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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest joojong289
















this is so sweet, YongSeo is comfortable together








when Seohyun wake up , i saw she is beautiful although her hair not clearly ( hehe)








when she sleeping , she still cute








envy Yong's buin : )








P/s: have 1253 user this thread, (so happy)








Thanks M3 for tranlate live in box for us 









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Guest biancacoolio





there's so many things to spazz that i don't even know where to start.



i'm so speechless. 



my favorite part definitely was when yonghwa was prodding seohyun to wake up and was whispering "seohyun ah."






it felt so intimate.


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Hey gogumaaaas...I just found the 1st  Part from today's eisode :))....so proud of myself chinchaa hihiiii
































Now I'm gonna watch it as well for myself YEY!
































& just want to share it with you guys of course ^^































































































































here are the links for today' episode again ;))
































ok edited the 2nd part...ahh right sryy my fault... thx to Lumpiere & lookah

















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Guest Crystal392








I seriously should go to sleep right now because this is not healthy but I can't stop spazzing :w00t:












sally7, kenjisam your screencaps are amazing!! ♥












jastubee I think my face would get as red as a tomato blush.gif:lol:












Next week episode is going to be amazing!! Can't wait to watch it.












I am still grinning like a babo~ hihihihi












The bed scene was just :wub: :wub: I agree with the Goguma (sorry can't remember the name :( ) who said someone should make a gif with that... I am going to stalk dcmarried for those little clips (gifs+sounds).
























gogumacouple4ever & passionate Gogumas: Thanks for that screencap! I remember on that moment I thought he was going to hug her but then they never showed their arms because they were soo close that I forgot about it... now that I am seeing you screencap I remembered that and yes! it may not have been a looong hug but it was close to that :wub: thanks again for that screencap ♥



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Guest teuksunghae


here are the links for today' episode again ;))

thanks for part 1

but part 2 is a wrong link... since it shows last week's episode part 2

but still thankss

let me respazz !!


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guys here's the right part two. :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gawd, i can't stop spazzing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wanna see the preview. i missed it! T___T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 2

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Lumpiere
































this is the link to this week's part 2!
































Credits to the baidu fans! They are always fast!
















Enjoy all the goguma cuteness in it everyone!









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I just died! Omg... well not really since I'm posting this, but I am at lost for words. Everything about this episode is just... Well, since this post has no point at all, let me share;
























































Yejin has a boyfriend! :D haha









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First of all...so sorry I had to cut out halfway through the episode, the lagging was getting so bad with every stream I was trying...to the point where it was freezing up my computer. (although that might be because my laptop's approaching 4 years old now....)




Dduk, good luck on the translations...feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions, I think I'll stay up for a while replaying the raw vids. *quoted image*










******Don't feel so bad about this, we know how hard you have tried for us. And thank sooooooooo much for your trans, and hope next time it will works out well. CHEERS!!!


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Guest yipeeyaya

hello, this is my 1st time posting here. i have been reading this thread for a really long long time. i love yongseo couple!!! sweet potato :))))

i have been catching them since e very 1st ep, where ppl find them as a awkward couple. but i still really really enjoy seeing them together, i.e how they play music together and stuff. and i really love this thread where all of us get together to spazz. cos my friends dun catch this show, there is nobody to discuss this show w me.


so, thanks to all of u here :))) and thanks to M3 and dukk for all the translations!!

some of the things i like from this ep:

yong cooking for seohyun

seohyun calling jinwoon bcos of yong's friend

and every of their expression today. cos they look totally natural. and yong's friend is really funny. one of e guy sitting at e corner is really shy.

i realize today there is a lot of changing in mcs. hope they can have the same mcs next time.


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OMG I'm watching it right now. Thank you very much for the links!
































































































































I'm currently up until the picture showing part. Can I just say THIS particular scene screams REAL to me? How many idols have we seen tearing their old pictures because they were embarrassed to show them to the public? And here we have Yongie proudly letting his Hyun examine his old predebut pics. You wouldn't do that if you don't have feelings for the girl. SERIOUSLY.
































































































































To those who spazzed about the ep, thank you! I know what to expect now! Though I may have a few sleepless nights waiting for the subs to come out. Teeheee.

































































































































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Guest saranghaeyo99
















































:w00t:today episode is definitely daebak 
































gotta watch the offlive ep agn& agn.I swear most of U must too :P
















can anybody give me the link in YT?
















