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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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something random

they are becoming more like each other..



and to play along with kerube, i'll pick this as my all time favourite.

hyun picked the right guy from the v first time she saw him..


and he who was mesmerised by her sparkling eyes,

knows she is an honest girl right from the v beginning..


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Guest Faith_memory




























my favorite? i'd say... their First Meeting!!








































credits to jnj for the pic








































because this is where everything began!!!! LOL.




















meaning everything after this are all my favorite! hahaha! ♥




















sorry guys i just can't pick for just one. xD








































kekeke anyway, this is what Hyun was talking about! Yonghwa's hair at his "im a loner" days.








































i honestly think Yonghwa looks hot with it! hahaha!





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yeah, for me also their first meeting that make me love them. if there is no this first moment, no akwardness, i dont think i will be in this Go-chun.




I said before i began watching them at eps 15 but nothing attract me. then i found the first eps and i got hooked for the every first moment when they saw each other. and also the most eps i replay, almost everyday, to see their very first moment, the every important first moment:-) :wub:


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Congrats for reaching 1500 pages... I'm sure we will reach 2000 pages soon...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to play along...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have to many favorite moment and all of them is cute and sweet. But, if I have to pick one I pick the moment they play falling slowly together. It just to sweet and cute with Yong playing his guitar and Hyun play the piano and they sing along together. They filmed at second time i think. And they still a bit awkward. But they can naturally make a beautiful duet and performance. That's why I really want them to play it at music program.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as for the ring, for now i don't really care they use it or not. I'm happy to know how their relationship now via fancam. And I prefer they wear the ring in their personal time. I think it's more private and personal.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT : I'm agree with zealous said about (-) post































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































off now
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest vero_vero






finally i came out from my lurker cave.I'm not good in english so maybe some of you will confuse with my explanation.XD yesterday episode was super daebak!!! I can't stop smiling ear to ear,why they're so cuuuuteeee.>.< so many spazz worthy moment in this episode. I love how comfortable yongseo now,we can see "0" akwardness. And about the ring to be honest I've become ring ding dong obsessed too. Kekeke. But now i get used to it if they're not wearing it. For me interaction between these two in GDA fancam prove their relationship now. If something bad happen to them hyun wouldn't be so happy when cnblue win and snsd unnies spazing like crazy.hahaha. yong wouldn't smile widely when see hyun in gda ending and hi-5 with her. Anyway Hyun still wearing the ring in friday event. So keep positive thinking guys. Remember we still have yongseo duet song,melon music award(air in MBC),music bank end year special,and of course cnblue 2nd concert!! We will have so many yongseo this week,i'm so excited!! :D



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Guest Crystal392










OMO I missed the 1500 page celebration hehehe :lol:






Btw what is it with the (-)? I've read some posts that imo didn't violate anys soompi rules nor were negative and they were - =\






About the rings: am I the only one who isn't worried? xD I trust my YongSeo and until MBC doesn't release a document saying Goguma days are over *touches wood* I won't even think about that.






My face scene? Hmmmm since some of you have already mentioned the first time they met, I will mention another scene: when they ran together, after spending the day with CNBLUE brothers, Yong said that when he was going to his WGM house he felt as if he was going to his real house and Hyun said something similar :) I loved when they ran together and Hyun squealed <3



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hellooo everyone.. HAPPY 1500 Pages!! my favorite moment?? hmmm.. My english is not so good so please understand nee.. my favorite moment?? Everything!! hhe.. welll, hmmm, I like when Hyun suddenly burst out "Goguma Signal" in 1st eps. So cute.. When Yong said he will like goguma for entire of his life (bad english sorry).. Amusement park, played piano together, went to Bank to make account i thin Yong is very funny!! hhe.. When YongSeo have a trip together.. When SNSD unnie's visit yongseo house, CN Blue with Hyun, The piggyback. Birthday episode LOVE!!! and oooo... I love all the Episodes.... Ottoke??? And off course japan trip, yesterday episode.. Daebak!!! Please GOD make them a couple for real..









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Guest jerbear89
























hi guys!! Happy 1500 pages..... way to go.. you are all DAEBAK!!








something random..








i rewatched uri YongSeo cut episode 1-5 and I noticed something about our legendary MC Kim.. I know from the very beginning, he is one  of us, a YongSeo shipper.. LoL
















he volunteered to be YongSeo couple's manager?? kyaaaahhh!!








