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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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When I saw there is female friend in the preview I didn't have any special thoughts... From today's text preview it seems to me that besides letting SH meet his long time school friends, YH have some hidden plan for SH, needing a female friend to accompany SH?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A wild idea just come up to me... Will it be another uniform-wearing day after the 200th day? Remembered there were fanaccounts saying YongSeo visited YH's high school at the midnight? Maybe YH ask his female friend to bring along her high school uniform to lent SH? If all four of them (YongSeo and the two friends) all wearing school uniform wandering in the high school middle of the night, sounds fun and special, right?!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez















Hi Gogumas!!!


















I finally managed to sneak in a few minutes to create a post here :)


















First of all, I am very much proud and thankful that we now have our own YongSeo Fan Club. It truly shows how long we've been together supporting YongSeo. Another thing that amazes me is the fact that we are leading in terms of member counts. Let's all support our new community at Soompi :) Let's add things that can make the Fan Club better.


















To the admins and moderators, thank you so much for hearing our request. We promise to do our best to keep our Fan Club clean and safe. Hopefully, we won't bring that much trouble for you :)

























Here are some reminders from the admin about our YongSeo Fan Club,











- we will not be having any FC moderators for the couples FCs for the time being, so please do not ask. if your concern is to make the FC more awesome, then what you should do is add content: tagged images, videos, news, and blogs, as well as write stuff in the wiki information pages. most of the content is locked up within the threads, but only tagged content added on the main site will appear in the FC. that's why the FCs may appear empty right now.











- if you would like different wiki pages, you should first confer with each other about the organization, then PM me, and i'll make the changes. currently i've added "profiles" and "episode recaps" pages to the FCs.











- if you would like to contribute a banner and wallpaper, please speak to an existing FC mod about the specifications, create them, and PM the finished files to me.











- if you would like to contribute a poll, PM me and as

























Next agenda....

























DC GALLERY YongSeo Fans will be producing Yongseo Desk Calendar for 2010 and 2011 consisting of YongSeo Couple inspired artworks.


















For 2010, they'll put YongSeo episodes for every month and all important events (filming, airing, schedule, etc.) from last year will be marked as specifically as possible.


















For 2011, they'll put their dream missions for YongSeo couple every month. An example of this is the honeymoon/trip at Firenze Duomo.


















Here are some pics of the said calendar,



















































































































For more details, please go to GOGUMA HAUS








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Guest fabiistar07








Sorry to have cut your post. Anyway, you pretty much summed it up, I always thought that YongSeo was outrageously popular globally than in Korea itself. But I'm still sad to see them come last in anything (that award show really tore me, as happy as I was seeing them win the "Popularity Award"), especially when I and every other goguma can do little about it. That's why, I'm thankful that Soompi earned Korean media's recognition for YongSeo and I'm glad that we were able to buy/top online charts for Yonghwa's 'For First-Time Lovers' song.




Now my justification for why each is popular in their respective countries.




In Korea: Adam most popular - Good portrayal of an Ajumma and Ajusshi's relationship. I love them but they seriously remind of a couple who have been together for a long time, arguing about the silliest things but at the same time keeping it childish.




In China: Khuntoria ranks number 1 - Chinese one-sidedness lol. Nichkun is half Chinese and Victoria is Chinese, so obviously they'd seem awesome to Chinese people.




Rest of the World/Soompi: YongSeo Couple!! - Despite our desire to see a little Ahjumma funnily nagging her husband or a lovey-dovey couple who basically act lovey-dovey, our preference is growth. A more realistic portrayal of a relationship - one makes a mistake and then makes up for it (Yonghwa losing the first letter then how he made that apology book), expressing oneself in one form or another (Yonghwa making a song for Seohyun), giving up some bad habits in order to make the other happy (Seohyun deciding to break the wall of a bad habit of not calling first), taking initiations (Seohyun linking Yong's arm), discussing areas of development (in their home and in Japan as well), giving the other a taste of their own medicine (Seohyun played back the "pull and push" game with Yonghwa, in the end he realised how hurtful it could be and decided to never do it again) and lastly, holding hands, not when you think "Everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't we?" or "People are telling me to do it, so...", but when you feel it's the right time and the two other reasons are just excuses to motor the action you want to take. As you can see, their relationship is a gradual ongoing piece of work, they're still adjusting to one another and at the same time developing feelings, mutual affection. I don't see holes in their relationship and I certainly don't see bits and bobs flying of here and there needlessly, I see an insightful experience. Often, when I hear the MCs say "Oh, why did he say that?" etc, I'm glad he does, I want him to be himself - completely honest. No one likes pretentious people, so I'm glad he went into WGM deciding to be truthful to his virtual wife or rather I feel that he felt obliged to be truthful to Seohyun because of how pure she is (she set a good example and now he feels compelled to be everything but a liar, cheating and deceitful partner). Besides, I believe you're more likely to be accepted by the people around you if you act as yourself and not merely a character made up to satisfy others.




