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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















There is no preview for yongseo maybe because the episode next week is not a continuation of today's episode.






































The other two couples AC & KT, i think their episode will be continued next week.






































WGM sometimes do that right? Whenever there is new episode, they don't show the preview of the next episode.






































It's just so happen so that our couple will have an all new episode compared to the other couples...






































so let's not worry goguma villagers...



































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Guest yongseocouple
































































































hey guys cheer up!! maybe PD-nim didnt give us the preview bcoz there are somehing special next week and PDnim doesnt want to spoil it?














































































































































































































cheer up!! i think next ep will gonna be so daebak, thats why there is no preview today. cheer up goguma!

















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Guest shinhdeplol










My fav part of the episode today is the piggy ride part :wub:





















C: Nate



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Guest lovekin


so i'm watching the raw, and it's barely started when i just start laughing.  i think it's incredibly hilarious and extremely cute that seo is so comfortable with him now that she hits him.  and not the light taps that she typically gives, like she's still unsure, but she HITS.  it's so funny because it's the kind of thing you'd expect from two people who like each other.  tongue.gif






EDIT:  so at the end, i think they're playing the banmal game or something.  or maybe seo just started talking in banmal.  whatever it is, it's too cute.  i don't know what they're saying, but seo is comfortable.  like she talks to him like she did with minhyuk when they were at the dorm.  i REALLY love how they easily banter now, and there's no sense of ... like, neither of them feel like they're misunderstanding the other person and feel like they have to apologize right away.  they're just firing words at one another like they've been doing it forever!  totally cute.




(i'm pretty sure she was speaking in banmal, at least.  i was reading the hangul, and there were no formal suffixes on her end.  but eh, i'm not fluent or anything~)


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Guest biancacoolio










OH MY GOSH. I completely missed the stream. I'm so stooopid. *bangs head on the wall*






Did some kind soul already uploaded the episode on youtube?












Just looking at the pics, and I'm spazzing like crazy.



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RAW video from tudou































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo raw vid






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm okay with no preview so i'm not expecting anything.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT : shawie829, i'm not celebrating christmas but merry christmas to you.
































































































































































































And to all gogumas who celebrate it, hope you all have a great christmas and holiday biggrin.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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To  bee_Ichigo and YukiAgne...thank you very much for sharing the link, I was not able to stream today, that's why I was so happy to see your posts, you just don't know how many times i've refreshed the thread just so I can see the latest posts...hehehe.
















Merry Christmas to you both!
















Off to watching the video of our couple :wub:
















EDIT:  And same goes to Boo...thank you :wub:









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Guest pen(..^^..)




































wow! today's episode is sweet and also epic <333
































love the banmal song <33 it's gonna be a hit! i think :wub:
































btw yong & hyun is number 1 on nate's search list.. daebakk!


































here's some related article from today's episode
































‘우결’ 서현-정용화, 반말에 어부바까지 ‘장족의 발전’
































[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]
































아직 연애경험이 전무했던 서현 탓에 어색함을 숨기지 못했던 정용화-서현 커플이 점점 더 편해진 반말과 대담해진 스킨십을 선보였다.
































12월 25일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요2'(우결2)에서는 정용화-서현 커플이 부부송을 제작하고 한강변에서 데이트를 하는 모습이 그려졌다.
































이날 두 사람은 첫 부부송인 '반말송' 작사를 계기로 첫 느낌에서부터 지금까지 서로에 대한 감정과 추억을 되짚어봤다. 특히 평소 존대말을 생활화하는 서현은 정용화에게 도통 말을 놓지 못해 편해지기까지 어려움을 겪어왔다.
































그 간 이들이 편해지기까지는 정용화의 노력이 컸다. 정용화는 편안하게 서현이 말을 놓을 수 있도록 때로는 장난처럼 때로는 내기를 통해 반말을 유도했다. 매우 어려워하던 서현은 어색하지만 조금씩 말을 놓는 법을 배웠고 그만큼 두 사람은 점점 가까워졌다.
































이는 스킨십에서도 확인이 됐다. 최근 손잡고 팔짱끼기에 성공한 두 사람은 이날 방송에서는 자연스레 어부바까지 해냈다. 정용화는 무겁다고 투덜대고 서현은 민망해했지만 어느 때보다 편안한 모습이었다.
































한편 가인과 가상부부로 출연 중인 조권도 "서현이 처음 손잡았을 때 만세를 불렀다"며 놀라워했다.
































고경민 goginim@newsen.com
































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
































정용화-서현 첫 부부송, UCC 동영상 탄생 예고
































[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]
































가상부부 정용화-서현 커플의 첫 부부송이 UCC 동영상으로 제작된다.
































12월 25일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요2'(우결2)에서는 정용화-서현 커플의 부부송 제작이 이어졌다.
































지난 방송에서 정용화가 남몰래 부인을 생각하며 만들었던 '반말송'을 보완해 첫 부부송으로 만들기로 한 두 사람은 정용화의 숙소에서 나머지 작업에 들어갔다.
































특히 노래의 앞 부분 작사를 맡기로 한 서현은 처음 해보는 작사에 정용화의 특훈이 더해지자 훌륭한 가사를 만들어 멋진 송을 완성했다.
































이어 공개된 두 번째 미션에는 '첫 부부송을 많은 사람들에게 들려주세요'라는 내용이 들어있었다. 공개장소는 세계적인 동영상 사이트 유투브였다.
































이 얘기에 정용화는 우리끼리 UCC 동영상을 만들어야 된다고 제안했고 서현은 벌써부터 걱정스런 마음을 감추지 못했다.
































고경민 goginim@newsen.com
































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지































































hope anyone can translate :D
































i was a bit sad about the preview thing but we can anticipate for another daebak episode right? so let's have a wonderful Christmas today! forget the negative thinking! :wub:
































yongseo couple & goguma villager fighting!!



