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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Ae-Rin








































































































Hello goguma villagers all around the world!






































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for sharing all these caps and videos of today's episode. You guys are DAEBAK!
























































































It was so sweet ! Hyun seems to be so comfy with Yong now... At the end, she totally wanted to hug him! Ah, now he needs to be more bold with her, since she showed she's ready! Putting her head on his shoulder... So cute & natural! I loved it.
























































































Can't wait to see what will happen next week... Busan episode? Hehe
























































































2011 belongs to YONGSEO <3
























































































PS: Did you see Adam couple? They shared a kiss... It was really cute! Ah, I like Jokwon, this guy's adorable^^









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Guest desirenhope
































































































At first, I was a little disappointed with how the WGM PDs arranged this episode. They could have edited out some of the NGs because it was quite repetitive and could have shown something more. But everything is edited the way it is edited for a reason.
















































































You can see how Seohyun is so very touchy and this episode and laughing away to probably encourage Yonghwa and to lighten up the mood.
















































































Since this BTS of Banmal episode was recorded on December 26 2010, Yonghwa had 3 recordings in 1 day. He had Inkigayo and MBC Music Icon (the one he wore the yellow black shirt and ended up looking like a cute bee) as well as a date with his adorable wife at 9pm. So i guess it is natural for him to feel very frustrated when he could not get it right.
















































































Can't wait for next week's episode!
















































































Happy new year to all!









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Sweet small moments like the ones in this episode are the best! I don't need big gestures from this couple or they'd give me diabetic right now lol I love love love it when Seohyun leaned her head on Yonghwa and I love how they were happy for completing the song. I too wish they'd hug or something but maybe that's too much? lol and I agree with you guys, Seohyun was so touchy! From a girl's point of view, Seohyun is at a level where she's comfortable enough with Yonghwa and wants something more, wants to be noticed more and omg I can't believe I'm saying this but she really, really likes him! She likes him for real! Because I'd do the same thing she did if I like a guy blush.gif


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Guest -insideout




































OMG!!!!! this ep was so adorable, i love it when they just hang out in their home :)




























one of my favorite parts was in the beginning when hyun first takes off her jacket, yong kinda laughs and then says "you kind of look like a mother.. your clothes... you look old."




























LOL that can kind of come off in a negative way (saying that her clothes look like something a mom would wear/old lady-ish), but it just showed how much they've changed and how much closer they are!! he doesn't have to sugarcoat things anymore and say things like "oh you look pretty" or "oh that looks good" just to be nice to her. he's honest and comfortable with her and can say whatever he likes, even if it's negative... that's how real couples are!




























and i also loved when they were doing their final take, and mc jake saw the first few seconds and then said that the take looked like the real one. HAHAHAH!! i wonder if that means mc jake watched the video multiple times just like us and was able to recognize the actual video. LOL <3




























i do agree with some of you guys though in that i wish they had a christmas episode to themselves~ i'm kind of jealous hearing about adam couple having their christmas day and khuntoria with their christmas gifts... but oh well, seeing yongseo bond is even better and plus we have so many great episodes to look forward to!




























even though i don't post in here much, happy new year to you alllll~~~ and i hope taeng leader's wishes come true ;)





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look at the caption..

yong wants hyun to call him yonghwa ya

rmbr gogumas? in one of the many interviews that yong did..

he wished that one day, his girl would call him yonghwa ya... :wub:

ack!!! is it just my over imagination that that girl could be hyun... w00t.gifw00t.gif

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Guest oxoziy

*quoted image*

cr:dc married

Thank you for uploading this picture

They're really cute.

