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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Sangdodong Production again would like to presents you another parody from YongSeo's next week preview. It is just too hard not to leave it out. Enjoy gogumas!
















































































































YongSeo Parody of One Night at Oak Valley Ski Resort
































































































































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Hello villagers!
































































































































































































































































































































































Today's episode was great! 
































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa was totally sexy and Hyun was the cutest girl ever. I could really relate to her, because my skiing skills are aweful too. But she really made progress. Yong is a good teacher... I will go skiing in March and I would really like a cool and sexy guy like Yong to come along and teach me <3
































































































































































































































































































































































Well, here are my caps for the episode. Sorry for the bad quality! So many sweet moments...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And the preview <3 Olala, did you see???? I just love how Hyun laughed in this one... You can really feel how comfortable she is with Yong now. Daebak!
































































































































































































































































































































































Too bad I won't be able to catch next episode on saturday (visiting my future university) ;_; I'll have to wait Sunday to be able to watch it... Ah, the waiting already kills me!
































































































































































































































































































































































And a big THANK YOU to all of you was shared the videos and the pictures! And THANK YOU to the ones working on the translation! <3

































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Guest missmoomin101







Ok, their playful banter is bordering on the ridiculously cute!! 



I loved how when Hyun changed and came out, Yong expressed how pretty she looked in her ski outfit, and when she returned the compliment, he got all shy, looked away and said, 'No, I'm not'.......Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!!



And this:  















*dies*  His reaction!!



His face is like a man who knows he's got 1st prize in a competition when Hyun is holding his head!  And, instead of checking himself out like Hyun teasingly did to him, he just tapped her on the head!!  The tap definitely expresses how cute he thought she was being!  







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 waaaaa... anyong my goguma chingus!! :lol:










and sorry for the late  Happy 1st Anniversary YongSeo:wub:



















for the true! I have not watch epi.44 yet...



















but I watch the preview first AND DAEBAK!!!!



















they really make me speechless :sweatingbullets:



















how cute is hyun~~ reaction at the end that devil smile.. hhe... cute2... and yong~~ so handsome..hehehe...



















will be back spazzing after watching nee...

















































Thank you Juhee for the translation.. and all of gogumas chingu who share the screen cap,translate,and everything.. Really Thank you so much...



















wuhuuuu.. Love love this week episode:wub:



















Hyun is really cute.. and yong really a strict teacher nee... but reallly so caring to his wife;)



















I love the part when:



















1. Yong really prepares all of equipment for his wife



















2. Hyun look to yong when yong tied her gear



















3. ALL OF THEM.. hhe...



















really daebak episode.. hhe..



















thank you :)














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Guest pretty_92868








































spazzing continuation.
































Oh! the SOSHI sisters surely is envy of HYUN now after watching this episode.
































As Seohyun stated, Soshi sisters want choding Yong if will they go skiing.Hyun is so lucky to have Yong.
































I imagine they spazz big time like us.They are definitely GOGUMAS.
































About Hyun,she's definitely oozzing with her cuteness.Blooming with affection,I feel the love between
































them is becoming real and real every week.The shy glance of Yong after Hyun grab him,when she made his goggles her mirror, oohh,our shy boy is lovestruck.
































And we see also her chodingness, the "I'm very busy" line is so cute.Yong was stunned a little.
































They are so cute to watch.
































About how he teach her,maybe a little strict but still sweet and gentle as always.
































And as he guide her and care for her safety,he doesn't fail to amaze me of how caring
































he is with his Hyun.
































I'm still waiting for translation as you guys but not stopping in watching this episode for the more than
































five times already.
































They really are cute to watch.
































I'm more in love with the part two of this episode.
































Seohyun is really a fast learner.
































WGM staff really love this couple,they're given a task which they love most.
































I envy for those experienced winter in their country,for they have snow for skiing.
































Our country only have two season,HOT and VERY HOT season,for which we don't know how ski,sad.





