yong's makeup. I was wondering what happened.
















I don't quite understand the above conversation. can some one explain to me? Thank you so much!
















O forgot! Thank You DDUK & LALACAKES  for the trans this week!!  Thank You Tetsuya for the subs!! You know we gogumas really love you guys!! :wub:































to answer your question about the dialog i think(not that i know korean,but from my experience watching so many korean dramas),if i'm not mistaken hyun said something like "i kill you.." but stop halfway after she realised that it was a bit harsh(but in a cute way).this is because the photographer complimented hyun how pretty she was,so yong like jokingly and teasingly ask back,"she’s pretty!?".that's made hyun replied that she want to "kill" yong...so sorry if i am confusing you with my explanation,i hope u get what i'm trying to say because english is not my first language. :sweatingbullets:
















or maybe M3 or Dduk can explain more details on that part?thanks in advance!and opsss as always thanks to both of you for the daebak translations! :wub:









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Oh! Your explaination makes everything clear as to why SeoHyun went Unnie after she finished Yong's makeup. I was wondering what happened.





I don't quite understand the above conversation. can some one explain to me? Thank you so much!





O forgot! Thank You DDUK & LALACAKES  for the trans this week!!  Thank You Tetsuya for the subs!! You know we gogumas really love you guys!! :wub:









When the photographer says "She's pretty" Yonghwa being a joker that he is, is like "She's pretty?" in the way that makes it seems that he thinks she isn't or doesn't notice that she is. Yonghwa is joking and Seohyun raises her hand and mouths something along the lines of "I'll kill you" (korean expression kind of like "Do you want to die?")





The best part of that conversation though is that when the photographer says that he's done with that side





they still carry on their conversation and totally ignore him. It's like they're the only ones in the room :rolleyes:


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Guest yongseorockin


@ ummihany @missyx

Thank you both for the reply so much!! It helps lots of gogumas understand the kill part a lot. I could not have figured out head or tail of what that conversation meant without the help of you guys!

haha kill yong, she will become a dragon slayer (joke). and wow @ummihany, you really must have watched a lot of shows to understand that part! considering korean isnt your first language! haha. i have lots to catch up.:rolleyes:


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our couples popularity(on nate). :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not sure what the picture links to, but i think it's just a recap(s) of the episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit - because I can't help myself
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































goddess on the move                                                               maknae has curves?!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































goddesshyun.gif   goddesshyun2.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and, I know it's a sentimental moment with seobb coming out with her dresses and leaving yonghwa literally speechless, but I can't help but crack up at his reaction, it's like uhh.. pretty... beautiful. HAHA.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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For the first time in WGM history I've downloaded the 720p version, lol. Normally I'd stick to 600p since it takes a lot of space, but I don't even care anymore for the upcoming episodes. I hope that the PD will at least stretch the photo shoot to at least 3 episodes, fire the whoever does the editing and hire me instead. *nods*
































































































I don't quite understand the above conversation. can some one explain to me? Thank you so much!
































































































O forgot! Thank You DDUK & LALACAKES for the trans this week!! Thank You Tetsuya for the subs!! You know we gogumas really love you guys!! :wub:































































































































































































I have an explanation that differs from the previous posters who answered your question.
































































































The photographer said that the Seohyun's pretty and Yonghwa sarcastically said: 'She is?'. Seohyun as an reaction to that made a sound what could be translated in English as: Tsch. She said it half-laughing so therefor it sounded like jookyeo (죽여) which means 'kill' in Korean. Yonghwa misheard and so that had a laugh about it. I'm 100% sure that Seohyun initially didn't say 'kill'.
































































































A major thank you for all the captions and translation everyone! :)
































































































































































































I love the part where Seohyun took a picture of awkward Yonghwa and stomped on the floor because it was so funny. This episode at first to me was all about Seohyun. The way her eyes sparkle, the way her smile curves, her anticipation for his reaction. She has become so transparent that a part of me is getting scared, because with that she has become vulnerable. Yet at the same time, my heart is bursting for her, for that smile. She seems so happy and out of this world. Ethereal.
































