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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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YongSeo... why are you doing this to me? wae? :wub:, or I´m very easy to please or this 2 can´t control their in love aura anymore!!!
































































































































































How daebak! how amazing, spazzible, melting, heart warming episode!!!. I´m melted, I can´t control my butterflies!!! haha.
































































































































































I like the whole episode, is so full of that feeling, they are so cute,  shy couple, romantic couple, funny couple, bickering couple :). Again they proved me wrong, again I´m loving them even more :wub:!.
































































































































































I need the translation to fully spazz , so for now, I just want to thanks to the gogumas who shared links, pictures, thoughts, and all. Thank you greed_island for that translation and thanks to MountainMadman and Dduck as well!
































































































































































I will wait patiently for the subs!!! Komawo everyone!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































   Edit:  vmasterpiece, Destinedsone_tiffany, thank you so much!
































































































































































CrazyCC: You are breaking the rules, please write something about YongSeo in your post ^_^. And remember, it is also against the rules to write less than 20 characters...
































































































































































Stay in Go-Chun gogumas!!! (off to watch again)

































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Guest mach8infinity


teeheehee what a cute and spazz-worthy episode... I would never have thought yongseo will become this comfortable with each other, having starting out so awkward and everything. i guess even the mcs are surprised at their rate of development lol.




anyway, i wonder why the mcs (apart from the three main mcs) kept changing? not that i dislike the guest mcs (since i don't know them well) but i am missing the frank and honest reactions of seulong and jinwoon... and does anyone know the reception of this WGM episode in Korea? Have they hit top news again? :wub:




Lastly, i would like to thank all the brillant translators and subbers in advance... thank you for volunteering your time and energy!! you guys are awwwwwwwesommmmmme. :w00t:




edit: is it me but do their heads seem to lean on one other in the selca photos?


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cutest couple eveeeer!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa pre-debut

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Three articles each for the two couple but Yongseo made it to the top.
















































































credits: dc married
















































































I haven't see the new episode. thankyouverymuch. T__T









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Guest nafa_yongseo







annyeong all goguma shippers...









 i'm so happy coz i can write on her again... really miss all of your daebak news, info n comment...














i LOVE this episode... last 2 weeks episode was daebak too...









they really make more n more progress...









n make me more love them...














i like hyun change much... i think it's coz she just got blessing from her mother-in law n i hope father- in law n brother-in law too...









hyun become care buin... she show all her feeling... n this is what yong sobang want, right?














LOVE YONGSEO...:wub:...:wub:...:wub:









can't wait to see hyun new hair style (coz yong sobang already be 'black hair' sobang)...:rolleyes:


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hello in-go-paem!!i've always been a lurker since the first page of this thread but i just didn't have any courage to post as my english is not that good,but thanks to magdal and soshisoshisoshi for supporting me to post something and join all of u spazzing about uri lovely yongseo couple!!i enjoyed reading all of gogumas POV in this thread,jinjja!and here i am typing something for this thread for the first time..=)
































































































































































































































































i am really fortunate today because i can live streaming watching yongseo without lagged..i really like this week episode especially the part when yong cooked for hyun,yong wake up hyun,took selca together and of course foot fighting!they're so real!today episode was so much fun,so much flirting and so much skinship!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really love this picture!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also thanks to M3 and dduk for all the translations,both of u are jjang!!
































































































































































































































































p/s:...and sorry for my english.=)

































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































The boy can COOK!!! for the love of all the pretty things THE BOY CAN COOK! asdfghjkkldskldfhfgdgklgl... :lol:














































































































































































































aigooo...mianhe Hyun, but this unnie just have to do a proper spazzing on your Yong~~ i'll make it quick.































































































































omo omo omo... he plays guitar, has a great sense of humour, a very very sensitive men, great and charismatic leader,passionate with his music, outgoing personality, loves his mom so, he treats his lady right, romantic lover, hypnotic gaze, cutest set of imperfect teeth i have ever seen, deliciously kissable lips, lean and manly hands, glorious hair and now adding to the list HE CAN COOK! like a real dish, not ramen, not scrambled egg, but a full main dish such as DONBURI (it is donburi right?).:wub: 































































































































