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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































What is going on gogumas, all these Yongseo's 1st year anniversary congratulations messages is making me teary-eyed. All these supports and love for two people most of us haven't even met... My heart is blossoming and my stomach is filled with butterflies reading all those messages - yes, I read everything - so lurkers, don't ever think your first, shy post is ever going to be boring or wasted because I can assure you that here is one cheesy goguma who will read whatever that is you're going to post :) Welcome, come, be a part of it, be a part of the love!
















































































































   To Soompi - you guys really need to increase the limit quota for positive points! Sheesh~ dry.gif































































































































































































































Perhaps I shouldn't but my heart itches to write a message for Hamburgers too during this lovely celebration.














































































































































































































































































































































Dear burgerstalkers, thank you, first of all, for helping us increase the viewcount of this thread. Who are we without your help? *gogumas laughing in the background* Anyways, like YongSeo, we practice mildang with each other, but unlike YongSeo, the mildang never stopped - we just kept on pushing each other away. How sad. I believe that any kind of hatred stem from love. Perhaps you dislike us because we try too hard to show our love for Yongseo, because of our obsession towards Yongseo couple rings, because we do too much analyses, and because of many other distasteful reasons there are in the world. I hope when you come to stalk our writings here, you will actually read, read what all gogumas posted instead of just picking a selected few with biasness on your mind. Because only when you read everything, only when you understand everything, will you know that gogumas are always there to protect YongSeo - both Yonghwa and Seohyun. In every fandom, there are always fans who overreact, outspoken and irrational - we do too. These fans are the minority, they are always the minority, and so - the whole fandom should never be judged according to them - it's the majority that you need to embrace. The majority of us here are calm and supportive; where else can you see supporters with this wide age range? Gogumas are from 12 year olds to 50 year olds. RARE.
















































































































I'm sorry we hurt you. We cannot stop the different opinions; our different personalities and mindset make that impossible. Maybe one day we can see each other in different perspectives, a better one, hopefully.













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I haven't even made a post for our Yong and Hyun yet. Aigoo sweatingbullets.gif
















































































































Keep the messages coming, gogumas, because Hyun wants more!
































































































































































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Guest SGajumma








Hello, I am very new to the Goguma Village. In fact, I started reading some posts on this thread early this week and was overwhelmed by the intense love that all gogumas are showering on the YongSeo couple. I would like to join in your celebratory mood to wish the couple











Please stay true to your feelings always and forever!








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Happy 1st Anniversary Yonghwa & Seohyun!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































May you live happily ever after.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Saw some of you posting your past creations, I have only one that I wish to share with everyone again. Updated the goguma pledge a bit.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Goguma Pledge
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We the Gogumas of In-go-Paem, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of nationalities, languages and genders, to support Yonghwa and Seohyun (Goguma couple) with love and sincerity, so as to achieve beautiful memories and unforgettable dreams.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello Gogumas.... *wave to all*







































I'm so touched reading all the happy wishes for uri YongSeo.




















It's been 365 DAYS already. They fill us with different emotions and we GOGUMAS share them here in our own little heaven Go-Chun...




















I spent the whole night re watching uri couple's episodes from the 1st till the latest. Will never get bored repeating them all the time.




















As I was watching, I realized some moments which are sweetly repeated... Here they are...




























































































































































































































Nurture your love & never grow tired of it.



























































































































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Just wanna say Happy 1st Anniversary to YongSeo.....


and a little word from Jung Yonghwa to Seo Juhyun...:

I didn't think that I could love you more

than I did a year ago,

but little did I know that

in sharing my hopes and dreams with you,

my love for you would grow.

Seo Juhyun,

you are the best part of my day -

the song that makes my heart sing.

I'm so thankful for your love and all the joy it brings.

You are so much a part of me,

I know we'll pass the test of time.

Hand-in-hand I'll walk through life with you

for your hand was made to fit perfectly in mine.

Thanks to my fellow In-Go-Paem....:wub:

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Guest nafa_yongseo































i have one song that i want yongseo sing today...





