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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Weirdly, MBC just released the preview on WGM site and I think it's different from what was posted here earlier.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : 내 남자의 여자친구(?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































둘만의 데이트를 즐기기 위해 해운대 바닷가로 나간 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































오붓함도 잠시, 갈매기들과의 急만남에 드넓은 백사장은 아비규환(?)으로 변하고~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































부산의 명소인 오륙도 투어 유람선에 오른 용서부부,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































곧 신기한 바다 경관과 시원한 바닷바람에 점점 빠져드는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그런데, 현 부인이 자꾸만 용 남편에게 ‘눈치가 없다’고 하는 이유는 왜일까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이제는 드디어 용 남편의 ‘절친’인 ‘두.맥.팸’ 멤버들을 만날 시간!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그 중, 용 남편의 유일한 홍일점 여자 친구를 본 현 부인의 반응은?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 현 부인은 폭풍 사투리가 오가는 용 남편의 친구들과 친해질 수 있을까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's what bolmaejung had shared so the translators can compare:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* 서현, 남편 정용화의 소꿉친구를 만나다!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































지난 주, 정용화의 고향인 부산으로 여행을 떠났던 용서부부. 이번 주는 해운대 바닷가에서 갈매기와의 달콤 살벌(?)한 시간을 보내는 등 부부만의 오붓한 시간을 보낸 후, 용 남편의 소꿉친구들과의 만남이 이어진다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































정용화의 친구들은 초등학생 때부터 정용화와 함께 학창시절을 보낸 10년 지기 친구들. 어머니 앞에선 과묵남이 됐던 정용화는 친구들을 만나니 다시금 부산스타일 용초딩으로 돌아왔고, 부산토박이 정용화의 친구들은 상도동 새댁 서현마저 금세 자신들에게 적응시켰다는 전언.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































특히, 이날 모인 정용화의 소꿉친구들 중에는 여자 친구도 있어 이목을 끌었다고. 정용화가 이 여자 친구를 초대한 데에는 특별한 이유가 있었다는데.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 용남편의 속내는 무엇이었을지, 현부인은 부산 사투리 작렬하는 남편과 남편의 소꿉친구들 사이에서 좋은 추억을 만들고 갈 수 있을지, 이와 같은 내용은 오는 22일 오후 5시 10분 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 방송될 예정이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Phoebechiu






I don't want to go into details about the voting for the "best couple award", but let's just say there was cheating going on and you can't simply based it on that. However; Adam couple definitely deserved the award and it's a fact that they are the most popular in Korea.




http://gall.dcinside....php?id=married (WGM DC gall) is where most Korean fans spazz/discuss rumors and it is/was dominated by Adam & Yongseo fans. Although I read that Adam fans created their own cafe/website after they left the show though. And recently I've been seeing more posts by Khuntoria fans after the Adam couple left?





Anyways, I watched a few episodes of the first season, but does anyone know if any couple invited their non-celebrity friends to appear on the show? I remember it's usually their families/celebrity friends/group members right?  Yonghwa doesn't have to take it that far to introduce his childhood friends when it's only a fake marriage. ...Interesting. :)








I also have the same question in my mind.  Is he the first one who introduces the fake spouse to non-celebrity friends in WGM?  If that's true, I believe something must be going on between them.   If they are mere partners in this show,  I don't  think that the PD would ask him to do such thing.  I can not agree with you more.  It's a little bit too far to do that when it's only a fake marriage.  Actually, I think Yong should be the one who suggested the meeting with his childhood friends. 


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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































@hyuksu: I agree with u, I've never trusted in the POLL, there are many ways to cheating. I went to WGM DC gall & MBC website, there're many comments, news, discussions about Yongseo (not many about Khuntoria), & some members in our forums is Korean & they said Yongseo famous as much as Adam in Korea, so I think Yongseo more famous than Khuntoria in Korea (of course I think Khuntoria still the most famous in China)
































































































@reventmonk: agree with u, why someone said they seem have no interaction & wonder there's something wrong between them. They're idol, their every move is in camera, if they just look at each other, it gonna be on news. Hug to congratute? mention Yong or Hyun on their speech when they win an award? no, I've never expected they happened. Be real, I've never seen any famous couple in Korea intimate in public, moreover, Yongseo is not official couple out of WGM, how can they do that?  I always try to think as I'm in their position, as I said I believe in them, it's more easier for me than to suspect them:blush: 

































































































































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Guest unnieria














I totally agree with revelmonk.