So... how more perfect can Yong be? like...seriously, i am still in awwww and not yet fully recover from my puddle of gooey...














































































































































































































Yong~~ WHY SO PERFECT??!! aigoooo Hyun~~ this boy is a keeper! *cough*i'll take him if you're not keeping him *cough* algeseoyo?!:wub:














































































































































































































ehem ehem...hookay back to spazzing to Yongseo.. all i can say is.. breakfast, waking her up, calling MIL, selca, thigh slapping, acting like a lovestruck puppy, couch flirting session, lingering glances, foot fight, PINKY HOLDING..... oh my fangirl heart can take just so much in one episode...































































































































Little things...oh those sweet little things that they do... it matters! a lot!! aigooo...yaaa jashik~~ freakin SWEET POTATOES!:wub: 
































































































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Guest wallpaperfood


Who else loved the Banmal Song as the BGM btw?

I love how MBC used it - looks like they just couldn't wait to!  hahaha

I got slightly teary <3

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Ok ... I think everyone who have watched today's episode had died and went to heaven!! :-P








I know I did .... LOL








The scene when Yong waking Hyun and sort of whispers "hyuun ah" ... I was hoping he would touch her bangs and flipped it for a bit ... me and my imagination!








I hate the PD (not really) .... I swear Yong did sit on the bed for abit, instead of showing him on the bed, they quickly moved to the part where Hyun was going "humph" ..  I kept replaying that part and my eyes was not playing trick on me!
















I almost died again when I saw next week's preview ... soooooooo sweet!!  .... I can't wait!





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:wub: some how i think they did more skinship but the PDs just cut it. because they are afraid people will say it is too much. hehhe. or maybe peoplewho editing also in Go-chun state and he doesnt know what to do anymore. i got embarrased to watch all the skinship now. hahah , some time i feel like cringed. :wub: cant wait for next week

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Guest vmasterpiece









<br />In-Go-Paem<br /><br />Who else loved the Banmal Song as the BGM btw?<br /><br />I love how MBC used it - looks like they just couldn't wait to!  hahaha<br /><br />I got slightly teary <3<br />
<br /><br /><br />

































who else loved the Banmal Song as the BGM?
































answer is:
































































totally love how MBC put that songs as BGM. I know that it is banmal song just from 1s of the intro
































since i listen to it numerous time^^. i hope they can use that song every time it is yongseo couple air time
































that would be a great hint saying
































































btw since there are 1000 viewers here just need to post this link again and again:
































































support banmal song!! at least make that song NO.3
































i think they are going to give something to winner from no.1 to no.3
































it going to end 1/31.
































you can vote once a day, but someone said you can vote numerous time by deleting cookies on your browser









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Guest missmoomin101




*flails insanely*


How cute was that episode??


I have to say, they seem more real than any other couple on WGM!  I loved the second part of this episode and I've been crazily rewinding the 'wake-up' scene and 'footsie' scene!!


Also, how cute that Yong was playing the role of a dog and Hyun was telling him to 'wait' and 'sit' !!!!!


Ahhhh, I can't wait for next week's episode. Until then, I leave you with my most favourite picture of Yong looking at Hyun: 












Boy, you KNOW you're not single.  you can't look at someone like that and not feel something ㅋㅋㅋㅋ wub.gif





EDIT: Another favourite moment of mine.  Aiiiii, so loved up.











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Guest unnieria




The boy can COOK!!! for the love of all the pretty things THE BOY CAN COOK! asdfghjkkldskldfhfgdgklgl... :lol:






aigooo...mianhe Hyun, but this unnie just have to do a proper spazzing on your Yong~~ i'll make it quick.



omo omo omo... he plays guitar, has a great sense of humour, a very very sensitive men, great and charismatic leader,passionate with his music, outgoing personality, loves his mom so, he treats his lady right, romantic lover, hypnotic gaze, cutest set of imperfect teeth i have ever seen, deliciously kissable lips, lean and manly hands, glorious hair and now adding to the list HE CAN COOK! like a real dish, not ramen, not scrambled egg, but a full main dish such as DONBURI (it is donburi right?).:wub:  



So... how more perfect can Yong be? like...seriously, i am still in awwww and not yet fully recover from my puddle of gooey...






