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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I get this news from baidu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I heard it from the MBC crew, it seems like SM wants Seohyun to film WGM for her "adult ceremony". BUT THEY FOR SURE WILL NOT LEAVE. MBC WONT LET GO OF THESE 2 KIDS THAT EASILY
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their contract will end in the mid 2011. so still a long time before that
































































































































































































And maybe they will have a new contract by that time too
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope u guys feel better now
































































































































































































they will not leave
































































































































































































be happy
































































































































































































































































































































































































in baidu, everyone is so happy because of their wedding pic. but when i come here, everyone is talking about their leave, that's so weird....

































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this a week is packed with full emotions. I knew this had to happen, everything seemed just to good to be true.




I think I can't stay calm until we get an official statement. Do we need to write to MBC WGM?! Who to ask, this is killing me.




On the other hand this cannot be true, who on earth spread this rumour just to make everyone go gaga?





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Guest finalemarch
















































Oh mountain madman has found the link! So is linda right or wrong? Omg!
















The link is just assumptions right? But there is no flame w/o fire. Damn!
















I hope the DC poster will update more soon. If the news ends like hw he and Linda translated then it will be a painful 2 months of waiting!
















Lets cheer up with more viewings of Banmal Song!

















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yes i think what you say absolutely makes sense! its just nonsensical if its planned that way, like a cliffhanger?!?! which is seriously retarded. BUT! now that i think about it, didnt somebody mentioned somewhere that yongseo is gonna last till AT LEAST AT LEAST hyun's 21st? (although hopefully it'll be MUCH MUCH LONGER!) 


omg, i'm still gonna stay positive because YONGSEO IS GONNA TAKE THEIR WEDDING PHOTOS SOON SO ITS GOTTA BE JOYOUS. ITS GOTTA BE A JOYOUS DAY THEN! I can't wait to see their wedding photos! ^^ 





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























heres my take on the current news about Wedding Photoshoot and YongSeo contract:




















* As far as I know, WGM PD's announce the departure of a couple from the show 1 month in advanced. so if they will leave on Feb 27, its too sudden and will not be good as fans would go nuts about it.




















* contracts can be extended if the parties involved would want to. Adam couple has already past their 1 year. so if the WGM contract is for 1 year, then this is proof that it can be extended. MBC would probably want Yonghwa and Seohyun to continue because the couple receives much love from fans not only in Korea, but in the whole world. the Adam couple is one of the most popular couple in WGM, and they are still on the show despite their busy schedules. Jokwon with 2AM, GaIn with her solo album, and both of them in a sitcom. so a hectic schedule is really not an issue because WGM filming is very flexible.




















* couples leave WGM for personal and career reasons. there was a couple in WGM2 that left after their wedding photoshoot (I think it was UEE and Park JaeJung). I really don't know the reason why they left, but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) the only couple that left after a wedding photoshoot. I think this could be one of the reasons a rumor like YongSeo leaving WGM started.




















* I read somewhere (I think a few pages back here in this thread) that SMEnt wants Seohyun to celebrate her birthday in WGM, plus the rumor (baidu?) that their contract would expire mid-year next year.




















I'm currently sick right now and was really happy about episode 37, the release of Banmal song, and the wedding photoshoot so I was feeling a little bit better. 




















Aish~ this rumors is really giving me a headache.




















*lurker mode on*





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thank you Mountainmadman for translation. i feel a little bit better but still worried. we still need the comfirmation. anyway cross finger.




we really drive on roller coaster with this couple. all emotion involed. when they did middang thing, and everything. hope our couple will stay longer like Jungshin chingu said. please


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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks @mountainmadman for the translation. :)
































































































































































































































































I hope all the gogumas now will feel better and not to worry at the moment of our Yongseo leaving. There's still so much that this couple can show and we'll all be looking forward to it.
































































































































































































































































For @cmkc109, thanks for bringing some news on a happy note. ;)
































































































































































































































































Cheer up, guys. Let's show our goguma spirit! :D

































































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have faith, believe in yongseo because slowly but surely we know by now that

the path that they take, is the path that leads them to Go-Chun!

show them our goguma powers by supporting their channel.

don't get rattle easily gogumas..

pdnim and their management are not that foolish as to pull this kind of stunt on us..

its suicidal

few things to look forward to later today...

