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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today's episode is super daebak!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait to hear the full BANMAL SONG AND THE MV!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i know we are all agitated with the NO YONGSEO PREVIEW for next week, but let's just think of it as as sign of another daebak epi.. it's as if they are telling us "NO SPOILERS FOR YOU GUYS" kekeke
































































































































































































































































let's all be happy and enjoy! :)

































































































































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hey guys........NO ADAM COUPLE CUTS TODAY except Kwon recorded the song with Khun and NO YONGSEO PREVIEW?  WHY???????????????????????????????

Khuntoria got 40 minutes airtime,  YS only 15mins and there was no adam at all

now adam fans are really really mad....what will happen to YS next week?????????????????????? I HATE MBC


I just wanna see Adam and YS next wk *No offence*

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hey guys........NO ADAM COUPLE CUTS TODAY except Kwon recorded the song with Khun and NO YONGSEO PREVIEW?  WHY???????????????????????????????




Khuntoria got 40 minutes airtime,  YS only 15mins and there was no adam at all




now adam fan are really really mad....what will happen to YS next week?????????????????????? I HATE MBC




I just wanna see Adam and YS next wk *No offence*






As much i want to see our couple next week but if they dont air i think MBC they have reason for that. last time we also have a longer period and Adam couple too when they have special epsiode. so may be this time Khuntoria needs that. I hope our couple will also have a special epsiode and longer time air. But it is better that MBC should announce first.




shouldnt be so angry, at least we had a very nice epsiode:-).


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Guest shinhdeplol

Yonghwa gives Seohyun a piggyback ride on “We Got Married”


CNBLUE’s Yonghwa gave his ‘wife’ a piggyback ride for the very first time on this week’s “We Got Married.”

Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun have been showing fast progress in their relationship lately, as demonstrated by their brave attempts at skinship.

For this week’s episode, the couple brainstormed together to compose lyrics for their ‘banmal’ (informal) song. Taking a break, the two walked over to the Han River, where they bet on the results of a short basketball game; it was agreed that the loser had to give the winner a piggyback ride. Yonghwa ended up losing the match, and piggybacked Seohyun all the way home.

Feeling self-conscious, Seohyun asked, “Aren’t I heavy?“ Although Yonghwa jokingly complained that she was “really heavy,” he repeatedly asked her to “hold on tight” and never lost his smile.

In a separate interview, Yonghwa stated, “Girls are so coy,” and burst out into laughter as he reminisced over the moment.

Seohyun gave a shy apologetic smile towards the camera and stated, “I’m heavy and my bag was heavy, which created a combined effect.”


Source + Photos: Asia Economy, Newsen

Taken from: Allkpop

Seohyun & Yonghwa work on their ‘banmal song’


SNSD’s Seohyun and CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa were one step closer to completing their ‘banmal (informal speech) song’ on this week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married.”

Last week, the couple was given the mission to “create a UCC couple song using ‘banmal’ as the motive.”

After briefly talking it over, they agreed that Seohyun would finish up Yonghwa’s lyrics. When Yonghwa sang the guide version for her, she immediately began showing signs of embarrassment at the nonsense lyrics, which only consisted of random words in other languages.

When it came time for Seohyun to sing, she sang in Japanese. Even though her lyrics were “more meaningful” than Yonghwa’s, hers directly translated to, “Nice to meet you, I’m Seohyun.”


Seohyun began expressing her feelings on the difficulty of speaking informally to Yonghwa, which led him to encourage, “Just write your thoughts down exactly as they are. Think about how you felt when I took you home for the first time. How’d you feel?”

She shyly answered, “I thought it was amazing that you took me home. What was your first impression?” Yonghwa replied, “Pretty. Nice. Oh! And outgoing too. Don’t think of this as too hard.”