Yong~~ WHY SO PERFECT??!! aigoooo Hyun~~ this boy is a keeper! *cough*i'll take him if you're not keeping him *cough* algeseoyo?!:wub:






ehem ehem...hookay back to spazzing to Yongseo.. all i can say is.. breakfast, waking her up, calling MIL, selca, thigh slapping, acting like a lovestruck puppy, couch flirting session, lingering glances, foot fight, PINKY HOLDING..... oh my fangirl heart can take just so much in one episode...



Little things...oh those sweet little things that they do... it matters! a lot!! aigooo...yaaa jashik~~ freakin SWEET POTATOES!:wub:  






It's like you read my mind, Mrsjoker! While this episode is soo spazzable because of the flirtation-to-the-next-level our couple has naturally showed us today, I can not help but crush on Yonghwa. Yes, how can he be so perfect? Hyun, I know deep in your heart you think so too. I find it very impressive that you can hide your jumping heart very well with your shy smiles. Then again, maybe it's your way of telling us all jealous girls out there "Keep out! This one is mine already." And I have to hand it to you, I couldn't think of any other perfect girl to deserve such a perfect guy. You both have my blessing (like it matters but what the heck!).



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Guest nurulzminoz
























































No other word than DAEBAK for today's episode :DD








































I couldn't stop smiling when watching them, why they both always cute when together *lol* :DD








































A SWEETNESS OVERLOAD was everywhere on today's eps ..








































Thank you for all caps, and the translation ~ ^^









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still not done with part one... aigoo.. i'll try to translate quicker!


pt.1 (ish)


F: means friends!~


< > Means the captions


<Hyun, … meeting the husband’s friends part II>


Y: OH it came.


<drinks came out>


Y: back then we couldn’t drink drinks like these.


S: When Yong was younger, I was wondering what he was like.


F: He fooled around a lot.


F: he was the mood maker.


<of course!>


S: really?


F: he always sang songs and rapped. He also did impersonations.


JW: OY my stomach!


<Even when he was younger he did impersonations?>


F: He did them a lot. “are my eyes red?”


F: (I’m sorry I don’t get the slang here!)


<this is how Yong played around when he was younger>


F: Didn’t Yong, when he was in junior high school started to record songs


Y: I recorded some songs until the neighbors complained that I was too loud.


<Even then he loved music that much!>


<Yong’s cellphone rings>


Y: Hello?, Oh! Is this Dongyoung?


<a friend who is more funnier than Jungshin?!>


Dongyong: “You can film me!”


<the friend who yelled “ You can film me!” >


Y: where are you?


<who is it?>


DongYong: are you in Busan?


Y: I’m in Busan.


<in the army Dongyong>


DongYong: You’re in Busan!? So am I!?


Y: You’re in BUSAN?!


<coincidentally the friend is in Busan?>


DongYong: I on leave right now. Where are you?


Y: Really!? This is great, … you’re not lying are you?


DongYong: of course I’m lying.


<the friend who always fools around!>


<the busan friend who is in the army calling…>


Y: Do you know who this is?


S:…. That that…


Y: it’s the friend who said film me! in the video.




<It’s a shame that he isn’t together with the friends>


Y: talk a bit with Seohyun.


DongYong: Oh, put her on.


S: Hello?


<in a Seoul accent>


DY: Hello, how are you?


F: He changed his voice!


Y: WOW, you really are a soldier. Don’t hold back your accent!


<speaking again >


S: Hello?


DY: Do you really like Yong?


S: YES YES! Where are you currently?


DY: I’m in Kawangdo . I am doing my best to protect this country.


S: Have strength!


DY: oh, I… am… I do have strength….


F: He is enjoying it.


MC: all the friends notice that he is enjoying it.


DY: Please like Yong a bit more.


S: Yes.


DY: he is a kid who liked to be loved. Since he hung around me a lot, he didn’t get much love.


<yong’s tone of voice is…>




DY: PWAHAAHA… I’ll call again soon. Be well!


<and with that DY ended his phone call>


S: Oh it’s so funny.


<the anxiety has gone a bit>


F: I’m scared.


Y: what are you scared of?


F: the people over there is going to watch all of this…


Y: Over where?


F: the studio.


F: Yeah, Jinwoon might see this.


