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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mach8infinity


I am so stressed and mentally tortured by schoolwork now but i can't help but drop by here to scream a "happy one year yongseo anniversary" :) hohoho yes a happy one year anniversary to the happy yongseo couple! i don't know if the reel (i.e. coupleship) is real is enough to extend to the real but i know the friendship they share is real! hope they stay as soulmates till the end of time! kekeke i am imagining hyun dragging yong to fix their dentures together when they grow old... :wub:




anyway i have just read the preview text posted earlier and i just want to spazz about why yonghwa throwing the snowboard away... he doesn't seem like the impatient and easy to give up type of person.. so i am wondering what his teaching tactic will be? kekeke




and plus plus i have just read from the cnblue soompi thread that jungshin chingoo has shaved off his hair and is now wearing a wig! apparently it is to fit the comeback concept! could yonghwa have also shaved his hair? lol. with the new wig technology nowadays and stuff (and my increasingly poor eyesight), i couldn't tell the difference between real and fake hair. but i do honestly wonder what will hyun say if yonghwa has shaved his hair? lol she might come up with some weird analogy again lol. hoho looking forward to the cnblue comeback stage in March :wub:




it's been such a pleasure to post in thread by the way. it's my first time participating in a forum or fanclub and i can't help but feel constantly amazed by the different views and opinions of the diverse people here. not to mention the efforts put in by the translators, subbers, and the volunteers for the fan projects. *90 degree bow* you guys deserve a salute too!! daebak!


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Guest 9blahblahblah9
















































Happy Anniversary to our dearest YONGSEO!!!w00t.gif
















we love you very much!!
















i wish you both more success in your respective groups and individually..
















i hope you guys will be together in real life!! kekekewub.gif
















i hope you guys will stay longer in WGM, we will never get tired of you i swear wink.gif
















Good luck! Fighting!
















again happy happy anniversary YONGSEO!biggrin.gif

















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Guest vhigolda







YONGSEO...uri Yong Oppa and uri Hyun-ah...















in this spesial day...I don't know what to say about my feeling to them,, all of my family in Go-Chun (of couse all of you my goguma villagers family) had said everything bout their feeling and of course their love and their feeling is same with my love for YongSeo couple....










so, i just wanna pray to God for this beautiful chance :D





My Dear God, Love is not human feeling. We don't have Love like You :rolleyes:... if in this world there are many kind of Love, I believe that LOVE isn't from us but from You.. the love is Your love which You spread for us in many ways. In this beautiful day, I wanna say thanks for all of  thing You have done for my life. for every Love that You gave for me in many ways. one of the way that You gave me and show me Your love is when You let me to know about the program called "WGM" and specially one of the best couple called 'YONGSEO couple". for this two different people that You make them to know each other, I really grateful.





my Dear Father in Heaven, I not deserve to ask You many things since You gave me too much best things in my life. You know my heart more than anyone in the world. I really want You to give the best thing for my favorite couple "Jung Yong Hwa oppa" and "Seo Joo Hyun"... I always see Your love with them everytime I watch their episode. I see they are change too much. they really take care of each other now, and they can said their feeling to each other clearly more than before. it's won't happend without You, my God...so, I really love You..





I feel lonely every saturday, but since You bring them to me..my saturday became brighter :rolleyes:.. everytime I finished my study, to refresh my mind, I always watch them again:wub:. I wanna You to always take care of  them, not only bout their carrier, family, healthy, fans (Go-Chun,BOICE,and SONE),ect. but also I pray to You so You always keep their love forever... I believe that the Love which they have now, the love which growing like now between Yonghwa oppa and Seohyun is Your love...and Your Love is never End :wub:....





please take care every people who love them and support them, take care of the crew in "WGM"  who give their best effort to let us see every progress in their relationship (thank you WGM:):). although this is "fake married" but their love is never fake. love is always true because Love is Yours my God. really grateful, really thanksful...all of my praise just for You my Dear Father in Heaven...let YongSeo have their beautiful experience together...amen....





really grateful to know you all of my family in Go-Chun... never stop pray for them.. for uri YONGSEO






































an ordinary girl who always thank to God because ever know Daebak YONGSEO:wub:
















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Guest SophiaPia
































































Happy 1st Year Anniversary to YongSeo couple who's for me the best couple. Lovely couple indeed. 















































































You guys says it all already :) YongSeo are real what ever level of their relationships right now. What ever they have right now It's REAL wub.gifwub.gif
































YongSeo pls. stay as sweet as you are. Like what Ookhun said show all your feelings, fight like a couple, BUT NO DIVORCE PLS. w00t.gif Cheers to YongSeo couple. 
































