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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I've updated my fanfic, "Run Devil Run". Here's chapter 4, I hope you like it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm LOVING winbros post. I hope it all comes true, especially the last one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a great day/night to all Gogumas in the world.

































































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Guest fabiistar07
















































Hello Gogumas!
















I just wanted to share another FMV I made of uri YongSeo
















It's for their 1 year anniversary :)
















I know it's very late :sweatingbullets:































but it was a last minute proyect so I was determined to finish it.































It's all caps from episode 1 until now [i had to control myself b/c i would've screen capped every second lol]































It was also a good episode to stop at, right before the wedding photoshoot [kyaa~! can't wait for saturday :wub: ]
















YongSeo's One Year Anniversary
















EDIT: Topped the page, it's good i have something to share :)































EDIT 2: I feel like i should post a picture haha































My favorite moment, just because it was totally cute :wub:































[posted by MissBarbietch 2 pages back ^^]






























































& a picture from my video [Saturday pali~!!]















































































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In the following I want to share you my opinion about 'the kiss' which has been mentioned in quite a lot of posts since the preview has revealed.
































































I personally don’t want them to kiss at the wedding photo-shooting and I guess I probably am the only one here(?!) Well, why do I think it is not the right moment/occasion? Because it would be SeoHyun's very first kiss, right?! Since the first kiss (actually everything that is supposed to experience in love relationships for the first time) is something very meaningful for everyone, so I think it should be done under the influence of true feelings and not because of a special event on a national program. Of course I want them to go out with each other in real life and absolutely would like to see YongHwa gives SeoHyun a sincerely kiss on her forehead or cheek. Hm, but I think on the lips would be too much for us Gogumas to deal with and YongSeo probably know that. So they just protect us by not doing it to avoid heart attacks xD haha just kidding. 
































































So if both of them truely feel something special for each other then I would like it better if they do everything that is precious off-screen and privately on real dates. Although we Gogumas couldn’t stream those moments and make million screencaps or spazz about them for months even for years, but it would be enough for me if those things will really be happened one day.

















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I've read many of the lovely posts here, and I want to share a story with fellow goguma shippers. And I read your post, too, winbros ahjussi. I wish in the future, my husband will put up with my kpop fandom and join me the way you and your wife enjoy each other's company and fandom. ^^
































































































































































So speaking of what they will do for their photo shoot, last night, I had a dream of their photo shoot, and hear me out: I'm not the "omgspazspazspaz, I'm so obsessed" kind of fan (well, not really). I'm a vivid person, but I can sort out reality and fantasy. Anyway, this was my first Yongseo dream, and I swore it felt so real! To the point that I jumped out of bed this morning and went to this thread, hoping I would see wedding pictures. In my dream, they were lying/sitting on the floor and staring each each other, something like the picture kaydee_ posted on page 1892. And [i'm cringing while re-telling the story ahaha] Yong hugs Seohyun from behind for another picture. Wah. Okay. I think I was the only one who understood what I just said, lol. But, yeah. It was a good, good dream.
































































































































































I love Seohyun's dress, btw. And hair, and headband, and Yong's outfit, too. They look beautiful. Their hair color is still the same. And the arm/finger wrestling! So Yongseo. <3 And, please add this onto the photo shoot list: I hope Seohyun headlocks Yonghwa! For revenge. That would be really cute. Ahaha.
































































































































































Oh! Recap. When Seohyun finished putting on make-up for Yong, she said "I don't do this for anyone". Special special Yonghwa onnie. =P

































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Guest cursedblue




Helo gogumas around the world...




i know this is my first post since being lurker in this thread. i want to say somethin about them which is maybe my post will up many reactions. i was read wgm rules posted by someone few pages behind. if its true they're restricted get real dating in real life, i wish they ended wgm asap.  i want to say thanks but no thanks to WGM/MBC. i believe they have already falling in love in real to each other, this is my perspective as human with heart. i wish they could do real dating and relationship without imprisoned by WGM for only their show and ratings. i dont want them to become WGM pupets forever, but i want them in real love forever. 






-- internet connection is too laggy and sucks --



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Guest mach8infinity




Helo gogumas around the world...




i know this is my first post since being lurker in this thread. i want to say somethin about them which is maybe my post will up many reactions. i was read wgm rules posted by someone few pages behind. if its true they're restricted get real dating in real life, i wish they ended wgm asap.  i want to say thanks but no thanks to WGM/MBC. i believe they have already falling in love in real to each other, this is my perspective as human with heart. i wish they could do real dating and relationship without imprisoned by WGM for only their show and ratings. i dont want them to become WGM pupets forever, but i want them in real love forever. 






-- internet connection is too laggy and sucks --






hmmm i understand your perspective... but seeing that their schedules are very different, it is possible that they could hardly even meet without the intervention of WGM (that is, to date under the presumption of 'work').. not to forget, they are now watched and tracked by tons and tons of fans/non-fans. meeting up definitely would become doubly difficult. while wgm does pose the reel/real problem, i guess in this aspect, it does give them the benefit to date openly without being attacked by the media. (heh just see shinee's jonghyun and his actress girlfriend for example).




sometimes i wonder if their friendship/couplehood/love would stay just as strong.. if they are to communicate purely over long distance means such as skype.. but i guess all these will ultimately be up to them. both yonghwa and seohyun are smart people. as the participants, i think they would know what's best for themselves. if they are interested in each other, nothing will stop them from maintaining/furthering their relationship. hehe as fans (or at least for me :) ), i think it would be cool to support them in whatever they do, and just have faith in them. ;)




kekeke yup that's all to my view. pardon me if my view has offended anyone :)


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Guest dangshin

good day Fellow Gogumas!

i just finished reading other post and like most of you guys think this couple is really special among the REST... why.. because they are so close to Reality.. and i'm hoping and praying they can come out Dating  and marry each other even after WGM.. I'll forever watch and read articles about them in the future.. :-)

i learned and started to watch Yongseo last year.. my elder sister introduce me to them.. kekeke.. i also watched the first season of WGM coz my Noona was so obsessed with joongbo couple just like what i am right now with the YONGSEO.. i already capture the Yongseo VIrus... they been like my vitamins who keep me Going and the reason im always smiling even after a long days of Work..

I'm just feeling a little sad right now coz my sister would be out of the country for 3 mos. and she's the one who patiently downloaded the yongseo vids for me, since i'm too busy with work..  :-(

still i'm grateful, coz i'm now part of the Goguma family, my sister told me to be a member so I can talk to you guy's while she's gone. and i can have links where i can monitor whats happening with Yongseo.. :-)

thank you guy's for being such a Lively,Lovely and Happy Fellows...

and thank you YONGSEO for taking all the stress away!

