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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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First of all thanks to all translators and subbers for the fastest subbed videos in the entire world. hehehehe. You guys are the best. Now to my main point...




















Is it just me or do some of you guys also think that in the past year of YongSeo most missions and events are Yong related than Hyun related? I mean the CN Blue boys had appeared more than the SNSD sisters. The sisters I guessed a few times (housewarming) except for Hyoyeon who tutored them in driving test and the aftermath of the test. Twice they visited the CN Blue dorm and never had they visited SNSD's dorm. They went to Busan to meet Yong's parents and friends, they still haven't done that with Seohyun's side.




















I would really want to see Yong interact with SNSD-in-laws and for him to meet Seohyun's parents.  You can see at the 200-day performance that he's not that close to Hyun's unnies unlike Hyun who has already consider his brothers her family.




















Maybe MBC did that because they wanted Seohyun to be more comfortable with Yonghwa first. But now that she's very comfortable with him, the first ever guy she's comfortable with, I guess it's about time Seohyun REALLY introduce her FAMILY to Yonghwa. I think that will be a fun ride for the both of them.









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Guest justbulan































































































































































































































































































Is it just me or do some of you guys also think that in the past year of YongSeo most missions and events are Yong related than Hyun related? I mean the CN Blue boys had appeared more than the SNSD sisters. The sisters I guessed a few times (housewarming) except for Hyoyeon who tutored them in driving test and the aftermath of the test. Twice they visited the CN Blue dorm and never had they visited SNSD's dorm. They went to Busan to meet Yong's parents and friends, they still haven't done that with Seohyun's side.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































about Yong visiting SNSD dorm.. i guess it'll be a little not possible.. since SM stricly never revealed their dorm into public since they moved to their second dorm.. and only a little people from Idol line know what's inside their dorm.. (as far as i know only kara) CMIIW :P 
































































































































but yes.. it'll be great if we can see more interaction between Sis-in-law and bro-in law

































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Guest steffigrape
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































does anyone know what type of diary seohyun has?

































































































































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hi, someone ask me the video of this gif
































































































































































but i don't have it anymore
































































































































































someone can help?
































































































































































*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































Hi, first time for me watching the fancam ^^. Here you go 【mincam】101231 MBC Gayo Daejun:countdown
































































































































































I must say this... we really had bad luck on this, in the moment that seems that they are going to greet each other, the camera´s owner decides to follow that super Junior member?, that guy! :tears:.

































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aaah this episode was so amazing. I haven't been able to log onto Soompi in what seems like forever. When it comes to spazzing, better late than never, right?







I just love how comfortable they were during the last part of the episode. TBH, it sort of felt like they ARE living together, as if this were a scene in a move in which they'd just spent the night (the breakfast, sweatpants, bed head, ect.) OY VEY, be still my fangirling heart...





















Who wouldn't want to be woken up like this? I mean, really.











extra-affectionate Goguma couple, you are so cute. I just want to marry you guys off IRL. I also love that this couple's skinship is so subtle at times. They always hold everything together, but I love how that somehow evolved into what should become some amazing new skinship trend. Also, why is it that these two will only hug when taking pictures!?!? Case in point: Horror Special and 200th day Anniversary.











Then again, who needs a hug when you're like this all the time. You just know that there's no real reason to be that close to someone, even if you are feeding them. Don't get me started on the round of footsy. They're adorable. Does anyone else think that Yonghwa was holding back a kiss here? I keep thinking he wanted to kiss her shoulder.











A lot of people have pointed out that Yongseo tend to sit really close to each other, but this episode really highlights that. They are taking up a third of that sofa, half-snuggling up with each other.







Couple Sweatshirts? CHECK







Couple Rings? CHECK







Couple Thai Elephant Pillows? CHECK











Lastly, LOL at how Seohyun totally knows how to get Yonghwa to do what she wants (whether she knows the effect she has on him or not is up for debate). Impromptu massage is apparently the ideal method of distracting the hubby. Didn't she also give him a massage before she tried to convince him to play pocket ball?





