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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bubbly_zu








is that preview for next episode??






just saw yong new hair..hehe im liking his new hair do :wub:


he looks hot+handsome+younger with that hair hehe... :D



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Guest bolmaejung

this week preview

Yong&Hyun go to the hospital (for a health examination) on 300th-day anniversary.

they were nervous because of the X-ray picture. kkkkk so cute episode~

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I don't know korean, but does it have sth to do with preview? I mean I don't think that we've seen this scene before...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is this going to be shown next saturday?
































































































































































































































































































































This could be their 300th day and they had dinner date or something... happy.gif
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun look so cute in the 3rd pic...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ bolmaejung: lol health examination on their 300th day anniversary???
































































































































































































































































































































lmao only yongseo can celebrate that way... smiley-laughing002.gif

































































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wow thanks all for the great news
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































looking at the pics shared by kasia3goguma, could see on the 1st pic, there's a date: 2010-12-07
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so should be about their 300 days?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun looked so cute on 3rd pic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and thanks for Thai Boices & Yongseo fans who shared updates, you guys are lucky, hopefully, CNBLUE will play 'Banmal Song' tomorrow :)

































































































































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  kasia3goguma: Thank you so much!!! Are they at doctor? Are they planing to be parents???? LOL :lol: (I wish kekeke). The screen says 2010.12.07, How was the timeline again, Skiing resort or 300th days aniversary?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































soshisoshisoshi: I loved your post! Where are you from? Goguma is indeed conquering the world... LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the pics gogumas, please keep them coming!:wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: So 300th days... Wow cute ^^... you guys in Thailand, hope you can hear Banmal song!!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest bubbly_zu
































bolmaejung thanks for the info  ^_^
















is there a video for the preview??  I want to watch it  :)

















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i wanted to ask abt the pics of wgm sponsored clothes that rxp shared,

cause there are one or two which we have not seen yet.

borrowing the caps



so the one kasia(tks girl!) shared is the same one as yong(wearing purple)

holding the sponsored shoes and hyun with the black coat..

so these are the yet-to-be-aired epi..hmm

so they went for a check on their 300th day ann.? (tks bolmaejung)

right..expect the unexpected when it comes to yongseo..kekeke


and hyun still wears the necklace... :wub:

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Guest anne0129
























Hahaha!!! Thanks for the pictures of the preview? And thanks to bolmaejung for the translations. When I was looking at the picture without the translations...a weird thing came to my mind.....OMG!!! did they go to a fertility clinic? hahaha (naughty me). I was thinking gosh WGM PDs are taking this too far and too serious. It's like what newly weds do. Newly weds who are thinking of having babies immediately. They would go to their doctors to consult about creating a family soon. Hehehe!!! Just kidding....I am just hyped from all the fan pics of the boys in Thailand. I love Yong's new hair. :w00t::w00t::w00t:
































Hehehe! pen(..^^..). The doctor is actually instructing them what to do. That is why in the first and last pic, Yong is so serious and listening intently. He is trying to take it all in on what he is suppose to do to be able to create a baby with Hyun. After all he is the namja so he is thinking, the responsibility lies with him. :lol: In the pics of Hyun, in the second picture, she was given a pamphlet by the doctor which illustrates what is going to happen. And on the third pic, she is shocked :blink: on what will be happening. hahaha :w00t:





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Guest pen(..^^..)

































































































































Hahaha!!! Thanks for the pictures of the preview? And thanks to bolmaejung for the translations. When I was looking at the picture without the translations...a weird thing came to my mind.....OMG!!! did they go to a fertility clinic? hahaha (naughty me). I was thinking gosh WGM PDs are taking this too far and too serious. It's like what newly weds do. Newly weds who are thinking of having babies immediately. They would go to their doctors to consult about creating a family soon. Hehehe!!! Just kidding....I am just hyped from all the fan pics of the boys in Thailand. I love Yong's new hair. w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOLOLOL! that's exactly what i was thinking seeing the clinic in the pictures.. after all it's just me being delusional xDDDD hyun's reaction is hilarious LOL! can't wait to see it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for the pic and translation :)

































































































