I love you MC Kim.... ^___^























and I wanna play along.. MY BEST MOMENT?? hhmmm...








it's episode 27 - when they exchanged new rings.. it's as if they were really married for real.. kyaahh!!!








that moment, i thought i was watching the best wedding moment ever!! LoL





























































and about Yong not wearing the ring during GDA.. please people!! those DAEBAK fancams tell it all.. ^___^









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Everybody, no need to worry anymore, today Seohyun is still wearing her ring, so maybe nothing happen and i just worry for nothing ( may be im became older or because of my exam).Anyway, let's believe in yongseo. Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm9ZfqTWe3E&feature=sub

















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Hey, rewatching eps again and i think may be this is be edited out when Seohyun came to see him upside down, and laughed, may be he also did that with her, that his time to see her upside down, and maybe some extra sweet moment that MC wanted to say. because later he said that you now look like guaana. how i wish that i have invisible coat of harry potter to go to MBC building. i want to have magic now.




Forgot to say. Happy 1500 pages




About MC Kim. I am very sure about his love for our couple. He started commenting from eps 8 of Adam couple. and he was with our couple from every beginning. we can see his love for our couple, his face expression is more intense than to others couple. Didnt mean he doesnt like others, i think he likes them alot but may be he loves our couple. can see when Yong win Nickhun in wrestling, he is so happy. i think he really like Yong and Hyun because they are all innocence and yong, they are just start learning aldult life, and be really sincer about that. thats why i think all the mcs have their special feeling for them. like they are the couple need to take care and teach them but the same time they learn st from them. Just like mc Kim said ""from now on i just wear the jacke with massive pocket" :wub:






I think i am quite talkative these days:-)


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Guest Faith_memory




























Dec. 2, 2010. 12th Korea-China Song Festival Performance.




















Ring Ding Dong! ♥





















































































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i can't choose my most favorite YongSeo moment to date...
















it's like having to choose between Mom or Dad; Chocolate or Vanilla; Best Friend #1 or Best Friend #2????
















very hard choice
















but I can choose my favorite moment from this past episode
















which is when Yong is checking out his Hyun buin...
















the slight glance he did while Hyun was fixing herself...
















his action = checking out his gorgeous wife!
















such a candid capture from the cameraman, i hope someone can gif it or something!
















also I just wanted to post this screencap, it was recorded a couple of weeks ago but just aired today
















It's the mark of a married woman
















Hyun Buin!

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































hey let me join the game also.......






























just like some of gogumas here said, I believe the best moment is when THEY FIRST MET....















Okay I may sound a little bit delusional right now but I think that was the day they were destined to actually "meet" as a couple, not as idol-to-idol, sunbae-hoobae, or oppa-dongsaeng






























jut look when Hyun correctly picked Yong as her husband..... well what more can you say?? even an inexperienced-in-love Hyun honestly followed her heart and I still remember when I watch that very first episode months ago, I thought............ "Yonghwa, Seohyun, you will begin your love story with trust and sincerity and I'm sure you will be great persons for one another".... That's why when Hyun finally starting to tear down the walls she built, I was very happy both of them, because all this time I've spent my time just to watch 2 people as a couple every saturday is clearly not a waste.... :wub: :wub::wub:






























once again guys..... we reached 1500 pages chukhahabnida!!!!!






























oh, and that ring issue, I understand that some of you may take the ring a the most obvious symbol of their love..... but please think positively okay. This is the entertainment world, even a small object like a ring would be such a big issue sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif.... so maybe it's the whole company rule thing. who knows..
































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im not sure if someone had already shared the translations to Yoong's song for Hyun.So i just translated the part from the chinese subbed Yongseo cut.

Credits goes to 小漫 for the subbed cut and me for the chinese-english lyrics. ^^

(I) wish that we can have a relationship where we speak informally

Even though we're still not that familiar and natural

Replacing the tone saying "Thank You"

and speak to me closer.

We will speak informally to each other

Very ... Walk/Come to me ...[Yonghwa blurred the rest of the lyrics, must be too sweet and spoiler-ish to reveal ;)]

Sorry if someone shared this alr, haha. :vicx:


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sachet, gogumas believe and have faith in yongseo

crystal, i know. i'm running out of + to lessen them.

it puzzles me too that some posts get a minus when i don't see anything wrong with it.

i hope this doesn't deter anyone, especially new posters from posting..

ah! another thing i want to share..


did u guys notice that hyun said something after this

and then she looked at hubby.

this part is not subbed, and i wish to know what she said...

she could be saying something random, but i'm just curious..