MC Kim's tweet

the award show

fans acct or better still

yongseo wedding photos! :w00t:


i thought i saw haeanna somewhere..*wave*

its past my bedtime..rmbr gogumas

stay positive hug u all

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Guest cosmochiq
















Oh my gosh.. *lurker mode off* i dont usually post messages here but with all these good news and not so good news posted here my mind and heart are all going berserk.. Like my body wanted to sleep but my mind wanders off to the thought of yongseo leaving wgm. Everything has already been said by our lovable gogumas so lets leave it like that.. Thank u so much to cmkc109 for the translation from baidu... U just pacified my heart and helped me relax so i can sleep. It's 2:47.am here in my side of the planet... Lets all take a rest..breathe calmly and enjoy each moment we have with our lovely couple. Lets focus on our goal to reach the views of their video to a million.








Btw.. To linda.. I understand ur intentions and ur motive in delivering ur news.. But the timing is not right my dear... But please do not be sad.. Look at the bright side of things and enjoy the moment.. Ayt? :-)








Ok.. Need to go back to my cave and hibernate... I seriously need to rest... Its 5 mins till 3 am. Good night my dear gogumas... :-D





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Can I say thank you so much to those who clarified that rumor?












I mean, my heart was seriously trembling when i read such rumor floating around, again! haha. And I hope we don't forget that this kind of rumor has been running around ever since, I'm waiting for the time we get used to such things.












I'm just happy right now with whatever that is happening right now. CNBLUE and SNSD are doing great and we get to see them tomorrow on SBS Gayo, and the other year-end shows as well, plus the Goguma MV in youtube is doing really well, with I'm sure it'll reach 1,000,000 already tomorrow. Let's be positive and not foresee the stuffs that are ahead, but rather enjoy the one's we have right now.












I hope that can calm everyone down, including me. I'm actually convincing myself also. :P



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Gogumas please calm down :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another Seohyun fancam at Ski Valley

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseorockin


Have always been a lurker. Posting for the first time. If they are really together through this show, I think its not a bad idea to just continue on dating for real on the show.








1) SNSD is busy with all their activities.


2) CN Blue is extremely busy too.


3) With WGM in the picture, they just have to leave the planning and scheduling of dates to them including interesting activities to do. (*Maybe thats why the Adam couple is still on the show after 1 year* hehe ^^ My top is still YongSeo.)




Can't wait for fan pictures of wedding photos!!


I swear I will never watch WGM again if they leave. *Crosses fingers*


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Kim Young Min, CEO of SM Entertainment, shared his feelings on winning with Sports Korea by stating, “It’s not possible to comfortably take part in the international market without revitalizing the Korean market. Next year, we’ll be focusing on the domestic market.”

While he can be talking about all groups as a whole at SM and not just SNSD alone, I think SNSD is also factored into his quote. How can you not talk about SM as a whole and not include SNSD? This isn't to say SNSD won't promote in Japan or have Asia concerts, what he is saying is unlike the Wonder Girls promotions in the USA, Korea will be the center of their operations. Kim Young Min understands business and the business of entertainment is to keep your presence in a market ... The most important market will always be South Korea.

That is exactly what Seohyun and WGM does for SM and SNSD (C.N. Blue too). This week SNSD is in Japan and Seohyun has the highest viewed video in South Korea. SM didn't spend a dime to make that happen and they reap the market rewards. SONE fans have something weekly to look forward to in S. Korea, keeping a market presence when the girls are away, and on top of that WGM is a easy schedule with the ability to make episodes ahead of time when their schedules best allow for it...

My money is on the smart business decisions and at this time it's Seohyun remaining at WGM. If Seohyun or Yong want out for whatever reason that would of course be another story and I do believe if Yong felt WGM limited his ability to act in dramas both of them would understand and support the other's decision to get out ... but I don't think WGM and their taping prevents Yong from acting in dramas and that really isn't a future consideration or worry.

I just don't think business-wise a company would come to this decision without one of the two wanting out, so my opinion this rumor is highly suspect!! I personally don't think a decision has been made yet and if it's being talked about at all, I doubt the companies have gone to Seohyun and Yong yet asking for their input ... it's too early yet.

