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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bezbezbez
















































Pangg unnie, sorry... this dongsaeng of yours was kind off blur a while ago...LOL...I hope you can post your messages here so we can reflect on each others message too... we get to appreciate it more through that way... By the way unnie, I'm sorry if I haven't replied to your messages, I'm just too busy. I'll sure PM you again when I need your help :) expect that from me :)








































Just like everyone, I also missed the black room interviews. They have been so busy before that's why they never had time to record interviews. I'm really glad that they were able to find time now. It's really different when we get to see them react after a certain daebak scene. Those small comments give us a glimpse on how they felt during that exact moment. I wish to see more black room interviews from now on :)








































To the GOGUMAS here, please feel free to express yourself. I know that it's fun to read certain posts here and just lurk, but the feeling of being involved on the conversation is still different :)








































THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THE GOGUMAS AROUND THE GLOBE!!! You have all proven how daebak we could be through the fast translations, precise screen captures, wonderful insights, and of course undying and unmeasurable support for YongSeo. To those who are helping me for the First Anniversary Project, a big hug and thank you. You all make my task easier. We have one more week left to finish the project. I'm sure our hard work will surely be rewarded soon once we get to see the gifts delivered to YongSeo. Fighting Gogumas!








































To the others, guys we are still missing around 150 USD for the charity project. I hope you can help us with this :)








































EDIT: GOGUMAS please separate the congratulatory message for the 1st anniversary and your message for them for their valentine's day celebration.





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Guest Crystal392










Stalking dcmarried I found some cute things to share with all of you my lovely Gogumas:


















-Cute gif with sound/little movie of Hyun greeting Yeije and Yong grinning... so cute ^_^ and the music makes it even more adorable: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=628920&page=1&bbs=

























~I feel so warm...
































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Guest Seychan
















































I really like this scene when Seohyun expressed her disappointment in Yonghwa failing to notice her wearing a necklace he previously gifted her by asking, “Do you remember the butterfly necklace you gave me before? Do you know how much I’ve worn it?”
















And Yonghwa answered back, “I did know,” while Seohyun retorted, “Then why did you never mention I was wearing it?” haha she's really cute.















































I really love this part because she blame him just like how the other couples always do. It made me think of the girlfriends always said with her bf like "Do you recognize I have changed my perfume? or my hair?" etc... and if boyfriends noticed, they rarely speak out until the girlfriend expressed her disappointment. Girls is always sad for the little things :)) she just wants more attention of his bf.
















This may be normal for the couples but now we see it in Huyn buin. So natural and real.  And if they're just friends, they will not never do it all. They are REAL couple. So sweet <3
















Look how Yong & Huyn talk and flirt together. Look at Huyn's face when expressed her disappointment. She's so cute <3 And now Yong always remember mention it when she wear hihi
















I love in boat, when they hold hands. This is moment when both couple rings meet each other. They're sparkling together. Like Yong & Huyn
















And Yong's face when introducing Hyun for friends, OMG, he could not hide his pride about his wife :wub:
















Everytime I imagine their wedding album, I fainted immediately. How beautiful they will <3
















Love you guys, our YongSeo couple everyday.

































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Guest Gogumalover84






Hi all, I am new here too! Ever since I got to know abt this thread, I have been hogging on my comp the whole day to see if there is any new updates heeehee! Thanks for all the sharing!


Was wondering if anybody notice that when Yong and hyun was in the friend's car, Yong's hand was put close to Hyun. Was just wondering if he hope Hyun will hold on to his hands to find comfort if she gets uncomfortable in front of his frens hehee. Thought he really hope to hold her hands.. hehhee


Oh and I was re-watching all the past episode and saw the time when Yong brings Hyun to get a  guitar, Yong joking ask Hyun to buy him an exp guitar next time.. I really hope the day will come when Hyun will get him a guitar so that during all the cn blue performances, we can always spot their love when Yong uses the guitar from Hyun!  :)



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Guest LiyLiy14







































I decided to post the congratulation messages earlier as I'm going back to my hometown next week Wednesday to celebrate Chinese New Year with my families. I'm only available after 15 February. That mean i'm going to miss 3 weeks of GOGUMA show. How i'm going to pass my day then? Arhhhh









