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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Cute, cute, cute episode!











They are very comfortable with each other, even though there is some tension with trying to teach Hyun how to snowboard in just one day, I felt that Yong was teaching her with tough love.  In other words, acting tough on the outside, but kind and considerate when she started to get disheartened.  He knows Hyun hates to fail at anything, she always sets the bar high for herself, and when he sensed she was disheartened and frustrated with herself, his kind words in the lunch café about how he cried when he was taught snowboarding and that others just quit, he was showing how much he understands his wife and that she is no quitter in his eyes!   I believe another day at the ski resort and Hyun would have succeeded!











The time in the condo after skiing was cute, although it was nothing like all the things people were spazzing about when they saw only the previews.  No spending the night, no laying next to each other, no snuggling – no lovey-dovey wish from Hyun.  But then 4D Hyun brings up the make-up wish – was there anybody who would have guessed that wish?




An good husband Yong, even though it could be embarrassing for him, even though it is not a manly thing to do, especially for a tough Busan guy, he would do anything for Hyun once she turned on her aiygo charm.  That boy cannot say no to anything she wishes for – he is wrapped around her little finger and the slightest tug brings him running!  He is so good to her – she’s going to miss that when he’s gone.











The Wedding Episode, ahh, will be a tear jerker I’m afraid.  But tears of happiness because they will look so good together and be so sweet to each other and be what we want them to be in real life ….MARRIED!        


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Guest pandacaryn



I just rewatched the preview again and not only do you see jung shin turn around, but the back of jong hyun's head. So maybe the cn blue brother in laws will be in the photoshoot too!!! Will the snsd sister in laws be in the photoshoot? I can't wait to see the next episode. I just love the way Yong Hwa is looing at seohyun. He has a shy smile, but is super happy. I want them to be a real couple, and they should have at least an almost kiss for the photoshoot. 


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I hope the following spoiler doesn't stop everybody from spazzing about this episode and the WEDDING EPISODE if you don't want any sad thoughts right now - don't read it!   I just had to say how I feel - or not write anything additional in this thread!  
















Everybody is spazzing about this episode and the Wedding Episode, so I feel bad to write this – but this is the way I’m feeling. I wasn’t going to write it, but I just have to get it out there, or just stop writing anything in this thread.











What is this new feeling I have?! I feel like I’m trying to pull myself away from these two, like I’m tempering my normal joy and happiness about this episode and their upcoming WEDDING EPISODE with feelings of dread and caution. Like I’m shielding my heart from approaching hurt and pain.











I just get this feeling that after the wedding episode – their time on WGM is soon over, and they will both fall back into the K-Pop world, back into their own little worlds without each other, and we won’t hear or see a thing about them being together! Yong will go back to CN Blue, Hyun back to SNSD and YONGSEO will cease to exist.














I haven’t heard of any additional shooting past the ‘shopping’ trip, no word on their contract being renewed, no new programs they are on, nothing from WGM about future shooting. I just get a feeling they are DONE on WGM and they just aren’t telling anyone! I hope it is for the good reason – they are really dating, but I fear WGM will end like it did for Adam couple, just suddenly end. No special program where they have a chance to say good-bye to each other, maybe spend one last day in their home together and reminisce about their time together – just gone!











I really hope I’m wrong, but I’m beginning to feel like I’m preparing my heart for a break-up. Please somebody. Find some news that they they are continuing on WGM at least until May. When does Yong’s new drama start? Is there any news that they are a couple for real that is validated and real? I need to remove this feeling of doubt and dread.









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Guest shane09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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[Ratings] 20110219


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































13. WGM S2 8.5%
















































































































17. Star Junior Show 8.1 %










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































11. WGM S2 10.3%
















































































































13. Star Junior Show 9.7%
















































































































source: TNms

































































































































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Guest rockinghorse
































I wish we’d seen a little more of Yong’s skiing skills.. oh well.
































Before anything, my apologies for being redundant. I’m sure whatever I’m about to say has been said but I just need to spazz.
































