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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fabiistar07












Hello Gogumas!




Just wanted to say how much i loved this week's episode!




I loved how well MIL & DIL got along, especially how impressed MIL was when she read the letter




and overall Hyun~ did amazing~! she put so much effort, i'm sure MIL wants her to be her REAL daughter in law ^_^




Also, you can't ignore Yong~, he was very quiet this episode, but he was enjoying himself, looking at his mom and his wife get along so well put a sincere smile on his face, you could tell how happy he was just by looking at him :wub:




Something else...I made a video, my first one ever!







And I hope everyone can watch it and comment on it as well







It has Yong's version on Banmal Song ...




[FMV] Jung YongHwa - For First Time Lovers




[FMV] Jung YongHwa - For First Time Lovers




I almost forgot!! ... Thanks soooooo much to all translators and everyone else that helps with subs!




I sincerely thank you for putting all your time and effort into translating




always Hwating~! :D




EDIT: I hope it doesn't get taken down. it took me soo long to upload it!..I made it the day the song came out but it has taken me soo long to upload it again <_<




Also, sorry about putting the link twice, I'm afraid that if i try to fix it it'll get messed up, i'm not the best at this so i'm just happy the link is there :sweatingbullets:





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I'm so excited as to how YONGHWA would come home to SEOHYUN ...





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(for tom's, Jan18, WGM filming) - after a long series of concerts in Japan!
















































































































































































































WGM schedules are doing them really good... Cheers to the staff - you YongSeo shippers you! aiiishh!!!

















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Guest gogumaforever






@lenovo, are they schedule for WGM filming tomorrow? isn't it CN BLUE has a concert in Thailand starting today regarding SBS New Year Special along with other kpop like ft island? it was reported last week at allkpop.






anyway, last episode was very nice and touching. the expression of yong's mom after reading the letter was priceless and you can see that yong was really impressed with his wife. well, who wouldnt be impressed? hyun really prepares for the meeting and the holding hands, though i wanna see how they held hands. i wish pd had show it to us.






SNSD guesting in come to play ( did i got the title right?), she mention the gifts for MIL, which was filmed first? the Busan WGM or the snsd's guesting. i'm just building a connection that what she did in busan was really her not because it was filmed. forgive me, im still hallucinating with the last episode that's why  im finding ways to connect their action. kekeke






We had a great week last week, ep39 was very nice followed by the release of yong's song for hyun which was a hit and the ep40. hahhah i wonder what goguma's will received this week :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.  i hope there will be an update. i hope that they are really schedule to film tomorrow.






@kubih, thanks for sharing the pic, we can see how yong is so faithful to his wife.






lastly, to dduk for the translation and rainy&zack of krd for subbing the latest ep, as always millions of thanks for your hardwork and love to the entire goguma planet. we can really feel your love. M3, thank you in advance for next week's translation. fighting



<back to lurker mode> :wub::wub::wub:






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Guest bolmaejung






cr. DC seohyun gallery

DAUM life on awards 01/13/11

hyun is so gorgeous~ !!!!

I envy yonghwa (You have the most beautiful girl in the world as your buin)


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Guest Phoebechiu


I remember that Busan filming occurred in November 30 and SNSD's guesting in "come to play" was

around early December.  In "come to play", actually the host asked Hyun what she will give to parents

as a gift.  She answered healthy food and scarf.  That's exactly what she gave to

Yong's mom as a gift.  Does she consider Yong's mom as her mom?  Interesting::wub::!!

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Let's all spell chemistry. Y-O-N-G-S-E-O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































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@lenovo, are they schedule for WGM filming tomorrow? isn't it CN BLUE has a concert in Thailand starting today regarding SBS New Year Special along with other kpop like ft island? it was reported last week at allkpop.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































actually CNBLUE just finished their Zepp Tour in Japan on the 16th (yesterday)
































































































































































































































































i read that on the 17th only Jungshin chingoo is participating in the SBS New Year Special in Thailand 
































































































































































































































































this is a summary of the events CNBLUE & SNSD have planned for this week:
































































































































































































































































My link
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the link doesn't really give us the info about Thailand but I got the list of participatns from the SNSD thread :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest constantia11




FINALLY!!! I can go back to my Go-Chun

Long time no see my fellow gogumas.

I'm so glad I'm back after a long time.

I can see there are so many new Gogumas here. Hello!!


First, I would like to say my deepest gratitude to the goguma translators and subbers. You are all Goguma angels and fairies.

This thread has moved really fast. Thanks to our couple whose relationship has been blossoming into a lovey dovey one.

I managed to watch the latest episode on live streaming. Unfortunately it lagged so much due to bad weather here.

But I did not miss the loving gaze that Yong gave to Hyun the whole time they met Yong's mother.

That look in his eyes spells LOVE.


I just can't get over it.


His mom must see it coz it is so obvious. If she did not know it before, she must notice it now that her son is madly in love with this special girl.


Thankfully, looks like his mom approves of her.




And off course I can't miss to spazz about Yong's Banmal Song.


His voice is so soothing. He seems to pour his heart out in singing this song.


And off course we know why, right?


