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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i wanna share with u guys link for episode 43 part 1..
















43 Part 1
















and also the preview!!!skiing episode next week!
















Preview Epi 44
















let's fly to go-chun now~





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Guest The Hamzter
















































i totally understand your point of view regarding this matter.But,i kind of tired being blackmail for Yong Hwa to withdraw from wgm because of the same issue by a ppl from that same fanclub.As a fans,i'm sure we used our idol being criticized in whatever project they are doing.Not only wgm,their song,their performance,their drama etc etc..i should know because i'm a snsd fans.Snsd fans used to the antis and critism..ask any sone,they been battling with antis everywhere everytime anything about snsd is out but we dont ask the girls to stop doing something just because we cant stand the antis.if we,the fans did ask the girls to stop and not showing our support when critism and anti attacked,the girls wont be where they are now.Just saying.Not to sound arrogance,but maybe some young fanclub fans should learn something from sone.And i'm not refering to myself..because i havent been snsd fans for that long..but i meant the real sone who fight with snsd all this time with antis.And please dont take this as opinion from a sone and spreading that theres sone in Yongseo soompi trying to put war with ur fanclub,its totally individual opinion that happened to be snsd's and seohyun's fans..Just so u know,the reason i care is,asking Yong Hwa withdrawal from WGM mean Seohyun's withdrawal as well.I wouldnt want that to happened yet.Unless,she can stay in wgm after divorced and by remarried with other male idol,i'll be totally fine with it even if your fanclubs want Yong Hwa to withdrawal.
































And i expecting  a  lot of thumbs down for this.Really sorry for this post just trying to proove my point.































































nram if i can give you a +10 for your post i will but i cant soo i gave u a thumbs up lol, as a Sone1 i live to burn the antis but hey thats my hubby , i have nothing agaisnt you Boice fanz but at the same time i dont want Yongwha to quit WGM. You as hes fanz should support him on what he does, not decide on what he can or cant do. As a SNSD fan i support whatever the girls do and have recently enjoyed seohyun and yongwha as a couple via WGM, im sure Yong would be unhappy to leave hes buin behind. i suggest we leave the couple alone and let them decide there fate, cause at the end of the day its not our choice its theres and we will only watch them at the sidelines to wish them the best.i know i have the biggest grin at least cause nothing melts my heart than having a dose of goguma every weekend! GOGUMA FIGHTTTTTING!
































권제시카 Jessica Kwon - S♥NE소원 for Life!
































Daily Motion You Tube

















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sorry if my post make people feel uncomfortable

i have no intention to hurt anybody.

guys thank you for the kind reply :)

i understand your situation.

but like i said before...soompiers don't act like that...

well, that is what i see so far...

to jnj and rjcm127.......thank you very much for the link.....

I am very sorry i break the rules...... i think it is better for me to be just a lurker...

its okay..don't let it hinder u from posting..

hmm...pdnim not being good today..

who initiate the pinkyship...nobody knows...

scatterbrain, ryushi..tks again!

how sweet...they want to grow old together...

there's a lot of convo at the clinic..

we need trans to know yong's health condition..but its funny how he kept blowing

on that thing..

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so sweet, we should die together, and Yong also want to live long with Hyun, yeah, yongseo live together and die together. then i can be happy forever. why they always make me blind with their words, they always use the words that tuck to your heart and then you can not use your head to think anymore. YOngseo, :wub: go-chun


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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like the fish thingy part
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun kyupta :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































where are other gogumas uri village to quiet hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mb some of them still in CNY mood B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh ya who initiate the pinky holding?? I didn't get to see it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mine lag on that part:wacko:

































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































I like the fish thingy part
























seohyun kyupta  :)
























where are other gogumas uri village to quiet hehehe
























mb some of them still in CNY mood B)
























oh ya who initiate the pinky  holding?? I didn't get to see it
























mine lag on that part:wacko:















































Actually they didn't show who initiated the pinky hold they show them getting the message next thing you know they are holding eachother pinky's.
























BTW what's up with Yong grabbing her leg.
























Ottoke!!! I was about to die when he grab her leg he is getting very brave with the skinship. :wub:  I take the leg grabbing over the pinky any day I must sound like a pervert but what can I do that moment was very unexpected.









