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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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thanks lovelybee for the news, I am searchin for words as to how impressed I am by this Jung YongHwa(and CN Blue in general). Great, awesome handling of the situation. He is really one of a kind, and I just saw the news at YongHwa's thread that he won the SBS Rookie award, Chukahae!!!









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Guest bolmaejung


it's not yongseo ring. it's different size, different shape.

Please don't confuse. kkkk


This is a new japanese magazine for next month.

Yong wears couple ring. Ring issue isn't important:)

Uri goguma couple are happy!

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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































LMAO!!! doesn't any goguma think it's funny that YongSeo couple try to avoid wearing their couple ring in korea as much as possible <_< , but when they're in Japan they don't even care that it's captured on a magazine or on music station :w00t: ? I think it's so kool that they have so much freedom in Japan. Look at Yong, the only ring he's wearing in the magazine is his couple ring. I think it's so cute!!! I wish they have more filming in Japan, b/c they seem more natural there. :lol:

































































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Guest fabiistar07








*quoted image*




it's not yongseo ring. it's different size, different shape.




Please don't confuse. kkkk




*quoted image*




This is a new japanese magazine for next month.




Yong wears couple ring. Ring issue isn't important:)




Uri goguma couple are happy!







i knew the ring seemed way too small, that couldn't even fit my pinky hahaha




but thanks for posting this up, the japanese magazine shows it clearly..so i'm guessing both of their wedding rings have a small stone/diamond in the middle




btw... what does Uri mean? :huh: I've seen it a couple of times now but i don't know what it means ^_^





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Hey guguma, i found this fancam:
































































It's totally DAEBAK. Yong was alaways looking his buin, standing behind her and his stare is so sweet too.haha, im so excited.
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Guest _d3seohyun

the sight of them being all goofy and happy is more than enough to call for a celebration :wub: party on gogumas!

here's a longer version of the fancams previously posted. credit as tagged :D

YONG and HYUN during DJ Doc's performance

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Thank you gogumas for the fancams and pictures and news, links, everything!!! We can tell that they both are daebak, first SeoHyun and after Yong, wow, how amazing are these two ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They look so happy in the fancams that I will dare to say that this is a prove for us. That awful rumor IS NOT true!, not true at all, we can tell because of their happiness, right?.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, tomorrow (or today) MBC Gayo, the one we all are waiting for... I hope for them to perform together, that would be so daebak! (and sweet and romantic and spazzible, hahaha)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyong Gugmas, and don´t forget Banmal song ^^!

































































































































































































































































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Just wanted to say congrats to Yonghwa for winning an award for Rookie of the year in SBS variety awards. For both the Popularity award. For their great performances in every shows where they performs. I wish you will have more award in the future with your groups or individually or as the both of you...More power!!! Fighting YongSeo couple!!! :)


Mornight guys..Happy New Year everyone in GOGUMA VILLAGE!!!




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Guest Crystal392










Hi everyone!!! Thanks to all the ones who have shared screencaps, links and info about uri Yong~ and Hyun~.


















I don't have anything to share :3 Just wanted to wish all of you a happy 2011! I hope it will be a very succesful year that will bring each one of you lots and lots of happiness. I wish the same for uri Jung YongHwa and Seo Joo Hyun. :)


















hehehe both looked so good on SBS and KBS Gayo Daejun.


















I hope they will have a special stage on MBC Gayo Daejun *fingers crossed*


















YongSeo fighting! :)



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There's a new article about the girls. DC married just copied the part where Taeyeon talks about Seohyun-Yonghwa.








































































































































멤버들이 서로에게 바라는 점을 말해달라.








































































































































"막내 서현이가 '우결'커플인 정용화씨와 실제로 사귀였으면 좋겠다. 너무 뜬금없는 얘긴가. 서현-용화 커플이 예쁘고 잘 어울린다. 서현이는 워낙 일에 철저한 아이라서 연애를 해도 소녀시대 활동에 별 문제가 없을거란 생각이 든다."(태연)
















































































































































































































































































Banmal Song finally made it to Korean news: Click








































































































































They're wrong though. We made the video more 1 million hits in 2 days. -_-









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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































does hyun wears her ring ding dong? isn't that her snsd ring? is there any screen caps of her couple ring during kbs?
































































































































































































































































im also happy every time they wear the ring outside wgm, but it doesn't matter if they don't, we can see in the kbs music festival that they are aware of each others presencewub.gifwub.gifwub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































love the opening, i must say nickhun's english is good. but what caught my attention is yong and hongki's linking arm part. i think hongki is teasing him about our hyun laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif
































































































































































































































































cant wait of mbc music festival later, i've read that cnblue and ft island will be sharing the stage for the 1st time. a must see performance!!! 
































































































































































































































































hope there will be a lot of yongseo moments this time rolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































happy new year my goguma family all over the world- lets spread the yongseo love through out the year 2011!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
























Taeyeon says that she hopes Yonghwa ang Seoyun will become a real couple
















Yongseo got Taeyeon's approval :wub:





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Why , everyone still worry about the Ring last night ... here you can see that Seohyun wear the Couple Ring...


The left Couple Ring







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Guest fabiistar07








Taeyeon says that she hopes Yonghwa ang Seoyun will become a real couple




Yongseo got Taeyeon's approval :wub:







waah~! really??!! :w00t:







i tried to translate it but i couldn't understand a thing from the translation aside from 'Taeyeon' lol







but that's sooo exiting! :D







since she's the leader, that should mean all soshi unnies approve too right? :P keke





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Guest weizhen_sj
































gogumas, thank you very much for the goodies!
















let me just share my pov re the ring :)































I certainly believe that Yong was stealing glances at Buin that time... spazzing over it although it's just glance...haha... and i hope that Yong went to stand at that area because buin is around there, and the boys just follow... :)

















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Looking at the comments about the rings is like playing "Where's Waldo". My personal opinion is that it could be any one of the below reasons:







(1) This is just a show to them and the wearing of the rings are not that important







(2) They were told to back off wearing the rings until CNBlue's comeback. 







(3) Number 2 but they have them in places we can't see. Yong did an interview in Taiwan (I think) where the interviewer asked him about being distracted while putting his ring back on (it was in his pocket) and he said he couldn't wear it during the photo shoot.







(4) We have no clue as to what is going on and may never know.







I was looking at some videos at you tube and was sort of disturbed by the number of comments for almost all the videoes that had been marked as spam. These were all very positive comments about the couple but if Seohyun or the rings were mentioned they were marked as spam. This must be the work of some very immature people who don't have any concept of how a mature relationship works. (Or what a mature 22 year old man in the entertainment industry wants in a relationship with a woman).


























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Guest saranghaex130






Hey guys :) Just saw a selca of Yonghwa and Heechul from KBS Gayo Daejun yesterday :)




Guess Heechul approves ;)








Happy New Year!!!~ <3


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Guest yongsarang
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Video download~!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Opening |Loner+Love | Romeo & Juliet| Like the first feeling






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa had a mic problem when he was singing the 1st verse of Loner but he was praised for his professionalism. Article
































































































































here  Oops! someone shared it already keke Mian people..































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually, I didn't finish watching the whole thing because I was already sleep keke so I didn't manage to watch SNSD's part but for sure































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today's MBC Gayo Daejun I will watch it~!
































































































































phew.gif It's New Year laterrr! Advance Happy New Year to you guys wub.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Watch MBC Gayo Daejun































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Time: 21:55 - 1:40 KST































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Haven't seen the line up! Will post it up when I find it































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































101230 - SBS Ent. Awards Rap Part (Yong)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































101225 Star King - CNB Cut
































































































































































































































































































































































































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