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Guest fabiistar07


Seohyun: I told my Soshi Sisters then we went Skiing. They said if they are going Skiing, they need a Choding like Yonghwa. I asked what meaning it is.  They said that it's more romantic like this.

Text: The idol of all Girl's Romance (?). The Handsome Skiing Expert, Yong...

Oh i found this part very funny and cute

Something i was wondering about is that she said she told them they went skiing, does that mean she told them after she came back?

Soshi unnies must've been wondering where she spent the night haha

Thanks so much for the translation! & good luck on your test! :)

Hopefully someone will come with translations later on ^_^

I seriously can't wait for next week!

I want to know Hyun's wish ... It's her first wish too, right?

& it looks like they're going to sleep in the same room! :w00t: kyaaa~!! :D:D

EDIT: Juhee thanks for translating! Take your time ^^


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hello goguma....































































































































































































































































































































































































done watching today episode. I love their interaction, natural skinship wub.gif. I love when Yong teach hyun to do ski backward... I want to shout to him, Yonghwa.. just hug your wife already!!! Seohyun is so adorable in this episode. I love her expression in this episode, soooo cute and lovely.































































































































































































































































































































































































But the one I really love is the preview. Seohyun expression in the end of the preview is priceless. I can't get over the preview and replaying it again and again. 































































































































































































































































































































































































I sub the preview with Lalacakes's translation (thanks so much)
































































































































Preview with sub 
































































































































































































































































Thanks DestinedSone_Tiffany for partial translation. 
































































































































Juhee, take your time to translate. We will wait.
































































































































DDuk, good luck for your thesis































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to everyone here for all contribution *HUG* biggrin.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I finished the first part of the episode...
















moving on to the next while chugging down biscuits and tea!
















please be patient with me!
















if you see anything wrong please pm me so i can fix it!
















please remember same rules apply as with dduk's translations!







































<Night after going to the hospital & getting a massage>
















YH: Ah today was really tiring.
















MC: After the massage they seem totally relaxed…
















SH: You really have to drink less coffee… right?
















YH: Yes…
















SH: But it’s hard to suddenly change a habit.
















YH: Yes~
















SH: Take it slowly starting from today.
















YH: Give me coffee~
















SH: …
















YH: Your nose, your nose is expanding! Alright, alright, don’t put so much strength into it.
















<To not forget to take care of her husband>
















SH: Yes
















<Playing with her cell phone >
















YH: Who is it at this time?
















SH: It’s a secret
















YH: Alright…
















SH: It came…
















<What could be the text message they receive so late in night?>
















YH: What is this suppose to be?
















SH: What comes to mind when you think of “cold winter?” … Roasted Goguma!!
















MC: During a cold winter the first thing would be roasted gogumas
















YH: When you think of cold winter… snow?
















<(thinking) snow…?>
















SH: Snowmen…? Sledding…?
















MC: I think of coat! Coat! Cashmere is the BEST
















YH: Then what is this?
















<Why would they suddenly ask about a “cold winter?”>
















YH: Do they want us to write a poem? Cold winter… what do you do when you think of a “cold winter…”
















SH: What could it be?
















YH: Snow…
















SH: Snow…
















<Snow… and…>
















YH: And… Love (???)… it came again…
















<suddenly a text message arrives>
















<Pack up your equipment; you’re going for a ski trip!>
















YH: What we’re going to a ski resort? YAH(??)
















<What are you doing?>
















SH: Ah, what are you doing?!
















MC: Seems that he likes it…
















MC: He’s a child, a child!
















<Is Yong husband a “board maniac”?> (translator note: it means ski/snowboard fanatic)
















SH: You can’t run around! The ajumma will come up!
















YH: Ah, it’s been four years since I last rode… I TOTALLY love it!
















SH: I can’t ride it…
















MC: He must really like it!
















YH: Can you ride a (snowboard) well?
































