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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest emmanuellee




I just want to share this :)




CNBLUE’s Yonghwa talks about ‘Banmal Song’ and Seohyun on “Behind Star”While guesting on tvN’s “ENEWS Behind Star,”




CNBLUE’s Yonghwa revealed his inner feelings about his ‘wife’ Seohyun from MBC’s “We Got Married“.




His self-composed track, “For First-Time Lovers“, has been ranking at the top on major music sites, and is also being much loved by fans of the ’sweet potato couple’ since it’s a re-arrangement of their duet track, “Banmal Song“.




Yonghwa explained, “The song features an easy melody with lyrics that anyone would have experienced. Seohyun, who participated in the album with me, said she enjoyed listening to it, which makes the song that much more meaningful to me.”




He continued, “Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”




When asked about the ‘acting rivalry’ that went on between him and fellow bandmate Minhyuk over “You’re Handsome“, Yonghwa revealed, “I later heard that Minhyuk cried in front of the CEO once my casting was finalized. To call it a competition is a bit of an exaggeration.”




Yonghwa was then asked to grade his physical appearance, to which he replied, “60 points out of 100.”




Catch his full segment at 9:10 PM KST on February 8th.




cr. allkpop














rizeleth, thanks for the info.




Awww.... Yonghwa are you fishing for some compliments from Seohyun? Whats with the:“Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”statement. Yonghwa, you are the BEE that nurtured that blossoming FLOWER named SEOHYUN. You are right. she's the prettiest of all the celebreties now, but don't you ask her? Who makes her bloom? ITS YOU! Without you, we will not see a new her. She's at her best because of someone like you. You let her shine on her own. There's a saying that behind every successful man is a woman. in your case its the other way around. You are her SUPERMAN.

Yonghwa was then asked to grade his physical appearancemag-glass_10x10.gif, “60 points out of 100.” Is this related to your goguma score from Hyun? I remember she gave you 6. Did you ask her, why 6? It's not because out of 10 you're 6 points. It's because there's only six goguma cakes available mind you if there's 100 goguma cakes, I'm sure she will give you the hundred goguma cakes.

Come on, be brave enough to ask her about things that bother you. Hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






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another article, basically talking about the same thing.




JungYongHwa "Seohyun is the prettiest among celebrities" love confession


JungYongHwa express his boundless love towards his imaginary wife seohyun.


tvN ENEWS - bts star , JungYongHwa during the interview mentioning"SeoHyun is the prettiest among celebrities ". his utmost praise towards her beauty attarcts people's attention. expressing his love of his wife's superiority..also another praise, "even though we starred together in "WGM", between seohyun and I, i consider SeoHyun is more  unfortunate". JungYongHwa expressed his real thought.


recently released his own composed song "for the first time lovers (aka banmal song)" , he also expressed his gratitute to be in the 1st position in the country's music websites and also for receiving a lot of attention.


JungYongHwa said " easy melody as is experiencing for the first time lyric, seems like it's infectious for the public." "seohyun who participated in the making also likes it, making the song more meaningful"


Jungyonghwa's honest interview wil be broadcasted on the 8th, 9.10PM tvN-ENEWS-bts star"


i wonder what does he mean by saying seohyun participated? does she help with the lyric then?or was she there during the song recording?? :w00t:


also, him saying it's more unfortunate for seohyun. it means as a compliment, don't know how to say it in english, but it means like "seohyun can be with a better person, yet she ends up with me" it actually implies that yonghwa is very grateful towards her.



Since we are it to dissect every single word, what actually cuaght my attention is the word I bolded. Can this be translated in another way or does it really mean as past tense and not currently 


:sweatingbullets: I am sorry peeps. Let's enjoy their first anniversary with peace in mind whatever may come next


waiting for the actual interview!!





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okay...avatar changed!

i thought of changing it on the eve but can't resist seeing the

pink and blue arnd me..

and since i can't choose any fave episode, i just want to wish those participating

in the game ..all the best!

i love to see those flashback again...gogumas hwaiting!

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I simple love all the pink and blue all around this thread!! Goguma love :wub:











Aww, YongHwa never fails to surprise us with his answers for the interviews.







A great birthday gift for this thread indeed ( lol it made the thread fly for about 5 pages :w00t:











Congrats YongHwa you are now officially one of the most romantic guy on earth and you have yet again increase the level of ideal guy for most of the female population here in In Go Peam :P







(i hope we can all find our very own Yong)




i think one article from allkpop got buried in the midst of all the excitement for the epic interview.