Through Yonghwa’s inspiration, Seohyun was able to come up with the lyrics: “Phrases such as ‘thank you’ and ‘hello’ are still so difficult for me to say. Thank you, thank you, this is all I can say. It’s the first time for me for everything, I’m still not good at this. How can I say this? I’m not as experienced, but my heart flutters again today.”

Yonghwa immediately expressed his surprise over her lyrics and complimented her as being a“prodigal lyricist that exceeded his expectations.”

Check out a snippet from their song below!


Source + Photos: Newsen, Newsen, Star News

Tip: GozzipGurl

Taken from: Allkpop

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Guest yongseocouple












am i the only one here who not worry about the preview? i'm really sure mbc have reason why there's no yongseo preview today. maybe they prepare something bigger than preview. who knows right? and if there's no yongseo next week, i'm sure pdnim have reasons. so, goguma just calm down, God really love someone who have big patient. oke? i think there'll be something this week. bigger than just preview. just wait goguma :))



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HEY DID ANYONE REALISE THIS BUT SEO HYUN IS WEARING YONG HWA'S JACKET!!!! wen they go Han River she is wearing his jacket! he was wearing it on last weeks episode wen he took seo hyun to CN BLUE dorm! omgggg! i was just rewatching todays ep and i saw that the jacket looked familar to yong hwas so i rewatched last weeks ep and guess what she did wear his jacket!!! :):)

































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Youtube link Yongseo
































































































































































































Part 1































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2
































































































































































































cr: uploader 
































































































































































































everytime i watch Yongseo, I always smile stupidly!

































































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Guest glennpaulo












As for today episode it is very awesome, skinship is becoming natural and Hyun Lyrics and the whole song is very EPIC. Now i can say that this banmal song is totally a couple song. I can wait to hear the complete song. 












I think MBC WGM PD-nim is planning something so we better wait for their message first before we react, as for adam couple it's only natural for them to get angry so we cannot do about it. As for Pd- nim not telling about Adam couple does not have airtime, maybe because he did not want the ratings to go down. Let's wait for them to talk before we complain. Let's just live it to them since adam couple is a very important part of WGM pdnim will not do/plan something risky. and for not having preview im also disappointed but what else can i do, just wait.





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Guest sweet_spy












Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'm loving every minute of the new episode!!!!!








I cracked up so hard when Yong was mimicking SeoHuyn's laugh at the beginning. His expression was pure win =))...no wonder Huyn gave him a good hit in the arm, not the slight pat she usualy does lol lol








Christmas feels so full happy cuz i have family, friends, and YongSeo love around me XDXDXDXD
















May all your wishes <and yongseo fantasies> come true <<<3333
















On another note, here's some caps of Yong and Huyn from today's MBC Christmas Special. I dont impose too much weight on the presence of the ring anymore. But still, since today is christmas, it warms my heart that they both have them on...so i'm gonna consider it as one of my Christmas gifts :D
























Can you spot them? ^^



















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me again...sweatingbullets.gif































































































































































































































































just sharing RAW video in Youtube
































































































































Part 1































































































































Part 2






























































































































































































































































































































































































DL banmal song mp3 (cut by me)
































































































































banmal song































































































































































































































































EDIT : ups rxp has shared it. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































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although previews are nice, i'm not too worried about the no preview thing. I don't think MBC has ever completely cut out a couple, just shorter air times. (Plus, if they did decide to completely cut YongSeo out, there will be hell to pay, k-fans, from what I've seen, have a lot of power...)








random caps:








dying from laughter at seohyun wearing the gloves ahaha. it's just so randommm.
















linking arms, before yong runs off like the choding he is :P  |  yonghwa teasing earns him a punch, but it looks more like she's feeling him up in the cap, LOL. ( and he likes it!)
















regarding other couple airing times:








And I do feel for the adam couple, even if it was a joint(ish) episode for adam&khuntoria, giving such little time to adam is a little harsh, if they did that to YongSeo I wouldn't be happy either. hopefully MBC will make it up to adam fans in next weeks episode.  (I used to be a adam couple stan, watched them from their start, but then yongseo came onto the scene and i switched teams.