There are so many other reasons for our YongSeo couple, but I have to go college now and if I resume with my reasoning for why they're internationally the most popular, I'm afraid I might never make it to college. Lol.




I do hope nobody takes offense to what I have written, but if by any chance someone does, then I sincerely apologise.







Fluorescent.Flower I just loved what you said about our couple, it is deffinitely the reason why most of us love YongSeo. I love SNSD (that's one of the reasons i started watching) but this couple really shows how a true relationship should develop. I didn't watch the Adam couple, only a few episodes, but they got close really fast because they were good friends to begin with. While YongSeo didn't know eachother at all, and i just loved the process of getting comfortable with eachother because even though we really wanted them to hold halds or show some kind of skinship, we were being patient and when they finally did it all the wait was worth it and it was beautiful to see how much they've grown in their relationship. :wub:(There are much more many reasons but I gotta drop my sister off at school and i don't want her to be late b/c of me lol)




Oh! one last thing!...I'm looking foward to Saturday, when i heard about Yong's girl friend i was thinking in the back of my head "what if it was an ex-gf?" but then i thought that he'd be smarter than that so it's probably just a good girl friend he has ^_^




Can anyone tell me what time WGM is on (Korea-time) ???







And where I can stream it?







please & thank you :D





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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































I don't know why but i really like this SC... wub.gif
































































































































































































Credit to the owner.

































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Guest athrun_azzoe


About SMA, as you assume, KARA didn't attend, so there was one position in main award.

Both CNBLUE and MissA were not the nominee but both are successful enough to win it. But I am happy CNBLUE won Rookie award. Because CNBLUE have 60 times of chances to win main award till they become 80 year-old grandpa band. Yonghwa was sure of winning the grand award in SMA, maybe next time.








MC Shin: Is there anyone who is sure of winning the grand award today? Raise your hand! Nobody?




(Camera was capturing 2AM)




MC Shin: Ah Jung Yong Hwa raised hand.




MC Tak: Mr. Jung Yonghwa raised hand because he wanted to go to the rest room.




MC Shin: You may go to the rest room if you want.







just found it from cnblue thread from saturn's post.




I think it will answer our confusion :D




however, I'm still in heaven about uri yongseo. It's not even saturday. But you guys in soompi are truly DAEBAK.




I imagine my future husband will be as sweet as yong. kekekeke


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Guest crystalblue
































































































































































































Thanks to everyone you shared! Cant wait for tomorrow! Sadly, I wont stream the show, so Ill have to wait =/
































































































































Something to share.
































































First time I see this performance. I really like Yong there! His voice is so...amazing. And I love the fact that his in the middle with his white suit n_n and lucky us Hyun is at the back. It was on the firsts weeks of their marriage!
































































































































Special Performance - You raise me up
































































































































Other thing, when is the deadline for the cook book?































































































































































































































































































Hi- the cook book is being translated in to Korean and then assembly of the book- unless your recipes are in English and also translated to Korean already, at this point, it's too late for translations to get done as our translator can only help with so many and she is busy... thank you!

































































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Guest genevieveshaun
































































































































































































I don't like how the preview emphasizes that Yonghwa brought a female friend. Won't it be strange if ALL his friends who were invited were male? That would make Seohyun uncomfortable. She already feels uncomfortable with ONE male, much less a whole big gang of rowdy choding 21 year boys, who I assume have the same loud and mischievious characters as Yong (also judging by their characters in Yong's infamous school bus video)
































































































































I actually was hoping there's an even number of male and female so the whole scenario would be more light hearted and balanced. Anyway, it's very thoughtful of Yong to invite one female friend. That female friend must be someone that Yong respects...
































































































































