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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest AngelVillian

At my timezone, it's 12 Feb already.

It's currently 12 + am in Singapore.

I'm seriously excited, i don't think i can fall asleep.



Snowboarding : Yong Choding is going to teach Seohyun!

As usual, i'm just seriously happy because we're getting really close to the wedding episode.

Hopefully they filmed during 11 Feb.

Yonghwa Heart Seohyun <3

Updated my fanfic just now, Click here for Episode 12

New reader? ---> Start Reading "Dreams" by clicking here

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Guest deninja
















 Anyonghaseyo my IN-GO-PAEM!












We are a bunch of happy crazy people thesedays, huh? I love it! 












AWED, I am seriously AWED by all you guys.Today when I opened the thread and really was just intending to lurk as I don'thave much time to post as I have an appointment in a couple of hours I couldn'thelp but log-in in the face of all your DAEBAKness. I wanted to catch Feb 11 inKOREA so here I am. I think it's around 11:45pm in KOREA right now so I'm kindagiddy that 1 year ago almost to the hour our couple met at  the MBC lobby.AIGOO, butterflies in my tummy.












Though today, it's not our couple that'smaking me all crazily happy but all of you guys. Seriously I want to extend myarms and gather all of you in the biggest group hug ever and give you a bigsmooch. But the biggest one will be to bezbez/indi/Fairy/YS international-(notsure if she is this too) for all her hard work this time and all the pasttimes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY too. I wish you get your three wishes this year! (Onewill be the same as all our wishes,right?   wink.gif












Of course, a fairygoddess will have her fairy-army so KAMSAHAMNIDA to all of you too.












But of course I can't forget our YongSeocouple, the source of all this magic.












For my favorite episode it will alwaysbe the first one. Because it's where it all began.












For me it was just like the first few momentsof sunrise where you just see the few amber rays coming from just beyond thehorizon. It's just a glimmer of the day that is coming, the lights are softer,more quiet but you know you have a great day ahead of you. Their first episodefor me was just that. 












When Hyun insists about wearing the seatbelt and Yongsays that’s the best part and he did not dislike it but LOVED it. And when Hyunsays that Yong was playful and mischievous and it was fun and she LIKED it. Itdid not turn her off. As early as then, they GOT each other. That wasserendipity for me. They were on a journey. It had started. To where or whenwas all up to them. I am just happy that I am seeing parts of it. I’m hopingthat I am not seeing all and that they are keeping some parts to themselves.Parts that will make them endure even after WGM. Wherein the timing, the rules,the rhythm, the flow will always be theirs to control, the YONGSEO way.












So my wish for them, that after they scalethe mountains of their dreams and reach the peak they will found that they arenot alone but surrounded by loving and supportive persons who have accompaniedthem along the way: Yong and Hyun in Hyun’s and Yong’s of course












And when that happens - that it is each other’shand they will be holding, each other’s eyes that they will be looking into andeach other’s heart’s they will be holding – is just, you know,  another little wish of mine.












And my GO-CHUN mind is insisting that Yongwas prophetic when one year ago he said “ I think I am going to love sweetpotatoes for the rest of my life.”























































































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Guest firstimelovers



















When people doubt them in the beginning,







they prove them wrong by coming this far, and still so strong.














Loved by many all over the world,







how we fall in love along with them







like the first time lovers..














Wish this fairytale will never, never end.







And last till forever, ever after ♥
















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Guest LifeMadeSimple923







One year ago,at this time,Fate brought 2 strangers together.





Although they started their journey with cute awkwardness, they have built their relationship with honesty,trustfulness and compromise.





That's why in Jung Yong Hwa ♥ Seo Joo Hyun 's relationship,"Love is not a BIG thing. It's MILLIONS of SMALL things" ♥ (Quote credit to Seychan^^)





There is a love quote saying that:"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."But,





If Hyun lives to be a hundred,Yong wants to live to be a hundred and two so they never have to live without each other but die together. :wub:





♥ Happy YongSeo couple 1st Anniversary ♥ :wub:





From Feb 11th 2010,Feb 11th has been much more meaningful than Valentine ever ♥





Sometimes I have a thought that whether I am lucky or unlucky to know YongSeo so late than others.I feel so unlucky that I should have known them from the very beginning so I could have realized millions of things like now sooner,especially how a relationship should be and should work.But I understand,life is like that,things never happen like what people want them to be,and I think I'm still have a little luck.At least,I got a chance to know YongSeo,to know there's a couple named Forgiveness.