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Guest joelyne








i do think that post is the one that made @Linda confused.


after that early post, i have been looking around dc.


i would like to share some posts of k-gogumas.


since i think it would make worried gogumas hearts a little at ease.


first of all there are no negative posts about yongseo which i notice.


it is the same cheerful dc as always.


1. dc yongseo fans are spazzing about the wedding photo shooting.


and also worried about yongseo's health, just like us.


knowing their packed schedules in december and a long WGM filming starting 7 in the morning until night.


2. made a fanart  of yongseo's wedding photo on the wall of their home.


like adam couple. it's the picture @rxp080100 posted at 1578 :)


3. when will this wedding ep be broadcast.


yongseo  filmed Busan ep , 300day ep and Skiing ep, boradcast date might be around end of february.


hence, it will be like an one year anniversary episode!


4. about Firenze, wouldn't it be nice if they can go there for a honeymoon.


I get this news from baidu






I heard it from the MBC crew, it seems like SM wants Seohyun to film WGM for her "adult ceremony". BUT THEY FOR SURE WILL NOT LEAVE. MBC WONT LET GO OF THESE 2 KIDS THAT EASILY



@cmkc109, sorry to cut your post.


 "adult ceremony".  


oh, that means, she will need 3 presents from her boyfriend/lover.


 3 as roses, perfume, and... kiss :)


edit:  did i topped the page again. hummmm.


cheer up gogumas!


let us just enjoy yongseo's song.




sooooooo adorable together, aren't they.



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For me, the only acceptable reason for them ENDING now is that they have breached the contract and are said to be DATING FOR REAL. :wub::wub::wub:








Just saying. :D



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Goguma family! what a roller coaster for us in such a few time... Wen I read the RUMOR I was like, naaaaaaah that´s not true, but then everyone started to panicking and because of that I did too :tears:... But I share what Baby_bo said... somehow I don´t have the feeling that it is true, I just don´t and I trust my instinct ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to thank you all gogumas who have being cheering up to the gogumas that were caught off guard like me, here and in twitter, thank you guys, now I love you even more! We are a really friendly family who knows how to protect their members...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you Mountainmadman, you are the best!! and thanks to all, Trent, quynhuancaemma10, revgail, jastubee, ninyaah, kasia3goguma, Rouenna, jnj, mrsjoker, lovely_ocean, baby_bo, missmoomin101, pointyui, marmutgoreng, coolcoke, Kerube-Chan, yongseocouple, alfalfa, clumsy (hi there, been a long time), uolam21, gatorlow cmkc109, imblue , otty, joelyne, lenovo and everyone else who is taking care of our goguma heart, Thank you so much!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I remembered a japanesse interview that was make to Yong last month? They asked him about his driver licence and he answered that he can´t talk about it... we know why right???and in Busan we know that he didn´t drive, so there must be an episode about his driver licence!!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































keep refreshing the Banmal song, let´s give our gift to them, 1 million views ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I don't see why everyone's getting all panicked about this, because based on what have been posted so far there isn't any clear sign of them leaving WGM. I know when that day comes it'll be incredible hard for all of us to say goodbye as we ourselves have sort of 'invested' in their relationship as well. But I feel like everyone's jumping to conclusions right now because everything seems so unclear and on top of that, our fear that it might happen is bigger than our calm conscious haha




















I'm somehow not worried at all, because I feel like both Yonghwa and Seohyun have reached a stage in their relationship that I consider as just the beginning. It shows in the episodes as they're showing clear progress with each week that makes it very entertaining to watch, even for non-fans. With that, both of their respective groups will gain attention as well and I believe with that in the back of the companies' minds, unless there's really no other choice they'll let them continue for as long as possible. For the WGM PD's as well. They are gaining more attention and fans with the rate they're going right now which is a great thing for the show itself. I doubt they'll let them go just like that, because our couple do have their 'spot' in the show and in the people's hearts who are watching the show. Letting them leave like that isn't a logical thing.




















