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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































































































nyanyanya~ i just saw the video awhile ago~ XD they are just dang daebak and jjang! XD haha` XD anyway~ let's delete other videos uploading uri yongseo's vid on their account. :D so that WGM PD's will know how YONGSEO is so popular! nyanyanya~ XD

















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Guest Kerube-Chan




















@Crystal_Malfoy Already checked it, it is the official link, I have been checking every link that comes out... We have to keep using the official channel....
















I am just hoping people, please do not upload this in another channel, I know we are dying for subs, but be happy with just reading the subs around here or some other news site.
















Here is the link again: Banmal Song!!!
































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, we can make this video a hit, let this be our present to the YongSeo Couple!!!



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Guest ichigo_kawai








Kyaaaa... I can't believe it...woaaaaa......Am I dreaming?....ke..ke..ke







They are so cute.... @ lizsch...About 301 views, Don't worry chingu...that's ok....it's happen to all my FMV. Within few hours....that view count will go up. :rolleyes:












I believe... yongseo videos will become a hit @ youtube....Let's spread our love gogumas... Let's show goguma power with love........














GOGUMA POWERS................:wub:



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Everyone lets leave tons of comments!!!
























this video is so so so so so so DAEBAK!
























BUT seems like there will be a complete version later? i saw the news up there says the song is not complete yet
























so i will expect a more complete version...?
























and youtube! pls fix the hit counter....i dont wanna see 301 :blink:





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Guest harajukudezz
































































 Reminder to all the Go-Chun Family Someone re posted the Vid of our Couple..































































































http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrPTiuFXRyQ (Please flag this video for Copyright)































































































Here is the original vid that we just need to support...






























































































































































































Go-Chun family hopping for your quick action on this...































































































happy Spazzing...to all and Happy Holiday...































































































Fr: Tx/NY  US..

































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I really thought we'd have to wait a few weeks worth of episodes before they uploaded it. It's unexpected, but also really simple and sweet.





























































































































































































LOL, I spot the goguma couple's "children" and elephants in the background. So very yongseo of them, tbh. They both look so amazing, don't they? Such a talented and adorable couple. I feel like I'm in that apartment with them, it's bizarre.































































































































































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Now it has 670 comments!!!
































































































































































































Goguma fans lets keep going ^^
































































































































































































I hope Yonghwa and seohyun will see all our comments!!!
































































































































































































I'm looking at their "last visit time " every half an hour

































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MC Jake just tweeted 5 min ago
































































































































































































































































































































































































I think this is the best morning wake-up call.
































































































































































































I wake up and this is what I find??
































































































































































































can Yongseo make me anymore happier?!
































































































































































































I really love this couple to bits & pieces and I hope beyond all hope they find true happiness with each other

































































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Guest teuksunghae



ok now I can be at ease because MC KIM tweeted it.

because when I look at the channel it says the origin is HONG KONG.... haha so I had doubt...

but yes, the video of just them playing the guitar is still daebak.. wonder if we have a separate full MV of it.... omgrolleyes.gif


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Guest laila-chan
































































And here I was just thinking how their video will be..imagining and dreaming of so many scenes...and voila they released this :lol:  I should have known...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED when it comes to uri YONGSEO :D





























































































































































































keep those views and POSITIVE comments coming.  please refrain from replying to some antis' comments (if any) or even mentioning them.  SPREAD THE LOVE gogumas!  





























































































































































































MBC/WGM definitely felt how YONGSEO is loved globally, that's why they gave them such mission :wub:  































































hi it's me again..:lol:
































i was thinking the same thing like you.. i woke at 4am this morning  to work on my paper, and i thought "hmm maybe take a little peek at soompi won't be harmful", "and what the mv for their would look like". and then bamm!! the video already upload!!:w00t:
































OMG!! i'm totally like a crazy one right now. grinning, smiling, and almost scream!! kyaaaaa.. (forgive me, i'm too excited :P)
































p.s : i will make an account again at youtube because of this :lol: (i forgot my pwwd for my last account:sweatingbullets:)
































and oh i'll make a proper introduce later, because i'm still spazzing a loooot right now blush.gif

































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Guest teuksunghae



even though there is a mistake with what HONG KONG as origin, is it really hyun and yoong who uploaded this video ?

if yes, then it means 6 hours ago they were together, huh ? hahahaasweatingbullets.gif


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Guest rolling_snow
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello! I'm a lurker but this time, I just couldn't resist... I LOVE THESE TWO.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Banmal song is so effin beautiful ♡ I don't even know what to say.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa looks gorgeous (as usual?) and his voice is so soothing *__* as for Seohyun, she looks cute and her voice is nice as well. Their voices match well imo, cause they're both sweet. I love the *mv* even if it's this simple, they look very intimate and adorbs. Also Yong couldn't stop smiling and omg the way he looks at her... ahhhh T___T so cute I might die!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want them to release the actual song and promote it on music shows, that would be the best thing ever.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After all, the Adam Couple did it, so.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, ofc MC Jake would tweet that haha he's such a Yongseo shipper!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Okay, brb watching that clip over and over again <3

