To many gogumas of In-Go-Pam, it's been a year full of happiness, a year full of beautiful moments, a year full of love, a year full of YongSeo moments.♥ Though to me,it's not been a year,from the first moments I knew you,every day is full of smiles and happiness.





Thanks YongSeo couple for letting me finally realize how a relationship should be.Thanks fate for letting me know YS.Thanks all Gogumas who have translated,done projects,done everything for us to have more chances to understand and show our love and support to uri couple..Thanks for all of your contributions and effort..Kamshahamida ♥





Although I wasn't with you from the beginning, I will go along with you on this beautiful journey until the end of this life....Goguma couple,fighting♥ :wub:









To Yong and Hyun:"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."-Helen Keller...No matter what will happen in the future, just follow your hearts,do what your hearts tell you to do as you have always been.Always be yourselves,be Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Joo Hyun,and treat each other like you always do. Gogumas always love,support and protect Goguma Couple ♥










cr: dc married





P/s: Hyun's favourite quote to wake my soul up: :rolleyes:blush.gif





"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."-Helen Keller


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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































must watch it ... you guys sure like it a lot  :lol:^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Happy 1st Anniversary YongSeo






























































































































































































































I don't know what to say except that I LOVE YongSeo :wub::D
































































































































They give me goosebump every time I see their skinship even with a simple gesture as hold hands, resting on the shoulder of each other or when they look lovingly at each other, I can see they're in love blush.gif
































































Even  if one day they leave WGM, I hope they continue to take care of each other but I have no doubt about that, they're loyal in friendship and in love.
































































They make me aww and giggle, blush, scream, cry of joy, happy, smile whenever I see them together. I'm so excited every saturday and I'm so thankfull to them for that. I hope the best for them in 2011 individually and together.
































































They're so cute, sweet, funny, awkward, talented, nice, perfect and comfortable, they're the best couple for me. I just love the evolution of their love story to the awkward couple at the comfortable couplle.
































































































































I love Yong choding and nagging Hyun, they're so different but they compliment each other so well. They were destiny to be paired together.
































































































































Yongseo is JJANG!!































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi

first of all,








may your journey in WGM will continue in real-life, for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 101, 102 years!!!! just like Hyun said, YOU GUYS NEED TO DIE TOGETHER!

OK, where to start........... I should really write something about YongSeo's 1 year anniversary. :lol: hmmm......