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I need some help from gogumas (FBI?) -

Does anybody have an accurate account of dates YongSeo filmed WGM from October 1st to current?  I like to take actual filmiing dates and compare them to their (CN Blue and SNSD) appearances on Music Bank, Music Core, Inkigayo and the end of year Awards shows (like GDA and GMA, etc.) and analyze Hyun's & Yong's interactions.  It kind of puts 'reel' vs. 'real' in perspective for me when I see what happens on the 'real' shows vs. what they filmed in WGM the 'reel' part (although on WGM the 'reel' and 'real' are almost indistinguishable now, heh!?) I think this would be a big help to other gogumas, too!  Thanks in advance.......

Also, does anybody know how to leave requests or messages on the MBC WGM website - I would like to add some requests for future missions.   Namely - 

1. they still haven't done their bike riding trip on that Island in the Han river that Hyun mentioned in her Daum commercial!  But they would probably want to wait for the weather to warm up again!

2. CN Blue & SNSD BILs & SILs either meet up at SNSD dorm, or go out and spend  some time together doing fun stuff, like bowling or miniature golf or karoake & then go out to eat dinner together.  The CN Blue BILs have gone overboard to make Hyunnie feel comfortable with them and they treat her like family, now.  SNSD SILs needs to reciprocate! 

3. Yong visits Hyun's parents.  it needs to go the other way now.  Hyunnie needs to reciprocate Yong's attempts to meet the family.  Also, Hyunnie's friends meet Yong!

4. Honeymoon trip to Jeju Island - in the summer.  They need to spend a nice relaxing 2-day trip.  They ride jet skis, or go water skiing.

5. Hyunnie needs to write, and play guitar for, a song to Yong, expressing her feelings to him.   Again, reciprocate!   

6. Sleepover/pajama party with Yong and Hyun at their house.   They actually 'sleep together' (with full pajamas on , of course!) :P  and Hyun helps Yong make breakfast the next day.  I see a lot of candles and flowers and sweet music on the radio.:wub:

7. They take care of a baby for a day, and play parents like 'Hello, baby'.

Like 'em?  If you do, maybe we can flood WGM's website with mission requests and ensure our couple doesn't run out of ideas for future shows! 

Can't wait for CN Blue's first full album in February.  I'm sure it will be excellent!   BTW, what does a 'full album' mean in K-Pop? Does it just mean they take all the songs they did in all their other releases and make one big album (what we call in the USA a 'Best of' album) or will it be a big album with all new songs?  I wonder if 'Song for First Time Lovers' will be included on this album?  Wow, that would be awesome!  

Also, I'll ask again - anybody seen English subs/translations for TVXQ's 'Journey' with Seohyun?  I really like this song.   She hasn't performed this song with Max on stage yet, right?   Thank you!  

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Guest MountainMadman

Luvtokki, to answer a few of your questions:

-The filming dates are all listed in this calendar. It's all in Korean though, so I don't really know how much help it will be. sweatingbullets.gif


-To leave a message on the official website, I believe you have to register as a user, which would require the Korean version of the Social Security number. Of course, since we're all international, none of us have a Korean SSN. I've never really understood why Korean sites require so much information (SSN, address, phone) versus US sites which only require, at most, your email, but that's how it is.

-Korean albums are divided into EP (Extended Plays, also known as mini-albums) and full albums. EPs generally consist of a couple of songs, while full albums have much more. For example, SNSD's 'Girls Generation' would be considered a 'full album' (with 10 tracks) versus their 'Tell Me Your Wish' EP, which only has 6 tracks. It's all very vague, but the key point to remember is: shorter playtime = EPs, and longer playtime = albums. So with CN BLUE's upcoming album, I think we can look forward to a much larger playlist than their previous two mini albums, which were released and marketed as such.

Then there are 'singles', which consist of 1-2 tracks only. An example is SNSD's 'Into the New World', which only consisted of 2 tracks.