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa on the other hand... He has become more aware of the camera's than ever. It says something, but I don't know what. But with that he's definitely harder to read. I think somewhere along the way he made that decision - to not show too much on camera. Because in the earlier episodes, he was actually the one who was more obvious than anyone else. In a way, I really like that. That he's becoming aware of people watching. It adds a bit of mystery for us and arouses our curiosity - what is it that he doesn't want to show? The moment his lips slowly formed a gently smile really made me wonder.
































































































































































































































































































Somehow, somewhere along this journey I've felt awkward to watch them. I never stood still at the fact, but it's like closely watching a random couple in the park or something interacting with each other. And me, this total random stranger is listening to everything they're saying, seeing everything they're doing and even giggle at little touches here and there. It's an odd feeling, but nevertheless I like it.

















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just had to share something...







so i was re-watching the latest ep from sonems (thx again dduk and tetsuya) and noticed again how many times hyun was complimenting yong.














remember this scene? after yong tried on the 1st tux, hyun was complimenting how good it looks on him...




























then he suddenly turned shy and had to turn away from her for a second...





















it could be because of nervousness since it was his first wedding photoshoot...but i think the reason behind his shyness is what PSH revealed to hyun the day before (UCC ep)...





















our hyun has been taking notes :lol:







she has been complimenting him throughout the shoot.







should we anticipate more compliments from hyun?



















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I love the part where Seohyun took a picture of awkward Yonghwa and stomped on the floor because it was so funny. This episode at first to me was all about Seohyun. The way her eyes sparkle, the way her smile curves, her anticipation for his reaction. She has become so transparent that a part of me is getting scared, because with that she has become vulnerable. Yet at the same time, my heart is bursting for her, for that smile. She seems so happy and out of this world. Ethereal.























































Seohyun's quick and easy banter with Yong while they were sitting in the makeup/ hair chairs had me a little surprised. There were also 2 other moments that had me grinning from ear to ear: 1st was when she made Yong, in his tux, turn around so she could take a picture of every (gorgeous) side of him....
































S: Oh it suits you well. I’m going to take a picture
















Y: You got it?
















S: Profile.
















S: Back
















Y: Why are you taking these?
















S: Just because…
































































And second was during the portion of the photo-shoot when they were having "tea" and the part of the conversation that went like this:
































Y: at the beginning how was I to you?
















S: To me? You were really considerate.
















Y: How?
















S: you were really adjusted to me.
















<Both recollecting their thoughts about their first meeting>
















S: when I first met you.
































Did anyone else notice that it looked like she got a little teary here?
































I also liked this 1st part of the photo-shoot with the tea b/c they did manage to take us back to the 1st few episodes where Yonghwa had to lead almost every conversation.
































But dynamics have changed a bit and with him, she has become more confident. I am still amazed (almost as much as Yonghwa on the day!) that she bought their new rings; I think b/c she was so touched by his reaction to losing their $2 ring on stage.
































You can see he's made a big impact on her. And since then, in every episode, I love watching just to see what she'll do next to surprise not only him, but us!

































Yonghwa on the other hand... He has become more aware of the camera's than ever. It says something, but I don't know what. But with that he's definitely harder to read. I think somewhere along the way he made that decision - to not show too much on camera.
































I think he's become more contemplative yet also content; Seohyun now leads a conversation, talks a mile a minute and no longer seems afraid to speak her mind. :lol:
































But I loved watching him watch her this past episode and enjoying it... every minute of it!
































Still so cute!

















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Guest hannahgarrido






annyoeng gogumas!!! can i ask something?? why is seohyun so concerned when the makeup artist was about to glue the eyelashes??  blink.gif sorry i don't have much experience on makeup...





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Guest alucard81
























annyoeng gogumas!!! can i ask something?? why is seohyun so concerned when the makeup artist was about to glue the eyelashes??  *quoted image* sorry i don't have much experience on makeup...




















*quoted image*







































back from lurking long long time :D




















most of the reason behind this is that when you put on eye make up, the process can look rather "unglamorous".




















