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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i watched the interview already, (tks for the link, apple)

but not understanding a thing :sweatingbullets:

(this is not new anw)

since this is a 'rapid fire' kind of questions, i lol at yong getting

nervous in answering them..

even his mom made the news, and i wonder why..

poor guy looks tired, and he seems to put on a bit of weight..

i think its a nice change now that he has his black hair back...

wave to wall, dreamy, soshi3..hi guys! :D

dreamy, thumbs up for the FMV.

aww..girl, u are making me feeling mellow at this time of the night..

hyun should sing this to yong...

myblue, i'm good. hope u are too

oops! didn't really notice him touching the precious.

i was more like focusing on his 'messy' hair and telling myself..

this guy needs a haircut! :lol:

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i watched the interview already, (tks for the link apple)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but not understanding a thing...(this is not new anw)  kekeke






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































since this is a 'rapid fire' kind of questions, i lol at yong getting































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nervous in answering them..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































even his mom made the news, and i wonder why..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wave to wall, dreamy, soshi3..hi guys!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi jnj;) how are you?  just done watching the interview also.. gosh! i wish i know how to understand  them hahahah!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ive seen the fan pics they used by our dear chingus! congrats guys! and during the interview, most of the time he keeps on touching the ring hehehe;) maybe his nervous and thinking of seohyun.. i'll wait patiently fo the eng translation..  thanks in advance..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YSforever






Just changed my avatar, hope it works!



It's so great to see everyone using the same images~~






also I'd like to join the project! ^^



Wishes to Yong & Hyun: FOLLOW YOUR HEART!! :wub:



And hopefully that will lead to something like YSforever..:P






Favorite episode: what else...the classic epi 27!!



It's the one and only episode that made me cry when watching...simply amazing and REAL.


Thanks apple for sharing the video..there sure are a lot of images of Hyun! :lol: and the ring!!



I wish I understand what he's talking though..



Thanks in advance for translations!! ^_^ 



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Wow! If i didn't know any better , i would have thought this is WGM special interview. Didn't expect so many Yeoseo related in the show. Saw quite a few fan-made photos kekeke... The producer must be goguma fan!
























This should be the 1st korean show with YH on FFTL so I hope Seohyun will able to catch this interview too~









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LOL soshi3, u almost made me have a heart attack! dangggg i'll be the happiest goguma alive if it's featured in the interview! it's similar but unfortunately it's not mine :ph34r: but thanks for being excited just in case it was mine kekeke

applehaven~! thanks so much for the link! yong's so handsome! did he just answered that hyun's the prettiest during the quick quiz? i thought i heard her name. :blink: i hope someone will translate this... M3, Dduk, j2, juhee, lalaCakes?

d_?????, haha u're right! the way he sang banmal song was like as if he imagined hyun to be there & it's also maybe 'cause he knows hyun will watch this, so he's singing it to her whole-heartedly... aigooo such a shweet guy! i wonder how will hyun feel when she sees that. i know my hearttt can't take itttttt xD

annyeong jnj~! lemme just tell u this... I LOVE UR POSTS! u always make some humour outta ur posts. they always brighten my mood & i'm sure other gogumas' too. keep it up, girl! :D

wokeh... goonite IN-GO-PAEM!


jnj & blackpapillon, thanks for liking my fmv ^_________^

ammel~!! yahh thanks for the upload! am gonna save them now! :w00t:

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I'm sorry that have to ask this question here: is there any link on YT for this Enews video? My computer can't work on tudou... too bad....














If anyone know the YT link, pls pls pls help to share here.... many many thx in advance..



























I found this link uploaded by ammel but only 8 minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkpENsZJnOA














Edit found another part! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz-ChDtNitM














ammel already posted the two links below.



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I've uploaded the TVN interview @ youtube.








Part 1












Part 2 (not really in-sync) LOL!












Yonghwa singing Banmal song @ 2min 7 sec is the most precious to me. kekeke





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I'm doing some graphics for YongSeo anniversary and saw the news... (still working, hopefully it'll be finished tomorrow! wait for me, bezbezbez!)