YH: I’ll teach you then~
















SH: I really can’t ride well…
















YH: That’s why I’ll teach you.
















SH: Can I learn all in one day?
















YH: You can do it, you really can. Seriously you just don’t have to be scared of the snowboard/skis
















<Is snowboarding a skill>
















YH: I don’t think I’ll embarrass myself… I think I know enough skill to teach her…
















<But he can’t hide his grin>
















YH: What I’m worried about most is that picture at the ski resort was a popular topic so… I have to ride really well…
















SH: WOW. Actually I am worried. It was to me a bit burdensome.
















<So the day of leaving for the ski resort>
















YH: Seo Hyun, I see that you grew out your arm hair…
















SH: Isn’t it pretty? It’s sheep.
















<Also packing warm clothes>
















SH: When did you go to the ski resort?
















YH: During high school~
















SH: That was the time where the pretty picture of you was taken?
















<(Popular >
















YH: I think I came once or twice after that.
















SH: Since I said I was going, the unnies (SNSD members) said that there will be a Yong look-a-like. So I asked what do you mean? They said that is “romantic”
















YH: What is the “pretty picture?”
















SH: The picture that came out “pretty.”
















YH: Wouldn’t everything (I take) be pretty?
















SH: AIGOO… You must be happy…
















YH: Did you try once (riding the snowboard)
















SH: I only tried once.
















YH: Only tried once. Until where?
















SH: I just… rode wherever.
















YH: Oh really?
















SH: Yes. I didn’t learn how to correctly ride. But I learned once… But you like this…
















YH: Oh, you know how to at least go down.
















SH: It seems to just go down…
















YH: Ah but really I tried teaching to my friends, but I got frustrated and just gave up.
















SH: So are you saying that you’re going to give up on me!
















YH: I’m just warning you beforehand so you won’t misunderstand.
















SH: You can’t! Ah, seriously.
















YH: I don’t know if I’ll leave you and go down first.
















SH: Then I’ll just abandon you and leave.
















YH: To where?
















SH: I’ll steal this bus and leave!
















YH: By yourself? But you don’t have your license yet~
















MC: And you yourself don’t have your license yet either~
















<Hyun’s mascot appears while going to the ski resort!>
















SH: Also eyelashes!
















YH: Why eyelashes?!
















MC: Wow looks great!
















MC: I want to go to a ski resort!
















<In front of them, the ski resort>
















SH: Ah, it’s really high up!
















YH: I guess the left side is for beginners.
















SH: What?
















YH: You could come down if it’s about that high.
















MC: It looks like the expert level.
















YH: If you can’t down from about that height, go home…
















SH: WOW… Really?
















YH: I’ll ride by myself.
















SH: You’re seriously too much.
















YH: Going to the ski resort with Seo Hyun~ Seo Hyun come of here.
















SH: Wow, is that a board?
































SH: Is it yours?
















YH: Yes it is.
















SH: Wow
















MC: The main personal equipment.
















SH: It’s really big! It looks heavy!
















YH: It’s really heavy.
















SH: It looks really heavy.
















SH: It heavy right?
















YH: Yeah, can you carry it for me?
















SH: That’s a bit…
















YH: Did you wear the long underwear?
















SH: Ah tights, I wore my tights.
















YH: Right, you have to go wearing warm clothes. You’re going to fall down a lot.
















SH: I don’t want to fall down.
















<Finally they arrive…!>
















SH: It’s nice!
















YH: It’s the best!
















SH: Oh my god! Oh…..
















YH: What?
















SH: It looks fun.
















<Ski resort, Ski resort>
















<As they walk in…they see the equipment rentals>
















YH: Should be change our clothes first?
















SH: Should we~
















YH: Ah right, for you I brought protective gear.
















SH: Protective gear?
















<Padding for the butt and knees>
















MC: Wow he’s so cool.
















SH: I understand. I’ll see you later.
