Then there are digital singles, like 'For First-Time Lovers', which are exclusively released through the Internet.

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I need some help from gogumas (FBI?) -


Does anybody have an accurate account of dates YongSeo filmed WGM from October 1st to current?  I like to take actual filmiing dates and compare them to their (CN Blue and SNSD) appearances on Music Bank, Music Core, Inkigayo and the end of year Awards shows (like GDA and GMA, etc.) and analyze Hyun's & Yong's interactions.  It kind of puts 'reel' vs. 'real' in perspective for me when I see what happens on the 'real' shows vs. what they filmed in WGM the 'reel' part (although on WGM the 'reel' and 'real' are almost indistinguishable now, heh!?) I think this would be a big help to other gogumas, too!  Thanks in advance.......

first time making a quote...

sorry if i making a mistake...

i don't know if this is really accurate, but this all i can help...

u go to page 1607 on this threat n u will find the calendar that r made by sally7..

from feb until dec

110119-shopping filming

110120-Seoul Music Awards

as far as i know, the date given are really accurate...



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I need some help from gogumas (FBI?) -






























































































































































































































































































































Does anybody have an accurate account of dates YongSeo filmed WGM from October 1st to current?  I like to take actual filmiing dates and compare them to their (CN Blue and SNSD) appearances on Music Bank, Music Core, Inkigayo and the end of year Awards shows (like GDA and GMA, etc.) and analyze Hyun's & Yong's interactions.  It kind of puts 'reel' vs. 'real' in perspective for me when I see what happens on the 'real' shows vs. what they filmed in WGM the 'reel' part (although on WGM the 'reel' and 'real' are almost indistinguishable now, heh!?) I think this would be a big help to other gogumas, too!  Thanks in advance.......































































































































































































































































































here schedule of filming and broadcasting but I haven't add their own event just some that both of them attend same event.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Luvtokki, here are the full translations for TVXQ's "Journey". This was a pretty hard song to translate, but the lyrics are stunningly beautiful...I did the best I could.

Let's take an impromptu trip, 

Anywhere, Anytime, just let it be with you

The Champs-Elysees which you wanted to stroll down, 

The ice cream from Roman Holiday

One ticket carrying our hopes, 

A temporary respite from our tears and worries

The sky-blue sky, towards our dream somewhere

I'm leaving, into the stunningly beautiful world

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine

Fold away the tiresome day and to wherever my heart touches you

Follow the blowing wind towards the heavenly landscape from a reel of film

I'm leaving, into the stunningly beautiful world

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine

Join take a journey

Saturday brunch

Dream-like times spent with you

Morning croissant

The sky inside the sweet coffee

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine

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Guest seohyungeneration
































1)     As promised: For Czae (and other soompi reader who wants to go to South Korea)
































Korean Tourism Organization (KTO) – free brochures especially the travel guide Korea, maps, denominations ($10 - 10,000 won, $5 –5,000 won, $1 – 1,000 won, coins 500, 100, 50 & 10 won). The travel guide Korea is very important because you have everything there. Believe me it's all there.
































2)     Voltage – 220V
































3)     National Holidays – January 1, January 25-27,March 1, May 2, May 5, June 6, August 15, October 2-4, December 25
































4)     Use orbitz.com, hotels.com & expedia.com forlower price hotel accommodations & info.
































5)     Incheon International Airport rent a cellphone
































6)     Tax refunds – available on purchases exceeding30,000 won at areas with “Tax Free Shopping” signs. Simple present merchandisewith global refund check to the customs desk by the D & J entrance gates atIncheon Int’l Airport and have the form stamped. Receive refund at the “GlobalRefund Korea” counter near Gate 28. www.globalrefund.com/ 032-7434140 / 02-7762170
































7)     T-money card – used on buses, subway, some taxis& cultural facilities such as royal palaces & museums. Purchased andrecharged at subway ticket windows or convenience stores (GS25, Family Mart,7-Eleven, Buy the way, etc.). www.t-money.co.kr. I got mine inside Incheon International airport where it has a convenience store.
































