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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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where do you guys watch the most recent episodes??? because i used to watch on seohyun facebook page. but there arent any updates!!!


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Guess Korean goguma can't wait for the wedding episode just like us, IN-GO-PHAM.














@Vivii. Go to http://www.facebook.com/gogumacouple to catch up on recent episodes.












[News] ‘We Got Married’ Jung Yonghwa–Seohyun, Beautiful Wedding Photoshoot… “High Anticipation” from previews


























We Got Married’ make believe couple Jung Yonghwa (CNBLUE)–Seohyun (SNSD)’s wedding photo previews increased the anticipation for next week’s broadcast.














On the last episode of MBC ‘We Got Married’ (WGM) the couple Jung Yonghwa–Seohyun’s wedding photo preview was revealed.














In the preview, Seohyun was looking beautiful wearing a white wedding dress while Jung Yonghwa looked handsome wearing a tuxedo, attracting the viewers’ attention. Especially for the ‘First Meeting’ set-up, even though both were nervous, the look of Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun looking at each other lovingly, increased the anticipation for next week’s broadcast even more.














After the broadcast ended, there have been hot responses from netizens commenting, “I wish next week would come quicker”, “The two of them look good together”, “Seohyun looks like an angel in the wedding dress”.














Meanwhile, on that day of ‘We Got Married’, besides Jung Yonghwa–Seohyun couple, Nichkhun (2PM)–Victoria (fx)) couple were broadcast showing their preparation for the ’2010 MBC Gayo Daejeon” couple performance.














Source: Review Star














Translation: blue_jus7 @ Code Azzurro






























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Guest MountainMadman

MC Jake's tweet was translated wrongly...it didn't mean that he was being vague at all. As a matter of fact, I don't really know how anyone with a scrap of Korean knowledge could come up with that translation, since there's really nothing similar between the two different translations at all. mellow.gif

Here's his tweet:

그러고보니 나요즘 용서커플 따라쟁이가됐네?ㅋ우연임

And this is the translation:

It looks like I'm following whatever the YongSeo couple does? Keke, it's a coincidence

This is in reference to his previous tweet, which mentioned he was at Oak Valley ski resort (where our couple went) to see his kids sledding, and also his tweet from a few days back which showed him getting a massage.

It's a false alarm, so please, everyone calm down. sweatingbullets.gif

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Guest lovekin












MC Jake's tweet was translated wrongly...it didn't mean that he was being vague at all. As a matter of fact, I don't really know how anyone with a scrap of Korean knowledge could come up with that translation, since there's really nothing similar between the two different translations at all. *quoted image*








Here's his tweet:








그러고보니 나요즘 용서커플 따라쟁이가됐네?ㅋ우연임








And this is the translation:








It looks like I'm following whatever the YongSeo couple does? Keke, it's a coincidence







This is in reference to his previous tweet, which mentioned he was at Oak Valley ski resort (where our couple went) to see his kids sledding, and also his tweet from a few days back which showed him getting a massage.







It's a false alarm, so please, everyone calm down. *quoted image*













wacko.gif  thanks for the clarification.








supposing that last one was real though, i meant it was vague in the sense it sounded very ~mysterious~, as in he's conspiring with others to ~protect them.  obviously, the thought was prematurely misfired.  though i think it's less of a coincidence and more intentional that he's been at places YS has been; i think he wants to live vicariously through them and wants to try it for himself.  tongue.gif  








but i was watching the latest episode again, and i actually really like that sunhwa is now a spectator. she is weirdly growing on me.  i was kind of "meh" at first because she was rather awkward, but i think she's opening up.  as much as i miss seulong and jinwoon (their chemistry with the other MCs helped with how free-spoken they were with their observations and razzing) and how it would seem more appropriate that they come back to witness YS in their climactic glory, i think it's nice to have a young female perspective on board.








it's different with the female MCs because they've already experienced it all and, as such, have formed their own opinions and biases.  and seulong/jinwoon already have relations with yongseo off-camera and have expressed their support for them (e.g. "kiss him" or at the awards where jinwoon is supposedly encouraging yong to bring the flowers over to the SNSD table - idk what that was about), so i think the new commentators who have limited personal knowledge of the two makes it fresh.








(this is assuming sunhwa and the other guy are the new commentators.)





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Guest MountainMadman

Lovekin, I agree with you about our new MC's. They really have grown in the last few episodes and have come into their own; Sunhwa, who's quiet and mature about everything and provides a voice of reason, and Kwanghee, who's the loudmouth and kind of "ahjumma"-like, and throws random comments out of nowhere. And the bantering between the two of them are good to watch, as well.

