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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Translation  of preview















































Last week, Hyun experienced Yong’s composing skills. Finally, she’s gg to challenge her first composing for the lyrics portion of the Banmal song. In order to increase her composing capability, what is Yong going to teach her?















Can Hyun write out good lyrics under the guidance of Yong?















After going through the pains of composing, in order to relax their minds, they decided to go to Han Jiang garden.















Yong showed off his basketball skills to Hyun, and finally they begin a very competitive “Piggy-Back” basketball tournament.















Finally it’s the time to open the envelope to reveal the second mission. What is the mission that caused both of them to “faint”?






















































source : iloveyongseo.wordpress.com (taken from sweetpotatodays)
















thanks to yongseofact @ twitter for the tip
































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thank you @bee_ichigo for the translate :)








































what???? theres another piggy back??? OMO!!!! XD








































and the mysterious mission is............?? huwa... cant wait for tommorow..








































Saturday come quickly :)








































happy holiday everyone :)









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Guest biancacoolio








a constellation of midsummer






my contribution for the 300th day exchange on the goguma LJ community.  *quoted image*


























"Maybe I want to like you, and maybe I think I like you.  Or maybe, despite everything and against my better judgement, I already do."







 The day before their contract expires, Yonghwa takes Seohyun out for a drive.











I don't have an LJ account so I couldn't comment on the page itself, but that was sooo beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 






I read it with the banmal song piano cover playing in the background (*clicky* ), and I was in goguma heaven, seriously. 






It feels good to be part of a community with so many talented people. tears.gif



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Guest lovekin


wub.gif  YOU GUYS!




the reception for a constellation of midsummer has been outstanding, and it's been way more than i anticipated!  seriously, thank you for the messages and comments.  funny enough, i think my one-shots tend to be stronger (which is why i dabble in it than multi-chaptered), which is troubling to me since separation anxiety is still ongoing.  sweatingbullets.gif  anyway, this is just a mega thank you to those who've commented, and i only realized now that i had anonymous commenting disabled, which i fixed!  please do comment if you can, even if you dislike it.  i take feedback - the good and the bad - very seriously.  and if that's not your thing, just drop by and say hi~ i'd really love to get to know my readers.




especially if you're a member here on the forums.  a lot of my posts tend to be analytical, so i don't really interact with very many of you, if at all - at least never directly and never just to wonder how you lot are doing.  so yes, drop on by~ i am also very awake, hence my excitability right now.  tongue.gif




oh, oh, oh!  and by the way, if you have any prompts at all, please suggest some (PM, of course)!  i really want to practice writing some more since i'd been off the bandwagon (before joining the yongseo thread).




and, as far as the preview goes, another piggyback ride?  really?  should this be another attempt, it better be that the winner gives the ride or something so that yong gives the piggyback rather than the other way around.  although this does remind me when the busan photos were released and how it seemed like there was a piggyback on the beach too (but that was never confirmed).  laugh.gif


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    anyeoongg goguma...
































waahh this week is really busy for all of us..
































secret mission, voting problem, GDA BTS XDXD
































really can't get enough of these couple
































i should b really busy with my college this end year but can't stop my self to open this thread and i end up watching and reading all vid and fic OMG Pleasee Yongseo give me life...
































u guys r just too addicted
































































about the voting.. uhmm no offense but as people is too immerse and serious about this poll
































i found myself in no intrested mode anymore
































whatever the result i think i wouldn't care,, but if our couple win of course i will spazz even more hehe
































and for those who said that other couple deserve to win than ours,, can u just say it at that couple thread??
































sometime ur POV just give hurt to other goguma as someone said here before
































well for me,, im just fine :D
































































i just finish watching old eps anymore *oh again and again* feel their awkwardness
































and i challenge my self to not even smile or giddy when i watched them but guess as expected it's not even take any second i already smile *and never stop until finish*,, and they're not even do something romantic or whatever, they're just........ THEM
