Yonghwa said that Hyun is the prettiest celeb! whoa that was hugeee boy. I love the article and I love people's reactions, too. So I'm pretty interested with the interview. Dying watched it without trans. If only I knew Korean... ;A; There's some part that Yong's touching his nose, which is a common body language for 'hiding something/lying' (and maybe, nervous, too. LOL) I wonder what did he say. ;p














Well, I hope we'll not too over-analyze everything if the interview gets subbed. It's goguma thread's special trait that I love but also sometimes I dislike (no offense). Yonghwa's still all good, and also Seohyun, their first anniversary is approaching, may we (me included) will not over-analyze something which can cause negative opinion(s). (again, no offense.)














Ok, better back to my lovely photoshop now. It's nice to see the new blue and pink avatar, all in full force! :3 I see so many Indonesians here. Halo teman sekampung. :rolleyes:














edit: dreamyboo's new FMV. usually I don't watch FMVs, but hey, it's great! the song is beautiful too :wub: thanks for sharing! :)












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Hello goguma...
































































ok tonight i've decide to out from my lurker mode on again, at first i wanna stop posting at this thread for personal reason but after i saw yonghwa interview about seohyun i went crazy again, beside this week is our anniversary and it was really special so i want to show off that i change my avatar too *clap clap*,
































































firstly i want to spazz about yong interview,, Geez this guy is so humble to said that he didnt deserve seohyun to b with him OMgosshh, i want to hug you yonghwaaaaa really, you make me hard to find a perfect boyfriend like u did
































































and i found it funny if i remember a month ago that taeyeon had wish for yongseo to be together in real and yonghwa said he's not so good for her geez. for me it looks like they're indirectly confess something fishy
































































like taeyeon said
































































"I hope our youngest Seohyun would really date Jung Yonghwa.
































































Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together.
































































I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work,
































































so she'll have no problem with our activities"
































































in my head it translate like this: "yonghwa~yah if u really love our magnae then u get my approve now, just ask her to date for real"
































































and then last week we heard yonghwa reveal his ideal type and for me its positive 100% point out to seohyun, even if i wash my gochun brain its still her
































































“I don’t have very specific requests or expectations about my ideal type,” he explained. “First…  I hope she is the type of woman who is pure, has a feminine  personality,  and is someone who is honest. Appearance-wise, I prefer  girls with long  hair. I also like the hair to be slightly wavy. As for  height… I would hope that she is tall enough to be just above where my  shoulders are. I like girls with clear and bright eyes…and someone who  knows how to take care of herself .”
































































trans in my brain: "Seohyun is my lovelight"






























































































































































































































































today is the total confession, im sure a lot of people will agreed with me































































































































Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
































































my trans: "Taeyeon~sshi Eventho i love your magnae as much of my entire life, i think im not good enough for her"
































































and for the last we only need to hear Seohyun answer, rather than she will say it at interview as indirect confession or he will call yonghwa in private no one will knows. for me i just need her to reveal her ideal type, or talk a little bit, just a little about yong and i will fly to the highest place at go-chun. may that day will come.:wub:
































































for the event yaayyy im so excited, its actually been a year since i know this couple. like anybody does i do want to tell my story about how i become in-go-paem. i will put it spoiler so it doesnt take place
































































its exactly years ago when im still at YAB mode on and my friend is a hardcore fans of yonghwa, she keep bragging me about CNBlue even before their debut and so i become a half heart fan of CNBlue, and my bias is jonghyun eventho i like yonghwa and minyuk too. we both keep spazzing about CNBlue until the news when Yonghwa will be a cast of WGM come out and her partner is no one but Our Seohyun. i didnt know there was a show called WGM and my friend told me about that, their concept etc and i went excited all over again, i really lovee lovestory no matter its a fake or not. im not an snsd fans back then *i only hear their song* and only know that this girl is a magnae of snsd and the worst thing is my friend is a major of Anti-SNSD and she went crazy because her bias yonghwa will end maried with the girl she hate. she tried to act cool and said it was a fake afterall but innocent me still keep excited bcoz i will have something fun to watch, something that match my taste.
































