I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU... everything you are u catch the falling star if i ask u...









and i could not live a single days without u... u hold me in u're arms..









and once again i know that... I'M THE ONLY ONE FOT YOU...





sarange yongseo...


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Guest MissBarbietch_0106








































"An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow"








-May Both of you Live Happily Ever After until 100 or 102 years Old-




























































PS: happy bday to Fairy aka bezbezbez



































































































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Guest Lildedprinxez

HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY – YONG AND HYUN! 365 days of love & happiness

Wish you have many, many more happy years of love!

YongSeo, be happy together <3 Do not worry anything. We love you so much.

Time passed so quickly. I'm so touched at this time. They have been together for a year. A year full of memories, smiles shyly, holding hands for the first time, the first day of a new home, 22 days, 200days, just like everything just happened yesterday. ... And now, YongSeo couple 365days of love & happiness.

I love them because their feeling is true, they did not act just to attract viewers, They could hold hand & skinship from the start. The story will be a bright girl love a handsome guy from the first meeting. No one will blame her and it would be obvious. But they did not, they are embrrassed and walk slowly each step in their relationship. They are like first love, tender and happy, not quick, hasty and personal attempts. I live in an Oriental country, but most young people love each other very quickly and end quickly as well. They just see each other and love, pass by most of steps .... At this time, it's rare that emotional development as YongSeo .... I do not believe in love at first sight. You can have good impression with a person at first sign, but to call that love is not possible. We must have time and attention and care and concern and love, that's true love. YongSeo couple, they reminded me of the right way to love someone. When you realy love someone....

Early days, I totally did not notice to SeoHuyn, she was not very pretty, quiet and completely faded with his sister. I still think Huyn is a girl strange when compared to other female singer, she likes to read books when other singers normally like to talk or show their humor in the show but she did not. And she's also quite weird when compared to other young women, she's innocent and pure, without any experience about your boyfriend or love. YongHwa, Yong had finished YAB, the new band debut, he is complete a new rookie. while watching I'm a loner, I felt he was pretty cool and quiet. They appear in WGM with their shy and quiet, many people do not want to see them anymore. But in fact, his personality is completely different when he's with her, he is energetic, dynamic and day after day, he became the idol-boyfriend because of his worry, concern, patience and sweet for Huyn. He has truly become the boyfriend that every girl dreams of. He can "attack" Huyn by his handsome face but he always so sweet, caring and he had waited. Thanks to Yong, Huyn had gradually changed, becoming a happy girl, highlights and really beautiful, Huyn's beauty came from within. Huyn's pretty in her way, and more and more I find them beautiful and attractive. YongSeo couple shine with their own talents, their sincerity and became most handsome guy & the prettiest girl in my mind. Especially when they're together. Now, they are comfortable and happy together. All deserve for them. They tried and tried, through a long journey and not easy for both sides to they can be together today... Their feeling & memories are priceless.

I've been very confused, not know they are real or not? But gradually, after the episode, the news, I gradually felt that I should trust my feelings, that they are real. Or at least YongSeo have their feeling with each other, it still can not love, but it would be, if have more time for them. I really wish for YongSeo is real. Be real, become  a couple in love!

I gradually known soompi, where there are so many people love them like me, I was only a lucker early days but gradually I posted my comment and I love reading everyone's post. I love the post have two sides. They love but they still write what they truly think, have two side, it helps me understand better with all the problems They can analyze or over analyze, but only because all they care and love YongSeo very much ....

Thanks for all the translator, subber, who has made videos, fanart, fanfic and projects for YongSeo. Thank u so much. You have spent your valuable time for us & YongSeo couple. I am very thankful. And all those of you in soompi, who follow the news everyday and share with us their thoughts, feelings of your post. I appreciate all because ALL IS LOVE. I feel happy. We live in the different countries, when some people sleep, other people start their new day. And you guys make this theard never sleeps, it has always been caring and spazz everyday. Thanks everyone so much <3

Thank u YongSeo couple :wub: just think of u, it's make me happy all day.

