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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest quisty86












crystal_malfoy - I love your caps! It's that exact scene I keep repeating. Look how close their heads are. And on that third pic, when Yong was already viewing Seohyun's dorm pictures, look how he never took away his focus on the camera's screen even if Seohyun was trying to snatch it away from him. And it's a serious stare. I'm getting goosebumps. They've never been this close before. Even their knees were touching. tongue.gif




And how can we forget, MC Jake just exploding telling Yong not to leave Seohyun's side haha. 




I don't know what to feel about Jinwoon. I'm half-half. Anyway, we have MC Jake and even Seulong to put him in his place when he's in the studio hehe. 




Trent and mountainmadman - wow, you guys are on to something! 




Guessing game! Mine's kinda lame - I actually thought it was just performing the song. BUT why are they super surprised, it's not like they didn't expect the staff to ask them that just like Adam couple. Hmmm maybe they need to do something by midnight? I don't think it's a wedding photoshoot. I don't think it's Busan too bec. that won't warrant a super surprised almost negative reaction. I would have to go with performance too (even if I have no confidence in this guess). But I might change iin the future haha.




I really want to see a better version of the Seohyun pj picture! It's too dark! Is she like wearing a white sleeping dress? But yeh it already said she's in pjs. 




Oh and since someone brought up the parlor photo again - they have same parlors now - I wonder if they get to have secret meetings there hehe. 





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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































there will be WGM next saturday! that's a good news thanks kubih for providing that facts.






























































































































































































































































Lets all be happy on xmas day as WGM will be aired :lol: :lol::lol:






























































































































































































































































with regards to the mission, i think its the performance of the banmal song.  if it is, i guess making their own music video for the song would be a great gift to all goguma villagers!






























































































































































































































































my sincerest appreciation goes to all goguma translators and fbi's for their hard work and determination in keeping the goguma land updated up to the last second!!! kisses to all of you :wub: :wub::wub:  saranghae

































































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Guest toomuchsmiling




oh and also, based on the preview, it is possible that we'll get a 30 min episode next time? Since the Adam and Khuntoria couples will be together????????




I was also considering that...because since Khuntoria&Adam look like they'll be combined next week, my HOPE is our Yongseo will have 30 mins airtime!! or just more time in general PLEASE. :rolleyes:






- Meet the parents: Caliope, ikekeyou, toomuchsmiling, teuksunghae


- Performance (Banmal Song): glennpaulo, prncsscharming, quisty86, gogumaforever


- Kiss:prncsscharming(wishing)


- Wedding Photos:


- Play Peppero?: Trent, teoki61, kristalisme






ahhh, it was SO hard to choose. <_< -At first i thought Performance as well...but wouldn't they have performed it already or...unless it was meant to be performed around Christmas and New Year well then there goes my bet~


-I don't think wedding photos because...i think we would have heard SOMETHING about that...and their schedules seemed to hectic at the time to really do one.


-Peppero makes a lot of sense so that's where I got torn between this option and...


-Meeting the Parents/Busan. this just seemed unexpected at the time...and in case they didn't do Peppero i feel like this is the next possible thing? mmmm, it's so hard. i'm really only imagining that the mission card will say something like "we booked you two a trip to Busan-get ready to meet the in-laws!" lol, idk. Last time i saw Seohyun react that way to a mission card was when~~she had to meet the bros-in-law for the first time.


:wacko: srsly i need to not think about it all week or i will go crazy.






hopefully someone with those kinds of skills will cap that part in the Preview and make the words on the card that are visible for a split sec clearer and maybe we can find something out. :blink: personally i only see the obvious 'open this at 9' part and then like 2 little parts of words in the middle of the card that really don't look like they'll give much away~ =/


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Guest teuksunghae



Let me write my thought about each one ..


- Meet the parents: Possible, (esp. since we already seen the fan photos etc ) but why should they open it at 9 anyway ?

- Performance (Banmal Song): Def. Possible, but so far we don't have any fan accounts yet.... so what takes them so long ? And kinda weird to finish the song in just one day,unless they just don't show everything...