;) so adam fans I FEEL FOR YOU!!)




edit: though yongseo will forever be my OTP, i'm a little pro jonghyun&seohyun. did I hear right when he said seohyunnie????!  :w00t: he's muffled by yonghwa but i'm pretty sure that was him :)
















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Seohyun. I like you. I mean I really enjoy your personality, your talent and seriously just adore your all around being and as much as I enjoyed what I have seen so far of this ep....CAN YOU PLEASE THROW MY BOY A BONE ALREADY TRY A LITTLE BIT HARDER TO BREAK FROM WHAT YOU'VE ALWAY KNOWN/BEEN BROUGHT UP WITH AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SPEAK COMFORTABLY IN BANMAL WITH MY BABY BOY YONG!?






I adore Yong. He is so talent, and funny, and patient, loves all aspects of music with such beautiful to see passion. He is a great leader, has such stage charisma, great personality, humble, and wonderful on variety shows *stops fangirling* He is moving things at her pace because he is respectful of the person Hyun is and the fact that this is her first "relationship" and he doesn't want to pressure her; but I just want to hug my bb because although he trying hard not to let it bother him and or put pressure on Hyun to do it when she is not comfortable with it...I can see it totally bothers/hurts/slightly jealous when she can speak in banmal with his bandmates and such but not him. And I completely understand where he is coming from. I






t's like an aspect of herself that he wants to be let in on he wants to know (Hyun who is not all respectful words just a bit more a guy and a girl) but that wall is still there. It's frustrating/hurts to wonder why that is and what you can do to get there. IDK man...I would hate to see my boyfriend be able to talk freely and laugh freely with others than he does with me. Like he is one person with them and another with me. It's hard for me to put in words but my point is that I get where Yong is coming from...I get why her inability to speak banmal bothers him. IMHO it's like they're close, and comfortable, they enjoy each other's company, etc, etc. But they are not that close not that comfortable not there there if she can't let him see/be a part of all aspects of herself. FFS even her lyrics...all she feels for him is gratitude!? I know, she knows, and I think he knows it is more than that; but until she is able to vocalize it, it'll be just thoughts and no full assurance.The day she able to talk in banmal with Yong, both he and I will die of happiness. All the walls will be down :D






I don't mean to be a downer these holidays and after what I hope is a great ep. Heck I might change my mind and be all happy spazzy once I finish the full ep. It's just I could see the banmal things still bothers my boy and I could feel for him so just needed to pause it and get it off my chest.






*goes to watch the rest of the ep*






P.S Happy Holidays to one and all :D



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Guest shinhdeplol



Hyun’s Lyric

words of thanks, words of greetings

these are too hard for me

really thank you, really grateful

i can only say these words

because it is first time to everything

i’m actually very clumsy

how to say, what to say

today i’m also (i don’t understand the word. trying to search for it. ‘ll be back)

Yong’s lyric

hopefully we can be a banmal relationship

though still unnatural

rather than saying “gomawoyo”

let me hear more intimate words

we can have a banmal relationship

one step at a time, slowly walk closer

look at me in the eye

can you tell me

“I love you”

credits to: gogumas in baidu 红薯吧新闻组

taken from gogumalove

EDIT: Ahhh sorry, its been posted 1 or 2 pages before :sweatingbullets:

After understanding the lyrics, I love the song so much more. They are really thankful to have each other :wub:

Now all I need is subbed HQ version of this episode :P

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Guest 2korinto57

Merry Christmas to all! I've been lurking herefor a couple of months and it's my first time posting..

Thank you everyone! Ihave so much fun reading all your posts everyday.

Hope I'm not breakingany rules here. I'm not very familiar with them. Below's my roughly translatedsubs for the first few minutes of this week's episode. It's my first timetranslating from Mandarin to English so it's not very accurate. Please bearwith me!