Happy 1st Year Anniversary also to all of us.
































Thank you WGM for giving us YongSeo couple
































Happy Birthday to bezbezbez

















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Guest digidigibob

Happy 1st anniversary to our beloved YongSeo! I'm truly thankful to God for letting their paths meet and to WGM for letting us witness this wonderful relationship! I'm also thankful to YongSeo 'cause they give us the chance to spazz with daebak goguma chingoos from all over the world!

Btw, a reminder. (If I'm not allowed to post something like this here, just tell me.) We'll be trending #YongSeo1stAnniv later at 11pm KST! We already had attempts in the past to make YongSeo trend but unfortunately, we didn't succeed. (We trend when we don't plan for it.) 'Cause truly, trending worldwide is NOT an easy task. Trending worldwide needs a collective effort. We need each and every Goguma's help for this. I think if those 1000+ Gogumas who lurk here everytime we have a daebak episode will all tweet tonight, we can make it. Just tweet anything you want to say about YongSeo! You can also talk with other Goguma chingoos from all over the world! Tweeting is so much fun, I bet you'll stay on Twitter even after this trending activity. :) I want us to succeed this time, 'cause it's Yongseo's anniversary! We can do this, Gogumas! FIGHTING! :D I love you all!

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Guest philistine








HAPPY 1st Year Anniversary to our YongSeo couple!








And happy first year to our YongSeo thread. I'm normally a lurker and avid reader of this thread




but i never fail to read this space EVERY MORNING! And I must thank everyone who has never fail




to entertain each one of us with ur inputs and wild imaginations after every episodes! You make me smile!












And to which episode that makes me tingle in the skin? Its Episode 39 and especially this scene where




Yonghwa proclaimed that Hyun was the FIRST GIRL to be introduced to his family!












Now, I am a married woman so this very episode reminded me of that day I first met with my mother-in-law.




Knots in my stomach, sweaty palms, this fluttery feelings of meeting ur future m-i-l! This episode was exactly how




my first meet-up went. I was the most polite girl ever LOL!!








For Yong to claim Hyun is the first girl IS THE HUGEST THING FOR A GIRL. Especially if it is said infront of his mom.(Auwww!)




Super sweetness!








I wish for these 2 to be real. But alas, I'm not hoping much since both of them are huge idols in SK.




So, I wish them well, and to stay in contact with each other beyond WGM. And to stay happy like they were in the show.








Happy 1st year IN-GO-PAEM! May our friendship here in the internet goes way beyond WGM too! :)








Let's make our Banmal Song reach its 3million viewers! Click! Click! Click!





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Guest reiran18




happy 1st anniversary to Yongseo couple!!!! continue loving each other..I hope that you will end up on each others arms...Love brought you together as husband and wife,And gave each of you a best friend for life.May you always be warmed by each other's smile,Always take time to walk and talk a while, Always know deep down you're each other's best friend,And enjoy the kind of love that grows and knows no end.Wishing you an 'always' kind of love! Happy anniversary!!



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Guest Faith_memory











































OMG!! our day arrived.. YONGSEO day! 1st year anniversaryyy!!!







all i want to say is that I hope that everything will get better each day!







And hope that they will treasure each other and BE REAL.







To all gogumas... I'm so happy to be part of this community and met wonderful people like







all of you here!! ♥ and thank you to all hard working gogumas out there!







project organizers and promoters... I love you all!!







let's enjoy this day to it's fullest!!













YongSeo Day Afterall!!









