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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi Goguma Village
































Just stooping by to say this episode was so good, love them plating footsy on the couch and a lot of touchy flirtation. They definitely like each other and Hyun freely touching Yong wow, I epically loved how Yong was leaning in Hyun direction.
















































They payed Yong's Bamnel  song (not shore if I spelt it right).
















































Oh there is so much more to spazz about but I have to go to sleep, will definitely be back later to read everyones post. And THANK YOU in advance  DDuk for the translation.
















































On a personal note to me theres nothing sexier than a man cooking, we need to get a DNA sample of Yong and start cloning him blush.gif

















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Guest yongseocouple












huooooooooooooooo i'm really a sleeping head i missed the stream oh my gawhhhhhhhhhhhh!! huu please goguma help me. anyone hv the vid on youtube? my internet connection is a bit low to open the todou. thanks goguma :)))



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I have a question about the above mediafire link. Is there any soft subs that we can get so we can watch the HQ download one like above with subs when they come out?

































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi






























the episode was toooooooooo sweeeet :wub:  :wub:  :wub:.......  I'm still really surprised that they are actually in THIS stage of  relationship. somehow I wonder why the skinship comes sooo fast  nowadays. YONG! YOUR HARD WORK IS PAID OFF!! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!! HYUN!  JUST ASK YOUR NAMPYEON TO KISS YOU!!














Part 1:







okay there are soooooo many funny, cute, lovely moments in the episode.  first of all, Yejie has BF?? so funny to see her fangirling Jinwoon. I  wonder what her BF will say after watching today's episode.............  Yong's face was dark when Seohyun called Jinwoon. It's obvious! he just  can't bear Hyun talking in banmal to Jinwoon. That's why in the end he  grabbed the phone to talk with Jinwoon. LOL this boy was jealous! Not to  be forgotten, like I said before, I heard Hyun talking in "Banmal" to  Yong sometimes, maybe unknowingly?? I'm actually glad that they came to  the school at night.......... why? because there weren't many people. If  they came on the afternoon, there would be sooo many students........  on a  side note, just like you guys, I feel a little bit sad when Hyun  said that she misses the "Do-Maek-Paem". You can see that she really  wants to hang around friends again. she has missed that opportunity  since she became a trainee at the age of 13! you go HYUN! have fun with  your husband!














Part 2:







This part is PURE LOVE :wub:.  the demonstration of YONG BUIN AND HYUN NAMPYEON!! I find the scene  where Yong was trying to wake Seohyun LOVELY! such a caring husband,  plus him making the breakfast........... Then, this is purely my  delusional mind. When Seohyun woke up, she looks SMEXY!! (omo what am I  talking about :lol:).  I think Yong realized about that. Is is true that when women wake up  from their sleep they are CUTE and SEXY??? I was thinking that Yong should have carried Hyun  outside the room, and place her on the sofa.  Actually this is the scene that I have been waiting for so  long!!............ Just imagining that makes me feel giddy! Also, on the pic gogumacouple4ever posted, Yong clearly hugged  her from behind when they were taking a selca! almost forgot, both of them  playing with their feet!! they are sooooo childish!
























KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...... they hold each other's pinky!!! nothing more to say except COME ON NEXT WEEK, FASTER!!!!
















lovekin, you seriously need to be here right now! we need to come back down to earth again, because most of us are right now in GO-CHUN after watching the episode....... get us back to reality! :P














oh, before I forget, WE BROKE ANOTHER RECORD YET AGAIN!!!!!


















































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Guest Crystal392








I finished rewatching the latest ep. I've said this three times already but really it was an amazing ep ♥ Can't wait to watch it with subs.












Thanks to everyone for the screencaps and links <3












hahaha puppy Yong was soo cute!!! Hyun laughed so much. And seeing that food made me hungry :P hahaha I think there was a moment where Yong was imitating Hyun's gesture when she gets mad (her nostrils flare), that part was funny and cute. I loved near the end where Yong said 'I want...' and then Hyun said 'get get get your love'. :wub:












This two are so cute <3

































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Guest _SmileGuest_






Yayy ! Episode 42 [No Sub/HQ] already Out ! Have Fun with Our YongSeo Couple ♥






 - Part 1



 - part 2



- part 3


cr . TheSoneSource19 & SmiLe@YS fb



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Guest CrazyCC
































































































is there's any translation?x)

































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There haven't been soft subtitles for WGM since back in season 1 when TungTungFansub and/or Mushi were actively working on the series. Since then various groups have only released hard subbed episodes. I'm posting these for those who want to see the show [specifically their couple of choice] now in order to tide them over until hard subbed episodes are released.
































































































