Pls.. marry for REAL .. kekeke

keep it up Guys!

and YONGSEO fighting! ♥♥♥

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































@soshi3 - sorry to cut your post short, I'm a late follower but I'm going to jump right in on your question below, as I came on this DAEBAK couple in a roundabout way.  This will be long (seriously long, so if you plan to skip this, I don't blame you), I'm pulling some of my earlier posts together and taking the trouble to think through and write up how I got to know uri Yongseo and why I'm obsessed, I mean why I love them. :sweatingbullets:  In fact, it's long enough that I thought it should go into a spoiler cos seriously, it's long..... I'm long-winded, shoot me........
































































































































































































First off, I am an Ajusshi (SNAG - see earlier post on page 1880) married to a wonderful lady with whom we have 2 handsome boys.  My colleagues/friends are amazed that I am hooked on this couple, in a BIG WAYBIG WAY.  Heck, I'm amazed myself, I can't explain why I stalk the internet whenever I have time for news on the 2, sigh......  I am proud of the fact though that I have since converted 4 of my colleagues to goguma-shippers already, and looking for more willing victims.  B)
































































































































































































I was neither a BOICE or SONE, though I watched You are Beautiful mid last year on our local cable and love that drama to death, my wife does too, she adores JGS & PSH pairing, and through the drama has declared her no.1 korean group/band is FT Island.  She "hints" that I should buy their CDs whenever they are released, and because I love her (and her cooking), I willingly comply. blush.gif   As I found out through YAB that YongHwa was part of CNBlue and they had an album or 2 out then, I asked wife if she would like to listen to them as well but she's a HongKi-shipper more than YongHwa (poor 2nd lead in YAB, just got pwned by JGS from wife's POV).   So wifey not keen = no CNBlue music for us then.
































































































































































































We've seen SNSD on KBS World (in Singapore that's what we get, along with TvN)  alongside other girl groups and the only thing we agreed on was that  they probably had the best legs amongst the girl groups, alongside After  School.  Their music was alright but I was personally more inclined  towards T-ARA's type of music.  I actually bought T-ARA's CD for their music.  Call me uncle-shipper..... :phew:
































































































































































































Watching KBS Guerilla Interview 1 day, it was the interview with Yonghwa at some photoshoot where he was posing with a model fairly intimately, the entertainment reporter asked if his wife (Seohyun) knew he was doing the shoot and if she minded it, where he answered that she didn't and it was for work so she would understand.  Said reporter than asked about his marriage and which SNSD SIL he was afraid of, to which he replied that he was not afraid of any and that he liked them all.  That was a funny interview and you should try to youtube it if you haven't seen it.  Curious, I thought to myself why would he marry young?  When I asked my KPop advisor, i.e. my receptionist-colleague (I kid you not, she knows so much about KPop its scary, she's my best friend now and tells me that I know certain things about KPop that even she doesn't - I blame Yongseo, really..... ), she told me that he was in a "pretend" marriage for a K-Variety show (WGM).  I was thinking, why on earth would anyone be on such a program, and dutifully went to "obtain" the first season of the variety program.
































































































































































































I thought Season 1 was quite funny, I shipped AlSin couple, Shin Ae's so awkwardly cute (sensing a trend here about me are you now?) and Alex was Mr Romantic - he basically "spoilt the market" for men with regards to how to treat women, and felt that AnSol and CrownJ+InYoung were interesting.  I seriously thought AnSol were going to date but saw them on Strong Heart where they kind of ignored each other so I figured something's not quite right there.   And then Shin Ae goes ahead and gets married 1-2 months after she leaves the program..... so much for true love through a TV program....    The one guy that I wanted to slap was HyungDon for being himself (?? if that was really him, oh boy) with Saori, then they got divorced and I thought okay, that went well..... then they paired him up with Taeyeon from SNSD and I went OMG they're that desperate for ratings?  Poor TAEYEON, no one deserves DonDon..... :tears:, not that I knew her then, just that she was the leader of SNSD.
































































































































































































While watching Episode 25 or 26 (I forgot, it becomes a blur when you marathon the first season) of Season 1, I felt that I needed a break from the "Original Couples" and dutifully "obtained" the first 10+ episodes of Yongseo late last year, curiosity over why Yonghwa was married + I did like his Shinwoo Hyung character in YAB being the main draw...  seriously, I didn't know JoKwon or GaIn, nor Khuntoria then.  I may have thought about "obtaining" Uee's episodes just cos she was in YAB as well, but I didn't... should I now??
































































































































































































I say it again, they had me at Episode 1..... seeing Tiffany & Taeyeon's conversation with Maknae Seohyun in the opening minutes of Episode 1 had me all curious... who was this girl that is going into the marriage with Yonghwa?  Watching their awkwardness unfold over Episode 1 had me going "wow, Yong is nothing like Shinwoo, he's actually pretty cool".  Yong gave me the impression that he would try to engage Hyun at her level despite them both being in a variety program where they were supposed to be a married couple.  But like many of you, I was wondering how in the world he was going to do that when she hadn't the slightest clue what being a couple was about, I mean for crying out loud, she asked him about the difference between liking vs. loving, and I cracked up there....
































































































































































































He proved to me that any girl who gets him would have an understanding partner who would love her, be there for her, meet her needs and compose beautiful music to her.... (okay, all that came later as I/we watched their episodes unfold) because what impressed the heck out of me was his suggestion for them to be a "would-be married couple" first, i.e. date.  I went OMG that's a fantastic idea, who would have thought that in a variety program where the couple was supposed to be married from Day1?  Never saw it in any of the Season 1 couples nor dare I say any of the other Season 2 couples... (I could be wrong since I only watch Yongseo on Season 2 :P). 
































































































































































































Their decision/pact(?) to wear their (2000won) couple rings on Music Bank and thereafter (yes yes, I became a precious-gollum like some of you too) gave me more goosebumps as I don't recall ANY of the OTHER couples being that devoted to wearing couple rings outside of WGM filming.
































































































































































































Yong doing book reports cos he wanted to show Hyun that he read the books she recommended (and to please her??), her reading a book on love at his request.  Him patiently teaching her how to play the guitar.  Her teaching him ALL of her dance moves (poor Yong, LOLOLOL) despite his (feeble) resistance.   As they shared their interactions with us, what came to my mind was how "pure" their relationship was.  Because as pointed out by earlier posters, theirs doesn't seem like a "fake" marriage like the other WGM couples, we seemed to be seeing something different, the way they interacted, conversed, played off each others' strengths and challenged each other, be it reading a book, playing the guitar, playing pool, cooking, etc.   Frankly speaking, I was embarrassed at how obsessed I was but at the same time had a morbid curiosity to find out where they were going with this.
































































































































































































