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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest dangshin

hi it's my first time posting here. Just wanted to greet YongSeo couple Happy anniversary! thanks for the 365 Days of Goguma Heaven. i've been visiting this thread from quite sometime and i really enjoyed your POV's. and the Spazzing moments. Keep up the Good Work guys :-)

and To YONG and HYUN...

we'll always be here to support you.. and thanks for all the wonderful moments you shared with us.. Hugs.. ^_^

hi it's my first time posting here. Just wanted to greet YongSeo couple Happy anniversary! thanks for the 365 Days of Goguma Heaven. i've been visiting this thread from quite sometime and i really enjoyed your POV's. and the Spazzing moments. Keep up the Good Work guys :-)

and To YONG and HYUN...

we'll always be here to support you.. and thanks for all the wonderful moments you shared with us.. Hugs.. ^_^

by the way i'm from the philippines :-)

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Guest pseudonykkaii






first aniversary~


a year full of firsts!!!




First of all i feel so ashamed and disgraceful posting with out the lovely yongseo avatar--all credible excuse: i cant do it using my phone and the laptops broken. But still. I feel like i should be banished from gochun or something~ but id end up clawing my way back In anyway--even if that would mean im gonna be breaking gochun laws and trespassing---im just too addicted to them-T.T- there, i said it. im still not goin to rehab~ LOL.




But with all that said and done, I'd like to thank every single goguma who participated in this forum--the goguma FBIs, translators, essay writers, cap posters, Fanfic writers, MV makers, night shifters and even the lurkers--thank you. My goguma year wouldnt have been the same with out this...haven. This truly has become gochun.<3 Its an example of how a group of people working on the same goal can move mountains. it is lovely.




Anyways, Yongseo.


Sweet potato couple. Goguma. Seohwa. Whatever you wanna call them.. the same happens each time~ a giddy grin, smiley eyes and butterflies on my stomach. Im a big fan of kdramas and i especially love the bickering and awkward-at-first scenarios because it gives you a sense of fulfillment and that little moment where you just smile out of genuine happiness forthe couple. I know this aint no kdrama; theirs is a story that will be going on and on and on. AND I LOVE IT!!!!<3




This is my first long post and i duno whether people will read but...its their first aniversary~might as well make my first long post about it, right?;)



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Guest lovekin








all roads lead to- || drabble




happy anniversary fic!  yay!  except not really.  it's supposed to be this excerpt from a rejected plot bunny AU where yongseo grew up together.  i hope to have a proper anniversary fic written up as soon as i get my computer back (TOMORROW, OMG, YES) so yeah.












 "I'm  Tokyo-bound."













and as for that yong + hara thing ... you guys, don't think about it.  it's old news.  and if you see the video, it's really not something to fuss over.  i mean, give me a yong + someone pairing, and i guarantee you that i can help perpetuate every one based on rumors/images/fan footage.  and yeah, it sucks, but don't let the 1st anniversary dampen your spirits for now.










and blackpapillon, do you happen to have a wallpaper version without the text?  sweatingbullets.gif  of course, i don't want to impose or anything so if not, that's okay.  thank you for sharing it, though!  i really think it's pretty~





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Guest MountainMadman


To Yonghwa and Seohyun: THANK YOU for providing me, along with everyone else, with a few minutes of joy every weekend. It's been one helluva roller-coaster ride, and I'm glad that I had the sense to jump onboard when I did. Because of you, my own understanding of how relationships work, and should work, was deepened and broadened, and I can honestly say that my journey into the amazingly-sweet world that is the YongSeo fandom is something that I do not regret, or have ever regretted. To Jung Yonghwa, thank you for introducing me to CN BLUE, one of the best bands I've ever heard. You do amazing music, and please, do not ever, ever stop. To Seo Joohyun, thank you for giving me second thoughts about my initial reaction to Girls Generation, and giving your eight unnies, all with different traits that are uniquely their own, another chance. I can honestly say that it is thanks to you that I am now a proud SONE. 

To my fellow translators: I hope I'm not tooting my own horn too much, but we do an AMAZING job translating the episodes week after week, along with tidbits of information and stalking the DC Gallery. I know that I feel intensely proud when I see myself credited on another website, my translations to be read by hundreds, if not thousands, of people, and I hope that you share my pride...because you deserve it.

To the project coordinators: You put in so much hard work and dedication into our community. Without you, Yonghwa and Seohyun would have no idea how much we appreciate them, and I got a firsthand look into how much preparation and work goes into each and every present we send to them when I volunteered to help with the Gogumafics Fic Compilation effort. I still can't understand how you manage to do it all, and I tip my hat to you. On a similar note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, INDI!

To my fellow fanfiction writers: Creativity is a gift, and it's a blessing to have it in spades in our YongSeo community. I enjoy reading each and every one, and I find myself tearing up, or smiling happily, or giggling maniacally every time I open up LiveJournal and starting reading another work of art. Let's keep on writing, and may our creative faucets never go dry!