YH: I’m giving it to you so you’ll fall less.
















SH: Thank you.
















YH: So that I could ride some too.
















<After a few minutes>
















MC: Let’s see him!
















MC: He seems like the type to know how to ride well.
















MC: That kind of outfit is only what the professionals wear.
















SH: Are you out there?
















YH: Yeah
















SH: I’m all done!
















YH: The ski resort’s “warm” girl~ (translator note: it’s a bit of slang: hoon = halo/warm)
















SH: You are “warm” guy
















YH: No… Should we go?
















SH: Should we go?
















YH: What is your shoe size?
















SH: 240 (translator note: about a size 7 in US)
















YH: 240
















SH: Are you suppose wear a larger size?
















YH: No, something that fits exactly.
















SH: Ah, something that fits exactly.
















YH: So you’re exactly size 240 (size 7)
















SH: Yes.
















YH: Give us a regular please.
















MC: He’s using professional skier language!
















YH: See if it matches your height.
















SH: My height?
















YH: Okay. Here.
















<He prepares kid-like socks>
















SH: Ah they’re cute! Thank you.
















YH: You just have to wear this. And this is for your neck.
















<To stop the wind>
















MC: Ah he knows what’s needed at a ski resort.
















YH: Like mine. A mask.
















MC: A man like that when he knows something well is really cool.
















<He first ties his wife’s shoes>
















MC: When you’re boyfriend helps you wear the snow boots it has the romantic ski resort feel
















MC: You’re right!
















SH: Since he was taking care of me I felt like a child. About 7 years old?
















YH: Is that alright for you? You’re wearing your protective gear right?
















SH: Yes! I’m wearing it!
















YH: Hold onto the middle. Alright here we go…Is that good?
















SH: Yes. Wait.
















<Using the goggles as a mirror.>
















YH: You ready?
















SH: Do you want to see your face? Your feet feel really heavy.
















YH: Is it hard?
















SH: No it’s comfortable.
















YH: Alright, we’re gonna go!
















<They are about to go out…>
















<For the first time together >
















YH: Seo Ju Hyun!
















SH: Yes?~
















YH: Where should be begin? Here!
















SH: Huh?
















MC: Oh he’s tough!
















MC: Oh he’s being tough!
















<Is he saying for her to get >
















SH: Do you have to do it sitting down?
















YH: What?
















SH: But you can’t attach the board right now when … when you’re going down…
















YH: What?
















SH: Ah, I know, I know! You wear it on only one foot and then you go.
















YH: Yeah that’s what I meant. You understand?
















SH: Yes I understand.
















YH: Sit down.
















SH: You have to sit down?
















<He first shows how to attach/wear the board>
















SH: I get it…
















YH: You understand? Let’s go!
















MC: You’re suppose to wear only on one side but it’s hard.
















YH: Go! You’re suppose to fall when you ride it.
















SH: I won’t fall!
















YH: Just push! Alright now try to detach it.
















MC: Again detaching it?
















<Slowly detaching>
















YH: Try it yourself.
















SH: How can you detach it
















YH: What do you think would detach it?
















MC: He’s like a teacher!
















YH: See, okay?
















SH: Okay.
















YH: Take it off.
















SH: Alright I’ll just carry it! What kind of teacher does this?!
















YH: What? Let’s go!
















SH: Let’s go!
















MC: Beginner…
















<Beginner boarding lift>
















MC: When that thing falls you’re suppose to put your feet on it.
















SH: Oh it’s stuck!
















YH: Why did you leave it like that?
















MC: I guess it would be hard for YongHwa
















YH: Lift your feet.
















SH: Lifting my feet. I did fall~
















MC: Ah when you’re on top of the slope that’s how you’ll feel.
















YH: Hurry up!
