Eyeliner require you to look up or down or even crossed eye....




















mascara and eye lashes also require the person putting them on to look "weird"




















this is after seeing a lot of ladies put on makeup.... being a guy I am just curious :D





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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































hello fellow gogumas,














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































five more days before the part 2-- arrgghhh this is the second longest goguma week we've ever had.  and because its only monday, i would like to share this picture of hyun on her 1st and 2nd wedding gown photoshoot.  ( sorry for my editing, im still exploring it)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































compare these pictures:














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on her 1st photoshoot with trax- seohyun's smile didn't reaches her eyes, she is in her first wedding photo shoot yet her smile is so plain and ordinary .... 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BUT, on the wedding photoshoot with yong seobang (hehehe- remember how TF and SY called him this on ep29 tongue.gif) ... she wears her widest smile we had ever seen and look at her eyes,  it is literally sparkling- no doubt she is in love wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif 














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































one goguma said yongs is so busted while looking at his wife,  we can say that to hyun as well?  hyun, you're so busted!happy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gif














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































saturday, pali- pali!!!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw, thanks soshimunky, for your kind words and cnb thread mod (happy go lucky) replied on my pm and she's on our side!!!! so proud of IN Go Pheum!!!!!laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif
































































































































































































"the friendliest thread in soompi-goguma land"

















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Guest bezbezbez
















































A beautiful monday Gogumas!!!


























































































































It's finally the wedding Photoshoot episodes. I'm sure that this will be a very eventful season for all of us. It's nice to see YongSeo's relationship grow from awkward strangers to undeniably in-love married couple. I can't help but feel nostalgic upon watching last saturday's episode. There were a lot of flashbacks in the episode, and I'm sure that there's more to come on the next episode. Every second was spazz-worthy. It'll take me months to recover once I get to watch the full Wedding Photoshoot. Hyun is really a Goddess and Yong is indeed a flaming Dragon.


























































































































I'll put the next part of my post on spoiler because I believe that the content of my message doesn't really deserve too much of the threads space...LOL...just read it for your own risk :)








































Good Morning In-Go-Paem here at Soompi!!!


























































































































Some of you already knew that I'll be leaving the YongSeo Community for quite some time. I have left my original farewell message at twitter yesterday. I was so emotional when I was typing that I didn't think of re-reading it. I also felt that I owe my soompi family a proper goodbye... so here it goes...


























































































































I had a fun-filled year as a fan of YongSeo. I'm proud to say that the journey I had with everyone was fun and memorable at the same time. The Gogumas around the world are the best fans and friends ever. We have truly embodied what the words YongSeo and fan really mean. From the lurkers to the regulars, you have all brought joy and love in the thread. I can't even believe that we are almost reaching thread 2. When everything started, it was just all about people anticipating about SeoHyun and YongHwa as a couple for WGM. No one expected that we'll be as big as we are now. Thank you to those who made the thread as there broadsheet 24/7 and had this thread bookmarked on their lappies. Everyday will always be a YongSeo day.


























































































































I would like to extend my gratitude to the friends I met throughout the year. You, all, helped me define who I really am. You have all brought out the best in me. I am who I am right now through the values I learned from everyone, opinions we have shared, lessons in life that you have taught me. I'll be continuing my journey bringing all those sacks of good memories and values I have gained from all of you.


























































































































SUNHEE Thanks for creating this thread! Without you, I wouldn't be able to meet all this wonderful people. I wish I was able to get to know you more but it seems like you went on hiatus too early. Again. THANK YOU!








































OLD-TIME SPAZZERS and ORIGINAL TWITTER SISTERS Unnies and dongsaengs, thank you for spazzing with me from the start. I had a blast talking to all of you. I remember the days when our lives as a YongSeo fan was filled with uncertainties. We all survived the rumors together. Almost every month, we heard that YongSeo will end soon but look where we are now... It's already 2011 and they have survived WGM for more than a year already. Time flies really fast. I hope you will all comeback here and continue spazzing with the new soompiers. I really feel bad that I wasn't able to talk to all of you before leaving, but you'll always be in my heart guys. Tina unnie, Lindy unnie, Erica unnie, Lyra unnie, Katsy unnie, Miel unnie, Mel Unnie, Fiona unnie, Crystal Unnie, Chika Unnie, JNJ unnie, Lene unnie Henna unnie, Yuki, Judy, and the rest I will all miss you!!! Take care of yourselves ok?








































