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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Just have watched the first live  part of Yongseo, It's sooo cute. Uri Yong~ still Mr. Choding. He bought the snack to feed the seagull. But they were attacked by the block of birds in the end. Kekeke.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like the way they talk and walk with other. So normal but it's still romantic. Ah, Yong~  put the necklace on Huyn~ again, just like before, in the Goguma filed! Too cute.wub.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
















Some screencaps:














I was crying so much and laughing when the seagulls attacked!



































Yong - the King :D
























^in sync haha















































So natural today, so many skinships! Flirting, talking comfortably and just aahhh They are so super great today and sweet and funny and.. lovely!!! :wub:






































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oh! sweet overload
































































































can't believe hyun complain about that little thing
































































































wow they look like real bf/gf
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you M3 for live translate

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi




okay so link for part 1 is up already




that's quite fast..........


oh btw, come on guys!!! come out from lurker mode!!!!!! share your thoughts hehehehe





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Guest ikekeyou
























today's episode was soooo funny and cute!!!
















lots of skinship today! which i LOVE!! :)
















the seagull attack was hilarious!!
















after dropping the bag of chips and they both went together to get it
















yong looked really scared!! ahahah
















i totally loved when they played the song from secret garden!! lmao!!! when they were running [:
















almost forgot the re-enactment of the japan episode!!
















their hands were loose and yong did what hyun did linked his arm (:
















ahhahah so cute!
















the boat scene was cute! especially the sharing the scarf and rubbing each others hands!
















after the boat scene seohyun said something was missing on her neck
















and it was the necklace.... she wanted him to notice it but he didnt... short bickering
















ahahah but he put it on for her again (:
















then yong's friend picked these two up as well as the female friend and two other guy friends
















cant wait for full translations (:
















thank you MountainMadman! :D
















and keep the caps from this episode coming!!! :]





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Guest soshisoshisoshi







I think the biggest applause for today goes to MountainMadman for giving us live translation on the soompi chatbox. We are really lucky to have a person like him spazzing with us. Guess what? he's currently working on the FULL Translations, eventhough we can patiently wait........ that's what we call LOVE FOR YONGSEO :wub: :wub:





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Guest anne0129
























This is the cutest episode ever. Yong was so funny when they went to feed the seagulls. He should have been prepared to be attacked when you feed wild birds out in the open....LOL. Yong was so scared of the birds and when he dropped the crackers they were feeding the birds. Hyun told him that they should get it back but he looked so scared yet he still picked up the bag of food. Skinship galore people.
















I actually liked that he introduced her to his friends. Anyone else noticed, his friends look like they came from well off family like Yong. I love that he brought a girl amongst his guy friends she sort of lightened up Yong's friends. To sort of bridge the barrier between Yong's male friends and Seo Hyun. Yejie seemed very friendly. She's cute too. Yong's friends were cute and tall. They just looked very playful very much like Yong except the one with glasses. But I kind of like the he stood out.
















Wonder what Jong Hyun said in the studio. He seemed to be sharing his input especially during the time when Yong was with his friends. Thanks to MountainMadman for the live translation. And will patiently wait for the whole translation later. I loved this episode. :wub::wub::wub:





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1--the seagull attack was hilarious!!! i loved it. yong was trying to be all cool feeding them and then he couldnt even protect his wife... aigoooo... yong~! :)) and did anyone else love that they played an ost song from Secret Garden?!?!?! hahahaha best drama right now!! but its funny cause its SBS not MBC... lol.
























2--the boat ride. when they went out on the deck, i thought, OMG!!! ARE THEY GOING TO DO 'TITANTIC'?!?!?! lol but no... they didnt. and it was cut, so you dont even see what was happenings. but the scarf swap back and forth was really sweet :wub: and then there was the hand warming... HYUN!!!! your learning so well XD i loved it!
























3--the scene where they look like their sitting at a rest area around a park or whatever it was... and i didnt catch on that they were talking about the necklace at first because i was just thinking "WAS YONG JUST LOOKING DOWN HYUN'S DRESS?!?!?!?!!?" lol omg... yea i was going crazy! :w00t: hahahaha. but then i guess the whole thing was hyun asked if yong noticed anything different, or that she wasnt wearing the necklace. i think she wanted to see if he was paying attention to her clothes/appearances. i guess cause he never seems to compliment her or something. who knows... but i still spazzed like crazy. ;)
























4--aww the friends are just as nervous as hyun is. lol. i love it. but i bet hyun feels a little awkward because they are all older then her. and of couse yong is trying to make the situation more... fun for hyun. it definitely reminds of me her first time meeting the cn blue brother in laws. hahaha. awww... and it seems like the GIRL friend is a fan, maybe. and that the last two guys are trying super hard not to stare at hyun or something. so cute. lol.
























after watching these past few episodes of them in busan, it made me thinking... they are filming for 24 hrs or more! how tiring it must be for the two of them, but i wondering what gone on during the off camera ;) hahaha... this episode just keeps making me thinking naughty things...! oh gosh (smacks head)

and it looks like the mcee's room has changed. lol. hm...? hahaha
















































so it must be that i havent been on here in a while, but i still get shocked by the amount of people who visit this thread. i love the love we all have for yongseo :wub:
























edit 2
























oh and i guess i might be back, or sort of back, to my old routine by making something while waiting for the new episode to air. here is just a very simple wallie i made while waiting. hope you guys like it. (i'm also working on another one... look forward to it!)



