MC: OH she likes Jinwoon!




<YeeJin, the fan of Jinwoon?>


JW: OH wait she said the she likes me? aigoo.


Y: You’re face is all red, YeeJin.


F: frustrating, frustrating, frustrating.


Y: Why are you folding the napkin!?


<during this time>


S: hold on a sec….


<anticipation, anticipation>


JW: Hello?


S: hello!


<it’s a man’s voice!>


S: Jinwoon !


F: Oh! What should I do!!


<Jinwoon was >




S: It’s me, Seohyun.


<Hyun, who wants to get close to YeeJin>


<calls Jinwoon to get to meet YeeJin>


S: Right now, I’m with Yong’s friends at the moment, and there is a Unnie (older person who is a girl) who is a fan of yours.


JW: Oh really?


S: yep. Hold on a sec, I’ll put you on.


<right away, giving the phone to YeeJin>


JW: oh okok.


F: What should I do!... Hello?


JW: Hello.


F: Is this really you?


<First she checks if it is really him >


F: what are you doing now?


JW: Oh, I’m exercising by myself at the moment.


JW: I was at that time exercising.


F: It’s nice to meet you.


Y: why is she holding the cellphone like that!?!


MC: She prob. just wants to see his face….


F: I don’t want him to be disappointed when he sees my face.


MC: She didn’t want you to be disappointed


JW: Oh I wasn’t disappointed!


F: you can’t be disappointed when you see my face.


MC: He’s not disappointed.


Y: OH wow, was Yeejin originally demure like that?


F: I’ll go to your concert!


JW: The concert, is on December 24, 25…..


Y: Jiwoon~ don’t promote…. (can’t figure out what he is saying here.) Her face has gotten all red!


JW: I’ll see you later!


Y: Ok


F: But… I already have a boyfriend.


<but I already have a boyfriend!!!!>


MC: She already has a boyfriend!


JW: Oh what is this!


MC: they are fans.


<with that they know each other even more.>


MC: that is good.


MC: is it bread?


MC: It’s honey bread.


Y: oh it’s really good.


MC: did he really want to eat that whole when SNSD was right in front of him? He can’t even chew it properly.


F: Since you are around Yong a lot, is there anything you have questions about? Like why is he like that… and such?


S: Hummmm…, when he gets annoyed is he the type to easily say that he is?


F: he gets really annoyed doesn’t he?


<as suspected>


F: since I’m here can I just say it? He has the feel of a kid?! I mean you know there is…when, even though he gets annoyed if you do something for him he quickly isn’t annoyed anymore.


<Right now sadden, sadden>


F: he doesn’t say anything at that moment but brings it up later.


F’s : “Friends… I’m sadden”


<without the friends, Seohyun would have been clueless to this side of Yong>


<the friends who prepared something for the couple>


F: I have something that I want to give you guys.


Y: what is it?


<anticipation, anticipation>


S: oh what is this? Thank you so much.


<the friends who prepared something in advance>


F: Its… it’s it’s.. you’re wedding present.


S: WOW, oh really?


<the present is… pretty couple tees!>


S: wow it’s cute!


MC: Wow it’s cute!


S: Thank you so much


F: wear it now, wear it now!


S: you want me to wear this now?


F: Just wear it… once.


< after a while>


F: Let’s clap!


Y: you thirsty!?


F: I also have something.


Y: I knew you did so that’s why I asked.


<a white envelope as a present?>


Y: what is this?


F: Seohyun has to look at it.


S: when was this?


MC: Oh wow! So pretty!


<Photo of husband when he was younger>


MC: wow he was good looking back then!


<amazed , amazed>


MC: that hairstyle is like Lee So Llong


S: When was this?


<A present just specially for Seohyun>


Y: I think it was during junior high school.


S: Who is this?


<Hyun, who is the >


F: it’s … just a close… friend.


MC: Of course when you get a boyfriend you become prettier.


<no >


S: this is you (speaking to YeeJin).






<because of Seohyun, laughter erupts again>


S: is it?


F: the present isn’t all that important.


F: I know that it’s hard to understand his feelings and it’s aggravating, but Yong is a warm person. Don’t bottle the feelings and just tell him anything.


MC: His friends are really good.