Laughing my butt off at how Yong looks sooooooo much like his mom with his face all made up like that. I’m a little surprised at how weak his resistance is to being “turned” into a girl (although I’m going to say that maybe he just didn’t have the energy to whine like he usually does because he was/had gotten sick during this ski trip --- or maybe it gives him an excuse to stare at Hyun’s face without being obvious!). They’re getting more and more intimate that at some points in the epi, I felt like I was intruding on their privacy. Nevertheless, the role-playing and the headlock was hilarious and adorable as ever. Yong’s kissy faces were lol-tastic and when he grabbed Hyun’s face, my brain just about exploded in glee. And an indirect kiss! Ahaha.
































Don’t even get me started on the preview. Good lord. My heart was beating fast and loud because OMG, it’s the wedding shoot. I’ve always had mixed feelings about their wedding photo shoot for reasons that have been shared by fellow gogumas who feel the same way. But it’s finally here and I’m looking forward to it. Incorporating the arm-wrestling into their shoot is genius -- it gives the photos [their] personality and won’t end up becoming generic memories. Their smiles look a little nervous and shy (Yong looks like he’s suppressing a huge grin) but I love how despite that, their stares never waver. :wub: Ugh, can we fast forward to Saturday already? It’s going to be a long week for us, gogumas!
































Oh! And thank you MountainMadman for the translation and fellow gogumas for everything shared!

















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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































Last episode was daebak! i was super happy when watching yongseo being intimate with each other :D
































































































































i have a question to ask: Does wgm actually have an actual contract? i keep on hearing people saying stuff like contract renewal or their contract ended and stuff... so is there an actually amount of time they need to film for the contract bcuz the last time i remember no wgm couple has been on wgm for fix amount of time then leave so can anyone please answer this question? its been bothering me for quite a while....
































































































































oops i top the page nothing to share except this 110219yongseogirldressi.jpg

































































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Guest Crystal392
















I just finished watching the latest ep and...


























I wish my instructor would have been like Yong's instructor or like Yong, I remember I kept falling and I got a bit scared and instead of telling me to continue he told me to rest for a while... then I tried again but I didn't have enough motivation so I went to eat with my friends xD


























Yong is so good at lifting someone's spirit, when they were eating and he praised her and told her how for him she was the best... I am glad Hyunie kept trying and trying, Yong was right when he said lots of people just give up. And near the end of the first part I loved how Yong lifted Hyun by the arms when she fell ♥; it was obvious she was a bit sad and dissapointed and, maybe I am also a bit influenced by the soft music, but I think he did it in such a soft and conforting way. hahaha and the second part was just love love love. I also don't know exactly why most of the girls (me included) find cute when they play with their boyfriend's hair but it's just cute; I kept squealing when Hyun was applying some make up on Yong :wub: Both were so comfortable with each other, and the last part of the second part was seriously adorable... the way Yong and Hyun spoke of each other at the black room interview... seriously YongSeo is so adorable and amazing. Can't wait for the next ep.


























full-of-love: I am sure there is a contract that can end when 1) the contract ends kind of like a minimun amount of time they have to film) or 2) when the husband and/or wife get very busy and are unable to keep filming. I am not 100% sure though... But if the contract ends or not we won't be able to know because I am sure that's confidential info or sth like that.





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I'm like Yong (because I'm a guy too) and have never understood why women want to put makeup on men? It's not common but it's not totally uncommon either. My male perspective guess is the time a girl is finally allowed to wear makeup is a special "coming of age" moment in their lives? That first time looking in a mirror done up is a memorable happy moment in a girl's life ... I bet many of you girls can still remember the moment ... and it could be the first time a girl says to herself I'm pretty. You girls would know better than me thinking in this way. While I'm sure Hyun first wore makeup long ago, like most women, and celebrities aren't any different, she probably feels prettier with makeup, so my opinion is Hyun is attempting to have fun with Yong, but that she is also subconsciously sharing with Yong a intimate moment and emotion in a girl's life.

The thing that made me laugh really hard in this episode was Yong suggesting a butt massage. A year ago if that happened he would of got eight angry phone calls from Hyun's unnies because I think Hyun would have been extremely uncomfortable with such a joke ... I remember reading she cried once when a Super Junior member described SNSD as sexy and Yoona had to yell at that member. But with Yong and probably the most "adult" joke ever directed at her, she just gives him a love hit.