To the International YongSeo Community: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU x100 for accepting me into your community with much love, and providing me with a place to come to after a hard day of studying and/or work and read through every post, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning, but always reading everything. Without you, I never would have started translating, and I never would've found something that, I've found, I really, tremendously enjoy doing...so much that I'm thinking of doing it as a career path. THANKS again.

And, last but not least...I know I've promised it, so here it is!

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Guest toomuchsmiling











can't believe it's been a year already. it's the 10th still here in the U.S. but since in Korea it's that awesome 11th day i say CONGRATS!! :w00t:




Hope they celebrate the day in STYLE B) and sweetness :wub: and I can't wait to see their wedding photoshoot (and i know i'm getting ahead of myself) but their one year anniversary episode also~ ^______^




ah p.s.! i also changed my avie to match with the rest of u gogumas. :rolleyes: haha, we definitely look like a community now since all our avies are the same!



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Guest soshisoshisoshi




I'm sooo touched by all of your efforts guys! this is the BEST YongSeo love that I have been waiting for! one thing that makes me happy, we are UNITED, regardless our differencess.......


I won't be able to post the 1 year anniversary message right now, coz need to go to college now! :crazy:. I promise I'll post my message exactly 11pm KST today!






how i wish you are my  children...for i guess half year now, i keep telling to my 2 boys about  our yongseo..at first they laugh at me then eventually they ignore me  whenever i started to tell abt our couple..at least everytime i asked  them about computer knowlegde to catch up with the activity here they  help me kekeke






gogumas..dont stop viewing our banmal  song...though the number of views doesnt change , im sure eventually it  will be updated..i got this automatic play so its my background while  reading here...




fighting in go paem...its not only our couple  anniverssary its ours as well...






Awwww.... how I wish you are one of my parents........... I feel really lonely at home! I don't have anyone else to share about YongSeo. Well, my brother seems to like CNBLUE, but he's bloody 4 year old! :sweatingbullets:



on a side note, INDI (aka bezbezbez) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 생일 축하합니다!!! thank you very much for your hard work for leading all YongSeo projects! you made all of us happy, for being able to send those projects to Korea, and directly to Yonghwa and Seohyun! wish you well in the future!!




woookayy! gotta go to college now~! see you guys later!!







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To Yong & Hyun :




























Both of you have come a long way, taking baby steps in discovering each other and therein yourself. Yong, thank your parents for bringing up such a good boy. Hyun, thank your parents for bringing up such a good girl.




























While both of you celebrate your special day today, reflect on what you have accomplished as a couple (virtual and real).




























Continue being real to each other.




























Believe and trust in each other.




























Above all else, continue communicating with each other, because communication is the key to all relationships.




























I would like to make a toast to both of you : may your relationship continue to prosper... YAAAAAAAAAAM SENGGGGGGGGG!!!























































@ Fairy, Happy Birthday!!!





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happy first anniversary yong and hyun!!!!!! it's been a pleasure to watch both of u for the past year!!!!!! be real plz :wub:












just wanna share something funny, i live in another city from my mom, and when we contact each other i used to hang up first, but for this couple of days whenever my mom call or whenever i call my mom, i wait for her to hang up on me first^^ ( you all know what makes me change my habit :phew: )












thats how yongseo change me in a good way, thank u yongseo for making me a better person^^












to all the translator, the project coordinator, the writers and all of ( u know who u are) i can't thank u enough for all the things u've done , thank u so much!!!!!!





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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all I wanna greet our thread a Happy Anniversary. To all the subbers, translators, and everyone please enjoy this SPECIAL day for us. We’ve been in a heated discussion; happiest moments and some even share their talents in making videos and caps. Thank you very much…
































































































































































































































































And to our beloved couple, YONGSEO, I would like to greet you a Happy Anniversary! Hope you may have a lot more in the future.
































































































































































































































































Knowing this couple is a fortune for me. I’ve seen them from being strangers turning into something. The awkwardness they felt the first time had vanished totally. Now they can naturally start skin ship that is very unique from others. Fully understand one another without telling much about it. I love the loving gazes. I wonder when they started doing that. These two have grown a lot. Hyun, from being stoic, have grown to know what the real world is all about. And Yong, he learned a lot from being playful into being considerate and lovable guy. I’m glad WGM let us have this couple. They are match made in heaven. They are the best example of an opposite couple that attracts one another. It gave us the feeling of falling in love the first time. The way they face the ups and downs of their relationship is what I praised more. They used to learn in every mistake they’ve done. YongSeo couple learned that openly communication is very important through the ‘Push-Pull period’. The way they give and take. Another one, material gifts in this couple are not that important. Maybe they’re on the saying ‘It’s the thought that counts.’ I love how their present to each other stands out. A goguma field for Hyun and love story book for Yong. More than unique, those were special.
































































































































































































































