- Kiss:prncsscharming(wishing) : it's not a mission that ever done in WGM in the past so I don't think so.... they never have any mission that encourage physical contact as extreme as kissing.... ( though I wish it's true and we can spazz later ) 

- Wedding Photos: OMG, I really really want this...... but yeah why should they open it at 9 ?

- Play Peppero?: I don't know the game but wouldn't it be weird to play it just by two of them ? In other episodes or the games I watch, there are lots of people seeing that makes it even more fun..


So, I think I vote for MEET THE PARENTS !


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Guest lovekin


i have to respectfully, but wholeheartedly, disagree with your post, luvtokki.




in fact, i think i should say that i am a little disappointed in whatever collective opinion exists that jinwoon is capable of being so underhanded and would stoop so low. i did agree with trent's speculation to an extent, in that the comment jinwoon made was probably not in good taste. i gather his compliment being genuine, and it's definitely not unusual for friends of the opposite sex to compliment each other in such a manner but, in his case, it's rarely out of friendship if a crush exists (from one party to another, requited or otherwise).




however, i did say in my first comment regarding this issue that he probably never intended his message to be shared, even though he and yong seem to be buddying up.




i just don't feel comfortable with the implication that jinwoon is stealthily prepared to steal seohyun when the chance arises. he has proven to be someone with a full-fledged crush, to be sure, and i feel that, as a guy, he might be hoping that something might benefit him from his friendship with seohyun, but i don't think he's that manipulative.




supposing he does have these intentions, i don't think yong has much to worry about. seohyun has a good head on her shoulders, and i think she's spot-on at reading people's individual characteristics. i doubt she'd be friends with anyone who could be that conniving; therefore, there must be a good reason why she's friends with jinwoon. and something tells me that seohyun isn't that aware of the scope of jinwoon's affections for her (and if i were to humor my support for yongseo, i'd say it's because she's too busy developing what she has with yong, whatever that may be).




i think people easily play on the idea that jinwoon is keeping yong close because they're "rivals" (and maybe vice versa), but i don't think it gives a very positive image for either of them, and the both of them have presented themselves as good individuals.




that being said, i hope no one else holds this view of jinwoon. i just think it's terribly unfair to make this broad of an assessment. can we blame him for doing things that some guys typically do? no. can we disagree with his behavior? of course, but i'm not going to judge his character because of it or assume anything about him and passing those assumptions off as certainty.




on a different note, i do agree with luvtokki that if yong and seo were to "break up" (if they're even together), i think she'd be too heartbroken to jump directly to someone else. if we recall the train episode, she talks about how, prior to reading the love book suggested to her by yong, she closes herself off because she's afraid of getting hurt (and i still think she's afraid to some degree, even though she had said she was going to try and improve). even if she claims not to like yong in a romantic way, i think what she's experiencing with yong is going to have a profound effect on her that would have similar qualities to someone being in a valid relationship. that, and it's just not something she would do, given how conservative she is.


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Gogumas!! first, thank you all, for thougths, pics, and all... you all are daebak!
































































































































About secret mission:
































































































































kiss: remember how before they held hands for first time the MCs were talking about of skinship??? and now they are talking about kiss haha, but this time is different because it is something Seulong ask for before filming the ep... mmmmmmmmm, and honestly I don´t think Hyun is prepared  for that yet, just let´s give them some more time :wub:.
































































































































wedding photoshoot? the mission would be something like this?, "Now that you have declared your love for each other are ready to make the wedding photoshoot?" :lol:, but that late? I don´t think so, you need all day for that right?
































































































































Peppero game! I got all melancholy because of JoongBo couple, I miss them :tears:  (but I must recognize that YongSeo stole my heart even more). The last  week episode I couldn´t help but remember them when Yong said that they  should have had planted lettuce instead of sweet potato kekeke, and now this peppero thing ^^.
































































































































It would be awesome if the mission was about peppero day, but I think it  is something that all the couples should celebrate. Next episode Kwoon and nickhun will be recording a song too? maybe they all are going to perfom the same day ^^ (and now I remember kwonnie saying  something about hubbies making wifes´s christmas present?), so I don´t  think the mission has to do with performing (at least not in that  moment)... Maybe recording in some studio?,  What about a video clip? (I think someone suggested earlier) but again, that late?
































































































































I´m so clueless haha :P
































































































































for who asks screencaps...
































































































































































































































































































































































































it is not that clear!, but if someone can make the miracle? keke
































































































































annyong Gogumas!

































