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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest slylychee

Hi, does anyone have a download link to the subbed ep 35? I'm having trouble with youtube this week. A million thanks and finger gogumas to whoever can help me out!

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remember Yongseo couple list:
































]In Episode 14 of WGM,  Yong and Hyun worked on a list of things they wanted to do together. Sharp-eyed fans from the WGM DCGallery read the list on the fridge and thanks to hyuksu and j2dlee at soompi, here is the translation of the full list:































original source: dcinside































translation: hyuksu and j2dlee@soompi





























































































Getting a driver's license
















2. Going on a picnic and riding bikes
















3. Composing a song together































Doing volunteer work together































Regular work out
















6. Having a joint guitar concert































Saving money for a new couple ring

















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Guest synykiss

















Hi, does anyone have a download link to the subbed ep 35? I'm having trouble with youtube this week. A million thanks and finger gogumas to whoever can help me out!
















Download links are here:
































Also while I'm here and deciding to make an actual post rather than just stalking in the deepths.
















I've been reading Trent's "Goguma Hours" fic and my god ♥♥♥♥♥ I'm so in love with it.
















Back to this weeks episode.
















I have nothing interesting to add other than, I love reading all of your opinions about uri YongSeo couple
















You all make me grin like a cheshire cat at how detailed and dedicated you are.
















all the screen caps .gifs' and general goguma love warms the cockles of my heart.
















MC Jakes tweets:
















So wait! the thing that go cut was his fanboy card for yongseo's 300th day?
















lol and here I was thinking it was something important.
















I love MC Jake <3 as do we all. He's so precious!

































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Guest -insideout





Here is the video of the Hi5 GDA YongSeo moment the link that I provided before did not work so here it is...Hi5 Yong Seo GDA




























im usually a lurker but this was so cute i had to gif it (again, cuz i know there's already a few in this thread)! i love how it goes from a high-five to like a hand hold kinda thing ahhhhh so adorabs
























































and this scene made me laugh cause hyun wanted to see how "funny" yong looked upside down but she mustve forgotten that yong already saw her the same way a long time ago at the salon~ hahaha





























































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Guest eishazumi










i have mixed emotions with what i have read from recent post.








i know WGM is not forever. its just a show and eventually it will soon end(not too soon).after WGM what will happen to our YONGSEO? that question really bothers me.








Goodbye really is not simple and easy thing...but sometimes goodbye doesn't mean and End but rather a BEGINNING... a wonderful beginning








yong and hyun are both artist, a singer. Yong is an actor though.they are both here to give us entertainment but they are not PRO yet. they are newbie in the acting world. their persona are somewhat REAL and not yet influence by the glamorous side of being an actor or actress.WGM is a reality show and they are in fake marriage but the care that Hyun and Yong give each other is genuine. i believed both have special feelings for each other.








Its painful to think of the possible ending, yet I am happy . i am happy for i know each memories that they have created and shared will always be part of each other. that in the future they will look back at this moment with a smile. they will surely cherish this moment of their past. what they have created is a colorful memories of love, being love and be love.








so whatever path they will choice i am still happy and proud of our Yongseo...








thanks everyone for the hard work. especially to the subbers and translators.you guys really are ANGELS!























BTW about the HIGH five. for me it is not a simple high five.























they firmly held hands in seconds.kekeke!


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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello to everyone in Go-chun! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love the latest episode due to a lot of reasons but what really lingered to me and kept me smiling all the way is Yong's funny expressions. :lol: I can't count how many times he was genuinely surprised, caught off guard and laughed at Hyun's randomness and witty/funny statements;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- when Hyun roared at him while playing catch-me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- when Hyun said it's funny to look at people upside down
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun laughing so hard (after looking at him upside down) and told him he looked like an octopus
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun saying "Get lost" with that cool hand gesture
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun telling him he must have composed something weird with something like gogumas
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun thanking him in banmal at the end...he laughed so hard :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It felt like their first meeting (1st episode) once again, when all Yong can do is laugh at Hyun's uniqueness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love, love this couple. :wub:

































































































































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Guest krystala

question: a moment before they held hands while walking on the beach.. yong said "do u like it?" which hyun replied "you wish" and then he asked her again d second time, when hyun answered she liked it, yong offered his arm and held hands after... was yong's "do u like it" some kind of a code of permission to hyun to hold hands? really curious...

