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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest blueshoes




They wear Couple Shirts ??

Their shirts are same color Yellow and type Hood Shirt


sorry if maybe i'm wrong










credit DC married gall



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yonghwa's snowboard is a Forum Youngblood Doubledog




can't tell what hyun is riding. looks like a beginner-level Nitro board. hyun is riding an "older rental board that we [Nitro] produced a couple years ago."



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Guest bigbangletsgo

Hi guys, I watched all of the episodes since they aired, and I was wondering what episode was when Seohyun went to the CN BLUE dorm, and gave them the (salty) kimchi? :D

Can someone please tell me what episode it was and can possibly give me the link to watch it?

I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much. (:

V Thank you so much ikekeyou! (:

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































Hi guys, I watched all of the episodes since they aired, and I was wondering what episode was when Seohyun went to the CN BLUE dorm, and gave them the (salty) kimchi? :D
































































































































Can someone please tell me what episode it was and can possibly give me the link to watch it?
































































































































I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much. (:































































































































































































































































it's episode 21 ahahaha
































































































































i've been rewatching their old episodes so much that i know! ahahaha
































































































































you can watch it here @ http://www.dailymotion.com/TheCouplet
































































































































































































































































































































































































omggg i'm dying of happiness!!! :D
































































































































wow... they look so good in boarding clothes or whatever you call it! ahahahah
































































































































no wonder yong was a ski resort ulzzang!!! he looks so handsome!
































































































































awwww the video of seohyun going down was soooo cute! and at the end she fell down! awww poor girl!
































































































































thank you for the pictures and translations and videos..... EVERYONE!!!
































































































































man... i wish i was at the ski resort (:
































































































































anyways... i hope the had fun! even though they have a heck of a schedule this week!
































































































































also see them at the awards tomorrow! ill be on the watch for our couple once people update the fancams!

































































































































































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What exactly are they doing???


cr: Baidu

Oh, boy ... :) Awesome episodes abound. There's no such a thing as a winter break in Korean TV, is there?

Best regards,


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Guest ruzane18






Hi guys, I watched all of the episodes since they aired, and I was wondering what episode was when Seohyun went to the CN BLUE dorm, and gave them the (salty) kimchi? :D




Can someone please tell me what episode it was and can possibly give me the link to watch it?


I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much. (:





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Guest MountainMadman

Hi everyone! 

Finals? What finals? 


In all seriousness, though, my finals start a week from tomorrow, and while it definitely has been easier than expected, chances are I'll be AWOL within the next few days. Which means that I won't be able to translate the next episode of WGM, for starters; and as for the episodes following that, it will depend on how strict my family is on "staying together for Christmas". I hope to return to a regular schedule sometime around mid-January.

EDIT: crystal_malfoy:

Right back at ya! But I'll still be peeking in here occasionally whenever I update my fanfic or when there's a particularly juicy bit of news, so chances are we will bump into each other sometime. But just in case we don't...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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Guest Crystal392







*waves* hi everyone! Thanks for the amazing screencaps, links and fanaccounts you've shared ^^ I can't wait until that episode airs. It's going to be awesome <3














I want to give lots of you + but I've reached my daily quota :lol: it's just that there are many awesome posts blush.gif














New Gogumas welcome to Goguma Planet aka Go-Chun!! *throws confetti* Don't forget the basic rules:














-Don't post less than 20 words.









-Don't quote pictures.









-Remember this is a YongSeo thread.









-Respect Yong, Hyun and also other Gogumas.









*Let's all take care of our Goguma thread.














rosa12244: I hope this won't bother you but please remember this is a YongSeo thread, for YongHwa individual activities you can ask on his soompi thread or NAN thread :)














Again, thanks for all the info you've shared. You Gogumas are so fast :lol:














*Screencaps from the latest ep:



















~I will catch you!~













































































To all Gogumas who are in exams: good luck and study a lot (:!!









Also I am crossing my fingers for Hyun (SNSD) and Yong (CNBLUE) @ Melon awards later. I can't wait for fancams ;)

































hehehe good luck in your exams!! Enjoy your time with your family and, in case we won't bump into each other before Dec 25th: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!












WendyLoveSoshi: Thanks soo much for that! ♥ I remember the first time I went snowboarding I was soo scared, I fell many times. I felt a bit embarrassed because there were some kids near me who, in my opinion, were pros at snowboard blush.gif I am really looking forward to that ep. Thanks again for everything you've shared.