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Hahaha!!! Thanks for the pictures of the preview? And thanks to bolmaejung for the translations. When I was looking at the picture without the translations...a weird thing came to my mind.....OMG!!! did they go to a fertility clinic? hahaha (naughty me). I was thinking gosh WGM PDs are taking this too far and too serious. It's like what newly weds do. Newly weds who are thinking of having babies immediately. They would go to their doctors to consult about creating a family soon. Hehehe!!! Just kidding....I am just hyped from all the fan pics of the boys in Thailand. I love Yong's new hair. w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































HAHAHA my sentiments exactly. they both looked kinda surprised at something initially until i read the translation and found out actually it's a health check. that's so yongseo. seems like yong is quite accommodating to hyun in many ways as it does seem more like a hyun idea than yong idea. sigh ... :wub: this guy is making me fall for him ... :wub:

















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Guest ahn_annann










From : The Sweet Potato Couple Thai Fan @ Pantip.com






Finally The project have finished .. successful











We have prepared the Gifts for C.N.Blue and Yongseo and the card albums for YongSeo


















for Cards, many Thai fans joined for this project, that so proud for YongSeo.. http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A10139452/A10139452.html












a10173747123.th.jpg a10173747121.th.jpg a10173747119.th.jpg


















Bear dolls for YongSeo and brothers , you know inside of blue bag is Boxer ..












ฺBags for pack all Gifts
























Tomorrow Holika will pass the gifts to C.N.Blue






All fanarts by Rippergirl












v bamz ya, the gifts have accepted by Holika. Anyway for Tomorrow they will pass to C.N.Blue on Press Conference or in the concert , not sure.



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wow.. thanks Ahn_annann
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really proud of our Thai yongseo fans, you guys are really something
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this gifts really represent our couple: cute, funny, sweet, full of talents & heartwarming
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So the gifts are already accepted by Holika and going to be officially presented to CNBLUE tomorrow as part of the mini live?

































































































































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower








@ahn_annann: Whoa! Thai fans are awesome. It must have been hard work but I'm sure CNBlue and YongSeo will greatly appreciate it! XD








@Yong's  new hairdo: He looks beautiful, I know that's not an appropriate word  when complimenting a guy but what can I do, he does. The colour black  accentuates his facial structure and draws close attention to his  features. He looked great with brown hair too, but as much as I hate to say  this...it did make him look a little older and he's only 21! (Except in  Korea).








@anne0129: Rotfl! If only that was true...








Gogumas, earlier when jnj posted a link to  allkpop on the article about "MTV Daum Music Festival", well...I've got  the link below. Make sure you vote for our YongSeo - meaning CNBlue and  SNSD. All you have to do is go on each category at the side, look for  CNBlue + SNSD and click on the little red box underneath their picture. I  wish I knew how to do screen-caps so I could show you but unfortunately  I don't, Macbook is a complicated little thing.








CNBlue are currently in Artistic and Unique category and SNSD are in Sexy & Cute category. Please, for the love of YongSeo, vote~~







VOTE (<<<That's the link)








Edit: O.M.G. I'm such an idiot, and my touch pad is the worst! fury.giftongue2.gif<_<... I just went to go on a (+) spree with the replies, when I  arrived on kun_cheero's post, I scrolled onto the (+) symbol and just as I clicked, my touch pad decided to have a spaz attack causing  the mouse to go instead to the (-) symbol...tears.gif...I'm soooooooooooooo sorry kun_cheero! Thank you so much for sharing the pic!








Oh and thanks to everyone else for pics and translations!





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Guest ikekeyou
























wow thai fans are so amazing! such great and cute gifts!! (:
















so next week they are at a health clinic?
















ahahahha that's so seohyun! ahahha remember 22 day anniversary --> blood donation
















now 300th day anniversary --> check up (:
















hyun looks so cute in the third pic! ahahah
















EDIT: Hey guys!! Soribada has a site in English now!! so it's easier for us to purchase our favorite korean songs!
















so for those who didn't purchase Yong's Banmal song... purchase it now!!! (:





















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Guest MountainMadman

I was surfing Youtube and I came across this beautiful video that shows just exactly how beautiful Haewoondae Beach really is. Our couple's lucky, they got to spend their time playing with each other on that beautiful beach...I'm jealous.



