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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest skyrise







































 Goguma is indeed conquering the world... LOL



































That is actually true. Count Greece too in the list. : )
















So, the next epi is likely to get place in the hospital? That will be interesting and amusing to watch.
















And woah and kudos for all the gifts and the projects you have pulled onto together guys, shows how much dedication and love you have towards this couple.
















p.s soshisoshisoshi - your story made my night, hehe.









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I'd like to share the moment that i really love at Fan Hi5 with CNBLUE today.







My two lovely sisters got the chance to Hi5 with CNBLUE so they prepared something to surprise Yongseobang.







They wear the masks of Yong and Hyun. CNBLUE laughed and smiled a lot. Do you guys think what's Yong's reaction? Just in the pic.







He laughed and smiled to the mask of his Buin. What a stare!! :wub:




Cr : as tagged




*quoted image*







Delusional me thinking Yong is too pleased or maybe find it too cute to see his buin's face even when he is working far far away here in Bangkok. Just love his expressions. And I must admit Hyun looks really beautiful in that mask, too.




To CheriMerci

ยินดีที่ได้รู้จักเช่นกันครับ ส่วนคอนเสิร์ตคงไม่ได้ไป ยังไงก็จะรอติดตามบรรยากาศคอนเสิร์ตจากทุกคนที่ได้ไปแล้วกันครับ ขอให้สนุกครับ




Got nothing new to share being on top of the page, so I just quoted what CheriMerci shared again on how CNBLUE is preparing to perform "Banmal song" in today's concert.

Some Fan account from Thai Gogumas who followed CNBLUE to Thunder Dome (the concert hall) for their rehearsal.

The "Banmal Song" I'm so happy to listen the song in Live Concert.




I've just come back from following CNBLUE Boys and Hyun's husband at Thunder Dome.




Confirm that he'll surely sing the "Banmal Song" a single of Yong. I can hear that it's so beautiful.




Yong sang wrongly at the verse before the last one. So JongHyun teased him but I can't understand. 555




Please practice to sing the song. Tomorrow we'll sing it out loud.









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Guest mimayree




I think they went to donate blood again...



because of the ambiance of the place.



it looks really like the place where they donated blood.=)




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Guest Tofu_Cloud




































Holy friggin crap!! So when i first 5 episodes i watched this.. i thought seohyun was annoying and everything that kinda came out of her mouth was irritating, or if her husband asked for a favor.. she will be liek "i can't i can't" and i was thinking "omg just do it! dont make him ask a million times!!" like her goody-two-shoes righteous ways and the Churchie Robotic way she talked..but then after she had her comfort zone.. she got cooler and cooler each episode, like i loved so much how he was like "wanna arm wrestle?" and she was liek "Yup" LOL how she beat Victoria in wrestling (re-watched that like 5 times). How she was the only one who stayed calm and answered the mathematical question under 1 min. How she scared that crap out of Cn blue by hiding in the back of the van. How she scored the winning pool point against CN blue. How she learned that whole english song with a guitar and sung it well (so talented) How she wanted to donate blood. And how healthy she is and ecofriendly healthy ways. It kinda inspires me lol.
















Seriously why is she so awsomely cool? I love her so damn much!!
















Seohyun is REALLY extremely unique.. like 1 in a million.
















I really admire her even though she is way younger then me..
















she seriously seems like a girl who came out of a comic book
















her personality and all.. and the fact that she's so real, it's actually her and how she is naturally and not putting on a idol image act for the cameras. I use to hate girls who were labeled innocent.. only cuz i know very well they have some hidden faces.. Seohyun is probably the first girl i truely think is literally just innocent. She just a sincerely nice girl. and we know she is authentic like that cuz i always remembered her Unni's talking about it. Ive been watching Khuntoria and Adam's Couple. But for some reason.. i became so addicted to this couple O_O that watching this couple became first priority.
















tho nichkun mentioned yoona and yonghwa mentioned taeyeon
















but im very happy they introduced Seohyun into the show, i thought she was a bit underrated in SNSD and that ppl probably had the same beginning judgement i had for her just not knowing her enough.. but this show allows us to see how well-rounded, capable, talkitive, fun and sweet she is, her cool side. Thanks Sweet Potato couple for giving us joy, laughter and sweet moments!! u guys better last long!! Fighting!!


































