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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hafiq890
















































































































sincere from my heart to yongseo~
















































































1st anniversary
















































































"be happy together and love deeply as ocean"
















































































Valentine's day
















































































"this special day is made for you two!love each other strongly~"

















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Guest scatterbrain

read in baidu. yong appeared in KBS gag concert today. they teased yong by saying that hyun is unable to spean banmal with yong because yong looks old. tehy also mentioned banmal song and sort of made fun of hyun, i think. he only appeared for a few minutes though

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First of all Thank U In-Go-Phaem? LOL, thank you Gogumas so much for links, gifs, pictures, spazz, projects and everything! We are such a great family, love love love :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I´ve made this gif just to spaz about the skinship :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why Pds, why you cut the scene??? -_-... Now I wonder if this is what that fan account was talking about when it was said that He took something out of her face :wub:... Thank You PDs for edit that part out!!!  (the sarcastic me).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, I think I need to re write my messages cause preview ones were a little long...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy First Year Anniversary! You have come a long way until here, stealing our hearts in the course. I wish you many more blessings,memories,success,health. Many more years and LOVE ❥.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Valentine´s Day.-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy Valentine´s day! thanks for sharing a part of you with all of us! You both have caught the world's heart with your magic, now is time for your own hearts ❥. Saranghae!

































































































































































































































































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my sincere blessing for yong and hyun, a couple turns my life different




first anniversary :




"go for your dreams with each other being side by side and always support each other. cherish every moment being together. hope that one day you'd be so much, more than friends"




valentine day :




"this is your second valentine day. wish you have a memorable day as you may never love this way again."


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Guest nurulzminoz
























































@ bezbezbez I'm really sorry, I didn't know that it must be no more than 3 sentences , so it's my message for their 1st anniversary ,








































"Jung Yonghwa♥Seo Joohyun. Yesterday, today, and forever, hope both of you will always together ~^^."








































*I'm sorry bcos I don't edit this directly onto my 'long-message' since I'm posting it through my cellphone*








































Thank You so much!! :DD









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Guest yongseorockin


1st Year Congratulatory Message


Dear YongSeo Couple,




Thank you so much for the entertainment you have bought into my life. The both of you have make me become a much brighter person and because of your love of books, I found back my reading habits. Through your show, the both of you have inspired me to become a more principled person with a good heart which I am striving to be everyday. Please continue to develop into better people and musicians because through your actions and idol status, you can inspire many as well to become better people. I wish you both the very best in all your endeavors.






Goguma Fan Singapore (YongSeoRockin)



Valentine's Day Message




Dear YongSeo Couple,                         




Happy Valentine's Day! ^___^ I honestly wish you were a real couple because the two of you interact very well with each other and match very well. If true, I hope the both of you have a very lasting loving relationship in your lifetime. May you resolve every obstacles that will come your way with ease and your relationship grow stronger from every trial and tribulations. May your smiles always warm the heart of the significant other, May your sincerity always touch the heart of the significant other and may your presence always brighten the significant others' life. May the bother both of you have an everlasting relationship.








Goguma Fan Singapore (YongSeoRockin)


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Guest Lildedprinxez








I wonder. Is there a subbed video already of this episode? :))




I watched it over and over again. But I still wished to have a subbed and HD copy of it.




haha sorry for sounding demanding. Just asking. :))




Share a link if you do know a video with subs.




Much appreciated THANK YOU! :D







OMG I topped the page! That's a first. * dance like yong*





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Guest shane09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest smurfs888
































Hi all In-Go-Paem w00t.gif
































first of all I would like to thank MountainMadman for the live trans and also the full trans! You are an angel truly!! DAEBAK!! Thank you for your hard work and providing those of us who can't understand korean with all of these trans laugh.gif
















































anyway this episode is so spazz-worthy! times it by 10000000 that's how excited I am right now! They look really cute together that I can't stop smiling while watching them wub.gif I'm totally in Go-chun right now! 
































































lastly about the 1st anniversary msg :
















"Yonghwa <3 Seohyun happy 1st anniversary! I hope you can continue to take care of each other like you do right now and hope you can always be happy and successful on both your careers!"
































val's day msg :
















"Happy Valentine's day! Just relax and have fun just like what you always do every single day!" 
















































From: Indonesia

















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Guest kiddywiddy






@ bezbezbez..thanks for the invitation..n my wishes massage for them...


1 year anniversary..


yong hwa & seo hyun


"happy anniversary..365 days has been past and lot of memories that been created by both of you..and another 365 days lots of precious moments can be created.."


valentines day..


yong & hyun


may your love towards each other can growth as much as can..



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Guest synykiss
































I wonder. Is there a subbed video already of this episode? :))
















I watched it over and over again. But I still wished to have a subbed and HD copy of it.
















haha sorry for sounding demanding. Just asking. :))
















Share a link if you do know a video with subs.
















Much appreciated THANK YOU! :D














































sonems has subbed this weeks goguma.































They're currently uploading. Complete






























































































>_< this was just an excuse for me to make a post this weekend.
















PS. to everyone else, sorry I couldn't sub it this weekend I was major busy. I'll do it next week, fast as lightning!
















Edit: oh oh oh!! valentines day message -































Happy valentines day! I hope your love will continue to grow and bring you happiness! From England.

















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Yonghwa at the Gag Concert
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It looked like he had a lot of fun being at the Gag concert despite the hectic schedule he had that time. Anyway, if it's the ear mufflers that Seohyun bought for him, wow, it seems liked he actually wore the whole time he was there. I mean, I thought basing on the pictures, he just had to wear it because the MCs asked him to do it. But no, it was safely on his neck all the time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































These two...they surely know how to appreciate the gifts they give to each other.

































