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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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At first I didn't believed what I am seeing. I thought maybe it's just a photoshopped picture. then when the Busan pictures resurfaced I carefully checked what the two were wearing and I can now 100% say that it's THEM. I am so spazzing right now. Maybe that's why on the last episode it was just so natural for Hyun to put her head on Yong's shoulders and Yong's reaction is not a shocked one like when Hyun first initiated skinship in Japan. Everything is so natural for them. Whatever their relationship is, it's between them and them alone but all I can say is they're pretty darn close...
























I still stand on what I said on my previous post, MBC has reasons for not showing us the preview of our couple or else I don't think we would have survived the week spazzing from that single picture...












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Guest yangyoseob




I'm so glad that I woke up earlier today but wow this thread has gone nuts! everyone's spazzing and it's a hot mess. Now we got some teasers for next week :D! They will hold hands at the beach and now resting on each other on the train~







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Guest bettechai
































































































































































































































































oh my...
































































































































im not late right.??
































































































































wow.. as in WOW..!!!
































































































































i totally love the picture.. they really look like a couple oh ..
































































































































cant wait for Saturday....
































































































































look how hyun comfortably lean on yong.. totally daebak..! :)
































































































































thank you all GOGUMA SHIPPERs...:):wub::wub::wub::wub:

































































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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































It's me again. Thank you so much Mountainmadman for ur translations. :) And Thank you all goguma villagers for ur spazz, I'm so glad that I can make some happiness to our thread on the first week of New Year. Moreover I would like to Thank you for YongSeo, the real happiness of ours. I love YongSeo so much. They're so real. :wub:






























































































































I've found the another version of news. Pls kindly translate  this to us again.































































Thank you in advance. :wub:

































































































































[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]

































































































소녀시대 서현이 정용화의 어머니를 만났다.
































































































































1월 8일 방송되는 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 서현과 정용화는 정용화의 고향이 부산을 방문했다. 마중 나온 어머니와 함께 해운대 일식집에서 식사를 하게 됐다.
































































































































서현 입장에선 시어머니와 첫 대면이었다. 긴장해 있는 서현에게 정용화의 어머니는 까칠한 지적을 했다. 서현의 바다맛 김치와 주먹 된장찌개에 대해 언급한 것. 긴장해 있던 서현은 어찌할 바를 몰랐다고 한다.
































































































































문제는 정용화의 태도였다. 제작 관계자는 5일 뉴스엔과 통화에서 "고향인데다 어머니 앞인만큼 정용화가 평소와 다른 모습을 보였다"고 했다. 음식에 대해선 "다 먹을 수 있었다"고 서현의 편을 들었으나 이외에는 달랐던 듯.
































































































































과연 정용화가 긴장해 있는 서현을 도울지 어머니의 편에 서서 서현에게 구박을 하게 될지는 8일 방송되는 '우결'의 관전 포인트가 될 전망이다. 중요한 것은 정용화가 평소와 달랐다는 제작진의 설명이다.
































































































































한 편 부산 사람인 시어머니와의 첫 만남에 긴장백배였던 상도동 새댁 서현. 시어머니에게 친근하게 다가가기 위한 방법으로 부산억양과  제스처를 연마하고, 평소와 다른 식성(?)을 보이는 등 며느리로 사랑받기 위한 맞춤형(?) 준비를 해 왔다고 한다.
































































































































박정현 pch46@newsen.com
































































































































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지            































































































































































Cr : imbc + dcmarried

































































































































































































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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg omg omg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i come home and went straight on yongseo's thread and what do i see?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a picture of them sleeping on the train with their heads leaning against each other?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they look so good//comforable//cute together!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































at first i noticed yonghwa.... i didnt notice seohyun :X (maybe it's because of the glasses, never seen her wear glasses before) hehehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i was like omg who is that girl he's leaning his head to? lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































then i look closely is seohyun and i am relieved ahahahahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omo omo omo omo so the busan episode is next week?!?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant wait!!! wishhh it to be saturday already!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow the pd cant stop messing with us goguma villagers!! ahahaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also the digital single for the BANMAL SONG coming up January 14?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh my lord!!! i cant wait!!! support support support guys!!! (:

































































































































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I keep thinking back ....


is this photo the reason tht taeyone give that statement of hers?





seohyun already told her unnies what has transpired at busan and thus taeyone preempt all the fans that she approved or all the unnies approved of the relationship? if so....





OMGGGGGGG!!!!! hahahahaha..... no wonder she say its a bit abrupt of her to say that...



cos this is nicest bomb Gogumas ever have!!!!





now i wanna know about the BOICES thread if they saw this photo.... oh god!




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omo omo. u cant lean your head like that with your body like that without putting your hands together!!! They must be holdng hands!!!! :wub:














Looking fwd to the busan ep! But I am sure it will be broken into 2 eps! B)



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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































Oh!! My!! Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby!
































































































































































My eyes my eyes are blinded. I can't breathe because I'm trembling.
































































































































































Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby!!
































































































































































I'm in Go-Chun with everyone else :w00t: ...My polls in TGM forum have come true...one by one it's coming true. :D I can't believe (I can, but you know what I mean), I can't breathe (give me my inhaler).. These two do not need the neck pillows anymore. They are each others pink & blue neck pillows...

