I think the media will naturally make a fuss if they see some interaction because that's what the public wants to see, so Hollywood right? But what actually lures me in to the blossoming relationship of Yonghwa and Seohyun is their innocence. Their progress reminds me of the stereo-typical "my-first-romance". Do you guys remember the first time your crush walked passed you in high school, and you "pretended" not to mind him but deep inside you are screaming on top of your lungs in panic, dumbfounded and thinking to yourself "Oh my gosh, what do I do? Do I say hi? Do I smile? Wait, do I look okay? Is my hair fixed?". And after that 5 second encounter, you replay again and again that one instance for the rest of the day. And as it turns out, your boy crush was also trembling inside but keeping his cool because he's a guy but deep inside he's thinking of what best conversation striker to bring up to you without looking lame.










This is my best attempt on what's probably going on Yonghwa and Seohyun's mind and hearts. Their attempt to avoid each other is so obvious that they are secretly wishing they could hang out more out in the open. On the outside, they may shy away from the many people teasing them they're perfect for each other but deep inside, they're actually hoping for it to be true. Its those pathetic moments that keep the butterflies in our tummies and color us flushed red in romance. It's those small instances that make me believe they are indeed, REAL.



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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
































































































In Korea: Adam most popular
































































In China: Khuntoria ranks number 1
































































Rest of the World/Soompi: YongSeo Couple!!
































































I guess rest of the world is really the best, then they can conquer the world! Haha ^^















































































































Sorry to have cut your post. Anyway, you pretty much summed it up, I always thought that YongSeo was outrageously popular globally than in Korea itself. But I'm still sad to see them come last in anything (that award show really tore me, as happy as I was seeing them win the "Popularity Award"), especially when I and every other goguma can do little about it. That's why, I'm thankful that Soompi earned Korean media's recognition for YongSeo and I'm glad that we were able to buy/top online charts for Yonghwa's 'For First-Time Lovers' song.
































































Now my justification for why each is popular in their respective countries.
































































In Korea: Adam most popular - Good portrayal of an Ajumma and Ajusshi's relationship. I love them but they seriously remind of a couple who have been together for a long time, arguing about the silliest things but at the same time keeping it childish.
































































In China: Khuntoria ranks number 1 - Chinese one-sidedness lol. Nichkun is half Chinese and Victoria is Chinese, so obviously they'd seem awesome to Chinese people.
































































Rest of the World/Soompi: YongSeo Couple!! - Despite our desire to see a little Ahjumma funnily nagging her husband or a lovey-dovey couple who basically act lovey-dovey, our preference is growth. A more realistic portrayal of a relationship - one makes a mistake and then makes up for it (Yonghwa losing the first letter then how he made that apology book), expressing oneself in one form or another (Yonghwa making a song for Seohyun), giving up some bad habits in order to make the other happy (Seohyun deciding to break the wall of a bad habit of not calling first), taking initiations (Seohyun linking Yong's arm), discussing areas of development (in their home and in Japan as well), giving the other a taste of their own medicine (Seohyun played back the "pull and push" game with Yonghwa, in the end he realised how hurtful it could be and decided to never do it again) and lastly, holding hands, not when you think "Everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't we?" or "People are telling me to do it, so...", but when you feel it's the right time and the two other reasons are just excuses to motor the action you want to take. As you can see, their relationship is a gradual ongoing piece of work, they're still adjusting to one another and at the same time developing feelings, mutual affection. I don't see holes in their relationship and I certainly don't see bits and bobs flying of here and there needlessly, I see an insightful experience. Often, when I hear the MCs say "Oh, why did he say that?" etc, I'm glad he does, I want him to be himself - completely honest. No one likes pretentious people, so I'm glad he went into WGM deciding to be truthful to his virtual wife or rather I feel that he felt obliged to be truthful to Seohyun because of how pure she is (she set a good example and now he feels compelled to be everything but a liar, cheating and deceitful partner). Besides, I believe you're more likely to be accepted by the people around you if you act as yourself and not merely a character made up to satisfy others.
































































There are so many other reasons for our YongSeo couple, but I have to go college now and if I resume with my reasoning for why they're internationally the most popular, I'm afraid I might never make it to college. Lol.
































































I do hope nobody takes offense to what I have written, but if by any chance someone does, then I sincerely apologise.

