Credits to 小雨@Baidu

CNBLUE’s Dorm.. A quiet residentialarea.

(ahaha ahaha ahaha)

(He’s still at it…)

SH:  Ahh~ What is this…

YH: Why.. okay, I’m going to stop

YH: How’s this? It’s good right?

SH: Eraseit now!

YH: Okay, I’ll stop now

YH: I’m just playing around

SH: It’s quite fun

YH: Do you want try singing the first part of thesong?

YH: You don’t have too think too much into it

(YH singing gibberish English)

YH: The lyrics automatically come along as you aresinging it

SH: Just doit freely?


(Jonghyun’s peeping in)

YH: Jonghyun is good at this

JH: What’s up?

YH: Come demonstrate for a bit

(Bro-in-law coming into the room)

JH: Which song? Let’s hear it.

YH: Placeholders in the first verse

JH: Placeholders? What version do you prefer? InJapanese or?

SH: Japanese

(BIL Jonghyun singing in gibberish Japanese…)

JH: Justsing it out freely

SH: Freely?

YH: Nobody will know, others will think there’s somemeaning to it.

(Minhyuk pops his head in at this time)

JH: Minhyuk is here

SH: Hi~

MH: I left something here, came to get it.

MH: What are you guys doing?

YH: Minhyuk-ah, that’s Seohyun’s coat!

YH: Who allowed you to hug her coat?!

MH: Ah? So what should I?

YH: Just put it properly behind

SH: It’s so funny

MH: Cold? What song is this?

YH: This? Banmal~

MH: Banmal?

YH: Banmal song. Okay. Seohyun try singing..

SH: Okay..

YH: Start!

SH: Ah.. How should I sing it?

YH: Take out your confidence

SH: Hajimemamini coopere.. (Meeting you for the first time in Japanese)

JH: Yup, just sing it like that.

SH: Hajimemamini coopere, I am Seohyun

SH: Ahhh this is embarrassing!

YH: Seohyun-ah.. I think you are a genius

YH: I wrote the lyrics of chorus. You can writethe first verse

SH: Write the first verse?

MH: Hoot is a nice song

SH: Thanks!

MH: Daebak ah!

YH: Try singing it~

MH: Like this~ (shooting)

SH: You did that well

YH: I don’t allow you to dance that

MH: You have lots of screen time too

SH: Really?

MH: I saw all of it.

MH: The rankings, etc…

(Wonderful same-age friendship)

(Yonghwa cannot stand it anymore and interrupts)

YH: We keep…

SH: Oh ya… You filmed a drama right?

YH: Such a formulated conversation..

SH: What…

MH: We are speaking sincerely!

YH:  Ya~~MinHyuk, you should practice your acting skills properly!

SH: Haha..??

YH: Put some heart to it.

(Yonghwa’s jealousy is damaging his pride as a bigbrother)

YH: Hahaha

MH: I know I know

Hope this tiny contribution can brighten up your ChristmasDay! If you guys think this rough translation is alright, maybe I can continueto do more. If I broke any rules, I can remove this post too ^^

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That was a daebak daebak episode! awww..it warms my heart to see our yongseo so full of happiness and laughter. I couldn't ask for a better christmas present.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I didn't mind the length or the no-previews for next week cause that 20 min was full of touching and lovely moments. Other couples can have the whole 40min and plan a huge epic event but i'll alwyas be thankful for an episode of yongseo that gives us a glimpse of how much this couple have grown together and how much they love spending time just the two of them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal song was really good<3i felt the sincerity in the song and the connection they have .Pd-nim is a genius for inserting their past episodes. Shows how much they have grown together for the past 10months or so.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best part was probably the basketball scene and the piggyback. Yong going all crazy with the ball.lol. but in the end he still wants to look out for his hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last weeks episode ,yong looked like he could take a nap at any moment. But spending time with his hyun made him so energetic and happy. Kyaaahhh if i could have one wish for this christmas is for yongseo to always have each other and to reach their dreams .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks guys for sharing!you guys are awesome!

































































































































































































































