Ahhh alrighty. Thank you very much for your prompt response. I'm downloading it either way. Too much cuteness, needs to be watched in clear quality, data usage be damned! :D

































































































































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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































From SarangTifanny @ sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com
































































































































































































































































Text: The Drinks Are Here
































































































































Yonghwa: In the past, we can't taste this type of drinks right? We didn't even though of buying it.
































































































































Seohyun: How is Yonghwa Oppa when he's still Young?
































































































































Yejie: More Crazier then now.
































































































































Seohyun: Ah..
































































































































Friend: The one who creates the atmosphere
































































































































Yejie: He Sings and raps everyday.
































































































































Seohyun: Really?
































































































































Yejie: He even imitates other's Voices
































































































































Friend: He Imitates others like this
































































































































Text: Imitation Starts
































































































































Friend: (Text: Imitating Who?) Are my Eyes red?
































































































































Friend: (Text: Starting to Joke) Ah..
































































































































Friend: From Secondary School, Yonghwa likes to record himself singing songs right?
































































































































Yonghwa: I record myself, but it's noisy in front of the house.
































































































































Text: Someone is calling.
































































































































Yonghwa: Who? Dong Ming (?)?
































































































































Friend: He's even funnier than him.
































































































































Text: In the video, Yonghwa told him not to take videos of him.
































































































































Yonghwa: (On The Phone): Where are you?
































































































































Dong Ming: Where are you?
































































































































Yonghwa: I'm a Busan. How are you in the Army?
































































































































Dong Ming: I'm in Busan as well
































































































































Yonghwa: You're at Busan too? Why?
































































































































Dong Ming: I'm now on Holiday. Where are you?
































































































































Yonghwa: Great! We're at ***, You're not lying right?
































































































































Dongming: I'm lying All right?
































































































































Text: Naughty Friend
































































































































Yonghwa: Enough, let's stop talking.
































































































































Yonghwa: Do you know who is him? He's the one who took that video of me when I told him not to.
































































































































Dong Ming: Don't Flim Don't Flim.
































































































































Yonghwa: Are you talking to Hyun?
































































































































Dong Ming: Oh, give the phone to her.
































































































































Seohyun: Hello, How are you?
































































































































Dong Ming: Hello, How are you ~
































































































































Yejie: His voice turned Soft
































































































































Yonghwa: Ya! Are you really from the army? Don't take it in.
































































































































Dong Ming: Do you like Yonghwa very much?
































































































































Seohyun: What What? Where are you?
































































































































Dong Ming: I'm at ***
































































































































Seohyun: Hwaiting!
































































































































Dongming: (?)
































































































































Yejie: He's happy now
































































































































Dong Ming: Remember to take good care of Yonghwa. He's a kid of lacks love.
































































































































Yonghwa: Whar are you talking about?
































































































































Dong Ming: Let's talk to each other next time. It's interesting.
































































































































































































































































Next part from SarangTifanny @ sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com
































































































































































































































































Yejie: I'm really really nervous now. What we did just now... Everyone including Jinwoon would see it.
































































































































Text: Yejie likes Jinwoon
































































































































Yonghwa: Yejie's face turned Red.
































































































































Yejie: It's really yummy!
































































































































Yonghwa: Why did you remove the table cloth? (?)
































































































































Seohyun: He probably didn't sleep
































































































































Recording Studio: Who?
































































































































Jinwoon: Hi (On The Phone)
































































































































Seohyun: Hi
































































































































Text: It's a guy's voice.
































































































































Seohyun: Jinwoon Ah.. It's me Seohyun. I'm with Yonghea oppa and his friends. There's an Unnie who likes you very much. Hold on. I'll pass the phone to her.
































































































































Yejie: Hello
































































































































Jinwoon: Hello
































































































































Yejie: Are you really Jinwoon? I'm really happy to be able to talk to you!
































































































































Yonghwa: Why is she holding the phone like that? (?)
































































































































Yejie: You can't see my face. You'll be disappointed (?)
































































































































MC: Is she disappointed?
































































































































Jinwoon: Nope, Quite Cute
































































































































Yejie: When you see my face, don't be disappointed
































































































































Yonghwa: Yejie looks like she really like Jinwoon
































































































































Yejie: I'll go to your concert
































































































































Jinwoon: We will have on December 24, 25, 26
































































































































Yonghwa: Jinwoon Ah... Don't try to advertise. Enough, stop it. My friend is blushing.
































































































































Jinwoon: Let's meet next time.
































































































































Yejie: Actually, I have a boyfriend.
































































































































Text: It's the time they get to understand one another.

