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Guest gembul10

HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARYYonghwaSeohyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Change my avatar....done

Today, on February 11th 2011, the first anniversary of YongSeo~~~^^

Finally the time has come! I have been waiting for this time nervously, because we never know when we started to watch this couple, whether they are going to stay longer just like Jo Kwon & Gain Couple or not.

My favourite episode is Ep 27!!!

The reason is because it is the first time that Seohyun courageously put on performance in front of Yeong, gave him the presents (book and ring), and bravely ask about the story behind "Love Light".

While for Yong, it is the first time that he was being amazed with Seo Ju Hyun. He can't contain his amazement by calling her Seo Ju Hyun....Seo Ju Hyun in a husky & sweet voice.....which kill me every time I replay it.

In this episode also where Yonghwa telling Seo Hyun to ask or say anything to him confidently and not go around the bush....ha..ha..ha... so funny, and yet so manly of him.

I wish they can stay longer in the program and be the real couple.

But no matter what will happen with the program, I wish for them to be successful and get what they are dreaming of, and what they have been working so hard for.

I know I fall in love with YongSeo couple, but I never thought that I could be so attached to this couple, to the program and to this thread for so long. This is a record for me...

Sorry guys and gals, cannot join the trending yet...

Once again.. Happy 1st annyversary!!!

PS. Sorry to edit the first post, my daughter accidentally using my ID to post in her message

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Guest lunasol








I just woke upon my Feb 11 but I guess I am still on time to quickly wish to Yongseo












Just continue caring and loving each other in whatever type of relationship you currently have, be that friendship or much more happy.gif, but always remember to keep being truthful to yourselves and each other!! Also, never forget those wonderful memories you have made together because they are priceless!!






Sadly, I still have to do a lot of stuff today. I am not going to be able to tweet directly at the established time, so hopefully the tweets I wrote and scheduled with Future Tweets will help in a small way in achieving our goal of making Yongseo a Worldwide Trending Topic!! I will continue as soon as I am able. If we don't achieve it by their Feb 11 we should achieve it by their Feb 12, which is still their first meeting together and the day they bought their rings! So people keep tweeting!






Oh, and people don't forget to keep watching the Banmal video!! Even if you are not able to listen to it, just put it on repeat and mute and thats it.  






Hopefully at the end of my day I will get to properly sit down and write about a favorite episode biggrin.gif






Thanks to EVERYONE!!! and I am sending a big hug and kiss to "She who must not be named" here by her real namewink.gif in celebration of her Birthday!!






HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Feliz Cumpleaños), XXXX!!! or shall I say now FAIRY!!! biggrin.gif


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Guest nafa_yongseo






Annyeong Go-chun villagers!!










I can believe it.. 1 year already? Wow!I’m crazy enough [correction: REALLY CRAZY] with this couple..





Ok. I have a letter for our lovely couple:





To: Yong & Hyun





Annyeong..!!*waveswaveswaves :D





First of all I wanna say thanks. THANKS for coming into my life and give a new color every day with your music. THANKS for always make my Saturday brighter now! :wub:





Yong oppa, THANKS for become a good leader and a good hyung for your dongsaeng, and also oppa + husband for Hyun..THANKS for always be patience, understanding, gentleman, and cheerful for our Hyun..





Hyun, my dongsaeng, THANKS for always be an angel, a good maknae, patience, and understanding for our Yong choding..





At the top of that THANKS (Yong+Hyun) for always being yourself..





It’s amazing right? If you look back at the first ep, it’s really amazing to see you (finally) come to this step! slowly but sure, you started to understand each other very well.. Yong oppa now you really understand about your wife’s habbit (reading a book, her healthy life style, and also her lovely food: goguma! Hyun even use it for a parameter about her feeling to you! Wow! :w00t:





Hyun, my dongsaeng, you now understand about your hubby’s childish act and learn how to control him, also learn how to play guitar! I’m sure you’ll agree with this : HE CHANGE YOU A LOT! You already say it anyway.. :wub:





My lovely couple,, I know there are a lot of people out there who always begging for skinship from the first ep..But you guys still be yourself.. Each of you don’t wanna push your partner to do something that you know will hurt or make him/her discomfort. It’s a HUGE HAPPINESS around the world when finally you hold hands!! Like the Bible said: everything beautiful in its time..