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































































































i don't know if it's alright to post this.
































































































this is the mp3 format of our yongseo. ;)
































































































listening to their song again and again.
































































































Yongseo - Banmal song. mp3 (2.41 MB)
































































































Yongseo - Banmal song. mp3 (2.53 MB) <- it's same song but the difference is it has a picture on it. :)
































































































<- this picture. :)

















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Guest haemin13
























































So based on the PSH comment on youtube:
















































1. Yong keeps in touch with PSH
















































2. Seohyun knows PSH (maybe introduced by Yong?)















































































































































sorry to cut the post but that's the same thing on my mind now! OMG! :crazy: lol jealousy, he still calls our yong Bolmaejung and they'll even meet when PSH comes back to korea!!?? but i have confidence in our YONGSEO! :wub:i wanna think PSH is just a close friend..haha
















































And what's up w/ 301 views?? the vid already got nearly 1400 likes but still at 301? boo those who disliked the vid fury.gif
















































what does the numbers 4339 means in their username sweetpotato4339??? wow, they sure know how to appreaciate the internatinal fans of yongseo! :wub:
















































anyone here knows how the page views in youtube work? if i open the video in many computers in our office, would it count individually? but we have the same connection? aigoo, we need to make it to 1million views.
















































@teuksunghae, maybe one of the production people did it for them, OR can they be filming a while ago?? :wub:









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Hello Goguma Villagers 































































































































































































































































































































































































I like to start off  by saying OMG w00t.gif w00t.gif  
































































































































Thank you "duckduckduck" for posting the vid worshiping u at this moment.
































































































































I was just cruzing though the thread and happened on the vid.
































































































































I have to say u guys are the best best best. 
































































































































Aaaaah I cant stop spazzing they look so good and the stares are killing mewub.gif . 
































































































































This is the best Christmas present that I've got.
































































































































Well I got to go need to watch the vid some more. 
































































































































Got to make 1,000,000 visits w00t.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest xOnlySabrina
































































































































































Hey lovely people. I was wondering if any one of you guys would know if there will be a studio version of the Seohwa bubu's Banmal Song.
































































































































I love it and I squealed at the lyrics and most recent episode. I know they already uploaded it on YT but you can barely hear their voices for the guitars are loud. I want the studio version! e_e And a live perf.
































































































































Just want to be reassured. Hehehee.

















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Guest teuksunghae



i think it's an error... an hour ago it's 301 views and now it's still stuck at that... so it must be an error .....

I want to assume that it's at least nearing 1000 views now....


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It's been quite a while since my last post, I know everyone is doing AWESOME today ^^ Ohhhh the Banmal song!! I love it so much and it was such a WONDERFUL surprise to see them release it today! I've watched it over and over and over hahaha. I agree with everyone else, let's leave as many comments and get as many views as possible in support of our beautiful couple! And I'm also in agreeance with d3seohyun, let's ignore any antis or hate comments on the video. Let's just continue to spread the GOGGUMA LOVE! We don't even need to waste our time. Just flood this video with lots of love =] ahh I'm so excited! Watching the WGM married episode from saturday this morning and THEN this! Aigoo, this is just so great!














Sorry for the spazz attack haha. I'm gonna go celebrate by listening to CN Blue and SNSD songs in between replaying the Banmal Song :wub:














Here's the link to the official channel for anyone who needs it:














My link














Let's all leave lots of comments on their page as well as the video!!














What a great belated Christmas present from our Yongseo :) *dances around*














On a side note, I hope all my fellow goggumas had a wonderful Christmas and everyone is doing well! Thanks to everyone for providing links, pictures, stories, videos, SUBS, and everything else. I love the gogguma villiage :) you're all WONDERFUL!














Yongseo HWAITING! Gogguma JJANG!!!



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Guest glennpaulo












Wow.... i never thought that they will release it in this time...anyway super love the video...What a good start of my day. When i woke up, the thread has three add pages i wonder why, i thought there's another spot filming. and when i open it ohh what a big present for our beloved YONGSEO couple.




Always love YONGSEO Couple. 




Amazing, PSH commented in the video with that time of the day. I will start loving PSH also but Yongseo will be the no. 1.




Banmal ROCKKKKKKZZZZ......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
















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Just woke up and was surprised at the upload!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG I'm like repeating the video for the nth time now blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At first i was really disappointed that there was no preview for yongseo last saturday BUT WGM PD'S you never fail to surprise us gogumas! I hope yong and hyun see how the international gogumas really love them through this video <3 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the power of yongseo...and gogumas <3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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