And now that the wedding photo shoot is confirmed... A few posts were talking about a kiss? I'm probably one of the minority who'd rather not have it happen. If these people weren't Yonghwa and Seohyun then I'd be jumping in the air if it were true, but because it's YongSeo I don't want it to happen at all. Kissing is just something so personal that I'd rather them have it done somewhere alone in private without us ever knowing rather than have it during a photo shoot with 8 camera's in their faces. It takes away that precious first kiss moment of Seohyun and though nothing in her life is considered ordinary anymore, as a fellow 91'er I just wish that she can experience her first kiss as normal as possible - without camera's, people watching or straightaway headlines as a result of it. Whether it'd be with Yonghwa is the question lol




















I've created a new playlist on Youtube and added the Banmal Song only. So whenever I play the playlist, it'll automatically have the video on repeat as it always loads that one video I have. I wonder if in that way my views will add to the view counts? It has to load the video all over again each time, so I'm sure it does, but just for confirmation ^^




















And that's a tip, too, for those who want the video on replay lol





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Me again blush.gif, I got this happy PM from ladygahee *hugs goguma*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































...we will trend #yongseobanmal at 7pm kst tomorrow dec. 29...





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh, I think it is a really good idea, just by the time we hope they will reach their 1 mil views ^^. So what you say gogumas! Lets rule Twitter once again ^^... spread the love!:wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: aisuo415 I was one of the gogumas that were talking about kiss and I will say it again ^^... I think and feel that Seolady is ready for a kiss, not necessarily on the lips, can be any class of kiss(forehead, cheek, hand, eyes, etc), but I think that a kiss will happen ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 I also agree that their first kiss must be away of WGM´s cameras, under the moonlight blush.gif(I´m assuming that they will kiss LOL), but the thing is that we don´t really know if they first kiss already happened or not XD, so I think that wedding episode will be a really good chance for us (gogumas in ninja mode) to discover it :rolleyes:. Trust in SeoHyun, she would never do something that she doesn´t want to do, and if she decides to kiss Yonghwa in front of the cameras, we will know that this act will come out of the depths of her heart :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aoipasuteru














Yonghwa and Seohyun are so cute! I didn't watch any episods yet but I watched the episod where the Adam couple, Khuntoria couple and them playing the scary game in the school. They were so cuuuuute! 



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Guest toomuchsmiling


Man this thread has had a lot of ups, and currently one down with the whole panic of the couple ending WGM. :blink: I think it's safe to say now that thanks to Trent & MountainMadman, it is a confirmed rumor/mistranslation. so cheer up fellow gogumas!!! :D




Now, let's make like Baidu and DC Yongseo fans and start re-spazzing about the WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT, shall we? It didn't get it's proper amount of crazy spazz as it should have. :lol:




Dont' you guys think that this week has been like a Cloud 9 for us??it's so crazy, first that awesome Banmal Song was uploaded onto youtube, and now we get THIS news (could be rumor, but it's sounding more and more like NEWS) about their wedding photoshoot!!! :w00t:




for me, it's the episode i have been ANTICIPATING THE MOST!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! do i srsly have to wait for February??!!!!!!! :wacko: ahhh!! but then again, february is my birthday month so maybe it'd be a good bday present. :rolleyes: hahahaha.






fanacct of yongseo wedding photoshoot


2 hours ago they were having their wedding photoshoot in one of the studios at Apgujeong (my unnie's boyfriend's workplace). it's wedding photoshoot~~ Everybody please anticipate it!!! cr.bestiz


via shikshin@twitter






GeumJanDi- Thanks for this. Even though we have no idea who these people are i will cling to this piece of news!!!! XD Also.....if they are working on their photoshoot...does that mean that they ALREADY WENT THRU THE CHOOSING THE DRESSES EXPERIENCE???? ahhhh! srsly i've never felt so left in the dark. Let's speculate gogumas!! :D




joelyne- thank u for ur post. definitely uplifts my spirit to hear that!


aisuo415- i agree with ur sentiments...first kiss, well that should be a private experience for seohyun instead of surrounded by cameras...BUT, kiss on the CHEEK is definitely not a thing i'd disagree with. It's not as personal compared to a 'real' kiss. It's be sweet to see, and people would be just as happy with that i'm sure. ^___^


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