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Hi to all,






























































































































































































































For me, if I to choose the DAEBAK ep...































































































































it's kinda hard, since, it's too many.






























































































































































































































A few of my fav scene;































































































































1. The day they bought an engagement ring... Hyun really into it... ;)































































































































2. The day they moved into their house... Love her's scream.. & Yong un-intention reply to Tiff.. "Her eyes are shining..."































































































































3. Of course the b-day trip.. Ring moment...































































































































4. All involve musical instrument... Once MV (CNBlue studio), Guitar buying moment, Hyun playing guitar(exclude she's mention Jungmo.. hehe), practicing duet together.































































































































5. Japan ep.....































































































































6. Current ep.... beach & song dedication...






























































































































































































































Hope we really can saw/watch/hear new song from both of them on 25th. It's MBC shows right...































































































































If my calculation are correct....































































































































Broadcasting date - This week (18 Dec) should be composing in CNBlue dorm.































































































































Broadcasting date - Next week (25 Dec), should be the continuing practicing for the song.































































































































Show date - So, on 25th, if they show it live, maybe.. just maybe we can watch them on stage...































































































































But broadcasting time should be January or Feb since in the middle it still have the Busan trip & 7,8 filming (based on PD said bout uri 300 days)






























































































































































































































Now for me, Manager Oppa will be on the list beside MC Kim...































































































































If MC Kim is a president of Go-Chan, Manager oppa should be the vice president...






























































































































































































































































Now is it impossible to make an appearance of CNBlue manager also....????





























































































































































































































































































































So let's hope together...






























































































































































































































1. Both respective group will win again on this coming Melon award.































































































































2. Hubby group will perform a success concert next week






























































































































































































































This is what i been seeing and think lately (bout -ve post)....






























































































































































































































I've been here almost most of the time and read all your post.































































































































But lately I been seeing a post get -ve vote even if the post not that critical to rated as -ve.































































































































please all goguma think before you rated someone else post.































































































































don't just rated it because of your personal uncomfortable feeling with that post.































































































































we should get a different point of posting/idea here.































































































































Critical view is important to discuss it.































































































































And discuss it as professional, since i do believe our thread totally been view by "important" person here (yaa... if it's already mention it in Korean news, of course our thread are important)































































































































The post that should be rated as -ve, a post with a quote image, 1 liner and less that 20 words, a bashing to the couple/mc/or other couple.































































































































That kind of thing i can accept it.































































































































It' will discourage the posters to tell their view if every time they got -ve vote.































































































































If they wrong tell them that they wrong somewhere.. since from what i see, most of the post that get -ve from our newest member...































































































































Some of them been already feeling insecure to post it here, and even afraid if they got -ve vote...































































































































That's much more friendly since we already become a very big family here.






























































































































































































































Just my personal view...






























































































































































































































Let's make Go-Chan are really GO-CHAN guys... a happy place to visit...



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bout the ring, don't take it seriously.































































































































Just go with the flow guys...































































































































We saw them together recently, so there's nothing to worry about.






























































































































































































































Peace no war;
































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































Happy 1500 page to my beloved Seohwa Thread... This thread and the people in it are seriously DAEBAK!!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As much as i would like to do my regular spazzing and wrote another chessy fangirl letter to both Yong and Hyun...but right now i am seriously incapable of doing such thing because i am still in a big pile SQUEAL drool... (yuck...i know)... What can i say... I have a weak heart and it kinda melted into a cheeezspastic pile after the latest episode. so i'll try to do some proper spazzing sometime later....































































































































































































































































































































*waving* to dreamyboo and jnj...














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just come out a bit to talked about the ring ding dong... again. *sigh*































































































































































































































































































































I notice again some of us are getting worried too much over the absent pressence of the ring ding dong in Yong's hand... Here's my thought on it to help you guys ease a bit...































































































































































































































































































































For the record...All of us have to acknowledge first the fact that The ring ding dong WAS NOT an obligation for both Yong and Hyun to wear it outside of WGM!
































































































































































The case of recent sighting of Yong not wearing the ring ding dong in Inkigayo broadcast on cam, was actually an expected thing for me. Why? Because...the media recently have started to pick up the existence of this ring ding dong and have made it into a news a couple of times. The ring ding dong NOW has become a media attention (in a way...) and seeing how their relationship in wgm started to evolve with skinship intact... then most likely the media will "sniff" what we have been sniffing for the past months...that YongSeo is REAL.
































































































































































To me, with Yong not wearing his ring on cam is like telling that there is indeed something REAL going on...Because if he's using the ring for a media stunt then he should have exposed it more now, but what Yong did now is that he toned down the attention to the ring ding dong so that he and Hyun will not be put under the "media light" about their relationship outside WGM.
































































































































































So for those who are worried, DON'T BE! They are getting seriously REAL now, so expect subtle affection and not so vivid indicator like the ring.
































































































































































Ps : at GDA, Yong did not wear his ring on broadcast on cam BUT he wear it during rehearsal!! This speaks volume you guys...the ring ding dong is getting more and more personal!!
































































































































































@Crystal_Malfoy : No crystal...you're not alone. I too am not worried about the ring. and I still believe MBC won't be cruel to us anytime soon...!   ^_^

















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Guest bezbezbez
























































5 more days to go till the deadline!!!! Join Now and Grab Your Chance to Shine and be a Star!!!!
