Many people love you two, but there are people who dislike you too.. But it’s ok. That is life. The haters exist in this world for make a balance in our life and also make our bond (your bond too) stronger than ever! Just enjoy it and never take it too serious..





I know Yong oppa, you are a thoughtful person (A Blood type). You will think about it seriously, because behind you there are your band, your dongsaeng, your company, your fans. You have a huge responsibility. And Hyun, I know you are a sensitive person.. you maybe get hurt and feel sorry for every bad statement about your husband. But I really wanna let you know. I’m a certified BOICE and also a fan of SNSD. I love you two because of your talent, your charming, and your music! I don’t love you because your image in television! I love you for who you are! It’s not your fault that you two meet and join in this program. It’s also not your fault if you two FINALLY FELL IN LOVE EACH OTHER.. IT’S A FATE!! I, my self, never imagine can see you in this program! Also (it’s crazy), I never imagine that GOGUMA will be an INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR SWEET POTATO NOW!! Kekekeke.. :P





So please, believe it. IT IS YOUR DESTINY. A destiny to meet and know each other in this program, to finally fell in love each other because of this program..





It’s really nice that in every anniversary or in every occasion that you both spent together, there is always a letter for each other. In this very modern era which you can do and said something via mobile or internet, there is still people like you two who write a letter!! I can’t believe it! IT’S AMAZING! But you know what? It’s really inspire me to do that with my future husband.. I realize (well, too late) that a letter is one of an everlasting present in this world! Ah! I like your way to make a book too! A book for apologize, a Japan guide book, a Hyun and Yong story book,, wow!! A BIG WOW!!





Yong oppa, when I see you wear a couple ring in every camera shoot, I felt satisfied and also think it’s just a fan service. But, since ‘the couple ring dropped-incidence’ at Mubank, your expression (you even forgot your lyric because of this problem), also when I see you wear the couple ring even in You're Beautiful Guidebook, I was really touched! I almost cry at that time! You really love her, don’t you?





Hyun, my dongsaeng.. as an Unnie, I’m really proud of you! How can you change this much? You are mature than your age, Hyun. It’s not because of what you did in Japan (that initiate skinship things)-but yes, that is also one of a proof—more than that, you really show us how a younger person like you can be a good wife too! Especially when you accompanied Yong to hospital for check up and the Mc said: I wish I had a wife like that.. ohh.. I’m really proud of you! It’s really nice to see you being honest about anything that you feel to your husband. I learn so much from you!





Every single word, every single stares, every single movement, every single truth, every single skinship that you two did really meaningful for me and also for anyone who loves you..(yeah, the Go-chun villagers!).. :wub::wub:





Even when this program over (I really hope it will never be..), please keep being yourself till the end.. I just never been really happy and have a big faith in other people relationship (even my blood related sister’s relationship), but now I believe that you are one! Just like what Minhyuk said, “I will get married when Yonghwa hyung get closer with Seohyun..” maybe I’ll do the same thing? ^_^ Let me know if you two wanna get married..kekekeke...





From Your forever shipper,














DEABAK letter... it tell everything that i feel about yongseo ... hope this letter will be send to yongseo... PLEASE... can someone give this letter to yonghwa and seohyun...


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Guest isdupt15











i hope my greeting is not too late..


















thank you for sharing your beautiful love story to the whole world.









thank you for being our happy pills whenever we are down.









thank you for making us smile whenever we see your interactions.









please continue caring for each other.









please continue on bringing smile on our faces.









you dont know how much happiness u share with us.









may the friendship that has been built on the show, remain to you even after the show ends.









take care of your health and much love :]]









for all of the gugumas that exerted their whole effort for this day.. good job to all of u









for the translators, subbers, and all... Thank u sooooo much.. keep up the good work :]]]


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Guest Faith_memory









#YongSeo1stAnniv trending @ Indonesia







you guys are DAEBAK!!!







we should make it world wide.. any minute now, the official start.