Throughout it all, I have to tip my hat off to Yong for doing his best to peel Hyun like an onion, to open her up from the straight-laced boy-fearing Maknae that we know (yeah yeah, I did some "research" and brought myself up to speed on Hyun and her unnies, specifically Hyun... and I ordered the SNSD Phuket photo-book too, its on its way from Korea, wifey wasn't too pleased when I told her.... :sweatingbullets:) into the confident Hyun that gives back as good as her choding "hubby-Yong" now.  WHAT A CHANGE (again pointed out by many posters here).
































































































































































































It dawned on me that what I was seeing appeared to be a kind of "courtship" and boy was Hyun responding.  
































































































































































































Then my fav episode (for now, though I bet the wedding epi will replace this, haha), the double birthday...... again Yong.... sweet potato farm as a present????  plus the couple necklace for Hyun + HER MOM????  OMG!   Boy, are you out to win her heart completely?   Cos I think that kind of clinched it.    Hyun saying "my unnies said I should/would marry a goguma farmer"........ bliss.
































































































































































































And just when you think it couldn't get any better, Hyun??? Your first event for a guy????  Singing a love song, his love song, to him??  Do you even know what you are doing???  And your gift, handmade book at the expense of sleep + customized couple rings based on your original 2000won pair???  OMGx2!!
































































































































































































And when you think it can't get any better than the exchange of rings, Love Light/Sarangbit confession????!!!  OMGx3!!!
































































































































































































And then they leave the pond linking arms + holding hands???!!!!!    After 27 episodes???!!!!   About bloody time, booyah!!!!   We all hit the jackpot there......   OMGx4!!!!
































































































































































































Even Yong's botched attempt at mildang appeared to me an accidental positive as it caused them to re-evaluate the depth of their  "relationship" + feelings for each other??  Again pointed out by other  posters, and I feel the same.  They came out all the stronger, and we  watched Hyun understand that such pain could come in a relationship and  watched how she masterfully handled it, woweeee, someone remind Yong  never to get her mad at him please....  I still want to hear his  beautiful music. 
































































































































































































And when you think what could top that, the following episodes proceed to spazz us again and again, its a wonder we haven't lost any goguma-villagers to the heart-attack-inducing spazzes.  
































































































































































































a.  Couple-duet at Incheon Music Festival.... 
































































































































































































b.  Uniform date (OMG Hyun's eyeships were the killer in this) + exchange of 200day gifts + Hyun's forgiving Yong for the mildang...... 
































































































































































































c.  Japan trip + Hyun's arm-grab + the deep serious conversation they had....... 
































































































































































































d.  Prawn dinner + Banmal song reveal, for crying out loud, he wrote a song for her, it was written for her, it wasn't a couple song that they wrote together like other WGM couples, he wrote the song FOR HER......  how romantic is that??  Totally romantic to a SNAG like me.......  
































































































































































































e.  Busan meeting of MIL + Yong's closest friends, and again I don't recall any WGM couples meeting non-celebrity friends, most of the friends they meet up are celebrities, what was the message Yong was sending to Hyun???  What was the message Yong's friends were sending them (and us???)....... 
































































































































































































f.   Health-check + Massage.....  
































































































































































































g.  Snowboarding + Makeup session...........
































































































































































































As we watched their relationship grow, I have no doubts that they have moved beyond the program, all that's been said by other posters as well.  The question we all have to which the answer only they and their SNSD & CNBlue families know is where are they now in their relationship, best buddies (I think not) or the beginnings of a hopefully long relationship between 2 unique, talented and beautiful people who started off all awkward but ended up growing more beautiful, mature and finding different facets to themselves as their relationship has evolved.  Seriously, our Maknae being best friends with a guy???  Really??? Chincha??? I don't think so, it's got to be more than friendship we're looking at here.   Even other male celebrities don't touch Hyun, and she's all over Yong???  Yeah right, if you think they're best friends, then Singapore has a mountain the size of Mount Everest, come visit me and I'll show you.
































































































































































































What has this couple done to me??  Let me count the ways:
































































































































































































1. Well, I have obsessed their every move alongside all of you on soompi and various other sites.
































































































































































































2. I have converted to a Goguma, BOICE and SONE now..... (my wife disagrees that CNBlue is the best K-band/group, she still stands by her HongKi/FT Island of course - but because we love each other and I buy her FT Island CDs alongside the SNSD photobook, I still get to eat her fabulous cooking and sleep in my bed :D)
































































































































































































3. Spent $ (lots..... they're imported into Singapore and not cough*cheap*cough) on SNSD + CNBlue CDs now, CNBlue rocks, seriously... for those of you who have not heard their music or bought their CDs, please do yourselves a favour and get a copy now, seriously good. 
































































































































































































4.  Gave up on K-dramas just cos I'm stalking the internet for news on them, geez I'm obsessed.....
































































































































































































5.  T-ARA who???......
































































































































































































Well, its been a long write-up, haven't written as much in one sitting since my thesis 11 years ago...... I would like to close by urging those of you lurkers who stuck with my essay to come out and share your journey with Yongseo with the rest of us, I love to read your views and feelings, like I said, I'm obsessed....
































































































































































































Also to all of my Go-Chun chingus, like many of the wiser posters here, don't fret for the end, enjoy the journey with us, look forward to this Sat's DAEBAK episode, collect all the videos, pictures, clips, whatever tickles your fancy about uri FAB couple now so you can reminiscence with the rest of us when their stint in WGM ends.  If you know Yong & Hyun by now, that's what they would want for us, not to be sad, but to take heart in their journey together in WGM and to wish them well in their journey after WGM.
































































































































































































Bring on Sat's wedding episode, I can't wait to spazz along with the rest of you.
































































































































































































Wait, are you still reading this??  Go write your own story now, I'll be waiting to read it.  Cheers and thanks for sticking by this loooooooooooooooooooooooong (winded) post of mine. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG winbros hyung!!!!
































































































































































































Nice post out there :D
































































































































































































It made decide to share a bit about my experiences with YongSeo couple as well. Forgive my gibberish english in next post phew.gif
































































































































































































At the first time i didn't know anything about either CNBLUE or SNSD. It's began when my sister-in-law wanted to introduce SNSD to me. At that time i ignored her but then i felt that SNSD started to boom in Indonesia, so i started to do some research about them. Frankly i got hooked into SeoHyun when i saw her photos in bigbang hairstyle. From that moment i tried to find more news about SeoHyun and SNSD until i found that SeoHyun casted on WGM. I didn't know what WGM was that time, so went to YT and started to watch some vids about season 1. Interested about unique concept of WGM i decided to follow this variety show.
































































































































































































1st episode was awkward but i sensed something between them that made me more interested about their relationship, i kept tell myself that i should follow them which led me to found this thread. In this thread i met you guys, amazing people with big heart and positive ones. Sharing every moments even it's only a subtle moment, we've been extremely patience about YongSeo and later it showed fruition of patience. Our long slogan 'Patience is Virtue' really fits our couple.
































































































































































































What have YongSeo done to me in my life?
































































































































































































- made me love KPop more than ever, i never really got hooked about Kpop music, was only listening onto JPop.
































































































































































































- turned me into SONE and BOICE
































































































































































































- reminds me about my youth
































































































































































































- gave my rolemodels for my daughter
































































































































































































- thanking God more than ever that He created this two beautiful humans
































































































































































































- found my other families at this thread, it's all of you guys wub.gif
































































































































































































Favorites scenes of YongSeo?
































































































































































































- All of them, it's a journey. You can't only love the later moments nor something in the middle but you've gotta love the beginning until the end smile.gif
































































































































































































Hugs and waves to all of you guys whether you are oldest people or newest people wub.gif

































































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Guest jitluvyongseo




































In the following I want to share you my opinion about 'the kiss' which has been mentioned in quite a lot of posts since the preview has revealed.
