i keep spazzing about that news with her eventho she hate it, I said that yonghwa will be a perfect match with her and i said that im sure someday yonghwa will fall in love with her *it was before the first eps broadcast*. and my friend angry with me, I mean she really angry with the word i said, she said seohyun is not yonghwa type at all, Sulli will be better for yonghwa, yonghwa deserve a cute girl not a clumsy one.
































































but eventho she said that im still in my mind and said to her "hearts are unpredictable"
































































and thats how i become a goguma, if i recall what i said to my friend, i feel proud to myself bcoz all i said is become true haha *clap clap*
































































but as much as i keep spazzing every week about them from first episode, i feel the atmosphere is different from now on
































































i do have my limit, i have time when my love rank for this couple is dropping well around 60 i guest. that when around October a friend gave me a full eps of adam couple to watch from eps 1 to H eps, i come to my sense and ask to myself why do yongseo couple never had skinship, at first i really doesnt care about skinship, i started to think what most people thought about our couple that they're boring. and that night i fisrt thinking about it  was when eps 27 air.
































































u know this eps is really my favorite Eps, its not just a turning point for them but for me too haha, at that time all of my dissapointment dissapear as fast as it come. my love rank increase from 60 to 1000000 at that time
































































i really cried with big smile alone in my house
































































i cant explain my fav scene, i loveee every second in that eps
































































start from the necklace, 2 row field and ets etc...
































































And the ring.. oMG i cant leave the ring after that eps, i become a trully gollum. saw them interact at a fishing spot like a normal couple, i mean like a real boyfriend-girlfriend make me die of happiness, finally my dream to see them interact like that has come.































































































































































































thats all i can explain, i really cant put in a sweet word to describe the eps that i like
































































my only hope for this couple so that they can stay healthy and become a real couple































































































































Happy First Anniversary To YongSeo Couple































































































































































































*back to lurker*

































































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Guest Lumpiere



Just a quick translation of the brain structure map for Yoong in the interview Enews interview.


[brain Structure Map]

1.My wife is the prettiest 

2.Yoong effect in Japan

3.Banmal song with the help of the wife!

4.Teaching the CNBlue brothers how to act 

5.Towel guy Generation 1. Acting idol 

6.Yonghwa, Mr Popular in high school 

7.Practicing hand movements in front of the mirror 

8.VS FTisland

9.My height is 1.8m, sadly, slightly too short for my brothers 


Credits to 小茴@baidu 


Also how cute was it when they played seobb's part in Hoot when yong ranked 2ne1 first? 


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1. Please use the PINK AVATAR if you are a fangirl and BLUE AVATAR if you are a fanboy. Please follow the rules! It's not that hard.


2. Please choose only ONE episode as your favorite!!! It's my third time repeating this. If your entry includes more than one episode, please edit it now or else your entry will not be counted. Don't miss the chance of winning CNBLUE'S FIRST FORMAL ALBUM just because you didn't follow the rules.


3. WE will trend #YongSeo1stAnniv on Friday, February 11, at 11:50PM KST.


4. Stay tune at YSInternationa0211@Youtube for upcoming YongSeo First Year Anniversary Fanmade videos.


5. Please spend your day just with happy thoughts. Please avoid stressing yourselves with negative vibes. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT REMINDER I WILL MAKE!



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Hello Gogumas...




















Which episode do I like BEST?




















Hmm... all episodes are the BEST. The japan trip is by far my fave as it’s a great turning point in their relationship as well all know.They were having a great date without any worries and they seemed more relaxed through out the trip. They were just like other normal couple on a special trip together without fans crowding around, well except maybe when they were having their ice-cream. But then the crowd was minimal compared to filming in Korea. That’s why I like the Japan trip episodes. Japan trip definitely brought their relationship to a new level.




















Anyway back to the question. Which episode do I like BEST?As I said, all episodes are the BEST.




