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Guest k.rivera19
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































streaming was lagging for me again this week :tears: ... so i couldn't enjoy the show as much <_< ... so ill wait for the raws before i come out of my lurker mode again and spazz about todays episode

































































































































































































































































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They were so boyfriend/girlfriend like in this episode! seriously I wanted to cry :wub:. Since we need the translation to spazz fully (cause there is something really good about their talk) I just want to say for now, thank you for the caps, the coming links, gif, subs and all the goodies!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I loved the leg skinship ^^, and Yong scaring Hyun by touching her foot. I Loved pinkyship! even when they did not show us why this happened LOL. Maybe they didn´t notice it and just saw it when they were already holding pinkies... just the thought of it... ahhhh so cute ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please subbers we need you! WE NEED YOU ^^ (cause someone is in love):wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































See you in Go-Chun gogumas ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: thank you scatterbrain and ryushi, let´s all die together with them ^^ lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
















































I'm glad that it's saturday again :)


























































































































Let's all spazz about the latest episode and the upcoming broadcast of the skii trip next week :)















































































I can see that there's almost 900 gogumas in the house...we are really growing every saturday... gogumas fighting!


























































































































I hope lurkers will come out from their ninja mode since 200 pages more and will reach 2000 pages and finally we'll get thread2...


























































































































It sounds exciting right??? come out now and post on the thread!!!































































































































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when yong tapped his foot on hyun's foot, she 'warned him not to touch them.

but in todays's epi, yong just grabbed her legs...

and she didn't say a thing.. :sweatingbullets:

skin to skin touching will give u more tingling feelings, hyun.. ;):rolleyes:


woah! links are up already?!

tks selene & ummihany

the prev looks fun! yong choding is back! lol

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Guest tinkershellsoompi








first of all I'm both a boice & a goguma...at first when YH & SH were chosen for WGM, I couldn't help but get a little jealous...but I was also curious to know more of YH...it was like a 50-50 situation for me..




After watching all their episodes, I don't see any reason why I won't like SeoHyun...She's so adorable & pure...I found myself getting interested in SNSD as well...this is what I like about WGM...despite a few fan-quarrels it helps us to know about the idol-groups better...we really need to understand the idols have their personal lives too...it's their choice if they want to be in a show...we can't also force them to be together which will only make ourselves stroke hard by reality...




I'm satisfied with what I've gotten from this couple so far...seeing Yong genuinely caring for Hyun & watching her slowly warm upto him always puts me on a smile...really what more could I ask for?...and if YongSeo ever becomes real ,I'll be thinking to myself how I've seen this couple growing up from nothing & simultaneously how my affections for them grew from zero to infinity :wub: hope I didnt hurt anyone with these words..&




happy Saturday fellow gogumas!! :)



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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































screencaps from ep 44 preview...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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is coffee bad for health?

i heard the dr and hyun mentioned coffee and then hyun looked at yong..

and seeing yong biting on ice cubes..that can be bad too..

aigoo..i think i am not the only one

who feel so lost w/out knowing what they said..

better lurk now until someone kind comes in with translations.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest archiehon









I watched the preview of Khuntoria couple. BOY! I'm glad Hyun's BIL are not as loud and active as the 2PM boys. Imagine Hyun holding her hair and shaking her head.
























I didn't get to see the raw ep yet but just watched the prev. OMG! the ski ep is SOOOOOOO interesting! and to think after that will be their WEDDING photoshoot! So we'll get to see the ski trip for their 1st anniversary on the show rite? So probly we'll get to see the wedding photos around March then. I can't wait! (Wedding march in my head in March)









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Guest xxraqSTAR

credit:baidu gogumas

Yong: how long do you want to ive?

Hyun: i wish to live a healthy life

Y: so 100yrs? then i'll live till 101yrs old

H: that's too much~~(we)should die together

H: oppa really want to live until 101 yrs old? that means oppa will die first?


H: because oppa is older than me by 2 years!

then yong realised and changed his answer to 102 yrs

i shared it before in live chat yongseo fanclub. would like to share it again here

find this convo so sweet. they plan to die together...

OMG! this two!!! they want to live longer but do they want US to die early?


btw, i want to share this picture that i edited myself.. nothing special, i just like their couple look here,

but since i cannot insert an image i'll just share the link..

My link

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^ lol i think for yongseo its the other way round. the BILs are quiet, its the snsd SILs that are loud. LMAO. Im still waiitng for the day when yonghwa gets to spend time with all 9 of them together. haha i can totally expect total chaos!




It was kinda a warm episode, its not as exciting as the previous one imo but i like that they were able to relax together and get a health check together. its still sweet nonetheless, of course there are some cute moments though not as much. Im definitely looking forward to the next episode!!





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argh leg-ship so cute
































































































































































































































































































45769425.gif yong! what are you doing!!

































































































































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i am not born to be a lurker... :rolleyes:

sharing some caps

poor buin...that looks painful



she needs u to hold her hand, yong


did they or did they not hold hands?


sally, tks for gifs! :D

how cute are they

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