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Just some random thoughts -

I hope they give us some more Busan time in next episode, i want to see more of Yejie and Busan boyfriends of Yong and see if Hyun enjoys her time with them and gets comfortable.

The filming and editing got really sloppy in the Busan Beach scenes (I think).  They could have cut that scene with Yong alone with the seagulls and given us more of the sweet skinship on the boat trip, or more  of Yong & Hyun meeting Yong's childhood friends.  I remember in the preview there was a scene where Yong & Hyun were leaning over to Hyun's side and waving at somebody/something on her side of the boat and Yong was really close to Hyunnie's back - what happened to that scene?! :(

One thing I need to say, I like how Hyun led the attack on the seagulls to retrieve the chips, she more or less dragged Yong back to get them.  She seemed less afraid of the gulls than Yong!

Wow! They go to clinic for health checkup?  Sounds like Hyun's idea, heh?   Maybe she looks so upset because she has to do breast/cancer x-ray!  :o 

Yong in Thailand, wears the ring  - may sing 'Song for First Time Lovers' - daebak!

Thai fans are awesome - so much Yongseo stuff - excellent job!

Hyun's in Japan for awhile, after SM Town Live, SNSD is supposed to do Japan version of RDR with TVSQ on some Japanese radio station (Asahi?) on 1/28.

Like how when Hyun held hands with Kyuhyun in SM Town Live last year it was - whaaaat!?  Now it's - ho - hum.......

We now know - it's only Yong for Hyun!  

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Guest lunasol








I also expected at least another complete episode of Busan. I don't know why they are going to edit so much. I wanted to see the interaction with Yong's friends as well as the school message at midnight because I believe that it was also done with the friends. Hopefully it will be at least 3/4 of the episode still at Busan.






Regarding Yong being 'scared' of the seagulls:






Actually although Hyun seemed to be 'leading' to get the chips, in reality Yong was not scared of the seagulls. He was shocked at first but later he was just acting scared. In fact, he was clearly having the time of his life PROVOKING the seagulls like a teenager or child. If you noticed when they were attacked the second time, while both of them are running Yong was the one who for a split second looked back at the seagulls with a super wide smile on his face and behind the MCs talking you can clearly hear Yong's laugh while they are running. In addition, he is constantly trying to feed the seagulls and if he was scared he will not have tried to feed them directly from his hand so many times. So yes, he was surprised at the first 'attack' but later he was not scared.






Also, it has been kind of exaggerated that he left Hyun behind lol biggrin.gif. Yes he did, but it was just a split second. He took like one step, noticed she is not with him and turned towards her calling her. Also, Hyun was for a second running towards the opposite direction as him. So the moment was just a little chaotic for a second, but he still got a quick reaction thinking of her.






Thanks to everyone here who have posted all the amazing news, photos, translations etc! Now back to my lurker mode! I should be finishing the material for my meeting with my boss tomorrow morning at 900 am because it is 900 pm right now, but here I am in Soompi. Yes, Yongseo is addictive hahaha


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Guest szoku85






Sorry guys no good news, but I just wanted to rant. I am really starting to dislike the people that go to allkpop. I was reading a forum topic titled "Most boring Idols". Seohyun was unfortunately listed, but I really think she is funny on variety shows. One person had the nerve to say that Yonghwa is carrying the whole WGM show! How can people be so mean???!! 


On another note, Thai fans are awesome! Never knew they were such big fans. I am Laos, but I do listen to a lot of thai music also. I'm just happy they are big fans like me! Oh how I wish I was there right now. Anyway, YongSeo fighting!