This boy is seriously talented. he never fails to amazed me with his talent.


@magdal n I even agree that he is a good catch and we want one for each of us (off course the 10 year older version of him)


I'm glad that it is Hyun who captured his heart.


They are equal match and I could not be happier for both of them




Enough of my rant before I bore you all to death.






to bezz bezz bezz: please include me to the list. I'm from INDONESIA





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Guest bittersweet_








Is the ring Seohyun wearing their wedding ring????






I am kind of obsessed with their rings. I have seen YongHwa wear the ring so so many times outside of filming and I wonder if Seohyun does the same. I watched cuts of SNSD Come to Play and Seohyun was wearing a ring and the pictures above with white HOOT outfit. It looks like the couple ring.



Am I right??!!



I just want to make sure Seohyun is doing the same and staying true to the couple thing.






Cute video I found! Check it out!



Yonghwa dancing to G6





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@aneng !!!!!! - i so love what you posted!!
















































































































































































































This to me is the real Visual Dream.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A Dream so REAL we can all VISUALIZE it!!!
















































































































































































































let me just repost my favorite: cr to aneng































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG!!! I love them all, Ottoke?!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just one. ok, ok.
















































































































































































































@bittersweet_ My cheeks turned from water into WINE watching YOnghwa dance. OMO!!!!
















































































































































































































@bolmaejung - I love your name as much as I love the Seobaby pics you posted.
















































































































































































































@gogumaforever, @rxp080100 - Now I'm really confused. SNSD's performing Visual Dreams at an Intel Event tom. I really know they have WGM filming. Oh well. Seobaby will 2 events in a day I guess. hehe.
















































































































































































































@Phoebechiu - Thanks for clearing out that timeline. I get confused most of the time.

















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Is the ring Seohyun wearing their wedding ring????































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































----cut out  SORRY!----































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cute video I found! Check it out!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa dancing to G6































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun usually wears her ring and I think it was confirmed earlier that she was wearing it during that performance (it was at the Daum event)
































































































































































































































































& your vid that you linked to had me spazzing so much
































































































































































































































































So hilarious! LMAO! LOL! 
































































































































































































































































PEOPLE WATCH YONG DANCE! (esp at 0:16 onwards...Yong's sexy wave... the expression on one of the girls is O_O)
































































































































































































































































if i'm ever feeling down this is going to be one of my pickmeups :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































saw this cute fanmade storybook/artwork on dcmarried
































































































































































































































































there's a story or somethign that goes along with the pictures
































































































































































































































































can anyone care to translate?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@gogumaforever, @rxp080100  - Now I'm really confused. SNSD's performing Visual Dreams at an Intel Event tom.  I really know they have WGM filming. Oh well. Seobaby will 2 events in a day I guess. hehe. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the WGM filming dates on 1/18 & 1/25
































































































































































































































































i don't know if they're true or not
































































































































































































































































because they were at first posted on CNBLUE's official calender by FNC Staff
































































































































































































































































and then awhile later were promptly taken down.
































































































































































































































































so I don't know if FNC Staff made a mistake in posting them
































































































































































































































































aren't the wgm filming dates kept in secret in the first place??
































































































































































































































































either way we'll find out one day (maybe as early as tomorrow!) if they did film or not 

































































































































































































































































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& your vid that you linked to had me spazzing so much
















































































































































So hilarious! LMAO! LOL! 
















































































































































PEOPLE WATCH YONG DANCE! (esp at 0:16 onwards...Yong's sexy wave... the expression on one of the girls is O_O)
















































































































































if i'm ever feeling down this is going to be one of my pickmeups :)































































































































































































































































































rxp080100sorry to cut your post, I agree with you...the vid is hilarious! I love the sexy wave dance...I cant stop watching it, is "sexy" and funny at the same time LOL
















































































































































HAHAHAHAHA I love his smirk at 0:18 I wish I could have that wave dance as a gif!
















































































































































Does anyone know which program is from? I want to see it completely hehe
















































































































































Found it! hahaaha its from the 100817 Strong Heart episode (Jinwoon is also there, funny dance) LOL
















































































































































Here is Yong's sexy wave. Just at the beginning of the vid!
















































































































































Yong's sexy wave dance
















































































































































Credits to the Strong Heart Team (from vikii.net)
















































































































































Dont know if its ok to post the link, tell me if not! n_n
















































































































































Also, here is the first part of that video (if someone want to see it), were The MCs introduce Yong.
















































































































































They talk about his MC experience at the 2009 Gayo Daejun. Poor Yong, but I LOVE his red face at 02:49, so cute!
















































































































































Yong in Strong Heart
















































































































































creds to The Strong Heart Team
















































































































































Thanks to all the gogumas for everything you always shared! n_n

















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  @ aneng! thank you so much dear! i really love it.. looking forward for more;)


@ lenovo.. i hope its true that they will film 2morrow, thanks for the updates


@dduk.. your an angel, thank u for trasnlating the lates episode


@ mountainmadman.. will be waiting for your translation this week, save your energy!;)


and to all of you who made this forum as sweet, as lurking, as surprising, thank you so much, my heart is full of joy because of your help, effort, time and love!