Personally, I won't have any qualms if they were the new permanent MC's, even though I will miss Seulong and Jinwoon along with everyone else. :)

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@Lovekin about Sunhwa ... I like Sunhwa too! I'm surprised she isn't more vocal but there are some screen moments of her and she's absolutely adoring the Yongseo moments, I think she's one of us, you can see it in her eyes and a couple of times they were sparkling like Seobaby's do. But I'm surprised she isn't her goofy self too because if anyone has watched Invincible Youth, Sunhwa can be pretty goofy and crazy. I think though being with seniors she don't know she isn't really sure how to navigate WGM yet and she doesn't want to come across as being disrespectful.

I want to say this about Sunhwa, I really appreciated how she mentioned Yong's talk to Seohyun at the ski resort cafe and put it into a nice perspective. I couldn't help but think Sunhwa was worried people would think Yong was being too harsh a teacher and she was looking out for his image there. When Yong sees what she did I wouldn't be surprised if he thanks her for the kind words.

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Lovekin and MountainMadman I also would like to second your thoughts there about Sunhwa and Kwanghee about being a better and better MC for this episode and maybe for the next episodes to come. Their skills will definitely get better as they spend more time getting comfortable with the people and the concept of the show. I think Jinwoon and Seulong is more outspoken and can freely comment about YongSeo couple (be it to make fun of Yong's cheesy lines or to gush over their sweet moments) without having to fear that Yonghwa's or Seohyun's fans will get mad at their remarks is due to the fact that most of us know that both Seulong and Jinwoon is a close friend to YongSeo. It will not be the same case for Sunhwa or Kwanghee as I think both of them do not have a close relationship as Jinwoon and Seulong share with YongSeo,so it is more like them is also learning about Goguma Couple just like we do before. To top it off, Seohyun is also considered a sunbae to them in the entertainment industry so maybe, just maybe(i'm not sure about this) they are also being very careful of their comments due to respect to their sunbaes.
































































































































Also, about Sunhwa, I really,really like that she can give her opinion for YongSeo because it gives us an opportunity to look at their relationship in the eyes of another female idol that is almost the same age as Hyun. (she's born in 1990 btw) So, it is a new and fresh view that we can get.

































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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry MountainMadman, I was the one who provided the translation originally in the SPD chatbox. I held no claims over my authority in the translation department, and I really didn't expect my fellow user on the chat to post it up on soompi. As they did, I figured I might as well try to fix some of the error I had. I'm sorry this had lead to any misunderstandings for anyone following the thread. ~Sagua85.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest dangshin

hello gogumas!

Good day to everyone.. i've watched the last episode last night and it's sooooooo DAEBAK!.. yongseo were so sweet.. and Yong was so caring and patient with his wife, so as Seohyun.. I love the way they talked and make gestures.. full of Love.. hmmmm.... i'm really hoping this two people will date for real..

hehehe.. before i was praying to have a boyfriend... now I'm just praying that they become real Couple.. I so love them.. Kekeke...

thanks for the translations and screen caps..

next would be wedding photoshoot... SATURDAY... PLS. come FASTER!!!!!!

back to work... I'll be reading your post Beloved Gogumas!

for the meantime back to work.. mwa!

-dangshin ♥♥♥

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Guest uni343ver




























BOW WOW WOW. This episode is ............................................DING!!!

















Okay, I've gone crazy.



































Hahaha...Naughty YONG about the BUTT MASSAGE.

















And Yong is such a beautiful girl.


























I was kind of disappointed I didn't get to see Yong FLY, but

















I got over it because every scenes in this episode made up

















for it.    









I'd seen a lot of  gogumas already posted up really awesome

















screencaps and gifs, here some more.



























Hyun got all shy and took his hand away.

















She should've reciprocate and hold his face.



























This shot looks like I'm spying on a couple having an intimate time

















in their room. Ahhhhhh..... *cover eyes*  *giggle giggle*

















So lovey-dovey!



























HYUN wanted a HUG from YONG unnie, but.....



























but she got a headlock instead.



























During the live streaming, I was actually watching it like this....



















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Guest talulet
















hello everyone~ :) late spazzing here =))
















am i the only one who thinks that yong is really manly when he agreed to hyun's wish? kkk. from the genie dance wearing the navy uniform to applying make-up to his face. :)) those things are definitely not manly, but i see yong as a true man because he did those things for hyun. i am weird. 'cause if he actually rejected the idea, it'll appear to me as less manly. XD doing everything for the girl you love, that's what a true man do, right? :D he'll do anything for hyun just to see her laugh.
















and the headlock..!! i really think yong wanted to hug hyun because she was adorable being extremely happy with simple things, but he did a headlock instead, maybe to not freak her out? lol but that was really cute. and they really look much closer now. ♥
















LOL i wanted to share what i found on soshified. an old one, i know most of you saw this already but still it's worth sharing. especially with the latest episodes, it'll still bring some laughs. hoho:
















[comics] i want to date..
























