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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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HELLO. I'm from Singapore too! But I mostly lurk around here. *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is there any official Singaporean yongseo fanclub we can join or something :x































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*wave wave* Pinkksoupp, yongseorockin, whitezephyr & other Singaporean, there are no official Singapore Yongseo Fanclub, only an unofficial one with our dear Lovekim as the president (Hope you don't mind me putting your name here, you did a great job!). There are more than 10 of us and we already met a few times. We have a gathering to watch WGM live and spazz real time for Yongseo first anniversary episode, feel free to PM me or Lovekim for more information.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now that we have added the recipe book into the first anniversary project, for those of us who are not good at cooking, please share your love for Yongseo by joining the below. We only have 5 more days to the deadline and need all the support that we can get. Thanks in advance.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo.Click here for the Hi-res logo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 4th Project – Video.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Since I topped the page, i like to post this cartoon character that Yonghwa look like every time he is happy especially the cheeks.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@ ena123 Are you the one who drew that drawing??










if you are?? Hey you punk! don't go here looking for attention! Everyone already apologize on behalf of CALCULATOR did and you kept saying "its like as if I were told by white people that colored are not allowed  2 watch films on cinema with white people? or the same show"! We apologize! really! 










The truth is we Love YongSeo and Adam couple... Don't you see? we even pray that Adam couple can have all the time in WGM next week, we don't mind since we have watched and loved them for more than a year....and this is what we get from you!!!  You're immature tamtrums! 










We Goguma even hear or read about antis from Adam or Khuntoria Couple and we know it's only natural... because we have are own opinion...










And about your drawing... is it enough that many GOGUMA already apologize for a rude comment of a GOGUMA?? Actually we really appreciate it cause we cant believe that you (an ADAM couple fan) drew something about GOGUMA....










Maybe you can see me as a retarded cause i kept repeating myself..But i'm just emphasizing... WE APOLOGIZED SO MANY TIMES Now... really.










stop posting anything as if we ALL offended Adam couple! 










-I;m sorry Im all alone in this fight so.. no need to credit all Gogumas...










- and for the gogumas who dislike this comment...Thank you ( no joke) .. If it hadnt with you, I wouldnt have the guts to say this.. and i'm sorry if i offended some GOGUMAS but i just wanna say what i see right now in this forum...



















Hi there










okay , first of all I like this couple very much,but maybe not as much as u like them..










 I think it's a misunderstanding










I'm very really  thankful for all the support and love we Adam fans recieved from all of u ... Thats why I draw the fanart and ofcourse because I like this couple.










do you know  how happy I get when this 2 do skinship ..  like before i said their eyes talks...










I can really see that u all Yongseo fans are awesome... thats why I did the fanart










I was not mad at  that person.. but just got sad that he/she did not see that I also like this couple too.










Anyways If I offended you/ CALCULATOR or any other fans BY MY fanart OR SAID ANYTHING WRONG IM REALLY SORRY. 










But it's really rude 2 call me a punk and tantrums.. 










 And don't say that all of you offende Adam couple ?what ??? because we know thats not true ..... And I don't see it like that.. 










most of you are awesomeeeee. :w00t:  Thats how I SEE all of u Yongseo fans ..










anyways let's end it here with this comment.










YukiAgne pliz if u want to say something 2 me or about me Pm me pliz ,we are here because we have 2 show love for Yongseo couple so we don't have 2 disscuse other couple here. And make negativ energy.










And YukiAgne please don't let the minus THING gET into YOU. Continue on this thread ^^ SO show more love for Yongseo couple IN THE FUTUR . Afterall we are WGM FAMILY,we all want the best for all the couples.  










This thread is all about love and respect .










let's just move on ..^O^   Yongseo fighting .



















With all respect, this is my last comment here,thank u again.



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EDIT: since I didn't see minhyuk in the footage, i have a hunch that MH is the one who took the footage.Goguma FBI can you clarify it, he talk when Hyun scared by jonghyun. And another thing i think Yong gave hyun the ticket(ticket sold out in just 1 minute so no time for hyun to buy her own) for the concert but maybe Hyun said that she's not sure to come because of her schedule.
















