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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest pretty_92868








































I rarely spazz but I really think this episode is complete although no major skinship
































but we see the strict wife.LOL,when Seohyun heard coffee from Yong, I love her reaction.
































That's how a real wife should react after getting from a health clinic, and Yong still
































the choding Yong.
































The sweet teacher Yong,really I remember those fan accounts that gave us this news
































in ski resort, they are envy of Hyun of how patient and caring Yong towards Seohyun,
































that is what I see now. He really is Ideal Boyfriend,BOYFRIEND-IDOL or IDOL-BOYFRIEND,
































whatever they may call it.
































And oh, I can't wait for next week,OMG, the preview-Yongseo on the same sleeping mat,dies...
































Spazzing will continue later after the translation,thanks Juhee in advance.we're patient don't worry





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hi guys! woah!!! next week episode is DAEBAK!!! sleep together! a BIG yay? haha. yong seem tired, hyun looks so shy. aigoo~ and for me, shy is not means uncomfortable but it more like 'dugeun dugeun'. and 'dugeun degeun' means IS IN LOVE. wub.gifso, in conclusion, hyun is LOVE yong smile.gif

































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Guest lovepingzi
































Can ask fellow gogumas on baidu to help us trend on twitter as well?
























Pls thanks you so much! we need it to go at a lighting speed for it to trend. if they help, it will definitely help us a lot!!















































trend on what?can you give me more detail?
























most of us can't us twitter in China, but the fans in Taiwan and HK may help you.









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Guest ikekeyou
























CNBLUE’s Yonghwa teaches SNSD’s Seohyun how to snowboard
















On February 12th, the ’sweet potato couple’ of MBC’s “We Got Married” received a mission of going snowboarding at a ski resort.
















CNBLUE’s Yonghwa, who has always been known for his impressive snowboarding skills even before his debut, expressed his joy by shouting and immediately jumping up out of their seat for a warm up.
















SNSD’s Seohyun, on the other hand, has never gone snowboarding in her life and gave out cry of agony over what was to come. She expressed her nervousness over the situation throughout her black room interview, even commenting that she “was nervous.“
















Yonghwa decided to play on her fears by scaring her into thinking that she will be falling a lot. Although he attempted to teach her as professionally as he could, he eventually lost his patience and even threw the snowboard down, telling her to put it on herself.
















Seohyun fired back whenever Yonghwa ordered her to “pick up her board” by answering, “I’ll pick it up on my own!”
















Thankfully, Yonghwa’s concerns over her safety led him to make sure that she was properly suited up and knew all of the safety precautions.
















In her interview, Seohyun commented with a smile, “I felt like I became a seven year old child because Yonghwa took care of everything for me”
















After practicing for a bit on the beginners’ course, the couple decided to move on to the middle course after Yonghwa felt that Seohyun’s skills were improving.
















Seohyun attempted to go backwards, but due to the fear of being unable to see where she was going, she fell down in a very ‘un-idol-like way,’ causing her hat to fly off and her hair to rustle up.
















Clearly embarrassed, she attempted to fix her hair before turning back to face Yonghwa. Later, she asked, “How is my hair?,” to which Yonghwa honestly replied, “It’s not okay.” Yonghwa thankfully rushed to her side when she fell and helped her back on her feet.
















In her interview, Seohyun stated, “I was extremely embarrassed. I had put my hair up in a bunch of pins in case my hat fell off, but it eventually did fall off. I didn’t want him to come up to me while I was like that.”





















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Guest lovepingzi
























































































yongseo 1st  Vedio.









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110212 We Got Married Seo capture
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*seohyun very pretty 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cre http://www.sosiz.net/8243467

































































































































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In this episode, Hyun was toooooooo cuteeeeee.....































































































































































































































































I can't get enough of this episode...































































































































































































































































& Yong was to gorgeous, with ski attire + his skill..













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cuteness overload....































































































































































































































































Guess every episode is daebak...































































































































































































































































Always make us want it more than we can get....































































































































































































































































Been thinking, if this what they shown to us, how about the BTS???































































































































































































































































Must be MORE DAEBAK...














































































































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully MBC will shown more BTS next time.














































































































































































































































































































































































































& I'm proud of my self..;)















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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as always thanks semi-fly for the raw dload links































































































































and also thanks for sharing the caps and video links. you guys are seriously fast.














































































































































































































another week, another amazing episode. this episode really shows what a great and fast learner SeoHyun is.































































































































How can she learn all that in one day? Simple - it's because she has a great teacher. :P































































































































YongHwa couldn't sound prouder! He kept on saying 'You're doing great!' to SeoHyun :lol:














































































































































































































One part that is my fav for this episode is when SeoHyun was using YongHwa's ski goggles as her mirror to look at her reflection. She just grabbed YongHwa's hand to turn him around and put her hands an his head so that she can reach his height. :wub: That's another level of comfort that SeoHyun has only with her nampyeon (aww, does YongHwa feels a lil bit shy here? Another SeoHyun's boldness that left him speechless.lol) blush.gif How she asked YongHwa if he wanted to use her goggles to look at his own reflection is juz love,love,love. And YongHwa's reaction to her gesture was <3 They're seriously flirting with each other :wub:









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry i was unable to join u guys for yesterday's trending and anniversary spazzing. I had a test eariler today and need to study.lol.

