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Guest bettechai




just wanted to share this...latest episode with sub Part1,Part 2













to Download Part1, PART2


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Annyeong my lovely gogumas....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This thread has a great discussion recently. Mrs.Joker, heartbrake_warfare, aisuo415,crystalblue, xueh, trent, cailei23, otty, mrssojisub, R4tu, lulu2, rainie_chu, dreamyboo, lovekin and another gogumas who share their point of view, thanks for sharing. Even tough it's tiring for me to read a long post like that. but, i like it. I think I can't express my view as good as you do. 
































































































































































































































































I always aware that yongseo journey in WGM will ending someday ( I know I will cry if that day come, GOD please make them stay as long as possible ). Maybe they will end up being a friend, a close friend, a best friend or a real couple. I will support them whatever they choose. They have experience a new journey to know each other, respect each other, caring for each other, changing each other. They have it all. I do believe they really care for each other but their true feeling only they can answer it. I believe that if they destined to be together, they will be together in their own way. Of course I wish they will be become a real married couple someday, because in my view they are a match made from heaven. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DJ Hinata, I like your wallpaper, beautiful.
































































































































































































































































Pang, how can you notice it??
































































































































































































































































gogumaforever, fancam from Korea China festival has been shared. you can back track the page. 
































































































































































































































































crystal_malfoy, hi... *waves* I miss you in tweet. Thanks for your pict from dc married
































































































































































































































































SeoRia, I think you can send them personal message. just go to your profile and make a new message.
































































































































































































































































Trent, I really hook to your fanfic...
































































































































































































































































MountainMadman, I'm a bit confused with your story but I still waiting for update...
































































































































































































































































Ichigo_kawai, thanks for the new fmv. Can I make a request? Can you make fmv with peterpan's song, bintang di surga, I like that song, and since yong like star maybe it will become a good fmv. w00t.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































off now

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest crystalblue




hey guys..im new here..i have a question..how can i contact MadMountain & J2dlee here?where to find them?can someone help me






hahaha I think you meant Mountainmadman and not MadMountain right??? That's funny sorry...


So you find a post that they made on this thread and then you click on their name icon that's located on the top left corner of their post. Then that'll take you to their soompi profile where you then can click on send message and send them a private message through soompi here. Good luck!


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uhh this is just something very trivial but i'm just still very spazzy over this ep35 >.< ok... don't u guys think that in this ep35, yongseo were partially conversing in their own goguma language especially during the ROMANTIC SCENES? :wub: ekekekek and another one! i think some of u already spazzed about this next one but i haven;t so...merongggg :P wokeh, here goes... yongseo got so much quieter when they began the pocket-hand-holding! i wonder... what was goiing on in there!? crazy.gif uwahhhh *imagination on the roll* :w00t:

and another one! yong was playing around with hyun by pushing her to the beach & they almost bumped into each other! or should i rephrase that?? THEY ALMOST KISSED EACH OTHER! haahahahah just look at yong's face! he was so yearning for it! so was the girl!! xD i'm sure they'll kiss if no one was there! KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! sorry, i know these were already spazzed much... so yah that's it for now ....meronggggggg :P wahahaha sorry for the merongs... it's my favorite word of today :P i think i'm goguma nuts at the moment! woot better stop typing now...see ya all when i'm more sane!!!! wuahahahahahaha :w00t:

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Guest Caliope


BUSAN Episode, closer every day!!










Next episode... CNBLUE's dorm... was recorded 9th November or 13th November.




We can be sure that was not recorded in October.




Why?? In the preview... Seohyun has made the French manicure (It seems silly excuse).