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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































I've learned this ever since i started liking DBSK and SNSD :)
































































































So whatever you read, laugh at it. YOu can never please an INSECURE ANTI :)
































































































Btw, sharing this since haven't seen this posted here..
































































































Posted by _d3seohyun (i miss you dearie, how are you?) at gg thread.

















































































































































































































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































Wow...Thailand fans are awesome. You are daebak guy. Now I start to imagine how Sangdo-dong house full of gift after Yong back to Korea. :rolleyes:






























































































































About Yong new hair. For the first time it's a little bit weird for me to see him in black again. As we have see him in brown hair almost a year. But yes I agree this black hair make him look younger and fresh. And I hope WGM stop to give him a thick make up.






























































































































And because Yong's back to black, I want to share this. This is a beginning of their story.




























































































































































































































































Credit : yongseo facebook

































































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Guest lovekin


two cents!




it does kind of suck that they've been hack-editing everything that probably doesn't need it or would otherwise add more depth to a certain scene, but it makes me wonder if they're only doing it because they're trying to catch up.  if i recall correctly (and i could've been dreaming too, who knows), an article was released stating the PDs wanted it so that yongseo (and khuntoria, i would assume) are up-to-date with their episodes, and so that we get more of a "real-time" schedule.




which, you know, as i'm thinking about it (and now i'm just writing out my thoughts à la stream-of-consciousness), i'm actually not that perturbed about being behind on schedule.  i don't know if that's just me.  and because i don't want to rock anyone's boat ...






my main reasoning for this is that whenever their episodes end - and people, just a reminder, that could be later this year or even next year; we don't know so don't run with this spoiler and fret over it because it's not worth worrying your pretty little heads over - it won't be too sudden for us because we'd technically have a backlog of episodes.





just saying that from a practical standpoint but also as a fan.








allkpop is, unfortunately, riddled with a bunch of prepubescent teens or immature 20-somethings.  comments there are extremely biased, often sexist, and deeply polarizing.  what you read there isn't very significant at all.  seo gets a lot of flack whenever the concept of being "boring" is brought into question, but it's such a subjective opinion.  most of us think she's incredibly funny and witty, but i think her sense of humor doesn't seem to translate well to those who don't already like her because she does tend to "pale in comparison" (false, but it's a matter of viewer perception) to her other idol peers because of how "loud" they are.  and as for WGM - i think there will be scores of people who will be undoubtedly pressed over it because unfounded jealousy is a very real thing, so ... don't sweat it.  smile.gif


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Articles about the episode on Saturday:





















































































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Guest fabiistar07












Regarding next episode ... I don't think that they just cut off the Busan trip ... i mean, they really left at pretty much nothing







They will most deffinitely show it







My guess is that 3/4 or at least half of the episode will be about the Busan trip







Let's hope they show us a (video) preview soon!




This is somewhat related to YongSeo, but since i dont wanna get (-) i'll put it in a spoiler







(it's about Yong's Banmal Song)




So i don't know how many people know this, but i'll share it anyways for those who don't...







Soribada has released their website in english and by signing up they're giving you 10 downloads for 7 days (i believe)








So if you're like me and don't have a credit card yet and haven't purchased Yong's Banmal Song, then you can take this opportunity to do so ^_^







EDIT: s0leill123 wow! thanks for sharing that GIF, Hyun is really try to catch Yong's eyes :wub:







awhh Yong Seobang~!!, stop avoiding Hyunnie's eyes and just look at your buin and let your heart beat as much as it wants to :wub: hehe :P





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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to Aneng for the link. Here's the translation, after spending a few minutes spazzing to myself. laugh.gif


정용화 서현 ‘용서커플’이 티격태격하며 신경전을 벌였다.