And I really hope Taeyeon is at the wedding photo shoot!!! If what she said about hoping Yong and Hyun was because of seeing them together like this, her words become even more special.

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Guest morningblue




























Thank you very much Tetsuya for the Engsub Video




















I have a question: who the two men who became Guest MC at the last episode??? I was not familiar with them.







































I hope Guest MC for next week is Seulong and Jinwoon or someone from FNC or SME.



































































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Hi Guys....































































































































































































































































































































































































rrr... i haven't watch yesterday episode (such a bad gogumatears.gif) because of connection issue but at least i've watch the preview. And I already feel happy with it. I can't stop replaying the preview. Aigoo... yonghwa's shy smile. Dies... dies... dies... he looks so happy. ANd Hyun so beautiful, her smile is also priceless. Can't wait for next week.... I hope SNSD will attend their wedding photoshoot too. 































































































































































































































































































































































































MountainMadman, thanks for the translation. 
































































































































SoneMS thanks for the sub video. 
































































































































AppleHeaven thanks for the translationof preview. I send you PM, I use your translation to sub preview. I hope you don't mind. just tell me if you want me to take out the vid






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for all the contribution here....

































































































































































































































































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
























































@morningblue: I'm with you. We need Seulong and Jinwoon back! And if they aren't able to make it then at least someone who's familiar with our YongSeo. The guest MCs totally dampen my excitement. The permanent MCs (Misun, Jake and Nayoung) don't have much to work with when the guests are so quiet, so I don't blame them. And usually it would be Seulong and Nayoung cracking jokes alongside each other (like imitating YongSeo), Jinwoon remarking out of pure jealousy, Misun humorously stating things and Jake excitedly gesturing or screaming something like - "KISS HER!" Lmao. We really need the other two for the stuuuudio family to be complete. They all show a little part of us when we're watching YongSeo, so it's nice to see them acting the same way as we do. I can only imagine what the latest episode would have been like if Seulong and Jinwoon had been present. We need liveliness and the guest MCs just fail to show us that.








































(Like most of you said) I also want SNSD members to be at the photoshoot as well as CN Blue members - although I think they're there (you could see Jungshin chingu and Jonghyun - I believe - with a digital camera). But I don't think the unnies were because the PD would have shown them in the preview to raise the viewer ratings for next week. It would have been really great to have them though, they could have made up for all the loss of Seulong and Jinwoon. Plus, it would have been a real treat to seem them all stand together (SNSD are pretty and CN Blue are handsome). But if they're busy, then they're busy...there's no helping it. Wait a minute, since the PD didn't officially show CN Blue members (even though they were there) then that means there's still hope that SNSD might make a surprise appearance! But then again, I'm sure they'd be helping Seohyun dress up, like putting the earrings on for her or something...









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Guest juejashik
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































while everybody spazzing for the next week episode,
































































































































































































































































































































































































actually i feel a little bit scared, tears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































what i'm scared of is our YONGSEO COUPLE to end.
































































































































































































































































































































































































seriously,i dont want them to end,i believe other gogumas to0 right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































but of course it's a bit impossible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































so what can i hope is if the show end,i wat them to date in real life.
































































































































































































































































































































































































please YONG,u should propose HYUN to be your girlfriend,
































































































































































































































































































































































































i and of course the other gogumas know that u love her,
































































































































































































































































































































































































and HYUN,please accept him,i know u love him too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































the way u stared at him at GDA reveals all.even your manager come,u just ignore him and stare at YONG at the stage right.
































































































































































































































































































































































































of course that is love dear!
































































































































































































































































































































































































as a chingu of HYUN *since we're at the same age LOL she doesnt even know me*
































































































































































































































































































































































































please please and please, express your love to YONG in a romantic way,
































































































































































































































































































































































































dont just think that WGM is for fun,
































































































































































































































































































































































































please guys,lastly,if god ask me what is my last wish before i died,
































































































































































































































































































































































































i'll say "PLEASE MAKE YONGSEO A REAL COUPLE" seriously~ wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































best regards, Jue from Malaysia
































































































































































































































































































































































































*sorry for my english*

































































































































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Guest AngelVillian



In case nobody noticed.