8)     Seoul City pass card – Bus or subway in Seoul including Seoul City Tour Bus. Purchased at convenience stores and majortourist information centers around Seoul. (1 day 15,000 won; 2 day 25,000 won ;3 day 35,000 won)
































9)     Area codes: Seoul – 02; Incheon – 032; Busan –051; Jeju – 064; Gangwon-do - 033
































10)  Dong (means street) example is Sangdo-dong; Do(means island) example Jeju-do
































11)  Taxis – Kind taxi (with English translation)Phone no#1588-3382 costs about $60 plus 7,100 toll fee
































12)  Other phone numbers: Police – 112; Local Directory – 114; Tourist complaint center – 02-7350101; travel info – 1330
































13)  Seoul City Bus: Blue Bus 2 or more areas in Seoul; Green bus 1 area in seoul; red bus cities in greater seoul (incheon,etc.) ; yellow bus downtown seoul (N Tower & Teddy Bear Museum, etc.). Seoul City bus is different from Seoul City Tour Bus. 
































14)  Start at Gwanghwamun for Seoul City Tour Bus and information – complete with headphones with English, japanese & Chineselanguages/stations in different stops: Downtown tour, palace chenggye tourdouble decker bus, night tour 1 & night tour 2 Double decker bus (withmoonlight fountain at Banpo bridge)
































15)  Brochure given by KTO Hanok stay experience at Jongno-gu, Seoul  – Seoul Guesthouse $35-12002-7450057 seoul.110.com; RakKoJae $180-450 02-7423410 rkj.co.kr; WoorichipGuesthouse $50 02-7440536; Tea Guesthouse $40-150 02-36759877 teaguesthouse.com
































16)  Metro Hotel Myeongdong (there is no view since it is located at the center of shopping stores).  When I stayed at Metro they have free breakfast everyday maybe because it is their anniversary last year. Make sure you get a room at the 7th floor where they have the laundry room nearby and get a room starting at 711 (this one is better because it is at the center) until 713. As long as it is in that side.
















































TEL: 82-2-752-1112 / FAX: 82-2-757-4411 







































































WEBSITE: www.metrohotel.co.kr <br style="line-height: 15px; ">






























































EMAIL: reservation@metrohotel.co.kr <br style="line-height: 15px; ">






























































Facebook page : www.facebook.com/metrohotelkorea <br style="line-height: 15px; ">















































199-33, EULJIRO 2GA, JUNG GU, SEOUL, KOREA                                                                                        
















































































 Other hotels, I would suggest get a hotel near Coex mall or near subway at Gwanghwamun and Apgujeong. I've seen Elle Lui is nice but a bit expensive but not near a subway station.
























































17)  Museums closed on Monday








































18)  World class Subway (better than the states) withEnglish translation: Line 2 Hongik University (includes 1st shop ofcoffee prince, exit 5 Picasso st. behind sanulim theater and 5 min walk towardthe university; four season house 5,000 won call 02-31419027 for 4 dramasspring waltz, summer scent, winter sonata & autumn in my heart  & Hongdae area)
































19)  Line 2 Myeong-dong Street look for mall whereYongseo couple shopped for Seohyun’s boots call tourist info center 02-757-0088
































20)  Line 3 Dongguk University for Seohyun’s school;Apgujeong is like the rodeo drive in the u.s. for  COEX mall & SNSD dorm
































21)  Line 4 Cherry Blossom street Yunjung-ro; 63Building Yeouinaru station; Namsan Park Hoehyeon station
































22)  Line 6 World cup stadium
































23)  Line 8 Lotte world amusement park at Jamsil
































24)  Blue Bus #500 Sangdo-dong Seohyun WGM house
































25)  Sindang-dong
































26)  Jeongdongjin beach in Gangneung City, Gangwon-doprovince 
































27)  Daemyunghang/Ganghwado  – goguma land Red Bus 3100 & Dongmak Beach
































------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                          Budgetairlines at Gimpo Airport (domestic Phone#02-2660-2483 gimpo.airport.co.kr) –jeju air 1599-1500; Yeongnam Air 1644-2000; Jin Air 02-3660-6000 & AsianaAirlines 1588-8000 (Korean Air is expensive 1588-2001)
































