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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest scatterbrain


dunno why. but i'm so happy to see yonghwa's interactions with one of his bro-in-law. sungmin of SuJu. they are like really good friends. video credit to susiayh. it's fancam of KBS gayo.

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hmm..talking abt yong dancing, if given the choice,

i would prefer him to sit at a corner with his amazing electric stuffs,

writing a song, inspired by wifey who is dancing for him.. :P:lol:

whether he can dance or not, its all up to our preferences..really...

YSforever, tks for the update.

i see some of the old spazzers/chingus names missing from the list.

I'll PM them..

wow! Anink, tks for that pic!

yong always says hyun likes to copy him..but there is no denying he copies her too :rolleyes:

M3 or any goguma, any idea if the DC project on yongseo 2011 calender is for sale?

i see some fantastic artwork there and its worth the keep!

hacker, hi there! wave back to u dear..

i have forgotten all abt gollum until i saw kubih's post..

gollum indeed! ^_^

looking at aneng's posted pic of the boys coming back from jpn,

i know i am not the only one who has this silly grin..

lots of imagination coming to my mind..

(him calling buin..gifts from jpn..etc etc)

i am being delusional here...this is just me..

a shout-out to j2 and sun_sun.

u angels CANNOT disappear just like that. we miss u both!

something random, just feel like sharing it here

i've been trying to convince this collegue of mine to listen to CN BLue for mnths

and i even asked her to come along to see the boys when they came to SG last yr.

but w/out success! her reason was..they are rookies! *bleh*

so i give up!

the other day, our local channel showed an award show(idk what award was that)

and CN Blue performed 'i'm a loner' and bam! my collegue went ga-ga.

so now, everyday, i have to listen to her praising and sharing all abt the boys which

i already know, *duh* and i wish she'd just shut up! hahahaha..*i'm being mean*

there is a small poster of CN Blue which i paste next to my PC, *for inspiration, u know*

and now she wants that too...*aish*...

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Guest angg_jagiya


I know you are all happy with the latest ep, i happy too but I really emotional at this time. tears.giftears.gif




This is real life..Separation was really painful, Often tears as friends..






I am so sad watching the final episode couple Adam. They only know day before they marriage ended. very cruel...they both cried and i cry a lot too..this program makes my heart hurt/broken heart..




I hope my beloved couple *Yongseo spent time each other with love and appreciate of their time in the We Got Married, I can not imagine how many days, weeks I will cry if see their marriage ends.





sorry guys~




never stop love yongseo..


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Guest fabiistar07












I think Yong can dance for someone who said he was a bad dancer keke







He's not as great as someone who has been trained to dance but he's pretty good and I'm sure that if be tried hard and practice more he'd be GREAT ^_^




Something out of topic







I've uploaded a FMV of Yong's banmal song with videos of WGM







It's the 2nd time it has gotten taken down :tears: But I really wish to share it to everyone







Is there any tips/tricks so that it doesn't get taken down?







Because I've seen some videos that have wgm clips and are still there





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Guest InTokgoguma




anyyong goguma!!!

i'm really happy to be one of this amazing family..

im sorry for not often spazzing with you all.. (it is because of my poor english)..

but i never let my days without open this thread.. i'm always in lurker mode..



btw, last episode was so heartwarming.. the interaction of hyun buin n MIL was so natural n real..

jeongmal they are too real to be fake.. MIL loves seohyun.. and i believe that Yong's love for seohyun grow more after saw hyun's effort to approach his family..

I hope they are gonna be real couple in the future..


and please include me to the list.. i'm from INDONESIA..




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Hey guys! Nice to finally talk to you... I've been a lurker for the last couple of months ^__^


The last episode was really adorable, though there wasn't much between yong and hyun, still Hyun accomplished her mission! ;D MIL adores her :D




Anywho, please put me on the list. I'm from NORWAY  :D


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Guest rizeleth



hello everyone :w00t:

First time poster here but a silent lurker for such a long time...