OMG am i crazy? silly? please help me with this
































































at GDA T____T the most touching moment is when yong saw his buin cried
































what did he feel??? run over the stage and give her hug??
































ahh as expected there are lot of yongseo moment there...
































but why the reporter didn't show when jinwoon tease yong to congrats snsd when they win?? hehe
































i love that moment seeing yonghwa shy..:wub:
































































i wanna ask if u guys know where to get yongseo fanart???
































please gimme the link,, i already collect a lot of fanart but i wanna see more more more bcoz our couple is soo cute
































and our couple has less fanart than other T__T
































i really love fanart and thanks for _hachimitsu
































your manga is great.. im waiting for the next part u're really talent
































i wish K goguma see that and know us international goguma support them to vote
































well i wanna try to put pic,, dont know it will work or not
































anyway has this been shared????
































































its cute, isnt??
































































yes yes yes the preview outttttt
































piggyback again?? Oh god...
































Yoonnnngggg Please give hyun your piggyback OMG,,:w00t:
































it's been my wish list to see yonghwa give seohyun piggyback
































plese please please let ur self lose on purpose, throw away ur busan namja pride
































im sure,, i bet with all my heart that u want to give ur wife a piggyback, right??
































so come on just give her...
































I BEG U...:tears: yonghwa-yaaaa
































































Upppsssss Sorry for long post :sweatingbullets:

































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Guest mizuki_ashiya

I'm new in Soompi

and very happy to find this forum.

you guys call them SeoHwa? lol

I usually refer to them as Goguma couple, when I talk with my friend about them :)

this is my favorite couple in WGM.

they look so cute together. hope they can make it true :D

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Guest nafa_yongseo







Annyeong all goguma shippers...














i can't wait for tomorrow... goguma day...









thanks for the preview translation and thaks for GDA BTS...























i read about our WGM family issue...









i hope all of WGM couple fans will be fair and support their couple  honestly...









and i hope our couple YONGSEO will win best couple...









but, if yongseo not win the award from MBC, i think all of us always give award for YONGSEO...









so... they will always be the winner of our heart ...:wub:...:wub:...:wub:...



















SARANGE YONGSEO... haengbokke yongseo... yeong-wonhi...






















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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































omg another piggy back bet?
































































































































































































































































ahahahh i cant wait!!
































































































































































































































































remember the last piggy back bet? hyun had to piggy back yong....
































































































































































































































































now i hope it's the other way around [=
































































































































































































































































aahhaahha anyways... the mission!! i really think its the busan trip!!
































































































































































































































































it cant be anything else... ahahhah
































































































































































































































































anywho... cant wait for the basketball scene! (:
































































































































































































































































in 22 hours! ahahaha

































































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Guest LJH_Helen


hi! good morning, good afternoon and good evening!!




It’s been quite a whirlwind ride for all ushere and our couple, YONGSEO… their memories, thering issue, the reel vs. real, the” what if’s”, the “best couple” poll, theBTS, fancams and pics of their activities outside WGM, news about their filmingand a whole lot more.  We spazz, we voicewhat’s on our mind, we discuss, we arguesweatingbullets.gif (in a good way, hehe) and invokepositivity in each of everyone.  And itall boils down to one ultimate reason, our love for our YONGSEO couple. 




GDA BTS, every minute, every second of it is spazzworthy.  My fave part was the look onYong’s face when he was watching Hyun cry while she delivered her speech.  The look just sends out his emotion eventhough he didn’t say any word.  And ofcourse, the subtle smiles and stolen glances...wub.gif