KAPTENKEIRIN Oppa, thank you for being the best oppa ever!!! I never thought that we will really become friends but it seems like life went well in our way. I'm sorry for bugging you just to create artworks. I know that it was not easy and I'ma pretty demanding dongsaeng but you always never fail to give me wonderful pieces in the end. I'll always remember you, oppa! Practice your tagalog ok? Watch more dramas...








































JEN, HANNAH UNNIE, MELODY, NICOLE AND TIFF Girls, sorry for the sleepless nights!!! You are all daebak!!! I'm proud that I was able to work with you once in my life. Your patience and hardwork when it comes to work is undeniable. You are one of the reason why I keep working for YSI. You, all, give me strength during the peak hours. I became insomniac because of you, guys...LOL...I live on the eastern side of the world, but my body clock is now based on the western side... I will need some time to go back to the normal sleeping habit.








































SEUNG Buddy, it seems like you are enjoying your new headphones, based on your avatar...ahahaha...I have the same one but it's in orange...LOL...seriously, thank you for translating all the episodes for the subbing team. You work really fast and I commend you for that. Goodluck on your fanfics and weekly trans! Don't leave ok? Take Care Seung!!!








































GOGUMA AHJUMMAS should I call you ommas??? nahhh... Unnies, thank you for supporting all the projects of the team. You have been our financial support from the start. You are the reason why we are able to produce daebak projects. Please continue supporting the team and remember to keep your hearts safe from negativity. I will all love you unnies...I'll surely miss the PMs and phonecalls...maybe when I have time, we can still do that.








































GOGUMA NAMJAS and APPAS Guys, thank you for bringing in the Guy's POV on this thread. We started as a sorority, but it's good to see that we now have variety of fans posting here and there. I love the way you express yourselves here. I hope all the guys in the world are as mature and humorous as you guys. Continue seeking for your lady and for those who are married already, continue loving your wives.








































NINJAS/LURKERS Anyeong! It's fun to be in this thread right? we have wide range of POVs so I hope that you'll get the courage to post here from time to time. The Gogumas are the nicest people ever so you shouldn't be worry that they'll bite you just because you have a different POV. Did you know that keeping emotions within yourself is deadly??? It has been proven scientifically so if you want to live long like YongSeo try living a healthy life and start it from being showy with what you feel and post here at the thread.








































SPD CBOX CHINGOOS I already bid my farewell last night...I'm still having this separation anxiety... I miss everyone! You are the most up to date gogumas ever so please continue that ok? One more thing, always remember the rules! Be nice to the newbies, don't curse or bash anyone, use english in your convos, ignore the hamburgers, no yadong talks, and most of all spazz as long as you can. Zen and Chunby goodluck on your wedding...I'll be there spiritually...LOL...Sagua and Kubih oppas, take care of the cbox ok? but please don't be too harsh with the anons...okie dokie???? Kyuu Unnie, take care of leaks and when you feel lonely, just visit go-chun... my angels are there...LOL...Take care guys!!!








































JEN UNNIE Unnie, I miss you so much!!! Your hiatus has been long over due... where are you??? I'm just about to leave but still I haven't talked to you again. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and break unnie. Having you around is really different. I just really miss you unnie! The past two months would not be the same if you were here...I hope I can get to talk to you in the future. Take Care unnie!








































NAZ UNNIE Unnie, I'm leaving...So that means, more work load for you because you have to manage the YSI now. I have good news for you so we should talk soon. It'll be so irresponsible of me to just leave the team like that. I'll always be here if you need my assistance. I'm just a mail away. I don't mean to add the 500thday project to your workload unnie but this kid also needs to focus on her priorities in life. I need to study well unnie so I can join the GOGUMA tour...LOL...Unnie, good luck with everything and take care of yourself!!! BTW find the perfect guy, ok?








