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Hi Hi,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the live and fast translation, MountainMadMan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My guess that the thread is not jumping as much as before is because of the soompi fanclub real time spazzing session. Hee hee, can't keep up with the speed of the positng there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Something funny, when Yonghwa move in to hold Seohyun's hand, I moved my mouse too. But caught myself before I clicked the stop button in TVU. Too used to pausing and rewinding certain parts while watching the episodes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The friends' meeting reminded me so much of CN Blue first meeting. They definitely like SNSD and maybe the people who went together to the SNSD Busan concert that Yonghwa attended before. I can understand why Yonghwa said that Yejie is just a friend that he never think of as a girl. She is so frank, asking about her makeup and commenting about Seohyun's face etc. In short, I like his friends, they are really nice people. I am sure, we are going to get a lot of insider information in the next episode.

































































































































































































































































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Guest Yangie12






















I’m enjoying myself so much here, haha. Because of this couple, I became really interested in sweet potatoes. Never had it before, but seeing them eating it so many times, I somehow felt compelled to try it. So here I am, rewatching this awesome episode while eating sweet potatoes. I wonder if I’m the only one though. Did some of you guys also try sweet potatoes solely because of the fact that it means so much to our Yongseo couple?


















And fellow gogumas, I shouldn’t worry too much about the fact that there are lesser posts than normal. I wasn’t able to stream it live because I had school..so I was constantly watching this thread and reading all of your posts on my phone. I’m pretty sure that a lot of other fans were in these kind of situation as well..After all, I saw that this thread had more than 1000 readers at one point. Even now there are around 500 readers; it must mean something! ^^


















Trent: Yeah, I was curious about that too. I really want to know in what kind of manner they hold hand..perhaps it was half interlocking? Somebody here once explained their half interlocked fingers during the last past of ep 40. Anyway..all I can see for sure it the fact that they hold each others hand quite firmly, haha.


















Seychan: Oh, you are definitely not the only one who look forward to their wedding pictures ^^ At first I really wondered if they will hug each other at their shoot. I didn’t even dare to think of a kiss; not even a kiss on the cheek. The album shoots from most of the previous couples had a kiss picture because most of the time the photographers ask for that kind of skinship (though I must say that most couples were quite willingly to do so, haha), I was afraid that Seohyun might feel very uncomfortable. However, seeing today’s episode made me realise how comfortable she is around Yonghwa ^^ Ah, our couple has grown so much..


















Also, big thanks to the translators! Really really appreciate your hard work! Thanks for today's effort M3, sleep tight ^^



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aigooo!!! panGG~!!!!!!!!!!! u're here as promised!!! xD *hugsss* :wub: haha nice wally btw! and loved ur goguma FBI work...eagle-eyed u are!

jnj, crystal, shawie~!! u guys are right... most of us gogumas are still in go-chun & busy spazzing by ourselves LOL!

yah this ep is basically comprised of many give-aways! i'm totally way above go-chun right now! :w00t: what captured my attention & made me go GAGA most were these scenes.

haha the way yong pulled hyun's turtle neck was like he wanted to touch hyun's neck but restrained himself from doing so... LOL


i guess he couldn't help himself from not touching his beautiful porcelain-skin wife's neck although just for a second kekeke :lol:


isn't this way too OBVIOUS?? if u don't mean it, u won't even bother being affectionate in front of ur close friends. yong means business.


this ep made me think about the recent SMA scenes. uri yongseo who didn't wear their rings in GDA & melon... but wore their rings in SMA. are they trying to tell us SOMETHING that would make us go beyond go-chun!? c-could it be... phew.gif KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :w00t:

oh ya, thanks so much for the trans M3, u're da best! ^___________^

bezbezbez, here're my messages to yongseo:

Congratulatory Message - You both have gone a long way, from nothing to the best thing ever. We will always support you. Happy One Year Anniversary~!

Valentine's Day - Your relationship is really an eye-opener to many of us. We wish you all the best in your love life. Love never fails... Hwaiting!

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I decided to post the congratulation messages earlier as I'm going back to my hometown next week Wednesday to celebrate Chinese New Year with my families. I'm only available after 15 February. That mean i'm going to miss 3 weeks of GOGUMA show. How i'm going to pass my day then? Arhhhh

i'm not aware abt this project until i saw bezbezbez post and then yours

is the first message for yongseo.

i wondered if we should start posting the messages now, since i haven't prepared anything yet..yeah, i'm slow..i know.. :sweatingbullets:

3 weeks w/out yongseo? err...that is too long, lily.

i've missed one week of yongseo and i feel terrible...


hi dreamy!

from now on, i will find it abnormal if yongseo doesn't hold hands..kekeke

tks lily!

i'll think what to say to yongseo..words doesn't come easy for me.. :sweatingbullets:

soshisoshisoshi..tks! thumbs up! ;)

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Guest LiyLiy14
































Yup... You can start thinking what to wish our GOGUMA COUPLE now...  and post the congratulation message to them..
















