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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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@MountainMadman: Melon awards tweeted that the show will be broadcasted live on MelOn.com, afreeca.com, MBC Drama, MBC Everyone, MBC life, MBC game, but I usually just watch it on soshified.com, I think they're gonna stream it later on too :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Rpx080100 : Thanks so much for always updating real fast since y'day.. u made us really happy.. also to everyone else who always updated, really thank u all..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@wendylovesoshi : thanks for compiling the fan account & translating too..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so looking forward to this, finally Yong could show another handsome side of his to Hyun, remember how he said he didn't like billiard because he's not really good at it but decided to go play with Hyun anyway, because he didn;t want another guy teaching Hyun..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sure he was confident teaching Hyun snowboarding now :)

































































































































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@toomuchsmiling: Are you sure that the Melon Awards will be broadcast on MBC? I just checked their broadcast schedule and there was no mention of it. 
































































































Can anyone clarify?































































































Hi mountainmadman, not sure about mbc but you can stream directly from the melon awards website
































































































kpopflash will also be streaming it live
































































































And I'm quite sure many of the streaming links on sweetpotatodays will also be streaming melon awards.
















































Hope this helps.
















































And, good luck with your exams!

















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Guest miel_1301
















Oh how I've missed this! The most recent episode was way too good that I had to tell myself to get over being anal about making caps(hated the way videos appeared on my laptop so i stopped making caps) and just deal. the many YONGSEO spazzworthy interactions outside the show lately (inki HOOT promotions, seoul/china concert, GDA!!!!, etc.) made me even crazier about this episode. :D plus,
















this is the first episode taped after the Love Light confession episode aired. so the whole outburst of some crazy/obsessive fangirls about Yonghwa's revelation about his genie made him even bolder? announcing to the whole world once again that he had composed yet another song for his girl. HA! :w00t:
















Ooohh! La..La!!! I see one very bold old-timer goguma pointing this out [Thanks _d3seohyun chingu] and can I utter another BIG and LOUD--- "HA!", too?
















I for myself has marked on my calendar this "Goguma Harvest" filming [more than the Japan filming] because I wanted to see YongHwa's demeanor after that "noise" created by a number of his fans after the airing of their Joint Birthday Celebration Episode last 09 October 2010--- after his “grand reveal” on National TV that the RAP part of Love Light was Seohyun inspired.
















These “Goguma Harvest” episodes were filmed the whole day [even I guess until midnight] on the 12th of October. So this is the filming when Yong saw Hyun [immediately] after the airing of the Birthday Episode. [This was also the day when K-YongSeo fans showered the couple with gifts and packed-meals.]
















I held on to my curiosity as to whether I will see changes [i.e. "holding back manner, laying-low approach"] in YongHwa's behavior, particularly changes on his treatment of SeoHyun. But after having watched both Episode 34 and 35 [although episode 34 wasn’t that substantial in terms of scenes that are worth taking cognizance of] and with these much-awaited levelling up of the degree of intimacy [albeit subtle] and comfort in their relationship shown in Episode 35--- with scenes like putting SeoHyun's hand inside his pocket so naturally; seeing a slightly naughty but with a look of serene and contentment on his face during his backroom interview; the shrimp feeding scenes that somehow give the impression that the couple were kinda "flirting" with each other; seeing again YongHwa's cheekbones poppin' out to the point of bursting and lastly, witnessing another confession of yet another song that he is in the process of composing and telling out loud that it is once again Seohyun inspired --- I managed to heave a sigh of relief seeing YongHwa not manifesting even the smallest sign of being "threatened", of being disturbed or of being affected the least by the demeanor of a number of his fans [who seem to be ANTI-WGM... primarily because they are ANTI-Seohyun?]. Oh! Am I seeing a "stubborn, resolute streak" in this boy?
















Rouenna pointed out that in watching Episode 35, she was somehow reminded of the Yong whom she saw in the earlier episodes. I share the same feeling as hers. Watching Episode 35 transporetd me back into those not so olden days when YongHwa would just laugh his heart out--- amused, bemused--- at the randomness and quirkiness of a beautiful lady seated right in front of him. Surely this innocent, naive, pure girl can be funny in her own unique ways without even trying nor without even realizing it. I just heaved a sigh saying, "Oh! The Yong I've been missing is somehow back!".
















Thanks _d3seohyun, as you just hit them all right on the nails' heads with all those wonderful screen captures. You make me want to re-watch the episode for the nth time. Though, there's one...just one scene that I would like to add to your above set of re-caps--- the ending scene when Yong told her to say something to him in Banmal so he can get some inspiration to continue writing the song and then Hyun said, "Komapta!"--- Haha! That had me cracking! Seobaby is simply unparalleled!
















And Thank You to everyone who've shared photos and fan account translations from their latest filming at Oak Valley Ski Resort yesterday, 14 December 2010.
















The wonderful things that we gogumas can look forward to about our couple just keep on piling. Truly, "When it rains, it just pours!".
