Sorry to cut your post Glenn, but I think I saw MH in the video, he was smiling looking at the whole scene while passing by, the part I think was when Yong was trying to introduce Hyun to his family.  You might wanna check it out again:rolleyes:  Now, after thinking about it, was it really MH I saw in the vid??? :huh:

















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tks for answering my questions, magdal,YSforever,mrsjoker, and

u too, dreamy. :)

btw, dreamy, its been ages since we 'meet'! but i took a peek at your

spoiler in regds to your 'yong'..hehehe...what a beautiful love story..

tks for sharing it, may u be blessed with a happy life with your prince charming..

talking abt mildang, i hated that episode cause i ache so much for hyun.

but now, that epi is in my Top 15 fave episodes.

for whatever reason, it did nothing but strengthened yongseo's relationship..

rxp, rouenna & hapiangle, tks for the caps / gifs.

since hyun is quick to hit yong, his reflex is always on the alert! :lol:

yukiagne, i agree with glenpaulo.

its all a MISUNDERSTANDING. and that controversial post has already been deleted

but pls...do not be harsh in calling someone names...


just feel like posting them in my 1000th post..thats all..hehe


cr kaptenkerin


cr dc/naz

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Guest glennpaulo









Sorry to cut your post Glenn, but I think I saw MH in the video, he was smiling looking at the whole scene while passing by, the part I think was when Yong was trying to introduce Hyun to his family.  You might wanna check it out again:rolleyes:  Now, after thinking about it, was it really MH I saw in the vid??? :huh:








Keke....I'm sorry i didn't know it, im ashamed of myself i already watch the video for about 8 times now but i didn't see him keke....I'm sorry for the wrong information keke... Anyway im still in my opinion that the footage is nothing to do with WGM, and for some reason the person who took the video is somewhat close to CNBLUE by the way he speak when Hyun scared of Jonghyun and by the way he hold the camera.. << correct me if im mistaken again....keke..... 









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wally~!! uwahhhh i seee i see! :D nice to know that bit!

yahh jnj~! yeshhh i know... haha i wanted to join u guys in SPD last saturday but i had a dinner to attend >.< & thanks so much for the ur wishes~! :wub:

glenn, i wanted to reply u about MH but i guess i don't have to anymore :lol:shawie's faster than me!

yahhh shawie, u're a tokki eh...kekeke *waves*

goodnite everyone~! :D

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@Mrsjoker. I was actually going to write about the mildang period and Hyun's actions at CNBlue concert, but deleted it because I thought it would be too controversial. WARNING: What I'm going to write here is very very controversial and radical. After this post, some may think I'm crazy, but here we go...


I myself am very confused about the mildang period. I sometimes have doubts about whether it actually occured. We only have the PD's word that it actually occurred. The timing doesn't make sense - is it 1 month or is it 2 weeks? When in July did this happen? In July, Yong did a bunch of variety shows so Hyun must know he's ok and he also started inki mid July where Sulli is also an MC. If Hyun wanted to see Yong - she could have gone to inki and talk to him then. I also wonder how the other idols (like JW) didn't know this was happening if Hyun was asking around about Yong since rumors would have spread and idol world is not that big. I was looking back on some ep especially the ep where they met before Yong had to go to inki and the night where they performed the duet - to me they seemed to be "acting" when they were "fighting".


In August, the salon scene make it seem like they hadn't met since the bday ep - which clearly is not the case. Like I wrote in a post back then, Hyun's anger in that ep is completely different to her anger at the bus scene of the bday ep - which I believed was genuine. In fact, when she shook her head and put her hand to her head in this ep (about the hamburger comment?) - this was the exact same reaction as her reaction in the salon back then when she couldn't understand why Yong did the mildang. We know that she wasn't angry or particularly confused at all in this ep so...I don't know.


Her response in CNBlue concert was also off - she was bubbly and happy and running towards him to greet him. Being very animated when saying where she was seating and touched his bottle when he set it down to meet his family. I would think she would have gone to his concert but been more reserved about congratulating him if it was during the mildang period. I don't think that Jonghyun or Yong was surprised to see Hyun, but I think Junshing was. Like I said in my previous post, it may be that she may have told Yong she may not make it because of Tiff's bday party etc (her schedule). She has never met Yong's family so its not surprising to me she may not have recognized them. At the same time her surprised reaction may be about seeing Yong's dad because she utter "abochi" (father) but not omoni before being introduced by Yong (like its "Oh its his dad" kind of reaction). The seat must have been reserved for her at the last minute because the concert was sold out. She may not get a seating near FT island etc because that would have caused a commotion and she may/may not come.


