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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392










I love love love the video. I must have watched it 30 times already xD Their voices blend beautifully. After the first time I watched it I had tears on my eyes and the second time I couldn't stop giggling. They are soo cute.


















YongSeo ♥


















*From dcmarried:

























~Yong: 용 Hyun: 서~











~용 looks like a snowman :lol:~



















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Guest snowydreams
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^Youtube updates the no. of views every ___ hours. So it will be alright after a while. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love the way they look at each other while saying Saranghae~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really hope that they perform this live during the MBC Gayo!

































































































































































































































































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I leave for a few hours, come back, and find this?? What a fantastic Christmas present! At the end, they sing "I love you" and then Seohyun says "I understand" ?? She understands his love? And he says "I do too". What are we looking at here? A happily-in-love-couple! Jjang. ^^ <3
































































































































































And I googled the number 33, this is what I got:

33 is the number of nurturing and goodwill towards all things. 33 holds all the qualities needed to nurture successfully: generosity, caring, sacrificing, loving. 33 also represents love and marriage, and unions in general. From romantic to motherly to platonic, 33 represents all forms. Wherever a 33 is seen on a chart look for the powers of love and nurturing to come into play
































































































































































Look at how their knees are pointed at each other and how Seohyun can't keep her eyes off of him. Despite Yonghwa trying to look cool, his cheeks give him out immediately. He's beaming like a light bulb. Nice try though, buddy. "I think that I like you" should've been the place holders for the lyrics hehe.
































































































































































It's time for me to go to bed. I will be dreaming of Yongseo tonight, definitely. Happy holidays lovely Goguma villagers! ^^
































































































































































edit/ I refreshed the Banmal video over 50 times now, and I've never done this for any other celebrity or group lol. And, you know how people say couple tend to look a like? I just noticed that Yonghwa has huge under eye fat (or 눈밑애교살, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not sure) like Seohyun, too! It's so cute heh.

































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106



Morning Gogumas..

This Morning, i grin from ear to ear since i know that uri couple "BANMAL SONG" has been released in Youtube :D:D:D

God Bless both of Them.

:wub:  :wub: this is truly the sweetest gift ever i received in the end year of 2010..

hopefully in the coming years, we will hear and enjoying uri couple YONGSEO song again..

Yongseo Fighting!!

Gogumas, Please support Uri Couple Yongseo by watch their official account in youtube LINK (Sweetpotato4339)..

..A Proud Sone, Yongseo Shipper and Gogumas Villager..


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Guest yongseo_fighting


Actually the view count is still at 4981 no matter how many times we refresh, hmm... seems like the view count function for YouTube does not work again! Thanks for those who gave the link of the reuploaded videos. Is there a way to flag the videos as spam without even needing to view them? If they need to direct viewers to the video, what they should do is to just make up a simple video to direct the viewers to the official Youtube video instead of reupload them. Hopefully their video would be removed. Oh... I am so happy to see this video, bravo to the Yongseo couple.. Fighting!! As a last note, thanks to all translators and subbers, i.e synykiss etc on the last episode. I know being the subbers, to compare and to select which line to use from all :wub:translations are not an easy task! Million gogumas to all of you!!!


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Thank you sooooo much for the translation.


OOOOhhhhh, this couple.  Its sweetness overload.  You are giving all of us cavities.


Watching the video of the Banmal song, did anyone else get the feel of them being more mature - in a good way.  I don't know whether this is the product of the fact that we're behind by several episodes and 1.5 months of filming and haven't seen yongseo as they are right now or something else.  There's just have that feel to them for me.


Ohhh, again how sweet 4339 - 4lovelove9 - they even remember about their respective groups.


They must have met again to finish writing the song and practice it.  Hmmm.  Hope Hyun brought those side-dishes for the CNBlue boys - so they don't eat instant stuff all the time.


PSH seems like a good friend with Yong and I think also knows Hyun (though seems like not very well).  Maybe Yong introduced them to each other???  It seems like we don't have to worry about rumors of PSH and Yong since Hyun seems to know whats going on there.  Are Geun Suk and HongKi going to leave comments - have they done so before???


Oh Yongseo...


I'm so looking forward to the 29th.  Yong MC and performance with CNBlue - and SNSD performance - and especially Hyun's maknae performance to Britney Spear's Circus (go for it girl!!  Be the best of all the maknaes).