정용화와 서현은 최근 부산에 방문해 정용화의 소꿉친구들을 만났다. 이후 두 사람은 상도동 신혼집에서 한층 더 가까워진 모습으로 아침을 맞이했다.

그러나 깨가 쏟아지는 것도 잠시, 그들은 곧 티격태격 실랑이를 벌였다. 이유인 즉슨 바로 서현이 정용화를 병원에 데려가려고 했기 때문.

그러나 정용화는 병원에 안 가도 되는 이유를 깨알같이 늘어놓으며 병원에 가지 않겠다고 버티기 시작했다. 이에 서현은 마치 아들을 달래는 엄마가 된 듯 '요옹 아기 우쭈쭈 작전'을 펼쳤다.

그 결과 결국 용 남편은 현 부인 손에 이끌려 병원에 가게 됐다는 후문.

The YongSeo couple got into a fight between themselves.

Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun recently traveled to Busan to meet Yonghwa's childhood friends. After their trip, they met in the morning in their Sangdo-dong house amid closer relations.

But good times don't last forever, and they soon became engaged in an argument. The reason being, Seohyun wanted to take Yonghwa to a hospital.

But Yonghwa let loose a series of explanations why he didn't need to go to the hospital. In response, Seohyun transformed into the mother who pushed back with her "Yong baby prodding strategy" [best I could translate it...if someone has a better translation, don't hesitate to share].

In the end, Yonghwa ended up being dragged to the hospital after all.

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Guest gogumaforever






thanks aneng for the link. i post it here for fast access of our translators.  ^_^


hello fellow gogumas, please translate regarding next sat's ep. thanks in advance.


]thai gogumas- you're the best, preparing all the gifts and waiting for them in hours and posting pics for everyone to have an update. khop-khun-mark (thank you very much)





우결’ 용서커플 티격태격 실랑이, 행복끝 불행 시작되나






@M3, you're fast. thanks for the translation wub.gif can't wait saturday episode



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Guest lovekin




Thanks to Aneng for the link. Here's the translation, after spending a few minutes spazzing to myself. *quoted image*











The YongSeo couple had a dispute between the two of them.




Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun recently traveled to Busan to meet Yonghwa's childhood friends. After their trip, they met in the morning in their Sangdo-dong house amid closer relations.




But good times don't last forever, and they soon became engaged in an argument. The reason being, Seohyun wanted to take Yonghwa to a hospital.




But Yonghwa let loose a series of explanations why he doesn't need to go to the hospital. In response, Seohyun transformed into the mother who responded with her "Yong baby cute strategy" [best I could translate it...if someone has a better translation, don't hesitate to share].




In the end, Yonghwa ended up being dragged to the hospital after all.






LOL, it's probably a lot less major than it sounds if past preview articles are of any indication, but i love how they're starting to quarrel a lot more - over silly things, no less.  and this one - about seo trying to push him into going to the hospital for whatever reason she has this time (crazy.gif lmao) - is more like a legit married couple fighting.  




although, yes, i don't quite understand the "yong baby cute strategy."  should i take that to mean seo resorts to aegyo (HAHAHA, that'd be the day she does that on purpose; if she ever does, she has reached whole new levels of controlling yong)?


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arrgghhhh sorry in my haste to post the news from allkpop about YongSeo, i think i must have click on the button too hard or too fast that it posted twice. to make up for it:
































































































































































































































































meanwhile i can't wait to catch this week's episode. like luvtokki oppa mentioned the editing could have been better so i do hope that they will wrap up Busan trip and show the school perhaps? can't help but love and need to spazz over their natural skinship. makes me go :wub::wub: everytime i see it.
































































































































also yong is so gone in hyun's hands. hahaha... all she need to do is pout and bit and he totally caves in. hahahaha...

