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This is yongseo's house before they moving in































































































































































































































































































































































































The kitchen and bathroom (we rarely see the bathroom *lol*)






























































































































































































































































































































































































This one part of yongseo's house which I'm curious. From this part, they can see the 63 building. But they never show it again. I'm curious which part of their house which can see this view




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ahh.... #YongSeo1stAnniv already trending in Indonesia
































































































































































































































































no 2 in Indo TT now






























































































































































































































































HAPPY 1st Anniversary Yonghwa and Seohyun.....































































































































































































































































EDIT : Morningblue : Ahhh... is that so? i'll rewatch it then. thanks or answering^^
































































































































Aneng I love your post
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest DongHee






HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARYYonghwaSeohyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today, on February 11th 2011, the first anniversary of YongSeo~~~^^


Finally the has come! Man, i gonna love this day! Can't wait to watch tommorow episode of WGM's YongSeo bubu!


hm....i think the MC's gonna love it to see their anniversary! I wonder to see the face of MC 2AM Jinwoon, she still like Seohyun, am i right? i think he gonna be jealous of Yonghwa-_- felt sorry for him..


Sorry guys, i say this at late night.. I got home at 6, totally tired... But i'm not tired now! LET'S CELEBRATE THE PARTYYYY!!!!!!!


Got to go..... So once again, HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF YONGSEO BUBU!!!


Note: How'd you think SNSD and CNBlue face others members gonna be? I hope the next chapter of WGM will show it!!


Bye, bye...


HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARYYonghwaSeohyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To. Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy 1st Anniversary! ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really thankful for the past year and I'll always support you both ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1년동안 용서커풀때문에 너무 행복했어요~ 정말 고마워요~~♥

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest starfish_29
















































I love you both and you are my reason why I smile a lot and feel giddy inside.
















I feel the love between you two, I hope that you will take care of each other. 
































Keep the love alive for the rest of your lives.

































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Guest nurunung












today at 9:00 in my country and at 11:00 in korea, and that means exactly a year ago they met and exactly one year ago they started an experience they will never forget.:wub: and since that day, you can make us all different countries, languages, religions, cultures can come together, spazzing together, and bring joy just by debating the little things that might be missed by others.






to yongseo:






- I hope you will continue to bring happiness to us, yongseo shipper (In-Go-Paem).


- hopefully you can continue working, sharing, encouraging each other both in career and personal life you guys, keep the health of clothes to keep filming We Got Married:phew:, not to happen because just a matter of an article or antis you become angry, sad, or be insecure (because yongseo shipper, especially I will continue to support you);)


to all gogumas:






- thank you for all of you. translations, photos, fanpic, news, opinion, etc. you all make this thread alive. thank you very much. hug you all.:wub::wub:


- For some reason I want cried when I saw your appreciation to yongseo couple. you're soooooooo daebakk. sorry can not help.:tears:


Loved can’t tested by kisses, but the fine felling is the testor






edit : happy birthday to bezbezbez. WYATB!






edit2 : #YongSeo1stAnniv is trending @ indonesia now. :wub:



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Guest hunniez_chan




Annyeooong In Go Paem..!!!


Been a silent lurker in this thread since eps 3....now it's Yongseo special day....I just wanna wish uri lovely couple:


Happy 1st anniversary YongSeo!!!!!




Wish both of u will celebrate this special day for the next 100 years of love...!!!! ^0^




Yong and Hyun...today is just one of more beautiful days that u'll be going through....keep spreading Goguma love, Yongseo..!!! ^0^








PS: Thank u sooooo much for all goguma villagers for bringing happiness here....this thread is nothing without u all.....kamsahanida :D




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dear gogumas...please start trending #YongSeo1stAnniv
































bezbezbez....HAPPY BDAY DEAR!!!!
































last but not least......
































































may both of you could have the opportunity to make this REEL realtionship into REAL,
















and one day...years down the road...we all gogumas can unite once more in this forum to celebrate your REAL wedding announcement...

















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