I'm still thinking how i'm going to catch up with the GOGUMA episode since i'm not  available. Missing the couple like crazy man now..









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Guest soshisoshisoshi







oh and i loved how yonghwa's group of friends called themselves the Doo-Mac-Paem (Doosil Macdonald's Family)..i wonder if yonghwa was the one who came up with the moniker..seeing how he's made up a couple of monikers on WGM like Go-Chun..heheh..then there was that episode at the salon after the milddang period where he called seohyun Mi-Chin (miyong chingu or hairdresser salon friend i think?) oh you choding, yonghwa :D so should we call ourselves the In-Go-Paem? (International Goguma Family..LOL) or Go-Chun-Paem? LOL






Hey there! nice one!!! we should sometimes call it as In-Go-Paem (인고팸)!! Just like you, I find it interesting that Yonghwa sometimes always make monikers. I guess it's just his habit with his Doo-Mac-Paem since their school days :lol:


jnj............ I uploaded the scene where they were chased by the seagulls with Secre Garden's OST being played on the background. Actually that's the part where I laugh the most :D YongSeo Seagulls Attack!



To those worrying about little posts made today, it's either because during the episode airing we chat in the soompi chatbox or we are still watching the episode many many times :wub::wub:. But I do hope that all of the lurkers (I know you guys are reading this ;)) come out and share something, even it's just as short one (not one-liner of less-than-20-words post ^_^). just like bezbezbez said, the feeling is different when you are involved in our conversations....... it's just, you feel HAPPIER. at leats that's what I felt when I try to join the discussions here.....




Anyway, actually I noticed that this episode gather more soompiers to flood in this thread, proven by the number of thread views today, compared to other episodes lately ( although the excitement was the highest during the "double birthday" episode).




Other than that, I find it weird and interesting at the same time that YongSeo now seems to be going through a phase of relationship of "real" bf/gf. So what I really want to know is their stage of relationship RIGHT NOW, since we are sooooooo left behind with many episodes to anticipate...




oh well, enough with my babbling..... gonna watch the episode again!






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Everybody has spazzed about everything important already, so nothing much to add right now.

LIKED - skinship!  funny seagull attack, Hyun speaking out about the butterfly necklace, she wouldn't have done this in the past, she just wanted to be noticed for her efforts and that she held the necklace in high esteem.   Isn't there something in Korea about wearing a necklace given to you by your bf/lover means you belong to them? 

If I had Hyun wrapped in a scarf like that I would have pulled her face closer to mine with the scarf and tried to kiss her!   I think if Yong would have tried it, she would have turned her face away and slapped him, but it would have put that thought of a 'first kiss' into her mind, just like the 'hand holding' !    :wub:

Anyway, I'll add more later when I see the translations timed to the filming and had more time to think about this episode.

I really like, like, like how close they are getting, just like a normal bf/gf!

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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































Pinkksoupp, I vote for In-Go-Paem!
































































































































































































































































Hello In-Go-Paem, It's been very late at night at my place so I won't spazz too much because I'm so tired, but still...I can't help not reading all your posts. Hehe..
































































































































































































































































First of all I want to share something I found from cnbluestorm :
































































































































































































































































[scan|Trans]Sudsapda magazine Interview
































































































































Q : Knowing that everyone has  been asked about a girl type you like. I want to know if you meet her,  like her very much, but she doesn’t know that you are a famous artist.  What will you do to let her know better?
































































































































































































































































YH:  (laugh) I will buy her my CD or bring her to my concert because we play  live… if she doesn’t see this, she won’t see my distinctive point. I am  sure she will know me better definitely.
































































































































JH: I won’t tell her at first I’m one of CNBLUE members.  We will go along as usual. When it’s the time of my confession I will  ask her to go to our concert and tell I love her. (Smile)
































































































































MH: I won’t tell at first as well. I will tell the truth by asking her to watch our concert. She will know by herself.
































































































