I'm actually a fan of WGM in general

because at first the concept of the show is really unique (well at least for me)

I watched season one faithfully though stop for a while after the original couple all went away.

I cried in all their episode but i was never this crazy for one couple.

I never downloaded episodes except this one because I was promoting it to my friends.

And, I can proudly say that I have good PR because i made 10 of my friends into gogumalovers.

Two of which are men and one of them become as crazy about yongseo as me.

Whenever we are together we can't help but talk and talk about this couple

And she actually dubbed YONGSEO as her comfort zone because we are already in our

final semester in college and it's very taxing however YONGSEO made her feel relax.

Anyways, I'm babbling already. sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

Just want to say thanks to everyone in this forum for giving everyday yongseo goodness..

And can you please add me and my friend in the list. We're from Philippines.

ME (rizeleth) and my friend (eugenie)

THANKS :P:D:w00t:


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Guest generatiionstar


Something out of topic

I've uploaded a FMV of Yong's banmal song with videos of WGM

It's the 2nd time it has gotten taken down :tears: But I really wish to share it to everyone

Is there any tips/tricks so that it doesn't get taken down?

Because I've seen some videos that have wgm clips and are still there

It was because of WGM videos you put in there. YouTube has some contract with MBC that says people can't upload content from their channel or whatever. What I advise you to do is to add tags to it that aren't predictable; like instead of putting "Yonghwa" or "Seohyun" you should put "Yongseo" or "Seohwa" and don't allow ANY comments with the show name. Also it's good to mix some videos from WGM with pictures so it makes it harder to find. I hope that helps sweatingbullets.gif



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i want to share some lines i read from the book hyun gave yong at the iced red-bean shop, 'letters to sam'. when i read those lines, i think of them.




'real security only comes when we are comfortable with who we are (and the feeling is enhanced when we are in a relationship where there is mutual love and understanding). real happiness is a byproduct of a life well lived.'

'... death is not your enemy. knowing that your life has an endpoint will help you appreciate every moment you're alive. death helps you understand life's precious gifts.'




when i read the second quote above last saturday, just after watching the last ep of adam couple, i thought of it in this way : 'ending is not my enemy. knowing that their married life has an endpoint will help me appreciate every moment i have with them. ending helps me understand the precious gifts they give me. '




i have a very silly thought. i don't want hyun to speak banmal to yong. if she had spoken banmal to yong in earlier ep, like the iced red-bean shop ep or in the japan trip ep, that's okay, but really not now. i want them to go back to what they were in the beginning, i don't mind not seeing them not holding hands, not linking arms, not feeling as comfortable as they feel now, not smiling as happy as they are now.




but one thing always comforts me. i know yong will keep in touch with hyun after that, just like how he still keeps in touch with psy (the actress in you're beautiful) now. i believe him.




again, forgive me to express my stupid feelings here, hope you understand me...


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Guest hannah_cao89
















































hey everybody!!!
















Just rewatch all the eps from 1 to 40, WOW !! It's totally DeaBak!!! YongSeo couple is becoming closer days by days. They really go a long way. Hope this will last forever. 
















I couldn't reply longer cuz I have to do my assignment now :((  Just passing here because of missing you guys so much.
















Ah don't forget to put me on list . I'm from Vietnam :) Thankyou so much!

