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Guest yongseo_forever




I just got to say this : the seagull attack was hilarious !! HAHAHAHAHHAHA


I was laughing myself silly in front of the computer xD


Yongseo is so cute!!! And sweet ^^


They have so much natural skinship today ^^


Can't wait for the english translations!


A big thank you in advance to the translators !! :D



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I wanna to share this clear ver.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LoRo60GHAg&feature=feedu































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkOLIwdX6vY































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank to TheSoneSource19 for uploading and sharing with us.wub.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumaforever






thank you M3. im giving you a mental hug right nowrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif. the spazz box was moving so fast that i have to hold the scroll bar for a while to read your translation.


YongSeo shippers from the phillipines loves you dearly!!!


 great episode indeed.


let's watch it again!!!










http://www.youtube.c...h?v=V4OvDBblYLY part1





  http://www.youtube.c...h?v=OjM1nc4CKCA part 2



credit to putputys






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Guest soshisoshisoshi




guess what guess what!!!!!! I don't believe what I'm seeing right now............. we should add this to our record. I should put this in the spoiler to avoid violating the rule









Oh, about the no preview thing....... was there really no preview??? I'll take that as a reminder that the PD might be preparing something big for next week!! Is next week going to be the SKATING EPISODE??? I hope so...... :wub: :wub:





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we had a blast in the chatroom don't we?

tks again M3 for the live translations

i'll not get tired of saying my tks to u..

this heart is going to burst soon!

its so natural for yongseo couple now to just grab each other's hand..

they seem not to want to let go of each other...kekeke

and yong doing the Home Alone pose with the seagulls.. :lol:

he even 'threw' hyun when the seagulls attacked!

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another great episode -- i'm so sleepy now, i hope to wake up to some good translations :P  no pressure to the translator, but I know that typically when I wake up on Saturday the full translation is already out...  I was able to catch the 2nd part of live streaming, and just now watched the first part on yt.  Thanks so much to the uploader.. that's lightning speed!!




since there are 900+ users still reading this thread - i just want to remind you to join the Yongseo Fan Club here on soompi and show our goguma love :P



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Guest kasia3goguma
















Chatroom was a great idea !
















Ok, I will write few words as well!
















1. The seagulls attack! Haha, I've never seen something as hilarious as this! Yonghwa was afraid of them and I am not surprised, there were soo many of them! I like the fact that Hyun is always following Yonghwa. She was running after him, holding his hand and just looking what he's doing. When Yong started to feed seagulls and the situation was not that dangerous ( :P ), Yong let her feed the birds as well. I like that both of them have so many new experience together, even if it's seagulls attack :D
















AAAND! When Yong asked Hyun: who would she rescue if goguma and him were in water, and Seohyun said: goguma ! Hahaha, Seohyun you're great, even flirting ! :wub: (MountainMadman, Thank a lot for You work, I have no idea what we would do without You! )














2. The boat! With the scarf, OMG! They were giving it to each other, because both of them wanted the second person not to be cold anymore! And another thing! When they were watching some things, I liked their faces, they are so alike ! ;)
















3. In the park! Hyun haha she's like a typical girlfriend! I mean she changed so much, NOW she's such a REAL girlfriend for Yong :DWhen they had this mini-fight I was quite happy,  because they looked lovely. Yong couldn't understand girl's mind, but  Hyun was soo honest and just told him what she thought. I like the fact  that they can speak so naturally and openly with each other! It's really  good for them, because if they keep it to themselves, they're gonna  have some problems... And yes, Hyun is great, because she really wears  the necklace everywhere! Yong, I'm sure he's so happy that he bought it!














4. With friends! OMG, it's awkward, but could we expect anything else? :P I mean, they are always like that with other people at the beginning! I hope they will be able to speak more, about Yong etc. I wonder if the girl (Yejin ? ) has some special mission to do, like well I don't know, but maybe she will do something, say something unexpected etc... I like that there's one girl beside Hyun, because she's so shy with others!































Too bad there's no preview...

















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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07




















So here goes my first and very virgin post in this forum..... I was kind it reserving it for something big like the weeding photoshoot but what the heck better do it now than never. I been a lurker for a few months now but this was really an awsome episode.












The seagull attack was hillarious... As romantic as is sound to feed seagulls now I know is really dangerous. :lol: 












The small argument they had about the necklace was so cute:wub:   is funny how Yong's mom just told him how girls get upset about the small thing.












The skniship was so natural this whole episode it was crazy.:w00t:












Yong friends look to be a really cool bunch.












And what else can I said I had a blast tonight chatting and watching YongSeo with this amazing goguma family. Thanks M3 for your quick translations realtime spazzing is so much fun.












Thanks once again to all those members who contribute with translations, MV's, fanfiction, you guys rock.









































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