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Guest wallpaperfood

First Year Anniversary:

Treasure the journey, the relationship and the memories you have made in the past, those you have now, and those you will continue to make in the future. It's been a pleasure seeing you two grow so beautifully. Now is only the beginning, and since Fate happens to adore you, it is never the end as long as you always remember that "the ultimate winner is a person with a good heart" ;)

Valentine's Day:

I expect you two to celebrate this day in the most unexpected manner! Whatever you do, I know you will enjoy every lasting minute. Please keep it precious and full of sparkling love <3

A big thanks to everyone who contributed opinions, translations and visuals to the thread =)!!!. Very very spazzable to read.

Nice to know how Yong is always teased about his Buin in Gag Concert. Lol they treat it as if his public love life is his weak spot ^^..(well..can't really argue with that hehe)


*waves back* at drmyboo chingu :D

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Guest Yangie12


















One year anniversairy














Always cherish the memories between you two. It has been a meaningful journey this past year, continue being brave and honest to each other. "We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough." - Helen Keller. Thank you for making our saturdays awesome! ^^




























Have a nice day together! May your love to each other grow day by day. We gogumas will always support you no matter what, please don't forget that!



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Guest billieberlian

Yonghwa at the Gag Concert

*quoted image*

credits: dc married

It looked like he had a lot of fun being at the Gag concert despite the hectic schedule he had that time. Anyway, if it's the ear mufflers that Seohyun bought for him, wow, it seems liked he actually wore the whole time he was there. I mean, I thought basing on the pictures, he just had to wear it because the MCs asked him to do it. But no, it was safely on his neck all the time.

These two...they surely know how to appreciate the gifts they give to each other.

omo!! am i looking at their couple ring? sorry, still familiarizing myself with the ring...

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Guest nikijenlo






read in baidu. yong appeared in KBS gag concert today. they teased yong by saying that hyun is unable to spean banmal with yong because yong looks old. tehy also mentioned banmal song and sort of made fun of hyun, i think. he only appeared for a few minutes though








hey guys....here is yong's cut at the gag concert






did i see his friend YEIJIN there? please check the time at 1.10.  She really looks like Yeijin.


If true, maybe he didn't go alone but brought his friends along. i wonder who else from doe-mac-paem went with him...:phew:


happy to see him spent time with his old frens..:D



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Guest genevieveshaun
























I'm so impressed with Yong for NOT saying ' this is my wife Seohyun from SNSD" but instead just "Seo Joohyun"... He's treating the meeting as something REAL, introducing his real girlfriend to his real friends. If he had referred to Seohyun as his wife, he would have been experiencing this Busan trip as part of a TV show, and not as something he wanted to do personally.
















Anyway, remember the fan accounts a month ago? Fans spotted Yongseo in a restaurant (I think it was the sashimi restaurant at Haeundae) and it mentioned Yong and Hyun taking a break to go to the bathroom...And when Hyun came out of the ladies, she waited for Yong to come out too before walking back to the table. Anyone remember that? Also a fan mentioned that he saw Yong using his hand to brush something off Hyun's face.... when the cameras were off wub.gif
















Then according to the fan accounts, they stopped filming at 6pm and were never seen again after Yongseo took off in the friend's (Jinsuk) car. This was because Jinsuk drove away to pick up other friends and eventually a rather far away place to the cafe and the fans lost track of them. Seriously, the cafe looks very off the grid! It was a good decision cos I think Yong's friends will feel even more awkward with fans stalking them and fancamming their every move.
















So I guess they didn't return to Yong's mum's house huh? I was hoping they did sleep.gif. But I guess Yongseo had alot of fun too with Yong's friends. I hope his friends dishes more dirt on Yong!! And his growing up days....etc. They BETTER NOT mention his ex girlfriends in front of Hyun! I don't think they would, anyway tongue.gif
















And Yong's two friends (the 2 boys in black) are so cute... They seem like the jokers of the group! Like Fred and George of Harry Potter..
















I like how they're so shy in front of Hyun...





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Guest soshisoshisoshi




Hi all! just drop by to give my congratulatory message of 1 year anniv and valentine........ need to go to sleep asap since it's monday tomorrow :sweatingbullets:.



1st Year Anniversary Message


Yonghwa, Seohyun, thank your very much from showing us your love story. You have gone through a long way, 365 days and I hope your LOVE WILL LAST FOREVER <333




Valentine's Day Message


용화야!! 서현이가 초콜릿 뽀뽀해!!! ...YONGHWA!! GIVE SEOHYUN A CHOCOLATE KISS!!!








EDIT: just because this pic need to be shared :wub: :wub::wub:





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Yong in Gag Concert - so cute!! I'm dying to know what was said....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































bezbezbez My messages...hope they're short enough!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1st Anniversary - Some may call it a twist of fate, your fans choose to believe that you were destined to be. To Yong and Hyun, thank you for all the awkward, funny, crazy and beautiful moments this past year. I sincerely hope that life takes you down the same path, together, hand in hand. Much love.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Valentine's day - Go on guys - KISS!!! It IS Valentine's day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: And synykiss no need to apologize for not subbing this week. The fact that you do it so fast each week never fails to amaze me. Its totally awesome of you to spoil all goguma villagers like this. Many, many thanks :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































@Gag Concert... Did I hear correctly they mentioned Seohyun and Banmal Song in the same sentence and YH was shyly laughing about it...
















































































Woah! I wonder what they said!

















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