@Balmaejung thanks for the pics.  Yong does look like a bee - I wonder whether he realized it???



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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















Looks like SM support Yongseo too coz they link the Video to SNSD's Official Youtube Channel...
















SNSD's Youtube Channel





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Guest Faith_memory






Yonghwa and Seohyun Release ‘Banmal’ Song




credits to: KPOPLIVE




After announcing that they would be working on creating a ‘banmal song,’ a song with informal lyrics, CNBLUE‘s Yonghwa and SNSD‘s Seohyun have finally released the track onto Youtube!




The song, which was supposed to be the couple’s latest mission on We Got Married, gives fans even more proof that the couple is a great match, even if for broadcasting purposes only. Watch as YongSeo greets you in Chinese, English, Korean, and Japanese – and then proceeds to impress you with their singing and guitar-playing below!




CNBLUE's Yonghwa and SNSD's Seohyun release "banmal song"




credits: KOREABOO




The popular couple, CNBLUE‘s Yonghwa and SNSD‘s Seohyun, from We Got Married released a "banmal song" as their latest mission on the show. A "banmal song" is a song with informal lyrics. The song shows not only the couple's compatibility, but also their talent at writing song lyrics. In the video, the two of them greets the viewer in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, and Thai before playing acoustic guitars and singing.




The lyrics are:








Words of thanks, words of greetings




These are too hard for me




Really thank you, really grateful




I can only say these words




Because it is first time to everything




I’m actually very clumsy




How to say, what to say




Today I’m still hesitant








Hopefully we can be a banmal relationship




Though still unnatural




Rather than saying “gomawoyo”




Let me hear more intimate words




We can have a banmal relationship




One step at a time, slowly walk closer




Look at me in the eye




Can you tell me




“I love you”




Be sure to watch them sing together!




GOGUMAS be sure to report re-uploaded videos of the original. we need to concentrate on spreading the ORIGINAL LINK of the video. We need more hits!


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Guest jitluvyongseo

I also watch the video after a minute to minute....

It's doesn't matter if the viewers number still 4981...because the LIKE number were increase more 5000++...

Keep like the video so we know how much people view...

and look like SM Ent youtube official web also have uri yongseo video....


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10 Steps to become a guguma supporter of the Yongseo Banmal Youtube Video






Yongseo youtube video






1. Sign in to your first youtube account






2. Favourite the video






3. Subscribe to sweetpotato4339






4. Comment in the video






5. Like the video






6. Comment in sweetpotato4339's youtube channel






7. Tweet the video






8. Facebook the video






9. Comment in allkpop Yongseo youtube video allkpop so that it reaches the top trending list in allkpop since the article has been pushed back to the next page.






10. Keep refreshing(F5) the video or sign in another youtube account and complete steps 1-9






It is only 10 steps to show your support of the Yongseo Banmal song. They are not selling the music, they posted their original music online in youtube for free to entertain us and make us happy and show their commitment to their song. So hopefully we can be a committed guguma fan by following all these steps.






Do enlighten me if there are more steps to support this couple.



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The views went up to 11589 now!! but i'm sure there is more!! seems like youtube is updating now!!! so let's keep going!!!
































































































































































































