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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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First half of 2010, they can totally ignore each other without any effort.







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Second half of 2010, they can only see each other literally







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's my long anniversary post for their anniversary:
































































































































































































































































































































































I’m going to start with my most favorite episode. I’m choosing between the Double Birthday episode, Japan Episode and the 300th episode. After much deliberation, I ended up picking their Japan trip. Many people love their double birthday episode, okay, it’s really epic and it’s the start of the real journey for them. I love it too, mind you. Yonghwa finally got a ‘go’ sign from Joohyun. She finally made him realized that he’s already part of her life, subtly, Joohyun always do things in her own mind-boggling ways. For me, that episode confirmed that an innocent and fragile girl is willing to step out her shell for a guy.
































































































































































































































































































































































However, in their Japan trip, it confirms the couple’s feelings. Not just Yonghwa nor just Joohyun. And it didn’t start at night after they went to the convenience store. It already started when they were asked to meet at the station. Both were displaying an excited emotion while being filmed alone. Yonghwa couldn’t keep his hand still, showing how he was looking forward to seeing her after 20 days and probably because of excitement too. Seohyun, on the other hand, was equally nervous and excited too. It felt like if she can just fly just so she can find Yonghwa right away, she won’t hesitate to do it.
































































































































































































































































































































































And that precious moment of finally seeing each other, it’s quite amazing how they found each other despite that they were standing at both edge of the station and they just couldn’t get their smiles off their faces. Yes, the first minutes were awkward, like how new couple would act when they haven’t seen each other for a while (even though they are contacting each other).
































































































































































































































































































































































One of the best parts in this trip was that she was making him see and feel that she’s pulling him back completely, that she already forgave him for the unknown weeks he didn’t contacted her. I know you all noticed how touchy she was that day, how she made sure that he noticed the eye contacts she gave whenever he talks and how she took care of him. It was as if she made a promise to herself to make him happy that day. And all those time, Yonghwa acted indifferent with all those gestures, probably awkward to initiate some skinships because he knew that he was still ‘under probation’. And the brave arm linking she did was just a confirmation for him. However, I think there was more to that brave act, it was also to subtly tell him that she was ready for skinship, to take it to another level.
































































































































































































































































































































































The honest talk they had that night confirmed how they think of each other. They were both yearning for the same thing. They were finally in the same page. Again, there’s more than those conversations, something that made them more confident about their feelings for each other, it was as if ‘hey, we both like each other, let’s make this work.’ That trip gave them confidence, truly a stepping stone in their relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































Now, I’m finally done with my favorite episode. I’m not going to say something towards the couple (that’s just crazy) but I’m going to share why I am bewitched, in love, obsessed and smitten.
































































































































































































































































































































































I’m not the fan who finds the first episode lovely to watch all over again. I find it funny, I must say. Yonghwa couldn’t just hide his happiness finally seeing a member of his favorite girl group standing in front of him. And the fact that he’s going to work with her was totally beyond him. Seohyun, on the other hand, was feeling nothing but impassive about this new challenge. The whole time they filmed together until the double birthday episode, she was merely just treating those as an experience (despite how her members would say things about them). She was distant, she tries to avoid any skinships other than his habit of touching her arms whenever he starts talking, her eyes was more curious than being content. Her pace was excruciatingly slow but he didn’t mind. He didn’t cared, he set his goal to make her comfortable, just that nothing more. But when he saw that same girl serenading him, personally making a book for him even though she was disappointed in him, courageously giving him a ring, it wasn’t just friendship he’s after at anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































It was September, probably after the Japan trip, they blossomed. They make me believe that magic is real.
































































































































































































































































































































































I appreciate how she always yearns for his attention, always questioning whenever he doesn’t notice changes and new things about her, gives him the loveliest stare a girl can do, takes care of him in the most sincere way possible. She suddenly turned into this girlfriend without her noticing it. Nobody could explain how she turned into an unbelievably gorgeous woman, she was changed. She wasn’t the innocent maknae of SNSD anymore. Everyone can distinguish her as SNSD’s Seohyun, not just the maknae.
































