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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseo828
































































































































omo omo omo...finally, i can join in spazzing uri yongseo...
































































































































hello, newly unlurked lurker...i am so glad that i was able to change my account just so i can spazz before, during and after the wedding of the year. I don't know when i first started to watch these two lovely people. I knew of wgm season 1(fan of the SSangchu couple) and was able to watch a few episodes of the adam couple. I was not able to really follow the couple but once i got back to watching wgm, seohyun and jung yonghwa was added to the lineup. I knew Jung yonghwa after watching yb but not really taken with his character. I watch few bts scenes of that drama as well. I heard of seo joohyun from snsd but all i know was that she's the maknae of the group.
































































































































It was during the Incheon concert that drew me in. Seohwa soompi was just buzzing then. And i tried to catch up as much as I can at that time. And boy was i ever hooked.
































































































































The craziest thing i did for this couple was when i went to Italy last October with a group of friends. I had with me my laptop and my iphone. First thing i did when we arrived at the hotel was to check my connection with the internet. Even when we were in Venice (my third time), i tried to connect to a wifi with my iphone. While my friends were busy taking pictures in Venice, I was so happy sitiing by the restuarant with the wifi on and watching, smiling crazily for these two.
































































































































I even tried to get my friend to spazz for me here but she convinced me to get another account instead.
































































































































So anyways, a BIG THANK you to all the uploaders, subbers and spazzers. You make my Saturdays. (though the waiting sometimes kill me)

































































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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































one hour left ..GOGUMA :wub:
































































































I just wanna ask is YongSeo Couple♥ facebook already closed?? I can't find the page anymore :tears:...anyone know what happen to that page??? :blink: 

































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Guest tinkershellsoompi
































































bubbly_zuzu: I can't find the Yongseo page either :( is it blocked or closed?! :unsure:
































and to all gogumas I have a kind request...please share the pictures from other pic-sharing sites than imageshack...I can't view any photo on the thread today....or can someone explain how to do the domain registration....I don't have much knowledge in this area :tears:
































anyway so this is our BIG day....I'm shaking from a very high fever...but nothing can stop me from my Yongseo madness today (not even my Physics test tomorrow kekeke)
































only an hour to go!!

















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Guest YongSeoCP4Ever

hi,goguma shippers~~is there anyone can provide a website to me to watch the live broadcast?? I used to go the talkplaylove on ustream...but it's offline today~~~~plz!!! Help me~~~~

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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































Hi all
































































































































In anticipation of today's episode, I'll share the stream that I use, someone here recommended it earlier and it works for me.
































































































































































































































































You need to sign up and all but no fee involved, and it's clear for me.  Occasional lag but not severe.
































































































































Happy viewing!  Spazz later!

































































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For those who want to watch WGM live today, here is the link:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My 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There are several options, so far, TVU is working rite now

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hunniez_chan




Annyeong In Go Paem!!! ^0^




Counting down to the big moment of Yongseo.....*dugeun dugeun*....yiiippiiieeee...!!!




Can't hardly wait..!!!




Spazz later...!!! :D



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hello gogumas..
































as i dont have good connection to tvu, and others might not as well try this link it works well with me..
































































lets enjoy the wedding of our dear couple...

















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Guest mitchangella






I cannot watch the live streaming because my internet really  sucks. PLease those who are kind hearted Gogumas update this page for us to know what happened....PLease...I,m really really excited about this episode...This is all we've been waiting for. I know this is going to be daebak. I can't wait to watch. My beloved Hyun is getting married. 



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Guest gogumacraze




Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO and my favorite DAEBAK In-Go-Paem!




I'm ready for the onslaught of uri Y6S6 virus! R u gogumas? I had to lol @ celticheart47's post as it was the same as wht I had in mind! I too hav a bottle of champagne chillin'(even tho' it's like -35 with windchill 2nite!)  n strawberries to go with it!! Hmmmm! I hav black pj pants on too n a pink pj top with my gd friend Garfield hse slippers to keep my feet toasty!! Let's hope I can stay awake to stream live! Like u, it's arnd 1-2am my side. We'll hav a toast too later @ the wedding ya! To our "kids'" wedding. It does feel like it's my own tht's getting married! I promise if  one day they announce tht they'r REAL n will b tying the knot, I'm flying to Korea 4 the wedding- whether I'm invited or not! Sigh.... getting emotional already, ottoke? :tears:




Funny, I got up suddenly yday @ arnd 2 am n thot it was D-day n almost got off bed 2 watch it!! Silly me! See wht these two do to us?!