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So this one's going to be a long post. Will put into spoilers to avoid hogging the thread. Also, I'm probably not going to say anything new that hasn't been said already, but, I found this episode so, so, so cute that I just had to spazz about it....
















































Spazz for episode 36
















































It took me nearly 40 minutes to watch the entire episode the first time. Why? Because each time I would get stuck at certain scenes, and I would rewind (for want of a better term!) and watch, and rewind and watch, and rewind..... This is possibly the first episode in which I felt that Hyun and Yong are together in real life. The level of comfort, and the level of awareness that they displayed was just amazing. Plus I kept getting this feeling of ownership (for want of a better term) towards each other. Yong no longer needs to be super careful around Hyun, and Hyun totally gets all his jokes. And can I say, I actually found it very telling that Yong kept moving away from Hyun ever so often. Call me pervy, but a 21 year old young man, around a girl who he obviously likes... does not make for easy physical proximity! But perviness aside, I can't get over how amazing Yong and Hyun are. To find youngsters that age being so focussed, so hard working, and so very, very nice is just incredible.
















































I'm starting to run out of superlatives here. Anyway, moving on....
















































The hoot album pose....
















































So the first scene that I rewound like a million times was when Yong asked Hyun to re-enact the pose from the Hoot CD. I'm a grown up, much married woman, but I swear my heart stopped when she did it. And Yong's reaction - priceless! The way he called out her name, in this half complaining tone, as in 'How can you do this to me in front of all these cameras', was so telling. He was completely shaken by her look. Don't blame him though - she is gorgeous. And as someone's screen caps showed, Seulong was equally mesmerized. That look of half amazement, half envy on his face tells it all. I guess they couldn't show Jinwoon's reaction because he was probably passed out on the floor and/or suffering a massive nosebleed :)
















































I'm still not tired of watching and re-watching this scene over and over and over again!
















































Ooh! The camera that brings you together....
















































First of all, when Hyun moves that camera away and Yong gets all jealous boyfriend on her. He's convinced she's hiding pictures from him. So adorable, and so Yong! But even more telling was Hyun's completely unshaken reaction. She so has Yong wrapped around her little finger.... aah, first love :wub:
















































And of course, them sitting close together (am I the only one who wished it was even closer?) and looking at those pictures.
















































And the bonus, Hyun in pajamas. Note that she didn't fight too hard to take the camera away from him. She so clearly wants to show him this hidden (intimate? forbidden?) side of her. And them agreeing on how the pajamas were cute.
















































And of course the clincher, Yong wondering how someone can look so beautiful!!! Eeeeek!!! Hyun's reaction wasn't so clear, but I suspect she was blushing like mad.....
















































The walk!
















































Loved the conversation they had here. Yong assuming that Hyun would hold back on something, and Hyun totally surprising him with her answer. Wish we could have seen the actual arm linking, also wish they edited it better!
















































The making of banmal...
















































Hyun's mesmerized look when she sees Yong at work. The look of concentration on Yong's face. Yong showing off his musical skills. The laugh in the soundtrack. Hyun dying of embarrassment. Yong loving every minute of it. The whole scene screamed explosive mutual attraction!!! And the eyeships! Specially the moment right after Yong sang 'kiss me tonight' by mistake (Freudian slip?) and then he looked at Hyun with a very odd expression on his face.
















































Unspeakable things...
















































This has been beaten to death, but, I find it significant that Yong wears his ring on his own time. That, to me, shows commitment of a more personal nature.... And him not wearing it in public is fair enough. If i was crazy about a band (and I do like CN Blue a LOT!) I wouldn't want their group activities overshadowed by one of the members individual activities. No matter how much publicity the show gets them as a band, it's just not fair to the other members.































































