I hope I’m not breaking any rules about this…(I’m not sureif I can really make the spoiler work.. hehe) however, this is still YONGSEOrelated.  I’ve been watching Mary Stayedout all night.  I just can’t get over thefact that some if not most of the scenes there reminded me of our Couple.  The story is based on 2 strangers whopretended to be married and eventually fell in love.  The plot alone is very similar to our couple(of course minus the drama and the 3rd party).  There was a scene I believe in episodeeleven, JGS composed and song for MGY, the song is unfinished as it doesn’thave any lyrics as of this time.  He thenasked MGY to put in the lyrics for their song. This particular scene reminded me so much of YONG and HYUN and theupcoming episode.  To quote to theirlines…“the music and the lyrics must come together for the song to becomplete”.  These are just simple wordsbut for me it means a lot, Yong made the song for Hyun bearing his emotions forher.  And by Hyun adding lyrics to it,will also show her emotions towards him (I hope).  In this sense, they need one another tocomplete the song, their song.wub.gif




I lost count as to how many times I’ve re-watched their episodes.  With the rate things are going, I relate mostof the things I see, read watch and experience with our couple.  It’s funny coz I normally do this with myloved one but now I do it with them. Hehe.  I’ve had different“addictions” in life but this is one that I won’t get over anytime soon.blush.gifblush.gif




I’m really bad at names so I’m not gonna quote each of you(don’t want to disappoint anyone) but please be assured that I know, treasureand love each and every one of you. Thank you so much for all of your contributions, the pics, fancams, fanarts,fanfics, povs, news and comments.  (bows90 degrees).




Happy holidays to all of us. I hope everyone’s wishes will come true. Be safe with all your loved ones. To Yong and Hyun: congratulations for a wonderful and successfulyear.  Good luck to all yourendeavors. Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to every one.


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Dear gogumas! just passing by to wish to all of you a Merry Christmas. May enjoy this day with family, friends and people you love. This day is special because the world open up their hearts a little more to love, well we have had ours full of love early this year so let´s share it with the rest of the people...
































































































































Enjoy this day dear gogumas, and Merry Christmas ^_^.
































































































































By the way... piggyback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, secret mission and Banmal song :wub:, can´t wait for this Saturday episode ^^.
































































































































Thank you all gogumas for all the goddies shared :rolleyes:.

































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































Merry Christmas everyone!!!































































































































loving so much the BTS of GDA- it proves evrything and means a lot to the entire Goguma Land.































































































































Hope our beloved translators and uploaders can make a sub on the video- please please please!































































































































Tomorrow is Christmas day and Goguma day!!! cant wait what the result of our bet :)































































































































May everyone in goguma land will have a blessed and wonderful yuletide season - spread the love, the YongSeo Way!!!!laugh.gifwub.giflaugh.gifwub.giflaugh.gifwub.giflaugh.gifwub.gif

































































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Guest teuksunghae



even though I know I can just rewatch the episode, can anyone here please list the recipe for seohyun's sweet potato ?

haha,I mean how it's supposed to be cooked, etc ??sweatingbullets.gif


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Guest icegabrielle






Merry Christmas Gogumas!!! Double treat tomorrow.. Tomorrow is Saturday so we get to see our lovely Goguma couple!!! Yey!!! Plus its Christmas... Merry Christmas everyone!!! ENJOY!!!



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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































I was finally able to clip an image of hyun todaii at Music Station in Japan
















































































































and yes she did wear her ring yayay!!!!!
















































































































We can conclude now that both yong and hyun are still going well and that they are only wearing it outside the korean media.
















































































































I guess this is a smart move because it would create less antis and hence our yongseo couple can continute FOREVER!!
















































































































Here you go. For those who love the ring.
















































































































Final statement, yong wore her ring in both Japan recordings yesterday and todayy
































































































































































































































Cant wait for WGM tomorrow and Music Core and all the other christmas specials with yongseo
















































































































Hope there is a special stage for them??? or at least some interaction to satisfy us, yongseo fans









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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































I know we are over the ring issue but it is nice everytime I see them wearing it...
































































































































SH is performing with SNSD in Japan and you can see her wearing her ring... Maybe it is because the Japan media is not aware of them yet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































On another note, what a crazy schedule CNBLUE and SNSD have, Busan concert is like right now and tomorrow they have to perform in Music Bank. And SNSD is in the same position the difference is that they have to come back from Japan... I hope all idols can have a proper rest, the end of the year shows are total killers... -_-
































































































