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































I'm still in Go-chun right now. Thank semi-fly and SmileGuest for your video. Thank u so much. :wub:
































































haha Yong's life is full of Jinwoo :)) Huyn is ideal girl of jinwoo and Yejin is a fan girl of Jinwoo hehe
































































How cute YongSeo are. I can't know the scene I like because all of ep is so great. I can't chose... I like when Yong cooks for Huyn buin, a good husband with his sweet and caring. make me so hungry and envy with Huyn ( I think not just me, SNSD unnies will envy with Huyn when Huyn have Yong seobang)
































































I noticed when Yong wakes wife up, his leg OMG seem he want to jump in the bed :w00t: but have camera phew.gif If don't. who know Yong won't. *naughty me* I wish Yong jump into bed, sleep behind Huyn and whisper her name to wake her up. OMG I'm in go-chun now...:"> We have the scene Huyn sleep in the bed, I'll photoshop hehe ;)
































































And when they eat and call for MIL, Yong can't stop touching Huyn buin haha :w00t: Yong seobang deabak! Keep on going ;)) And Huyn buin laugh a lot. They're so happy together. 100% newly weds :wub:
































































I like when Yong mention her necklace and Huyn smile happily, so cute Huyn buin. And the foot fight hihi so cute. Yong tease Huyn and Huyn like it :P
































































And they lean on together when sit at sofa, especially Yong. So sweet. Love love love. Yong's face when he don't want to go hospital is so cute. I <3 you, Yong seobang :wub:
































































I love when they wear casual outfit like this, it make more comfortable and make me feel they truly stay at their home. Do not they just come to film.
































































I like their hair style - especial Yong - curly hair, so cute, like a baby boy :*
































































Anyway, why they look so good together. My heart is so weak, Yongseo killin' me <3

































































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Guest vmasterpiece
















































since the translation is not out yet, trying to do brief translation from chinese to english ^^
































since i got some free time, and i need to return the favor to this forum who has give me a lot, to all gogumas ^^
































credit: rita @ baidu
































-BAROS time starts @ 0:31-
































<Drinks that grab attention> --> Subtitle
































YH: we never drink this kind of drink before, we can't even imagine buying drink like this
































SH: what is yong hwa oppa like when he is a child?
































YJ: he is crazier than now
































DY: he is mood maker
































YJ : everyday he will sing and do RAP
































SY : really?
































YJ : he even imitate other people voices
































DY: he follow how other people do things
































<imitation begin>
































DY: <imitate who> "is my eyes redish" (not sure is the right translation)
































OK: <joking> "o hitting people ~~"
































DY: during junior high, yong hwa like to record his own voice when he is singing and listen to  it himself
































YH: i record it myself but it's noisy in front of my house
































credit : 睿小姐@baidu
































<Phone Rings>
































YH : who is this, is it Dong Min?
































JH: dong min is even funnier than jung shin
































<during high school recording yong hwa said don't film me, friend that said film me film me>
































YH: DM where are you?
































DM: where are you?
































YH: I am in busan, how are you in the army?
































DM: you are in busan, i am in busan too
































YH: you are in busan? why?
































DM: i am having a break so i get out , where are you?
































YH: that's great, we are now at XXX, you are not lying are you?
































DM : of course I am lying
































< A very naughty friend >
































YH: enough, i am hanging up
































YH: do you know who is he, at the video "don't film me", he is the one that say "film me film me"
































DM: film me! film me!
































YH: u want to talk with seohyun?
































DM: Oh, give it to her then
































SH: hello, how are you
































DM: hello ~ how are you ~
































<suddenly become gentle>
































YJ: his voice become softer
































YH: ya! are you a soldier, don't hold back
































DM: do you really like YH?
































SH: what? what.. (actually it can translate as what? yes. based on what ne sounds like)
































where are you now?
































DM: i am at jiang yuan do(?)
































SH: 加油 (i don't know how to translate it to english)
































DM: i am 加油 ing
































YJ: he is so happy~
































DM: please take care of yong hwa, he is child that is lack of love
































YH: what are you talking about
































DM: next time call you again, it's very interesting
































YH: next time then
































-- continue later ---
































edit: oops someone post the translation faster than me ^^
































there is no point of me continuing it right now isn't it
































hehhe, anyway enjoy!! happy spazzing!!









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Guest DestinedSone_Tiffany

Hello Guys... It's my first time here and I'll share my translations of the new Episode. The translations are not complete though. :) Sorry if there are any typos or words I don't understand. SarangTiffany@SweetPotatoDays is me. :)

Edit: I'll continue to update this post with new translations so Remember to check back.