I think of the song


so oldie yet CLASSIC


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it was a nice epi for yongseo, we get to see how close and comfortable they are with each other .The touching of the knees,shoulder and hyuns head resting on yongs shoulder.This was all recent, a few days ago. So i am pretty content.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol. at yong getting frustrated at his own ng's, it must've been a tiring day for him and he is such a perfectionist it must be killing him. I think hyun was a bit worried about him, the way she looked at him behind the camera.But they had a good laugh about it and at the end,JUST HUG ALREADY!u know you want to both of you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was kindda hoping they showed more after the recording like last weeks epi, where they went for a game of basketball and drinks. But oh wells..yong and hyun have been very busy this last few days what with the year end festivals and overseas activity. Maybe they didnt have time to plan something grand for their first christmas together. But who know they might have gone somewhere or spent time with each other after the recording. Ahhh we will never know.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder hwy they are no previews for next week...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS: kwon and gain had their first kiss today..aww it was so sweet and cute. Naughty kwon, somehow i picture uri yongseo's first kiss (hopefully it will happen someday) to be something slow and romantic. The amount of eye contact/ship on that day will leave us dead. ^_^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hafiq890
































































































OMG!!!!! this ep was so adorable, i love it when they just hang out in their home :)
















































































one of my favorite parts was in the beginning when hyun first takes off her jacket, yong kinda laughs and then says "you kind of look like a mother.. your clothes... you look old."
















































































LOL that can kind of come off in a negative way (saying that her clothes look like something a mom would wear/old lady-ish), but it just showed how much they've changed and how much closer they are!! he doesn't have to sugarcoat things anymore and say things like "oh you look pretty" or "oh that looks good" just to be nice to her. he's honest and comfortable with her and can say whatever he likes, even if it's negative... that's how real couples are!
















































































and i also loved when they were doing their final take, and mc jake saw the first few seconds and then said that the take looked like the real one. HAHAHAH!! i wonder if that means mc jake watched the video multiple times just like us and was able to recognize the actual video. LOL <3
















































































i do agree with some of you guys though in that i wish they had a christmas episode to themselves~ i'm kind of jealous hearing about adam couple having their christmas day and khuntoria with their christmas gifts... but oh well, seeing yongseo bond is even better and plus we have so many great episodes to look forward to!
















































































even though i don't post in here much, happy new year to you alllll~~~ and i hope taeng leader's wishes come true ;)































































































































































waaa....did adam n khuntoria have a special things together?so waht should we give our yongseo then~uhu...i heard adam couple did their first kiss already...uhu
















































































actually i'm still waiting for subbed video~uhu....love yongseo~

















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Guest yasmin_waldz






Hello fellow gogumas... How was your new year? Hope everyone is well...


I love this episode... Since it is the most recent they had filmed, we can really see just how close and comfortable they are of each other... I got all misty-eyed when Seohyun leaned her head on Yong's shoulder... *sigh* And my god, Seohyun is getting all touchy, I am so loving it... All these small and subtle, but oh so many, actions speaks volumes and what makes me love them all the more... Though there were many who were not satisfied with the episode, for me, it's enough... Granted, other couples have more screentime right now and have such great events for Christmas and yes, I do sometimes feel bitter about it, but as long as they will give me 20 minutes of yongseo moments, I will be very happy indeed... Anyway, eventhough they did not have any special Christmas celebration, what they did was even greater... Making a banmal song mv and posting it on youtube is truly the greatest Christmas gift they can give to their fans...



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Guest xolemonmeringuexo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the following post is not true :[ sorry, i fail
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so much for one and only contribution, ill try harder next time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THANKS angelvillian
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i hope you guys enjoy :]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGHWA yelled out SO NYUH SHI DAH three times during their performance ;] :]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the first time i was like O.O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really??? but then i heard it more often
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































at 6:26
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































at 8:56
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest AngelVillian


i hope you guys enjoy :]



YONGHWA yelled out SO NYUH SHI DAH three times during their performance ;] :]

the first time i was like O.O

really??? but then i heard it more often


at 6:26

at 8:56

at 9:16


Just to say... he's not shouting SNSD.

I forgot what that sentence meant.

But it's not SNSD.

He usually says that sentence to make the audience high or something.

It's kinda his signature sentence :)

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Guest glennpaulo
















































i hope you guys enjoy :]
















































YONGHWA yelled out SO NYUH SHI DAH three times during their performance ;] :]
















the first time i was like O.O
















really??? but then i heard it more often
































at 6:26
















at 8:56
















at 9:16















































It is not SNSD..
