And I think Yongseo is so popular internationally much more than the Adam couple and Khuntoria couple is because the Yongseo relationship is very un-westernised, very conservative in a way that all of us are so fascinated by!  I mentioned this before, and I'll say it again. If a relationship has 10 stages (1 to 10). Stage 1 being 'acquaintance' to flirting to dating to skinship to more skinship (physical) to engagement to  Stage 10 being marriage, for example. The yongseo relationship takes the FIRST stage of the relationship and ZOOMS IN to that first stage and ENLARGENS that first stage such that they portray the MANY MANY steps within that FIRST dating stage. These are steps that either INVISIBLE or DOES NOT EXIST in a normal 'modern day relationship'. We are too used to relationships that are too open, and too Hollywood-movie-like, like forming physical relationships too fast. Or dating several people at a time. 
































































































































Similarly, the ADAM couple are quite sequential in their relationship building (they kissed!! woo!!) and also Khuntoria who skips some steps and way too advanced (hahaha). Things like that DO NOT REALLY APPEAL TO US INTERNATIONAL PEOPLE!!!  Hahaha. 
































































































































And also, the non-korean world is so fascinated and amused by YONGSEO couple because that kind of relationship is not so common nowadays in today's very 'modern' and 'liberated' world. I'm from Singapore and have lived in westernised countries like Australia, France and the USA...while I can't speak for everyone, the relationships that I've witnessed are all very much open and quick paced and decisive and 'mean' to some extent. So this is my theory why international people are so fascinated by the Yongseo couple... They are like a magic couple from a cute story book that we've never experienced real life.  Whereas the Khuntoria and Adam couple while their interactions are very cute, they are somehow very normal. Something I see everyday...
































































































































Lastly I must say.. Jung Yong Hwa.. And Seoh Joo Hyun are TWO GENIUSES. Really talented people both off screen and on screen. Both of them, in my opinion, are PRODIGIES. At 21 years old, Yonghwa is amazing and talented composer and singer. Seriously, the songs like Banmal song, if that's not OUT OF THIS WORLD, I don't know what is. Both the melody and lyrics doesnt come from any normal guy just entering adulthood. Also his other songs he wrote like Love Light, Y Why, Tattoo, I don't know why are all so amazing.. He's truly God Gift's to Woman kind.. I mean, mankind.  And Seohyun playing those Chopin and Beethoven pieces really impressed me. She has a natural aura that she doesn't seem to be aware of. I think she will soon realize that when she grows older. I think her maknae special during the SBS Gayo Daejun 2010 really changed my impression of her.. She transformed from a GIRL to a WOMAN that day!! Wow!!! happy.gif She makes everything she does seem so effortless. She is one hardworking and diligent girl... and very very clever.
































































































































2 of them have very distinct unique characters from each other, thus they can learn from each other. Seohyun can learn from Yong hwa's charisma, outgoing-ness, light-heartedness and choding-ness, while Yong Hwa can learn from Seohyun's rational thinking, practicality, her deep thoughts, book-reading (very important!), and good values. Seohyun i s a very mentally strong girl. Probably the strongest 19 year old I know of.
































































































































One very important factor on why they complement each other is because of their HUMILITY! blink.gif They are so humble despite their talent. Seriously in the Kpop industry, they are definitely one of the most humble people. They have no airs, and are very respectful to people around them. I don't know how they can be SOOO TALENTED, yet so humble. vicx.gif That's what makes their relationship have the MOST POTENTIAL... they are willing to learn from each other..and grow..
































































































































They are so humble in real life yet when the TWO OF THEM perform on stage (CN Blue and SNSD), both of them turn into LIONS. Confident, hot and sexayeeee. wub.gif Seriously. Hyun looks shy, but she's so confident on stage. Same with Yonghwa, he's the most confident especially when performing the rap and 'hand actions' parts of Loner and Love.
































































































































To end off this post,
































































































































I would love to see them go for COOKING CLASSES on WGM!!! Since both of them can't cook to save their lives wub.gif
































































































































I want to see them over cooking a turkey! And making a mess in the kitchen! Or Yong being a clown at cooking class, and dis-obeying the cooking teacher, and I would love to see Seohyun reprimanding Yong... Hahaha.

































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Guest finalemarch






Heya! I read that SNSD were cheering for Yonghwa and the boys when they won..


Anyone can find the link? I want to see Seohyun's reaction and whether anyone started hitting her again. (Prob nt since Yuri was the MC.) Haha.


Anyway, the female friend might be a wedding coordinator or some sort? Or photographer?


There must be a reason Yonghwa invited her..


And, once again a shoutout for the video link of Seohyun when the CN Blue boys won.. Thanks in advance!



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Guest soshisoshisoshi




oh wow!!!!!!! you guys are seriously awesome!!


I just can't help to visit this thread, and leave a few words. Yes, it's finally what we've been waiting for!! it's saturday already!! (in the place I live) so YONGSEO DAY everyone :wub:.