I want to take the opportunity and thanks everyone for all the sharing and the goddies.
































































































































MERRY CHRISTMAS my fellow Gogumas!!!! God Bless you all and your family. To YongSeo couple Merry Christmas too, stay healthy and just enjoy your time together...
































































































































Happy spazzing!!!
































































































































Edit: Toped the page, so I will just add a picture... Merry Christmas!!!

















































































































































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Dear Goguma villagers,





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please, enjoy those two days and take care of yourselves!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































May Santa Claus spread the goguma love all around the world tonight, ah!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sending you my love~






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, did I read well? Piggyback? Yaaaaay! That's such a great Christmas Present! Can't wait to see it, hehe!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope Hyun will text her husband at midnight <3

































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer














































Goguma Villagers!!!























- - -












As for tomorrow...






































Waahhh!!! another yongseo Piggyback???






































I can't wait!!!












- - -























Merry Christmas again!






































Although, i'm not as active as some of you guys here, as i'm always lurking...






































it's been a pleasure knowing you all...






































Happy Holidays everyone!!!



























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Guest luv_yesung




Merry Christmas all gogumas!!!


spending my time watching all Yongseo couple episodes again,from ep 1,gosh it just perfect.beautiful and heartwarming,and i don't know why i cries every time i watch the Japan episode,their honest talk is just so beautiful.


and talking about episode 1,i found this video when yonghwa on a radio show before he met seohyun.i wonder if at that very moment he know that in a few moment his life will change forever,he'll meet his love of his life (i hope) :wub:









sorry i never post a link before,let me know if i broke the rules,i'm new here :sweatingbullets:




can't wait for the next episode



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Guest chachann
































































































































































































































































































































































































      I don't know whether anyone had posted this here before...
































































































































sorry if it had been posted..































































































































































































































































[iNFO] SNSD will appear on MBC 50th Anniversary in Bangkok (Thailand)































































































































































































































































































































































































Name - MBC 50th Anniversry Concert - "Korea Music Wave in Bangkok"
































































































































Date -  12th January 2011
































































































































Place - Rajamangala National Stadium
































































































































Artists - SNSD, CN.Blue, Bigbang, 2NE1, 2PM, 2AM, SHINee, KARA, T-ARA, Secret, 4Minute, Beast, MBLAQ , missA, After School, Se7en
































































































































MC - Yuri, Tiffany (SNSD) Nichkhun (2PM)
































































































































Press Conference
































































































































Date - 12th January 2011
































































































































Place - (Unconfirmed) Siam Paragon / Central World
































































































































Ticket Sales
































































































































Start Ticket Sales - after Press Conference in January
































































































































Price - (Unconfirmed) 4,500 Bath / 3,500 Bath / 2,500 Bath / 1,000 Bath
































































































































via Mamee2z@GG-TH, mmiie@GG-TH































































































































































































































































i'm pretty excited for this...
































































































































Maybe MBC can make them to put on special show..    xxxfinger crossxxx

































































































































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Guest ninyaah








































































































Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
























































































Christmas is my favorite holiday -- I hope all of you are enjoying. It's already December 25 where I live, but I know some of you are still preparing for your own celebrations or gatherings. I'm hoping for a fantastic episode later, you know, since it's Christmas and all <3 
























































































Anyway, thank you so much for the GDA BTS. I still smile like an idiot everytime I watch it. As for the mission, I honestly have no clue... but my wildest guess tells me it's a live performance of the Banmal Song at MBC's Gayo Daejun. Gayo Daejun's (whether from KBS, MBC or SBS) have plenty of special stages for artists. And besides, it wouldn't make sense if YongSeo doesn't perform since Khun and Jo Kwon are already expected to perform. About the voting thing, of course I'm rooting for our couple to win. They're the reason why I started tuning in to WGM again. But I won't be bitter about it if they don't get the award. All couples are deserving. Christmas isn't the time to argue and make enemies; let's all just make peace and support each other.









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