I personally don’t want them to kiss at the wedding photo-shooting and I guess I probably am the only one here(?!) Well, why do I think it is not the right moment/occasion? Because it would be SeoHyun's very first kiss, right?! Since the first kiss (actually everything that is supposed to experience in love relationships for the first time) is something very meaningful for everyone, so I think it should be done under the influence of true feelings and not because of a special event on a national program. Of course I want them to go out with each other in real life and absolutely would like to see YongHwa gives SeoHyun a sincerely kiss on her forehead or cheek. Hm, but I think on the lips would be too much for us Gogumas to deal with and YongSeo probably know that. So they just protect us by not doing it to avoid heart attacks xD haha just kidding. 
































So if both of them truely feel something special for each other then I would like it better if they do everything that is precious off-screen and privately on real dates. Although we Gogumas couldn’t stream those moments and make million screencaps or spazz about them for months even for years, but it would be enough for me if those things will really be happened one day.































































































sorry to cut your post....































































U not the only one think about they shouldn't kiss. I also think the same as u. Because it's seohyun first kiss. How can first kiss just for camera... 
































Seohyun even said at LATE NIGHT program when SNSD member want her to drink alcohol for punishment of lost game, she really upset. She want to drink with member for the first time because of happiness not because of punishment. That's why i think seohyun want everything for the first time do it for happiness and sincerely....
































Anyway....If yonghwa really meaning to seohyun that time. And seohyun know that yonghwa was her first love....I think that doesn't matter if they kiss. And i really hope they will dating at last...really wanna see them together for real. they are match really well.
































sorry for my bad english...





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Sorry in advance if this post of mine could kill off anyone's hopes. Not that I don't want them to kiss in the wedding photoshoot (just forehead or cheek is good enough for me already). But I just have a feeling that a kiss may be too much for them to do on-screen.














Considering the stages of relationships they are in right now (though I have never been in one) no matter how sweet, how good-looking when they are together and also their status as idols, I just can't see them doing such intimate skinship. So for my expectations from this photoshoot, a hug/backhug along with some sweet eyeships will do, really.














I have listened to SNSD's songs since Gee era and followed their activities intensely just before YongSeo in WGM, especially Taeyeon as I really love her voice, solo songs and her dorky characters. I happened to see Taeyeon in one WGM episode but for me there was no whatsover attraction to Hyungdong and Taeyeon couple at all after some attempts to watch a few episodes. (How on earth they considered her gag idol to be a good match for Taeyeon? That was so unfortunate for her, really.) So apart from that and some random clips of her doing hilarious expressions on YouTube, that was all I did at that time.














So when the news that another SNSD girl, Seohyun, was going to join WGM and was paired with CNBLUE's Jung Yonghwa came out, I was curious how it will turn out this time around and they had me at first episode just like winbros when Hyun didn't know what to do, asking her unnies everything and Yong was really excited before meeting his bride. And also the epic scene that she picked Yong as her husband despite being tricked by the boys. So the rest is history like you guys here.



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Guest winbros
















I'm back, and I should really be working rather than posting but I figured I couldn't wait 9 hours to reply some of the wonderful posts that have occurred since my last.








First off, thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them, its hard being an Ajusshi-shipper amongst my cough*youngercolleagues*cough fellow K-shippers.  @ BluMistLaydee, arwenarya, myblue, reiran18, K1L1On1Mr4 (edited) and the rest, I'm glad you had a good read, I enjoyed writing it, my T-ARA CDs are up for grabs if anyone wants them, seriously, self-collect in Singapore, you pay for postage if you're in another country.... LOL.:lol:








@tecle - I wrote based on how I feel, and I would encourage you to do the same if you want to, it is heartwarming to read how uri Yongseo couple has affected each one of us, I read everything, it took me ages to catch up on the 1000+ pages when I found the thread, hence the reason why I only recently started posting.  So please write what you feel the way you want to, if you want to.  I'll give you a + for it (and my T-ARA CDs if you like them :lol: )








Alongside MrsAthenaG, I'd encourage those of you who have do not have/listen to CNBlue's music or seen their performances, to buy/download (paid of course) an album (I have voice, Bluetory and Blue Love - and I just missed out on Re-Maintenance, a lucky BOICE took the last CD in front of me, I'd grab it from her but I didn't want to have to explain to my wife why I was fighting with a teenage girl over a CD in a major music store.....), they are seriously good.......  And MrsAthenaG, I pm-ed you, appreciate your link for the Blue boys' live performances please.  Kamsahamida








@fabiistar07 - thanks, my post is nothing compared to the pictures that you put up, they're great to get me through till Sat.....  I love your recent FMV as well, I'm too lazy to do screencaps + videos (and again I don't want to have to explain to my wife what I was doing... haha), so I survive on what you and the other fabulous posters put up.








@kasia3goguma - your pictures are awesome as well, please keep feeding us pictures, appreciate your efforts.








@M3 , ladylia257 and all the posters who put up fan fics - I read most of them, so a round of applause to your creativeness, and keep those fics coming, in your own time and pace of course.  Studies, work and family should come first of course.....








@th. , kun_cheero , jitluvyongseo (edited) - I agree with all of (edited) you on the first kiss for Hyun (on the lips), it should be reserved for her special someone, and not televised on national TV based on a script or compelled.  But I'm not worried there, after all, Hyun turned down a kiss scene for the Trax video(?) and she'd likely do the same for any program I imagine, given her "upright" character.  Given Yongseo's recent dynamics though, who's to say they haven't shared their first kiss yet, can anyone say SBS Inkigayo secret room?  hahahaha :wub:








@coolcoke (dang I'm running out of colours) - thank you for the kind words, my marriage with my wife is all give and take, she puts up with my nonsense (cough*SNSDPhuketPhotobook*cough) and I indulge her whims and fancies (FT Island CDs yes, make-up on my face.... nooooooooooooo).  You can have your hubby-to-be pm me if you want, I'll coach him, LOL.  On your comment about Hyun saying "I don't do makeup for anyone", I found that fascinating as well, it seems a personal thing and significant enough for her to mention it on national TV to Yong, my mind flies off wondering if there were hidden meanings behind it.  I told my wife and all she said was "so you want me to do make-up on your face?", I beat a hasty retreat of course.... No upstanding man would allow make-up on his face, not unless you're a KPop idol or uri Yong indulging in Buin's wish.....