Text: The Drinks Are Here

Yonghwa: In the past, we can't taste this type of drinks right? We didn't even though of buying it.

Seohyun: How is Yonghwa Oppa when he's still Young?

Yejie: More Crazier then now.

Seohyun: Ah..

Friend: The one who creates the atmosphere

Yejie: He Sings and raps everyday.

Seohyun: Really?

Yejie: He even imitates other's Voices

Friend: He Imitates others like this

Text: Imitation Starts

Friend: (Text: Imitating Who?) Are my Eyes red?

Friend: (Text: Starting to Joke) Ah.. Beating~~~

Friend: From Secondary School, Yonghwa likes to record himself singing songs right?

Yonghwa: I record myself, but it's noisy in front of the house.

Text: Someone is calling.

Yonghwa: Who? Dong Ming (?)?

Friend: He's even funnier than him.

Text: In the video, Yonghwa told him not to take videos of him.

Yonghwa: (On The Phone): Where are you?

Dong Ming: Where are you?

Yonghwa: I'm a Busan. How are you in the Army?

Dong Ming: I'm in Busan as well

Yonghwa: You're at Busan too? Why?

Dong Ming: I'm now on Holiday. Where are you?

Yonghwa: Great! We're at ***, You're not lying right?

Dongming: I'm lying All right?

Text: Naughty Friend

Yonghwa: Enough, let's stop talking.

Yonghwa: Do you know who is him? He's the one who took that video of me when I told him not to.

Dong Ming: Don't Flim Don't Flim.

Yonghwa: Are you talking to Hyun?

Dong Ming: Oh, give the phone to her.

Seohyun: Hello, How are you?

Dong Ming: Hello, How are you ~

Yejie: His voice turned Soft

Yonghwa: Ya! Are you really from the army? Don't take it in.

Dong Ming: Do you like Yonghwa very much?

Seohyun: What What? Where are you?

Dong Ming: I'm at ***

Seohyun: Hwaiting!

Dongming: (?)

Yejie: He's happy now

Dong Ming: Remember to take good care of Yonghwa. He's a kid of lacks love.

Yonghwa: What are you talking about?

Dong Ming: Let's talk to each other next time. It's interesting.

Yejie: I'm really really nervous now. What we did just now... Everyone including Jinwoon would see it.

Text: Yejie likes Jinwoon

Yonghwa: Yejie's face turned Red.

Yejie: It's really yummy!

Yonghwa: Why did you remove the table cloth? (?)

Seohyun: He probably didn't sleep

Recording Studio: Who?

Jinwoon: Hi (On The Phone)

Seohyun: Hi

Text: It's a guy's voice.

Seohyun: Jinwoon Ah.. It's me Seohyun. I'm with Yonghea oppa and his friends. There's an Unnie who likes you very much. Hold on. I'll pass the phone to her.

Yejie: Hello

Jinwoon: Hello

Yejie: Are you really Jinwoon? I'm really happy to be able to talk to you!

Yonghwa: Why is she holding the phone like that? (?)

Yejie: You can't see my face. You'll be disappointed (?)

MC: Is she disappointed?

Jinwoon: Nope, Quite Cute

Yejie: When you see my face, don't be disappointed

Yonghwa: Yejie looks like she really like Jinwoon

Yejie: I'll go to your concert

Jinwoon: We will have on December 24, 25, 26

Yonghwa: Jinwoon Ah... Don't try to advertise. Enough, stop it. My friend is blushing.

Jinwoon: Let's meet next time.

Yejie: Actually, I have a boyfriend.

Text: It's the time they get to understand one another.

Seohyun: Isn't it too much eating like this?

MC: Does she want to perform in front of SNSD like that?

Friend: Is Yonghwa Normally like that, Why is he like that, do you want to know?

Yejie: Are you hosting a show?

Seohyun: How should I talk to him when he's angry?

Seohyun: He really likes to get angry. I have to say this. Even if you let him feel a little bit embarrassed, he would get angry as well.

Yejie: He would stop talking but after awhile he would start again.

Friends Together: I'm hurt

Text: If not for his friends, We would never know Yonghwa's charm behind his A Shape Back.

Yejie: I have something for you

Yonghwa: What?

Text: The friends who prepared gifts for the couple

Text: MC Doosils's (?) Gifts for the couple

 Friend: It's a wedding gift

Text: Couple Hat T

Seohyun: How cute! Thank you!

Yejie: Wear it Wear it

Seohyun: Want to wear?