what should our goal be for the views? lol

































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hi my lovely goguma villagers..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've been a silent lurker since last month (thanks to my finals) but i have a few questions and comments about our lovely yongseo couple's banmal song MV (which is DAEBAKKKKKKKK) and thank you sooo much for posting the translation of their dialogue in between the song.. hehehehe.. you guys are awesome!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anywayyy,, first things first... i just need to ask a few stuffs:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. has somebody translated the video's description? it's in korean and i'm kinda curious as to what it says... here's the screencap:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. noticed the lilttle blue elephant below? i don't remember seeing it among the avatar stuffs that they brought when they moved in and when yong went back from thailand... but then again, i am forgetful in nature, so yea... anyway, i hope someone can enlighten me on this.. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. does anybody know who is sweetpotato4339? is it their youtube account, or is it like the pd-nim's account made by the pd for this purpose alone? and what does the number 4339 even mean? coz like towards the end of the video yong's action is like someone who's trying to switch off the videocam, so is it possible that yongseo couple themselves made the mv as a mission (hence the simplicity and the location) and uploaded it themselves? 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. on a less positive note, i noticed that there are 40 dislikes on the video as of this moment.. is it possible that those 40 ppl missed the like button and pressed the dislike one instead coz they're too hypnotized by our yongseo's voice??? 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and some comments about the MV:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. daebakkkkk... i predicted that the mv will be really professional like those music videos in mtv with storylines etc etc but i must say that i am not upset at all coz the moment is aw the video i didn't even think whether this is the official version or not.. the video exudes so much... warmth... and it feels like it's a part of the wgm cut.. it's so personal, so familiar, and so... them :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. i adore the intermezzo and their harmonization... seohyun sounds so good and yong is as cool as ever when he sings.. <3 the eyeship, the avatar family, the badges.. how sweeter could they be?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. i am actually glad that the title of the song is banmal.. i somehow always feel like speaking in banmal will forever be their issue.. but it's good how they're always so honest about everything to the point that they actually made a song about this issue.. tuth is, after i listened to the song, i feel like banmal is more of a unique ingredient in their relationship, and less of an issue that they have to work out on.. i don't know where thing song will bring our couple to... but i hope that thing song will tighten and strengthen their bond forever more.. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. is it possible for them to sing this song publicly? like if they appear in music shows/ events together? coz i'm already imagining that!! pd- nim please let us relive the joy we felt when we watched their duet at incheon..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh and since it's almost the end of the year ehre.. i'd like to make a yongseo couple's new year's resolution for 2011... it's our first new year togehter in go- chun and i think that we should start the new year optimistically and positively... so here goes my personal new year's resolution for yongseo couple:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. i hope that yongseo couple will continue to be a good influence to each other on and off wgm :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. meeting each other's parents would be a nice thing to do for the mission.. *eye-ing the pd-nim*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. always be honest to each other...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. keep up with the skinship and eyeship while steadily embarking to the more intimate -ships... like hugship or kissship.... hahahahha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and last but not least, this is a bit random... but...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. i hope that yonghwa will appear with a darker hair color in 2011... coz i kinda like his darker hair days better.. heheheh.. and i noticed that his bangs look shorter in the video than in the last episode of wgm.. maybe he heard my prayers! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































last but not least.. thank you to the sweet uploaders and translators of anything yongseo- related... i am nothing without you guys... please continue the great work in 2011 and let's show even more supposrt for our couple next year... you guys have been amazing and i love you all <3

































































































































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Guest hottest-generation

hello goguma lovers!

i'm not to late to post my mp3 cut here right? (:

hope you people will like it!!


it's private for now though :(

download link available in the description box~

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































omg i cant believe they uploaded it already!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is the best late christmas gift ever!!! omg!! totally daebak!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































screw preview!!! this is 10000000000000000000000000000 times BETTER!!!
































































































































































































































































the song is soooo beautifully done!!
































































































































































































































































their harmonization is amazing!! their voices goes very well together [:
































































































































































































































































are those pin like the one yong made on the 200 day? ahahah (:
































































































































































































































































totally cute!!
































































































































































































































































i dont think hyun was playing the guitar but i like that she pretended to play it
































































































































































































































































their strumming is harmonized as well!!! lol!!
































































































































































































































































showing the world the gift from her husband (:
































































































































































































































































the famous yellow couch :]
































































































































































































































































they are wearing rings YAY!
































































































































































































































































the dragon that hyun bought aahahah
































































































































































































































































and the elephant that yong bought + a baby elephant standing on it's back! so cute!!
































































































































































































































































i really liked the dialogue so cute!! thank you translators!! :D
































































































































































































































































seriously... yong's cheekbone was so noticeable i find it totally cute!!
































































































































































































































































seems like someone is trying to hide something but just cant!! ahahahah
































































































































































































































































and hyun you are sitting so very close to your husband!!
































































































































































































































































also look how many times hyun looks at yong :)
































































































































































































































































ahahahah we caught you!
































































































































































































































































i love love love the song
































































































































































































































































i love love love love the ending "saranghae"
































































































































































































































































i love love love love love this couple!!!
































































































































































































































































PSH and MC Jake you guys are awesome :D

































































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Just woke up and OMG they surprised me!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The video is uploaded YEAH!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are so cute in the vid...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun was stealing glances at Yong everytime she could.. Yong was just happy in that vid.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The song is great!!! Let's make the video a HIT in Youtube!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Will they perform it at MBC for the year end???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The only downside is their their singing is being overpowered by the guitar..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The count doesn't go up anymore because they will be updated every hour or so..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So we have to wait to see the full count..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This happen to all videos that are popular..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hey everyone !


i went under youtube korea and found that they had 11 589 views!! yipee!!