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Can anyone translet this prew , pls.... thx ^^
































" 용화♡서현 : 내 남자의 여자친구(?)
































둘만의 데이트를 즐기기 위해 해운대 바닷가로 나간 용화♡서현!
































오붓함도 잠시, 갈매기들과의 急만남에 드넓은 백사장은 아비규환(?)으로 변하고~
































부산의 명소인 오륙도 투어 유람선에 오른 용서부부,
































곧 신기한 바다 경관과 시원한 바닷바람에 점점 빠져드는데~
































그런데, 현 부인이 자꾸만 용 남편에게 ‘눈치가 없다’고 하는 이유는 왜일까?
































이제는 드디어 용 남편의 ‘절친’인 ‘두.맥.팸’ 멤버들을 만날 시간!
































그 중, 용 남편의 유일한 홍일점 여자 친구를 본 현 부인의 반응은?
































과연 현 부인은 폭풍 사투리가 오가는 용 남편의 친구들과 친해질 수 있을까? "

































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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































" 용화♡서현 : 내 남자의 여자친구(?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































둘만의 데이트를 즐기기 위해 해운대 바닷가로 나간 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































오붓함도 잠시, 갈매기들과의 急만남에 드넓은 백사장은 아비규환(?)으로 변하고~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































부산의 명소인 오륙도 투어 유람선에 오른 용서부부,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































곧 신기한 바다 경관과 시원한 바닷바람에 점점 빠져드는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그런데, 현 부인이 자꾸만 용 남편에게 ‘눈치가 없다’고 하는 이유는 왜일까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이제는 드디어 용 남편의 ‘절친’인 ‘두.맥.팸’ 멤버들을 만날 시간!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그 중, 용 남편의 유일한 홍일점 여자 친구를 본 현 부인의 반응은?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 현 부인은 폭풍 사투리가 오가는 용 남편의 친구들과 친해질 수 있을까? "































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's the chinese translations.


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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looking forward to tomorrow's wgm. :)

































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here's the chinese translations.
































































































































































































































容和*quoted image*徐贤:我男人的女朋友(?)
































































































































































































































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cr. baidu goguma forum
































































































































































































































opps, i top the page.
































































































































































































































looking forward to tomorrow's wgm. :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. to baidu goguma forum
































































































































































































































Thx Cilipadi_22 for posting the chinese translation.
































































































































































































































I will based on the Chinese translation to translate:
































































































































































































































Yong & Hyun : My man's girlfriend?
































































































































































































































YongSeo went to the beach for a date. But the happiness is short due to the attack of the seagull~
































































































































































































































YongSeo went on a board ride and they slowly felt for the nice scenery and bliss of the ocean~ but Hyun complain on Yong's "un-sensitiveness", what is the reason behind of Hyun's complain?
































































































































































































































It is time to meet up Yong's closest friends. What is Hyun's reaction of meeting Yong's only girl-friend?
































































































































































































































Can Hyun use the satoori well to get closer with Yong's friends?
































































































































































































































Cheers!! Looking forward tomorrow GOGOMA DAY~~!!! blush.gif

































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B4 i begin, thanks to all the translators(mountainmadman,dduk etc) for your wonderful translations be it articles or the show itself...
































































Been Reading the past few pages regarding how reserved Yongseo are in public etc...
































































actually if everyone look at all the episodes carefully, they seem to have a certain unspoken rules regarding holding hand in public...
































































1. the first handholding: the double birthday ep... (late at night)
































































2.the daebak "busan man" style of the japan trip...(late at night)
































































3. the night at the beach...(late at night)
































































4.the walk back to yong's dorm... (very few people or passerby around...)
































































5. the latest ep where they walk from the restaurant down to the beach...(very few people or passerby around...)
































































given the fact that there maybe more scenes due to cut etc, but most of their handholding are done where they are very few people around ... they never hold hand where there are a lot of people around... example like the recent filming... (maybe i will be proven wrong with that episode)
































































that's y i guess at award ceremonies (esp after the GDA "hi-5" fancam...) they try to be a bit indifferent to each other and not the usual acknowledgements that close friends (maybe a bf-gf relationship wink.gif) share... backstage scenes i will not speculate since we cant see anything...

something i realised.... both gda and sma are all covered by ystar... they seems to have a very high interest in SNSD... you can see most of the cams or even behind the stage scene of SNSD more than any other idols...
































































































































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Guest karen90611
















































B4 i begin, thanks to all the translators(mountainmadman,dduk etc) for your wonderful translations be it articles or the show itself...
