Text: After Awhile

Yejie: Clap!

Yonghwa: Hmm?

Friend: There's another one.

Yonghwa: I asked because I knew you have another.

Friend: This is for Seohyun.

Seohyun: Ah~ What is this ah?

Text: Mc Doosil's (?) Gift is.....? Yonghwa's photo when he's still Young. :D

MC: His hairstyle is like Bruce Lee's.

Seohyun: When was this?

Yonghwa: I think it's me when I'm in Secondary School

Seohyun: Who is this?

Text: That is Yejie's Look at that time.

Text: Only Seohyun Doesn't know.

Seohyun: What What?

Yejie: It's the person who took the photo.

Seohyun: It's this unnie right?

Text: Because of Seohyun, they laughed again.

Seohyun: It's bad... How this photo was taken.

Yejie: It's more important now...

Yejie: He knows snowboarding

Seohyun: Really?

Text: Dazzing Snowboard Yong (?), famous at the snowboarding field.

Seohyun: Can you teach me?

Yonghwa: Nope

Seohyun: Why not?

Yonghwa: If I teach you, I can't snowboard.

Seohyun: Ah! Seriously....

Yonghwa: I'll teach you. ^^

Seohyun: Okay

Text: They are showing their love in front of friends

Friend: Yonghwa is really kind

Text: The friendss Giving suggestions to the couple

Text: (Again) Preparing their own part

Friend: That's why we must take care of him well (?), he would become more interesting in the future

Text: After that, once his friend has finishing talking

Seohyun: Thank you. But my burden would increase.

Note: I'll stop here since I have to go. Let's wait for MountainMadMan's full and better translations. :)

Translated By: Tiffany @DestinedSone / Seohwa Soompi Thread

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Guest CrazyCC
































































From SarangTifanny @ sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com
































Text: The Drinks Are Here
































Yonghwa: In the past, we can't taste this type of drinks right? We didn't even though of buying it.
































Seohyun: How is Yonghwa Oppa when he's still Young?
































Yejie: More Crazier then now.
































Seohyun: Ah..
































Friend: The one who creates the atmosphere
































Yejie: He Sings and raps everyday.
































Seohyun: Really?
































Yejie: He even imitates other's Voices
































Friend: He Imitates others like this
































Text: Imitation Starts
































Friend: (Text: Imitating Who?) Are my Eyes red?
































Friend: (Text: Starting to Joke) Ah..
































Friend: From Secondary School, Yonghwa likes to record himself singing songs right?
































Yonghwa: I record myself, but it's noisy in front of the house.
































Text: Someone is calling.
































Yonghwa: Who? Dong Ming (?)?
































Friend: He's even funnier than him.
































Text: In the video, Yonghwa told him not to take videos of him.
































Yonghwa: (On The Phone): Where are you?
































Dong Ming: Where are you?
































Yonghwa: I'm a Busan. How are you in the Army?
































Dong Ming: I'm in Busan as well
































Yonghwa: You're at Busan too? Why?
































Dong Ming: I'm now on Holiday. Where are you?
































Yonghwa: Great! We're at ***, You're not lying right?
































Dongming: I'm lying All right?
































Text: Naughty Friend
































Yonghwa: Enough, let's stop talking.
































Yonghwa: Do you know who is him? He's the one who took that video of me when I told him not to.
































Dong Ming: Don't Flim Don't Flim.
































Yonghwa: Are you talking to Hyun?
































Dong Ming: Oh, give the phone to her.
































Seohyun: Hello, How are you?
































Dong Ming: Hello, How are you ~
































Yejie: His voice turned Soft
































Yonghwa: Ya! Are you really from the army? Don't take it in.
































Dong Ming: Do you like Yonghwa very much?
































Seohyun: What What? Where are you?
































Dong Ming: I'm at ***
































Seohyun: Hwaiting!
































Dongming: (?)
































Yejie: He's happy now
































Dong Ming: Remember to take good care of Yonghwa. He's a kid of lacks love.
































Yonghwa: Whar are you talking about?
































Dong Ming: Let's talk to each other next time. It's interesting.
































Next part from SarangTifanny @ sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com
































Yejie: I'm really really nervous now. What we did just now... Everyone including Jinwoon would see it.
































Text: Yejie likes Jinwoon
































Yonghwa: Yejie's face turned Red.
































Yejie: It's really yummy!
































Yonghwa: Why did you remove the table cloth? (?)
































Seohyun: He probably didn't sleep
































Recording Studio: Who?
































Jinwoon: Hi (On The Phone)
































Seohyun: Hi
































Text: It's a guy's voice.
