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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here you go. :) Skating fan account compilations. There's still many more so I'm currently running through pages. ^_^ I
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll be back.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was skating and skating, I thought that a model came for shooting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I came closer, it was actually Seohyun & Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hahaha, it's so magical. Yonghwa was actually pretty handsome.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To see it, I'm a guy. - -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Keke, they don't allow us to take pictures, Tch.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I heard that they will flim until 12. I think it's the first time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































skating. And they are actually teaching at the Medium - Skill Field. Keke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They started fliming in the afternoon. At first, it was at the beginner field.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They then went to the Medium field and flimed for almost 4 hours.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I saw Seohyun. I don't think she knows how to skate, she fell a lot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































However, she looks doesn't completely look like a beginner.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone took a photo of how Seohyun was snowboarding. The face on Seohyun when
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she's scared is pretty funny.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa is quite good at skating. When Seohyun fell down, the first person
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she look at would be Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please be careful not to get injured since there's Melon tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They still have to flim till 12 midnight.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope they can end earlier.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Various People @ Baidu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation credits (From Chinese) : WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews/Soompi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know anything about Skating so the medium or beginner field thing might be wrong. >.< Sorry.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Okay. Done. :) No more fan accounts. I'll see if there's more in the afternoon. Lol it's suppose to be skiing too.  :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But Hey... I saw the YongSeo couple at the skating area. -.- Keke Did  Yonghwa know about it? If not for his Yellow Hair/Hat (?), I don't even  know it's him. Next, Seeing Seohyun pass by me I acted like I don't  even know her. Kekeke Although, I have a camera on my hand... I think  it's for WGM Fliming, both of them headed for the car. What is this...  Is this A star's Fan Account? Keke






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa skates pretty well, Seohyun completely looks like a beginner.  Yonghwa is good at teaching. I'm sure there would be good results. Keke.  I don't know what to say, Just interesting..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I remember that I saw both of them.. They looked very excited...Yonghwa  teaching the skills to Seohyun one by one left a deep impression on me.  He's good at skating too. Although Seohyun is still a starter, she still































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































manage to learn the skills pretty well. When she can't do a part well, Yonghwa will teach her seriously.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow, It's the first time I'm posting at DC. Today, the skating field suddenly became a Shooting Location.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I saw Yonghwa when he's sitting. He's so handsome. Keke. Polite Boy And  Trusted Girl Refers to them.. Seohyun is really pretty. They don't let  us take photos. However, I understand the ceww's feelings and reasons.  But I was curious so I took a few, hope I didn't affect the shoting. T.T






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm drinking hot tea. Because it's too cold, I'll rest for awhile. *^^*  Ahh.. THe crew is shooting a couple in their colourful skiing shirts.  (?) Before that, I though it's a skiing CF, Once I went nearer, I  realised that it's WGM's Seohyun And Yonghwa. I'm so lucky. Keke. I  don't know whether it's the idol's pretty face or the small handsome  face.. Because My friends all went to have a look at them. It's so  interesting. When I was watching at the side, I keep hearing their happy  laughters. Keke, When Yonghwa is taking care of Seohyun, it































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































left a deep impression on me... My boyfriend should learn from him. *^^*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Source: DC Married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: 冻结@Baidu

































































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Guest SophiaPia












Season's greetings every one :)

















Wendylovesoshi thanks for sharing all that fan acct. Credit to DC and Baidu. 

















We all so excited to see the coming YongSeo episodes. Compose couple song, Busan date, this snowboarding. And who knows they have other filming that we didn't know. YongSeo couples always surprise us. Looking that bts photos and reading fan acct. Looks like the lovely YongSeo couple are happy w/ each other. Never have a dull moment for them.

















Hoping for wife Seobaby and her unnies and hubby Yong and bro in law will win today @Melon awards. 

















To all chingus who will have exams good luck to all of u. 

















Cheers to all



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yay more goodies from dcmarried!
















i hope someone can translate the text
































Yong flying!
















and Yongseo couple walking
































Uncle Jake’s tweet on WGM 101215
















Jake: Khun is panic because of Victoria’s question, Jo Kwon’s hugehumiliation in the children’s house,Seohyun holding hand with Yonghwa naturally.
































Cr:chinese translations/winniebar,english translations/snowy22 +khuntorialurve































MC Jake apparently updated his twitter today
































at this rate Yongseo's natural hand holding will become so normal it won't even be newsworthy (which is a good thing because that means they do it so often!)

















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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































thanks for more goodies rxp080100!!! (:
































































































































ohhh man look at yong go!!! he looks pretty good!!
































































































































ahahah since seohyun is on the top she must've been looking at her hubbie going down
































































































































think whoa! my hubbie is soooo pro! ahahahah
































































































































man i cant wait for this episode!
































































































































@ mc jake's tweet! omg! he tweeted early today!
































































































































they are holding hands again? maybe holding hands walking to cnblue's dorm room?!?

































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

MC Jake's tweet is out early! 