But if I have to choose the BEST among the BEST it would be ep 33 the 3rd part of Japan Trip. Of course Hyun grabbing Yong’s arm unexpectedly had everyone go crazy and spazzed like mad, even the MCs were super excited by it.




















However, what I found most endearing is their ‘heart-to-hearttalk’. I love it when they always talk about things even the smallest or the simplest one. It is a good way of getting to know your partner and strengthen bonds with your love one. Bottling up things is unhealthy. Besides that, when you talk you really need to look at the other person and listen to his/ her voice.




















Now let me list down what I like about this ep.




















1.      They had a very open & honest talk. They managed to expressed their deepest thoughts & feelings to each other,therefore learned that they actually wanted or felt the same thing but didn’t realize it. Both were waiting for each other’s calls but waited for the other to call first. Here, they talked things out & Hyun promised to break her walls and she eventually did in the episodes after. In fact She broke more walls than expected. She is more relaxed and comfortable with her hubby that touching him has become spontaneous for her, hence the hitting, patting and massaging. Also, His touches do not bother her at all, hence the hand holdings, patting, leaning close to each other and the latest leg-ship.































































2.      Hyun started to turn into a beautiful goddess here. Shoot me if I’m wrong, but compared to the previous ep. I think she is the loveliest & cutest here. When I first watched her in the yellow sweatshirt I was amazed. She seemed radiant, glowing like the sunshines and soo...lovely that words failed me. Just look for yourself gogumas. Even hubby don't dare to look at her beauty for too long...








































3.      The ‘ intense and electrifying-I’m in love’eye-ship. YongSeo is famous for their lovely eye-ship, but to me this ep brought a different meaning to their eye-ship. Just look at those eyes & stares. Their stares made me giddy & my heart flutters. Just imagine howt hey must have felt throughout those moments looking into each other’s eyes. There were many instances of eye-ship in previous ep. But here it was a start of more beautiful and electrifying gazes, stares and glances between YongSeo.   































































4.      To know that they actually monitor one another outside WGM made all gogumas feeling happy. Yong’s face when he knew Hyun actually monitors him   is just... He’s happy beyond words, so is this RED goguma




















5.      Hyun giving Yong 6 goguma points & one of Yong’s cheesiest lines ‘Everything, just except this one’.  100% Love the MCs reactions keukeukeu...







































6.      The 2nd arm wrestling was beautiful and morerelaxed. Their faces were closer compared to the 1st one. *sigh* and *faints*




















7.      Yong grabbing her wrist and MC  Jake’s reaction to it and his disappointment  nothing happened after that




















8.      Yong telling Hyun not to do the mildang. Love his shy smiles when he said so.




















9.      Their sweet goodnights at the end...




















10.  Their honest opinions in the blackroom interview.Hyun’s promise to express herself more towards her husband. Yong saying he will not worry over such things anymore, that a relationship is a process of adjusting to each other and changing each other. So  if anything needs changing they will do it together. And, they definitely have changed and are still changing together.








































Sorry for the long rambling everyone. But I just need to share all these with my family here as I love YongSeo as much as all of You love them.








































My wish for YongSeo;




















Let LOVE grows inside your hearts and binds them together forever. Fullfill your wish of living together to the100 yrs & beyond, and die together.  wub.gifwub.gif





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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Annyeong gogumas dongsaengs, chinggoos, unnies and oppas! ^^
















































































































Totally joining the goguma ride with the avatar. Loving the blue and pink ocean here on our lovely thread wub.gif
















































































































Talking about thread, Yeah baby! It jumped! It jumped! /dance yonghwa-style















































































































































































































































Onto more important topic, please keep on refreshing Banmal Song Video until it reaches 3 Million views before Yongseo's 1st anniversary. We can do it gogumas! R=VD!
















































































































Also, do increase the viewcount of our MBC BTS video as well :)
















































































































Keep on posting gogumas! Don't lurk this week. Really, while Yongseo is still ongoing and happy, why not spazz now?  Also, don't be bothered by language; you English is understandable, trust me :)
















































































