INTERNATIONAL FANBASES Hi Guys! Continue spreading the YongSeo love ok? I'm glad that I had a chance to work with all of you. Vietnamese fans, your artworks are the reason why the K-media noticed our thread, Thank You! Singaporean fans, I truly envy your meet-ups. You have the most bonded core group. I hope to meet you, all, someday. Thai fans, you are all jjasik!!! Luck has been on your side that CNB and SNSD had many perfs there throughout the year. I lurk at your pantip page everyday even though I don't understand any single post there. The love and possitivity keeps your group going. Pinoy fans, you are all scattered around the country but it's nice to see that the chatboxes and twitter are filled with Pinoy fans. Malaysian fans, I know that someday you'll also get a glimpse of YongSeo. Just keep the faith! Indo fans, thank you for always backing me up on all the projects. Your group has proven that even if I'm not and Indonesian, I'm always welcome. I really felt the warmth. Chinese fans, I feel bad that I wasn't able to work with you, but Baidu is a good community though I wish that the rumors would tone down. Let's be more careful when it comes to releasing certain rumors which have no sources at all. Chinese fans are the best FBIs!!! Kudos! Fans from the other side of the world, Thank you for watching YongSeo episodes live even if it's already midnight there. I admire the devotion. I hope to see more fans from that side of the world de-lurking. Thank You!








































TO SOOMPI ADMINS AND MODERATORS Thank You for being patient and understanding with all my requests and reports. You are the best! You never fail to reply to my PMs. Please continue supporting our community :)








































It's been a long farewell message already, but I guess I can last a day just saying thank you and goodbye to everyone...LOL...I will really miss this thread!!! This had been my comfort zone and stress-reliever for more than a year. Being your PD-nim, fairy, YongYojeong, chingoo, sister, dear, unnie, dongsaeng, and wife was really a blast. Those words will always be carried in my life and will have a different whenever I get to hear it. You, guys, are the best!








































Soompiers, I hope that you'll get to strengthen your belief on YongSeo. A lot of rumors and negative posts will come in the future, but as long as you know why you are here...I'm sure you'll survive those days. Always remember that it's YongSeo who have brought you here and not the negativity. Take care of your heart and your faces too...Avoid wrinkles to your pretty faces =)








































I have prepared the post for the thread 2 so maybe I'll just pass it to the thread starter soon...I'm excited for everyone!!! We are about to reach another milestone!!!








































I will miss everyone!!!








































Thank you for everything!!!








































Sorry to those I have offended and hurt throughout my stay here!!!








































I'll always cherish each and everyone of you!!!








































Again, call me FAIRY and not by my real name =)








































I love you all!!!








































That's it, BYE!!!




















































































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annyoeng gogumas!!! can i ask something?? why is seohyun so concerned when the makeup artist was about to glue the eyelashes??  *quoted image* sorry i don't have much experience on makeup...





*quoted image*









It's like during the ski trip when she fell backwards and her ski hat tumbled off. She was like "I didn't want him to see that side of me". Sometimes it can be embarrassing when someone is watching you do something personal and mortifying (in the case of the ski hat) especially if it's someone you like.





Seohyun is a person that doesn't like losing her composure and I guess you could say "outer perfection" so she must have been uncomfortable when he said he wanted to watch.










Since I topped a page. Here are the things I will be eagerly waiting to see^^


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Guest wildact3096

@ blackpapillon

I agree with you, because after rerun this episode, i was going back to watch Adam couple wedding photo shot in Bali. wow that time Kwon was speechless when he saw Gain in the dress that he design. lol

Hyun was so happy and it showed on her sparkling eyes.

and the expression of Yong when he first saw Hyun in wedding dress, ^^ how can i explain those lovely things, all goguma fellow just watched on last Saturday.