Seohyun has made the French manicure since "Hoot" release.




SNSD Comeback was 31th October (That week).




I don't know exactly what day it was (9th or 13th November)... :unsure:






... but it seems that we can see Busan episode (recorded 30th November) before the end of the year :w00t:


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hohoho mountainmadman and madmountain!! LOL








sorry no offense.








Wow, the thread is moving really fast, difficult to read everything. But I do enjoy glancing thru everyone's thots. Lately there has been more and more contributors!








Yeah WGM is a show but I have accepted that we only get to see 20mins each week of Yongseo interaction where they can record for a whole day and there are possibly other private contacts as well. So we just have to understand from whatever we get to see/hear.








I love that they have come to a stage that both parties know they have feelings for each other and even if they dun progressed further, I am just happy that neither doubt each other another anymore. When one party doubts in a relationship, it will just be very painful (that was the time I was upset with what I saw).








I am so happy and proud that Yongseo soompiers are highlighted in the Korean media!! A pat on the back to all fellow gogumas. :)








lovekin - I agree with you that since they have started wearing the ring, they cant stop now, because it will cause a storm! ahaha. And its too late to turn back the clock, when they started wearing the rings they should know it is hard to take it off. That is the significance of rings. But I do think somewhere earlier on they should know that wearing the ring has a special meaning and they didnt mind.








The strange and fascinating thing about Yongseo is that they are both easy going as in they dun mind alot of things. Well thats how they got together isnt it? They didnt specify who they want to be with and viola alls well that ends well too.








It so happens than the ring has taken an iconic status, a religious object to be worshipped and tracked.








But its ok, every idol should have such an object/symbol, as much we shouldnt take the ring so seriously, we shouldnt be so against the ring tracking too.








Phew -- so much for the Lord of Rings story.








Yep, I love the hands in the pocket thing and Hyun moving her fingers in the pocket? :wacko::wub:








I know, I know that is going to be scene to spawn a million fanfic, gifs, fanmade videos and the seed of oh so many sweet dreams........... :wub::wub::wub:


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Guest genevieveshaun
























Ahhhh!!  My virgin post at Soompi and for anything Yongseo related. I've been a fan... FOREVER.
















Anyway here are my thoughts on why I think YongSeo will last and
















Yong is an artist with deep and complex emotions.. And all artists need MUSES. Just like a photographer needs a model (i.e  think hot italian photographer and kate moss) and a painter needs an environment. We always find something in the world that amuses us. Seohyun gives inspiration to Yong through her quirks, her intelligence, her innocence (more of honesty), her cuteness, and her maturity despite her age. Also the fact that she's so cute that you can't differentiate cute and sexy. She makes cute really sexy and she makes sexy cute. If you get what I mean.
















Yong writes songs about her cos writing songs is how Yong expresses himself. Some of us dance, some of us sings, some of us play sports.. Each of us need an outlet to express ourselves. For yong its definitely composing, and the fact that he chose Seohyun as his main muse says alot on how he regards her as a vital part of his life.
















You may think yeah sure they're only acting for the camera.. but think about this being famous entertainers in the korean media, they're in front of the camera almost everyday almost ALL THE TIME! They can't possibly act for the camera anymore, they have found a way to be themselves despite cameras around. And WGM cameras are there all day, to them cameras dont mean a thing to them anymore. Plus the PD and WGM staff are like family with them, so to film WGM has become something really casual for YongSeo and they are just having fun hanging out, and not intentionally showing skinship and flirting just for the camera. Even if Yonghwa can act a little, Seohyun's actions and expressons are aways A DEAD GIVEAWAY.  I remember a variety show when the host ranked the SNSD girls according to how different they look with and without make up on.. and at first the SNSD ranked themselves..and Seohyun ranked herself 2nd or 3rd last cos she says she wears mininal make up. But the host re-arranged them and put Seohyun 2nd place, implying that the host thinks that Seohyun looks very different with and without make-up on. And just that second Seohyun was pouting and she looked really annoyed and confused.. It was such an unforgettable face.. Haha... And she didnt bother to hide it... It was true all right.. And also her reaction from the GDA 2010 when CN Blue won says it all.. That was a priceless video :)
















Also some little hints about their fondness of each other
















- Whenever when Yongseo hold hands, they always look away and talk about something distant and non related to their actions. Like when they held hands in Japan, they looked at the sky and talk about the moon etc etc. (Really? the moon? C'mon Haha). And then the recent episode too, after they held hands Seohyun looked away into the sky and talked about the beauty of the scenery/weather.. That's soooo cute. It just shows how shy they are!!
