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one of the cutest scenes in this episode is when Yong & Hyun are the Cloud Cafe (name??)
































































































































































































they've ordered their drinks...
































































































































































































and when Hyun sees what Yong has ordered she chides him































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and then she gives him the following look
































































































































































































that says "Aigoo!...this is my Yong choding!"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and Yong drinks his cola happily































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































classic example of a caring wife, nagging her husband, and husband just enjoying the moment!

































































































































































































































































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I am not worried that there are no preview.I think for the fishing event they went, it does not have preview and it turns out to be one of the best ep. Mostly likely it is a new storyline so they want to keep it a mystery.
































































Again I have translated some baidu chinese translation to English. Once again, thank you, 小雨 笨笨熊 和JOJO 冻结 .
































































subs: CN Blue dorm. a quiet neighbour
































































subs:laughter. laughter, laughter
































































and it is still going on.
































































SH: ah..What it is?
































































YH: What?~I know already and I stop the act
































































YH: How? It is good?
































































SH: Immediately delete
































































YH: I will stop the act
































































YH: I am just joking
































































SH: Actually it is quite fun
































































YH: So how do you want the beginning melody to be like?
































































YH: Do not think too complicated
































































.......(The translator could not understand what they are singing)
































































YH: IF you just sing along, automatically lyrics will appear
































































SH: anyhow?
































































































































JH is peeping in
































































MH: How it is going?
































































YH: Come and demostrate
































































JH creep into the room
































































JH: Which melody? let listen
































































YH: Come and help out
































































JH: which edition? Japanese or ?
































































SH Japanese
































































JH singing
































































JH: So it is how you sing it happily
































































SH: Anyhow?
































































YH: No one will know. People will think that it is the content
































































MH pops by
































































JH: MH is here
































































SH: Hellp
































































MH: I left something here so I come to retrieve it
































































MH: WHare are you all up to?
































































YH: MH, that is SH's clothes
































































YH: Who give you the permission to hug it?
































































MH: ah? then?
































































YH: Just put behind nicely
































































SH: It is so funny
































































MH: cold. So what song?
































































YH: This one? Banmal
































































MH: Banmal?
































































YH: Banmal song,. ok, Seohyun, please try.
































































SH: ok
































































SH: Nice to meet you. (Japanese greeting)
































































JH: Yup, that is how you should sing
































































SH: Nice to meet you, I am Seohyun
































































SH: It is so embarrassed
































































YHL Seohyun~ I think you are a genius
































































YH:I write the lyrics behind and you shall write the front
































































SH: The Front lyrics?
































































MH: Hoot (SNSD's latest single) is very nice
































































SH: Thank you
































































MH: Daebak
































































YH: do it
































































MH: like this
































































SH: Well done
































































YH: I forbid you to dance
































































MH: You has quite a lot of screen time
































































SH: Really?
































































MH: I watched it
































































MH: What is the ranking?
































































subs: wonderful same age friendship
































































Subs: Yonghwa decides to break up the conversation
































































YH: We watched together
































































SH: ah...you recently filmed a drama right? congratulations
































































YH: It is so formal conversation
































































SH: What?
































































MH: We are really chatting
































































YH: You should practise your acting
































































SH: haha...What it is about using your feeling?
































































YH: yup...using your feelings
































































subs: The jealous leader is showing his authority
































































YH: lol
































































MH: ok, I know
































































subs: After a while, both of them go to the kitchen
































































SH:All are instant food
































































YH: This is CN Blue style
































































SH:cannot, got to do some dishes
































































SH: Let cook some soup
































































YH: Have you thought of your lyrics?
































































SH: ah...but
































































YH: tough?
































































SH: YUp, it is tough
































































YH: What so tough?
































































SH: I do not know what to write
































































YH: Just wirte what you want to say
































































SH: That is also possible
































































YH: the best lyrics...
































