@kaydee_ , mach8infinity & cursedblue - would like to provide my views collectively on your posts.  kaydee_ - "how do you fall in love while the whole world is watching?", on WGM that's how.  Like mach8infinity's reply to cursedblue says, WGM gave uri Yongseo an opportunity to hangout and do stuff together, to discover each other's unique strengths and values, to be friends, to be more than friends.   It took them till episode 27 to link arms/hold hands, that was in the July shoot after their birthdays?  They started in Feb, so that's 5 months of "dating" before they were comfortable to hold hands...... haha, my overactive imagination.  And the duet performance on their 200th day after the mildang period gave them an opportunity to sort out the mildang as Hyun couldn't avoid Yong since they had to do the show, so Yong apologized the best he could, uniform date, 200 day button, handmade Japan guide which gave Hyun an opportunity to forgive him.  Japan trip.... stuff of legends, they could relax and have a serious conversation.  All the rest just fell into place I guess.   That's how you fall in love while the whole world is watching.....  ^_^   Yeah yeah, I'm guilty of over-analyzing, sue me. 








Edit:  can't believe I left this out, but its important, TRUST in uri YONGSEO to do what's best for them and their careers, if its meant to be, they'll make it happen, their strength of character already shows us what they are capable of.  I remember Hyun in a variety program roleplaying with the MCs acting as her parents who object to her BF, her answer was really astounding, and showed me the steel in her character.  So let's TRUST YONGSEO to do what's best for them.  We can only spazz.....








I think I wrote too much again, oh well.....  just one more thing about my obsession, I mean passion for uri Yongseo, my elder son was singing the chorus of Run Devil Run this morning while getting ready to go to school "You better run, run, run, run, run.... you better run, run, run, run, run......", totally random, my wife and I could only laugh helplessly, have we tainted our son now??








Have a nice day all, talk to you later.





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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































kyahhhhhh~~~~ the moment we all have been waiting for is almost here!!!! :wub:
































































What are your predictions for the wedding photoshoot?
































































I wish they do something like making a story book like the one Hyun made in the bday episode, to tell their story starting with the very first moment that they met until the day when fate seals their destiny as husband and wife!!!!
































































I wish they would use these moments for the shoot (in pink)
































































































































*Show off rings
































































Buy books
































































*Arm wrestling (since that's what our gogumas tend to like very much lolz
































































Buy guitar
































































*Meet cn blue in laws
































































Go on train trip/watch sun rise
































































*Meet snsd in laws
































































*Hyun (or Yong) plays guitar “What’s Up”
































































































































































































































































*Piggy back (Yong or Hyun)
































































Making Kimchi
































































Meet Ueno Juri
































































WGM haunted house challenge
































































Planting goguma
































































*Hyun sings Love Light
































































First hand holding!!!!!!
































































*Playing mildang (this really contributed alot)
































































*Singing on the same stage on 200 day!!!
































































*Searching and running to each other in Japan! Hehe
































































Harvesting gogumas/Winter’s Hit “Holding hands in jacket’s pocket”
































































*Yong dance Hoot / making of Bammal Song
































































*Play Bammal Song together
































































Meet MIL in Busan
































































*Running in the beach under the seagull army
































































Meeting Yong’s friends
































































*Yong making breakfast for Hyun
































































Going to hospital and massage
































































Ski resort
































































Yong Unni version :D
































































































































Wedding Photoshoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









































































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this will be the first time ever i'm writtin on a thread so here goes
















it's been fun watching her change n be comfortable enough to show different sides of herself to him.(i dont think she's fully conscience of this .. she's just doing it natuarally just my pov)  ie hiding in the boot, getting mad at him  for not telling her about going abroad, i dont think he expected this at all ..... and then asif they were a real couple making a snack for him and going off to school so that he would rest after work while she got some of her stuff taken care of at the same time, which he didn't end up doing …..








































so far i have enjoyed each n every episode some more than others and it doesn't matter that i've seen each over and over again.by now i already know that even while i'm watching d raw episode i'm already impatient for the next one to come along let alone the subbed episode. my obsession is scaring even me. i'll literally have my eye on the clock no matter where i am,  even when i'm at my INLAWS . i'll make some dumb excuse n go find a peaceful space n start watching d episode. n only after replaying it for couple  times will i resurface (which is a good 1hr+).which takes a lot of effort... then go back watch it once more .... so the cycle goes on








































my hubby loves this couple coz he can use them to get me back to a happy mood even when i'm furious at him or in so much pain that breathing is impossible they are my happy pills
















but on the other hand my family is fed up of them coz this couple has taken over such a major part of my heart n mind that it really bugs them but they understood when i forced them to watch the latest preview ….. my mum thinks they r  really involve with1 another which is like ……… yay …..
















the way i talk bout them every1 already believed them to be a real couple n when i say its a fake marriage for a show they get really mad at me …no idea y?









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Guest seohyungeneration
































































































In the following I want to share you my opinion about 'the kiss' which has been mentioned in quite a lot of posts since the preview has revealed.
































































I personally don’t want them to kiss at the wedding photo-shooting and I guess I probably am the only one here(?!) Well, why do I think it is not the right moment/occasion? Because it would be SeoHyun's very first kiss, right?! Since the first kiss (actually everything that is supposed to experience in love relationships for the first time) is something very meaningful for everyone, so I think it should be done under the influence of true feelings and not because of a special event on a national program. Of course I want them to go out with each other in real life and absolutely would like to see YongHwa gives SeoHyun a sincerely kiss on her forehead or cheek. Hm, but I think on the lips would be too much for us Gogumas to deal with and YongSeo probably know that. So they just protect us by not doing it to avoid heart attacks xD haha just kidding. 
































































So if both of them truely feel something special for each other then I would like it better if they do everything that is precious off-screen and privately on real dates. Although we Gogumas couldn’t stream those moments and make million screencaps or spazz about them for months even for years, but it would be enough for me if those things will really be happened one day.















































































































I agree with you. Let's leave just this precious first kiss to seohyun and whoever will be her fist boyfriend outside work which includes wgm. If we really care about this precious girl just leave this one to her. 

































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Guest DJHinata


this part was one of my favorite of the last episode, He was like a father here, She was complaining about it, You know when you tell your mom or your father that something or someone it's bad to you? she was exactly that way here, so cute.