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Guest zero_one
































just came back from work and got a surprise already....:ph34r: off mode








i think i just screamed when i see that picture, and the people at my house was startled wkwkwk....








that picture will be spazzed all week long by us kekekeke








that picture was before the filming rite?








cuz they haven't put on the microphone...









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Guest BigSmileAgain


Ohhh They really cute together. I stare at their picture and smile like crazy...I cannot explain my feeling now...JUST SO HAPPY and really want tomorrow be Saturday^^...This thread like a heaven for me . Sometimes I dont want go out this thread because so many rumor out there. but this thread always positive thinking that cute...Love YongSeo Love Goguma Fan. :)


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Just found this in Baidu..















































A smile Yong...















































But the cloth are the same as filming time at Busan...


































































































cr to : Link from Baidu page







































































Just realize something.















































The driver is a lady, must his mom drive them there....





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yuhuuu everyone.. ^^ I found something from MC Kim Twitter.. I think it related with our lovely YongSeo couple.. but since I don't understand Korean well and google translate was so... -_-'' I hope somebody can translate it for us.. ^^

우결 용서커플!.이번주에피는 시어머님 방문기..뭘해얄지 서먹한 어린부부..ㅋ이번주 토욜 닥본사!!

credit to: @jake82054

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Guest angg_jagiya


beautiful feeling to see them together like that, they really match, right?




God, please i pray make them open their hearts to love one another tears.giftears.gif




TQ all...always love Yongseo :wub:


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Guest rainie029







우결 용서커플!.이번주에피는 시어머님 방문기..뭘해얄지 서먹한 어린부부..ㅋ이번주 토욜 닥본사!!


Credits: jake82054@twitter




any translations?? kyaa i think he is talking about YongSeo trip to busan?


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omg!! that explains the no-preview last week. this is just epic! the picture is epic! I have a very warm feeling inside everytime i look at the picture (and spazz about it!) lol
















I just love how everything progresses naturally with this couple, it was worth the wait. things were slow at first BUT once they start, it keeps coming up... I'm also anticipating for their beach scene when they will be holding hands as they stroll!! and hope we'll see more of the feeding each other action too!
















kyaaa hurry come saturday!









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huh.gifSomething just dawn on me Adam and Kuntoria couple had
















40min. on WGM the last 2 weeks so does that mean that
















Yongseo gets 40min. this week.
































I put this in my edit but it is a fue pages back, so I reposted
















just wanted to know what u fellow Goguma think.
































Thanks Claude71 for MC Jake trans.
































Aah need 2 get some sleep 

















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Guest myblue
































































































found this at allkpop.com
































SNSD’s Seohyun meets her mother-in-law on “We Got Married






























































































































































It’s one of the hardest meetings a girl will have to make, but SNSD’s Seohyun took a deep breath and tried to deliver a first impression that would do her husband proud.
































For MBC’s “We Got Married“, Seohyun and her ‘husband’ (CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa) travelled to Busan recently to meet his family.  In an effort to make a positive first impression, Seohyun tried her best to learn the provincial dialect and certain gestures indigenous to Busan, in addition to showing a bigger appetite than normal.
































The couple was greeted by Yonghwa’s mother upon their arrival, and visited a sushi restaurant for a meal.
































Their meeting, and whether Seohyun received a passing score as a ‘daughter-in-law’ can be found on the episode scheduled for December 8th.
































Source + Photos: X Sports News via Daum

































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Guest Claude71






MC Jake is definitely a Yongseo shipper (:

我结红薯夫妇!这个星期是拜访婆婆...这对小夫妇应该怎么做呢?呵呵 期待这个星期六!!


Credit: Baidu



" WGM Goguma couple! This week would be visiting of mother-in-law. What will they do? Keke.. Please look forward this Saturday!! "



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just saw that article on baidu goguma forum on my itouch and wanted to share it immediately so i went to switch on my com.


but when i came to this thread, it seems that someone was faster then me!!


oh, even the translations are out!!! OMG!!!!



Sorry to cut your post. I see you mentioned to baidu goguma forum. Could you tell me the address of that site?


Thank you in advance!


PS: I;m totally crazy now.hahaha. My sister, who also admired Kpop alot, say that she wonder why I love YongSeo so much like that? 


^^ and I said " You 'll find out the answer yourself when you see these YongSeo episode" and now we, Go-Chun, have another member!


That's Goguma power! 


Thank everybody alot for sharing the precious info about Busan trip.


Love all Goguma Villagers!


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Guest linh80


i dont want to put high hope but i think this week may be we will have 40 minute. ah, jsut think about that make me cry happily.




Yongseo, you are Deabak. i want she will forever mother in law of Seohyun. forever. :wub:


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