Who would have ever imagined [neither YongHwa himself, I guess] that exactly a year after that said magazine interview of HIGH CUT [December 2009... And thanks lunasol for reposting the excerpts here]--- when asked such a plain, simple question of, "If you have a girlfriend?" and after giving an answer which he might have thought of spontaneously at that given point in time, "wanting to go ski with her, wanting to play on the snow and ride snowboard together. And If she can’t ride, I will teach her in all sincerity." --- what he said in that interview came into realization a year after. He might have subconsciously wished upon all the stars in the sky to grant him such wish. Or he could have done something real good in his previous lifetime to deserve all these blessings that have been continously pouring on him [and his dongsaengs], both in their careers as well as in his personal life. Or could it be just simply the hands of "FATE" at work here?
















I just wonder whose idea it was originally to film at a ski resort? Was it YongHwa's? I am more than inclined to believe so.
















Concerns about them filming outdoor sports amidst their busy and fully-packed schedule these remaining days of December may be valid and reasonable. But let's not be too worrisome about it. Both Yong and Hyun know what they have been doing. They themselves know exactly their current physical/bodily conditions. I don't think that their companies [both FNC and SM Entertainment] will allow them to do something that would jeopardize their health.
















And what matters most, I guess, is the fact that both Yong and Hyun have been enjoying what they have been doing "TOGETHER", thus far, while filming WGM. For me...simply put...it's YongHwa and SeoHyun’s HAPPINESS that should be of prime importance.
















Oh! Melon Music Awards 2010 is on tonight. I wish and pray that SeoHyun [and her Unnies] and YongHwa [and his dongsaengs] will once again reap the fruits of their hard work.
















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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































hi fellow goguma villagers! it's my first time posting (usually i just lurk in silence..heh) and i'm just so amazed at the overflowing amount of love and support that we have for our favourite couple :lol: 1500++ pages and counting! you guys are so AWESOME, thank you so much for all the translations, fancams, fanart, fan-made vids etc. i'm so proud to be a yongseo shipper :wub: and to be a spectator of a beautiful relationship that's slowly unfolding :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































so who else is excited for tonight's melon awards? :lol: i'm really hoping there'll be some spazzworthy yongseo moments captured on fancams by our faithful goguma FBI..hehehe!

































































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Guest eishazumi










Good day Gogumas! another wonderful yongseo day.








wow! i loved all the ski pictures. thanks to all our beloved goguma spy for a job well done. how can you guys do that? are you FBI?








What will happen to us yongseo addict without you guys. You are all DAEBAK!








Been watching all Yongseo episode for the nth times. that's how addicted I am.








anyone notice in some episode Hyun keeps pouting her lips? i noticed it several times.








pouting her lips as if wanted to be kiss.hehe. she's waiting for yong to give her, her first sweet kiss. yahoo!


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Korean media making an article about Yongseo Ski Date yesterday. Click
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They used the photoshopped wedding picture again.

































































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Guest glennpaulo


Good day Gogumas! another wonderful yongseo day. 


anyone notice in some episode Hyun keeps pouting her lips? i noticed it several times.

pouting her lips as if wanted to be kiss.hehe. she's waiting for yong to give her, her first sweet kiss. yahoo!

I noticed it too, there's so many scene  like that. Although i want it to happen, yong be the first sweet kiss of hyun, but for me when she keeps pouting her lips, its her malnurism that she always do that if she have something to say that she can't say or wanted to do that can't be done. when thinking twice.



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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































'용서 커플'의 스키장 데이트가 촬영하자마자 들통났다. MBC '우리 결혼했어요'에서 가상 부부로 출연 중인 '용서 커플' 정용화와 서현은 14일 원주 오크밸리 스키장으로 촬영을 다녀왔다. 두 사람은 지난 8일 가상 부부가 된 지 300일을 맞아 팬들에게 큰 축하를 받은 바 있다. 가상 웨딩사진 등을 선물받는 등 팬들의 성원이 이어진 가운데 "기념으로 스키장 데이트를 했으면 좋겠다"라는 아이디어가 제기됐는데, 일주일만에 팬들의 바람이 현실화됐다.
































































































































































































































정용화와 서현은 이날 커플룩을 연상케하는 파스텔톤의 스키복을 입고 화기애애한 분위기를 조성했다. 데뷔 전 '스키장 훈남'으로 알려진 것처럼 정용화는 스키 초보인 서현을 내내 리드했다는 후문. 특히 두 사람의 스키장 데이트는 근처에 있던 팬들이 트위터를 통해 직찍사(직접 찍은 사진)를 공개하면서 삽시간에 퍼졌다. 제작진도 팬들의 발빠른 정보력에 혀를 내둘렀을 정도였다고. '용서 커플'의 스키장 사진을 접한 팬들은 "자연스런 스킨십이 오가는 것 같다" "스키장에서도 역시 패셔니스타!" "감기 걸리지 않고 몸조심이 다녀오길" 등 열광적인 반응을 보였다.
































































































































































































































wat it says?...i translate it through google traslation...huhuhu~ i don't understand a thing it says........ :sweatingbullets::wacko:

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































ANNYEONG to everyone here in GO-CHUN!!!






























so, are you ready for 2010 Melon Music Awards tonight?? I'm happy for both SNSD and CNBLUE. SNSD seems to be at the top of their career, and CNBLUE is clearly making a blast in the Korean Entertainment industry.






