CNBLUE’s Yonghwa & Big Bang’s Daesung show their support for “The Last Tundra”




it doesn't say anything about our YongSeo couple but look what i found








did u notice the Ring Ding Dong? lol,i've officially becoming one of the Gollums now- all i can see during the interview was the ring :P




(sorry if this has been shared before)


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Hahaha! I love your Yongseo parodies, Kubih. While watching the Legship Parody video, I just had to laugh at the line, "You may continue your legship in the room now." We have a very naughty couple right there! More skinship please!

I think the recent article on Yong's interview is highly indicative that he has strong feelings for Hyun. But then again, the recent episodes are confirming the sincerity of their feelings for each other already! If they haven't started something outside of WGM yet, I suspect they will soon. That possibility makes me incredibly excited, haha. Hopefully Hyun realizes (if she hasn't already), the depth of his feelings for her.

Loving the cool avatars by the way. Off to change it ASAP! :)

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Guest just_a_dream
















































waiiiit.,wats happening?.i was just out for 2 days plus and i have to read almost 20 pages already..wehehe.,
































i'm so happy, the thread is alive again and i guess i was left out and is troubled where to start spazzing..







































































well, i guess i have to go with the flow and give my POV on Yong's interview..
































it's really not a big deal having him saying that Hyun is unfortunate to be with someone like him,
































it's just his insecurity attacking him,especially that he still doesn't have the idea on what he really is in her life..
































oh wait, i don't know but really,those words would just come out if the 2 does have a relationship..keke..(hit mesweatingbullets.gif)
































i mean, based on experience the guy usually realizes that when their together already, like:
































guy:hey!.i'm so blessed to have you,ur beautiful,smart,sexy, achiever..blah,blah,blah
































girl: huh?.what are you saying?
































guy: what am saying is, it's like am winning in a lottery and your like having a burned fishpond having me..
































girl:hey!.it really doesn't matter,as long as we're happy with each other, we're both considered fortunate..wub.gif
































anyways,it's just me and my experience!..kkk..
































i changed my avatar already since most of the villagers change theirs already, and so i tried.,hope it worked though..
































the happiness in my heart really..waaah,.so glad that gogumas came to life already..
















































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Guest SophiaPia
































































1st year anniversary of YongSeo jst around the corner :) dugundugun :)
































Thanks to all who keeps sharing their love for YongSeo. Keep it coming chingus. Love Love Love 
































About the article, hubby Yong so sweet saying that his wife SeoHyun is the Prettiest among celebrities yes it's really love love love :)
































and i don't think what he said about his not good for SeoHyun is bad. Don't mis quote hubby Yong. He is just overwhelmed he meet someone pure like SeoHyun he even said that in the beginning his worried he will put dirt or he will be bad influenced w/ Seobaby. In reality hubby Yong is  a happy bunny with his wife SeoHyun baby. Feelings is real what ever it is. 
































And 'for the 1st time lovers' it's really SeoHyun and it's for SeoHyun and it's all 1st time for both of them. 
































Yes! hubby Yong ur so so influenced w/ Seobaby. GOOD GOOD INFLUENCED. And for sure wife SeoHyun will say Yong Nampeyeon is GOOD VITAMIN FOR ME.
































Cheers to all. 
































edit: avatar changed :) also thanks for sharing the precious. The most precious :)

















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Guest archiehon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi! Hve to come out frm my lurking mode. The episode that struck me that these 2 are something is epi 4. It was the first time that i realised YongHwa was seriously attracted to SeoHyun. The way he smiled and laughed as SeoHyun innocently respond to his hand wrestling invitation made me squeal madly. Watching the ep always make me smile. not to forget impromtu talent show. I realised how compatible they were (and still are!). 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW I love the latest interview! I dont think he wanted to back off from whatever- vague- relationship they have. It  just show that he has the highest admiration and utmost affection to the girl. I mean you can't expect him to say "We really suit each other and I think we should date for real" without causing a commotion. He is a humble and a sweet guy, that YongHwa:wub:.  