bit sad coz i'll be going to singapore 2morrow morning for a 5days convention (wahhhh;( i guess ill just check the thread at the evning) and im not so fortunate because my flight going back to philippines is on saturday at 540 in the afternoon! huhuhu ! for sure i'll be missing so much with the upcoming episode!!! 5days of waiting is like 365 days for me!


may you enjoy enjoy your week! stay happy and well!! Godbless everyone!


hugzzz and kissess! :wub:^_^





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@bitter sweet, i watch the vid and it's hilarious :D who says yong can't dance!!!!! he actually can!!!! and isn't honggi he dance with in the club scene?(during yab filming maybe?) and the strong heart dance, anyone have the link of that ep? i really want to watch, haha can't stop laughing. Opps i'm topping the page with nothing to share :phew:









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Wonderful fanart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































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About WGM filming... I don't think it's possible this week... unless Seohyun alone went to Thailand too just for WGM... since SNSD doesn't seem to be on the list of the artists going. Or Yonghwa having to fly back and forth from Thai to Korea and back. And that'd be... pretty tiring I would think.
















Got the news below from Seungri's thread. I took the liberty to bold some parts of it.
















[News] Seungri leaving for Pattaya, Thailand for SBS New Year special program shooting
















Seungri left for Thailand on Jan. 16th at 3:00pm from Incheon International Airport to shoot a SBS New































Year special program in Pattaya. Besides Seungri, there are also SS501 Park Jung Min, Kara, 4Minute,































T-ara, After School, Secret, 2AM, 2PM, CNBlue, FT Island, Super Junior and Sistar joining the shooting.






















































They will stay in Thailand for 2 nights and 3 days from 17th to 19th January for the program shooting.













































































source : Newsen via nate.com































translation : Miseremei @ bigbanghaven.blogspot.com































i think SR want to join in varity show like this, we all know that he really want to be active in varity show like Daesung. i believe YG doesn't force him anything







































Read more: Big Bang Haven http://bigbanghaven.blogspot.com/#ixzz1BC59t7uu































According to one of the poster in Seungri's thread... the show's concept is a combination of X-Man and Loveletter.





















































































YG doesn't forbid them from going on shows. That's a bit too much. Rather, he chooses to not constantly send them out on shows as other idols are.































And, second. Their just filming the show, for a couple days nothing wrong with that. I'm pretty sure it won't air for awhile. Plus, Seungri has been practice for his comeback for awhile, what's the harm in letting him hang out with other idols, and have some fun before he has to down to business.






















































If you want to know the concept of the show/filming, it's a combination of two hit past shows - X-man and Loveletter. Both very enjoyable shows. He'll have a lot of fun. And, knowing him I'm pretty sure he'd make the best of it, and wanted to go. He can handle it.































And below is the schedule of the show's filming.






































okay, I apologize as well. I misunderstood. LOL XP.






















































But, for the Loveletter part. their are a number of girl group members going, so I guess people will be pairing up with one another.































And, for X-Man, I hope it's like season 1 too. And, a Dangyunaji game WOULD BE AWESOME! That part would be so entertaining. considering how smart mouthed and sassy Ri can be? What? He'd kill it. LOL

































[schedule] K-pop Idols at Royal Cliff Beach Pattaya in Thailand

"Film Shoot Program"
















Date - 17/01/2011
















Time :: 16.00-18.00
















Pool Patio :: Opening Show
















Grand Hotel :: เปิดการแสดง (ทักทายและแนะนำตัว)
















Time :: 21.00-23.00
















Kids Pool :: Couple Selection Time
















Beach Hotel :: จับคู่เล่นเกมส์
















Date - 18/01/2011
















Time :: 11.00-13.00
















Infini Pool :: Couple Games 1 (Love Racing)
















Beach Hotel :: การแข่งขันเกมส์คู่(1)
















Time :: 14.00-15.00
















PoolSide:: Couple Games 2 (Love Racing)
















Beach Hotel :: การแข่งขันเกมส์คู่(2)
















* Program is subject to Change / โปรแกรมอาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลง
















Credtit :: @KhunnooPRINCE





















































*there currently having breakfast rn.































[edit] Ah... so, Jungshin is the only one going? So WGM filming is possible after all, huh :)









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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































um.. about the Thailand filming can anyone help clarify this? Someone posted that only Jungshin is going right? so is there a possibility that Yonghwa will film with Seohyun tmr while other members are doing other activities?

































































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It's just Jungshin who is supposed to go to Phuket(stupid XD) Pattaya for that SBS filming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Saturn confirmed it, nobody from FNC went to Pattaya.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The other members are CNBlue is already in Korea, a picture at Kimpo airport:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That gold bag says it all. XD

































































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Guest deeana55




to my fellow gogumas who are also a gollum (a goguma who obsesses with the precious (yongseo couple ring)), this a recent pic of yong with the precious at japan. please don't ask me from which city was this pic taken from (i simply don't know hehe). just enjoy the precious! :D






*quoted image*







this picture from their interview with japan radio after their concert at zepp tour...


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