I topped the page so I'll repost this































































































































































































































Hello Goguma Village






























































































































































































































































































































































I 've upload ENEWS - TVN long version :)
































































































































































































































hope you enjoy ^^































































































































































































































Thank you dada2803! ^^

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi






LOL soshi3, u almost made me have a heart attack! dangggg i'll be the happiest goguma alive if it's featured in the interview! it's similar but unfortunately it's not mine  :ph34r: but thanks for being excited just in case it was mine kekeke








sorry to cut your post! I'm terribly sorry!! I tend to get over excited like that, yeah.............. so once again forgive me sweatingbullets.gif. I really thought it was yours though. It's funny that the korean media likes to use all of international fans' artwork on their news, be it tv broadcast ofr news article w00t.gif. Is it because the Korean fans cannot make awesome wallies like international fans?? sorry if I offend all koreans out there...... btw LOVE YOUR NEW FMV!!!!! I liked it on utube


jnj....... waves back! your posts are always hilarious. I enjoy your random posts, because I also like to make random posts, which will make me laugh unintentionally ^_^




Ah, it's really fun to see the progress of this thread. we are doing good guys! if we keep posting this fast, that 2000 pags will be reached in no time! boost your energy!!! maybe eating some sweet potatoes will help you making many posts here at our thread :D



I almost forgot....... shoutout to to lovekin! come on, change your avatar tooo. It will make us feel that you have become a little bit delusional, just like some of us here  :lol::lol:







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Guest nikijenlo






@Lumpiere - thank you for the quick trnslation about yong brain map...




Awwww...i really love this pic. Nomu nomu chuahe...:D


Look at these two lovebirds and tell me that their feelings are fake...*sigh*  :wub: (at least not at that moment of time, no. I refuse to believe..:P)



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Hello everyone!






I'm so excited about YongSeo's first year anniversary! They have brought me so much joy this past year and I feel so honoured to be part of this journey they are on. This thread has been through 1825 pages of ups and downs, but I am happy that today we can call each other family. Families annoy the heck out of each other, fight with each other but at the end of the day, they love each other. This is what our thread is like to me. Let's continue to be a family with one another!






I so desire to see this thread reach 2000 pages by their one year anniversary. It might seem impossible right now, but I think if every single goguma villager posts one post a day, we will reach there in no time!






Yonghwa's e-news interview seems SO spazzworthy! Please someone, translate it for us! I heart our translators, without them we would never be able to reach go-chun because we would never understand what they are talking about!






*sigh* since I'm in a reminiscent mood, I thought I would share with everyone all the fanvids I've made in the past. I'm busy busy finishing up all the 1st year anniversary FMV projects so I won't be able to make one of my own, but hope these fanvids bring all of you much joy as we wait for Friday to come!






Love revolution (first FMV)



By Myself - Warning (sad FMV)



Pyramid (fanmade wedding)



I'm in love (Seohyun POV)



I'm in love (Yonghwa POV)



Crazier (300 days)



Art of love (mildang period)



Have yourself a merry christmas



Himnae (Dedicated to K-gogumas during voting for MBC best couple award)



Banmal Song (latest FMV)






There are a few that I'm not able to upload because of copyright reasons, but I hope you guys have fun watching all these FMVs! 2 days to go!






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Guest miel_1301




YongHwa ENEWS "Behind Star" TVN Interview--- Partial Translation



source: BAIDU



credit translations: sagua85 of spd chatbox




About Banmal song


Y: When that song was first released I was still in Japan, hearing that news in Japan made my mood very good, and I also had thoughts like "I need to create more music in the future! To compose more songs!".


====song end


Y: In any case, this song's melody is simple to the audience, and the lyrics are pretty good.


====Q&A start


Q: Domestic-queen (hard to translate for me, it's like wife-queen?), Seohyun's reaction was?


Y: Seohyun was very happy, and carefully listened to this song, so I felt happy.


====The showcase stag before debuting


Y: I feel that <Love Revolution> is our most bright and positive song in this album, and I also wrote lyrics for this song, this is a song that I am passionate for, so when I hear that song I smile.