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Faith_memory









yey I changed my avatar already kekeke~!! and OMO yonghwa's article was really sweet.. he is indeed a very humble man. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone like him. ♥ Wrote songs dedicated just for you and calling you the MOST BEAUTIFUL. for sure he doesn't mean just hyun's appearance but also her inner characteristics. His feelings for her are very obvious and everyone knows it already.. I wanna hear same words from hyun.. ♥ kekeke~


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































Now I'm really going to celebrate ! Kekeke I passed aaall my exams! Now I can spazz as much as I want!!!! Nothing can stop me kekeke!
































































I was thinking about the scene that PD was mentioning lately: About Seohyun scaring all of the boys at the airport. Well I like it a lot, but forgot about it, but today I watched it again. Maybe it's just me or my imagination, but after this Yonghwa started to have THIS SPECIFIC LOOK at Seohyun, full of admiration! Like he discovered something and was really happy about it! From this moment till now he is very often looking at Seohyun, being just amazed! :wub:































































































































































































































































































































I made these screencaps to show you what I'm talking about :P
































































I'm soo happy that they overcome all the awkward moments etc and become even stronger together :D





























































































































































































































































































































































































One more thing about Yonghwa's latest interview: I'm really happy that he said that Seohyun is the most beautiful celebrity for him. Well, finally! I mean, I feel that Seohyun was waiting for his words, she wanted to hear that she means sth more than anyone else. She didn't care about all the other statements about her being a goddess etc. she was waiting especially for Yong to say it, because his words means for her more than any other!






























































































































































































































































And from latest episode:
































































































































































































I really love them!

































































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Hello to all.





































































































































































































































































































































To support and celebrate Yongseo 1st Anniversary, I change my profile pic.
































































Glad, so many of us participate it...
































































Lets make it top 10 in Twitter also..
































































Thanks also to the creator. :)
































































































































Been missing almost a week, make go and read almost 30++ pages of your comments.
































































Of course watch the ep 1st.. hehe
































































































































Thanks to all contributors...
































































M3, Dduk, tetsuya, KDR teams, all pic/screen caps posters, all comments, all news... erm what else.. to everyone la... hehe
































































































































LOL to another negative vibe bout the "N" word just a few pages back.. hehe.
































































So funny... We already encounter several times already.. Hehe.
































































For me, NO COMMENT, cuz I found it too cute to call it "N".
































































& I think it's worried-type-of-sentence for that scene..
































































































































The DAEBAK episode of 43.
































































I don't know what to comment, but what I like was this scene : the "die-together" scene.
































































I think it's the 1st time Hyun talk before thinking here.. LOL.
































































I love how Hyun react regarding Yong health.
































































Everybody, needs someone to remind us bout it.
































































Usually someone close to us.
































































Thank god, Yong got a "very particular healthy" wifey here.
































































Since everyone around him, guess is more like him.... Most of the time. It's only my POV ok.. ;).
































































































































The most memorable episode for me was... I will choose the 1st and the 2nd episode.
































































It's their 1st time meeting and their 1st date.
































































We really did saw the awkwardness between them.
































































The vulnerable of Hyun.
































































The playfulness side of Yong.
































































The caring and understandable Yong towards his partner.
































































Maybe, the scare/worries/shy Hyun. It's her's 1st time on the show WITHOUT protective sister, I guess. Goguma SONE please correct me if I'm wrong.
































































































































Why did I watch this couple?
































































































































Just like M3, I know SNSD but I don't fancy/follow them.
































































I don't even know whose who. Maybe minus Taeyeon (because of WGM1) & Yoona (because of her's series).
































































Other than that, I have no idea at all.
































































And I don't follow their music or song.
































































But, I do know CNBLUE starting from their Korean debut date.
































































Not their Japan activities. It's too impossible to know them, if you live outside Japan.
































































And I don't even know Yonghwa = YAB. I don't watch it + don't even know the drama. Hehe..
































































I totally love their music back then. hehe
































































But, after read allkpop bout new couple will appear, and the mention of CNBLUE leader, then.. I'm really curious to know bout whose the leading lady.
































































Not so many info back then. Or maybe I'm the 1 cannot find it..
































































Once look at her pic, I can't remember seeing it anywhere. Sorry...
































































Only I do know she's just finish her high school.
































































& I think, at that time, it will be an interesting couple to watch it.
































































A rock leader meet a finish-high-school-girls.
































































It's so true..
































































& I'm hooked to them. And glad.. hehe
































































Link to allkpop
























































CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun become new We Got Married couple!
























































by rameninmybowl on February 15, 2010 at 10:42 pm
































































































































It’s official! CNBLUE’s leader Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD’s maknae Seohyun have been cast in MBC’s We Got Married as the show’s newest virtually married couple!
































































Despite the ongoing schedules that both youngsters have with their hit songs, I’m a Loner and Oh!, Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun have already gone through the test filming at Ilsan Kyung Ki Do on the 12nd; their first episode is scheduled to be broadcast next month. Following the footsteps Jo Kwon and Ga-In, they will be the second idol-x-idol couple for We Got Married Season 2.
































