Yongseo Banmal song Fighting!!



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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































annyeong gogumas,































































































































































i think i need u guys help.































































































































































can u guys mention which part of the video that eyeship happen?































































































































































i mean can u please give me the timing.































































































































































my internet is so slow yet i still wanna watch it!please help me gogumas! kamsaheyo~ ^^































































































































here are the timings for the eyeship :wub: that i got from watching the video, hopefully they're accurate!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3:02 - 3:08 (epic eyeship <3)
































































































































I hope the ones who uploaded the video were really them and not the PD-nim..and wouldn't it be sweet if there were more celebs commenting on the video like what Park Shin Hye did? plus we should just ignore the haters who randomly reported some lovely comments as spam as well as those who clicked on the 'dislike' button (48 dislikes vs. 5480 likes? #TROLLFAIL). Go-chun villagers' love for the YongSeo couple will not waver because of these trolls. YongSeo hwaiting! <3

































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don't worry about the view counts my gogumas.lol. Youtube stops keeping count when the views goes up every second. They will update it soon. But right now its stuck at 4981.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This was an awesome morning to wake up too^_^ i was grinning like an idiot watching these two adorable couple. They make the most sincere and beautiful music when they are together. The banmal song is just so sweet and meaningful and for them to share it with us is just unbelieveble.I am so thankful to them and the pd's for letting us share this moment. I love the fact that they said their hello's in several diff language. Must be Hyun's idea.lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their harmonization was near perfection, and the little convo in between made it so much more adorable.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and the look they gave each other while singing...like its the most natural thing for them to do..kyyaaahh!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess the next epi is going to be the making of this vid. Thats why they didnt show the previews, they want to upload it first and surprise all the village gogumas.Aww what a happy dayyyy!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thans guys for sharing! Support yongseo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and owh the 43 people that dislike the vid are either antis or are really just deaf to good music.

































































































































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I think I'm a witch or something! Last night, I was listening to yongseo's banmal song (preview version) on my laptop when I had this sudden feeling that something good would happen today. So I woke up, and the banmal song came to my mind first. I got really excited so I logged in here and voila!!! the pages are jumping again like crazy. It got me really excited and became definitely sure that something good is going to happen if I clicked on the pages..Yongseo Banmal Song, baby!!!!










































































Kyah..I'm all gooey here due to the song. It's so cute and very sweet. The couple has good harmonization and I like the speaking bridge part plus Hyun's air guitar performance..hahahhahjahahah.I kept repeating the song and unknowingly tears formed in my eyes. I could feel how sincere they were amidst being shy a bit. Gosh, the stares are to die for. I mean I am always blasted by their eyeship every week and I'm not complaining!!! hahahahahah
























Aigoo, they look so REAL and I've been repressing my goguma heart not to be too emotionally attached to this couple because I think I would go bonkers if the You-Know-What-I-Mean comes. But for now I'm just going to listen again and again to their song. This would be my energy pill for my goguma heart until Saturday comes  and also for the Gayo Daejuns. 
























And lastly, I really love it in here. I am always updated about our couple and very thankful to the contributors, subbers, translators and all the gogumas in here. Really, I love you Guys!!! I enjoy reading the discussions even if some topics are hmm...not worth stressing on about? Heheehhehe
























Yongseo is LOVE LOVE LOVE.wub.gif
















































PDnim, for now I love you! Gosh, aren't you tired of our love
























and hate relationship?!sleep.gif





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Guest yongsarang
































I'm sure everyone is spazzing over the video of Banmal song :) It's sweet and simple~
















And for that I'm subbing it (YAY) lol~ I will post the subbed video here once I finished. I'm currently studying and subbing at the same time dry.gif 
















Here's the progress: Translation 100% Typesetting 100%
















Hopefully I can finish it by tonight!  Im just encoding the video BUT I will not upload it on Youtube for now :) I want all the viewers for sweetpotato4339 so we can promote YongSeo to the max~!
















Don't worry I will upload it and post it here so please wait patiently. Tentative date will be on 29th (Gayo Daejun)









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