By the way, this year's December is the best month alright? first news about them having Busan date - 300 days anniversary -  lovey-dovey episodes - news about them filming on the 300 days anniv - GDA 2010 -  Ski date - 2010 MMA............... we have alot of cute episodes to be aired by MBC!






























Anyway, suddenly I felt like stalking the first pages of this thread, for no reason  sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif . I don't know how long I have spent my time looking until hundreds of pages and many of the hopes of early GOGUMAS cam true!! ski, couple song, simple house, overseas date (they mentioned Japan), etc...etc..






























well, with all the pics about those ski pics.... AWESOME!! gonna be another interesting episode :wub: :wub:






























soo...... lastly look for any yongseo interactions from 2010 MMA!! hope there will be collab between CNBLUE and SNSD *crossing my finger*






























bye-bye all!!
































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Guest Nett_Prinzessin




SeoHuyn and sisters is in MelOn Awards Stream


Red Carped






cr: spn.edaily.co.kr




YongHwa and his brother









Good link stream Stream MMA



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News about our couple at ski resort in allkpop































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun & Yonghwa enjoy a date at a ski resort































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD’s Seohyun and CNBLUE’s Yonghwa were caught enjoying a date at a ski resort.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pictures of the couple began surfacing on various internet community sites and were revealed to have been taken during an episode filming for MBC’s “We Got Married.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the pictures, Yonghwa is seen staying close behind Seohyun in order to make sure that she doesn’t slip and fall. His own snowboarding skills were said to have been on the professional level, naturally leading him to teach Seohyun himself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Netizens commented, “Their couple outfits are so cute,” “It looks like a scene out of a movie,” “Seohyun is adorable,” and “Exactly which ski resort do I have to go to in order to see such hotties?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































source : allkpop































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































full article here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope CN Blue and SNSD got an award at Melon Award
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another CN Blue pict from Melon Award red carpet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit as tag, thanks to iamsom@twitter
































































































































































































































































Yong a little tired?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT 2 : 
































































































































































































































































caps yong give speech when CN BLue won Top 10 2010 award
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


I started to open the Melon awards stream and the first thing I listen is Yong's voice with what sounded as a wininning speech while the image was still processing!!! I was super amazed and surprised!! Then I confirmed it when I saw him and Minhyuk talking because CNBLUE won an award!!!!  I bet his buin was feeling proud and happy for them too biggrin.gif


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I'm watching Melon on live stream now. Yong & brothers looked very suave on the red carpet. Hyun & unnies looked pretty. Both CNBLUE & SNSD won an award. *clap, clap, cap* biggrin.gif I'm looking forward to their performance. hoping to see another awesome voice performance from Yong. SNSD look very pretty in their white outfit when they received their award.



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Guest Maggie-Seohwa


HYUN WE CAN SEE UR BRA UPS SORRY :sweatingbullets:




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cr: dcmarried
































































































































ive tried making the pics show up as larger but soompi won't cooperate 
































































































































to see bigger just go to original dcmarried post link above

































































































































































































































































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Guest Nett_Prinzessin






sorry you,I can post again with big size?


I'm so happy to see those pics, our yongseo is so sweet


and fans are funny & cute too
















cr: dcmarried




OMG I love this pic :wub:











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i'm watching melon ringht now, can anybody tell where all the artist sit down?b'cos evrytime the winner announce they all come from backstage??? i wan't 2 see uri couple....


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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Just watched SNSD on MMA Red Carpet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf8-MxA78X8




It seems like Hyun didn't wear her WGM ring and SNSD ring, and all the girls didn't put any ring in their finger :)




Hyun must be so disappointed to put out her WGM ring tears.gif 



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Guest s0url0llip0p



I just finished watching C.N. Blue's performance on Melon Music Awards and they were just as cool as always xD Yonghwa got his fringe up while performing "I'm a loner" but put it down for "Love". Remember how Seohyun once said she likes his fringe down? Because I'm a loner's concept requires a cool/cold look so Yonghwa had to make his hair spiky. But he had it right straight down when singing LOVE. That performance was def. for Seohyun lol. Im so happy about that haha 


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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Congratulations for SNSD and CNBLUE for MMA Awards!!!




SNSD won 3 awards including Best Artist meanwhile CNBLUE won Rookie Award wub.gif




This year definitely will craved forever in Yonghwa and Seohyun hearts wub.gif



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