I just need to repost this post since it's a good post to clear up your doubts of why they don't interact so much "outside" WGM




I totally agree with revelmonk.  




I think the media will naturally make a fuss if they see  some interaction because that's what the public wants to see, so  Hollywood right? But what actually lures me in to the blossoming  relationship of Yonghwa and Seohyun is their innocence. Their progress  reminds me of the stereo-typical "my-first-romance". Do you guys  remember the first time your crush walked passed you in high school, and  you "pretended" not to mind him but deep inside you are screaming on  top of your lungs in panic, dumbfounded and thinking to yourself "Oh my  gosh, what do I do? Do I say hi? Do I smile? Wait, do I look okay? Is my  hair fixed?". And after that 5 second encounter, you replay again and  again that one instance for the rest of the day. And as it turns out,  your boy crush was also trembling inside but keeping his cool because  he's a guy but deep inside he's thinking of what best conversation  striker to bring up to you without looking lame.




This is my best  attempt on what's probably going on Yonghwa and Seohyun's mind and  hearts. Their attempt to avoid each other is so obvious that they are  secretly wishing they could hang out more out in the open. On the  outside, they may shy away from the many people teasing them they're  perfect for each other but deep inside, they're actually hoping for it  to be true. Its those pathetic moments that keep the butterflies in our  tummies and color us flushed red in romance. It's those small instances  that make me believe they are indeed, REAL.






You know what?? I think this is what we should have in mind! I agree with this post because I actually felt the same way when I meet my crush outside. Eventhough we always talk together, maybe studying together, but when we somehow meet unexpectedly in some places, I would actually ignore her, but deep in my mind I was actually HAPPY LIKE CRAZY!!! After reading unnieria's post, I think I understand that maybe my crush was actually thinking about the same thing (I'm sorry if it's not YongSeo-related, but oh well).




About the preview, I agree with genevieveshaun, I think MBC is trying to pull a "jealous feel", hence boosting viewer's curiosity (including us). I cannot imagine how Hyun will behave if all of the friends are male (although that means she will surely lean on Yong a lot :wub:). So I think the female friend of Yong can chit-chat with Hyun on many things, from girl's stuff and other things, and perhaps giving advice on how to handle Yong well. But most of all, I want to see Yonghwa's REAL BUSAN accent. why do I say "real"? It's his friends he is meeting, so the conversation might sound funny and lively, and I'm also curious on how Hyun can pull out that accent with Yong's friends............ THE EPISODE SEEMS REALLY INTERESTING!!



bezbezbez............ I PM-ed you



EDIT: how disrespectful I am by not thanking MountainMadman for his translation....... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Oh, I'm anticipating your trans for WGM episode today! fighting!





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Hi everyone!
































































































you know i kind of have a doubt at the moment... it is about Yongseo's 1º anniversary .
































































































If their 200th day was on 29th Aug then their first anniversary will be...21st Jan?...ahm...today? or maybe i count wrong...Mm...I'm not sure...T-T 

































































































































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Guest just_a_dream












@genevieveshaun..very good point there thoughbiggrin.gif.




 i just thought of that, what they had may not be real, as in REAL bf/gf relationship, but the feelings between them seem so real to merolleyes.gif. they are like not portraying for the sake of the program but for their hearts content. i mean i'm 21 (coming 22 thoughvicx.gif), I've been in that situation where relationship really develops that way. it's a slowly but surely processmellow.gif where one gets to know that person and became fond of that persons presence. 




i would not expect them to date for real at this stage of their career, specially wherein CN Blue is at its honeymoon stage in the industry, but i could foresee a beautiful mutual understanding between this two. the moments they've shared were just so priceless to waste. I mean if I were to be in Hyuns' shoes, no one really can't dictate me not to remember and treasure all those happenings. 




as a song goes "the first cut is the deepest"excl.gif. this just means that what Hyun had or experienced because of Yong will forever be rooted in her. i had this quote "there's always a first time", well that really applies to Hyun and to everyone.




i guess am posting too long already, have to put a dot to this, but before that THANKS to all the translators, for the fancam, caps, pics, fanart (etc..) contributors and to everyone who've been sharing their diverse POVs..love reading them always..love you allwub.gif,it's 12:58AM here in the Philippines already, better sleep..YongSeo fighting!.





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Guest MountainMadman

Quick question for everyone: during the live stream of tonight's WGM, I'm thinking of providing live translations in our chatbox at our fanclub page. Not the complete trans, mind you (I can't type that fast, LOL), but a few sentences here and there so you guys can get the gist of what's going on. What do you think? Good idea?

