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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































here's a capture of Yong's Ring on a Chain (it sounds like the title of a lovely poem doesn't it???)
































































*quoted image*































































































































OMG rxp080100, words cannot express how much i love you right now for being able to screencap the ring ding dong :D i've been trying to do it from the time the clips were up on youtube but #iFAIL cos yong seobang was moving around so much, all my caps were blurry -.-
































































now if only someone could do a screencap of hyun buin's finger, which might be a little hard cos even when i was watching snsd's performance, i had a "is it there? is it not?" moment.
































































aigoo these kids..fancy playing with your noona/unnie's heart like this.. ;)
































































this moment is a thousand times better than winning an award, so don't fret about our yongseo couple not winning the best couple award, gogumas. keep your chin up and look forward to saturday! BTS of the Banmal song! can hardly wait! :D

































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Guest LJH_Helen


KBS is jjang!!

Yonghwa and CNBLUE is so cool and i admire SNSD for delivering a perfect performance despite their busy schedule.

Now about the ring.. i know were not suppose to stress about it, but we are so stalking it...  and i love it. :wub:

The screencaps of rxp080100 and aneng are so great.  I would also recommend that you watch CNBLUE's performance with Shin Seung Hoon.  He is definitely wearing the ring as a pendant. I don't know how to embed pictures/screen caps as of yet but here is the YT link. Shin Seung Hoon & CNBLUE

video credit to:UnknownCarrot170

goodnight everyone and sweet dreams. <br style=""> <br style="">


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Guest Leya320
















































this is the caps, if im not mistaken is taken by rxp080100






























*quoted image*













































i'm pretty sure that it is really the ring. awww our yong hubby is so sweet~~ :wub:







































































hiii, this is my first time post my comment in this thread. btw, do u guys think that the ring is a lil bit smaller than the usual one..? i mean for a guy...

















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am i the only one think it is not our ring..i think yong wear necklace together with pendant look alike ring. It is too small to say a ring in his necklace..





by d way, Yong rock the nite, he indeed our leader shi..


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Guest danedane
































































































!!!! A "fancam"? of SNSD and CN BLUE during DJ DOC's part --- you can see SNSD having fun, but the important part for us gogumas?! :D 
















CN BLUE brother push yo~ng towards hy~un!!!!! <3 <3 <3 
































This definitely a good night!! SNSD wins best song of the year with Oh! whilst the CN BLUE brothers come 5th for the most popular song! Happy New Years everyone! Yongseo fighting for the year to come, 2011! Let's hope for the best for uri yongseo ^.^ 

















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Guest kasia3goguma
































































Sooo many good things happened so far :D














































































































I just saw this fancam at YT ( I want more :PFANCAM































































And guess what I saw:
































































































Do You see???
































They look so happy haha
































And tomorrow is MBC, and theeen SATURDAY! :D

















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Guest kamekame
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yep Hyun wore the couple ring tonight but the ring on Yong's necklace, isn't the size too small to fit on his finger? Don't think it's the couple ring...sorry to be a bum but that's my observation...

































































































































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With that fancam, I prefer to see them that way in that kind of crowd. They were surely aware of each other's presence, Seohyun was about to look at Yonghwa's direction if the video wasn't cut. But anyway, it's so nice to see them actually having fun with their friends. I'd like to think of it of them attending this usual weekend parties with the thought of 'Party hard but be aware of my surrounding' kind of thing. They were enjoying too much! Look at Seohyun actually dancing with her sisters (with that happy smile)! And Yonghwa having a lot of fun with his brothers (especially Simon D) with the same expression as hers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It goes to show that they know how to act properly in public but with the obvious feeling that they're aware of each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Shoot. Am I the only one who thinks they're too much happy here? XD

































































































































































































































































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Guest gatorlow








Epic fancam! We want more goguma FBIs!<br><br>They were alr standing so close. I remember Yong saying that his brothers only had one female celebrity friend and I think they naturally find SNSD to stand during these mass gatherings. And I was right! They really were so close.<br><br>Haha its natural to find the only pple u talk to. And too bad Seo didn't see her playful husband clowning around behind her. Hope more fancams will reveal more yongseo interactions.<br><br>And check out Jung sisters and Seohyun joining in the kkap dance. Hahaha!<br>