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morning! where's everybody? zealous, dduk,bezbezb, aneng and the rest of the family? missing all your updates...;) just dropping by before my flight to singapore, coz for sure i cant follow all your POV's and news with our lovely couple in most of my time (huhuhu) but i'll try to catch up in the evening! so my go-chun and gogoma family have a blessed week ahead and stay all happy and inlove! Godbless you all!


hugzzz & kisses...:wub:^_^





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Guest rainie029
































































ahaha..i know that i has been shared but it is just so cute..
































































like wife like husband... :P
































































































































kyaa..the skinship of yongseo is just LOVE.. I NEVER THOUGHT THAT HOLDING HANDS WILL BE THIS TOO SWEET.. :)
































































YongSeo is just so sweet...
































































everytime i hear holding hands YongSeo came to mind first :P

































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Guest yongseoisreal






hello goguma villagers, yongseo shippers, gollums~~


first time posting here..


please put me in the list ok..


proud to be in this big, happy, go-chun family..


by the way, i'm from MALAYSIA~~



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Guest fabiistar07








It was because of WGM videos you put in there. YouTube has some contract with MBC that says people can't upload content from their channel or whatever. What I advise you to do is to add tags to it that aren't predictable; like instead of putting "Yonghwa" or "Seohyun" you should put "Yongseo" or "Seohwa" and don't allow ANY comments with the show name. Also it's good to mix some videos from WGM with pictures so it makes it harder to find. I hope that helps *quoted image*














Thank you so much! ^_^




I will follow your advice and give it one last try





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Guest ajayuki












hello my lovely Go-chun family
























I feel like posting this here, I hope you guys won't mind. It's about Banmal & Seohyun.















you know, I never quite understand why Seohyun can speak banmal freely and easily to only same age friends like Nicole (KARA), Jinwoon, Jungshin & Minhyuk. Seohyun talks banmal with Junshin-chingoo so naturally in episode 22, 'visiting CNBlue brothers' and it's sad to see Yonghwa looking upset/jealous because of it in the whole episode. It's like she's programmed in her mind to automatically speak formally to those older than her like Yonghwa and her SNSD unnies. It is shown in one show called SNSD "Intimate Note" 2009 where the girls are really frustrated with the maknae talking formally even when the unnies asked (force?) her to drop the honorifics. Taeyeon even asked Seohyun to be more 'flexible'! and that was even before Hyun meet Yong ^^















But I guess she's the type of person that can't be forced to do things that she's not used to, her mind will be totally against it and eventually it'll turn out awkward. yeah, she's really unique... one of a kind.
























I'm really proud of her now that after the Japan date episode, Seohyun is more open to using banmal, however weird she may sound. here's one of the videos that I want to share with you...actually already deleted by the owner on youtube but I repost it again under different title. Credits goes to the person and I'll take it down soon. Sorry if someone has already shared this video. I haven't religiously followed this thread for the past few weeks to know who's who already posted the same thing due to my demanding life in school/job.
























So here goes. Watch how Seohyun adorably speaks banmal (tried to) at 0:40 onwards, I think I can understand Seohyun a little after watching this video, how she struggles diligently talking banmal and/or sattori with others. I know that everyone (MCs, SNSD unnies and even Yonghwa) laughs at her effort but it's so darn cute how she keeps on going, practicing banmal and ignoring others. Just like what Yuri did in the show, you'll really feel like you want to hug Seohyun in the end for all her hardwork. Or maybe it's just me... Gah! Why is she so cute?!! ....lucky Yonghwa..
























Seohyun's robotic banmal conversation
























Again, sorry if someone else has already shared this video.















A big thank you to all good people who share wonderful Yongseo findings worthy to be spazzed about... latest pictures, fanarts, screencaps, gifs, translation, subbed videos, raw videos, fanfics, fmvs and ground-breaking news. I love you guys!!








newsig2.gif  yong.jpg








Hyun got a call from Yong. Beware Yong-seobang! Hyun's unnies are watching you~~~ ^^








seo16.gif Cutie-pie Seohyun :wub:



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Guest yongseorockin


Not sure if everybody knows but SNSD's song - Visual Dream (Pop! Pop!) is out. So those with lots of downloads left from soribada can purchase the new song. Just want to share with you guys the lyrics of the song. Is that the reply to Yong Hwa's banmal song? Haha. Of cos its a group song but non the less, you guys can just listen to it that way. haha!

SNSD Visual Dream (Pop! Pop!) Purchase

SNSD's song - Visual Dream (Pop! Pop!)








