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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Nett_Prinzessin




More yongseo pics
















cr:dc gallary




edit: who can help trans this fanaccount,thanks




디씨를 가~~~끔 눈팅만 하다가 디씨에 태어나서 처음으로 글을 써봅니다ㅎ




오늘 오크밸리에서 우연치않게 용서커플 촬영현장을 목격하게 되었고


그냥 지인들에게만 자랑 겸해서 트윗을 했는데,우리나라 팬뿐만 아니라 외국에서도 트윗이 들어오더라구요;;;; 놀랐습니다...




맨 처음 올라온 사진을 찍고 용서 커플을 가까이서 봤네요...ㅎ (그 전에 리프트 타기 직전에 정용화를 봤는데 잘생겼더군요...ㅎ)


선남선녀가 따로 없더군요ㅎ 서현 역시 예뻤구요~ㅋ




올려드린 사진 이외에 몇장 편집에서 올려드릴께요....


헌데 미방송분이라 촬영스탭들이 사진을 못찍게 막았습니다.촬영스탭분들의 마음과 이유를 이해합니다.


그래도 신기해서 몰래 몰래 찍은건데,방송에 지장을 줄까 걱정되는군요ㅠ 팬의 한사람으로서 잠깐만 게재하겠습니다ㅎ



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Guest Faith_memory
































































































































































































































wow. more pictures from the ski site. kekeke ♥ we are being showered by lots of moments from there.
































































































































































for sure yong will say how genius she is again... learning so fast. ♥ can't wait.
































































































































































anyways, Yong; Ring Ding Dong! @ SBS's Night After Night. yesterday's episode.

































































































































































































































































































































































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hello gogumas..






really since japan episode..its go chun everyday here..and becoz of this too much happiness whatever theres some negative things comes out im not affected anymore..kekeke






thank you all..for making an old adjuma here in switzerland happy..i may not be able to contribute for this amazing thread..but as you are all an angel to me is already something..right?






yongseo might be too busy but dont worry..they know how to handle it..and they know how important each of their works , so they will take care..and their company will support them..






yongseo fighting..






gogumas fighting..



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Guest bluemoonlight































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Awesome news!!!  These are what I have waited for a long time. ♥































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, do they wear couple yellow hoodies on the pictures?




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello Goguma Villagers! :lol:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SQUEEEEEEEE!!! Yes, they are wearing couple hoodies! It's so adorable and so coupley...LOL






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow, we have some amazing episodes to look forward to, don't we?! It's perfect...it's like an early Christmas present...haha































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa has such a full schedule this week...but I know he'll give it his all at the concert this Saturday! I'm so looking forward to it. He and his CNBLUE brothers are gonna kill it!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you everyone for the pics, videos, & updates! :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo are such cuties...makes me smile non-stop! Just absolutely love them...wish I could pinch them...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest pseudonykkaii








Those pics made my day!!!!i was feeling undermotivated but now---ah. Its sky high!!!! Thanks to everyone who posted AND the dec09interview!!! These two really knows how to keep us excited! They did take it slow--but look at em now--its beyond what any of us are expecting!!!




Again, thanks gogumas!!!!!!<3



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Guest ahn_annann
































T-T: Thanks for pics and fan account of Yongseo at OAK valley ..
















the weather is so cold as well if they hugggg.. scream...
















again I'm too late to share my pics ..

























































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wow!! more GDA fancams! tks applehaven, kerube

appreciate it much!

hacker dear, tks for the warning,

but how can i NOT read your post when it is for EVERYONE to see, and that include me..

as it is..i am a curious cat. of course i HAD to read your post..

but don't worry, your post did not kill this cat.. :P:lol:

honestly, i've not given a thought of yongseo ending their 'marriage'...

all i can think of is their sweetness and laughter and happy moments..

there ARE times when unhappy thoughts creeps in or i start to think 'what if'

or when reality sets in whereby yongseo will depart ways eventually..

but i push all of them away deep in my mind, closed that door and locked it..

for the moment, i just want to enjoy this beautiful journey.

a journey full of unexpectations and excitements..

see? how can u say your post will dampen my spirit when all i can see

are these pics of yongseo skiing? boarding?

lovely lovely lovely :wub: :wub::wub:

ah, i see some of u talk abt yong may get sick with all those skiing.

yong the experienced boarder, i think he knows what he is into

BUT i too hope he will take care of himself.

i also believe that with all those worriness and weariness of the upcoming

concert, yong needs sometime off.

and what better way than spending it with the one he loves and on something

that he himself loves to do... :wub:

tks lenovo. hey chingu, u are jjang to be able to tweet someone there

and also tks to aneng, caliope and nett. daebak!