I need to ask a small favor from someone who's an expert on Photoshop...if you are, (and is willing to put in some time), send me a PM...please! It's important! I'll love you forever!

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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































Hi All Goguma villagers!!































































I'm a Thai fan. Really happy to see CNBLUE in Thailand and Yong with Ring Ding Dong:wub:































































Today Thai fans show our love and support to uri YongSeo and CNBLUE.































































According to ahn_annann's post of some gifts to our beloved ones. ขอบคุณนะคะ พี่แอน ^^































































There are more gifts that i would like to share.






























































































































These are some gifts from Thai Gogumas, The figure dolls of YongSeo in thai traditional dress, they salute "sawasdee krab/ka" and "Tuk Tuk" car. The flower of Hyun to Yong, Handmade T-shirts, Handmade knitting beanie, ice-cream fan, Antiseptic Mouthwashs, Inhalants, mentholated ointments, Keroro doll, Thumb Drive filled with fanmade, the whole family of  "Kankuay" Thai elephant animation and especially the 20 baht couple rings for YongSeo. kkk :w00t: And for 3 bros of CNBLUE, The flowers of them, Handmade T-shirts, Neck pillows, Antiseptic Mouthwashs, Inhalants, mentholated ointments and doll fans.
































































































































P.S. Special Thank you for Mr. and Mrs Lee, the Korean who live in Thailand for 8 years. They're so kind. We met them during handmading the gifts. They know YongSeo Couple and say that our couple is well-known in Korea. Mrs. Lee helped us for writing some words in Korean. She even gave us her e-mail and said that if there's anything she can help please tell her. She's so lovely. Thank you so much. YongSeo Shipper is all around.





























































































































































































































































































































Today all of the gifts@Holika Holika Thailand
































































Cr : The sweet potato thread@Pantip.com, WGMYongSeoRealLoveStory@Pantip.com
































































































































































































































































And Tomorrow we (Thai Gogumas) will wear these T-shirts in CNBLUE Mini Live Concert. :wub:  

































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
















































To The Thai Fans KUDOS! you did a good job guys! I'm sure that CNBLUE S will appreciate the effort that you've put into all those gifts. It's nice to know that Thai fans are really united and I'm very much proud that you guys were able to produce those wonderful gifts.


























































































































With all the gifts that you have prepared, I'm now pressured since the YongSeo First Anniversary Project will be ending and shipped soon. You guys are daebak and now I feel like working 24/7 just to at least be on the same level as your gifts... aish...


























































































































I can't promise that the presentation of the YongSeo First Anniversary gifts will be as daebak as the ones prepared by Thai fans but expect that I'll put 150% of my effort and hard work to all the gifts.


























































































































In advance, I'm very much thankful to those who helped and are still helping me finish the project. I'm still waiting for some gifts from other fans then I'm ready to pack the package.


























































































































By the way, I'll make some announcements soon about our plans for February 11, 2011. Expect that it'll be interactive and I hope that the heads/leaders of the fanbases around the globe can disseminate the information once it has been released. An early reminder for all the GOGUMAS, start creating your twitter account NOW!





































































































































































LAST, YongSeo International in partnership with YongSeo DC Gallery will bulk order CNBLUE'S FIRST FORMAL ALBUM. We are already accepting PRE-ORDERS! Please visit GOGUMA HAUS for more details :)





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All I can say is just "WOW". Never know before that Thai Goguma fans have prepared a lot like this for YongSeo and CNBLUE. P'Ann and CheriMerci. You guys are really DAEBAK. Proud to be one of Thai fans and witness these passionate efforts, though I have no part in this project at all as I have been busy with my things.