Been Reading the past few pages regarding how reserved Yongseo are in public etc...
































actually if everyone look at all the episodes carefully, they seem to have a certain unspoken rules regarding holding hand in public...
































1. the first handholding: the double birthday ep... (late at night)
















2.the daebak "busan man" style of the japan trip...(late at night)
















3. the night at the beach...(late at night)
















4.the walk back to yong's dorm... (very few people or passerby around...)
















5. the latest ep where they walk from the restaurant down to the beach...(very few people or passerby around...)
































given the fact that there maybe more scenes due to cut etc, but most of their handholding are done where they are very few people around ... they never hold hand where there are a lot of people around... example like the recent filming... (maybe i will be proven wrong with that episode)
































that's y i guess at award ceremonies (esp after the GDA "hi-5" fancam...) they try to be a bit indifferent to each other and not the usual acknowledgements that close friends (maybe a bf-gf relationship *quoted image*) share... backstage scenes i will not speculate since we cant see anything...






















































































hello ,it's my first time here ^^keke .i am from china, baidu goguma forum.
















according to the messages from korean fans on the spot when yongseo were filming wgm , one typed something undirectly online "their hands ...hands...keke"
















most of our chinese fans guessed they were holding hands...kekeke
















my english is poor ,i hope it does not matter to communicate with you 

















































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lol how silly of me, i thought today is saturday and i went to kpopflash then i realise it is friday..end up watching music bank :) enough of that..




as for me , i dun really care who r more popular, adam couple, khuntoria or goguma . It doesnt matter 2 me cuz im in love with our couple. Even if no one like our couple i will always love them no matter what people say..




I dun think yong will invite his ex to meet Hyun. If he do, then his ex can say goodbye cuz now she is just a fren to yong. No man will invite his ex to meet someone he met especially a new girlfren, man will invite his ex if he already over her. In this case i think she is just a fellow good fren..that's all.


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The title is hilarious. It's about the episode tomorrow. Please, Seohyun...show me your jealous side. D:

































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The title is hilarious. It's about the episode tomorrow. Please, Seohyun...show me your jealous side. D:

sorry want to click (+), but by accident click (-). really sorry. just want to thank you about bringing a nice article, and see what i did.

cant wait for tomorrow, may be we will see Seohyun jealous and yonghwa happy:-)


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Thanks to everyone you shared! Cant wait for tomorrow! Sadly, I wont stream the show, so Ill have to wait =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Something to share.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First time I see this performance. I really like Yong there! His voice is so...amazing. And I love the fact that his in the middle with his white suit n_n and lucky us Hyun is at the back. It was on the firsts weeks of their marriage!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Special Performance - You raise me up
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Other thing, when is the deadline for the cook book?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I uploaded the video at Youtube that puukpui shared:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's just a one minute video about the couple's upcoming first anniversary (I counted, 22 days left). But despite how short the video is, the creator definitely made it as simple yet beautiful as our couple. It shows how in span of 365 days (and counting), the show helped these two high-profile persons to be more knowledgeable in terms of friendship and relationship. It helped them enjoy and experience something most Korean idols have been wishing to do. I'm glad that they both grew up more beautiful as they were even before they met.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The video would give you an impact that only a loyal fan can feel.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This post is totally random. -__-

































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After reading to some of the comments regarding the article from nate, just wondering, is it bad for a guy to have a closefriend which is a girl? I don't know in korean culture but in our country its ok. And yong introducing her to hyun, for me its cool and maybe yong and his friend that happen to be a girl is also a SNSD fanatic. That is why maybe yong invited her because its a chance of a lifetime, if your a fan and meeting your idol and that idol of yours is a virtual wife of your friend, wow!!! lucky her... now i wish i had a friend who happen to know any of my idols...hehehehebiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Anyway we will have just to wait for tom then...right gogumas?





Thanks M3 for the translation!!!



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Guest MountainMadman

A few things I saw while lurking around the DC Gallery:

-there's a rumor that Seohyun MIGHT guest on Running Man. Again, this is a RUMOR. There's a lot of talk about how they might've possibly been 'baited' (i.e. fallen for a troll). But still, rumors are rumors. Wouldn't start spazzing quite yet, though.

-Yonghwa's appearance on GAG Concert will be aired this Sunday.

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Guest kasia3goguma
























































































































C: dc married









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