In Japan, I do believe that when he asked Hyun to not do the bad thing he did back to him - its true. But I just don't think he meant mildang because he was deliberate being vague about it. We all concluded its mildang because that fits the storyline. I think its more to do with HaHaMong and Sulli/Jeyeon - because in the SNSD fanmeet Sulli and Jeyeon was mentioned by Sooyoung.


The bday ep where it seemed so surreal - and there was tons of emotions being poured out from both Hyun and Yong. The mildang makes it easier for them to turn back the clock so to speak. I do believe that banmal is an issue with them. I don't know...like I said sometimes I doubt the whole mildang thing because of the inconsistencies in the details. Some actions in this ep like sleeping in Yong's shoulder seems to not be new and the level of skinship jumps from one ep to the next. Like I said, this is a crazy theory of mine. I fully expect some negativity towards it. I do believe the rest of what happens in WGM are Yong's and Hyun's true actions. Just the mildang bit throws me off all the time.



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Keke....I'm sorry i didn't know it, im ashamed of myself i already watch the video for about 8 times now but i didn't see him keke....I'm sorry for the wrong information keke... Anyway im still in my opinion that the footage is nothing to do with WGM, and for some reason the person who took the video is somewhat close to CNBLUE by the way he speak when Hyun scared of Jonghyun and by the way he hold the camera.. << correct me if im mistaken again....keke..... 
















hehehe...no need to apologize Glenn, that happens all the time blush.gif we tend to overlook things because of too much excitement watching this two.  Anyway, I agree with you, I think the video footage is not from WGM, because, if it's connected with them, they would have taken a shot from where was Hyun seating during the whole show (like what they did with Victoria when he watched her husbands concert) unless otherwise they're thinking of some possible negative reactions from some of CNB fans.
















To Boo... Anneyeong :wub:

















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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hookay...i finished dinner, replies some work emails and now i'm ready to put my "thinking hat" and do some fangirling with a brain... care to join my lovelies? :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank's glennpaulo, dreamyboo sweetie and wallpaperfood for taking some time indulging my confusion... kekekeke... so my confusion clear out a bit, but there still quite a few dangling up inside my head...:rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@glennpaulo : Yes, agree with you i think the person who filmed the BTS footage is one of the CN blue staff/manager/someone who is close to CN Blue. But i'm sure it's not mihnhyuk, because you can spot Minhyukie walks in to the room when yong is wrapping those water bottle with the CN Blue banner (a weird thing actually...what exactly he's gonna do with that bottle?), he's the one with the white beanie and grey t-shirt.   ^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And as for Jungshin...hmmm i actually don't find Jungshin chingoo reaction as a surprised reaction, because at the time Jungshin arrived, Hyun was facing Jonghyun and was busily greeting him, she nearly bumped in to Jungshin as he's about to enter the room and so resulting Hyun got a little bit surprised too and was kinda like popping out her eyes making like a O.O reaction? and so what i see is that Jungshin was making the same face, that O.O reaction just to tease Hyun and quickly make his greetings with her. Oh and i notice Jonghyun was saying "hurry and hide" to Hyun...sooo what i'm thinking is that, Yong is the only one that doesn't knew Hyun will wait for him backstage BUT Yong and the boys are fully aware that Hyun was watching their concert. oh and Minhyuk is not surprised also seeing Hyun backstage sooo... hmmm...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@dreamyboo : Hello dear... ahh during that "mildang" discussion...i don't think i've joined this happy wagon just yet, so i must've missed out a lot on that. But really there is something "off" with this specific scene. What i had in mind is maybe...This is indeed still during their "mildang" period, but Hyun did not know about this yet, she is still under the impression that yong must've been so busy preparing CN BLUE 1st concert hence the non communication period from Yong, in this footage i feel that Hyun is in the same high spirit as she was during the double birthday episode, unassuming of any "mildang" action from Yong...I think she was expecting Yong will return to "normal" after the concert ends, but apparently not since Yong is infact still in his "mildang" mode? so maybe that's why when the filming in the salon on august happened, she's wrapped in a somewhat upset mood? However during the horror episode it is understandable why she can control herself better despite still felt upset on Yong, it's because she's now aware of Yong's action and despite not liking what he did, she at least acknowledge his reason behind the "mildang" action and in somewhat "digesting, thinking and trying to understand" his action. Besides i presume Yong had resume back to his "normal" communication pattern and so what is left is only Hyun's "payback" time? maybe... kkekekekekekeke...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aigoo and about MIL... i love MIL...:wub:   MIL is obviously smitten by this beautiful refine young lady her son proudly brought back home with him. I can't quite put into words how i'm so smitten by the encounter with MIL. Yong shy proud smile, his matureness to know that he must put himself in the middle and let the 2 most beautiful women in his life get along by their own, his subtle way of letting Hyun and MIL engaged in more conversation without him being the talkative one, His statement "your the first girl" to Hyun, His assurance to Hyun that he ate the kimchi deliciously and not to worry so much about it because people learned things one by one, His obvious yet not overdo praises addresed to her Mom. *sigh* aigoooo who can help but to adore a boy who loves his mom... a boy who treats his mother right most likely know how to treat a women just right. :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@wallpaperfood : i agree with the 4 reason you stated about the possibility as to Yong's "pokerface" reaction. especially no. 3, that seemed fit well with their overall timeline and resonate better to the reason behind their reactions at that specific point in time. ^_^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aigoooo...this two... I've never spent much time fangirling a group/a person let alone a couple with so much "brain power"...it kinda makes me dizzy. LOL :lol:  But i guess that's part of Yongseo's charm isn't it... :P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit : @lulu2 : i just saw your post and i have to say...That was really a possible scenario. kekekeke.... Just like you this supposedly "mildang" issue is just so... "off" for me too in a way after seeing the BTS footage. What i have in mind to address this is what i've said to dreamyboo, but even so i still don't get how Hyun can get "that" upset if she was all bubbly and goes animatedly cute when telling Yong where she sat just a week before when greeting him at their concert...hmmm... and you know i kinda find the way Hyun touched his water bottle after he set it down at the table to greet his family is so... (dare i say) girlfriend like? i don't know maybe that's just me.... oh and i notice a couple of people that were there in the BTS were all smilling seeing Hyun putting up that banner to covered up her face, it kinda gave a vibe that Hyun pressence around CN Blue is not a "new thing"? it's like natural? aigooo...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You have some good point there about the relation of this "mildang" issue with their sureal double birthday episode... it kinda feels like the crew were trying to "neutralize"...something? kekekekekeke... because that birthday episode is indeed one sureal episode, full of raw and real emotion being poured out from this two.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh and what about the HahaMong show? what happen? i don't understand....

































































































