I have to say that the editing and cuts are driving me nuts. I dream at night about flying to Korea, sneaking into MBC WGM offices and stealing all the raw film for this couple. I need to know what happens around the cuts! I need to see every little bit of raw, uncensored, action that happens. And much as I like some of the MCs, sometimes I wish they would just go away for a coffee break or something....
















































Phew! I need to calm down here.... *takes deep breaths*
















































On to the mysterious mission
















































My head says its a performance of the banmal song.
















































But my heart says - Pepero game! Pepero game! Pepero game!
















































Please, please, please let it be the pepero game. Maybe all 3 couples will play? And then for Yongseo their innate shyness will be competing with their innate competitiveness! Wonder which one will win??? :w00t:
















































To all the goguma villagers who keep my addiction fed with the endless discussions, screencaps, fan fics, fan MVs, and most importantly, to the translators, subbers, and uploaders, I bow to your awesomeness!
















































I'm off on a holiday with friends who have not the faintest clue who Yongseo are. I'm hoping that this will work as an intervention/detox for my addiction. Then again, its such a sweet addiction, why do I even care?
















































Here's wishing all Goguma villagers happy holidays and a 2011 filled with Yongseo love!!!

















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What do you think is the mysterious mission?
































































































































Okay, let me see the most probable. I'm just thinking out loud.
































































































































Meet the parents - possible since that's their next destination for November filming, yet, i don't think it would garner much shocking surprise.
































































































































Kiss - God knows how much I want this to happen but I have to be realistic...nahh...
































































































































Wedding Photos - I think this would be the only one which would garner that much "resistant-fearful" surprise (I don't know how to describe their expression. hahah).
































































































































Play Peppero - same with the kiss reason. Besides Pepero Day is Nov 11, which was a Thursday and WGM films on Tuesdays.
































































































































But hey, the rumor that Seohyun went to a wedding salon was on Nov 11, Pepero day (soompi p.1360 by caliope! But she wasn't at the fansigning at Nov 9, so we think they had filming during that day? Trent said that this date is two weeks after Hoot was launched. I hope we'll get the filming dates right.
































































































































Performance (Banmal Song) - This would be the most logical one. Why would the WGM ask them to do a bubu song if they are not going to perform it? JoKwon and Nickhun seems to be recording music, as well . Mission card was to be open at 9PM because, surely,during this time they have already finished composing the song. If I may push further and as Trent asked, they might perform their song at near Banpo Bridge which is over the Han River. This bridge is also called Moonlight Rainbow fountain because during certain hours at night the bridge's side fountains are accompanied with different colored-lights. During weekdays, there's a 9:20pm show of this (I clearly remember this because I missed it during a visit at Seoul. Damn!). So, if the mission card is to be opened at 9AM and they were playing basketball at the Han River Park, this performance near Banpo Bridge is possible, though, I guess, a long shot. But, then, again, why the shocked surprise? Aren't they artists who love to perform?
































































































































Really, this puzzles me. But one thing is for sure, as Kubih pointed out, WGM will be shown this Christmas Day. Just look at the preview, there's a Christmas tree pasted at the screen and the word "Christmas Special(?)" preceding it. We'll be spending Christmas with our favorite couple!
































































































































































































































































picture credits: Caliope

































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Luvtokki, I have to also respectfully disagree with your post.

Frankly, I think you've been watching too many K-dramas lately! ^_^

The whole notion that Jinwoon is sneakily trying to remind Seohyun that he still loves her and painting him as some sort of antagonist is, in my opinion, completely misguided and based on no real evidence.

Yonghwa and Jinwoon are very good friends; we know this through their actions on various programs. This speculation that Jinwoon's just "keeping his enemies closer" is based on pure speculation; no one knows his true feelings, so we have to deduce our opinions based on what his actions are.

And from his actions, we can reasonably judge that they are very fond of each other.

About his message to Seohyun: I agree that he didn't really expect it to be read out loud, and I'm sure he was very embarrassed by it. But again - I believe that this was just a fond message to Seohyun, one of his best friends. To use an analogy, it would be like asking a very good friend out to a party, as "just friends". You care deeply for her, enough to ask her out to a party, but you don't really want to go beyond that stage. It would be nice if it did, of course. But it's not something that you actively wish for.