- Yonghwa always laughs at Seohyun's weird antics. Like in ep 1 when Seohyun talks about books and the necessity to wear seatbelts, and the recent episode when Seohyun did the 'Get lost' movement and also when she said something about the upside down face. It shows how Yong is so amused with Seohyun and he has never met anyone like her, and thus Seohyun has became Yong's No.1 inspiration
















- I love it when Yonghwa always blushes after he confesses to Seohyun about the songwriting... He buries his face in his hands and seohyun did the same too.. Haha but yong being yong, he will cover it up by saying something light hearted or a joke , like he said Seohyun should speak banmal now in order to help him with the lyrics
















Of cos there are very obvious things that Yong is in love with Seohyun
















-The Japan guidebook (Again, priceless). No guy would do it for a girl he's not crazy over. And no guy would do it for a TV show
















-Love light. Enough said. It was obviously not just the rap, but the whole song. No guy would just create a rap only inspired by the girl he likes. It was obviously the whole song. And the lyrics in the verses are so obvious. No composer will be like " OK... I like this girl.. And I'm gonna use her as an inspiration for the rap. " No thats not how it works. Seohyun was the main inspiration for Love Light.  Anti-Yong seo people can suck it.
















-Notice how Yong Hwa's songs go from "y. Why..." "I'm a Loner" those depressing songs to light hearted fluffy songs like " Love Light " I don't know why" to "Banmal"... Its all because of the transitions of his emotional state! When is he going to admit that ALL his songs are actually inspired by Seohyun!!! :D
































I still can't get over the lyrics to I dont know why... Chorus is good but the rap sounds like PLACEHOLDER lyrics, exactly like the place holder lyrics in the Banmal song. I wish he made some sense in to those lyrics..
















Why I think Seohyun is in love with Yonghwa, either that she has a huge crush on him and is falling in love with him
















- Seohyun needs someone she respects.
















-Seohyun likes talented unique guys (i.e Johnny Depp)
















-Seohyun is amazed by Yonghwa's musical talent
















-Yonghwa is the first guy Seohyun is comfortable with
















-Having met Yonghwa's parents and brother at the CNblue and Busan WGM filming, it will make Seohyun's heart soft for Yonghwa
















-She attended CNblue's concert without the WGM staff...
















I also think Seohyun is saving her first kiss for Yong hwa :)





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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Wow... coming to lurk a bit and find this interesting "serious" discussion on YongSeo... oh my.... aren't we a bunch of hardcore YongSeo's lovers... kekeke...You guys are seriously DAEBAK!! ^_^































































































































To aisuo415, Crystalblue, Cailei23, Trent, xueh, otty, K1L1On1Mr4, lulu2, MrsSoJiSub, rainie_chu, dreamyboo... There are various POV coming from you guys and truth be told... I can relate to each one of your POV because it is all a very "logical/possible" explanation of "What might be" situation for Yong and Hyun outside of WGM lights. Loving all of your precious POV.































































































































In a more regular situation I might write an essay of my own POV on YongSeo, but ever since the Japan trip up till the latest episodes, i think i have to "rest" my thoughts a bit. I've given up for my ruthless search of a possibility because it is seriously starting to consume me... (the love i invested for this two kids are no joke...). I find peace by just accepting of what is in front of me and trust what my heart says. It works to ease my weak heart... :rolleyes:































































































