Will these two loving birds defeat the infamous Jo Kwon – Ga-In wave? I guess we’ll just have to sit tight!































































































































































































Preview... hehe.. can't wait to watch it this Sat.
































































Yong TOTALLY happy with this mission.. Hehehe...
































































Know we can see also how teacher Yong teach his best student bout snowboarding..
































































Maybe.. just maybe we can see the "Hug + teaching" thing. ;)
































































Who knows right.
































































Expect the un-expected.
































































































































Bout statement from Yong.
































































i) The ideal type : It's too HUN here.. hehe
































































ii) Today statement:

He continued, “Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
































































Why must he's says like this. hehe...
































































Is this another code to think for us to decipher?
































































And I think Hyun really can't think about waste thingy here.
































































You are at the top list in Hyun life right now.
































































Whose really patience, caring, can cooked, understanding etc..
































































Who said it waste to be with you, Yong... ;)
































































































































To YongSeo;































































































































Happy 1st Anniversary to you.































































































































Wish you guys will be:































































































































--> Happy always.































































































































--> Healthy always































































































































--> Success in your career































































































































--> Success with your relationship































































































































--> & hopefully we can also celebrate your 2nd anniversary also































































































































Rambling by me;









































































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i can't help but think that Yonghwa's statement will have a cause-and-effect result... not only for us Gogumas but most importantly for Seohyun. Seohyun would probably say, "waah, Oppa why did you say that i am the unfortunate one? many people are praising my changes in a positive way and its all because of you. i don't know if it will be the same if i marry someone else, oppa. i am grateful that you support me even if i am lacking (seohyun keep saying that to her mother-in-law when they met) " and yonghwa will praise seohyun and so on and so forth. so this reminded me of the double bday episode where after receiving his gifts, he felt that his goguma field was nothing compared to her song and storybook with couple ring gift. but in the end after seohyun reassured him that only a man with ability can actually give a 2 row goguma field, they were obviously pleased with their gifts for each other.

so going back to the cause-and-effect scenario, it simply means that they will end up telling each other how fortunate they are in their marriage. :D


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*Since the owner of the blog requested not to take out pictures from her site, do view the pictures in the link above.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa in Night After Night (NAN) broadcasted yesterday. Black hair + couple ring + star earrings.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Has anybody watched Yonghwa's interview? It has started 30 minutes ago.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tvN’s “ENEWS Behind Star at 9:10 PM KST on February 8th.

































































































































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Guest nafa_yongseo







i already change my avatar... <3<3<3














i also read yong news about he and hyun... daebak yong... 









my opinion about "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.” ... it just his choding style...









yong always modestly... but in fact he is the only right one for hyun...














waah... yongseo 1st annyversary is imminent... :wub:...:wub:...:wub:...

















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hi all... :)

I just want to try my new avatar..hope it works because there was some trouble when I was trying to upload it :(


about Yong's interview I read in allkpop's comment there was someone who said that it was Yong's way to say that there is nothing happened between both of them..and he said it in a nice way


I'm so saddd..hope it's not trueee!!! ><


Is anyone knows what time that Yong's interview will start today?

And when the interview was held? because his hair was still brown ..just curious :)

thank a lot ^^




-sorry I topped the page with nothing to share- :(

it seems that my yongseo 1st anniv avatar didn't work out...


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Guest biiianx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just want to make a little contribution for the coming YongSeo's 1st year anniversary.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For my favorite episode,i've gotta say, it would be the "Birthday Celebration of Hyun" (episode 27) for me, it's the turning point of their relationship. I can't help myself smiling everytime i watch this episode for countless times.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After this episode, all the succeeding episodes became my FAVORITE overlapping episode per episode :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also want to share this image ive found from my YongSeo pictures collection :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(because of YongSeo, for some reason, i want to have their things also)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits to dc

































































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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo
































































Nothing to say the only word that can express for everything is REAL















































































 (I think i really surprise to here their feeling though news cause they are idols)















































































Let's HAPPY 1st Anniversary YongSeo couple

















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I want to join the game too.




























































To sum up the episode:

























    When Yonghwa gave the butterfly necklace to Seohyun - in this episode he became the most ideal son-in-law in the universe. I think all mother-in-laws out there would want Yonghwa to marry their daughters. He gave importance to the person who risked her life just to give birth to a very special lady.











  • When they were playing after a very tiring task of planting gogumas - it was just fun to watch them play with a dog & and when they were acting out a scene while walking.






When Seohyun imitates the mosquito and fish - it was just plain hilarious





When Seohyun asked Yonghwa to buy mosquito repellant - she's smart really smart.