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to lulu2: i am sure the middang happened but because of edited from PD and timeline made us confused.we can see their reaction, Hyun is sad and Yong is taking back. the actual timline is 2 weeks no contact and then dinner out and concert, but they couldnt talk a lot in those times (dinner and concert)

like the WGM said they have a dinner out, so i think Yong invite Hyun to come to his concert or maybe earlier already, but they did not talk much, and maybe she wasnt sure to make it.Hyun was sad but she thought that it is busy for him to prepare the first concert and she didnt want to make a fuss over that problem in the concert. thats why i love her, and maybe Yong feel really guilty.

there were a lot of facts made hyun sad at that moment, Sulli, no contact, but she just want to confirm before being real angry. thats why she wait for the next meeting and asked him instead of in the concert, and that was a very intelegent move and thoughtful of her. and when she found the reason she was really upset. may be at that moment she thought he has interested in Sulli ( who knows:-). but i like the patience of her and i hope Yong will never do it again to this little girl. she is unexperience but so good and eager to learn.

about the misunderstanding between fans. i hope we will stop here. and some people so easy to give a minus, please think and said why you did that. it is not good when some people just talk their opinion and didnt break any rules


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@lulu2: you have some good points, loved reading your post. But for me I'll believe the mildang really happened. Why? because I clearly remember how I suffered through these episodes(if they really did act it, they deserve the daesang). And Hyun's backroom interview, you can see disappointment and confusion in her eyes. As someone mentioned earlier I don't know who(sorry), the concert was somewhat two weeks after the Bday ep. and Hyun wasn't aware that Yong was in the pushing and pulling. Maybe she thought he was busy and couldn't contact her. But on the other hand I sense that she was hurting(two weeks no contact), showing it by not wearing the ring and necklace :) but it was CN blue's first concert and she was genuinely happy for them.




I don't know I am too really confused, hope my thoughts make sense :)





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Guest bezbezbez

















































































































































Sawatdee Khrab!!!






































