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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello fellow goguma lovers!
































































































































This is nothing new but consider this as a distraction from the 'article' that is CLEARLY fake.
































































































































My link This is Hyun's reaction when CN Blue won the award. And it was taken a couple of days (2 3 maybe) after the filming of episode 42. I remember feeling shocked/amazed that the Hyun that we know and love has become giddy like that. Robot who? This girl ain't a robot, she was squealing and possibly suppressing the urge to jump and down when her 'bf' won. Infatuated lovebirds are usually like that. Now I understand how she could have behaved that way during the awards show, their level of comfort has gone up!
































































































































SO no worries loves. Our couple looks like they're staying strong. Enjoy it while they can still show us. on the screen cos NOW I'm certain there IS something brewing there. :)

































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

what is it with antis?

1. where do they have time to create such a long article. shudn't they be with family at this moment since it's a holiday in korea? shows that they are just lonely miserable people who want others to be as miserable as they are

2. them creating such rumors. won't it make them look more stupid since it is obviously fake?what are they actually trying to achieve or prove? we actually shud thank the antis though. because it makes us stronger and love yongseo more.

3. are they jealous yongseo? does that mean that the antis actually agree that yongseo are made for each other, but they just too jealous to admit it? it's okay antis...you all will come to your senses...

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Is it just me or nobody posts MC Kim's tweet?
















































































우결녹화마치고퇴근!..언능 집에가서 아가들과 놀아야지..토요일닥본사!!..
















































































간만에 한강얼음이녹고있네요..즐거운명절되세요! ..V587..!!!^^
















































































2011.02.02 11:55
















































































I see no Yongseo there...









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Guest soshisoshisoshi












Is it just me or nobody posts MC Kim's tweet?




우결녹화마치고퇴근!..언능 집에가서 아가들과 놀아야지..토요일닥본사!!..




간만에 한강얼음이녹고있네요..즐거운명절되세요! ..V587..!!!^^




2011.02.02 11:55








I see no Yongseo there...













Ah, I almost totally forgot about that!! I was still in shock and happy at the same time. I believe most gogumas here are like that, especially after that FAKE article came out :sweatingbullets:. can anyone translate it, because google trans doesn't tell much






scatterbrain........ yeah, what's wrong with antis?? they seriously need to get a life!! <_<















EDIT: just to make you gogumas do something :lol:.  keep voting for Yonghwa!








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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CN.BLUE - Unique - artistic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD - Sexy & Cute
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun
















































Thank goodness I logged in after the new rumor had already been cleared up. Thank you translators, you saved my heart.
















Gogumas, just finished watching the subbed episode a few hours ago. dropping off some caps accompanied with my usual ramblings here and there.
















Please pardon my selfishness as I hate putting images in spoilers.
































This episode! What can I say....































I freakn love that yellow couch! I always have! :w00t:
















Rember the intro of Jungmo oppa? soshi unnies spazzing? Yonghwa asking for a massage for the first time?
















Seobaby dancing RDR for hubby? The birth of their babies? Just a few of the many
















asdfghjkjl;l;kjhgs moments that have happened on and around that magical yellow couch.
















I won't be surprise if the next time I go furniture shopping I ended up buying one :lol:































April 2010.


























































































































































































June 2010.
























































































































































































































































November 2010.



























































































































































December 2010.




























































































































from the latest episode....
















Eyeship. Giddy smiles/faces. YELLOW couch! Topped with flirting, skinship and everything else YONGSEO style! Still held back here Gogumas...the condensed version of my caps for the latest episode :D















































































He found her totally adorable when she changed her tone
















after he had questioned her <3
































His cheekbones are popping out (makes him even hotter! BUT REMEMBER HE'S TAKEN! :P )
















The way his eyes follwed her when she wasgetting her diary while talking banmal
















with Busan accent <3 OH MY GAWD! What in the world happened in Busan?!
















Yonghwa not avoiding Seobaby's stares, combined with full blown flirting, skinship and all?
















His mom and friends must have really given his virtual wife
















an over the top rating huh? Tell us Yong seobang,
















what did you realize after that Busan trip? Were your feelings confirmed? *dies* LOL
















































































If there was one scene that totally had me OMFG in this episode,
















it was probably this one! OMFG! Seobaby, what in the world..?!!!!
















Her eyes!!!! Lips! Darn it Yonghwa kiss her already! You gotta be her first kiss!
















You just have to be!!!! *stomps feet*
















On the last two caps, you can tell that Yonghwa got totally affected teehee :P
















































Love love his reaction after she admitted callin his mom <3
















































^This scene made me a little emotional(?)/nostalgic. They're knees are touching!
















it reminded me of that episode when they were preparing for their license's written exam.
