<Right away to relax your body>
















YH: Right to left, now roll to the opposite way. Oh ~yeah~ you’re doing a good job. SeoHyun when I see you in the newspaper you really looked pretty~
















SH: Thank you~
















YH: I’m a SNSD fan. Since today you’re going to fall a lot.
















<A long sigh>
















YH: Worry about what you can. Are you ready?
















SH: Not yet! I still have a long way to go.
















YH: When you were at school you did something like this.
















SH: Ah, wait wait wait a minute!
















YH: Alright look to the sky! Now I’ll teach you how to attach the board. First sit down…
















SH: Goodbye~
















YH: Where are you going?!
















SH: I’m a bit busy…
















MC: Where is she going?
















SH: I’m just joking.
















<Finally the lesson to put the board >
















SH: I can do this!
































YH: That’s what happens.
















<Completely embarrassed.>
















YH: You know how to wear it right?
















SH: I know.
















YH: Are you done?
















SH: Not yet.
















YH: Put it like this so it doesn’t slip off.
















SH: Yes.
















YH: Okay. Are you alright? You try
















SH: You’re spraying the snow on me! Ah seriously, just you wait!
















YH: Alright, I’ll be waiting~
















YH: Alright to get up. Hold onto the board then push off. Then after that…
















SH: I’m going to die!
















<When she gets up she feels the effects of the board.>
















MC: It’s because it’s scary!
















YH: Just follow me
















SH: Alright.
















YH: Understood? Just go slowly!









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Guest AngelVillian

Today i missed we got married due to family dinner.

Going to watch it now,

I would spazz about it later.

Btw, episode 13 is out. Click here to read it.

New reader? Start from here


Just watched finish. It was awesome!

Haha it's the first time i see all the MCs praising yonghwa for looking handsome and stuff.

Usually the guy mc would say something about it

This time they could only agree along.


yongseo & mcs jjiang!

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Guest winbros
















This is a nice little episode we just saw, Yo~ng is an awesome teacher, first the guitar, now snowboarding.   Hy~un's a really quick learner too, she definitely keeps up with her "hubby". :wub:








I liked the Preview as well, the only thing, and I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble but I think we all know this, is its highly unlikely that they will spend the night together.  It's nice to imagine that they might though.  Given the gentleman Yo~ng is, he'll likely end up on the sofa outside with her in the room. :phew:








I can't wait till next Sat to see the conversations they may have next week at the hotel room. :D





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YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 1/2





























































































































































































































































































































YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 2/2

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank You SDD Prod for making this possible
































































































































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I just had to post this:
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gosh Yongseo what's up with boldly looking at each other's lips?!? COME ONNNNNN.

















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annyeong gogumas~!

thanks so much for everything YSinternational@fairy, & all of the wonderful talented crews... u guys are jjang! can't thank enough of u guys :)

thanks so much missmippy, hacker8, xxraqSTAR for the vid links~!

and thanks so much juhee for the trans~! wow i our translators are increasing in number! that's great~! :D

haha i'm still not done with my THANK YOUs -.-" also, thanks so much IN-GO-PAEM for sharing all the wonderful anniversary posts, fanarts, POVs.

blackpapillon, pls make more wallies... u're danggg talented!!! i LOVEEEE ur wallies! u 're so creative!!!! *bows 90 degrees* xD

winbros, u're right about yongseo not staying overnight at the ski resort, 'cause if i'm not mistaken, they had an event to attend after that... was it GDA or Melon? i can't really remember what event it was though. but i guess they could have rested for a while there... hehe imagine them sleeping together... hyun resting her head on yong's shoulder! :wub: wahahahaha imagination on the run! so i'd better stop! xD


oh ya...jnj~! i hope u'll get well soon! miss ur presence here :tears:

fairy, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY~! :) sorry for the late wish.