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Guest SophiaPia












Ok! so today Tuesday; normally YongSeo filming for wgm. It's looks like the rumor this morning about YongSeo filming skiing or snowboarding is now true coz we have photos and video already Thanks aneng and nett_Prinzessin. + lenovo shared some update news earlier. Thanks lenovo

















Wife SeoHyun everything she does. She's good at it. She is a fast learner. Like what hubby Yong says genius :) Now hubby Yong WISH to bring his GF/wife to skiing and teach her NOW HAPPENED. So! cool. It's because hubby Yong like wife SeoHyun hair down even doing skiing her hair is down kekeke! what hubby want's hubby get kekeke! 

















faith_memory thanks the ring is on kekeke!

















Cheers to all HAPPY HOLIDAYS






























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Guest scatterbrain

found this fan account. dunno whether this has been shared...

Drinking tea at the moment~^^

having a rest for a while because it is too cold*^^*

ah~the filming crew is still filming a cute CP wearing bright outfits~

at first i thought they were filming skiing advertisement, went closer to have a look and found out that they are in the process of filming WGM jungyonghwa and SNSD Seohyun~it's an undeserved fortune KK

i don't know whether because they are celebs, they are very beautiful and handsome and have small faces, because of my friend, we went together to stand in circle and watch, very interesting~

while watching at the side, always hear the happy laughter of the two. make my heart that was hurt by my boyfriend 更加不是滋味(i am not sure 'bout this, better wait for someone who can translate)

so i left my friend and went inside KK the way jungyonghwa took care of seohyun left a deep impression~my boyfriend shud instrospect himself*^^*

credit 冻结 baidu.

funny to know that even someone who has boyfriend envy this couple. i like their snowboarding outfit. is yonghwa using his own snowboard?just curious coz the bottom part has some kind of musical symbol...looks cool

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Guest Crystal392










Thanks thanks thanks to everyone who shared links, pics, translations and info of our YongSeo snowboarding! :D Watching them brings back old memories... of 2009 winter ^_^ hehehehe anyways... they look soo cute snowboarding.


















I can't wait for the next eps: Busan ep, snowboarding together :wub:


















annan: It's never too late ;)


















Right now is 12:43 am at Seoul... YongHwa, SeoHyun, I hope you are sleeping, dont practice until too late! :D



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before going to the main body of this post, i just want to say - i love yongseo snowboarding. skiing and snowboarding are my favourite. in earlier post, i suggested them to have a skiing wedding ceremony. i am so happy now. h...a...p...p...y






hacker8, hi, it's nice to know that you love my post. you are probably the first response i receive in this thread. it's very encouraging. i don't expect any response. i just want to share my views and feelings with you guys. in fact, i only know recently about the uses of the "plus" and "minus" boxes at the bottom of each post. when i turn back to previous pages where my posts were posted, i cannot help to look at the rating. silly me, right ? about your question as to how i managed the separation of lettuce couple...(sorry fellow goguma fans, please bear with me to write a few lines not relating to yongseo).... it's really hard. after rewatching their eps for n times and falling tears for n times, i suddenly realised that they themselves are the ones who felt hurt the most. we are just the watchers, seeing them on tv for a total of ten (?) hours. but they had met each other for (ten x 10? 20?) hours (even days). after casting the drama, khj still decided to stay at wgm. he tried and it did not work. the schedule was so tight and he even fell asleep in wgm ep. remembering what hb said in the last night at juji island, she said she would let her star (her little hubby) go to shine brilliantly. i thought it's a hard decision to hb, but she made a choice for her and her little hubby. that is her love to him. at that time, khj also had no other choice but to leave wgm. as a fan of lettuce couple, i learnt to respect their decision because i believe in them. i also learnt to let them go. that is my love to them. i love a quote : between B(birth) and D(death), it's C(choice). there are too many choices we have to make from our birth day to the day we die. as long as they had made their decision, we shall wish them all the best. i did not watch wgm afterwards as i still felt emotional about separation. but i still kept an eye on wgm and then i notice our little yongseo couple. i would say thanks to wgm which brought to me these two couples that i truely believe that i won't forget. my heart would forever have special places for hb, khj, yong and hyun.




back to our yong and hyun, after watching the latest ep, i told myself "they have been settled down". they finally stopped to catch and hide. they eventually found their most comfortable ways to face each other honestly. they really turned to a new page in their relationship. for yong, we now know as to why he continuously insisted hyun speaking informally to him... because he all along was writing a song for hyun about that. so asking hyun (at the red bean ice-cream shop) not speaking informally to him is not the true wish of yong. "speaking informally" really means a lot to yong.




hyun, you'd better practise your "banmal" more, though it's still difficult for you, you really have to try for your hubby. i think if you could speak "banmal' to him, he will give you everything in his world. it's worth trying.




yong, hyun has been spoiled by you too much, i think, much more than by her parent and unnies. you'd better make sure there is someone else in the world better than you a hundred times to be her boy friend in future, if there is no such a person, you have to take most of the responsibilities for being with her. or it's your wish to make her become your princesses in your yong's family. someone in earlier post calls hyun as "mrs. yong" (mrs. yong seo joong hyun)... ha ...ha... ha .... cute




awaiting more news about their snowboarding...








i don't know why. but i also do not want them to follow their to-do-list as i am afraid it means an end though we heard that they have extended their contract.