THanks in advance:wub:
















BACK TO go-Chun:ph34r: :ph34r::ph34r:

















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Guest wallpaperfood



I love this ep so much!

Seriously, Yong ssincha cannot restrain himself from looking at Hyun.

Everytime I flicked back from the live translations, I could always see Yong teasing Hyun by hitting her constantly!

Bravo Yong, I've got more confidence in your..advances now.

And YAH Seo Joo Hyun - why must you look like a real-life Sleeping Beauty while sleeping?! If it was me, my mouth would be slightly open, and sometimes I drool LOL. Also, my hair would look like a mountain lion's.

I loved how she reached over to massage Yong's shoulder twice. Sigh.


Oh and Yong's face was so dark when Hyun called Jinwoon! And his friends were glancing at him I think. Hahaha. It's so funny how he got hold of the phone in the end - it's like, to mark his territory or sth. Letting Jinwoon know that he is also there. LOL.

KYAAAAAAAAAAA I won't be able to sleep tonight! I'll be extending the bedscene in my head


Ohhhh yeaaah I knew it was some donburi dish he made :D

Made me hungry. His cooking is no joke!

We didn'[t get to see that much of Seohyun's reaction - but you can hear it during the MC's chatter! SHe was all "MMMMmmmmMM!!!   ... mmm!MMMmm! ...mmmM!MMmm...waaahh"


oh oh oh  and before I forget - I just love how her whole hand is holding Yong's pinky!

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yong has always been handsome and popular in school

but i feel for hyun when she said that she wants to meet the doo-mac paem again.

this shows that she missed hanging out with friends...

blessed her for having someone like yong who has a circle of close-knit friends..

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my stream is lagging but thank god when the second part up it it's working good!!!!! and how thrill i am...so much to spazz..when yong wake hyun up i'm a little shy, feels like peeping tom :phew: it's so intimate moment for them and i feel like intruding their privacy but i luv it^^,and the preview!!!! what can i say another daebak ep waiting for us!!!!





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Guest Crystal392








I am rewatching the latest ep and Yong's friends are so nice and funny! hahahaha I really wonder how they were when they were younger, there is a part where Hyun doesn't recognize Yeije because it's a pic with Yong hugging a male friend and lots of male friends and then there is Yeije on his other side... I guess that proves the info some Gogumas shared before: Yong has mostly male friend, but very very few girl friends. I am soo happy thay Hyunie got to meet her hubby's best friends. It's something really important ♥












*goes off to keep watching it*
























R4TU: Ifelt the same! I also felt it was a intimate moment blush.gif



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hi guys, i'm usually a lurker but i just need to say this... the latest episode was daebak! truly amazing!

So many things to spazz about!

1) Hyun being comfortable around his friends and wanting to see them again...

2) hyun sleeping while yong was cooking! They really look like a married couple!

3) Yong gently waking her up! :wub: gosh, i felt like i was invading a private moment between two lovers!

4) hyun calling mother-in-law from her phone! they said in the spazz box that this part was not shot right after busan. i thought it was. Now, that made me think.. has she called MIL several times after the busan trip? they seemed so comfortable talking talking to each other! She has MIL's number!

5) playing footsies on the couch! :wub: Yong started it and hyun did not resist him! wow, uri couple has gone a long way! they have totally reached a whole new level of flirtation, in my opinion!

6) the massage! who would have thought back in february last year that the yongseo couple will be as close and as "intimate" as this!

Really, each episode seems to take us higher and higher! I am happy that I have stayed and followed them every week, since episode 1, and so glad to have taken the journey with all of you guys!

To M3, thanks for the live caps and translations. To Dduk, thanks, too! To everyone, happy spazzing!!!

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I think it filmed not righ after busan trip. i remember that the pDs said they filming them on 7,8 december. when the rumor of 300 days. so there is maybe still another even afer this and then skiing. ah. the more the better


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