One Two Three Four it's tingly omona


One Two Three Four I want you, already, I


One Two Three Four want my honest feelings to be discovered, I'll let you hear it


Moist, moist moist, oh, on my sweet lips


Come Come Come slowly, that's right, come to me.

Tic Tac Toe oh I've dizzily fallen deeply for you, I've melted

Feeling these emotions for the first time My Deep Love Core


my face grows hot, this moment is stiffling, what do I do


I'm trembling


boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy


I worry and worry but I don't know what to do


Just thinking about it, I really don't know oh how to do my first kiss


just wait a minute?


boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy

don't hesitate my love get into my core


One Two Three Four it's tingly omona


One Two Three Four I want you, already, I

One Two Three Four want my honest honest feeling to be discovered, I'll let you hear it


Moist, moist, moist, oh, on my sweet lips


Come Come Come slowly, that's right, come to me


Tic Tac Toe oh I've dizzily fallen deeply for you, I've melted


the visual in my heart is so perfect


I struggle with four worries: "when", "where", "what", but not "how"


Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core


By hesitating, you might lose it

Hesitation the end look over here thump thump pop pop you hear it, right? how is the

core of my love


Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core


The time is now, start! jump into love core


One Two Three Four it's tingly omona


One Two Three Four I want you, already, I

One Two Three Four want my honest honest feeling to be discovered, I'll let you hear it


Moist, moist, moist, oh, on my sweet lips


Come Come Come slowly, that's right, come to me

Tic Tac Toe oh I've dizzily fallen deeply for you, I've melted


ooh yeah visualize my love oh yeah





Translations: Hyunjin808 & typicalharu@soshified.com/forums



YongHwa's For The First Time Lovers




The day when I first saw you


Your bright smile full of shyness


we’ll get closer after today


every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations


what to say to you


how to get you to laugh


I fear it’ll get awkward when I try to hold your hand


all I can do is smile shyly




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


even though it’s still awkward and unfamiliar


instead of saying ‘thank you’


talk to me in a friendlier way




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


you walk towards me slowly, step by step


now look at my two eyes and tell me


I love you




The day when I held your hand


I felt my heart stop beating


I don’t even remember what I said


All I feel is a flutter in my stomach




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


even though it’s still awkward and unfamiliar


instead of saying ‘thank you’


talk to me in a friendlier way




Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other


you walk towards me slowly, step by step


now look at my two eyes and tell me


I love you




Hopefully we can fall in love with each other


I’ll never let go of your two hands from my grasp


the light of your eyes, gazing at me


I hope there will only be joyful smiles




Hopefully we can fall in love with each other


We can lean on one another and take care of each other


Looking into your eyes, my two eyes


they’re talking to you


I love you




cr.DCgallery (Korean lyrics); rough translation by Faith @  sweetpotatodays chatbox; current translation by Mountainmadman and  wishwash @ soompi;


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Guest tinkershellsoompi








hello I'm a lurker here :)




Yongseo is really sweet as sweet potatoes...couldn't help falling in love with them... :wub:




Yong + Hyun= sweetness overload!




waiting for the next episodes...I've never done it for any WGM couple before..




and please add me...I'm from Bangladesh ..



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Guest _d3seohyun


c: dc married

My heart went degeun degeun upon seeing this pic. Imagine how Yong seobang felt

during the Busan trip. My gah! <3

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uh-oh!  So SNSD's 'Virtual Dream' might knock Yong's 'Song for First Time Lovers' off the #1 spot on the online music charts?   Where is Yong on the online music charts now?

Maybe SNSD and Yong will be #1 & #2 on the charts!  That would be cool - Hyun & Yong #1 & #2 on all the online music charts!

@ajayyuki - where did you find that MV of Seohyun getting the call from Yong?  Is that recent?  Who is she sitting between, is that Tiff and Sunny?  Thanks - just curious!    

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