1)     Jeju-do – Jungmun resort  use #600 limo bus: teddy bear museum,convention center, cheonjeyeon waterfall, bridge of seven fairies legendSeonimgyo&  8 different hotelsespecially Lotte Hotel (Windmill observatory tower), Hilla Jeju & HyattHotel (great gardens), The Suites Hotel (princess hours drama) & The SeaesHotel & Resort (near convention center – boys over flower, wgm season 1,princess hours,etc.) . I stayed at the Suites hotel (asked them to get you a room facing the windwills and the mountains).
































2)     Use orbitz.com, hotels.com or expedia.com forlower price accommodations. 
































Have fun and enjoy your trip. The country is really safe (although be careful of pickpockets and when you exchange your money make sure it is at the bank) and well organized. You will enjoy it.
































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































From begining to end I have an stupid smile planted on my face... this two just make me happy!
































































































































































I have come to the conclusion that they have make me appreciate love and life in a differente light... What ever happens from now on is just for the better with this two.
































































































































































The episode is in replay in my computer and aside from what everyone else have said, I will like to add my favorite parts.
































































































































































- YH making breakfast... (YH I love you!!!!, I have to agree with MrsJoker, he keeps getting better and better, In the begining during YAB time, I was just, Oh he is a "pretty boy" nothing more, but as time passes and I have seen his grow, develop and how caring he is with his loved ones... I just cant resist him, I love him... See that, right there people is the thing... not only looks is what matters, when you get to know someone better, and appreciate them as they are, one just cant help to find them better and better... in his case Smexier in my eyes...) kekekekeke :wub:
































































































































































- YH waking SH... Ahhh and Ahhh and more AHHH!!!! OMG PDnim why you have to cut it, he sat himself in the bed... did he help her to get up? Did they look each other closer? so many questions... :wacko:
































































































































































- SH calling MIL out of no where and outside WGM... If that is not commitment I dont know what it is....
































































































































































- SH talking about his digestive problem while giving him a massage... OK, I really like jgz89 is macro... it speak for itself.... kekekeke :wub: The boy was loving the massage, he was not even thinking what she was talking about, he just keep smiling during the whole thing... He liked it! SH you are getting better at reading what your husband likes... good for you girl!!!
































































































































































- And last, why they didnt show SH singing "I want get, get, get your love" She must have look really cute!!!
































































































































































So many things, and I just keep thinking that things are going to get better and better and better, and for some reason I think we will find ourself another turning point in the sky trip episode.
































































































































































You know why, I was watching this episode and watching how YH is the one that keep leaning his body toward SH, he is the one that is sitting closer and began the playful thing, but then I remember the filming of the banmal song, and how he just keep moving away from her when they are together in the couch... that is botering me, but then I remember his statement of "Dont smile with your eyes... it makes my heart flutter"...
































































































































































So, what do you think people, for me he just realized in between "the banmal song recording and this hospital episode" that he really cant resist her... Is he getting afraid of his physical reaction towards her... I think he just want to kiss her... kekekekeke :wub:
































































































































































Something changed between those episode and I keep up my theory that the wedding photoshoot is another turning point... for some strange reason that I cant explain really well, I think he became more possesive of her after the wedding photoshoot... I just have this gut feeling...
































































































































































Well, Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, I love you all!!! Thanks a million to all the translators and subbers and everyone!!!

































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Guest crystalblue
















@ Seohyungeneration - that info is totally awesome since I'm hoping to go next year! What a great accidental read that I came across your post! but someone will more than likely ask for all that be put in a spoiler since it's not Yongseo related but I personally don't care about that. Thanks for the info again!
