YongSeo moments that I love






  1. the moment you two first met inside the MBC building....... your first meeting, how Seohyun chose to put that Keroro blanket on Yonghwa. Was Seohyun really following your heart that time? or just a pure guess without any special feeling? The moment She put that blanket on Yonghwa, my heart went "dugeun dugeun", because she actually picked the right guy (way to go!). Is that what we call "love at first sight"? how was he, Hyun? handsome? Yonghwa-ya, she is that maknae of SNSD!! aren't you grateful to have a partner from SNSD?? pretty? No need to hide yourself! Since that time onwards, you will soon realize that you are going to embark on a new journey together, as a couple in this so-called "fake marriage".
  2. Those precious 2000-won "Couple Rings" you guys bought. those rings have went through many events. A day after you guys bought the rings, both of you performed at Music Bank. First couple mission?? SUCCESS!!! yeah! show the world that you are a couple, so those fanboys and fangirls will shut their mouths and realize that both of you are already taken - well, at least on this "fake marriage". Those rings on your fingers are the silent viewer that have seen your relationship blooming, step-by-step, phase-by-phase. You guys are proud to have the rings on your fingers? Then Seohyun proudly gave a new ring as a birthday present, for both of you! That’s when I realize that Seohyun is finally opening up to Yonghwa, and his work all this time is paid off! The new rings has made adventures all around asia, meeting every single GOGUMAS who support YongSeo, uniting us all, making us became GOLLUMS (LOL). Please cherish it always~
  3. hehehe, the LOVE LIGHT and BANMAL SONG!!! both songs will remind both of you about each other..... your progress into becoming an ever stronger couple, with undestructible bonds. Love light "I'm genie for you girl" was a statement by Yonghwa on how he thought about Seohyun. Only one line of the song is enough to tell us how you feel, Yo~ng! you badly love this girl right?? when both of you perform together for a duet........ you guys were able to look at each other's eyes...... how lovely :wub: :wub: and then, another song! BANMAL SONG! first UCC project, then releasing the song! it was a love statement, particularly from Yonghwa again. Hyun! you seriously need to catch up! sometimes you should gove a response by making a song for Yonghwa, so he will know your feelings clearer!
  4. Sangdodong house! The very house that fits YongSeo’s personalities perfectly! Everything came from your own ideas! That avatar world, kitchen, sound-proof room, THAT FAMOUS YELLOW COUCH! All of them came from both of your ideas, not from anyone’s ideas. Although the second floor belongs to the landowner, but the house itself will always be somehow associated/connected with YongSeo. The house has been the viewer of all their lovey-dovey moments, their mildang!, their food-cooking, and most importantly both of them slept there, for once! Yong while waiting for his Buin coming back from school and Hyun sleeping when Yong was making the food for the princess……. They have been “living” in that house during the 4 seasons now!! (winter, summer, autumn, fall). Is there any other perfect house can you think of that will fit YongSeo more?? I don’t think so! SANGDO-DONG is the best place for YongSeo, EVER!
  5. What do you think???? THE SWEET POTATOES!!!!! The pink-coloured “sweet potatoes” are now the catchphrase when it comes to YongSeo couple. First introduced by Seohyun, as the food that she likes, was for her “MORE IMPORTANT THAN GUYS”. But now? Yon~ng of course! From this goguma we have finally come to realize that this is a healthy food, and encourage all of us to eat this food. Hope it will boost the industry of sweet potatoes around the world! Also, when we talk about this, we must not forget about the GOGUMA FIELD!! (Yo~ng’s birthday present) and also the GO-CHUN (Goguma Heaven), the place Yong refers to in Japan, during their Japan date.
  6. MILDANG! (Push-pull). It’s the painful memory of Yonghwa and Seohyun’s relationship……. Yonghwa-ya! You made a great mistake for not contacting Hyun for 1 month! However, I admire your effort, because you wanted to break that “INVISIBLE WALL” between you and her, but it’s just, the timing might have been too long for Hyun to bear. You took a great risk there, and the price you had to pay was big! Seohyun was an innocent person when it comes to love so her response was a little bit harsh, I would say. But then, when I think about it, you are one brave soul…… to make that kind of decision how did you manage to suppress your feelings?? For that I congratulate you, because of this act, you know about her feelings and in the end, you guys end up getting closer with each other, and this is best represented with their Japan Episode. Both of you were really opening your hearts to each other. Seohyun-ah! That arm-linking you initiated, how did you feel?? Nervous?? Happy?? Fans around the world have been waiting for that one BOLD movement from you!
  7. That train rides, Busan and JeongDongJin!! In JeongDongJin you guys made a resolution “to make a good life in the future”, under that terrible weather…… But terrible times should end in good times! Your second trip with train, and this time, BUSAN! Hyun! It’s your hubby’s hometown! The place where he played, stayed, setting up his dreams, and more importantly the place where he was raised, with all the memories of childhood, and also the Parents hometown! Yonghwa, you must be proud of Hyun, showing her best effort to get close with your mother! Remember, your mother said “I’m satisfied. You married well”. Do you need to think more? Your so-called “virtual wife” is already approved by your mother, and in this case approved to be a part of the family!
  8. OK, this is not to be forgotten! CNBLUE and SNSD members, and those people encircling them have always been supportive of you two. Jonghyun said something about “We know whether Yonghwa-hyung is taking this (WGM) seriously” and even Taeyeon said “I hope Yonghwa and Seohyun will date for real”. Both of you need another proof?? Manager approved Yonghwa! SMTown family (especially the oppas) seem to take a quite distance and extremely careful when holding hands with you, Hyun!! Yonghwa! You are approved by CNBLUE, SNSD and everyone, including us! Hyun! Your unnies’ advice are always the best for you. Although you think you can make your own decision better, but your unnies are always unnies, they know the best for you! So both of you, APPROVAL = CHECK!
  9. Last but not least, all of us fans. Asian fans (esp. K-gogumas), European, American, Australasian, African GOGUMAS!!! You need approval from us?? We have given you guys that approval since you met for the first time! GOGUMAS!!! Thank you for bringing joy and happiness to my life. I got to know friends from all over the world, under the same mutual connection, “OUR LOVE TOWARDS YONGSEO COUPLE”. Translators, project leaders, graphic-makers, FBIs, news updaters, regular posters at soompi, lurkers, and even hamburgers!!! (you hamburgers need to eat goguma to change your minds)


Okay, so that signifies the end of my very LONG post. First time to make such a long post! Hope we will continue loving YongSeo in the future!!! Until 101 years later ( if we are given the chance by God)……..:P

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Guest Beluga14
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  1. i am curious... do they celebrate their 1st year anniversary together? or not? and if yes, can somebody find some proof? not only, but also goguma world would like to know whether their king and queen did something special on their anniversary day...
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Guest starsundaepower




OK, I just watched  "IT'S A YONGSEO WORLD AFTER ALL FMW" by YSInternational0211 


and watched all version of banmal song and fan song..


