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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest saranghaeyo99



First.. i wanna say to all the gochun fams HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!, i finish watching the ep and a bit dissapoint...first my streaming is lagging!!!! and i wait for the jealousy part, friends who will spill secret about yong..but none of that happen sigh... but i catch a glimpse of skinship, esp when seohyun lay her head on yong shoulder!!! seohyun should do that a bit longer not just split second hehe so anyone can upload the raw cut i will greatly appreciate it ^-^


:wub:me too!i watch in USstream and it keeps lagging(again).but i can see SEOHyun lay her head on her husband's shoulder~~~>SWEEtee baby :wub::wub::wub::wub:


when the preview is out????????????:phew:



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the 18 sec. clip of Hyun leaning on Yong's shoulder
















so cute!
















I just have to say one thing to Yonghwa. "Stop dancing and HUG YOUR WIFE! WE KNOW YOU WANT TO!"
































no preview... :(
















not a good way to start the new year MBC!

















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Guest wishwash
































I've gotta say... Even as a girl, I love Seohyun's aegyo. It's sweet and not too overboard. The way she leaned on Yonghwa shoulders when she made a mistake was so cute. If I'm a guy I'd like her too.
































Another thing is... don't you guys think they are so alike now? Look at their actions and expressions. They are so in tuned with each other OMG! Ah... Well they're both so lucky to have each other. I hope they stay so sweet forever.
































It's a pity that not everything that was mentioned in the preview came out. No well wishes from friends and no jealous yong.









































I love yongseo but I think Adam couple's episode is the best today! Must watch! I had goosebumps about half the time watching them. After watching them I was doubly sure they deserve the best couple award.

























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credit thesonesource19
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































was streaming our yongseo couple today
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awww poor you guys who stream and was laggy but for me it didnt lag at all (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but OMG!! when HYUN LEANED ON YONG'S SHOULDERS i totally was surprised!!! it was so natural!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun intimated alot of skinship today!! (=
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wished they high fived or held hands at the end like they did during the duet!! because hyuns hand was seriously up for a high five! but instead yong did the hoot dance. lmao!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i didnt know they would do that many takes. no wonder yong did look a little tired in the video.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































other wise the video was great (=
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































did you guys notice they put ALL their toys on the couch? so cute! ahahahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sadly no preview today.... :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wanted to see jealous yong again [=

































































































































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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































Guys YongSeo cut was the best new year present i've ever got :w00t: !!! it was totally daebak!! I love Hyun's aegyo, even if yonghwa was frustrated with hyun's mistake, when she leaned on him i bet all the frustration was forgotten :wub:

































































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thanks for the raw vid cut guys....what make me a bit annoy the fact when the adam and khuntoria part was shown my streaming was not lagging at all!!!! why oh why just when the yongseo part is lagging???
























yong...hug her already!!!! she is ready from the way she act, we can see it!!! sure you see it too....new year resolution 4 yong : be a bit daring and take the lead!!!! ^-^









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Guest readsandgeeks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy New Year, fellow Gogumas~ (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the very fast uploads of raw cuts bee_ichigo! You're a saint! <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, i can't help but notice something in today's broadcasting- the stated date that YongSeo recorded the UCC was on 26 Dec 2010..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Does this mean WGM PDs fast forwarded another episode again [ala the Ueno Juri episode]?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Correct me if i'm wrong but there was a Busan recording in late November before this UCC episode? hehe Maybe that was why Hyun~ was a bit more touchy-feely towards her nampyeon (am hoping something significant happened in Busan during filming keke)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope this won't turn out to be a big of a deal but was just curious about the filming dates (:

































































































































































































































































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Guest crushh_11

OMO, i havent seen the whole ep, but seeing the video how seohyun put her head in yong's, i was freaking out! OMO!!! i love it so much, maybe yong's heart explode.!LOL

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Wohooo! This episode is daebak!

I love to see the collaboration between them. The BTS had made them more closer and Hyun can't get enough of touching her hubby! Awwww Sweet baby! Please don't let go your hubby, if not so many people will kidnap him LOL :lol:

Kyaa Yonghwa, did you pretend to do lots of NG so that you can feel the touch of your wifey? keke~ :P If yes, please do lots more! keke! My love towards you guys had been blossom everyday and every minute. You guys had makes my 2010 full of love and interesting. I've a new goguma family!! Thanks to each one of you. :D

YONGSEO Hwaiting!

Be healthy and keep the love for real :D

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Guest shinhdeplol

Seohyun & Yonghwa complete their ‘banmal song’ recording on “We Got Married”


CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun finally revealed the final process to the creation of their couple song on this week’s MBC’s “We Got Married.”

They had earlier received a mission asking them to create a couple song, so Yonghwa took charge of the song’s melody, while Seohyun added lyrics, creating a perfect harmonization.

Their song was finally completed and uploaded onto Youtube through their sweetpotato4339 account on December 26th and has since recorded over a miliion views. In the video, the two appear side by side on a sofa, greeting the viewers in Korean, English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Thai before recording.

In the middle of the recording, the two hold a conversation in which Seohyun asks, “Hey, Ong. You wanted to hear me speak informally, right? You know that it’s hard for me.. How much do you want to hear me speak it?“ Yonghwa replies, “A lot.”


Surprisingly, on the episode aired on December 1st, it was revealed that Seohyun actually didn’t play the guitar in the UCC video.

Although appearing to be strumming the strings in the actual video, Seohyun explained her secret stating that she was actually strumming in the air and that Yonghwa was the one performing everything.