이번주 tip. 빅토리아 질문에 당황하는 쿤..어린이집에서 깝권의대굴욕..서현의 자연스런 팔짱?..이하 닥본사..ㅋ

This week's tip. Khun is flustered at Victoria's question...Kkap kwon's embarrassment at the kindergarten...Seohyun linking arms naturally? Must watch...keke

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Guest quisty86












You guys.... HUG! haha. 




I know a lot of people have said this already but I have to too. So I woke up 2 in the morning (pacific time) bec. I needed to prepare for work and I was in denial. I mean the travesty of waking up when people are just beginning to sleep. So I checked soompi and suddenly all these pictures and a fancam? Oh rejoice! Goguma has once again saved the day! My mood did a 180degree turn! I said I could get through this work day, go home asap and read more fan accounts and stuff. And it's funny bec. on my way home excited for the fan accounts, "What's Up" suddenly plays on the radio! Ayeeee!




As always, thank you to our translators! I am truly grateful! And to our goguma villagers posting news, pictures and everything, you really make my days brighter! 




But yeh aren't they super busy? Dedication! 




They look super cute in their ski outfits! That picture of Seohyun with a big smile, she's really REALLY enjoying it. Also, that new pic of Yonghwa, wow, boy got skills! Seohyun beware and hold tight. Girls might try to steal your boy. 




It's cool they did snowboarding. Skiing is okay but I think snowboarding's pretty hardcore :P Our wrestling, snowboarding goguma couple!




For that recent Star King recording where Jonghyun and Yonghwa sung Love Light, are there any SNSD members present? Any news on this? 





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Guest toomuchsmiling


Kerube-Chan- Thanks for those fancams at GDA!!! It's definitely better than nothing!! :D And lol, everyone gets that i-feel-like-such-a-stalker feeling at least ONCE when they're a major fan of something!!! and hey, no one's complaining about it either!! i for one did NOT expect any fancams at all, (so i wouldnt be disappointed) and look how many you and other gogumas found!! u guys are daebak!




MountainMadman, aneng, Caliope and others who found out about the Skiing Trip BRAVOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHAT A GREAT MOMENT. omgeeeee though, i have that feeling tho that we're falling behind?!?!?! BUT, u know gogumas, the good thing is i feel more anticipating excitement rather than anxiety over the fact that we're 'falling behind'. Rather, these eps are SO promising there's a LOT to look forward to!!! w00t.gifw00t.gif


-Couple Song


-Busan Trip


-Skiing Trip


omo, things are looking GOOD. :wub:




omgomg people, Melon Awards tonite!! hopefully we get MORE awesome fancams, or even better since it's MBC, more yongseo moments and more awesome stages like at GDA. :rolleyes: i'm not watching live tonite tho, last week was such a hassle trying to find a good streaming so i'll wait instead. ^^


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Guest _d3seohyun



Oh how I've missed this! The most recent episode was way too good that I had to tell myself to get over being anal about making caps(hated the way videos appeared on my laptop so i stopped making caps) and just deal. the many YONGSEO spazzworthy interactions outside the show lately (inki HOOT promotions, seoul/china concert, GDA!!!!, etc.) made me even crazier about this episode. :D plus, this is the first episode taped after the Love Light confession episode aired. so the whole outburst of some crazy/obsessive fangirls about Yonghwa's revelation about his genie made him even bolder? announcing to the whole world once again that he had composed yet another song for his girl. HA! :w00t:

Some of my favorite moments from saturday's episode...sorry for being repetitive since all of you have mentioned these scenes already but i need to spazz these out of my system before something big happen at Melon later :D



*yong touching his ring whenever he gets embarassed or nervous.

his source of strength?


*when he asked her if she's okay walking in heels <3


*when he pulled her back with left hand keeping his right hand in his pocket with hers <3


*this scene! even seulong thinks they were too loveydovey


*yong teasing Seobaby about not washing her hand, and she replying in a

singing(?) tone


*the way teased/flirted with each other and OMO the way they grabbed each other's hand/arm <3







*the pure joy in his face whenever she laughs




*i squealed non-stop on this one






*awww yonghwa. a part of me actually thought that my pure innocent seobaby

was about to give you a huge surprise there



*LMAO. priceless reaction!




*the smile he had and the look he gave her before asking her to feed him *dies*


*eyeship galore! yong's eyes are smiling and seobaby's are blinding <3

and with all that feeding..i'm sure there were also lots of LIPS staring kekkeke



*this scene reminded me of Yong's reactions during their train trip,

when seobaby made that "hyun went to school" joke and the avatar noise


*she keeps insisting her hubby looks better with his fringe down. i agree (:


*hubby is confessing he started writing a song...wife thinks he's joking again :lol:


*so much teasing. yong's reaction is too cute!







*isn't it more telling that they both looked away during the "I LOVE YOU" part?! :w00t:


*how cute is this! copying her husband so he doesn't feel too embarassed..


THANK YOU GOGUMAS! you guys rock! :w00t:kekkee


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