SH: ah?
































































YH: It is to use your own feeling to express...it is how I learn it
































































SH: WHo did you learn it from?
































































YH: erh...internet?
































































SH: It is so delicious
































































YHL I am thinking, when I first wanted you to speak in banmal, what is your feeling
































































SH: That is tough
































































YH: tough
































































SH: tough- it is so weird
































































YH: This is the same feeling you will get
































































YH: speaking, speaking is tough for me. You can write down like that
































































SH: That is good
































































YH: This is my thought, after that this is the best part
































































SH: What is that?
































































YH: It seems easy but actually it is the hardest
































































YH: tough?
































































SH: yes
































































YH: Think about the first time I send you home
































































SH: yes
































































YH: That is the first time a guy send you home. So what is your feeling?
































































SH: How to say?
































































YH: Just honestly speak up your feeling
































































SH: lol
































































Misun: that gives me goosebump
































































YH: So how do you feel at that time?When I send you home?
































































SH:when you send me home, it feels weird
































































Misun: how much does it cost you to send me home?
































































SH: At that time, thank you
































































YH: ah? Of course you will feel thank you
































































SH: I do not know
































































SH: So how is oppa feeling?
































































YH: What?
































































SH: The first time when you saw me
































































YH: The feeling when I first time saw you?
































































YH: saw you. ah! Seohyun!
































































YH: ah~ very pretty
































































YH: ah~very kind hearted
































































YH: very polite
































































YH: YOu think too complicated
































































SH: serious?
































































YH: So how about? What is your feeling when you first saw me?
































































YH: ah...very handsome
































































YH: The first time when we meet, it should be not bad right?
































































YH: So he likes to eat fried cake?
































































YH: what? a KRW 2000 ring?
































































subs: Does Yonghwa's guidance help Seohyun
































































SH: Please give me pen and paper
































































SH: ballpoint
































































SH: You are not allow to see
































































Yh: What there to see?
































































Subs: Seohyun's hair was smudged with cake
































































YH: Your hair also wants to eat some cake
































































subs: part 1 of waiting: harmonization
































































part 2 of waiting: playing guitar
































































After an hour~at last the song is completed?~
































































SH: I have completed
































































YH: Let me take a look
































































SH: I have put in a lot of efforts in writing...ah
































































YH: No worries...we do not have much time left
































































YH: Let me take a look
































































SH: ahhhh
































































Jake: Not laughing
































































Misun: looking so intense
































































YH: wow...You have written very well
































































SH: Really?
































































YH: Really.
































































SH: Lucky.lucky
































































YH: It is really very good
































































SH: you are lying. Really?
































































YH: really.
































































YH: You used the demo as a guide right?
































































SH: yup. in the beginning
































































YH: yup. you used in the beginning
































































YHL You have written very well. Let start recording
































































YH: What key?
































































SH: that is a bit low
































































YH: 1234
































































SH: Thank you. How are you? These sentence are tough for me to ask
































































SH: I am grateful. Thank you very much. I only know these sentence
































































SH: For me, these are new to me hence I am clumsy
































































SH: I am too embarrassed to say them out
































































SH: Today I am so hesitating
































































Back in the studio
































































Jake is getting goosebump
































































YH: That is good
































































SHL Really?
































































YH: yes. However this part is not good so we need to change. Ah...how do say it out, so how to say it out
































































SH: This is so much better
































































YH: ha...You are copying me?
































































SH: What, I am just borrowing
































































YH: You really shocked me
































































SH: liar
































































YH: Really I was shocked
































































SH: why?
































































YH: Here:" I know only how to say this sentence" YOu really how to say this sentence?
































































SH: ah...
































































YH: Here does not sounds like a lyrice,it is like a real couple story
































































SH: It is my own imagination
































































YH: YOu really get embarrassed easily
































































SH: haha...what?
































































