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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
























awww the ski trip was so cool!
















yong is so pro!! ahahah
















he is so strict with hyun!
















but hyun did a good job learning! she learns so fast! it's amazing!
















i have a feeling one more episode of the ski trip and then wedding photos (:
















ahhhh omg the preview!
















it looks like they went to some place to rest after the snowboarding!
















hyun feeding yong with her hands! omg! (:
















and yong was laying while hyun was sitting right next to him but there also was a pillow so.... :]
































i cant wait for next week! :D





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Guest _d3seohyun



"Seobaby fall! Let go! Lean forward! Fall! asdfghjklkjhgfd! Come on!" :lol:

Hahahahhaha. Gogumas were screaming like that during the last part of the episode weren't you guys? kekekekeke

And Seobaby, you will really be the death of me. too much aegyo i had to look away :P

I still can't believe it's been a year already for uri couple. I'm not good with words so all I can say is Thank You. Thank you Yongseo! Thank You Gogumas! I feel truly blessed to be a part of this fandom.


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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sceencaps from ep44

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello i wanted to introduce myself before i started working on the translation...
















my name is juhee and i will be translating for Dduk who is currently working on her senior thesis...
















I will translate as quickly and accurately as much as my fingers would allow
















please be patient and the full translation will be out shortly!









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Guest outofurReach
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Must.. spazz.. NOW.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo... wearing couple sweaters.. in a room.. for the night.. (I suppose) OMOOOOOOO~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Forgive me :P

































































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Guest twiddle10
































































































OMG!! the previeww!! :D  cant waitt.. again, saturday!! palii..

so, probably another one more ski episode, then wedding!! hmm ohh, hoping, the wedding's will be before my school start!! erghh.
































love!! today episode, waiting patientlyfor the raww and translation. hehe, and thanks to m3. i dont really know how to express. hsjdas lovelovelove ehee sorry.
































sorry for my english, and if i break the rules. thankyou.

































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Guest xxraqSTAR

lol, how come it wasn't that lagged on mine? too bad i wasn't able to stream the first part..

i love how the gogumas keep on cheering for hyun to fall on top of yong.. that cracked me up! how naughty of you guys? but i would love that to happen :lol: :lol:

ooh. btw on the preview did they slept together? OMMO!! and they are wearing another couple shirt.. yellow hoodie :wub:

now i have to wait for the raw vids uploaded and the translation and the subbed part to watch it over and over again until next saturday..

i'm having another CANT-GET-ENOUGH-OF-THIS-EPISODE SYNDROME every saturday..

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Must.. spazz.. NOW.








YongSeo... wearing couple sweaters.. in a room.. for the night.. (I suppose) OMOOOOOOO~




Forgive me  :P







Haha...I am waiting for the rest of the Gugumas to finish watching the episode.And get to the preview...you mean the one blanket?Kya....something tells me the pages will have no end of skinship screenscap today.Woot woot.




back to lurking.Thank you in advance for the translations and subbed videos.


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Guest l0okiemaria


hi everyone, i am new here. but as like so many people, i was a lurker and still am but i just want to express my gratitude to all who have contributed with the yongseo couple. you guys are the BESTERST! hehe :]




This episode made me squeel to the max and i was holding my hands together because it was just so cute.


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Guest icegabrielle
















































Hi juhee.. Thank you in advance for the translation.. And goodluck Dduk for your thesis.. happy.gif
















I haven't watched the episode today, but I plan on watching it as soon as it was uploaded.. I was not able to find a good site to watch the live streaming earlier tears.gif so, I'll have to wait for the uploaders..
















Once again, thank you juhee for the translations, and M3 for the translations earlier in the chatbox.. And synykiss and sonems, thank you in advance for subbing.. 

















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Guest yongseorockin


Everybody, lets trend what FAIRY has asked us to trend earlier. We cant do it w/o your help. Lets go. Now is the time!!



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Guest xxraqSTAR


Hello i wanted to introduce myself before i started working on the translation...

my name is juhee and i will be translating for Dduk who is currently working on her senior thesis...

I will translate as quickly and accurately as much as my fingers would allow

please be patient and the full translation will be out shortly!

annyong juhee! don't mind us you can take your time for the translation, you don't have to force yourself to translate it for us..

we can actually wait no matter how long it would take you..and we are very much thankful that you are sacrificing your time for the translation..

and for that the gogumas already LOVE you! *big hug!*

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Guest Seychan
















OMG Preview deabak. I die die


























Hoodie couple, feed together. Aigooo ~~~ same room, same bed *naughty me* Why is YongSeo couple so sweet :wub:


























Huyn looks so shy in preview & Yong is so manly *naughty me again*


























Thank u so much M3 for your fast trans & juhee, waiting for ur full translation. *hug*  Thank in advance for a lovely fan up newest ep & preview deabak in youtube.


























Waiting with all my heart <3





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The preview from DCgall. HQ version.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, I can't wait for next week.































































































































































































































































Crazy me...































































































































































































































































Edit: 1st Part from Tudou
































































































































































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holy moly, reading u guys spazz already drive me crazy..i was streaming for the first part but then it was lag and i cant bear to watch it..




Omo, hope someone share caps for preview..im waiting for goguma uploader to upload at YT..plz save us from misery ^^








thanks to uploader preview on YT


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Guest yongseorockin


How about spazzing and trending on twitter at the same time.

we can see each other tweets through clicking on the #YongSeo1stAnniv at twitter or searching for it.

Tweetdeck is very good at it. Yong Seo Hwaiting


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hello gogumas..
















































i think another ski episode...im so impress with seohyun she quickly learn the basic , well with a very inspiring instructor no doubt..just wondering with yong as her teacher how can she concentrate..kekeke
















































oh ya the preview seems much a sweeter episode than today..but i luv of course i luv this episode as well...
















































fighting in go paem..

















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