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Guest maybelove








hello fellow goguma villagers!!!!!




I randomly drop by just to lurk around this thread but look what i've found!!! OMOOOOOO~~!! Can't believe they are snowboarding together!!! KYAaaaaa~~~~ they look great when snowboarding together




uri Yo~ng's wish finally came true!! kekeke. :wub::wub: and i love the combination of their outfit! those fans at the ski resort are so lucky to see YongSeo in an up close distance *envy!




Thank you for posting up the fan account pics~ you guys are jjang!




uri YongSeo Fighting!! :)




EDIT: while lurking, i read that uri Yo~ng is gonna have a busy week with the award ceremony, recordings and upcoming concert on Sat! Hope that he can take good care of himself and don't catch a cold in this winter season. Same to Hy~un too! coz it seems like the weather in Korea is very cold and windy - just saw the korean news today. ^_^




Can't wait for the upcoming MusicBank on Friday, they are gonna be on the same recording again~




Let's continue spazzing!!



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before going to the main body of this post, i just want to say - i love yongseo snowboarding. skiing and snowboarding are my favourite. in earlier post, i suggested them to have a skiing wedding ceremony. i am so happy now. h...a...p...p...y
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hacker8, hi, it's nice to know that you love my post. you are probably the first response i receive in this thread. it's very encouraging. i don't expect any response. i just want to share my views and feelings with you guys. in fact, i only know recently about the uses of the "plus" and "minus" boxes at the bottom of each post. when i turn back to previous pages where my posts were posted, i cannot help to look at the rating. silly me, right ? about your question as to how i managed the separation of lettuce couple...(sorry fellow goguma fans, please bear with me to write a few lines not relating to yongseo).... it's really hard. after rewatching their eps for n times and falling tears for n times, i suddenly realised that they themselves are the ones who felt hurt the most. we are just the watchers, seeing them on tv for a total of ten (?) hours. but they had met each other for (ten x 10? 20?) hours (even days). after casting the drama, khj still decided to stay at wgm. he tried and it did not work. the schedule was so tight and he even fell asleep in wgm ep. remembering what hb said in the last night at juji island, she said she would let her star (her little hubby) go to shine brilliantly. i thought it's a hard decision to hb, but she made a choice for her and her little hubby. that is her love to him. at that time, khj also had no other choice but to leave wgm. as a fan of lettuce couple, i learnt to respect their decision because i believe in them. i also learnt to let them go. that is my love to them. i love a quote : between B(birth) and D(death), it's C(choice). there are too many choices we have to make from our birth day to the day we die. as long as they had made their decision, we shall wish them all the best. i did not watch wgm afterwards as i still felt emotional about separation. but i still kept an eye on wgm and then i notice our little yongseo couple. i would say thanks to wgm which brought to me these two couples that i truely believe that i won't forget. my heart would forever have special places for hb, khj, yong and hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































back to our yong and hyun, after watching the latest ep, i told myself "they have been settled down". they finally stopped to catch and hide. they eventually found their most comfortable ways to face each other honestly. they really turned to a new page in their relationship. for yong, we now know as to why he continuously insisted hyun speaking informally to him... because he all along was writing a song for hyun about that. so asking hyun (at the red bean ice-cream shop) not speaking informally to him is not the true wish of yong. "speaking informally" really means a lot to yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun, you'd better practise your "banmal" more, though it's still difficult for you, you really have to try for your hubby. i think if you could speak "banmal' to him, he will give you everything in his world. it's worth trying.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong, hyun has been spoiled by you too much, i think, much more than by her parent and unnies. you'd better make sure there is someone else in the world better than you a hundred times to be her boy friend in future, if there is no such a person, you have to take most of the responsibilities for being with her. or it's your wish to make her become your princesses in your yong's family. someone in earlier post calls hyun as "mrs. yong" (mrs. yong seo joong hyun)... ha ...ha... ha .... cute
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awaiting more news about their snowboarding...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i don't know why. but i also do not want them to follow their to-do-list as i am afraid it means an end though we heard that they have extended their contract.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really liked your post ... I felt that what you said to heart ... I hope that the couple YongSeo go ahead ... are well advanced in their relationship and I am very happy.

































































































