Subs are out already!



Part 1


Part 2


In case you want to watch it again.





*credit as tag.


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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh my god. I couldn't stop my self to imagine their wedding photoshoot. I keep replay the preview. smiling like crazy. burts into tears, only to watch them in wedding dress. It's killing me, you know






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now time to spazz with this episode...































































































































































































































































Still continuing her snowboard lesson from the choding, but this time yong become more strict than before. he even not let her to take a rest. But what I love is, in the end finally he with his own hand help hyun to make S curve.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And after a whole tiring day, what happen ot the condo then? butt massage joke, feeding and teasing each other, seo hyun wish to make up yong, head lock-ship, another selca (this scene remember me to secret garden). just love all of them. they are really comfortable each other now.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last, maybe I must put it on spoiler, since maybe it will be a bitter opinion from me






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why I feel this wedding photoshoot episode will be their climax? We all know that yongseo start with a very awkward situation. develop their relation from zero to the most comfortable one. From shyly smile to lots of laugh. Every week this couple never fail to make us fly to the cloud nine. They awkwardness, yong chodingness, their unexpected skinship and everything we love from them.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But after watch the preview why I must feel like this? We don't have any news about their 1st anniversary. Even I think WGM wouldn't let them to miss it. Maybe they celebrate it secretly. But how many episodes we have now? The last filming we know was on january. And after that, we don't get any news at all. And not to forget with CN Blue comeback, I think it's more difficult to yongseo to have a date. It's make me feel bad. Sometimes I think it's time to me to counting days until they anounce their separation. I'm sorry for my bad feeling, my fellow goguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There is a beginning, there will be an end. We are born and we will die
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What else can we do about that? If all of us are scared of death, we can't enjoy the happiness now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The same goes with Yongseo, we are scared of the ending, but can we change it? Why we lose our spazzing moments just to worry about ending??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't get it! I have an illness, but I'm not sad, worrying, crying , nope instead, I'm enjoying every single moment of this life, smiling , laughing and loving
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the same goes with YongSeo, the ending can't be avoided, let all be happy! Instead of feeling sad, scared, how about we COOLLY accept it, becuz we are GOGUMAS!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's cheer up, we are supposed to celebrate the MOST WANTED EP ever, not just this......!

































































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Guest AngelVillian



Hey hey hey guys.

In the preview, i think some of you saw jungshin.


But since i was a major yongseo lover.

I was replaying the preview like 500000 ++++ time already.

Thus i notice that in the scene where you guys saw jungshin.

Then he turned around.


There's someone holding a camera.


From the hairstyle, i think it's jonghyun from cn blue.


LOL! Lets see for sure next week :)


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i was wondering why i cant reach KRD blog anymore??































































































































do u guys no why?? they said the blog have been delete































































































































if u know their new site please tell me

































































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another great ep yesterday! thanks everyone for the screencaps and videos. special thx to m3 and tetsuya9! i've been watching the videos over and over and noticed something funny...




seems like Lee Junho of 2pm had gone through what yonghwa went through... :lol:








can't wait for next ep!!!




wgm pds, pls more air time of yongseo this time.





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Guest fabiistar07
















































Love_yongstar11 I also asked the same question before, but i didn't get an answer































but i'm really curious, what happened to KRD??
















M3 thanks for ur translations =]































your jealousy toward Dduk about translating the wedding photoshoot epi made me lol haha































but maybe the Wedding photoshoot will last 2 epis?
















I watched Taeyeon's WGM (pudding&jelly couple) and they did a wedding ceremony, i wish uri YongSeo gets to do the same, since for Taeyeon it was done after the wedding pics
















I have a feeling CN Blue brothers will be there (can't b 100% sure about MinHyuk since he has a drama)































but I really want all 9 Soshi unnies to be there tooo!!! *crossing fingers*
















I also want them to kiss, even if it's as simple as a kiss on the forehead, i will still die of a heart attack and replay it a million times :wub:
















I mean, come on! ... This couple has given eachother piggybacks, shared food (what they call indirect kissing), hold hands, pinkyship, legship, killer eyeship
















One small simple kiss is not going to hurt anyone~! :wub:

















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