Seohyun: Jinwoon Ah.. It's me Seohyun. I'm with Yonghea oppa and his friends. There's an Unnie who likes you very much. Hold on. I'll pass the phone to her.
































Yejie: Hello
































Jinwoon: Hello
































Yejie: Are you really Jinwoon? I'm really happy to be able to talk to you!
































Yonghwa: Why is she holding the phone like that? (?)
































Yejie: You can't see my face. You'll be disappointed (?)
































MC: Is she disappointed?
































Jinwoon: Nope, Quite Cute
































Yejie: When you see my face, don't be disappointed
































Yonghwa: Yejie looks like she really like Jinwoon
































Yejie: I'll go to your concert
































Jinwoon: We will have on December 24, 25, 26
































Yonghwa: Jinwoon Ah... Don't try to advertise. Enough, stop it. My friend is blushing.
































Jinwoon: Let's meet next time.
































Yejie: Actually, I have a boyfriend.
































Text: It's the time they get to understand one another.































































This week ep translation? x)

































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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































Next part from our beloved SarangTiffany@sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com
































































































































































































































































Seohyun: Isn't it too much eating like this?
































































































































MC: Does she want to perform in front of SNSD like that?
































































































































Friend: Is Yonghwa Normally like that, Why is he like that, do you want to know?
































































































































Yejie: Are you hosting a show?
































































































































Seohyun: How should I talk to him when he's angry?
































































































































Seohyun: He really likes to get angry. I have to say this. Even if you let me feel a little bit embarressed, he would get angry as well.
































































































































Yejie: He would stop talking but after awhile he would start again.
































































































































Friends Together: I'm hurt
































































































































Text: If not for his friends, We would never know Yonghwa's charm behind his A Shape Back.
































































































































Yejie: I have something for you
































































































































Yonghwa: What?
































































































































Text: The friends who prepared gifts for the couple
































































































































Text: MC Doosils's (?) Gifts for the couple
































































































































 Friend: It's a wedding gift
































































































































Text: Couple Hat T
































































































































Seohyun: How cute! Thank you!
































































































































Yejie: Wear it Wear it
































































































































Seohyun: Want to wear?
































































































































Text: After Awhile
































































































































Yejie: Clap!

































































































































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Guest CrazyCC
































































Hello Guys... It's my first time here and I'll share my translations of the new Episode. The translations are not complete though. :) Sorry if there are any typos or words I don't understand. SarangTiffany@SweetPotatoDays is me. :)
































Text: The Drinks Are Here
































Yonghwa: In the past, we can't taste this type of drinks right? We didn't even though of buying it.
































Seohyun: How is Yonghwa Oppa when he's still Young?
































Yejie: More Crazier then now.
































Seohyun: Ah..
































Friend: The one who creates the atmosphere
































Yejie: He Sings and raps everyday.
































Seohyun: Really?
































Yejie: He even imitates other's Voices
































Friend: He Imitates others like this
































Text: Imitation Starts
































Friend: (Text: Imitating Who?) Are my Eyes red?
































Friend: (Text: Starting to Joke) Ah.. Beating~~~
































Friend: From Secondary School, Yonghwa likes to record himself singing songs right?
































Yonghwa: I record myself, but it's noisy in front of the house.
































Text: Someone is calling.
































Yonghwa: Who? Dong Ming (?)?
































Friend: He's even funnier than him.
































Text: In the video, Yonghwa told him not to take videos of him.
































Yonghwa: (On The Phone): Where are you?
































Dong Ming: Where are you?
































Yonghwa: I'm a Busan. How are you in the Army?
































Dong Ming: I'm in Busan as well
































Yonghwa: You're at Busan too? Why?
































Dong Ming: I'm now on Holiday. Where are you?
































Yonghwa: Great! We're at ***, You're not lying right?
































Dongming: I'm lying All right?
































Text: Naughty Friend
































Yonghwa: Enough, let's stop talking.
































Yonghwa: Do you know who is him? He's the one who took that video of me when I told him not to.
































Dong Ming: Don't Flim Don't Flim.
































Yonghwa: Are you talking to Hyun?
































Dong Ming: Oh, give the phone to her.
































Seohyun: Hello, How are you?
































Dong Ming: Hello, How are you ~
































Yejie: His voice turned Soft
































Yonghwa: Ya! Are you really from the army? Don't take it in.
































Dong Ming: Do you like Yonghwa very much?
































Seohyun: What What? Where are you?
































Dong Ming: I'm at ***
































Seohyun: Hwaiting!
































Dongming: (?)
