When Seohyun gave her gifts to Yonghwa - here you'll see a very different side of Seohyun. Even Yonghwa was speechless with her gifts. He was overwhelmed. It was funny but creepy when Seohyun was singing with the mask on but when she sang it the second time, I promise you my cheeks hurts because of constant smiling and my head hurts because of constant shouting. It was just aaahhhhhhh. I remember Yonghwa's reaction when she was singing. Even the MC's noted his reaction. He can't stop smiling. Then after that the book. The book itself was very cute. It was full of memories and a very special ring. Honestly, I thought it will Yonghwa who will change or replace the rings since it was him who lost his first. It was quite a surprise when Seohyun gave him that ring. It was so sweet when they were putting it on each other's fingers. It was so different from the first day when they first bought the 2000 won ring.





When you see Yonghwa's reaction to Hyun's gift - I loved his reaction when he said "Ooohhh." He's just too cute. He can't stop smiling. But he was greedy, he made her sing without the mask. But when she sang the 2nd time he can't help but stare at his buin. He called her by her real/full name. He thought he was dreaming. Then the book thing. It was fun to relive their past. They enjoyed every part of it especially the last surprise. The RING. He can't seem to believe that she's really Seohyun.





When the story behind Love Light was revealed - it was too sweet of him to write it while thinking of her.  I love the way Seohyun asked in a round about way. Being careful and at the same time vulnerable. I love it when Yonghwa voiced out her question. The way they banter was priceless. It was beyond words.





When they held hands for the first time - this is the first time they really held hands. It was momentous.






Here are some reasons why I love this episode. There are more but these were the highlights. I love the MC's reaction on this episode. They were all so happy, even Jinwoon.




















Just one question guys, what did you feel when you first watched this episode?




















Just watch it again and relive the magic of YongSeo.









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Guest winbros
















Change the avatar for 1st year anniversary - check.








Catch up on the last few pages of comments on last Sat's episode, fav episode contest, latest news on Yong's TvN interview - check.








Firstly on the recent news blurt:   Omomomomomo... Yong sneaking in his thoughts about Hyun publicly?  Especially following the Hollika "ideal girl type" revelation, highly suspicions (yeah I over-analyze like the rest of you too, bite me :rolleyes:).  This coming just over a month from Hyun's unnie/leader Taeyeon saying Hyun should date Yong for real blah-blah.... coincidence?  Jjinja?  In my deluded-fantasy mind, I think not.  Something's afoot here and only the two of them know what's going on.  He's practically grabbed her leg without much resistance (note she was smiling throughout the whole time that was happening) in the last episode we saw now..... who lays his hands on Seobaby?  Not many guys if at all.








Anyways, my fav episode would be ep27 though I'm stealing part of 26 as well.  Here's why:








For Yong to present the goguma field as a present to Hyun for her birthday shows how much thought he put into it, and she affirmed it by saying that she gets gogumas for presents but a field to plant gogumas?? Now that's a first.  Followed by the couple necklace for her and her mom, way to a girl's heart, especially Seobaby's seeing how close she is to her mom. 








Her singing Love Light to Yong not once, but twice (2nd time sans ugly mask) was totally to die for.  Her returned present of the Yong & Hyun fairytale story and the climatic re-formed/forged couple ring shows how much effort and thought she put into it, making the book was one thing, but it was the rings that hit me.  She could have bought another pair of couple rings easily, but noooooo, she went ahead to use her ring as a mold to re-make their couple rings. 








Yong's confession that part of Love Light was written with her in mind, OMG..... again to die for, singer writing part of a song for another singer, if that doesn't tug your heartstrings, I don't know what will.  (Of course that was topped by Banmal Song.... played 536 times according to my iTunes already... :phew:).








Finally, the first time they linked arms and held hands, wow, we waited all of 27 episodes for that to happen, I'm not sure who spazzed more, us Yongseo shippers or MC Jake... LOL.








That is why Ep 27 remains my absolute fav.  I'm hoping the Wedding Shoot epi will top that, here's keeping my fingers crossed for them to surprise us then.








Happy anniversary Yongseo, keep rocking you two. :wub:





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I changed my avatar.. really, it's the first time I uploaded an avatar on soompi (I did struggle with it a little!)




I intended to make this post as the answer for "favourite ep", but i realized i couldn't decide. I love all of them... maybe, i would spend some time to review and make my decision! (I'll be back with it... hope so :) )




Btw, did anyone catch the interview with Yong on tvN ?



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