It is a korean word which means "Everybody Scream" In English.
















Some of international fan mistaken heard it like that. Hope it helps.

















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Guest waetoriya





i hope you guys enjoy :]






YONGHWA yelled out SO NYUH SHI DAH three times during their performance ;] :]


the first time i was like O.O


really??? but then i heard it more often




at 6:26


at 8:56


at 9:16





I'm sorry to disappoint you but he didn't say that. He actually shouted "EVERYBODY SCREAMMMMMMM!!!"


I like this episode very much, especially since it was recorded within their comfort zone, without the public looking at them besides the staffs of course. No wonder Yonghwa looks so down in the final version. hahaha


And like everyone here, Seohyun's skinship is definitely the best. I especially like the part where Yonghwa and Seohyun laughed as they look at each other. When they NG at this part, Seohyun slides her hand down Yonghwa's arm and he had a huge smile on his face. :)


Definitely a great start to a new year 2011.


Anyway, this may be off topic but have any of you seen Adam couple kiss scene today? Very cute indeed. I wonder when our Yongseo couple will reach their stage. If they do anytime soon, I think all of us gogumas will be spamming like crazy and this thread will jump by 20+ pages. kekeke


Happy New Year Gogumas~!!! :)


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YONGHWA yelled out SO NYUH SHI DAH three times during their performance ;] :]

















the first time i was like O.O

















really??? but then i heard it more often


























he said so ri ji lo = scream









=D alot of non koreans fans thought that he was saying so nyuh shidae LOLLL


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Guest LiyLiy14


To xolemonmeringuexo & AngelVillian,




The meaning of Yong Hwa shout mean "everybody scream".Do forgive me if this is not correct but previous pages already discuss about this.Hope we have an expert to help you all. I think it is not too late for me to wish all GOGUMA VILLAGERS, 






Regarding today episode, i'm able to stream live. 1st time streaming live.


So happy the Hyun was able to lean her head at Yong's shoulder.


Seem they are closer in this episode.






Edit: Ops, Waetoriya & Liquidfir is faster than me.


Edit 2 : To AngelVillian, do forgive me if my post misleading you. I'm just want to clarify the word that you mean to mention.


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Guest shawn_daebak












from this episode...








i can say that they are really comfortable with each other...








i can tell that our GOGUMA GODDESS is now comfortable touching the GOGUMA ROCKER!!!








its simply TRUE LOVE!!!
















i miss my girlfriend...











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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Happy New Year 2011








































































































































































for every goguma Lover








































































































































































I thinks everyone will enjoy with This Ep. they are so Qute:wub:








































































































































































I pray for YongSeo. Be happy as they make us happy like every they








































































































































































everythings that makes them happy Be YongSeo








































































































































































everythings that makes them comfortable. Be YongSeo








































































































































































everythings that makes them uncomfortable Be gone

















































































































































































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Guest YongSeo












Though some gogumas may feel that Yongseo did not do any great event for this christmas, I feel otherwise. This just proves that they are like any other normal couple. The song that they created belonged only to them. It is something that they do without any ppl help. From melody to lyrics to the MV, it is definitely going to be an unforgetable memory for both of them. This song is just like their baby!!




This is the first couple that I saw so musically compatible and talented.





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Guest AngelVillian

To xolemonmeringuexo & AngelVillian,

The meaning of Yong Hwa shout mean "everybody scream".Do forgive me if this is not correct but previous pages already discuss about this.Hope we have an expert to help you all. I think it is not too late for me to wish all GOGUMA VILLAGERS, 


Regarding today episode, i'm able to stream live. 1st time streaming live.

So happy the Hyun was able to lean her head at Yong's shoulder.

Seem they are closer in this episode.

Edit: Ops, Waetoriya & Liquidfir is faster than me.


I know that wasn't SNSD.

I just said i forgot what that sentence meant XDD

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