In behind-the-scenes footage also aired with the broadcast, their NG cuts were also revealed.

Due to the repeated mistakes, Yonghwa is seen frustrated with the lack of progress, leading MCs watching in the studio to comment, “He looks like an elementary school student that is throwing a fuss because things aren’t going as he had planned.”

Check out the completed video below if you haven’t!


Source: Star News, Newsen via Nate

Taken from: Allkpop

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Once again akp post a news about yongseo.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun & Yonghwa complete their ‘banmal song’ recording on “We Got Married”






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun finally revealed the final process to the creation of their couple song on this week’s MBC’“We Got Married.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They had earlier received a mission asking them to create a couple song, so Yonghwa took charge of the song’s melody, while Seohyun added lyrics, creating a perfect harmonization.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their song was finally completed and uploaded onto Youtube through their sweetpotato4339 account on December 26th and has since recorded over a miliion views. In the video, the two appear side by side on a sofa, greeting the viewers in Korean, English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Thai before recording.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the middle of the recording, the two hold a conversation in which Seohyun asks, “Hey, Ong. You wanted to hear me speak informally, right? You know that it’s hard for me.. How much do you want to hear me speak it?“ Yonghwa replies, “A lot.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Surprisingly, on the episode aired on December 1st, it was revealed that Seohyun actually didn’t play the guitar in the UCC video.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Although appearing to be strumming the strings in the actual video, Seohyun explained her secret stating that she was actually strumming in the air and that Yonghwa was the one performing everything.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In behind-the-scenes footage also aired with the broadcast, their NG cuts were also revealed. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Due to the repeated mistakes, Yonghwa is seen frustrated with the lack of progress, leading MCs watching in the studio to comment, “He looks like an elementary school student that is throwing a fuss because things aren’t going as he had planned.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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EDIT : upppss sinhdeplol already post it. sorrysweatingbullets.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest shinhdeplol

Just check out the honor for Yongseo's YT channel and woaahhhh, Im impressed :D

#1 - Most Subscribed (This Week)

#1 - Most Subscribed (This Week) - Hong Kong

#10 - Most Subscribed (This Month)

#1 - Most Subscribed (This Month) - Hong Kong

#22 - Most Subscribed (All Time) - Hong Kong

Honors for the video

#8 - Most Discussed (This Week))

#1 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Hong Kong

#2 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Music

#1 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong

#67 - Most Discussed (This Month))

#1 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Hong Kong

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#1 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong

#9 - Most Discussed (All Time)) - Hong Kong

#2 - Most Discussed (All Time)) - Music - Hong Kong

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#36 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Japan

#1 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - South Korea

#3 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Hong Kong

#6 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Taiwan

#83 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Germany

#3 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Australia

#7 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Canada

#40 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - United Kingdom

#81 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Ireland

#61 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - India

#7 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - New Zealand

#151 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Israel

#46 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - South Africa

#96 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Argentina

#136 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Spain

#91 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Mexico

#50 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - France

#4 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Japan

#1 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - South Korea

#57 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Netherlands

#191 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Poland

#59 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Russia

#1 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong

#3 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Taiwan

#104 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Czech Republic

#49 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Sweden

#1 - Most Viewed (This Month)) - Hong Kong

#1 - Most Viewed (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong

#117 - Most Viewed (All Time)) - Music - Hong Kong

#6 - Top Favorited (This Week))

#1 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Hong Kong

#1 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Music

#1 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong

#66 - Top Favorited (This Month))

#1 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Hong Kong

#21 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Music

#1 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong

#65 - Top Favorited (All Time)) - Hong Kong

#44 - Top Favorited (All Time)) - Music - Hong Kong

#8 - Top Rated (This Week))

#1 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Hong Kong

#3 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Music

#1 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong

#74 - Top Rated (This Month))

#1 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Hong Kong

#9 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Music

#1 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong

They are sooo popular :w00t:

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Guest teuksunghae



just watched the last episode and DAEBAK as always

i wonder where is that two pandas above the yellow elephant goes in the finished video ???

edit : rewatched it again and saw that both pandas sadly pushed accidentally by yonghwa causing them to not have any appearance in the final video...sweatingbullets.gif


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who wouldn't be frustrated with so many NGs,

but its also a heart warming scene to see them laughing at their silly mistakes!

tks to the NGs, we got to see lots of skinship too!! :wub::w00t:

ah...u two.. :rolleyes:

thus, we should be supporting their vid even more... ;)


how do we get rid of trol in their channel? there is one there now :crazy:

edit2: ah...its gone now. good riddance!

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Guest melibu

annyeong! this week's episode was good. love all the skinship! it's kinda like when a girl likes a guy, normally they will hit them lightly or find ways to touch him. kinda like them now. her leaning on his shoulder for that fraction of second was really something to spazz about definitely! hopefully what Taeyeon say will come true.

but perhaps i might be the only one who is kinda disappointed. i mean the episode is great because of YongSeo but i wish that Yong was also given a task for christmas or vice versa. banmal song is great but the song can be done anytime of the year and it just so happens to fall nearer to christmas. then what about the couple spending their first christmas together? it's like nothing...or maybe the skiing trip might be next and that's how they spend their christmas or perhaps they will go out for a walk after making the video. i would like it if we also get to see how the couple spend their first christmas together.

EDIT: oh someone posted HQ version already. so i will take out. also darn! no preview! well... we just have to wait for Sat to come then :)

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