Super cute boyfriend/father/spartan instructor Evaaa~ 



YongSeo Fightiing ! I can't wait for saturday, it's my birthday that day >,< !! Don't forget *3* The best present ever! YongSeo Wedding Photoshoot ♥ 




Edit: GogumaForever lol Yong kiss mode ON!! ♥ I love it !!!



And here something that you maybe can remembeeer~ 








Can you watch more here !! HJStory



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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i realise i have to come out of my lurking mode!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































have been watching the latest episode for many times BUT the preview for god knows how many times.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i missed the live streaming last week and when i got back to watch the episode, i was literally screaming and smiling to myself the whole time til my mum thought i was crazy! haha:) but i dun care!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i bet all goguma villagers are waiting impatiently for this saturday's episode. the long awaited day has finally arrived!! (Y)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































shall wait for MC Kim's tweet tomorrow and 4 more days to saturday!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it seems like a long wait again yeah?!?!?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































hello fellow gogumas,































































































































wow, our thread is jumping again, unlike the slow-last week.laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif  love everyones' post, had fun reading all of them, i mean all of it.... 
































































@winbros, your post wins and change the heart of all the lurker, you made them including me comes out  to post because of your wonderful story.  































































































































First off, I am an Ajusshi (SNAG - see earlier post on page 1880) married to a wonderful lady with whom we have 2 handsome boys.  My colleagues/friends are amazed that I am hooked on this couple, in a BIG WAY.  BIG WAY.  Heck, I'm amazed myself, I can't explain why I stalk the internet whenever I have time for news on the 2, sigh......  I am proud of the fact though that I have since converted 4 of my colleagues to goguma-shippers already, and looking for more willing victims.  B)
































































I was neither a BOICE or SONE, though I watched You are Beautiful mid last year on our local cable and love that drama to death, my wife does too, she adores JGS & PSH pairing, and through the drama has declared her no.1 korean group/band is FT Island.  She "hints" that I should buy their CDs whenever they are released, and because I love her (and her cooking), I willingly comply. blush.gif   As I found out through YAB that YongHwa was part of CNBlue and they had an album or 2 out then, I asked wife if she would like to listen to them as well but she's a HongKi-shipper more than YongHwa (poor 2nd lead in YAB, just got pwned by JGS from wife's POV).   So wifey not keen = no CNBlue music for us then.
































































We've seen SNSD on KBS World (in Singapore that's what we get, along with TvN)  alongside other girl groups and the only thing we agreed on was that  they probably had the best legs amongst the girl groups, alongside After  School.  Their music was alright but I was personally more inclined  towards T-ARA's type of music.  I actually bought T-ARA's CD for their music.  Call me uncle-shipper..... :phew:
































































Watching KBS Guerilla Interview 1 day, it was the interview with Yonghwa at some photoshoot where he was posing with a model fairly intimately, the entertainment reporter asked if his wife (Seohyun) knew he was doing the shoot and if she minded it, where he answered that she didn't and it was for work so she would understand.  Said reporter than asked about his marriage and which SNSD SIL he was afraid of, to which he replied that he was not afraid of any and that he liked them all.  That was a funny interview and you should try to youtube it if you haven't seen it.  Curious, I thought to myself why would he marry young?  When I asked my KPop advisor, i.e. my receptionist-colleague (I kid you not, she knows so much about KPop its scary, she's my best friend now and tells me that I know certain things about KPop that even she doesn't - I blame Yongseo, really..... ), she told me that he was in a "pretend" marriage for a K-Variety show (WGM).  I was thinking, why on earth would anyone be on such a program, and dutifully went to "obtain" the first season of the variety program.
































































I thought Season 1 was quite funny, I shipped AlSin couple, Shin Ae's so awkwardly cute (sensing a trend here about me are you now?) and Alex was Mr Romantic - he basically "spoilt the market" for men with regards to how to treat women, and felt that AnSol and CrownJ+InYoung were interesting.  I seriously thought AnSol were going to date but saw them on Strong Heart where they kind of ignored each other so I figured something's not quite right there.   And then Shin Ae goes ahead and gets married 1-2 months after she leaves the program..... so much for true love through a TV program....    The one guy that I wanted to slap was HyungDon for being himself (?? if that was really him, oh boy) with Saori, then they got divorced and I thought okay, that went well..... then they paired him up with Taeyeon from SNSD and I went OMG they're that desperate for ratings?  Poor TAEYEON, no one deserves DonDon..... :tears:, not that I knew her then, just that she was the leader of SNSD.
































































While watching Episode 25 or 26 (I forgot, it becomes a blur when you marathon the first season) of Season 1, I felt that I needed a break from the "Original Couples" and dutifully "obtained" the first 10+ episodes of Yongseo late last year, curiosity over why Yonghwa was married + I did like his Shinwoo Hyung character in YAB being the main draw...  seriously, I didn't know JoKwon or GaIn, nor Khuntoria then.  I may have thought about "obtaining" Uee's episodes just cos she was in YAB as well, but I didn't... should I now??
































































I say it again, they had me at Episode 1..... seeing Tiffany & Taeyeon's conversation with Maknae Seohyun in the opening minutes of Episode 1 had me all curious... who was this girl that is going into the marriage with Yonghwa?  Watching their awkwardness unfold over Episode 1 had me going "wow, Yong is nothing like Shinwoo, he's actually pretty cool".  Yong gave me the impression that he would try to engage Hyun at her level despite them both being in a variety program where they were supposed to be a married couple.  But like many of you, I was wondering how in the world he was going to do that when she hadn't the slightest clue what being a couple was about, I mean for crying out loud, she asked him about the difference between liking vs. loving, and I cracked up there....
































































He proved to me that any girl who gets him would have an understanding partner who would love her, be there for her, meet her needs and compose beautiful music to her.... (okay, all that came later as I/we watched their episodes unfold) because what impressed the heck out of me was his suggestion for them to be a "would-be married couple" first, i.e. date.  I went OMG that's a fantastic idea, who would have thought that in a variety program where the couple was supposed to be married from Day1?  Never saw it in any of the Season 1 couples nor dare I say any of the other Season 2 couples... (I could be wrong since I only watch Yongseo on Season 2 :P).  
































































Their decision/pact(?) to wear their (2000won) couple rings on Music Bank and thereafter (yes yes, I became a precious-gollum like some of you too) gave me more goosebumps as I don't recall ANY of the OTHER couples being that devoted to wearing couple rings outside of WGM filming.
































