For 1st anniversary of YongSeo couple & YongSeo fans international, this is my small gifts for u guys. Hope u like them :wub:

 Love u so much

"Love isnt a big thing, its a millions of small things "

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

With love,



Hello Seychan! If you may I posted these photos you made on my tumblr. I made credits and placed a link of your soompi acct. THANK YOU! I love these compilation you made.


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The Goguma Pledge








































We the Gogumas of In-go-Paem, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of nationalities, languages and genders, to support Yonghwa and Seohyun (Goguma couple) with love and sincerity, so as to achieve beautiful memories and unforgettable dreams.








































dun mind if i make the same pledge. :)

































































































































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[11.02.11] YongSeo 1st Anniversary Cake































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Source: DC gallery































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Hapiangle @ soompi































































































































































































































































































































































































































Shared by: Sweet Potato Days

















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Guest SGajumma
































































Dear Gogumas,
































First of all, do pardon me for being unfamiliar with the rules and regulations on this thread. Please guide this ajumma along as she is not very tech-savvy. Thank you.
































































I would like to share my story of how I became 'obsessed' with the Sweet Potato Couple. I have been eating sweet potatoes since young but I have never ever thought that I would become addicted to sweet potatoes in this manner. I stumbled upon the WGM-YongSeo couple in YT sometime in early Dec 2010. Then I found the full episodes in Tudou (I had no inkling where to view the Eng-subbed then). Initially, it was just random watching of the episodes with the 3 couples. Then I began to do selective watching of this couple only. Why? Because I find YongSeo more realistic. I then backtracked to episode 1 and started the journey of no return since then. Like all Gogumas, I look forward to every Saturday in order to catch the earliest upload of the YongSeo couple raw episode despite not understanding the Korean language.
































































I chanced upon SPD in late Dec and have been visiting quietly to get updates. It was only early this week that I clicked on the link to Soompi for no particular reason at all. I am both amazed and touched by the love that all Gogumas shower on YongSeo. And I am impressed by the many wonderful, passionate and hardworking Gogumas for their efforts in the translations, fan VIDs, parodies, endless updates... and especially the First Anniversay Project. Great job and Thanks!!! (that is why I am answering to the various calls to come out from lurking and participate).
































































I have been asking myself this question for quite a while: "What is the 'special power' from YongSeo that is attracting so many people from over the world to them?" I have yet to find an answer. Hopefully, I can find the answer in Goguma Village here. Or maybe, the answer is not important after all. As long as we believe in this young couple and continue to love both of them unconditionally!!!
































































































Half-a-century old ajumma.

































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YongSeo Cartoons Part 1















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Shared by: Sweet Potato Days

















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Guest teahoney

:rolleyes: since today is their SPECIAL day, I just wanna ask Hyun about this, but i know this is beyond my imagination.. So, lets figure out..




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YongSeo Cartoons Part 2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Shared by: Sweet Potato Days

















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Guest vanilla88







Annyong gogumas family,









I want to say congratulation for our Lovely couple that bring us together in this thread..






Happy 1st Anniversary YongSeo!!


My wishes for them :


Stay Healthy!


Be Yourself!


Get your dream!


Surprise us with your real wedding news! :wub:


Give us photo with your real child! *not PS one* :w00t:





And Valentine’s day will come within’ 3 days again..hope they will have filming schedule for WGM..


Special date to celebrate their 1st anniversary and Valentine together..


Yong..please tell her “ Saranghae” secretly without camera is OK..but if you say it ON cam we’ll be spazzing like crazy..hihi.. :wub::phew:


I’m browsing for valentine games then I found this article (just want to share it)


Sorry for the long post in advance..


Tips to Know if He Loves You


Here are some useful tips to know whether your mate/partner or lover really loves you or not:


* A very obvious one when he takes interests in your matters like work schedule, it means he is really concerned with you and loves you.


= Yong monitoring Hyun A LOT..we already know that..




* Whenever a guy keeps a track on your habits, remembers whatever you do and say simply indicates his love for you.


= Remember Yong said about Hyun Combo on the bus to Kanghwado?