Hey...come to think of it... Can i ask you guys something... among us avid lovers of YongSeo, if we put aside our "rational mind" and just go with a hunch, a feeling... What is your hunch about YongSeo? are they REEL? or are they REAL?. Candid feeling...don't even spent 5 seconds to think... Just answer this, after spending more than 8 months on this goguma heaven and have seen their relationship grew, how they interact, etc... Are they REEL? or are they REAL?














































































































































































































My candid answer will be... REAL.














































































































































































































To Lovekin :































































































































Just to clear things up, Did i implicated that wearing the ring = they are dating ? The answer is No. I did not meant my post to have an implication of the ring = they're dating, when i say real, I meant it as a word. as Real. and to that I was referring to a Real Feeling/Emotion invested between them.































































































































I agree that we are in a different set of standpoint when talking about the Ring, and i do appreciate it. I was struck a little by your post, because it comes off as if your saying that my standpoint is "ridiculous" because i was making huge assumption, but i know that's not what you meant. Anyway, I am more of a dreamer as a person so i can't help to view it in a "dreamy" kind of way. For a dreamer kind of person or at least to me, I think the ring was kinda like "a red string" that differs between reel and real with YongSeo. A symbol of romanticism in a way? yes...i think so but i am not "blinded" by the ring per say ^_^ . And although i completely agree with what you said that a relationship isn't always hindered by an object, But it's really a two side mirror because sometimes an object is a symbol of a relationship. (is it not?...could be...).































































































































Ah but Lovekin...really you are right by saying that this ring issue is really like beating a dead horse. LOL. Everyone's POV can be logically and illogically correct depends on again what do we want to believe.





























































































































































































































































































*sigh* sorry if i am being such a "dreamer" but that's just who i am. That being said, the reality of YongSeo, are they dating or not dating in real life is something that i think only time can tell us the answer. And so for now i forego any exccesive "dreamy" thought /interpretation i have about them because to me the definition of reel and real has been blurt out completely by Them to the point I think it will be safer for my heart to just be a good spectator Noona/Unnie and just be grateful of this supposed love story that is uniquely YongSeo. :wub:














































































































































































































There are 2 beautifully written line from the awesome Jossa unnie that reflected on how i conveniently view YongSeo relationship.































































































































1st quote :
































































Define real for me, Yong and Hyun. Go on, I will listen. Coz this unnie/noona is having a hard time defining it to herself anymore as far as you two are concerned. But don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Really. Coz I know that with you, every moment is seen differently, every step in falling in love is magical...and every time spend together is precious. I'm just a grateful spectator of a love story that is uniquely YongSeo.














































































































































































































2nd quote
































































Love moves in mysterious ways. Really. What your eyes perceive to be fake, the heart can see as real...































































































































Special shoutout to Jossa unnie... Unnie still can't thank you enough for this set of words you've written. It speaks volume for the dreamer in me. Thank you unnie.
































































































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Hello Goguma villagers!!
































































































































































































































































I'm sneaking a peak and posting here again for another update.. It has been a while since i updated Campus crush..
































































































































































































































































So clicky here please: Campus Crush 6

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


We already saw what happened at the SNSD table the second CNBLUE was announced as the winnner. But what was happening at the table when the boys were making their speech? biggrin.gif




[Fancam] 101209 SNSD Jessica @ GDA 2010




cr. Mrfancam




I just saw this fancam of the GD awards posted on twitter. You can't see Seohyun but you see some of the girls listening to the last few seconds of Yonghwa's speech and Jessica and Yoona are teasingly indignant because he didn't mention Seohyun? Hyoyeon is hitting her as if saying shut up hahahaha. I dont know what Yonghwa is exactly saying at certain points so maybe if we have the translation we can understand Jessica's gestures. What do you think?




I have seen that some SONEs wondered what Jessica, who is known as the Ice Queen, thinks about Seohyun and Yonghwa. Well, she wrote the following comment to Seohyun at a fanmeeting in September!!