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Guest winbros
















Calling all goguma FBIs, I have a question for you...  since the 200 day uniform date where they exchanged presents and Hy~un forgave Yo~ng for mildang, if you remember her 3rd present was to speak banmal with him before he declared that she did not have to as they were already close. 








As a non-Korean speaker, I was just curious since then, i.e. Japan, Busan, Banmal song on youtube, health check, and now snowboarding trip; has Hy~un attempted banmal with Yo~ng in their conversations that we see in those episodes?  To what extent have their conversations been more banmal than formal?  I get the sense that she has used banmal more now with him, but I'm probably wrong.








Much thanks to anyone who can provide me/us a sense of the level of their conversations now.








Have a great week all, it's Monday here and that means 5 more days to the WEDDING:wub: 





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The latest episode was really really sweet. Their relationship has gone from super awkward to super comfortable.  Their skinships are just natural. It's like watching two childhood friends playing and joking with each other. I love it. It assures me that even without WGM they will be close and will still remain special to each other.







BTW, just want to share something I made, inspired by the latest episode.









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M3, thanks for clearing up the "issue". MC Kim is definitely an obsessed goguma like us! LOL!

otty: yeah, sunhwa is most likely a goguma like us. LOL! when Secret got 1st place in INKIGAYO yesterday, i noticed that she carefully grabbed the trophy from yong, making sure that she doesn't touch his hand. kekeke for that, i find her rather sweet & thoughtful.

talulet, u're not the only one who thinks yong very manly... i do! :lol: but even IRL, he's already veryyyy manly from the beginning! oh, found a veryyy manly pic of yong! just take a peek at the spoiler... dangg those veryyyy manly legs are killing me! xD



cooleet: whoaaa! nice one there! little yongseos~ xD kiyo!!


myblue, claude71: thanks for the news~! i wonder what'll the mom say about the latest ep... her beloved son being all dolled up by her DIL... haha

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morning gogoma land! how's everybody? hope things are well with you!;) just want to share this..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"All CNBLUE members are in short vacation this week. YONGHWA  went first as soon as Ingigayo ended. He was seen at his hometown yesterday evening."  Cr.. Saturn
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How i wish seohyun is with him;) coz for sure his MOM misses her so much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for saturday! enjoy your day guys! Godbless you all!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Claude71
















































Hi gogumas! 
















Just wanna share this picture. 
















Does this look familiar?
















































YES! It is during the Busan trip, when YongSeo went for the boat ride. 
















Haha, looks like the popularity of YongSeo is rising yeah? 
















Free advertisement to attract visitors!                                                   
















I heard that CNBlue is having a break for one week now? Who knows Yong might go back to Busan and witness this huge poster! happy.gif

















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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i don't know whether it happen to you too guys. But since only God who knows all I do from sunday to saturday is keep replaying their recent episode until the next episode is coming. It's just like drugs for me. And as much as I love You're Beautiful and Secret Garden, I even never replay them every day. Sometimes this make me question my self. Whay happen to me? They even not my relatives. They just idol far from my country. I never met them. But how can those two lovebirds steal whole of my day and week only to watch them? Maybe this is one of the craziest thing in my life :wub:.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Just becuse I love these picture




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This picture show us how strong their relationship now. I call this friendship in love :rolleyes:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And this picture.. Ok. First you grab her hand, then you grab her leg, and now you do this to her without any permission and she even not complain. Yooong...you just win her heart, right? :wub:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Back to counting days and replay the preview and recent episode blush.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest uni343ver











Okay.... I was bored already so I made this.


























Hope you guys like them


























I didn't spazz about the WEDDING SHOOT yet so here are a few of my creations!!






























































      seohyunwedding2.png     yongwedding2.png









I'm still learning :D











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Guest SGajumma















From one ajumma to another, I couldn't agree with you more.  After watching the preview and our couples' gazes at one another, do you think our Hyun has finally found the answer to her question "what's the difference from liking and loving someone"?
















Hello, glad to know another ajumma. My best regards to you.  








I feel honoured to be asked the question.:)  Frankly, I would like to assume that she has. This is my own deduction:  Months ago, she would have found out the respective definitions between ‘like’ and ‘love’ from books. Along the journey with Yong, she would have marked every milestone and recorded her feelings in her diary. With her highly perceptive nature, she would have figured out the “difference between liking and loving someone” by now.  








For a person who believes in living her life honestly, her actions will speak for her feelings. The changes that I observed in SeoHyun especially after the Japan trip are reasons for me to believe that she has developed feelings for YongHwa. Most prominent is the special glow on her face, the kind of beauty that only a girl in love would radiate. Now, that is something that you cannot fake.  (To all the ajummas: what do you think? We have been through this stage before, right?) 








Like most fans, I am wishing that YongSeo will become a real couple in life if they are not one at the moment despite my rational-self reminding me constantly that this is just a show. :D













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