Ni Hao!!!














































































































































































It's been a while since I last posted here at our thread, but rest assured that I monitor it 24/7. I was too busy with the YongSeo Project because the deadline is so near. I'll be sending the gifts to Korea in less than a month... dugeun... dugeun...






































I'm thankful to all the the gogumas who share wonderful posts here in our thread. It's also nice to see new posers coming and sharing their thoughts on our couple. A big shout out to the Adam fans who showed their support here. Despite the negativity from some of our fellow gogumas, rest assured that most of us loves, support and respect the KKAPLINERS.






































To my fellow Gogumas, I hope that everyone will keep the positive vibe of the thread and avoid dwelling on the negative things. Most people come here to relax and get what's the latest about our couple. I hope that you'll try to make your posts a bit relaxing and considerate to everyone. Everyone is here to spazz and not to argue or get into a fight. It is fine to debate on certain things, but please know your limits.






































To everyone worrying about YongSeo's status, please don't worry too much. Both of them are doing good and their friendship is getting stronger day by day. Compared to the first meeting, they are very much better now. There are no awkward moments between the two at the moment. We conclude that they are good and close friends.






































For the main purpose of my post, I would like to give an update for YongSeo's First Anniversary Project.




































































Project 1- It's a YongSeo World Afterall



























































































So far, we have received only around 25-30 pictures from the Gogumas around the World. We need at least 80 to make the fanvid look good. I hope everyone can find time to take a picture along with the YongSeo logo or at least spell the word YONGSEO in a creative way. To help everyone out, here are some of the pictures that we have.





































































































































































































































































































































































Now that you've seen some pictures, I hope you can take some too. Click here for the High-Res Logo






































We need the support of the whole YongSeo International on this project because this will really show how global we are. To those who are living on the west side of the world, please grab this chance to be noticed. Asian fans are obviously known already because of the tours both CNBlue and SNSD had. The task isn't that hard so I hope everyone can participate.






































I'll also be needing a help from Gogumas who are good with creating fanvid. I need at least 3 people to be working on the fanvid itself. Please PM me if you are interested.



















































































Part 2- Goguma Idol



























































































We are already on the finals of Goguma Idol and the deadline of submission for the finalists would be on Saturday, January 15. After that' I'll be opening a poll where everyone can pick the 2 winners of the said contest. The winners of the contest will get the chance to sing our Fan Song. I'll just post the link for the poll this coming Sunday.



















































































Part 3- Gogumas Give Back



























































































So far, we are expecting to have at least 400 USD before the week ends. Our initial goal for this is to donate 1000USD to the World Feeding Program under the name of YongSeo, but if everything won't go as what I have planned, we will donate as much as we have. Just like what SeoHyun said, "People with good heart are the true winners." I can't ask for donations here directly, but if you have a good heart to share your blessings and give back to the needy please Click here!



















































































Part 4- Goguma Couple Items



























































































This part of the project is really doing well. We have enough funds for the gifts so Gogumas should not worry on this anymore. I would also like to thank the people who have decided to send me their personalized gifts for YongSeo. I'm sure our couple will love them. I'll take care of your gifts very well so that they can reach YongSeo in good condition.






































One thing that was added to this is the recipe book. Since everyone are interested to push through with it then I have decided to insert this mini-project. Please support us on this. I have tasked crystalblue to lead this for me, so please help her. I hope we can finish it prior January 25 because I still need to have them printed and binded.





















































That's my update for now. I hope everyone got the feeling of how great our First Anniversary Project is. Let's all work to together to materialize the plans. Click here! for the full information on the project.






































Go! Go! Gogumas!






































For further questions and comments, kindly PM me then I'll reply ASAP.































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I myself am very confused about the mildang period. I sometimes have doubts about whether it actually occured. We only have the PD's word that it actually occurred. The timing doesn't make sense - is it 1 month or is it 2 weeks? When in July did this happen? In July, Yong did a bunch of variety shows so Hyun must know he's ok and he also started inki mid July where Sulli is also an MC. If Hyun wanted to see Yong - she could have gone to inki and talk to him then. I also wonder how the other idols (like JW) didn't know this was happening if Hyun was asking around about Yong since rumors would have spread and idol world is not that big. I was looking back on some ep especially the ep where they met before Yong had to go to inki and the night where they performed the duet - to me they seemed to be "acting" when they were "fighting".