= He remember Hyun said that she want to date with uniform and eat patbingsoo? It was so loooonnngg agoooo..



= The history of RED GLASSES hyun? OMO..




* When a guy wants to spend more time with you, dates out with you at places of your choice and share the your favorite pastimes then he is madly in love with you.


= Bring Hyun to Dongmak beach to eat delicious prawns..



= Busan trip which is full memory place for Yong??? that's REAL PROOF! Aigooo..




* If he gives more importance to his friends even if you are sick or in need of him shows his lack of interest in you.


= Even there’s In Go Paem member he never forget to include Hyun in conversation..at the café Hyun is the center attention..and Yong Friends love Her! And say that they can’t DIVORCE..




* Changing of topic when you discuss about your future with him is not a good sign of a healthy relationship with your love.


= Omiya..Yong want to live 101 years for Hyun!! They had deep convo *We Should die Together*..


= 10 years to Frenze, Milan.. (maybe with their child?! keukeukeu..)




* If he doesn't want to spend time with you or don't ever want to go out with you in public and never introduces you to his friends mean he does not love you.


= Of course not..Yong want to show off to the world that “SNSD Maknae who has beautiful-clear eyes is My Buin!* see my RING *wetoriya stage style*..




* When he calls you or message you just to chitchat with you means he deeply loves you and was finding any reason to talk to you.


= “ I’ll always call/text you even I’m overseas” ep.29 cute fight about SeoKyu holdinghand at SM concert..



Aisshh.. wondering what they talk about outside WGM filming..could it be any saranghaeyo or bogoshipeo in it?? Haha..




* If he is really concerned about you and loves you then he would always take out time from his busy schedule.


= Yong has a HECTIC schedule..He just have few hours to sleep and often forget to eat healthy food..but STILL have time to keep in touch with his lovely Hyun..make her delicious breakfast..and The MOST..He keep monitoring Hyun wherever-whenever he had free time..




* When he keeps looking you when you are around and suddenly takes off his eyes when you look at him shows he's in love with you.


= What is this? They are the winner of EYESHIP championship..it can be legend at guiness book record..^^




* When he praises about you to his friends, family and others means he truly loves you.


= to his friends : The way YONG introduce Hyun proudly a the café.. “Seo Joo Hyun” with proud tone..



= to his mother : “of course I’m satisfied with her, since she’s my wife” aigoooo…so sweet nampyeon..




* His every action will make you believe he loves you.


= Is there any guy give you two row goguma field Hyun?



= Is there any guy give you pair butterfly necklace with your mom?



= Is there any guys out there can wait patiently 6 months just for hold your hand nowadays?




* You can make out from a person's eyes. The person in love with you has special shine in his eyes when he's talking to you.


= Maybe some gogumas family want to help me answer this question? We have many evidence for this point..^o^




The RESULT is : HE IS 100% in LOVE with you Hyun…




Thank You so so much for all gogumas here In Go Paem for bring happiness and friendly feeling here..


In Go Paem worldwide family be ready to tell the world tonight! Join us at Twitville to celebrating this 1st anniversary!


Flower for hyun..roses.jpg



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hello In-Go-Paem. I've been a silent lurker this past few months. but i just can't help to post today because its a special day :) 






















keep on inspiring people on your real love :) this past year was really special for you both and also to us. KEEP ON LOVING EACH OTHER <3






i would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the Goguma villagers here at soompi. all the Translators, Mountainmadman, Dduk, j2ldee and all the others that i cant name, i'm sorry. thank you for all your efforts :)
















also to all those who are making fanvids and fanarts. im a fan of all of you because i don't know how to make any of those. haha :) you are all really great!






to all of us Goguma villagers. LET'S KEEP ON LOVING YONGSEO!! :)



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hi!  yay! i am now one of goguma family jyeah jyeah! anyways, HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY FOR OUR COUPLE; YONGSEO COUPLEwub.gif
































please treat me well since i'm still in beginning.smile.gif

































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용화♡서현 : 날아라 용서 보드~♬♪
































































































































































































































































































































































































지난 주, 커플 마사지 데이트를 즐기며 건강을 회복(?) 시킨 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