I just wanted to ask everyone if you think that Yongseo's home looks TOTALLY LIVED IN? I mean doesn't it look like they've used it MORE than just for filming the show? It was 9:30AM on that wall clock in this ep. and Yong was pulling onions out of the fridge and that onion bag was already opened (hence the bouncing onion on to the floor). When was the last time they cooked there that they would have a bag of yellow onions in the fridge? If he just went grocery shopping, then why would the yellow onions be refridgerated? Then there was a big bunch of bananas on the counter. How many days does it take for 2 people to eat that many bananas? The kitchen wall rack had a bunch of stuff on it and there were washed dishes in the rack inside the sink. What the heck is going on? and didn't you think that when Seohyun brought up the stomache and bathroom frequency issue, Yonghwa's reaction was very... shall we say.... NO Big Deal... Whatever... kind of a deal? He wasn't embarrassed or anything. How close ARE THEY REALLY??? Okay, so my brain is telling me that maybe these two come to this home and use it to hang out and have personal time together when they're NOT filming WGM. Because according to Sally7's calendar above, they hadn't been filming at that house since Nov. 11th and the time before that was Oct. 9th- About once per month, they filmed at the house but all indications of that kitchen and stuff tell me it's used a lot more often than once a month. AHHHHHHH!!! could my suspicions be right? Is this their hide out? and oh yeah- who's been watering those plants on the Avatar balcony? they totally grew huge! What do you guys think? Love Nest???









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Guest bittersweet_
































































































































































































































Hello there Goguma Lovers =)
































































































































































This episode....ahhhhh....the last ten minutes seriously.....ate my heart. Seohyun looks beautiful when she wakes up. How is that possible? Maybe I should start taking my vitamins regularly, go to gym, and eat bunch of blend herbs.
































































































































































They were super duper comfortable with each other.
































































































































































One big thing i noticed was Seohyun's affection for YongHwa this episode. I think Busan trip perhaps had huge influence on her, and he is starting to really grow on her. She kept staring at him!!! Even when they were walking to the hospital, her body kept turning to him. Body languages are important here =) YongHwa is of course his usual loving self. However, Seohyun has changed. She was even giving him a massage??!!!! Like two times? and she worries about his health.
































































































































































I like the way she was nagging him
































































































































































-You don't eat breakfast!
































































































































































-You used to not eat breakfast! I like how she knows about his habit and nagging him for that.
































































































































































& She has YongHwa's mom's phone number on her phone????? How outrageous is that...isn't that too close to reality? :sweatingbullets:

































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I do feel a little sorry for Yong in that guys do have a harder time dealing with physical contact than girls (we respond to emotions and guys to any physical contact). Maybe the reason he goes to bathroom a lot has nothing to do with a problem with his tummy but maybe something a little lower. OK, I'm bad. That maybe why he kept saying that there was nothing wrong with his tummy and didn't need to go to the hospital. I am thinking about the consultation at the doctor.
















Doctor: There is nothing wrong with him but the reason he goes to the bathroom so much is because...............
































in her serious logical mode-REALLY? With a really red blushed face afterwards.
















OK I'm really really bad.
















No way I will finish this thought but I think we all know what might be his reason for not getting it checked out.























































It would be pretty hilarious; funnier imagining it to be the reason for Hyun's look of "ewwwwww" at the Doctor's as she's reading the pamphlet.... about.... ? :lol: It'd just be hilarious considering their dialogue on the subject on the show; and Yong's look of surprise and laughter when she said "So, I'll do it for you." Yong: "what? do what?" Hyun: "make you healthy!" :lol: Too funny.
































And about girls responding to emotions and guys to physical contact; you can see this on the show in that Hyun mostly uses her eyes to flirt and to gauge what he might be really thinking/saying; and Yong most definitely responds to and uses physical contact. This was especially noticeable when they were sitting on the floor and conversing about the necklace; to watch his deliberate movements towards her and expressions (after waking her up, feeding her, reading her diary and witnessing her call his mom)... dare I say provided a little sexual tension??? ^_^
































Speaking of which, was a little shocked by Hyun feeling so free and easy (and thrilled?) to call his mom. It does speak volumes considering she knows from his mom that Yong does not call her as often as she’d like. She seems to have taken it upon herself (as the “DIL/GF”) to pick up where Yong lacks. Is this for real? She is making this effort for a virtual marriage show? So how can his mom not be touched by this?! And Yong?!

