It gives me the thought that whenever I would have a relationship, I want it to grow as YongSeo couple did. They are naturally falling slowly with each other. To be honest, I don’t care whether they are REAL or FAKE. In my own opinion, perspective, mind and heart, forever their relationship will be CERTIFIED TRUE. They’ve touched my views about love. Forgetting this love story would be impossible. For me, I will treasure knowing YongSeo couple. No scandals, bad news nor antis will ever bring down my support for them. On or Off WGM, I’m thumbs up to them.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy Anniversary Yong Hyun!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By the way this is just a small tribute for them. (just a trial for me, I really don’t know how to edit photos.. ♥)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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1. Blooming Affection- SeoHyun's Song













































































2. Banmal Song- English Version













































































3. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Chinese Version













































































4. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Korean Version













































































5. Banmal Song- Filipino Version













































































6. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Indonesian Version













































































7. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Malaysian Version













































































8. Goguma World- Fan Song













































































CR: YongSeo International Production Team



























































































































































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Guest ayanapunya












































































































































































































It's been a year since both of you meet as arranged couple. From the most awkward moment to be comfortable each other. And to be one of lucky person to watch both of you was a proud for me.


























































































































































































And before I forget, Saengil Chukae to Fairy  aka bezbezbez. All the best for you :)














































































































































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Guest Germbaby













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Guest loybing
































































































































































































To Hyun and Yong















































































































































































Thank you for bringing heartwarming joy in me every Saturday. Your story inspires every part of the world to continue believe in destiny and in the power of True love.














































































































































































































































































to yongseointernational















































































































































































this Filipino version of Banmal song is DAEBAK!




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to all translator















































































































































































thank you!














































































































































































































































































to all In-go-paem














































































































































































































































































Congratulations to all of us! let us unite and be strong always to only believe in YONGSEO'S LOVE








































































































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Guest tep_amm

This is first time post here , I post because of YongSeo 1st Anniversary

Happy 1st Anniversary 

Wish Yong and Hyun have a wonderful memories for each other

Hope both of you have a good health

Hope both of you have each other forever

Hope both of you its real ( not only my dream )

Hope both of you make my dream come true :))))

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Happy 1st anniversay YONGSEO!!!
































































































May you treasure the times you share together and continue to make beautiful memories together!!
































































































Thanks for other gogumas who shared pictures and many other links!! hope my avatar comes out well...

















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Guest gita_23























I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here







In front of me I strongly feel love 







And I have no doubt







And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

















For the rest of my life







I`ll be with you







I`ll stay by your side honest and true







Till the end of my time







I`ll be loving you loving you













(taken from - for the rest of my life/Maher Zain)


































-thanks for everyone who made this go-chun brighter and colourful-


















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my contribution (it would have been nicer, but I haven't had PS since my computer crashed a while back):





























































































































































































































































































































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Hi Guys...














































































































































































































































































































































































































Found this tweet;































































































































































































































































Is this a gift from K-Goguma for Yongseo anniversary.































































































































































































































































A donation to World Vision. If I'm not mistaken.































































































































































































































































Can someone clarify it.































































































































































































































































Nate news : Link to the news





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'우결' 정용화·서현 1주년, 팬카페서 월드비전에 기부














































































































































































































































































































































































































아시아투데이 원문 기사전송 2011-02-11 11:01






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[아시아투데이=우남희 기자]MBC '우리결혼했어요2'에 출연중인 정용화 서현 커플의 팬클럽이 나눔을 실천했다.














































































































































































































































































































































































































국제구호개발기구 월드비전은 11일 "'용서 커플'(정용화 서현) 팬까페 '용서커플 너희가 최고야'는 '용서커플'의 1주년(2월 11일)을 기념해 십시일반으로 모은 후원금을 용서커플 이름으로 기부했다"고 밝혔다.














































































































































































































































































































































































































이번에 전달된 후원금은 월드비전의 후원을 받고 있는 아동들 중 실용음악과에 진학 예정인 아동과 재활복지학과 진학 예정인 아동에게 전달돼 대학등록금으로 쓰일 예정이다.














































































































































































































































































































































































































월 드비전 국내사업팀 최지혜 대리는 "이번에 지원을 받는 두 가정 모두 기초생활수급을 받고 있는 가정으로 경제적으로 어려워 대학에 합격은 했으나 등록금 마련이 막막한 상황이었지만 이번 후원금으로 도움을 받아 진학할 수 있게 됐다"며 "팬클럽에서 이렇게 뜻깊은 일에 앞장서 주셔서 정말 감사하다"고 말했다.














































































































































































































































































































































































































{ ⓒ '글로벌 석간 종합일간지' 아시아투데이 }














































































































































































































































































































































































































우남희 기자 wnh@asiatoday.co.kr













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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                                        HaPp1sT AnNiVeRsArY tO YoNgSeO CoUple!!!






















































































it takes two special people,












To make a loving pair.



































-Thank you to all the people (my fellow goguma chingoo) who provide informations, translation, screencaps, etc.. 





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