Yejie: He's happy now
































Dong Ming: Remember to take good care of Yonghwa. He's a kid of lacks love.
































Yonghwa: What are you talking about?
































Dong Ming: Let's talk to each other next time. It's interesting.
































Yejie: I'm really really nervous now. What we did just now... Everyone including Jinwoon would see it.
































Text: Yejie likes Jinwoon
































Yonghwa: Yejie's face turned Red.
































Yejie: It's really yummy!
































Yonghwa: Why did you remove the table cloth? (?)
































Seohyun: He probably didn't sleep
































Recording Studio: Who?
































Jinwoon: Hi (On The Phone)
































Seohyun: Hi
































Text: It's a guy's voice.
































Seohyun: Jinwoon Ah.. It's me Seohyun. I'm with Yonghea oppa and his friends. There's an Unnie who likes you very much. Hold on. I'll pass the phone to her.
































Yejie: Hello
































Jinwoon: Hello
































Yejie: Are you really Jinwoon? I'm really happy to be able to talk to you!
































Yonghwa: Why is she holding the phone like that? (?)
































Yejie: You can't see my face. You'll be disappointed (?)
































MC: Is she disappointed?
































Jinwoon: Nope, Quite Cute
































Yejie: When you see my face, don't be disappointed
































Yonghwa: Yejie looks like she really like Jinwoon
































Yejie: I'll go to your concert
































Jinwoon: We will have on December 24, 25, 26
































Yonghwa: Jinwoon Ah... Don't try to advertise. Enough, stop it. My friend is blushing.
































Jinwoon: Let's meet next time.
































Yejie: Actually, I have a boyfriend.
































Text: It's the time they get to understand one another.
































Seohyun: Isn't it too much eating like this?
































MC: Does she want to perform in front of SNSD like that?
































Friend: Is Yonghwa Normally like that, Why is he like that, do you want to know?
































Yejie: Are you hosting a show?
































Seohyun: How should I talk to him when he's angry?
































Seohyun: He really likes to get angry. I have to say this. Even if you let me feel a little bit embarressed, he would get angry as well.
































Yejie: He would stop talking but after awhile he would start again.
































Friends Together: I'm hurt
































Text: If not for his friends, We would never know Yonghwa's charm behind his A Shape Back.
































Yejie: I have something for you
































Yonghwa: What?
































Text: The friends who prepared gifts for the couple
































Text: MC Doosils's (?) Gifts for the couple
































 Friend: It's a wedding gift
































Text: Couple Hat T
































Seohyun: How cute! Thank you!
































Yejie: Wear it Wear it
































Seohyun: Want to wear?
































Text: After Awhile
































Yejie: Clap!
































Translated By: Tiffany @DestinedSone / Seohwa Soompi Thread































































Thx For This week eps translation!!! Thx! ^^

































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower




























My reaction to this episode was like Yonghwa's scream when they were on  the vertical drop ride - Whoaaaa, whoaaaaaa! Whoaaaaa! And I almost  couldn't bear watching the feet tackling scene, it was so cute and so  natural for the choding pair. Safe to say, Seohyun has also become a  choding. And the shoulder massage she was giving Yonghwa, I died. Yep, I  died. If they keep going at this rate then I should expect a hug scene  pretty soon. Best of all, was the way they were interacting, it was  so...couple-ish. They were humbly and childishly communicating and I've  never seen Seohyun so comfortable around someone, I haven't seen her act  like that even with her unnies. I love how she just hits him and  doesn't think twice about it, like "Yeah, I'm hitting you and what?"  Hahaha, her violent attitude should definitely not be underestimated.  Also, she was sleeping on Yonghwa's side of the bed, I could've sworn  Yonghwa was sleeping there not too long ago. Anyway, I feel like this  level of skin-ship and comfort has arrived unexpectedly, much to our  surprise. I mean, sure I wouldn't want them to keep going at a snail's  pace but this...this is like the speed of a cheetah. However, when I  think about it, it has after all been a year. They should be at this  stage but I feel as though much of their skin-ship hinting in previous  episodes have been edited out, so the scenes now look like a far jump  from what we're used to. Or, perhaps their dating sessions in Inkigayo's  dating room has brought them where they are now...:phew:




















Thank you so much for screen-caps, translations and links to the episode! I'm off to watch it again~




















Ooops, topped the page. I'll just re-post the translations from greed_island.




















From SarangTifanny @ sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com




















Text: The Drinks Are Here




















Yonghwa: In the past, we can't taste this type of drinks right? We didn't even though of buying it.




















Seohyun: How is Yonghwa Oppa when he's still Young?




