Just a few facts to maybe help ease the confusion:






Officially (WGM filming) they did not meet for an entire month, but 'unofficially' (outside WGM) we know that the PD set up a dinner with them. In an article that came out after the mildang episode was shown, the PD mentioned that even during the dinner YH acted very cold towards SH. It was so noticeable that the crew were all quite confused about it and thought that perhaps he had a change of heart or he has a gf outside of WGM. When they asked SH about it, she told them that he had not contacted her since the fishing trip. You can read the entire article here. It wasn't until later when they interviewed YH on his own that they found out about his 'mildang' project.






Since SNSD wasn't promoting during that time, she would not have been around Inki to see YH. During the entire month of July, there weren't any opportunities for SH to see YH backstage in music programs.







Her response in CNBlue concert was also off - she was bubbly and happy and running towards him to greet him. Being very animated when saying where she was seating and touched his bottle when he set it down to meet his family. I would think she would have gone to his concert but been more reserved about congratulating him if it was during the mildang period.





Just an opinion regarding the CNBlue concert clip, I actually see a lot of awkwardness in that clip. Though she acted bubbly by running to him, after that moment when they were standing around it was like they didn't know what to say to each other. It reminds me of the time when SH welcomed YH at the airport and decided to have some fun by 'scaring' the boys from the boot of the car. She did that even though she was upset at him for not mentioning to her he was leaving the country. It was obviously something she wasn't happy about because she even mentioned it when YH asked if he had done anything that made her upset. But I think this is just SH's personality. She'll only open up when its the right time. She understands that the backstage of YH's first concert was not the appropriate place to be expressing her unhappiness. She was there to support him and to cheer him on. The bubbly act is something she would be very good at since I'm sure she has to put it on all the time whenever she's tired from schedules but still has to film for stuff.






I think the 'one month' timeline works well for WGM, but we know that they did contact a few times in the one month. However, I feel when SH mentions that YH didn't contact her for one whole month, she meant he didn't contact her personally. It didn't look like YH knew SH was going to be there at the concert because he looked a little disappointed that she sat so far back at his concert. It was probably all arranged between the managers how and when SH was going to be there at the concert.






This is just how I see the whole timeline and stuff, I might be wrong!









@lulu2 Actually for me, I would be more confused if the mildang wasn't true. Looking at YH's expression at the concert clip, if he wasn't pulling a stunt like 'mildang' with SH, I would really question why he was acting so strangely when he saw SH. If it was the emotions from the fishing trip, I would be expecting him to meet her eyes more and would be quite comfortable around SH. Instead he seemed quite distracted and awkward around SH.






I think during the CNBlue concert, because she didn't know the reason behind the 'no contact period' she gave him the benefit of the doubt. However, I believe that once she found out the true reason she got angry. You could see in the backroom interviews during the salon and practice episode that she was just angry. Unless SH is an exceptionally good actress, I think that anger was genuine.






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hello blush.gif..again im watching the episode... and again im smiling like crazy... 























































































everything about the episode is so lovely.. 























































































i love omoni (am i correct..) hahah .. i love how she asks seohyun about yonghwa not calling her often and explaining to her that that is reallly how yonghwa is.... i think as most of us gogumas agree that she really really likes seohyun to the point that she even explains her son... wub.gif









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@Aurora82. I'm confused too. This is just to clear up my point:


The bday ep is June 29. CNBlue concert is July 30/31 and first taping is Aug 3. So if the mildang happened in the first 2 weeks after the bday ep - I'm sure she would know about it by the time CNBlue concert arrived and before the dinner with WGM staff on the 20th of July. If it happens 2 weeks before CNBlue concert then she can't suddenly realized it on Aug 3 when he had introduced her to his parents during the concert and we must fit in dinner with the WGM staff that happened most likely on the 20th of July - since the article was around that time.


I get that she can't be angry at CNBlue concert, but she was so bubbly that its odd that on Aug 3 she could be so sad about it. I would think if she was so sad about it she would have been more reserved about her greeting Yong.


I tend to have the tendency not to believe everything I'm told to believe and look for supporting evidence (its the scientist in me) so I have questions on it that's all.