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First of all,

Happy 1st Anniversary to Goguma Couple, Yonghwa & Seohyun!

I hope this is not too late >.<

Decided to de-lurk and want to share this little picture that I made. I hope u all like it.

Will try to de-lurk quite often regardless my bad English skill, I hope u all don't mind



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Hi! Goguma Villagers! It's a long time ago when I re-post here! I not surprised much to see our thread growing so fast!  ^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I wonder why I do not see Jiwoon ang Ong-bowling anymore? I really miss them a lot! Could you guys explain it for me?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you in advance!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah, althought I missed to streaming this week episode, I really appreciated with all your post here. IT'S FANTASTIC! DAEBAK.....:wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I LOVE YOU GUYS, I LOVE THIS THREAD, I LOVE YONGSEO....... Now I so loose my mind!:rolleyes: 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Yeah, skinship galore! I love skiing!!! Bwuahahaha!




Ahem. No, seriously, wasn't this episode awesome? I'm not sure they were ever that close before (physically, I mean). Especially when he tried to teach her to ski backwards. Lots of almost hugs. I bet he did that on purpose.  Anyway, and the preview!! Someone said it's "a bedscene" which makes it sound a bit ... well.




Anyway, love, love, love the episode today. :)




Best regards,




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Guest vmasterpiece
















































WOW!! Preview is always DAEBAK!!
































A honeymoon before 1st anniversary? PD-nim sure can teases us gogumas...
































as always with yongseo couple nothing is predictable..
































hmm... does that mean they went to the melon music award together ^^ since they filmed this the day before the award
































that would be <speechless> hahaha imagination running very wild rite now..
































on this episodes:
































yong hwa looks so COOL during snowboarding, I can see he really wanted to play
































but still fulfill his responsibility as a husband to teach his wife ^^
































































how can they look so sweet together..
































especially when yong hwa help seo hyun tidy up her hair... and close 1 to 1 teaching after seo hyun fall..
































totally in spazzing mode
































PS: Thanks to uploader, screencaps sharer, and translator + subbing team (in advance)
































you guyz are as daebak as our couple ^^
































(trying to learm to make caps as well so I can share lots of gogumas goodness)









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It's been quite a while since I last posted here..I'm just dropping by to Congratulate Yong & Hyun for staying happy & healthy for a year..They were really awkward when they first met each other a year ago..Lotsa speculations saying that their relationship will not workout but hey look at how close & comfortable they are now..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My wish for YongSeo is for them to always be together in good times & bad, stay healthy and love each other more & more everyday ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm very grateful that through YongSeo I met lotsa wonderful & awesome unnies, dongsaengs & chingoos from all parts of the world..So to all my GOGUMA families, you guys are DAEBAK!!!Let's keep on growing & growing & growing..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To everyone who participate in the 1st Anniversary project, CONGRATULATIONS & THANK YOU for doing such an awesome job..GO-CHUN land sure have a lot of TALENTED goguma's..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To my goguma families in tweetville nazweena,genxv,ChikaBaby,m_lyre,lamb_beats,baby_erica,hallyucraze,lovekim,DeeOmfg,gogumaKey,katsy_jung,Trent,kaptenkeirin, PD_Indi,_wetori,raindrops919,Kizukami,osyumuki,tartsmile,redtulip,andalasa,ichigo_kawai,starystars1105,tripplemama,thewritingmuse & the lists goes on..Let's spazz on & conquer gogumaville ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank You WGM for bringing these two WONDERFUL & AWESOME people 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~ Happy 1st Anniversary YongSeo ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































May There Be More Anniversaries In The 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MaKe LoVe NoT WaR

































































































































































































































































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Guest DestinedSone_Tiffany

Hello Guys... Well, I'll only translate half of this Episode. Maybe not even half. :( Sorry guys, I have to study for my test... :( 


Text: The night after the Hospital and Massage Shop Visit.

Yonghwa: So Tired

Seohyun: Now, you know the need to change your habit of drinking coffee right?

Yonghwa: Yup

Seohyun: It's hard to change a habit.