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Gogumas, I love how we are still spazzing about the episode!!!,
































































































































































I want to ask you something about Yong´s stomach. Could it be that Hyun was misunderstanding his joke (his impersonation), the very same that Jinwoon imitates in the begining of this episode??? LOL or in a delusional point of view. could it be his butterflies what hurts? :wub:... I got the feeling that Yong´s stomach is in good health! haha. Anyway it is very cute the way she thinks and cares for him :wub:.
































































































































































About Yong hearing rumors here and there, I wonder if is one of Hyun´s unnies!! or maybe Hyun´s manager?... cause the phonecall is too much for someone who is not that close to her right? I´m so curious about that phonecall ^^....
































































































































































lovelybee, jgz89: I really love your caps!!! and BTW  I think that the massage part was edited in a weird way, I think Hyun only started to give him massage after she noticed that his muscles were hard? (I don´t know how to say that). But who knows right?.
































































































































































I also wonder why PDs have been editing the skinship and interesting scenes (like bed scene) out. Sometime I wonder if they are trying to protect them in some way :unsure:... Could that be???
































































































































































LOL at the reason why Yong keeps going to bathroom kekekeke!!!
































































































































































Luvtokki oppa: I will be waiting your conclusions ^^!!!
































































































































































M3: Thanks for the translation of the song, the lyrics are beautiful! When I read "saturday" I was LOL WGM! hahaha
































































































































































Kerube: About Yong holding back in the banmal song episode, I wonder If they were told to held back since the episode was going to be aired earlier than busan trip. Anyway we also could see in that episode that skinship was edited out ¬¬.
































































































































































About your feeling that Yong got possesive after wedding photoshoot... I will tell you that I sense something different too, I think that episode would be a very big turning point for them.
































































































































































Lastly, since this place is a fairyland "Goguma heaven" better that Disneyland (every wish comes true), I really really really want a special first Year aniversary´s episode, I want them to film it near to the date and I want that "we got married" show it to us!!! am I asking too much? :wub:
































































































































































stay in go-chun gogumas!!!!

































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hello gugumas !!




waw // i'm so happy with this eps, they're truly skinship, eyeship, footship lover!!




btw, can u help me guys? i need link for download sweet potatoes eps 39- latest ep. I hope you can reply my ask in private massage,




since i can't find links in RDRsubs, thanks before :)


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Guest karen90611




Hello gogumas!! Sorry that I have nothing to share but my random thoughts^^keke.And please forgive my poor English!!!




1 after i woke up ,the video with more accurate  translation of this EP has come out in baidu, of course,i watched it .At the end of meeting YONG's friends, they gave many suggestion.When it came to the last guy(sorry i dont know how to type his name in english),the last sentence is "不会分手的" in Chinese,it meaned  YONGSEO would not broke up ! It seemed that he treated them as REALCOUPLE! Besides,i saw YONG was smiling in a panic after hearing this!!! HAHA!!! MAYBE, i think the guy is not good at expressing,he did not really mean that ,just wanting them to be in good relationship.


2 SEO called MIL in daily life is amazing and totally out of my expectation!!! I think YONGSEO are serious about their relationship.SEO may make calls when PARENTS'DAY and festivals in KOREA ???!!!


3 YONGSEO took the picture and i have been thinking  for two days!!!! that YONG seemed to want a BOBO according to his lips in picture?


4.JUST RUMOUR RUMOUR!!! the hair style?of SEO in backhouse/interview of this EP(part 2),is the same style of shooting wedding dress!!!




again,forgive my poor english!!! I hope you can understand what i said:sweatingbullets: 



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