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Thanks to MountainMadMan for the fast translation and aneng for the news link. Got one from allkpop below:
































































































































[spoiler: We Got Married] Did the ’sweet potato couple’ have a fight?
































































































































cr: http://www.allkpop.com/2011/01/spoiler-we-got-married-did-the-sweet-potato-couple-have-a-fight
































































































































The last two episodes of “We Got Married” followed the ’sweet potato couple’ (CNBLUE’s Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun) as they travelled to Yonghwa’s hometown of Busan in order to meet his mother and enjoy what the city had to offer.
































































































































The two returned to their home with a stronger relationship, which gave Seohyun the confidence to nag Yonghwa to go in for a routine check-up.
































































































































Yonghwa refuses however, and began listing various reasons as to why he doesn’t have to go. Visibly frustrated, Seohyun changes tactics by acting as his mother and treating him like a baby. She even teased him by calling him nicknames, such as “Baby Yo~ong ~”
































































































































Yonghwa eventually gave in to his wife’s aegyo, and accompanied her to the hospital.
































































































































Check out their full segment this week at 5:10 PM KST on January 29th!

















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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Deabak Thailand fans. Love all of your gifts and love. Love the mask. so cute :lol: CNBlue have many many gifts. Thank u so much, Thai fans, espeacially Thai fans of YongSeo couple *hug*, thanks to you that Yong can feel how fans love his couple. Hopefully these gifts will be transferred to their home at Sando-dong, or can Yong can secret date with Hyun to take the gifts for her ;) OMG, it's so good hihi
































































If Yong sing the banmal song. OMG you guys, so happy and lucky. Envy envy ;) wish CNBlue go to Vietnam one day.

































































































































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Guest szoku85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































two cents!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it does kind of suck that they've been hack-editing everything that probably doesn't need it or would otherwise add more depth to a certain scene, but it makes me wonder if they're only doing it because they're trying to catch up.  if i recall correctly (and i could've been dreaming too, who knows), an article was released stating the PDs wanted it so that yongseo (and khuntoria, i would assume) are up-to-date with their episodes, and so that we get more of a "real-time" schedule.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































which, you know, as i'm thinking about it (and now i'm just writing out my thoughts à la stream-of-consciousness), i'm actually not that perturbed about being behind on schedule.  i don't know if that's just me.  and because i don't want to rock anyone's boat ...

my main reasoning for this is that whenever their episodes end - and people, just a reminder, that could be later this year or even next year; we don't know so don't run with this spoiler and fret over it because it's not worth worrying your pretty little heads over - it won't be too sudden for us because we'd technically have a backlog of episodes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just saying that from a practical standpoint but also as a fan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































allkpop is, unfortunately, riddled with a bunch of prepubescent teens or immature 20-somethings.  comments there are extremely biased, often sexist, and deeply polarizing.  what you read there isn't very significant at all.  seo gets a lot of flack whenever the concept of being "boring" is brought into question, but it's such a subjective opinion.  most of us think she's incredibly funny and witty, but i think her sense of humor doesn't seem to translate well to those who don't already like her because she does tend to "pale in comparison" (false, but it's a matter of viewer perception) to her other idol peers because of how "loud" they are.  and as for WGM - i think there will be scores of people who will be undoubtedly pressed over it because unfounded jealousy is a very real thing, so ... don't sweat it.  *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You are absolutely right and I try not to read some hate comments. I am a sone and its hard when I see people bashing them. Some things are so hateful. This is why I started coming to soompi threads because things are more positive here. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW, I didn't notice Yong's hair until now (where was i?) He is so hot! I wonder what Seobaby thinks of it. I love it. I think it brings a darker side to him tho most asians naturally have black hair. I'm just so used to seeing him with a lighter color. It would be great if Seobaby also changes her hair color also. As for their relationship, it seems they are really spending a lot of time together now despite their busy schedules. I was worried for a moment there when Boices voiced their displeasure over Yong and Hyun's relationship. It just seems like that got even closer! Anyway, thanks everyone for all these positive comments about the couple. Just coming here and reading all these posts makes my day.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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