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa, I couldn’t say anything about this guy. He is beyond words, an amazing guy who can be the most charismatic singer on stage but can turn into a dorky guy if he wants to. The way he purposely eased up the atmosphere just so the angelic girl beside him can loosened up a bit, how he strived hard to read books that he probably hated back then, how he pushed himself to write long letters so he can make up with her, how his eyes always give him away, how he showed true happiness whenever she unintentionally blurts innocent lines and questions, it was love.
































































































































































































































































































































































Gone now is the awkward couple. Back then, Yonghwa was so careful with his choice of words, always thinking if it would hurt her but now he can tell her everything, whether it may come as a compliment or insult because Seohyun understands. She understands how his mind works now. They understand each other even if they are only looking at each other. You know what I love best about them? They can stare at each other all day and still hungry for more.
































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo couple went through each level two persons need to gone through in life. Strangers, awkwardness, curiosity, friendship, trust, adoration and probably, love. They unconsciously make a high standard for me to see how relationship is real nor not. They may have different personalities, they have imperfections…but this is Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun we are talking about, they simply do things in their own unique ways and suddenly, the imperfection isn’t so important anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































It doesn’t seem like they knew each other for a year but a lifetime already.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































February 2010, their awkwardness was tangible in their first ever selca...






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































August 2010, comfort was present...friendship definitely bloomed...






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































December 2010, it's already hard to distinguish what feelings they truly have...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































was it still friendship? Adoration? Mutual understanding? It's probably...love, contentment and trust...maybe.






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Icon credits:
































































































































































































































































































































































First and second-vyurin.tumblr.com









































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest morningblue
































































































































































































































I hope I'm not too late to join the celebration (sorry I'm very busy today)
































































































































































































































































































































May You Always Healthy and Happy
































































































































































I hope someday you will become a real couple
































































































































































Thanks to Yongseo Couple because of  Yongseo I can meet with many Great & Talented Goguma...
































































































































































@ bee-ichigo: same to you I was also got curious about the place.but I guess the balcony where they could see the 63 building was behind the kitchen wall.
































































































































































                          sorry I don't know how to make sreencaps, But if you watch Ep. 5 & Ep.14 (when Yong hiding behind the door when Hyun home from college) ...
































































































































































                          yo can see beside the entrance there is white cabinet and beside the cabinet there is a door (or  there is another door in front entrance door)
































































































































































                          and I guess the door leading to the balcony where they could see the building 63. but it's all just my guess ....blush.gif

































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:wub:Happy 1st Anniversary YongSeo couple

Keep healthy and be happy.

There may be hardship ahead of you, but please trust each other.

May both your future be bright.

Yongseo fighting!

Thank you to the translators, subbers,fmv makers, fanfiction's artists.

I always enjoy your work.

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Guest butterfly_z










haha..chincha..since everybody was out of their lurker..i just have to say something tooo!wink.gif






kinda afraid of posting again(afraid of over analyzing things too much)...but i just cannot stand it anymore..i just need to say something!






let me start from the beginning...i never really thought that i would go all crazy over this couple..i started with lurking n shipping other couple here in soompi..and alwiz found out that this thread is alwiz 1st in soompi thread..i wonder why..i know that they were in WGM and both are the person that i like..but for me..it just another reality show..just for the SHOW..and i wonder why people like this WGM couple soO much..i never really care about it at first..till my sister bring back the download version of this couple..and i try to watch the 1st episode without much enthusiasm..but then, i realize that they were TOO sweet to be ignore..and they remind me a lot of my own love story..and the rest is history..i'm just like all of you goguma!!sometimes i feel like a crazy person just standing in front of the computer,lurking this thread for many hours, and giggling..hahaha...ok enough rambling..phew.gif






i love all the episode, but i must say that the first episode was the BEST..it was the beginning of their story..eventhough it was awkward, but it was sweet...






and i love the way hyun walking inside the MBC..she's soo beautiful..n that moment was priceless..and i also love the surprise look of yonghwa when he found out that the girl was seohyun...he looked really happy...






to all the translator, the commenter, the stalker, to all the goguma here..i am really touch by all your hardwork and love towards this couple..without all of you..the video,the comments,the spazzing..i really cannot enjoy watching this couple..this thread is amazing..






what i love the most about yong and hyun is how they really carry their ownselves,their own personality in this program..and becos their sincerity,i've got to know more about them..their personality,their music..and their bandmates..i never like CNBlue b4..just notice that yong hwa is handsome that's all..and never really cared 'bout SNSD..from this program, i'm beginning to love CNBlue music (they really being underrated b4)..and i love their relationship too..b4 i alwiz thought that artist are usually have this kind of 'bad' personality..but they proof wrong..they really work hard..and they were really a decent person..i'm thankful that that i have known amazing people in this program..