EDIT: @ goguma 1207 - I rewatched that bit - to tell you the truth I didn't see anything wrong with the way Yong was acting at the CNBlue backstage. He was meeting her in the eyes when she dropped the towel and when he asked her about where she was seating during the concert. if you mean when he was wrapping the bottle in the towel - that may just be editing. You can see he was holding a brown bottle and at the other end of the table when he came in - but later he was holding a water bottle and wrapping it in a towel and at the other end of the table...I don't know.


Anyways, this will be my last post on the subject. - because we all are confused and have different interpretations - a good thing. I will just enjoy what they give me.



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Guest Crystal392














hehehe right now I'm at my uni but I couldn't help but checked the thread ;)






























About mildang... I've always been confused about that, some people think their little argument was real, some think it wasn't... I think it was a mixture of both xD like there was a mildang period but WGM PD/crew made it seem more serious/longer than what it really was. But personally I don't like to think too much on past things :lol: whatever was the reason and if it was indeed true or not... we will probably never know. But it's interesting reading all your posts hehehehe ;)






























mrsjoker, glennpaulo: About WGM filming or not that clip of Hyun at CNBLUE's concert... I really think they filmed it. As I said before, I am 100% sure I saw a post at dcmarried with a pic of a camera (in its bag) that was ona table in something that looked like a dressing/waiting room (like CNBLUE's concert waiting room that was shown on the clip) and I think the guy in charge of filming had tweeted it or something like that and supossedly that was proof they had filmed WGM for a little time. I was using google translator so I didnt exactly know what the post was about but it was basically that... I wish I had saved the picture and/or link to that post x___x maybe someone could ask a Korean Goguma just to be sure... hmmm... that was a long time ago and probably what I just said isn't exactly the same of what I saw but I just remember that. I think this will go to Goguma Mystery Box xD we will probably never know who filmed it :lol:






























OMG there are soo many things in Goguma Mystery Box! I think we should change to Goguma Mystery Room :P



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@lulu2: hmmm this is indeed confusing. I always thought the concert was two weeks after the fishing trip and I really can't tell why I thought it that way. But I checked the calender right now and you're right.




The only thing that occurs to me is, to explain Hyunnie's behaviour, that she doesn't want to show how hurt she is and put on an act and besides it was CN Blue's first concert in Korea and she must know how they feel, how happy they are(she has gone through it all) and doesn't want to dim the mood. ackkkkkk maybe we have to take it as we get it presented from the show, or demand some proper clarification from WGM, lol. never mind :)





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Guest glennpaulo
























Aigoo...... I really really love this thread and uri Yongseo, There's so many things to talk about, There so many question that need an answer. There's so many confusion that needs a clarification. There so many lovable goguma that always sharing their opinion. Theres so many scene that will spazz you.  I really cant help myself to always refresh this page to see and read the new post even though i have many things here to be done.. Its already 2am here in the philippines but im still fully awake....keke....








And by the way thank you for all who share their pic, story, opinion, their drawing, translation and all about our yongseo.























Ahmmm one thing i really hate now, the word "EDITED-OUT". grrrrrrrrr.....

















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i'm confused here about sulli's story during the mildang episode..can someone tell me what does sulli has to do during mildang? did yonghwa said something about sulli that might upset uri seohyun?

anyway about seohyun's bubbly reaction, IMO it's just natural for people to be doing that when a couple is in such mildang period..she went there to support yong but at the same time knowing that yong has not contacted her at all before, it's like she's the one giving in..

i mean knowing hyun, she's not the type of person who would go to the boy, so i think by going to the concert, she had put her pride aside and she must have expected yong to call her after that but unfortunately, yong still continued with the mildang thingy..maybe that's why she got upset during the interview..bcoz she's like "dude, i give in already..i went to you.."

arhh i dont know whether my explanation is somewhat confusing to you but i totally get why hyun did that bcoz i've been in a mildang period with my ex.. i was the one who gave in and called him first and i acted normally and happily when i contacted  him expecting him to end the mildang but i got upset when he still didn't contact me the next day..

haha ok now i feel funny..this couple has something about them that made us read into this couple too much that all of us started to sound like FBIs..haha

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Guest andyhitman




Oh Yongseo makes me want to go dating. And capturing memories on film. Hahaha! I want to date a goguma after seeing how Seohyun changed from that "She hates boys" to this lovely lady.




I was thinking, Yonghwa missed his Inkigayo MC spot this week because of personal reasons and not CN Blue commitments.




Did he date Seohyun who happens to be on vacation? Haha. I wish! Yongseo makes everyone think of love!



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