(call me ignorant, but I just knew that there's a project from international fans like that--> it's a result of my long hiatus, my bad)



u guys really.. i'm speechless, smile ear to ear, SO DAEBAK!!! I salute u guys!! 


I want to hug all of you my fellow gogumas, GROUP HUG!!! 


Yonghwa and Seohyun, look what u did! u gave us happiness, u gave us positive attitude, u bring us joy. and I thank you. 



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This Thread is great and everyone has so much love to give. I am teary eyed already.

Thank you to everyone!!!

especially a shout out to:

MountainMadMan, J2dlee, Dduk, lalaCakes, sun_sun, Bezbezbez, YSinternational, redtulip


bolmaejung, aneng, lenovo, crystalmalfoy, crystalblue, MrsJoker, JNJ, Luvtokki Oppa, heartbreak warfare, Trent, Kerube Chan, Lovekin, PanG( actually there so many but atm I can only think of them <3)

and many many more who made this thread THIS amazing :tears:


To the posters from the start like LaBelle and Ljphantom: please stop by from time to time and share your thoughts <3


again Kamshaminida!!


I have been here since day 1 and I'll still be here when they announce their actual wedding:wub:

to YongHwa: you are an charismatic boymanmanboy, a great leader, I know with your stare and your presence you can get every girl out there. But I hope and I somewhat know you know that the one and only girl is right beside you and thats the one who claims to be your wife. Don't let her go from your grasp, never:wub: 

to SeoHyun: You are the most innocent, angellike Celebrity I know and I love you for that. Without questioning you have changed, a Lot.

You have become the most beautiful lady I know. Love/Yonghwa can do that:wub:   Don't let him go from your grasp, never ever.


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































































































sorry if im really late. haha
































































ive been waiting this since ive read the news that you guys are going to be on WGM.
































































atfirst i was thrilled and i was like what? seojoohyun the ever innocent maknae who prefers goguma than boys and to yonghwa who has like a play boy appearance. but ofcourse yonghwa proved me wrong. he has an innocent heart when it comes to girls. ^_^ and to hyun. i would like to congrats you for having yonghwa as the first guy you hold hands with. and lots of first. :)
































































you've been through alot. through hard times your push and pull times and now,,, you are as lovey dovey as ever.
































































continute to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!
































































and its so good to see people whom i have seen in this thread one year ago, and are still here. showing much love to the YONGSEo COUPLE.
































































you guys are great!

















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Guest Lumpiere



happy first year dearest yongseo!


i was a late shipper but once i got on to this ship i couldn't even leave even if i wanted to. Thank you for bringing me and fellow gogumas so much joy in the past year. Your episodes never fail to put a smile on my face when i had a rough day. And because of you 2, the highlight of my weeks are always the livestream which i catch whenever i could. 

Please hold onto each other's hands and continue this journey for many years to come! biggrin.gif

edit: Ok i realllly need to stop topping with nothing substantial to share. 

So, here's the banmal song video they made, make it 3million views by the week ends fellow gogumas!


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what rotten timing to fall sick on yongseo's 1st

Anniv. And missed out on all the celebration

I am laying on bed as i'm typing this, but i want

To say my sincerest Thank You to All for making

Today a v v special day indeed

To YongSeo

Happy 1st Anniversary. Thank you for sharing your love

journey with me. I am happy that u both are doing

great in your careers as well as your love lives.

May God Bless U Both and keep u both

away from evil eyes.

May the couple rings tie u both for eternity!

To Fairy

Happy Birthday. You've done so much!

Thank u. Wishing all the worlds goodness be

With u forever..

To Gogumas

Thank you for the support. So touching

to see gogumas coming out united as one.

We Are Family...

I hope to be disch from the hospital soon

and be with my goguma family again

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Guest lovekim
























































































































Happy 1st Anniversary YongSeo!!








































































































And to gogumas, it's our anniversary too!!








































































































We've known them as a couple for a year and we've known each other for a year too!!








































































































Amazing how time flies and how uri couple changed since the 1st date!!








































































































Sigh...crave for dukbokki now....coincidentally, it's rabbit year this year! And....reminded me of the "go-gu-ma! to-?" game!! Hyun's "-kki!" made not just Yong ROFL....made me LOL too! muahahaha! cute Hyun...








































































































Well, we have many more memories to make, just like uri lovely couple.








































































































So, YongSeo jjiang!!! Happy Anniversary!! fellow gogumas, i love u!!!