So this is my bows in Thai to ahn_annann and CheriMerci.









ไม่นึกว่าพี่ๆ จะเตรียมของให้คู่ยงซอ กับ หนุ่มๆ CNBLUE ไว้มากขนาดนี้ สุดยอดไปเลยครับ ยังไงก็ขอให้สนุกกับคอนเสิร์ตวันนี้ และ ฟังเพลง Banmal song เผื่อด้วยละกันครับ






















That's ok, really. As long as you are happy seeing those pictures. It's my pleasures, too.


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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































To bezbezbez































































Thank you so much for your work hard. We all know that everything we do because we love our couple.































































On behalf of Thai YongSeo Fans, I'd like to say that we love YongSeo with all our heart. So Thai fans will support your project too. I think the project is so great and it'll become daebak!!! YongSeo Fans Fighting!!!
































































































































I'd like to share the moment that i really love at Fan Hi5 with CNBLUE today.































































My two lovely sisters got the chance to Hi5 with CNBLUE so they prepared something to surprise Yongseobang.































































They wear the masks of Yong and Hyun. CNBLUE laughed and smiled a lot. Do you guys think what's Yong's reaction? Just in the pic.































































He laughed and smiled to the mask of his Buin. What a stare!! :wub:
































































































































Cr : as tagged
































































































































































































This is the pics of YongSeo Masks. In the pics is Korean Tourists who are YongSeo Fans that asked to take a photo with my two lovely sisters. They're so lovely and spazzing. kkk :wub:






























































































































Cr : DCmarried




























































































































































































































































More pics of YongSeo masks. :D






























































































































P.S. Special Thanks to N' Na (Thai Boice) who made the cute masks. ขอบคุณน้องนามากๆจ้า ^^




























































































































































































































































YongSeobang new look, he's so handsome and Ring Ding Dong!!! :wub:






























































































































Cr : as tagged




























































































































































































































































Some Fan account from Thai Gogumas who followed CNBLUE to Thunder Dome (the concert hall) for their rehearsal.































































The "Banmal Song":wub: I'm so happy to listen the song in Live Concert.




























































































































































































































































คอนเฟริมว่าร้องแน่นอน เพลง banmal song singleของยง ไปฟังมากับหูเพราะมากๆครับ






























































































































แอบมีร้องผิดด้วยท่อนก่อนจบ จงฮยอนเลยแอบแซวๆแต่แปลไม่ออก55


























































































































































































































































































































































































ปล.ออกมาจากที่ซุ่มเพื่อแว้บมาบอกเฉยๆ^^ สนุกกับคอนเสิร์ตพรุ่งนี้ให้เต็มที่กันนะครับ.....                                                                                        จากคุณ                     :  พ่อยกปลื้มใจ55 (FINALkung)































































































































































































































































































I've just come back from following CNBLUE Boys and Hyun's husband at Thunder Dome.































































Confirm that he'll surely sing the "Banmal Song" a single of Yong. I can hear that it's so beautiful.































































Yong sang wrongly at the verse before the last one. So JongHyun teased him but I can't understand. 555































































Please practice to sing the song. Tomorrow we'll sing it out loud.






























































































































P.S. Out from lurker mode to tell you this. Enjoy the concert!!!
































































































































Cr : The Sweet Potato Thread@Pantip.com






























































































































To kun_cheero































































































































































ดีใจที่มีคนไทยในซุมพีเพิ่มเติม ไปดูคอนเสิร์ตด้วยรึเปล่าคะ ยังไงก็มาแจมๆกันได้นะคะ ในบ้านมันหวานพันทิปค่ะ ^^ จะร้องให้ดังสุดเสียงเลยค่ะ Banmal Song ^^































































































































































































































































































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hello gogumas...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gosh im so impress with thw thai gogumas family...you are daebak...what a gifts..i cant imagine how the cnblue boys specially our yong, so happy...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really its more than a month already that we are showered with wonderful happenings..definitely go chun..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































again to thai gogumas family, youre amazing..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im proud to be a part of this family..

































































































































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