@ winsbro' Applehaven and rhonskee~  thank you so much for sending me the link for the Korean learning site! Kamsahamnida! :) It looks really eoryeo!  N winsbro painting nails r ok don't u think? Better than putting make-up ryt? N my hubby agreed I think tht time was coz' he was courting me. :D May b I shld get to know your wifey n "corrupt' her so she can try tht on u! Hahaha.


@ maybe07 and all the other DAEBAK scappers, fanart artists, pls keep them coming. Techno illiterate like me jincha jincha appreciate them. Thank you all! :wub:




@ soshimunky n moniertu hwaiting!




@ soshi3 I'll b looking forward to your questions after today's DAEBAK epi!




@ Trent loved ur post! I fell off my chair a couple of times!


@ luvtokki- really wish ur dream will come true! Btw, will u giv us gogumas free legal advice if we need it? Sorry, jus had to ask this! Jus kiddin. :D and last but not least-




@ M3 n Dduk- M3 is tht pic really u or did u get someone to pose? If it's u~ don't think u really wanna hear this so don't throw gogumas @ me eh-sooo gwiyeopda!! Agree   gogumas? Advance thks to Dduk for translations! (got ur biscuits n tea ready?) I'll send u n M3 some maple flavored cookies if u wanna pm me ur address dears? :) and advance thks to tetsuya(hope it's ryt spelling) for subbing.




Duguen duguen. I'm so excited!! C u all @ the wedding! Don't be late eh!





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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Hi! First 15 minutes is over and I feel like strangling my internet connection because the stream became laggy like a broken radio. But I did get glimpses here and there and Oh my God Seohyun is so beautiful in wedding dresses! She tried on a lot and believe me, she's pretty in all of them! I hope the raw will be out fast because I think many people are facing problem streaming too!

















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Guest _d3seohyun

SEOGODESS indeed! 66924458.gif

Yonghwa and his bling bling :lol:

and of course expect the unexpected from uri couple...

i thought it would be all romantic from the very start but it was LOL

when they were having their makeup together

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Guest keira53
































































































































































































































































Seohyun is a goddess!
































































































































































































































































this is some pics i captioned from part 1 of this ep

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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As per now, I really..really frustrated...































































Cos just can hear the sound rather than watch the streaming...






























































































































Not 1 link works for me right now....


































































































Frustrated to the MAX now...


































































































But, just to hear it, I smile like a lunatic person.































































Thank god I just sitting at my room only.































































Just me and laptop...































































And I do hear that out groom really sound like fall in love when he sees Hyun in WD....


































































































Hope to watch it on YT ASAP...































































Don't forget to post it here.. ok....


































































































Please save me from this "High Curiosity".































































I'm dying to know what had happen.....


































































































Edit: ThaiRabbitAloneJooBz already save my soul.....































































Part 1































































Part 2











































































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my scaps for today's  DAEBAK EPISODE,I  am crying  and loling so emotional don't know why huhuhu








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the photoshoot























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun in wedding dress

































































































































































































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Guest AngelVillian
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Woos. My guess was correct!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Jonghyun and Jungshin from CN BLUE came.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobabe wedding dress~



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's Yong-husband's reaction?




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i'm streaming it right now..and Oh my god! the look in Yonghwa's eyes! :wub: he can't stop smiling! seohyun is so gorgeous!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love that jungshin and jonghyun are there ,they are soooooo sweeet!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: i think todays epi is just a warm up for an epic epic epi next week! this week was so sweet and fun, they are enjoying themselves so much !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i think the mc's will be in the shoot next week! do i spy seulong!yay!

































































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This topic is now closed to further replies.
  • Create New...

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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..