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Guest glennpaulo




Thank you for sharing all your caps and translation about the Snowboarding. I really looking forward to watch the snowboarding episode. I think that episode will be aired, 1st or 2nd week of january because of the busan, 300thdays and the rumored filming. Yonghwa is full pack schedule this week, practicing for their concert as well as the melon and other guest shows. Going  on a very cold place with 4 days until concert is quite risky for him. But i'm sure yong and  management as well as the manager and WGM staff knows it, so i will trust them for that risky decision. and above all with a super caring Hyun on his side. there's no way for us BOICE to worry. Let us hope for them to have it as one of their happiest moment and a memorable one.



Yah i agree to you that yong spoiled hyun to much, as a person i think Yong is one of the best person in terms of caring, patience and LOVING. And Yong must be responsible for this, as 1st experience of hyun in field of LOVE, yong gave hyun too much expectation. When i watch the new Episode, i think yong persistence to let hyun know How to love and being love, is starting to be paid. Hyun is starting to show by act her feelings of gratitude for treatening her like a princess or maybe to show yong's love back to him. 

As for their ending, i think for now there's no way it to happen. I know that their written list is almost done but maybe and  i think that their unspeakable list is very long. Like going skiing, We should not worry for that.


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Guest Caliope


From Girls Generation Soompi Thread...






Fanacct on Potato Couple


As I was skiing,I thought some models were having their photoshoot here.As i approach nearer to them,i realised it was Seohyun and YongHwa.Hehehe, so surprised!As a male, i got to admit that Yonghwa is very handsome.


Haha~They didn't allow photos to be taken,tsk!




I heard that they will be filming till 12pm.They looked as though it's their first time skiing and yet they came to the intermediate course.Haha~




They started filming in the afternoon.They started from the beginneer course,after which they proceeded to the intermediate course to film for 4 hours.I saw seohyun skiing around that area(??) and she looked as though she couldn't really ski as she fell several times during the filming.Then again, she doesn't really look as though it was her first time skiing.


Jung Yong Hwa then taught seohyun how to ski.






Translated by:Enos@soompi




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Hello my dear goguma villagers!
























































































Thank you for sharing those pictures of our two lovebirds having fun in the snow! They both look so cute <3 Can't wait to see the episode, it will be so sweet! I think it may inspire me to write something about it... Who knows?^^
























































































Thank you again for sharing, and may the sweet potato love be with you all! Kekeke
















































































































































































I topped the page, so I'll share again the good news: our goguma couple has been spotted snowboarding in the OAK Valley ski resort today!
























































































Here are the pictures Caliope found on the website of the resort:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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looks like uri yong(cn blue)seo(snsd)

are nominated in 3 categories.


1. SNSD – Oh!

6. CNBLUE – I’m a Loner


1. SNSD – The 2nd Full Album ‘Oh!

4. CNBLUE – 1st Mini album ‘BLUETORY


1. SNSD – Oh!

5. CNBLUE – I’m a Loner

15. SNSD – Run Devil Run

16. CNBLUE – Love

cr snsd

*i'm also hoping the boys will take home the Rookie Award*

maybe during the skiing break, yongseo may talk abt the Melon Award,

and god knows, what surprises are in store for us.. ;):lol:

can't wait to see their next red carpet appearance again *panGG* ;)


got this from dc

not sure if this is fanmade or yongseo did leave their mark at oak valley...


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Guest Cjbaby12


Thank you for all the updates as always!!!!!!!!! Everyone is so fast with pictures and videos!!! :) I can't wait to watch all the up coming episodes!!! :D

Just wanted to share this FANCAM from GDA. I don't know if this has been shared, but you can see Yong giving a high five to HYUN at around 4:35 mark... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy3LhXW1loM&feature=related WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit to Blossom with awesome fancam!!! :D

YONGSEO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


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this is totally awesome that they are skiing together.
































































































































































































thanks for all the shares everyone
































































































































































































jnj :) lets hope we get some good pictures from the red carpet then eh? ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































here's a better scanned picture of hyun with guitar.
































































































































































































































































































































































































when i look at her expression, i think: PENSIVE--thinking of yong :)
































































































































































































(i feel inspiration coming...!)

































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Guest sprinkle_kitty
































































Uh....is it a little weird that I have been having dreams about these couple for the past two days??? Wow they are getting inside my head now.I don't quite remember what my dream was but I do remember that they were in it.
































































PS I read this really really cute fanfic last night and I thought I should to share it(I'm sorry if it's been re-posted ><)
































































































create goes to dhiey23 for writing this fanfic^^

































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