MC: They are good friends.


<the friend who has an excellent heart.>


F: During the winters, he usually likes to ski.


S: oh…


F: he really knows how to snowboard well.


MC: Oh he knows how to snowboard?


MC: yeah, he knows how to snowboard.


S: Do you want to teach me?


Y: NO.


S: why not?


Y: If you learn I won’t be able to snowboard.




S: what is that? oy really…


<Even in front of his friends he is like this>


Y: I’ll teach you!~


S: I understand


F: when you see yong, he is very kind, and treats people well.


<the friends who will talk warmly before they leave>


<thinking, thinking>


<thinking seriously about what he is going to say>


F: I’ll be watching you guys, in a fun way.


< and that is how DH friend ended his speech>


S: thank you.




<Eukhuh oppa>


S: The burden must be high.






F: Well…show all the sides, couple fights, but without divorcing. Don’t let a scandal erupt.


<what scandal!?>




S: Thank you so much.


S: if you know the friends, you will also know what kind of person he is…. That is what the elder people told me. Oh he has very good friends.


<husband has good friends>


S: I think he looks even better now.


<Yong husband looks even better>


S: even though it was a short time I felt them. I really want to see my friends.


< in the short period she misses them.>


<Yong requests a photo to be taken>


S: it was delightful to meet all of you.


F: we are more sorry (?)


<A special meeting between the Yongseo couple>


F: HEY! I have my eyes closed!


<and so again!>


<taking pictures with hyun.>


Y: Let’s go.


<and that is how I met my husband’s friends>


<after the friends leave>


Y: pwahah


S: where is this place?


Y: this place…? It’s really been a while.


<wherever he goes, he always pulls the wife to go with, Yong>


S: where is this place?


Y: this is where Jung Yonghwa spent most of my days.


S: AH! I think I know. Your school!



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from the cap of missmoomnin101 . thank you for you cap:-) i saw the frog sleeping eyes bag( not sure what is the name). may be Yong sleeping on the sofa. just my guess so they are sleep at the same roof. oh my god. i want to see them to sleep toghether but hicc i want they are real and sleep together without filming beter. but i still want to see :wub:


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Guest vmasterpiece
















































CONTINUING translation
































(not a perfect work, but at least you got an idea what is going on)
































(forgive me if i mislead you in this translation)^^ enjoy
































credit: baidu
































translate by me ^^
































<black room interview>
































SH: if we can know what kind of friends he has, we can also know what kind of person he is
































his friend talk like a child, erm yoong husband actually know a very good friends
































<meeting his friends>
































i feel yong husband feels happy, although (with friends) we only spent a very short time together, but
































that is the feeling that i got.
































i miss all my friends
































<missing happy moment spent together with friends>
































<black room interview ends>
































<yong is asking help to take memorial photos>
































SH: (unnie and oppa) very happy to be able to meet you
































JS: we feel really sorry..
































SH: not really....
































<yong seo couple very special meeting>
































YJ: do i need to back up a little bit?
































SH: ne~?
































YJ: ya! i am closing my eyes!!
































<so take another picture>
































<take a memorial photos with hyun too>
































<just like that... meeting with husband's friend and it is already night time>
































SH: thank you
































<after seperation with yong seo friends "do mek paem "
































































another part coming up if no one translate it yet
































btw, sorry if i translate it bit by bit, becoz that's how the people in baidu translate
































































































edit: hahaha as always it has been translated already.. guess i'm just too slow
































beginner level LOL... even consulted with google translate to find a better translation^^
































@ juhee : just thinking of using my free time for the benefit of people in this forum LOL
































good luck Dduk!! i know it is not an easy job









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vmasterpiece you don't have to translate for us...
















soompi's Dduk is translating as we speak or write as i should say~
















i should know she's sitting right next to me translating~
















(dduk's my sis btw)









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Guest yongseorockin


Just to show you how close they were when taking the photo, I took a screencap! ^________^


Thanks once again to the translators and all spazzers!








EDIT: sorry, sth seems to be wrong. I can't get the image to work at all.




Got it working!! Keke! ^^sweatingbullets.gif




Sorry! Apparently someone already posted the pic way before me. So just treat it as a reposting!! unsure.gif


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