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Guest dan_glitz
































































































































Hey I found this link, not youtube tho, but it kinda works for me. Thanks to Yongseo couple fanpage at Facebook!

































































































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Merry Christmas Gogumas!!

wow! its good to be back!

a special shoutout to dreamy, hachi, gie, miel, d3, sophia, soleil, shane,

j2, sun_sun, panGG, raindrop, mrsjoker, crystal, lenovo, cunna, hihi_hehe...

looks like i've missed a lot :sweatingbullets:

tks for the tudou link but i guess i have to wait for raw in youtube since tudou

doesn't love me..

btw, tks for the caps, sally. daebak!

okay,catch up later..cheers!

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Guest shawn_daebak
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cant help it...
































































































































































































































































i had goosebumps when i heard the Banmal Song...
































































































































































































































































gosh, how can our YONGSEO be lovely...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Wow! I still have goosebumps from that episode, and that's BEFORE seeing a single translation!!!
















































How can these 2 keep upping the chemistry every single episode??? How can 2 barely 20 year olds keep a whole goguma universe engaged and obsessed with them week after week?
















































Loved, loved, loved the duet. Wish I could have understood Seohyun's lyrics.
















































Loved Yong's jealousy of Minhyuk.
















































Who else wishes they hadn't edited out the part where Yong stretched out on that bed. Such an intimate action. Shows how close they are to each other now. I wonder if Hyun was a little embarassed or just took it in her stride?
















































Yong holding Hyun's hand close to his chest to keep it warm. *Dying here*
















































The basketball game (Yong rocked here!) and the PIGGYBACK RIDE!!! Made me happy! Happy! Happy! I wonder why Yong decided to piggyback Hyun?
















































I also have to say that I'm very happy that WGM is finally giving Yong a chance to show his myriad talents! A big contrast to earlier episodes where they would focus so much on his choding behavior!
















































Aargh! Am dying to see the raws again (have already watched the song half a dozen times!) and can't wait for translations!!
















































And like my.yonghwa,baby I choose to believe that next week's episode is so daebak they didn't want to give anything away!
















































Aah! I go on holiday tomorrow and will have limited access to the internet. I'm going to miss all the 3 year end music shows as well as next week's WGM! I may just pass out from the suspense. Am trying to put a positive spin to it and tell myself that I'll have loads of goodies to make me happy when I return......but its soooooo hard!
















































That's all the spazz from me for now.
















































HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL MY FELLOW GOGUMAS! You're daebak and I look forward to spending lots more time spazzing with all of you in the year ahead!!
















































VERY SPECIAL COUPLE WISHES TO HYUN AND YONG FOR 2011, 2012, 2013...... 2100 :w00t: !

















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Guest dan_glitz
















Awww. Just watched the raw video for yongseo. KIAAAA! I don't understand like 99.8% but what I understand is that their relationship is growing and its becoming beautiful.








Yup, agree with you guys when she freely talked in banmal with minhyuk, Yong was sooo jealous you can tell from his face. 








Although Yong has higher knowledge on music and music making. he doesn't laugh at rookie Seohyun's lyrics. And I love that fact. 








The basketball scene was shorter than expected, was expecting more skinship but I guess they were trying to constraint themselves. rolleyes.gif








Now, let's wait for translations, PATIENTLY. :) 













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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































































































Hey all!! right now i'm in the process of combining the audio of the banmal song from the WGM video, will upload it on my youtube account ASAP. You will be surprised on the beginning of the song biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
































































































































maybe I will upload it to mediafire
































































































































EDIT:  YONGSEO - 반말송 (Banmal Song)































































































































credits to me biggrin.gif
































































































































































































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Hello Gogumas...











































Another sweet episode of YongSeo today. how can they get sweeter and sweeter every episode? biggrin.gif Loving all the moments, singing the banmal song, Yong warming Hyun's hands and of course the piggy back ride happy.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif I watched live streaming but it was lagging too much leaving me with dissatisfaction sad.gif It's okay if there's no preview. I'm keeping a positive thinking here. Maybe next wk ep will be BIG and it's a surprise for all Gogumas. So I'll wait for nxt wk ep with great anticipation. Just pray the PD nim will not let us down Gogumas. Will wait for raw videos & also translations patiently as I know everyone is busy with Christmas celebration today. Will come back & spazz BIG time after watching the full ep again.
















































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Guest scatterbrain

The lyric of the song.

credit to: gogumas in baidu 红薯吧新闻组

Hyun's Lyric

words of thanks, words of greetings

these are too hard for me

really thank you, really grateful

i can only say these words

because it is first time to everything

i'm actually very clumsy

how to say, what to say

today i'm also (i don't understand the word. trying to search for it. 'll be back) i'm still hesitant

yong's lyric

hopefully we can be a banmal relationship

though still unnatural

rather than saying "gomawoyo"

let me hear more intimate words

we can have a banmal relationship

one step at a time, slowly walk closer

look at me in the eye

can you tell me

"I love you"

and the words that are underlined in red: genius lyric writer, seohyun. and the cap says: truly genius couple.

i strongly believe YongSeo will air next week even though there was no preview. maybe next week they will show us the process of uploading their song on the internet. i remember after the double birthday episode, there was no preview as well.

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Guest BluMistLaydee




it's like 5:40 am for me. Just came home from a night of partying, my feet are on fire, but look where I am at, instead of getting some rest? My love for this couple really know no boundaries :lol:


Thanks everyone for the screen caps and uploads and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah


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I found a bit torrent file here WGM torrent
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and an mp3 banmal song here Banmal song DL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits to uploaders

































































































































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