I remember zooming in the particular scene below countless times in the hopes of
















seeing their knees touching LOL. I know!
















hey, I was trying to find a little bit of comfort from that poorly edited episode okay? hahahhahaha
































On the last cap. Her lips. I know she was probably just doing that because she just ate, but
















all the messy hair look, glossy lips, and flirting is making me think otherwise hahahah :sweatingbullets:
































Can you imagine if gazes like these can reproduce? OMO :lol:
















































































^They should take selca every filming, dont you think? :D
















With the current happenings latley, I have a feeling they do :w00t:































to be continued kekkekeke.....
















Endless thanks to our awesome translators, subbers, caps/gifs/artwork makers,































fanfic writers (hoping for one about the recent episode), and to the rest of the gogumas. 12734774.gif

















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Goshhh that fake article gave me the shock of my life!!


Maybe we should take revenge and write an article that YongSeo just confirmed that they are real :)


Yes I am all for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


But probably it backfires :)


One fact which screams that this couple is real and which was in no way connected to WGM was the the "Love" song Yonghwa sang at the GDA. no one can deny that he pointed to Seohyun, even her Unnies knew it and the line says "in this world of cruelty only you keep me sane" hellooooo?! any more questions?! off again to Go-Chun :)



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hi all!! :)

so relieved that it was just a rumor made by the antis..I just so confused why they did that? I mean we all know that all the antis don't like our couple..but spread some rumor like that..?? that was just too much.. :(

anyway...I think we don't have to take a revenge or anything...just forgive and forget :)

maybe they just want us to be panic and sad...I feel so sad for them :(

Change the topic...

Happy Lunar New Year for everyone who's celebrate it!!! wish you all good luck in the upcoming year :) :)

be blessed!!!

PS:I don't know why but right now I really1000x wanna see their wedding photo shoot...so curious..!! :)


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One fact which screams that this couple is real and which was in no way connected to WGM was the the "Love" song Yonghwa sang at the GDA. no one can deny that he pointed to Seohyun, even her Unnies knew it and the line says "in this world of cruelty only you keep me sane" hellooooo?! any more questions?! off again to Go-Chun :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi aurora82. Could you link me the vid where he pointed at Hyun? I tried looking for it but didn't find it. Thanks! I love how the unnies kept pointing at Hyun. Girl was probably too shy to point at herself. LOL.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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the fake news is a confirmation of what i dread the most.

that i am really really not ready to see yongseo leave.

my heart was abt to stop just now...

some may say they are prepared for it..but i see majority of us are not..

instead of feeling deguen deguen over MBC special today, hoping that there will

be more unseen footages, someone just had to drop a bomb in goguma village.

and i believe this incident will not be the last.. -_-

come to think of it...isn't it a bit too early for an April fool's joke? :rolleyes::lol:

and i got conned twice by this 'special' episode again.. :sweatingbullets:

everytime MBC annouced there will be a special epi, i go all out to make myself free,

only to have to watch a rerun...really MBC? :sweatingbullets:

ah! don't forget to support yongseo unseen clip over at MBC, gogumas..

lets show pdnim the goguma power! hwaiting!

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@kellneriner, here you go:



at around 4:07 and Yonghwa's glance after that *swoon*


there is another video SNSD BTS there they show how the Unnies are pointing at Seohyun and if he means Seohyun by that ;) and as you can guess Seohyun didn't see it or recognize it, lol. But I think by now she watched this/his performance ;)



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lets just forget about the antis.

and support yongseo with heart and soul.


if you're a true fan of the celebrity of your choice, you will support everything they do and support them all you can. Bashing them or  hating what they do, will not bring anyone any good.


Translators, and everyone that posted here everyday, people who support music, THANKS! YOU MADE MY DAY!!

_d3seohyun, I love your post!!



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rewatching epi 42 again..

jonghyun seems to know some of yong's friends too.

so does that mean he is also yong's childhood friend?

panGG girl, i love your yongseo's LNY wallie..

d3 chingu..as always...daebak caps..