EDIT: Yes, I will still provide the full translations later, and it will be in our very own Soompi chatbox (not in Sweetpotatodays, etc.).

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i hope certain people read this..it seems every time there is an awards ceremony and if yong and hyun are near each other but don't say hi to each other or interact with each other, they will say something is wrong or they didn't like it. I hope those people realize yong and hyun aren't like that in that they like to keep somethings private (especially if their relationship is progressing). They also don't do it because why would they want to bring extra media and fan attention to each other unnecessarily when they know that people are looking out for exactly that.

This issue came up with some people especially during the kbs, sbs year end gayo music programs people speculated that yong and hyun had an argument and weren't talking to each other when they were near each other on stage..what ridiculousness btw...however now we have fancams and accounts of their mall date where they were laughing, talking extensively, and playing with each other. You can see what overanalyzing something does, it just creates unneeded confusion.

You can also obviously see from the backstage of episode 29 and 30 of wgm that they greet each other often backstage where the korean media and fan cameras won't pick up their every gesture and then analyze it as something more or less than what it is.

I hope people stop speculating or putting unrealistic expectations on yong and hyun to do something that would make them embarrased or uncomfortable just to satisfy their need to see the two being intimate in public.

revelmonk, i like your post!

yes, gogumas are fond of speculating abt yongseo, BUT as far as i can see,

most are done light heartedly and in a teasing kind of way that we all laugh it off.

its more of a delusional kind of speculation which i like. :)

trust me..i am not into analysing or over critical..it gives me a headache.. :crazy:

so it shocked me that there are some who are ready to jump into their own conclusions

when they see zero interactions btwn yongseo.

goodness! are there ppl who think yongseo has a fight/quarrel, just because they do not acknowledge each other? seriously?! is that what they think?!

wow! that is just a bit over the top..

yongseo is just playing smart by not feeding the media too much. ;)

the delusional me is just happy that they are at least together in the same room..

who cares if they do not acknowledge each other...

as long as they can feel each other's presence..that is good enough for me.. ^_^


and where is my manners?

tks to bolmaejung, aneng and M3 for preview and fast translations.

also to EVERYONE for links and caps

wave at panGG! long time no see, girl! daebak caps!

M3, a v good idea indeed! but u are still going to trans

the whole thing again later right?

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Guest ahn_annann
































50th Anniversary MBC "Korean Music Wave in Bangkok" on March 12th, 2011












C.N.Blue and Girls Generation will be joined in the concert, how great if YongSeo will sing a "Banmal song" together.












*Please press "like" for Yongseo & "Banmal song" to show our supporting























link >>









































And also we (Thai fans@wgm.pantip.com) will propose this project to the concert's Staffs.






































Thank you so much,




























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Guest puccahahaha

Quick question for everyone: during the live stream of tonight's WGM, I'm thinking of providing live translations in our chatbox at our fanclub page. Not the complete trans, mind you (I can't type that fast, LOL), but a few sentences here and there so you guys can get the gist of what's going on. What do you think? Good idea?

wow thanks sooo much

that will be great if you can do it :X

i don't know how much times i have to say thank you to youuuuu :x

thanks for your helps :x 

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Guest bubbly_zu






ohmy thank you so much if you want to do it  :w00t:  :)


I'm sure all the goguma would love it to :D


do you mean sweetpotato chat box blog???



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sorry..its me again.. :sweatingbullets:

last post before going to bed...

i love the idea of yong bringing in his female friend

to meet buin. yes, hyun and the girl can indulge in some girls talk.

and i think by bringing in another female into their group,

yong can rest assured that all eyes will not focus on his beautiful wife only! ;)

ah! what if that girl was the girl who defeated yong in the pool game?

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Guest MQPheartsYS












so excited for tonight's episode.




ever since i read the preview last night, i've been giggling like a crazy person imagining seohyun's reaction to yong's female friend.  i can totally picture her asking "is she your ex?" lolol oh man, that would be so epic. laugh.gif








thanks, guys, for sharing pics, previews, translations, etc. i won't mention any names since i don't want to leave anyone out; you guys know who you are. rolleyes.gifwub.gif








edit: yoona fancam but you can see seobaby going to her seat coming from red carpet, and then yonghwa and jonghyun taking their seats right after.












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Guest k.rivera19
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i was looking through some sma videos and came across this cut ... and guess what i saw ... so close :w00t:sncn.jpg

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..