Yonghwa: Yup

Seohyun: But from today onwards, you need to start changing little by little

Yonghwa: Let's have a cup of coffee.

Text: Bear with it...

Yonghwa: The Nose! The nose has opened!

Yonghwa: I know it, I know

Text: Next time, don't forget to have a couple checkup. (?)

Text: The Phone!

Yonghwa: Who is it? At this time?

Seohyun: Secret ~

Yonghwa: Okay...

Seohyun: Here it comes.

Yonghwa: What is this too?

Text: Mission: The Cold Winter, What makes you think of?

Seohyun: The Cold Winter, The thing you think of is?

Seohyun: Roasting Gogumas. <3

MC: Roasting Gogumas in the Cold Winter is a must

Yonghwa: Snow is what I think of in the Cold Winter

Seohyun: Snowmans, Snow Sled

MC: (Not Sure What He's Saying here, Sorry, I tried my best).

Text: Thinking about it, what did they ask ''The Cold Winter'' Suddenly?

Yonghwa: Then, what is it?

Seohyun: I'm not sure

Yonghwa: (Reads Poem) Title: The Cold Winter, the thing you think of is...?

Seohyun: What is it then?

Yonghwa: Snow... And... Love...

Yonghwa: Another Message

Text: Mission: Bring your equipments and head out for the Skiing Field!

Seohyun: Ah~

Yonghwa: What? Going to the Skiing Field? Ya!!

Text: What is this?

Seohyun: What are you doing?

Text: Yong Husband, Perhelps you're Skiing?

Seohyun: Don't do this here~The landlady will come up!

Yonghwa: Do you know? It's been four years since I last went skiing~I like it so much.

Seohyun: I don't know how to Skii...

MC: Looks like he likes skiing very much

Yonghwa: Do you know how? Skiing?

Yonghwa: I'll teach you.

Seohyun: I really don't know how.

Yonghwa: I'll teach you.

Seohyun: In one day? Will it be successful?

Yonghwa: It will. You're really learn how. Just make sure you're not scared.

Backroom Interview.

Question: Yonghwa's Skiing Skills?

Yonghwa: (Not sure what he's saying here. Sorry...)

Seohyun: Oh.. Actually, I'm a bit worried, and I have some burdens as well...

Yonghwa: Little Hyun... You grew lots of hair on your hand...

Seohyun: Pretty right? Those are sheep furs. Mei~~~

Seohyun: How long have you not been to the Skiing Field?

Yonghwa: Since High School

Seohyun: Is it that time? The time the photo was taken. (Note: Refers to the Busan Episode. Where Yonghwa's Friends gave 

a photo to Seohyun).

MC: Yup... The photo was very popular at that time.

Backroom Interview.

Seohyun: I told my Soshi Sisters then we went Skiing. They said if they are going Skiing, they need a Choding like Yonghwa. I asked what meaning it is.  They said that it's more romantic like this.

Text: The idol of all Girl's Romance (?). The Handsome Skiing Expert, Yong...

Yonghwa: What Beautiful Photo?

Seohyun: The photo that was take Beautifully. ~~~

Yonghwa: Wasn't it Beautiful at the first place?

Seohyun: Ai... You're too happy.

Yonghwa: Have you went Skiing before?

Seohyun: Only Once.

Yonghwa: Skiied how far?

Seohyun: That... It didn't move at all.

Yonghwa: Is it?

Seohyun: Yup, Never learnt it properly before. Only learnt it once. It's like this, like this, like this.

Yonghwa: Can you Ski down? (?)

Seohyun: Only a little bit.

Yonghwa: Me... My friends would make me teach them. However, Everytime I teach them I get bored. (?) So, I gave up.

Seohyun: Are you trying to say that you would give up teaching me today as well?

Yonghwa: There's a possibility. Just telling you first.


Good Luck to whoever Translating / Subbing this Episode. Thanks Before. :)

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Guest yonghyunforever

this is too cute epsiode. our couple full of skinship now. but the preview made me cant wait. really. how can they tortue us with waiting.

Yong is so handsome here and Hyun is adorable cute. cant have enough of them:-)

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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































Dae. bak. oh. my. gosh.
































































This episode is adorable, but I can't get over the preview. :wub:
































































Anyways! Preview translations~
































































Y: Arms spread, and turn.
































































<Yong coach's teaching continues>
































































<After the lesson~ A sweet break in the room>
































































Y: You look like a chick.
































































H: Chirp.
































































Y: Chirp.
































































H: I'm a tired chick~
































































H: It's ready.
































































<They have a nice dinner together>
































































H: Can't you listen to my wish?
































































H: I think I will be able to see a new side of you!
































































<Their first ski trip, what is Hyun's wish?>

















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