I think a lot of people are forgetting what Jinwoon wrote AFTER that line: "Watching WGM is so much fun!"

Why would he say that if he's just waiting on the sidelines, anxiously waiting for Yonghwa to mess up? Wouldn't it be torture, instead of being "fun"?

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Hello once again fellow go-chun villagers :D




I want to participate with the guessing game about the mission.




The choices:




a. Performing the banmal song on stage


b. Meeting YongHwa's parents


c. Wedding photo shoot


d. Pepero Game




I think there are two that are more probable to happen, those are a and d. Doing a stage performance is nothing new to them, they have already performed numerous times, either individually or in a group and have done a duet once. However this time, they are to perform the song they both wrote (YongHwa initially). For SeoHyun, it will be a new and a bit more nerve-wracking performance. However, their facial expressions and gestures are a bit more extreme than expected.




On letter d, I think the timing is right or it might be a coincidence as MountainMadman pointed out. Many hints have been dropped suggesting that a kiss/peck might happen on the next episode. Those hints were, YongHwa mimicking SeoHyun's expression (the photo that implies that she may want a kiss), WGM put a bit more emphasis on SeuLong's message to SeoHyun, and the Freudian slip of Yong. Those may have been captured by pure coincidence but it irks me as to why the staff didn't edit those scenes out or make them shorter and just focus on YongHwa's and SeoHyun's arm linking and conversation as they walked to CNBLUE's dorm. Something's up.




The episode reminded me so much of episode 32, where the captions or subtitles kept on focusing and pointing out where YongHwa and SeoHyun's hands were. One of the captions even said: "A pair of lonely hands with nowhere to go." An implication that they wanted to hold each other's hands.




I'm not saying that the Pepero is the mission, but there is a very high possibility that it might happen. I will just hope for the best and expect the worst so I won't be let down too much :) Either way I know I'll enjoy each lovely episode of YongSeo.




Regarding the other two choices:




I think visiting YongHwa's parents are not up to WGM. Sure, they have a bit of control on their cast but to a certain extent. They are in a make-believe marriage, not a real one so meeting the parents are not a requirement but a privilege. I think WGM will leave the matters to their casts' hands, whether they want their partners to meet with their parents.




Also, 21:00 is a late hour to be doing visiting. I know that they will do it by next week or so after the mission's been revealed but it is odd to me as to why WGM wants them to open the letter at a certain hour of the day. It seemed urgent and a must do at that certain hour. I don't know how else to put this in words but I hope you get what I mean >_<




Last choice was the Wedding photos:




That was the last thing that came to my mind. It is possible but then again, why at that hour? Why tell them so late in the evening just to say, "you're getting your photos taken tomorrow?" It seemed out of place and a bit sudden. It just didn't seem right.








About the JinWoon issue:




Initially, I thought it was a pretty desperate move of him but looking back at it and how YongHwa didn't even give any sign of rage or jealousy and how MountainMadman interpreted it (since Korean is his/her native tongue), I let it go and thought of it more of a friendly compliment. As I said before, JinWoon still aims for SeoHyun but he understands that he may not take YongHwa's place in her life or even be placed in the same category as Yong. He seems to be the type to let go of the person he admires to see her happy, seeing how happy and giddy he can be when he sees SeoHyun beaming when YongHwa makes her laugh. Plus, he and Yong are in tune enough to have some sexy hand smex. ;D



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Guest glennpaulo












I'm very agree to mountainmadman also jinwoon is very good friends of CNBLUE especially yonghwa, and jinwoon likes bands also that's why when they are in the same waiting room they are jamming together with guitar. And i think there's nothing wrong in what Jinwoon wrote in the CD because it says that:




"Seohyun ah, recently you become very beautiful kekeke, 




watching WGM is fun or WGM over you is fun(i don't know what's the true translation.)




Yongseo Hwaiting." 




I think there's nothing wrong about that message.