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am i the only one think it is not our ring..i think yong wear necklace together with pendant look alike ring. It is too small to say a ring in his necklace..
































































by d way, Yong rock the nite, he indeed our leader shi..































































































































sorry to cu ypur post.. i guess its their ring.. ;) yong's hand is slender so that ring fits on his finger.. i hope someone can post the picture of yong wearing the ring on his necklace i think way back in august..;)
































































happy new year to everyone! have a blessed 2011!!

































































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!!!! A "fancam"? of SNSD and CN BLUE during DJ DOC's part --- you can see SNSD having fun, but the important part for us gogumas?! :D 

CN BLUE brother push yo~ng towards hy~un!!!!! <3 <3 <3 

This definitely a good night!! SNSD wins best song of the year with Oh! whilst the CN BLUE brothers come 5th for the most popular song! Happy New Years everyone! Yongseo fighting for the year to come, 2011! Let's hope for the best for uri yongseo ^.^ 

wow! what a night! CN Blue especially yong definitely rocked the stage!

however, i hate to burst the bubble but from the fancam (although both are pretty close to each other), it seem more like yong, simon D and his brothers are just having fun dancing to the music. well, that's what it looks like to me. anyways, just as the fancam cut away, hyun turned around...darn!

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Guest ahelasumi










wow! what a night! CN Blue especially yong definitely rocked the stage!








however, i hate to burst the bubble but from the fancam (although both are pretty close to each other), it seem more like yong, simon D and his brothers are just having fun dancing to the music. well, that's what it looks like to me. anyways, just as the fancam cut away, hyun turned around...darn!















yup I agree with you.. maybe CN Blue brothers just laughed so hard watching simon D's dance till they 'push' yong towards hyun's direction. but it's ok, they were so close to each other, plus, the rings is on tonight. Now I can sleep happily. Good night all Gogumas :)))



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erxmeeza, as much as i'd like that to be a ring, but u're right... the more i watch it the more it looks like as if it's too small for yong's finger although his fingers are already very slender for a guy. IDK, it's like yongseo are playing MILDANG with the public... they are like NOW U SEE THE RING, NOW U DON'T ever since the JongHyun incident. i'm not sure why yongseo do that though. IMO, that just indicates how much they wanna protect their relationship & WGM (without WGM they won't get to see each other often >.<)... well, that's my interpretation. moreover, it's also something about showing respect to a show/award by not stealing the hi-light of the show since i'm sure yongseo are aware that their rings have always attracted the medias/public. and that must be the few of the many reasons to the missing appearance of their rings in certain shows of late.

but i've learned not to worry over the ring & that's all thanks to u guys! ^^

what show was yong in at that time when he wore that necklace with the suspected ring?

goshh its so late already!? @_@


pointyui: u can try use Aegisub ^_^

101230 [HQ] Various Artists - Like The First Feeling [KBS Music Festival]

cr uploader

yonng's so handsome~! :wub:

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Guest pointyui




Hi gogumas, I don't mind doing the subs for this week's episode but I've tried with the previous few and I can't make my subs 3D or pop out. Anybody knows what programme I could use for this week?


My font is like normal font, I don't use a particular subbing programme. Anyone knows what to use? Many thanks in advance.


And I just saw the fancam of the KBS Gayo. Oh why did the fancam cut away just as Seohyun turned? AHHH! What a pity. Gotta hope youtube has new uploads soon! And cross fingers for a YongSeo special stage tmr!


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Guest nikijenlo






Yep Hyun wore the couple ring tonight but the ring on Yong's necklace, isn't the size too small to fit on his finger? Don't think it's the couple ring...sorry to be a bum but that's my observation...












i totally agree with you...i think its not the ring...the pendant just happen to be a round ring design. furthermore, in one of the pic his fingers holding mic is near the pendant..and you can see the ring much smaller even to fit into his pinky...




No worries... as long as they can meet each other during these year ends awards/festival season, i'm content...:wub:



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Guest yongseorockin


Close up shot of Hyuuunn's ring. The camera seems to be doing her face injustice too....