Yejie: More Crazier then now.




















Seohyun: Ah..




















Friend: The one who creates the atmosphere




















Yejie: He Sings and raps everyday.




















Seohyun: Really?




















Yejie: He even imitates other's Voices




















Friend: He Imitates others like this




















Text: Imitation Starts




















Friend: (Text: Imitating Who?) Are my Eyes red?




















Friend: (Text: Starting to Joke) Ah..




















Friend: From Secondary School, Yonghwa likes to record himself singing songs right?




















Yonghwa: I record myself, but it's noisy in front of the house.




















Text: Someone is calling.




















Yonghwa: Who? Dong Ming (?)?




















Friend: He's even funnier than him.




















Text: In the video, Yonghwa told him not to take videos of him.




















Yonghwa: (On The Phone): Where are you?




















Dong Ming: Where are you?




















Yonghwa: I'm a Busan. How are you in the Army?




















Dong Ming: I'm in Busan as well




















Yonghwa: You're at Busan too? Why?




















Dong Ming: I'm now on Holiday. Where are you?




















Yonghwa: Great! We're at ***, You're not lying right?




















Dongming: I'm lying All right?




















Text: Naughty Friend




















Yonghwa: Enough, let's stop talking.




















Yonghwa: Do you know who is him? He's the one who took that video of me when I told him not to.




















Dong Ming: Don't Flim Don't Flim.




















Yonghwa: Are you talking to Hyun?




















Dong Ming: Oh, give the phone to her.




















Seohyun: Hello, How are you?




















Dong Ming: Hello, How are you ~




















Yejie: His voice turned Soft




















Yonghwa: Ya! Are you really from the army? Don't take it in.




















Dong Ming: Do you like Yonghwa very much?




















Seohyun: What What? Where are you?




















Dong Ming: I'm at ***




















Seohyun: Hwaiting!




















Dongming: (?)




















Yejie: He's happy now




















Dong Ming: Remember to take good care of Yonghwa. He's a kid of lacks love.




















Yonghwa: Whar are you talking about?




















Dong Ming: Let's talk to each other next time. It's interesting.




















Yejie: I'm really really nervous now. What we did just now... Everyone including Jinwoon would see it.




















Text: Yejie likes Jinwoon




















Yonghwa: Yejie's face turned Red.




















Yejie: It's really yummy!




















Yonghwa: Why did you remove the table cloth? (?)




















Seohyun: He probably didn't sleep




















Recording Studio: Who?




















Jinwoon: Hi (On The Phone)




















Seohyun: Hi




















Text: It's a guy's voice.




















Seohyun:  Jinwoon Ah.. It's me Seohyun. I'm with Yonghea oppa and his friends.  There's an Unnie who likes you very much. Hold on. I'll pass the phone  to her.




















Yejie: Hello




















Jinwoon: Hello




















Yejie: Are you really Jinwoon? I'm really happy to be able to talk to you!




















Yonghwa: Why is she holding the phone like that? (?)




















Yejie: You can't see my face. You'll be disappointed (?)




















MC: Is she disappointed?




















Jinwoon: Nope, Quite Cute




















Yejie: When you see my face, don't be disappointed




















Yonghwa: Yejie looks like she really like Jinwoon




















Yejie: I'll go to your concert




















Jinwoon: We will have on December 24, 25, 26




















Yonghwa: Jinwoon Ah... Don't try to advertise. Enough, stop it. My friend is blushing.




















Jinwoon: Let's meet next time.




















Yejie: Actually, I have a boyfriend.




















Text: It's the time they get to understand one another.




















Seohyun: Isn't it too much eating like this?




















MC: Does she want to perform in front of SNSD like that?




















Friend: Is Yonghwa Normally like that, Why is he like that, do you want to know?




















Yejie: Are you hosting a show?




















Seohyun: How should I talk to him when he's angry?




















Seohyun:  He really likes to get angry. I have to say this. Even if you let me  feel a little bit embarressed, he would get angry as well.




















Yejie: He would stop talking but after awhile he would start again.




















Friends Together: I'm hurt




















Text: If not for his friends, We would never know Yonghwa's charm behind his A Shape Back.




















Yejie: I have something for you




















Yonghwa: What?




















Text: The friends who prepared gifts for the couple




















Text: MC Doosils's (?) Gifts for the couple




















 Friend: It's a wedding gift




















Text: Couple Hat T




















Seohyun: How cute! Thank you!




















Yejie: Wear it Wear it




















Seohyun: Want to wear?




















Text: After Awhile




















Yejie: Clap!
























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