The team plans to give YongSeo two original songs, one of which is a duet song and the other is a fan song. The duet song will entail the feelings of the couple towards each other while the fan song will showcase how greatly YongSeo has influenced our lives. These two songs will be sent to the couple hoping that they’d at least consider one of which for their collaboration.


















































In line with that, we will launch a mini-competition for all the musically gifted gogumas out there. The competition will be called Goguma Idol. This part of the project aims to seek for the best gogumas out there who can really sing their hearts out. The winners of the said competition will get the rare opportunity to sing the duet song or the fan song for YongSeo.


















































We will conduct pairs and solo audition for this competition to cater the preference of all the gogumas. Grab your partners now for the pairs audition and for those who want to go solo, better start your vocalization ^____^





































































What are we exactly looking for?






















































































1. a pair, specifically a boy and a girl, for the duet song (pairs audition)





















































2. 4 singers for the fan song (solo audition)



















































































































































































































1.To those who are interested to join






































Goguma Idol























, send a message to














































with a title of























4th Project- Goguma Idol























along with the following needed information.


































































































For Pairs Audition:





























































































































































Full Name:






















































































































































































































































































Full Name:































































































































































Team Codename:







































































































































For Solo Audition:










































































































































































































































































































































2. Once you’re done submitting the needed information, we’ll inform you about the validity of your audition through mail. We will also send you the lyrics of the song, sample audio, and another audio for the audition proper. From there, we will let your creativity to flow. We won’t be restricting the participants to just follow the rhythm of the song given, you can play with it and make it better as long as you won’t change the lyrics. The deadline of submission for the said audition piece will be on December 17, 2010 (11:59pm KST). We’ll announce those who made it to the first cut on December 18, 2010.


















































3. After the elimination round, we will send the participants who made the first cut another set of song. This time, the participants will get the chance to sing the finalized duet song for the pairs and the fan song for the soloists. Again, we will let the participants play with the arrangement of the song excluding the lyrics. The deadline for this is on January 3, 2011 (11:59pm KST).


















































4. Once all the entries are in, it’s time to show our Goguma power. We’ll conduct a 3-day online voting for all of us to choose which truly deserves the opportunity to sing the duet song and the fan song. All the gogumas will have the chance to pick who will be our Goguma Idols. The power is on our hands so remember to vote wisely! ^____^ The winners will be announced January 8,2011 through soompi and twitter. Watch out for it!


















































REMINDER: To avoid bias, we will use codenames for the participants. The participants are also not allowed to reveal their identity and to campaign themselves throughout the competition. Once caught doing this, he/she/they will be automatically eliminated on the competition. We have a lot of spies on every sites and chat boxes so don’t you dare violate it ^____^





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Wow, we already reach 1500+ pages. I started following this thread about 500+ and like many gogumas, I also went back and read from page 1 just to find out details that I might have missed watching the episode alone.



Like everyone else, I just love the hands in the pocket. The PD nim really get my hope high with the music when Seohyun looked at Yonghwa upside down. The kiss!



Anyway, for Yongseo 1st anniversary project update, we have yet to receive any new submissions for the pictures and video. We understand that everybody is busy with the year end celebrations hence do start working on it once you have some time. Especially, those gogumas who missed the 300th day "I love Yongseo" photobook, I sincerely hope you can participate this time round.



I used my Sunday afternoon working with some of the existing materials that I had at home to make this card. Not exactly of a very high standard but it is full of my love for the two of them. It is not yet done cos I intend to bring it outdoor and take a photo of it. I am sure there are many of you who can do it much better. The idea is be creative for the love of Yongseo 








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Guest yhayhayha








oh thank you, zealous for your statement. yeah, i'm kinda new here, a while ago i made mistake in my post, so i got (-), but then i asked what is my mistake, and some nice people explain it to me, then i edit it. i'm really sorry for that. tears.gif




but i love how they explain it to me, then i feel relieved after that. and of course i'll be concern to the rules and careful when posting next time.  




But then i saw many posts have been (-) too without any mistake, what happened? its only different opinion, guys.. 




if there is a mistake or different opinion that make you uncomfortable, just explain it. spread love, gogumaaaasss... laugh.gif




oh, about the ring.. i didn't put so much attention for it. as many people said with their own reasons. 




i think the other important thing are they eyes. staring each other with passion every time is more sweet and meaningful for me.








EDIT: oh happy 1500 page! oh wait, now 1502!!! hahahaa.. 





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