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Guest SophiaPia












Hi every one, 











































Thank you to all who shared the translations, raw vid, sub vid, all news, screen caps. Everything about our lovely YongSeo couple. The last epi is so sweet, naturally sweet, LOVE IS IN THE AIR wub.gif wub.gif and yes! thanks to Seulong for mentioning KISSSSSS kekeke! It's good we have wgm this Christmas day and hopefully on New Year's day. 








About the other mission my guess. They will perform this couple Banmal song. It's very good if it's kiss each other but i think KISS nah! kekeke!








Questions guys:

















1 ) U mean this coming sunday @ inkigayo SNSD will be 1 of the performers?








2 ) Any news about feel the blue concert? I wonder if wife SeoHyun went again?








Again, thanks every one. Cheers to our lovely YongSeo couple.




















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Guest desirenhope
































































































For the Jinwoon discussion, I think he is naturally close to all CN Blue members.
















































































A good example would be, he was with CN Blue or should i say, he visited CN Blue's room at Golden Disk Award backstage as seen in this video shown in CN Blue's concert.































































































































































Credits: Cyfloel622









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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Japanese Movie; Calm and Passion feat YongSeo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If people are wondering why YongSeo wanted to go to Italy, better read & watch Calm & Passion. I believe YongSeo wants to meet after 10 years
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This person quoted the few lines from the interview
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Interviewer:Do you usually read?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa:yes, recently, i read a lot .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's the influence from hyun buin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and he said, I especially loved "flying trapeze" (another japanese novel)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also "calm and passion" which i read in only one day
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They want to go to Firenze Duomo, which is in Italy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: couldnt find the original ost  but this has the part on top of Florence Duomo start from 2.50s  






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much, i cried. T__T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the second time I cried about our Yongseo couple, even though we don't know if anything is true lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First time I really cried was when I saw this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh the things this couple does to us. Why are they so beautiful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Merry Christmas to all gogumas ^__^

































































































































































































































































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This post will refer to S. Korea in general: (do not read if you want to have a peaceful week)






I was at work today and as I was doing some cleaning, I happened to see and hear the news about North Korea threatening an uproar or war. I saw the bit on CNN and I was saddened immediately after. I may not be a native nor do I have any family members living in South Korea but I am an avid fan of many celebrities there and their culture, which is why I plan to study Mandarin, Japanese and Korean properly to become a professional translator.




I admire the Asian culture in which my country, the Philippines, has recently been unable to preserve (we have become too Americanized). I am not against the adaptation of another culture, but I simply admire others that are able to keep their way of life and somehow open to change.




I don't mind not seeing the celebrities perform for a while so I hope they will be safe and sound, together with the civilians as well of course.




I will pray and hope for the best and for them to have the Merriest Holiday







YongSeo, always fighting!



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Guest hihi_hehe
























Watch this
















Click it, for those who want to see the ring About 3:33 - 3:34
















From now on, I won't think that Yonghwa will wear it in public again, That clip above is after Cnblue performed GDA, before it we saw Yonghwa wearing the ring during the rehearsal, and now AFTER still the ring
















Here is the caps
































Look at the pic, carefully :phew:
















I shall now conclude our "ring case". Yong is to wear the ring off cam
















The pic is credited to someone who doesn't wish to public his name





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reading all of goguma village really interesting indeed!!! and i wanna add my thought about jinwoon... first of all u can see there's no jelousy on yong part reding jinwoon message, and actually he wrote "seohyun, recently ypu became more beutiful keke watching you in wgm is fun",
























what i got from this message is jinwon implying seohyun become more prettier after she joins wgm, and we know indeed it is, because wgm we got to know the maknae more, she is already beautiful but not glowing, but after wgm her bauty glowing more and more and we know who to thanks for that ^-^...
























ps: anyone can correct me, but after join wgm, whenever yong in other variety show, he always ask about his relation with seohyun and being teased about it... but i've notice everytime seohyun in talk show or variety, there's no talk or teased about her marriage, strage don't u think???









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Guest jitluvyongseo

hihi_hehe: Yeah! u right....he wore ring outside off camera. that means more special feeling.

u guys didn't need to arguing about ring issue anymore...

This week episode really DAEBAK! they really closed with each other. that's enough for me...

really can't wait for upcoming episode...which we can know about the mystery next mission envelope...

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