JS: Umm….. like we copied each other. Truely we have  the same opinion in many thing. First, I want her to know my real  identity. Then let her know that I’m CNBLUE‘s member. I wish she’ll love me for my real personality, not because I’m well known.
































































































































































































































































From this interview I think yonghwa need a girl that really understand his goal in music, so I think he should get a celebrity as his girl (please, get REAL)
































































































































































































































































About today episode, I kinda surprise with seohyun when she raised her tone during the necklace conversation.
































































































































































































































































Y: Oh, I knew about that!
































































































































































































































































H: What?? Really? Are you sure you didn’t know about it?<br style=""> <br style=""> "Muoya?! Cincca?" hehe..It's always interesting to watch hyun go upset. She really shows a lot of different side of her in front of yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































I'm sorry I can't write much. I'll continue my spazzing time tomorrow..
































































































































































































































































I'm sorry I forget the most Important thing : Thank you for everybody for a very exciting live translation, and for all the translators : thank you very much! (bow 90 degrees for a minute).

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ernie74

thanks a bunch to M3 for the translation!!! *hugs* I would lost without you ... have a good rest and see you in goguma heaven!!

this episode definitely my fave episode so far ... their skinship is just EPIC!!! it is very heartwarming to see both of them got closer in every episode.

I found out about this forum just today but I guess better late than never :) the best place for spazzing :lol: it's nice to meet my fellow Go-Chun-Paem..

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Guest kasia3goguma
























I’m enjoying myself so much here, haha. Because of this couple, I became really interested in sweet potatoes. Never had it before, but seeing them eating it so many times, I somehow felt compelled to try it. So here I am, rewatching this awesome episode while eating sweet potatoes. I wonder if I’m the only one though. Did some of you guys also try sweet potatoes solely because of the fact that it means so much to our Yongseo couple?



























Sorry to cut your post, but yeah, you're not alone! Keke, because of Yonseo Couple I've tried for the first time sweet potatoes ! :D In Poland they aren't popular, people here prefer 'normal' potatoes and eat really a looooot of them! ;) But I've tried them (gogumas) and like a lot! I've heard that there are lots of recipes with sweet potatoes! I should try do something else, not only boil them in water ! :P Hyun is always saying how healthy they are, and because I'm crazy about healthy food I added them into my daily menu ;)




























I've just found it on tumblr! (I don't know how to make gifs... ) and totally love the way Yong grabbed Hyun's hand :wub:
















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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































At this rate, we're gonna have our own Goguma dictionary... smiley-laughing002.gif
































































































































































































































































































































1. Go-Chun  - Goguma heaven
































































































































































2. Ring Ding Dong -  When the precious couple rings are spotted.
































































































































































3. Gollum - Goguma ring detectives
































































































































































4. Precious - couple ring
































































































































































5. Hamburgers - Yongseo haters/Antis. 
































































































































































6. Goguma FBI's - 
































































































































































7. In-Go-Paem - International Goguma Family
































































































































































8. Goguma Planet -































































































































































































































































































































9. Goguma Villagers - citizens of Goguma planet/heaven?































































































































































































































































































































































What else did i forget??? sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@billieberlian : you got negative points because you broke one of the rules. 
































































































































































Comments should be more than 20 words. As much as possible, avoid one-liner post.
































































































































































































































































































































Don't feel bad about the negative points, it just serve as a reminder. Just edit your post. happy.gif

































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So. I love this episode so much I ended writing poetries about this couple. Look what Yongse did to me. I'm rambled and tried to rhyme when I am sleep deprived. I just want to describe how I love them and what I wish for them. If you want, try to read it :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I keep repeating this episode. They are beautiful together. If I'm like this just because they warm each others hands like that in the boat, will I survive watching their wedding photoshoot? Oh Yongseo, please be real, I beg you! 2 millions people will be happy if you do that.

































































































































































































































































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Guest billieberlian

aigooooo..i keep wanting more and more..btw, this thread is daebak!!!!

OMG!!! did i just get 3 reds? i wonder y? of course i wanted more in a good way..sigh...

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i was abt to go to bed when i read luvtokki oppa post.

it makes me lol at the hyun will slap yong thingy. kekeke

hyun is keeping her promise to be more expressive towards hubby.

just like any other girl, she wants to hear some praises on her effort.

and just like any other typical guys, yong is not aware of that...

but he knows now.. :phew:

i have soo much fun today.

tks to lovely gogumas for links, gifs, caps and views!

gogumas are jjang!

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