Yong doing book reports cos he wanted to show Hyun that he read the books she recommended (and to please her??), her reading a book on love at his request.  Him patiently teaching her how to play the guitar.  Her teaching him ALL of her dance moves (poor Yong, LOLOLOL) despite his (feeble) resistance.   As they shared their interactions with us, what came to my mind was how "pure" their relationship was.  Because as pointed out by earlier posters, theirs doesn't seem like a "fake" marriage like the other WGM couples, we seemed to be seeing something different, the way they interacted, conversed, played off each others' strengths and challenged each other, be it reading a book, playing the guitar, playing pool, cooking, etc.   Frankly speaking, I was embarrassed at how obsessed I was but at the same time had a morbid curiosity to find out where they were going with this.
































































Throughout it all, I have to tip my hat off to Yong for doing his best to peel Hyun like an onion, to open her up from the straight-laced boy-fearing Maknae that we know (yeah yeah, I did some "research" and brought myself up to speed on Hyun and her unnies, specifically Hyun... and I ordered the SNSD Phuket photo-book too, its on its way from Korea, wifey wasn't too pleased when I told her.... :sweatingbullets:) into the confident Hyun that gives back as good as her choding "hubby-Yong" now.  WHAT A CHANGE (again pointed out by many posters here).
































































It dawned on me that what I was seeing appeared to be a kind of "courtship" and boy was Hyun responding.   
































































Then my fav episode (for now, though I bet the wedding epi will replace this, haha), the double birthday...... again Yong.... sweet potato farm as a present????  plus the couple necklace for Hyun + HER MOM????  OMG!   Boy, are you out to win her heart completely?   Cos I think that kind of clinched it.    Hyun saying "my unnies said I should/would marry a goguma farmer"........ bliss.
































































And just when you think it couldn't get any better, Hyun??? Your first event for a guy????  Singing a love song, his love song, to him??  Do you even know what you are doing???  And your gift, handmade book at the expense of sleep + customized couple rings based on your original 2000won pair???  OMGx2!!
































































And when you think it can't get any better than the exchange of rings, Love Light/Sarangbit confession????!!!  OMGx3!!!
































































And then they leave the pond linking arms + holding hands???!!!!!    After 27 episodes???!!!!   About bloody time, booyah!!!!   We all hit the jackpot there......   OMGx4!!!!
































































Even Yong's botched attempt at mildang appeared to me an accidental positive as it caused them to re-evaluate the depth of their  "relationship" + feelings for each other??  Again pointed out by other  posters, and I feel the same.  They came out all the stronger, and we  watched Hyun understand that such pain could come in a relationship and  watched how she masterfully handled it, woweeee, someone remind Yong  never to get her mad at him please....  I still want to hear his  beautiful music.  
































































And when you think what could top that, the following episodes proceed to spazz us again and again, its a wonder we haven't lost any goguma-villagers to the heart-attack-inducing spazzes.   
































































a.  Couple-duet at Incheon Music Festival....  
































































b.  Uniform date (OMG Hyun's eyeships were the killer in this) + exchange of 200day gifts + Hyun's forgiving Yong for the mildang......  
































































c.  Japan trip + Hyun's arm-grab + the deep serious conversation they had.......  
































































d.  Prawn dinner + Banmal song reveal, for crying out loud, he wrote a song for her, it was written for her, it wasn't a couple song that they wrote together like other WGM couples, he wrote the song FOR HER......  how romantic is that??  Totally romantic to a SNAG like me.......   
































































e.  Busan meeting of MIL + Yong's closest friends, and again I don't recall any WGM couples meeting non-celebrity friends, most of the friends they meet up are celebrities, what was the message Yong was sending to Hyun???  What was the message Yong's friends were sending them (and us???).......  
































































f.   Health-check + Massage.....   
































































g.  Snowboarding + Makeup session...........
































































As we watched their relationship grow, I have no doubts that they have moved beyond the program, all that's been said by other posters as well.  The question we all have to which the answer only they and their SNSD & CNBlue families know is where are they now in their relationship, best buddies (I think not) or the beginnings of a hopefully long relationship between 2 unique, talented and beautiful people who started off all awkward but ended up growing more beautiful, mature and finding different facets to themselves as their relationship has evolved.  Seriously, our Maknae being best friends with a guy???  Really??? Chincha??? I don't think so, it's got to be more than friendship we're looking at here.   Even other male celebrities don't touch Hyun, and she's all over Yong???  Yeah right, if you think they're best friends, then Singapore has a mountain the size of Mount Everest, come visit me and I'll show you.
































































What has this couple done to me??  Let me count the ways:
































































1. Well, I have obsessed their every move alongside all of you on soompi and various other sites.
































































2. I have converted to a Goguma, BOICE and SONE now..... (my wife disagrees that CNBlue is the best K-band/group, she still stands by her HongKi/FT Island of course - but because we love each other and I buy her FT Island CDs alongside the SNSD photobook, I still get to eat her fabulous cooking and sleep in my bed :D)
































































3. Spent $ (lots..... they're imported into Singapore and not cough*cheap*cough) on SNSD + CNBlue CDs now, CNBlue rocks, seriously... for those of you who have not heard their music or bought their CDs, please do yourselves a favour and get a copy now, seriously good.  
































































4.  Gave up on K-dramas just cos I'm stalking the internet for news on them, geez I'm obsessed.....
































































5.  T-ARA who???......
































































Well, its been a long write-up, haven't written as much in one sitting since my thesis 11 years ago...... I would like to close by urging those of you lurkers who stuck with my essay to come out and share your journey with Yongseo with the rest of us, I love to read your views and feelings, like I said, I'm obsessed.... 
































































Also to all of my Go-Chun chingus, like many of the wiser posters here, don't fret for the end, enjoy the journey with us, look forward to this Sat's DAEBAK episode, collect all the videos, pictures, clips, whatever tickles your fancy about uri FAB couple now so you can reminiscence with the rest of us when their stint in WGM ends.  If you know Yong & Hyun by now, that's what they would want for us, not to be sad, but to take heart in their journey together in WGM and to wish them well in their journey after WGM.
































































Bring on Sat's wedding episode, I can't wait to spazz along with the rest of you.
































































Wait, are you still reading this??  Go write your own story now, I'll be waiting to read it.  Cheers and thanks for sticking by this loooooooooooooooooooooooong (winded) post of mine.  































































































































will make mine later.  but to sum up all our post. we are all obsessed or passionate with this two wonderful people. whether you deny it or not, they've change us and inspire us in many different ways or another.































































































































anyway, let me post my favorite scene on the recent episode:































































































































  this is the best part that i love, its just pure sweetness and love.... their stare and their touch made it so lovely.... they had a long journey to become this close... i'm so envious  but so happy for them... 






























































































































































































































































































































































the naughty yong strikes again... its so cute and funny. i cant help it.... love his pouting lips... the way he stares hyun with his lips pouted like that.... his teasing her..... yong is literally sending signal to hyun??? kiss her for goodness sakephew.gifphew.gifphew.gif































































































































































































































































credit to yan of chinese baidu....































































































































i cant express how much they made my saturday so different from what it was before.... and i dont want to change it or to come back  after knowing yongseo,kekeke... i love them as they are my first obsession in kpop world.






























































































































































































































wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif as all gogumas cant wait for this one. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif






























































































































































































































































from chinese baidu






























































































































































































im a certified YONGSEO enthusiast.cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

