True love is kinda hard to find..but if you do find it..never let it go..cos u would never know when it will come back to you again..






Just trust yourself, be yourself..be a good idol towards your fan..we will alwiz support you from behind..









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Guest cutie_xur
























What can i say?? no words can describe how much love i have for the two of you..










you guys makes me wanna fall in love.. makes me wanna experience the things, emotions you are experiencing right now...










i am just so happy ive known you for a year now. and hoping for more years to come..










thank you for loving,taking are and understanding each other..










thank you also for introducing me to the best fans in the world..










fellow gogumas you are all daebak..










HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY YONGSEO! i pray someday youll end up in real life!










@ ANENG- I feel like crying after reading your post! ur daebak!



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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
































GOGUMAS LETS KEEP HWAITING!!! Gogumas Indonesia, You are JJANG!!! JASHIK!!






























PS: How about the TT in other countries?? Please give report to us all :D :D:D




















































































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Guest just_a_dream
















































clap, clap, clap...YongSeo Anniversary is trending now in Indonesia, 
































I know that it has been posted, but I just can't stop myself,
































so overwhelm with the powerful Gogumas..kkkkk







































































visit your twitter account now and let's make it trending worldwide..
































isn't that super duper great?.We can do this everyone..FIGHTING!
































spread the love, love, love..wub.gif









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Guest chandrawd



















Within a year, many joys and sorrows experienced by this couple. nevertheless, they have made us smile, laugh, and even cry.




Thanks yongseo for letting us saw your epic eyes-ship, poke-ship, armwrestling-ship, holdhands-ship, head-ship (another way to say “i’m sorry please forgive me”), travelling-together-to-other-country-ship, holdinghand-in-jacket-ship, create-new-romatic-song-and-upload-it-to-youtube-ship, piggybackride-ship, visit-mother-in-law-ship, shoulder-massage-ship, leg-ship and pinky-finger-ship.







Because i love this couple much, please let me show one of my latest yongseo fanart. Actually it's not fully completed, maybe tomorrow I'll finish this full story fanart.


















YONGHWA goguma's rate




at first








Seohyun gave yonghwa 3 goguma for his hardworking actions during first meeting














in the middle of the year








Poor Yonghwa, he got 0 goguma because of the mildang game. And because of that mildang game, Seohyun lose a lots of trust for yonghwa and also we saw the cute-angry seohyun




And on famous japan trip








Thanks God yonghwa realized his fault and gave seohyun a lots of care and affections, Seohyun gave 6 goguma to Yonghwa.







6 out of 10? not bad! good job yongseobang!











the final question is,







Can Seohyun give yonghwa 10 goguma points?








Thanks for reading!




sorry for my bad english





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Happy 1st year anniversary
































out of lurker mode because of this special day
















hope that YongSeo will continue this great relationship for forever <3
















thank you YongSeo for making my day every time i watch them
















thank you gogumas in here for providing links, pictures, translations

















































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Guest yongseorockin


To Yong & Hyun:






Thanks for joining WGM. If you had not joined, we would not have seen such a wonderful relationship blossom. We would have not learned a lot of values from both of you. We would not have become better Gogumas. So from our bottom of our hearts, we thank you!






Thank you PD-nims for creating the show as well.


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Last few months, I've been learning how to write poetry and I was so inspired by yongseo and feel so much love for them that I wrote lyrics..Forgive me if its bad.. I will learn harder.. So tada!! 


I had been a loner

That thought he has everything

though a place in his heart

has been waiting forever

to whole the missing part



I had been a star

who could never deny

that her heart has been yearning

to step outside the shield

and feel the rays herself

Both (chorus)

But since I met you I wondered why

Thoughts of you make my heart beat fast

My eyes are glue to your every action

and I seemed to be seeing you everywhere


When you took that first step into my world

I somehow knew right away

That you're gift from above

That has came to whole my heart

and I'm sure, this is love



You are the light that shines so bright

That made my world light again

I'm so happy that you're me

Cos with you around, I'm all I can be

You've made me a better man

In ways I can't explain

I hope that we can continue standing side by side

Lighting up each other's life

again and again


Before I was a seed

having so much difficulties to grow

You were my sun when you came along

Because of you, I bloom and soar

You bring out the best of me

In everything that you do

For the rest of my life,

I want us to continue caring for each other

Strengthening what we already built




I hope you'd continue to this journey of

Bridging minds, bridging hearts

Cos darling, I love you


There's no one else I'd do it with

I've been shy to say this but today and forever 

Honey, I love you




I love you..