5. Maknae... You got married lucky you... You're awesome(?)

On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person... I love you... (Jessica)




This spontaneous comment made months ago gave us insight about how awesome Yongseo in Japan was going to be and showed that what happened there is real.




Also she was one of the girls that during the awards was very enthusiastic about CNBLUE winning and even stood at some point, as well as Yoona, Sooyoung and of course buin. I don't think I need to explain about Yuri and Hyoyeon reaction hahahah




If we want to see what is Yongseo relationship outside the show, we also have to pay attention to the small details, attitudes, gestures and comments made by friends, loved ones, etc. biggrin.gif




Remember when Jonghyun said: "Actually, we all know wether Yonghwa-hyung is really taking things serious (WGM's relationship), we just can't say"?!?! w00t.gif Then you also see him at the awards with Jinwoon trying to help/make/push Yonghwa to go to Seohyun because he is shy. I think Yonghwa automatically sat down because he was afraid they were going to physically push him to Seohyun hahaha




So please, Yongseo family members keep spilling the beans and help them build up their relationship! wub.gif




Thank u to everyone here: translators, artists, fanfic writers, spazzers, philosophers, researchers, and silent lurkers!! biggrin.gif


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Guest bezbezbez
























































4 more days to go till the deadline!!!! Join Now and Grab Your Chance to Shine and be a Star!!!!
















The team plans to give YongSeo two original songs, one of which is a duet song and the other is a fan song. The duet song will entail the feelings of the couple towards each other while the fan song will showcase how greatly YongSeo has influenced our lives. These two songs will be sent to the couple hoping that they’d at least consider one of which for their collaboration.


















































In line with that, we will launch a mini-competition for all the musically gifted gogumas out there. The competition will be called Goguma Idol. This part of the project aims to seek for the best gogumas out there who can really sing their hearts out. The winners of the said competition will get the rare opportunity to sing the duet song or the fan song for YongSeo.


















































We will conduct pairs and solo audition for this competition to cater the preference of all the gogumas. Grab your partners now for the pairs audition and for those who want to go solo, better start your vocalization ^____^





































































What are we exactly looking for?






















































































1. a pair, specifically a boy and a girl, for the duet song (pairs audition)





















































2. 4 singers for the fan song (solo audition)



















































































































































































































1.To those who are interested to join






































Goguma Idol























, send a message to














































with a title of























4th Project- Goguma Idol























along with the following needed information.


































































































For Pairs Audition:





























































































































































Full Name:






















































































































































































































































































Full Name:































































































































































Team Codename:







































































































































For Solo Audition:










































































































































































































































































































































2. Once you’re done submitting the needed information, we’ll inform you about the validity of your audition through mail. We will also send you the lyrics of the song, sample audio, and another audio for the audition proper. From there, we will let your creativity to flow. We won’t be restricting the participants to just follow the rhythm of the song given, you can play with it and make it better as long as you won’t change the lyrics. The deadline of submission for the said audition piece will be on December 17, 2010 (11:59pm KST). We’ll announce those who made it to the first cut on December 18, 2010.


















































3. After the elimination round, we will send the participants who made the first cut another set of song. This time, the participants will get the chance to sing the finalized duet song for the pairs and the fan song for the soloists. Again, we will let the participants play with the arrangement of the song excluding the lyrics. The deadline for this is on January 3, 2011 (11:59pm KST).


















































4. Once all the entries are in, it’s time to show our Goguma power. We’ll conduct a 3-day online voting for all of us to choose which truly deserves the opportunity to sing the duet song and the fan song. All the gogumas will have the chance to pick who will be our Goguma Idols. The power is on our hands so remember to vote wisely! ^____^ The winners will be announced January 8,2011 through soompi and twitter. Watch out for it!


















































REMINDER: To avoid bias, we will use codenames for the participants. The participants are also not allowed to reveal their identity and to campaign themselves throughout the competition. Once caught doing this, he/she/they will be automatically eliminated on the competition. We have a lot of spies on every sites and chat boxes so don’t you dare violate it ^____^





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