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@winbros your post is DAEBAK! although it's not a must do or must read but i do feel like sharing my experience of being a goguma if i qualify to be one. then again, are there any rules or what not to say whether you are or not? best part of being part of this virtual family is you are always welcome anytime.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































last year was a pretty bad year for me. in fact, i kinda sunk into depression at one point. i started watching lotsa dramas to passed time including K-drama. Got so into Kim Hyun Joong in Playful Kiss that my bestie suggested i watch WGM season 1. i love KHJ 4dness but as they have ended, i wanted more. so i searched and shallow me came across Khuntoria, so i started to watch those two first. honestly, Yong did not catch my eye. after finishing KT's episodes, i wanted more so i watched YongSeo. i did not have much impression of the both of them. am used to awkwardness cos i think KHJ and HwangBo was more awkward to me. but as they progressed on, i fell into their story. the way they seem to fit with each other eventhough it might still seem awkward.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































during the 2nd episode when Yong and the boys sang the song, i took an immediate liking to the song. made it my mission to find out more about CN Blue and i fell in love with them as well. i won't say i am boice (since there seem to be t&c attached to it) so i would say i am a huge fan of the boys instead. heard of SNSD cos a friend of mine is crazy over Taeyeon. honestly, i can't differentiate who is who from SNSD at that time. now i can though. not exactly a SONE either but definitely a fan of the Hyun and the girls.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as a person who tends to be overly passionate at times about the things that garner my interest, i went on a K-world spree. started watching subbed episodes of variety shows and more dramas with or without our couple. i would recommend for you to watch some as well. seriously hilarious and my dog would give me a puzzled look as i find myself LOL often.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































irrelevant details aside, watching YongSeo gave me many things: made me enjoy my own company more and am able to spend time alone. it made me pick up a new language (Korean) and i am having the time of my life learning it. brought me back into the world of entertainment (i used to work in the industry). hook me with awesome people like all the gogumas here - i am always amazed to find out that not only fans in their twenties like them but older as well. made me learn more about K-culture (it's interesting i tell you). made the me who want to have more in my life but always sit on it take action. made me squeeze out my creative juices (my brain has went on standby mode for a while now) mainly, helped me to pass through a difficult time in my life (perhaps it might sound a bit overboard but in some ways it's true).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































no doubt the end is inevitable but like some the gogumas have mentioned before, however let's try to keep our chin up and enjoy the ride. no point thinking too much because life is short.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































you put two people together and yah you can't expect them not to have some sort of feeling for each other especially when they are not in character but as themselves (to a certain extent). in all honesty i would like to totally say oh yah they are dating but the realist in me would say that they are if nothing else are special friends - the type that have a special place in each other's heart. in fact, i don't want them to go public with their relationship if any. it's their life though it would be great for us to know if our wish came true for them. but i think i have said it and will say it again, my only wish for them is not for them to get together but more for them to always keep each other in their hearts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































boring story ya? anyways, thanks for reading. i have been wanting to get it off my chest since i read winbros' post.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on the note of kissing, sorry but i don't see it making any difference. in fact, if you check out the STUDIO website i would prefer to see them like Photo 11, 20 & 22 from the top. Photo 17 also not a bad idea. (sorry can't post the photos as they don't allow me to save it)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry, ain't good at translating or recaps or digging for news. so instead thank you to ALL - those who make time (even early in the wee morning) to translate, those who painstakingly time and encode for the hardsubs that we get to watch almost the next day, those who post out awesome recaps of that teeny moment that some of us might have missed out, those who write awesome fanfictions to satisfy our thirst for the couple, those who post great insights and updated news. lastly to YOU for being an awesome virtual 'family. (sorry can't personally put all the names)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































meanwhile, i am going to enjoy the week while waiting for saturday to come. its a love hate relationship with saturdays for me. having said that, i better get back to work. 고마워요 for reading.

































































































































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's 12 pm in my office and I've got boring with my work. So, let me write something in this place :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First,  to Winbros Oppa.. it's so interesting to read your story, especially it comes from a family man like you






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then to Soshisoshisoshi, I want to join your game too






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know WGM from my sister. That time she said to me, "sister, do you know that seo hyun has never read a romantic book?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"How do you know that?" I asked her































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Because she is on We Got Married Now. A reality show from Korea. Let me show you."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That time I only know that Seo Hyun is one of lead vocal from SNSD and I'm not really into SNSD before. But it's interesting to me to know that any girl in this era who never read romantic book, especially she comes from a very popular girl group.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For the first, I only watch 4 or 5 episode of yongseo, then I stop because I don't know where to get it. One day , my sister give me something that I must say it was a gift for me. Complete engsub video yongseo from eps.1 - eps. 21. I watch all the video, and you know what happen then. I become one of goguma.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you ask me whether I expect this couple can be like this? To be honest, NO. When I decided to keep follow this couple, my sister laugh at me. "Most of my friend love Adam and Khuntoria, and there's only you who crazy to Yongse," she said to me.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Well because everybody love Adam and Khuntoria, so I want to be the rare who loves Yongseo." That's the reason I give to her. And I think I make a good decision, right?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We all know this couple are unexpected. Their earlier episode maybe a bit boring. I will not deny it. Maybe that's why WGM decided to make a new couple. But what I like is, WGM didn't force them to get more attention with lots skinship. They just let them ride their way, believe on them. And I think even WGM surprise how this couple grow much now, compare to their  first meet. The most awkward couple now become the most interesting couple.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I can say is, it's just about the time. When I decide to ship this couple, I believe on them. And I'm proud to be one of lucky people who follow them from the first time and believe on them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aish, my English not good enogh to express how I feel to yongseo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi All,








Love Winbros post and thanks for all trans and caps.












I think this is my 3rd or 4th post here. I do want to post a lot but due to language barrier that might lead to misunderstanding, I then prefered to be a lurker most of the time :sweatingbullets:








My wish now is for PD to release all BTS as special EP for us , the gaguma fan:P (like the haunted house), (but again still cann't find a reason for them to do that for us :sweatingbullets: ) I beleive there are a lot of sweet scenes that left out by PD and sure will give us a heart attack like most of the recent EPs:lol:








With the Wedding photo, I just wish that Yong will kiss Hyun's forehead. Her lesson with Yong have given me a lot of semi back hugging already ^_^








I believe they are real, otherwise Sulli wouldn't tease Yong like that, welldone Sulli.





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