I don't really know how yongseo's couple ring should look like. But I guess she looks very happily married. hahaha ^^






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gogumas, thank you very much for the goodies!
















let me just share my pov re the ring :)
































it was i think two weeks ago that we've seen the both of them not wearing the ring and then a week after we've seen them both wearing the ring again so, i believe that this couple consult each other first whether to wear or not wear their couple ring esp in an event like this..so if hyun is wearing the ring today, i just don't see any reason why yong will not wear it even as a necklace pendant :) and besides yong is using a pendant that looks exactly like their couple ring, honestly you really can't help but think that it's the ring sweatingbullets.gif (my gosh, here we are again with the couple ring lol) but i would like to believe that it's the couple ring w00t.gif
































..this is just my opinion, please don't hate on me :wub: and yong's performance tonight is really worth watching, so i'm sure like us, wifey seohyun is so proud of him! fighting!
































anyway, i am spazzing on this fancam, thanks kasia3goguma for sharing this -
















































i loled at our rocker turned dancer yong here..i love you yong but it was really funny :lol:
















































and this one, i seriously think, yong nampyeon is taking a glance at his hyun buin here (pic's not clear but it's at :04)

































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Guest icekim_jdayz



Hi, i'm new here. I'm a yongseo shipper from the very first ep. Hope i don't break any rules. ^^ I've just spent a whole day reading this forum and posting nothing. haha. it's 3.36am here now and i'm trying to post something. All i can say that all of you are awesome and nice fans, I've never spent so much time on one forum yet. It will be nice if there's a goguma gathering and it'll be nice even if we all talked about yongseo for one whole night. ^^ Yongseo Jjang! I'm sleeping! I didn't have any eyebags before, but yongseo had created them now... Anyone notice that yonghwa's eyebags are gone now? kekeke~


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow seriously, hyun wowed the mankae performance yesterday for sbs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and yong rocked his performance today for kbs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so what is going to happen tomorrow for mbc?!?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seriously this couple is just unexpected!!! ahahahh hoping for a killer stage tomorrow!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































since it's mbc they CAN wear the couple rings freely right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(unless they dont want to OR unless the stylists dont let)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but yeahh i really like cnblues performance today! yong you are to awesome stealing the mic from JH
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahahh and the fact that he ran to the audience it was awesome!!! lucky fans!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you so much for the fancam!!! yong choding is right there along with simon d!!! ahahahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so cute hyun joining her unnies!! they all look like they are having a great time!! i love love love fancams like this. esp how our couple is in the same frame!!! ahahahah (: just when hyun is about to look over the fancam ends!! lmao!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hoping for more fancams! and waiting for tomorrow!! :D

































































































































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Guest lovelybee
































































































































I just read News that told how talented Yongseobang was.
































































This is below
































































(cr. cnbluestorm.com)





























































































































































































































































































































































The audio breakdown during the 2010 KBS Music Festival could have brought damage to the broadcast butCN Blue Jung Yonghwa’s quick thinking solved the issue.
































































During the 30th December 2010 KBS Music Festival broadcast, CN Blue appeared on the dark stage, with their costumes and musical instrument in blue fluorescent outlines, raising interest from all the audience and viewers.
































































However, when Jung Yonghwa started singing the first verse of “I’m A Loner” on stage, the microphone suddenly stopped working causing him to look rather confused and embarrassed.
































































Thankfully at that time, Jung Yonghwa’s professionalism helped him to escape the crisis. He missed a few lines of the song, but seeing Lee Jonghyun standing near him, he quickly grabbed Jonghyun’s microphone and then went out front to carry on with the performance.
































































Ignoring the incident, Jung Yonghwa continued performing. Excited by the audience’s response, he jumped off the stage and in an instant the atmosphere (in the hall) changed as if it was a CNBlue concert.
































































The MC of the show watched the performance in amazement and remarked “That was quite something. I thought we were in CNBlue concert just now.”































































































































































source cnbluestorm.com
































































Source/Credit: consumertimes.net [news],
































































Translated + re- posted by: fizzy@cnbluestorm

































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