In the preview, when Yong mentioned that if Photographer took this photo only once (when Hyun closed her eyes), it told me that if it's possible that Yong was going to kiss her Forehead or something or maybe they pretend to kiss. But even if Yong had to pretend his heart must be like explode. lol

Wait for next week episode, the special moment of Yongseo wedding photo shot

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Guest HelloDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































Omo Omo Hyun looks so beautiful in all those dresses...truely born beautiful. Hahahs I love the way Yong responded to all those wedding dresses...he facial expressions were like :wub: . Too cute. I was glad CNblue came to support the couples and try to lighten the mood. They even bought food, hehe. But I  wished a few of the girls were there to see their baby in a wedding dress. They'd be so proud of her.
































































































































I laughed when they were recreating the first time they met and he started saying corny things while pictures were being taken! What a romeo.

































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Remember this? Bee Yong
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But now we have this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Couple tees?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: to whoever cap this :wub::wub:

































































































































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The last 2 screen caps that were in aisuo415's post really got to me. I know it was some sort of camera reflection but to me it looked like Yong had some tears welling up or..... just has watery eyes. But his look in the first cap almost looked sad. Regrets that this is not real? Thinking about when he does get married? Will this last until it does become real? I like her but does she really like me? We are so young and will have to wait quite a few years before we can really get married? If we really got married would she have to leave SNSD? What would happen if we got married and we had babies and I still have military service? I am really tired and need some sleep but have to stay awake. Talk about hard to read. And even the look in the second cap when he starts to smile looks a little sad or pensive. Would love to be a fly on the wall of their brains during these next episodes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As far as Yong being more aware around the cameras, it could be he is trying to protect the both of them since they seem to have gotten very close. I think Hyun is a little more open at this point since whatever she is feeling is so new to her and she hasn't figured out when she can be free to express herself and when she has to hold back. Let's face it, no matter what they feel, they have to walk a fine line so as to make everyone happy without alienating anyone. With SNSD promoting in Japan, in light of the vicious stories and comics written about them and KARA, and the rumors of boycotts of CN Blue's concerts by over-zealous fans in December, he might just be trying to be careful to not add any fuel to any fires. This is still December filming with no idea of when it would be aired. I think it will be interesting to see the filming done after the new year. We know that Yong has been a bit more open given his "I don't really have any particulars but....." answer to the ideal girl question. And that ring seems to be ever present.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope it gets to the point where the Korean Entertainment industry, fans and the stars themselves begin to truely realize how huge their international fan base is and not worry about what just goes on in Korea or with a few unreasonalbe fans. I was watching some footage of JYJ's concert in NYC and when Sungkyunkwan Scandal was mentioned a tremendous roar went up. The MC asked if the audience had seen the drama and an even bigger roar went up. It looked like Asians/Asian-Americans only made up a small part of the audience. It was black, white and everything in between. Mickey had a stunned look on his face to realize how many people loved his drama. When 2AM played in Seattle with the Wonder Girls, the screaming, cheering audience drowned out being able to hear them sing. I hope there comes a time when these artists are recongnized more and more for their international appeal. For Yongseo, hopefully they will know that internationally they are loved dearly and wheather reel or real we will always support what ever they do. Of coarse that precludes breaking each others hearts. If that happens then I will take back everything I've said.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are so many epic lines, looks, interactions and reactions in this episode that it will take weeks for us to analize them all. Should keep us busy until next Saturday. Still working on the "Do you know how much effort I put in" and bringing out Seohyun's emotions is "his job" lines.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can't wait until next week to find out what has to be done in one take and what makes him seem weird "or like a pervert". Bad mind, bad mind- really left open to some strange interpretations.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, the bil's should be cloned and sent out to all weddings to lend moral support. They did not throw a bacheor party, get the groom drunk and let him pass out during the ceremony. Been to a few of those weddings in my time. No, they were the perfect picture of what groomsmen should be. And they were better than a lot of bridesmaids too.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As I watch my palm trees, cacti, and other tropicals die here in the Arizona desert due to freezing weather and snow, I wish all of you a warm and cozy evening. Looks like I may have to stop spazzing for a while and work on a plan for relandscaping our yard.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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