Caption: Providing infinite inspiration + source of ideas, Seohyun


Y: (She) was nervous seeing mom, very nervous, and friends have contacted me too...


Caption: Our meeting was not a coincidence


Y: I like feminine women, if their eyes are beautiful~smiles are beautiful too then it would be great.


Caption: Yongwha's image of ideal type = Seohyun?


Caption: 100% resemblance



Caption: Is Yonghwa's ideal type 2NE1?


(from a certain past interview)


Caption: Yonghwa's favorite girl group is?


MC: Oh, his favorite girl group is 2NE1!


(insert Hyun's part from Hoot MV)


Caption: What to do? SNSD has fallen to second place!


*Yong holds the SNSD plaque and mumbles something*


Y: First of all, their (SNSD) choreography on stage is very neat, very charismatic. And they're female sunbaes, even to men they are a very cool group, and their music is great.



Rapid Q&A


Handsome pose, honey-sweet voice, CNBlue's leader Jung Yonghwa's 100 seconds


Q: What is CNBlue to Jung Yonghwa?


A: Family


Q: What is WGM to Jung Yonghwa?


A: I really received a lot of help from it, I diligently working on it~


Q: Honestly, who is more pitiable out of the Yongseo couple?


A: I think it's more of a pity for Seohyun.


Q: Is Seohyun the most beautiful out of all celebrities?


A: Nei, the most beautiful.


Q: Celebrities you are close with?


A: F.T.Island


Q: When you eat Jajangmyeon in Seoul, do you miss the Busan-style Jajangmyeon with the raw egg?


A: Nei, I still miss it.


Q: Something you want to praise yourself for?


A: I'm still working hard.


Q: Were your studies good in school?


A: Average


Q: What rank?


A: In class, usually within the top 10.


Q: Were you popular with female in school?


A: Not extremely popular, but not unpopular


Q: As someone known for his looks, do you have confidence in your appearance? ~~ Don't think hard, just answer.


A: I feel that I am charming.


Q: What score would you give yourself for appearance? ~~~ hurry.


A: 60 points.


Q: What is music to Jung Yonghwa?


A: My friend.


Q: What is acting to Jung Yonghwa?


A: A stepboard to challenge a new domain.


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Guest justephoy




about the news i never expected yong will revealed the banmal song to the media soon :w00t: instead said hyun who had participated behind in the album too. it's really made my day more meaningful :wub: .  Yong said his buin is the pretties of the celebrities,  i can imagine maybe when the interviewer asked this question  his really miss her so much and remember their journey together :wub:


@applehaven   thnx for the link of ENEWS behind star cant wait for full of translate


@dreamyboo thnx for sharing ur new Fanvid *download for my collection*


@bee_ichigo kyaahhh im so envy with ur gift,, tell ur friend give me the one for my birthday gift too this month kekekkek


@hacker i watched wgm season 1 too and my fav couple Ansol and Alshin..yupp Mocca is one of popular band in indonesia. their music so different , easy listening with influences of many kind music like swing, jazz, bossa and swedish music.


@soshisoshi  Mocca is such a different artist , beside i remember,  i like secret admire and me & my boyfriend :D   yess im indonesian too oppa :)


for all gogumas thnx for sharing ur fav ep, videos, fanart, fanvid and for translators too (bow 90 degree).. im so proud being Yongseo shipper and being one of Go-In-Poem


my twitter :@justephoy  just in case for spamming together to celebrate yongseo 1st annv :)


edit : soompi is acting weird with me sorry for my double post, hope im not broke the rules


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Guest YongSeo
























yay!! my profile pic is updated!






























Regarding the recent interview of Yong and the statement of Yong, I guess I would need to watch the whole video before I could judge objectively.






























Fav Epi








It would be epi 27!! It is the first time seeing Hyun reciprocating by doing so much for Yong. The unforgetable scene is of course the hand-holding part. Daebak. I always like this couple's heart-to-heart talk. it is always from their serious conversations that we know how much they care about each other e.g. Yong's confessions of the song love light was made while thinking of Hyun.























I hope that they would be able to overcome all the obstacles that they meet in life together....









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