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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
























































This episode had me laughing so hard. Yonghwa was so adorably husband/boyfriend-like - helping his Seohyun all the way through. My sinister YongSeo shipper side was itching with evil wishful thinking, I wanted her to fall...on him.








































It amazes me how they're ALWAYS in sync
































































































































































The grin on his face was so cute when she was looking at herself through his goggles
















































































What I don't understand is why she wanted him to look at HER goggles...?? Yonghwa already fixed his when he was changing so there was no need for him to look again. Just look at her gaze...
















































































I loved it when they were facing each other like this...
































































































































































Touchy Yonghwa~~
































































































































































Did she purposely put her gear on sloppily so that he could fix it for her? :lol:
















































































There were more fantastic YongSeo moments, but they just won't come out right as screen-caps. I really enjoyed watching this episode, but then again I always enjoy their episodes. They continue to show different sides of themselves, and I love witnessing them. And they looked deadly cute with their ski outfits. I'm not going to lie - for a moment, I wanted Yonghwa all to myself - I don't know what it was, he was just really charming.








































The preview was wildly spazz worthy. His attitude was just like - I'm going to sleep here, if you want to join me, join me.
















































































Seohyun's so awkwardly shy, trying to lighten the atmosphere by motioning a yawn. Yep, she wants to join him (hopefully, she does).
















































































I share a love-hate relationship with our YongSeo. At the beginning of every episode, I love them. Then, at the end of every episode, I hate them. They always make me wait another daunting week to pass so I can see them again <_<...








































Thank you for the links (lampard7, missmippy, hacker8, xxraqSTAR) and translations (MountainMadman, DestinedSone_Tiffany). Thanks in advance to Juhee.









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I just had to post this:
































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































Gosh Yongseo what's up with boldly looking at each other's lips?!? COME ONNNNNN.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi aneng thanks for the this lovely caps.. we want more! more!.. ooooo i cant get enough with their eyeship.. the sweet and soft exchange of stares! eyes dont lie.. ;) cant wait for saturday... hyun feeding yong? hope they wiill film this tuesday to celebrate their anniv and valentines day!
































































































































































































































































again thanks to m3 for the early live translation..;) @ Juhee, take your time dear will be patiently waiting for part 2;)
































































































































































































































































@seychan, done with your caps? and to everyone who shared the raw link, the preview! Good job guys!

































































































































































































































































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YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 1/2





































YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 2/2









































































Thank You SDD Prod for making this possible






















since thread is slow, i just want to thanks the SANGDO-DONG Productions!!!








Kubih - Im sure you are one of the forces behind this. Hahah!)








So, now, we find something positive in not understanding Korean.








We could make our own dialogue, according to our wishes and no one would tell the difference,








with that perfect synchronicity of subs with the talking








and matching facial expression.








Love it! Hahah!









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Guest winbros






































































YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 1/2

































YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 2/2

































































Thank You SDD Prod for making this possible






















Thank you SSD Prods for the 2 parodies, I laughed really hard watching them, and secretly hoping inside that that day will come when it comes true.  :P








All of you are super-talented, with screencaps, translations, FMVs, parodies, gifts and all.  A HUGE THANKS to each and every talented GOGUMA Villager aka YONGSEO-shipper.  Love you gals/guys! B)





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This week episode DAEBAKK!!!!!




When he said "Give me coffee." Hyun's nose just flared up. LOvE IT!!!! <3




And Yong looked so handsome while teaching his wife how to skateboard.




When i watch the ending of the 2nd part, when Yong holding his wife's hands, facing each other, i kept shouting, HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG!!!!!!!




GOD I really wish for next episode, Hyun lost her balance and she'd fall towards into Yong's embrace. :phew:





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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every Goguma lover








































































































































































I think that today everyone will be happy like me.








































































































































































There are many lovely and intimate show.








































































































































































And now it is another first when I was just looking through








































































































































































It thought that  Yong  warm his body  555555.








































































































































































Its wrong !!!!!!!!! 








































































































































































 he jump for many time for splash snow to  his buin 5555555

















































































































































































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