YH: I am with an embarrassed lady...erh...what is that...So this is a love story
































































subs: An embarrassed Busan guy who just want to bluff the way through
































































YH: So this is our first colloboration
































































SH: yup
































































Sub: At last the song is completed
































































Seohyun starts to sing
































































Seohyun confession
































































confession and thank you greeting are tough
































































Really grateful, thank you
































































This is the only way I am able to express it
































































Everything is new to me
































































Hence I am clumsy
































































What to say, how to say
































































Even today, I am also hesitating
































































Hopefully we will be able to speak banmal to each other
































































Although it is not natural and weird
































































as compared to jonmal
































































Let talk comfortably
































































together let talk in banmal
































































step by step, we walk towards each other
































































Looking at each other eyes
































































Will you be able to talk to me
































































" I love you"
































































Jake: This is not bad
































































SH: I am satisfied
































































YHL satisfied? Seohyun: yup
































































YH: Let go out and relax
































































SH: okay
































































subs: Not long after,we are outside
































































SH: cold
































































subs: unexpected: the hair wil freeze rogether in such a long weather
































































SH: this?
































































(MH recommends to rent water taxi to go to Han River Park to play basketball)
































































SH: WHy I want to wear skirt on such cold day
































































YH: You are crazy
































































SH: yup
































































Board the boat
































































SH: wa...it is so warm
































































sub: At last board a nice ambience water taxi
































































Seohyun looks pleased
































































SH: it is so warm
































































sub: Yong is like a heat warmer
































































Everyone is enjoying the scenery
































































YH: should buy a yacht
































































SH: really?
































































Jake: Yonghwa that is really expensive
































































YH: I will do it
































































SH: I am starting to feel warm, isn't it?
































































YH: yup...(demostrating his basketball skills)...where is the basketball?
































































YH: singing the song( I want to say out loudly that I love you)
































































Images of Yong choding appears who is running excitedly to the basketball court
































































YH: I shall complete with you in basketball
































































subs: to begin with the competition Hyun 4 and Yong 1
































































YH: Whoever lose will buy hot beverages
































































SH: ok
































































(The compettion begins)
































































After the basketballmatch
































































YH: You must hold tight *3
































































YH: Seohyun...my leg is wobbly
































































Black room: Yong: (is happy) and is pretending
































































Seohyun: I am heavy? the bag? It is beacause of gravity therefore everything is heavy
































































Back to scene:
































































SH: Are you alright?
































































YH: I am alright
































































SH: sure you can continue?
































































YH: You are really very high( however he is still happy)
































































SH: I am feeling unease
































































(reach the cafe, Seohyun ordered yuzu tea and yonghwa order ice coffee)
































































SH: Why are you drinking cold drinks
































































YH: because I like it
































































(Glups down the drink so soon Yong finish the drink)
































































YH: which faculty are you at?
































































SH: Acting class
































































subs: blind date: which faculty are you at?
































































YH: Which year?
































































SH: first year
































































YH: really?
































































YH: arh... I am a first year in the business faculty and I am class representative
































































SH: (in banmal) please to meet you
































































YH: I did not go for a gathering because of you
































































SH: You have done a great job
































































YH: copying SH( You have done a great job)
































































SH: you are eating ice?
































































YH: why, you can find which path to walk into my heart?
































































Back in the studio
































































Everyone went crazy
































































SH: This is sweet
































































YH: you are mine
































































SH: This is really funny
































































YH: why?
































































sub: the coupl started discussing
































































YH: We should give and take right?
































































SH: Yup
































































SH: IT has passed the time to reveal the next mission( time is 22.05)
































































sub: Will you the mission is a success?
































































Both of them are fighting to take a look at the mission card
































































When the both of them takes a look at it, they fainted immediately
































































content: Should let more people hear this banmal song
































































Jinwoon: ah...the most popular website for video viewing
































































YH: We need to shoot MV
































































SH: I have never done this done
































































sub: how will the video turns out?Let go and find out.
































































































































no preview

















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