겨울 스포츠의 꽃, ‘스노보드’를 즐기기 위해 스키장으로 향하다~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































전직(?) ‘스키장 훈남’ 보드 마니아 용 남편 vs. 초보 실력의 현 부인!
































































































































































































































































































































































































용 남편은 현 부인의 스노보드 실력을 마스터 시켜주겠노라 호언장담하는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































드디어 흰 설원이 펼쳐진 스키장에 ‘스키장 훈남*훈녀’ 용서부부가 떴다!
































































































































































































































































































































































































그런데 용 남편, 슬로프에 나가자마자 현 부인의 스노보드를 내동댕이친 이유는?
































































































































































































































































































































































































이를 본 현 부인, ‘무슨 선생님이 이러냐’고 투정(?)까지 부리는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































스키장으로 간 용서부부에게는 과연 무슨 일이?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The following translation credit to Sagua on SPD chatbox.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa-Seohyun: Fly Away Yongseo Board
































































































































































































































































































































































































Last Week, Yonghwa and Seohyun enjoyed a couple massage and recovered their health.
































































































































































































































































































































































































The star of winter sports, let's head towards the slopes for snowboarding.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Former "Ski Slope Hottie" and board-maniac Yong-husband vs. starter level Hyun-wife.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong-husband confidently declares that he will pass on the mastery of snowboarding skills to Hyun-wife.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally, the Yongseo couple appear on the snow-white fields as "Ski Slope Hotties"!
































































































































































































































































































































































































But, why did Yong-husband toss away Hyun-wife's snowboard as soon as they got on to the slopes?
































































































































































































































































































































































































Seeing this, Hyun-wife grumbled, "What kind of teacher is this?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































Exactly what happened to the Yongseo couple at the ski slopes?
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: Baidu goguma bar

































































































































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Guest missmoomin101








HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY!! May this coming year be filled with more love and 고구마 for you both!! 








I've been lurking and reading everyone's posts and now that it's the 11th in my country (finally), I can finally post my own wishes for our beloved couple!




I really can't believe that a year has passed us by already!  The time flies so much!  I look forward to going away on my year abroad to Korea this September and I will do my best to visit all the places Yongseo visited, as well as taking pictures and sharing them with this lovely community! 




I now leave you with my favourite captures:




Own world:







Laughing Together:











Aegyo Power:










Famous Busan shot:










Footsie War:












And finally, a HUGE thanks to the people working on the YS International photo album!  I see my photo there ㅋㅋㅋ Any guesses as to which one is me?? *Hint* I'm doing the victory sign ^^ 









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Guest tinkershellsoompi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG so one year have passed already...I've been crazily looking for sweet potatoes...when I told my mother, she almost went O.O...lol I've never mentioned sweet potatoes in my life before....but so sad at this time of the year gogumas not available in my place :(..
































































































































































































































































right now I have a public exam going on...whenever I'm free I try to watch their old episodes...it relieves my stress...how can they be so lovely together :wub: ...thnks for making my days beautiful Yongseo...I wonder how they are celebrating the day...it's for sure none of them will forget it...hope there's a filming or they will just get together personally...
































































































































































































































































I have nothing to share but to express my gratitude to everyone who keeps this thread moving on...thnks for all the infos, analysis,photos,fanfics...I really love my goguma family here...specially to YSinternational for making this wonderful anniversary project...the donation to UN project really touched me...proud to be a part of this Go-Paem<3
































































































































































































































































there are so many nice posts today that I've lost my points...haha
































































































































































































































































so I just noticed YongSeo means Forgiveness (I know so late, my bad!)...isn't this too wonderful? :) ...I'm thinking of forgiving my most dire enemy today...haha I could have never done that...but that's the power of Yongseo...so everyone please try to forget all bitterness & forgive the people you know...
































































































































































































































































& don't forget to make #yongseo1stanniv trend on twitter :)
































































































































































































































































Happy 1st Anniversary Yongseo!! :wub:

































































































































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