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Guest seveneightnine
































































Dear Yonghwa Seohyun..
















































Happy first year anniversary!!
















































i've been a silent lurker for a long time.































































































but today is a special day for our lovely yongseo and us.































































































i'm going crazy waiting for saturday. kekeke :D






















































































































































i wish both of you celebrating the anniversary together <3































































































keep on loving each other.































































































thank you for sharing your love.































































































bringing a lot of happiness.































































































i realyy hope this happiness could continues for a long time :)































































































yong, hyun, you know? your story inspires me a lot!






















































































































































Thanks for other gogumas who shared pictures and many other links ;)































































































i love you ♥
















































*i hope yong and hyun can come to my country indonesia ;)









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hello gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just dropping by to congratulate uri YongSeo a happy one year together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we have all been a witness how their relationship blossomed into something so beautiful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i am glad that this thread has leaped through this time and so many shippers came out to show their love to YongSeo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we may have different ways of loving and shipping this couple but there is this single thing that binds us together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's the love reflected in them, be it from friendship, family or romantic love but there's still the LOVE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my wish for them is to continue showing us how love can happen slowly, that love doesn't need much elaboration, doesn't need too many reasons, that love is that unspoken feeling more than what the lips could tell...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my wish for all of us is to continue growing into one family...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you all for sharing this wonderful place called go-chun!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































shoutout to the family and friends I found to, which I owe YongSeo for too much (and I miss you all): baby_bo, fengz, nazweena, nomadzky, chikaaaaa, _d3seohyun, genxv, Trent, lovekim, redtulip, k_tin, woollylamb, hallyucraze,andalasa, kaptenkeirin, lenovo, j2dlee, and the rest you know who you are ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Happy 1st Anniversary Yonghwa ♡ Seohyun!
















Thank you for bringing us countless hours of joy, laughter & tears all mixed into 1 huge ball of pure love! :wub:
















I am thankful for the past 1 year of being part of a brand new goguma family & friendships that will carry on beyond WGM. I am blessed.
















Many gogumas, myself included, tried our best to trend #YongSeo1stAnniv on twitter. Though it didn't make the Worldwide Trending list, we tried our best and the process is most important, the outcome is just a cherry topper.
















Let's all give ourselves a pat on the back. Great job YongSeo Gogumas! *hug*

















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Guest hallyucraze




Today.. this day.. marks the 1st year where these 2 strangers? met.. One a rookie in showbiz.. the other... the sunbae of a very popular girl group..but neither expected each other to be the other half...From that day on... they were known as the Goguma Couple/YongSeo couple..




How far you've come YongSeo! Did u even imagine today will come? ONE YEAR?? who would have thot?? :D the innocent,naive Seo Joo Hyun.. with the choding, playful Jung YongHwa! When u draped your blanket over him, did u even think it is him to be your husband? U chose well my dear.. or was that the 6th sense of a woman?? How you've grown Seo Joo Hyun! :D




From then on I have come to love you both.. love SNSD.. love CN Blue...




Hyun~Yong.. for u to have come tis far is an amazing achievement! Be caring to one another, be loving with each other.life is not without obstacles.. overcome it TOGETHER...




With that... I would like to wish both of you HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY!! becoz of U i have met & come to love the friends i've made from ALL OVER THE WORLD.. u miraculously brought all of us to come TOGETHER!! with that I would like to say KAMSA HAMNIDA!!!




Enjoy your Anniversary.... & I hope I will get to see more of the both of u in the coming future .... TOGETHER!!






SARANGHAE... YongSeo!!




SARANGHAE my Go~Chun~Paem!! :wub::wub:



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Guest piriri--








































]Happy yongseo first anniv[/
























today is a special day indeed and iam sooooooooo happy that i know youngseo















































i cannot belive 365 day has pass















































we share our happiness and sadness with our beloved couple















































i will never forget this year in my life















































i wish yo you the best luck in your lives to all gugumas and uri couple















































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi




has anyone noticed this??? I was rewatching the earlier episodes when I found this......






this is when YongSeo were talking about the relationship from the book, when they were travelling by train to JeongDongJin










so can we safely assume that Seohyun initiated that "pinky-ship"???? KYAAA:wub: :wub:



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