Its a little LOOOOOOOOONG! Sorry.


bezbezbez: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May All great things come your path this coming year!


ps, sorry if I break any rules. forgive me again.. -.- I've wished yongseo  and said my thanks a few pages back. haha. don't want to lengthen the post.

Everyone here, thanks again. sorry..


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Hey guys, we need all of you to join us to tweet #YongSeo1stAnniv in twitter now. It is already trending in Indonesia and Thailand, we need to target Worldwide so that the Korean news would take notice of it and report about #YongSeo1stAnniv being the trending topic worldwide.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Twitter is quite lag but it will update soon about #YongSeo1stAnniv's position in the trending topics worldwide. Yongseo needs to read about the news that #YongSeo1stAnniv is trending, they need to know about our support towards their relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't give up now, we are climbing higher now. Target: Worldwide trending topic #YongSeo1stAnniv
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Keep spamming your fake/personal twitter accounts #YongSeo1stAnniv

































































































































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im in the middle of my exams week...im sooo stressed out.. but i just have to take time to greet my favorite couple :phew:






























































































































































































































































to hyun and yo~ng:































































































































































happy anniversary :wub:































































































































































thank you so much for sharing your fairytale with us..































































































































































thank  you for sharing with us a relationship that is so hard to find this days...































































































































































i wish your relationship transcends wgm blush.gif






























































































































































































































































i love you both! :wub:






























































































































































































































































and lastly thank you for giving me hope that one day il find my own fairytale like you both did :wub:





























































































































































































































































































































































how do i change the avataR? help..
















































































































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Guest blueshoes




















YongSeo on Nate.com front page
















credit yongseofacts




















3423 tweets on yongseofacts dedicate to YONGSEO








::Seo Juhyun::




I love you as my daughter. no girl I love as much as you.




my prettiest dongseng :tears:












::Jung Yonghwa::




I liked you from shinwoo hyung but now I don't know who is shinwoo.




I only know Jung Yonghwa who can do everythings for Seohyun ...




Don't make Juhyun cry. Don't leave from Juhyun.




my choding brother. if my younger brother still alive , he is same age with you.
















not only today is yongseo day but everyday is my yongseo day




I think both of you all day long . I LOVE YOU URI YONGSEO :wub::wub::wub:




if you have a wedding ceremony in real life , I will go to Korea to celebrate you
















Thank you for you all in this thread.




I also love you all my family ^_^
























UPDATE !!!! #YongSeo1stAnniv






No.1 on Thailand Trending Twitter













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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Annyeong again Gogumas :) It's a joyous day today! Twitter is hectic! Join us trend #YongSeo1stAnniv















































































































































































































































Happy 1st Year Anniversary, YongSeo! These are my messages for the two of you :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































To Jung Yonghwa,  the leader of CNBlue, the rapper, the guitarist, the vocalist, the composer, the songwriter, the actor, the choding, the boyfriend idol, the perfectionist, the mood-maker, the hyung, the son, the dongsaeng, the busan namja, the fashionista, the husband and the Yong of YongSeo, congratulations for the 1st year! You are an awesome individual - someone who would never let go of something he truly believes in. Thank you very much for your music - they are inspiring. Thank you very much for all the laughters you brought to us. Thank you for being such a kind soul, caring person who took care of Seohyun very well. We adore your free-spirited character, your humble attitude and your love for those who love you back. Thank you very much for setting such good example to us; teaching us that patience is indeed important in relationship. Please never let go of your dream, no matter what obstacles you may face in the future. CNBlue is your destiny - we will support you till you become a part of the grandpa band you always wanted to be.






























































































































































































































































































































































































To Seo Joohyun, the maknae of SNSD, the vocalist, the dancer, the pianist, the health-freak, the rule-follower, the nation's little sister, the goddess, the queen of sweet potatoes, the awkward idol, the self-help book endorser, the dongsaeng, the daughter, the wife and the Seo of YongSeo, congratulations for the 1st year! You are amazing - someone who hangs on to her beliefs and principles no matter what people say. Thank you for being yourself - your very charm for being pure-hearted, caring and humble. The world can be a better place if most of us girls behave like you. Thank you for teaching us that eventhough the world is filled with negativity and darkness, happiness, joy and love can still be attained by keeping the faith and nurturing positivity in our hearts. Keep on being the beautiful person you are - no matter where you go, what kind of person you are going to be, we will support your career, always.






























































































































































































































































































































































