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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































Happy Lunar New Year gogumas!
































































































































































I didn't check the thread for a while and when I logged on this morning, I was like "omo omo omo something daebak must have happened the last couple of nights!"
































































































































































Unseen footage from the recent filming - super adorable! Thank you to the gogumas who posted and shared the daebak clip with us! We are truly In-Go-Paem! ;) I think I share similar views with a lot of you regarding how awesome the clip is, so I shan't repeat. But can I just SQUEEEE over Yong's fanboy impression? (heheh, he probably had loads of practice being a soshi fanboy from that first performance he watched when he was still schooling!) and how lovely Hyunnie sounds when she sang Tiffany's part in Gee? SQUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
































































































































































These two are made of CUTE. Prince and Princess of Cute ^^
































































































































































Oh and about that ridiculous article created by the anti(or not). Let's not give the anti the reaction he/she wants. If it was a fan-created article, then can I beseech all fans not to get carried away when writing such things. ALWAYS quote your source and not do a copy and paste job from another article. Even if it was written in jest, it's totally unfunny.
































































































































































Do us all a favour by not giving us a heart attack please. We only appreciate heart attacks due to daebak news like MORE SKINSHIP!! or WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT!! :D:D:D
































































































































































It's Lunar New Year anyway, so let's not spoil the atmosphere in Go-Chun with negativity and hate. Peace and love all around In-Go-Paem! <3

































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_d3seohyun I swear you are the best. I'm always looking forward on your caps and lovely thoughts about each one of them. <3
















































































Anyway, guys, does any of you know if there's an available gif of the preview when Seohyun was holding Yonghwa's pinky? I swear my heart keeps on bursting every time I see a cap of it.









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Note: If you're NAUGHTY: You'll like their Conversation in this Video. hahaha!
















































































































































































































**Nightshifters - you'll enjoy this! hahah.
















































































































































































































Sangdo Dong Parody After Having Breakfast














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sangdo Dong PARODY after breakfast
















































































































































































































credits to Kubih of #gogumaleaks and Ammel123 of #go-chun

















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Note: If you're NAUGHTY: You'll like their Conversation in this Video. hahaha!








**Nightshifters - you'll enjoy this! hahah.








Sangdo Dong Parody After Having Breakfast






































Sangdo Dong PARODY after breakfast








credits to Kubih of #gogumaleaks and Ammel123 of #go-chun















BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol::w00t:








I love this video more than the original dialogue!








Goguma fans are really repressed! (you know what kind, right?)








Even though a lot of "creative" skinship is going between our two leads








We still want more, more than more!








Kubih, you are really.....!!!!!








I always read you SPD chats and guys there always tell you








to go to gogumaleaks. Hahahah!








But this parody really made me laugh! So witty!








Thanks ammel for the upload and typesetting (?)








Thanks lenovo, for sharing. :)









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Gosh, my heart almost stopped when I read about that article. Thankfully, our kind gogumas verified that it wasn't a genuine article. I agree, the best response to the article is to ignore it. Don't let others spoil the festive mood and your happiness meter. :P  I love our Yongseo couple and I want to see more of them, haha.

A good lunar new year to all gogumas who celebrate it, enjoy the holidays, and before you know it, Saturday will pop by and we'll be able to catch more heartwarming moments from our favourite couple. :)

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Guest YongSeo












I have not read the false article, but since it is untrue, it will be pointless for me to spend time reading it and dampen my festive mood. I noticed something, as long as MBC posted that there will some special episode out of nowhere,  I think it is just a rerun of the past episodes otherwise there will be some substantial evidences/rumors e.g. there were some rumors regarding the filming of Chuseok episode, or they will definitely promote it actively instead of keeping things hushed.














No ones can deny that they are alot more closer now. Well, instead of requesting what we want to see from them, I would prefer them to follow their hearts to do what they want. hee.. But of course, adding some spices to aid them in their r/s seem not such a bad idea too.














Edit : Sorry! Top the page and got nothing to share. Hereby, wishing all who are celebrating Lunar New Year- A prosperours New Year and Good health! :rolleyes:





















Edit 2: Regarding the parody video, it is a nice one! Haa.. still can link up well with their original version.














Edit 3: I re-watched the latest episode and something caught my attention. Haa.. in part 1 of the episode, Yong's friends were saying that he did alot of impersonations, so Jinwoon impersonated somebody by holding his abdomen and exclaimed, "Oh! My stomach!". I was wondering did Yong ever impersonate this actor/comedian to Jinwoon, thus, leading Jinwoon to enact out the scene. Next, i'm wondering why this scene -  stomach pain? Yong must have been encountering stomach pain too often.












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Guest karrymiss
































i just watched the parody version. usually i am not a type of a person who likes all THIS cheesy stuff. but man this video completely turned me on.phew.gifphew.gif 
















now because i am an indian, the actual word 'gee' in my language means YES. the video cracked me up when hyun said hurry come and yong said gee gee gee baby baby baby. how can such a sweet nice video can become something so perverted. interestingwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

















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