To YongSeo, the goguma couple, the awkward couple, the lack-of-skinship couple, the why-oh-why-are-you-two-so-cute-couple, the banmal couple, the inhabitant of Sangdodong house, the humble idols, the apple of goguma's eyes and the owners of Banmal Song, congratulations on the well-deserved 1st year of couplehood! Just like how you are great as individuals, the two of you together are, just like Yonghwa would say, DAEBAK! Thank you for all the excitement you brought upon us whenever Saturday comes. Thank you for sending us back to that time of innocent love. Thank you for making us into puddles of cheesy goos. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.















































































































































































































































The time will come when the two of you will have to leave WGM. When that happens, please never let go of each other. You may not end up together as lovers but what you have experienced in the show is just too precious to be thrown away. Be friends, be supportive of each other's future, be each other's strength, be the YongSeo that we know... till the end.















































































































































































































































Happy 1st year. I love you.

















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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy 1st anniversary yong and hyun!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm so sad coz i can't seem to change my avatar to the anniversary avatar...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have been doing it for the past 3 days to no avail!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Apple.Crumble
































Yong and Hyun ~ Happy 1st Anniversary ~































Its my first post....
















YongSeo have given me alot this one year... so this is my give to you..... ^__^
























Dont forget to tweet.....  #YongSeo1stAnniv
















~ Spread the LOVE ~
























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Guest kimbum_leeminho_is_love

good evening..

just dropping by to greet HAPPY 1ST YEAR ANNIVERSARY to our YONGSEO couple...

just want to share this song.. hope someone can make MV with this song...

Falling In Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFdatgVX_fw

thank you!!

GOGUMAs fighting!!!

Falling In Love

You and me, we got along just fine

But deep inside I know there is more

Right next to you

I know you're the right one

Can't fight this feeling, I'm taking chances now

In my heart I feel that this is something real

I don't wanna let this moment go


Why oh Why, Do I feel this way?

When I'm with you I feel so alive

Why oh Why, will I hide away

I can't help it

I'm FALLING IN LOVE with you

Never ending nights when I'm alone with you

A lifetime of dreams coming true

Nothing comes close to what we have right now

You're the only one that matters now

In my heart I feel that this is something real

I don't wanna let this moment go


why oh Why, Do I feel this way?

When I'm with you I feel so alive

Why oh Why, will I hide away

I can't help it

I'm FALLING IN LOVE with you

What if I fall in love?

What if I make you mine?

I wanna know if you'll be there by my side


why oh Why, Do I feel this way?

When I'm with you I feel so alive

Why oh Why, will I hide away

I can't help it

I'm FALLING IN LOVE with you

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To: Yo~ong and Hyu~un


Happy 1st Anniversary....please stay together for a long long long long long time......(a.k.a be a real couple forever and ever) :wub:


for me YongSeo are a loveable couple ever in the world....i'm glad cause i have a opportunity to know YongSeo,to see YongSeo love story,to feel YongSeo happines,to enjoy YongSeo quarrel(of course a lovely quarrel)....and many more (is a wonderful to me) :D



this song maybe can reflect my happines to celebrate YongSeo1stAnniv


The Gift



by Jim Brickman






 Winter snow is falling down



Children laughing all around



Lights are turning on



Like a fairy tale come true



Sitting by the fire we made



You're the answer when I prayed



I would find someone



And baby I found you






All I want is to hold you forever



All I need is you more every day



You saved my heart



From being broken apart



You gave your love away



And I'm thankful every day



For the gift






Watching as you softly sleep



What I'd give if I could keep



Just this moment



If only time stood still



But the colors fade away



And the years will make us grey



But baby in my eyes



You'll still be beautiful






All I want is to hold you forever



All I need is you more every day



You saved my heart



From being broken apart



You gave your love away



And I'm thankful every day



For the gift






All I want is to hold you forever



All I need is you more every day



You saved my heart



From being broken apart



You gave your love away



I can't find the words to say



That I'm thankful everyday



For the gift



Happy #YongSeo1stAnniv :wub:



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